Rubrics All Assignments Sem2201718
Rubrics All Assignments Sem2201718
Rubrics All Assignments Sem2201718
Criteria High (3) Average (2) Low (1) None (0) TOTAL
Non-Verbal Skills
Communication Eye contact Holds attention of entire Consistent use of direct eye contact Display minimal eye contact No eye contact with
Skills (CS) audience with the use of direct with audience, but still returns to with audience, while reading audience, entirely read from
eye contact, seldom looking at notes occasionally mostly from the notes/slides notes/slides
- CS4 notes/slides
Body language Movement seems fluid and helps Makes movement or gestures that Very little movement or No movement or
(10%) the audience to visualise enhance articulation descriptive gestures descriptive gestures
Poise Displays relaxed, self-confident, Makes minor mistakes, but quickly Display mild tension; has Tension and nervousness is
makes no mistake recovers from them, displays little trouble recovering from obvious; has trouble
or no tension mistakes recovering from mistakes
Verbal skills
Enthusiasm Demonstrates strong and positive Occasionally shows positive Shows some negative Shows absolutely no
feelings about topic during entire feelings about topic feelings towards topic interest in topic presented
presentation presented
Elocution Uses clear voice and correct, Uses clear voice. Able to Voice is almost inaudible. Mumbles, incorrectly
precise pronunciation of terms so pronounce most word correctly. Incorrect pronunciation of pronounce terms and speaks
that all audience can hear the Most of the audience can hear the terms. Audience has too quietly for a majority of
presentation presentation difficulty to hear the students to hear
Verbal Highly responsive to audience Generally responsive to audience Reluctantly interacts with Avoids or discourages
Interaction comments and needs. comments and needs. Most of the audience. Responds to active audience
Consistently clarifies, restates, times clarifies, restates, and questions inadequately participation. Does not
and responds to questions. responds to questions. Misses respond to questions
Summarizes when needed. some opportunities for interaction
Commitment High commitment in carrying Moderately committed in carrying Less committed in carrying Not committed in carrying
out task. Conscientious. Shows out task. Less conscientious. out task. Less conscientious. out task. Lackadaisical.
much interest and independence Show some interest Show little interest Show no interest
Collaboration Shows high level of positive Shows moderate level of positive Shows low level of positive Difficult to work with
interdependence interdependence interdependence others
Personal Appearance is completely Appearance is appropriate for the Appearance is somewhat Appearance is completely
appearance appropriate for the occasion and occasion and audience inappropriate for the inappropriate for the
audience occasion and audience occasion and audience
Applied Subject Student demonstrates excellent Student is at ease with expected Student is uncomfortable in Student does not have grasp
Knowledge (AP) Knowledge understanding of information/ explanation without thorough providing convincing information which is
(10%) knowledge through elaborated elaboration during presentation and explanation and only able to expressed through
explanation (presentation and answering questions answer rudimentary verbal/behavioural proof
answering questions) questions
Oral presentation (20%) SPPP 1012 Educational Psychology Dr Hadijah Jaffri
during presentation and
answering questions
Organization Student presents information in Student presents information in Student does not present in Student does not have the
logical, interesting sequence logical sequence which audience orderly manner which leads organisation of ideas during
which audience can follow easily can follow to difficulty for the audience presentation that makes the
to follow the presentation audience cannot understand
and stay attentive the presentation
Mechanics Presentation has no misspelling Presentation has no more than two Presentation has three Presentation has four or
or grammatical error misspelling and grammatical error misspelling and/or more misspelling and/or
grammatical error grammatical error
Creativity Very high creativity level. High creativity level. Moderate creativity level. Low creativity level.
Student uses many graphics, Student uses many graphics, videos Student uses moderate Student uses many
videos etc. that relevant, etc. that relevant and attractive but graphics, videos etc. that graphics, videos etc. that
attractive and make the audience make the audience become bored. relevant unrelated and irrelevant to
more attentive topic
AP: Application (Applied knowledge)
CS4: Ability to make clear presentations to a diverse audience with confidence
Concept map weekly notes (10%) SPPP 1012 Educational Psychology Dr Hadijah Jaffri
Criteria High (3) Average (2) Low (1) None (0) TOTAL
Applied Identification and Clearly identifies and Briefly identifies and Identify and summarises Not specifying the issue
Knowledge explanation of issue summarises issue. Able to summarises issue. Able to issue. Able to identify issue and does not provide any
(AP) identify issue in relation to identify issue in relation to some in relation to some concepts. summary of the issue
(10%) specific theories or concepts theories or concepts Use of inappropriate theories
to explain the issue
Content development Content is accurate, focused Content is less accurate, lack of Content is insufficient to Content is haphazard and
and consistent. Exhibits focus and inconsistent. explain issue. Development vague
control in development of Development of ideas is clear of ideas are unstructured
ideas. Unified with a fresh with lack of flow
Organisation and Method of organization is well- Method of organization is Method of organization is Organisation of the report
structure suited to assignment; clear acceptable to assignment; acceptable to assignment; is unstructured. Does not
introduction, body and introduction, body and introduction, body and follow the organisation
conclusion with effective conclusion are explained in conclusion are explained but and structure as stated in
transitions (flow of thoughts) organised manner not in detailed. the instruction of the
Writing mechanics Written work has no major Written work has no major Written work has major Report is unstructured.
errors in word selection. Use errors in word selection. Use errors in word selection. Use
relevant concepts and terms relevant concepts and terms relevant concepts and terms
correctly in relation to the issue correctly in relation to the issue incorrectly in relation to the
discussed. Sense structure, discussed. Sense structure, issue discussed. Sense
spelling and punctuation are spelling and punctuation are structure, spelling and
appropriate appropriate punctuation are inappropriate
Style and formatting Essay looks neat and Essay looks presentable which Essay is structured with some Essay does not follow the
professional which follows the follows the instructions given in missing instructions given in the
instructions given in the the Assignment 2 instruction headings/subheadings as Assignment 2 instruction
Assignment 2 instruction stated in the instructions
(Assignment 2 instruction)
Scholarship Searching of References are sufficient as Supporting references are References used are References are similar
information and evidence to support discussion. sufficient as evidence to support insufficient to support with the ones stated in the
knowledge The references used are discussion. There are minimal discussion. Some references course outlines. There are
- SC3 mixture of prominent variety of sources/authors and are taken from the textbooks no additional/new
sources/authors and studies studies (recent and not so (what are listed at the references used.
(old and recent). recent) textbooks bibliography)
Organization of Review relevant information Review relevant information Review relevant information Review is lacking due to
information and from relevant sources in their from relevant sources in own from relevant sources with a copy-paste
knowledge professional tone yet struggle wording/sentences from
Report (20%) SPPP 1012 Educational Psychology Dr Hadijah Jaffri
own words appropriate for an words for communicating for with phrasing and finding various sources even
academic report peers own voice. though it is done with
proper quotations.
Learning Able to make decision on Able to make decision on Able to make decision on Unable to make decision
autonomy – finding relevant references finding relevant references with finding relevant references on finding relevant
Independence without depending on the minimal dependence on the with occasional facilitator’s references without
facilitator’s assistance. facilitator’s assistance. assistance. depending on the
facilitator’s assistance.
Learning Issue(s) are explored in depth Issue(s) are explored in depth Issue(s) are explored in detail Issue(s) are explored at a
autonomy – Curiosity and yielded rich insight based and yielded rich insight based yet information seems superficial level, rarely
on references, lesson learned on references, lesson learned formulaic with sporadic provide insight or
and experiences which indicate and experiences which indicate details of information, information beyond basic
strong passion for the issue(s) interest for the issue(s) known facts.
AP: Application (Applied knowledge)
SC3: Ability to develop an inquisitive mind