PG Shipmanagement Pte. LTD: Risk Assessment

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PG Shipmanagement Pte.


RA No : V_RA_PDY_SAF_GEN_001_2019_002 Vessel Name: Pacific Dongying

Date : 29 Jan 2019

Task/Activity Details : Enclosed Space Entry ( Enclosed Space Entry (Cargo Hold Spaces) )

New Likelihood Rating(B1)

(after additional control)

Residual Risk ( A x B1)

Likelihood** Rating (B)
(Refer Table in Sect.2)
Severity** Rating (A) of

(Refer Table in Sect.2)

Who /What is

Risk Level**

(A X B)
by hazard
Acivity Hazards Consequences Control Meaures

Pre entry Manual People Injury 5 2 10 Library : Correct PPE to be worn, Guidelines on lifting to be 2 10
preparation of handling followed,
equipment (incl All stand-by equipment (SCBA sets, Resuscitator, lifelines,
safety and etc) to be in good condition, fully charged and tested, all staff
involved in the work to be properly trained, familiarized and
respiratory supervised.
RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
all personnel involved. Use of filter mask in addition.

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

New Likelihood Rating(B1)

(after additional control)

Residual Risk ( A x B1)

Likelihood** Rating (B)
(Refer Table in Sect.2)
Severity** Rating (A) of

(Refer Table in Sect.2)

Who /What is

Risk Level**

(A X B)
by hazard
Acivity Hazards Consequences Control Meaures

Pre-entry gas Incorrect People Injury, Fatality 5 2 10 Library : Calibration routines in place, enclosed space entry 2 10
measuring readings – permit, Each gas meter is to be properly checked before it is
explosion, used. On board calibration checks are to be made using
exposure to span and zero gases as appropriate. Samples are to be
taken from several points and through as many openings as
oxygen lean possible. Ventilation should be stopped for about 10 minutes
atmospheres before the pre-entry atmosphere test is made. Only
experienced and trained personnel is to conduct the
calibration checks of the has meters used

RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with

all personnel involved. Pre entry calibration of all gas
measuring equipment.

Property/Com Property damage 5 2 10 Library : As above 2 10

RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
all personnel involved. Pre entry calibration of all gas
measuring equipment.

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

New Likelihood Rating(B1)

(after additional control)

Residual Risk ( A x B1)

Likelihood** Rating (B)
(Refer Table in Sect.2)
Severity** Rating (A) of

(Refer Table in Sect.2)

Who /What is

Risk Level**

(A X B)
by hazard
Acivity Hazards Consequences Control Meaures

Pre-entry gas Incorrect Environment Environmental damage 5 2 10 Library : As above 2 10

measuring readings –
explosion, RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
exposure to all personnel involved. Pre entry calibration of all gas
measuring equipment.
oxygen lean
Entry into Asphyxiation , People Injury, Fatality 5 3 15 Library : Enclosed space entry permit issued and in place. 2 10
enclosed space Poor personnel Re-measuring interval scheduled and understood,
access, Slip, Communication system tested and in place
Trips & Falls Proper illumination
Continuous ventilation
Enclosed space properly cleaned and free of cargo residues.
Correct PPE to be worn
Only experience personnel is to make the entry and to be on
standby at the entry point.
Supervision by an experienced officer.

RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with

all personnel involved. Use of filter mask in addition.
Continuous running of IG dry air mode.

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

New Likelihood Rating(B1)

(after additional control)

Residual Risk ( A x B1)

Likelihood** Rating (B)
(Refer Table in Sect.2)
Severity** Rating (A) of

(Refer Table in Sect.2)

Who /What is

Risk Level**

(A X B)
by hazard
Acivity Hazards Consequences Control Meaures

Entry into Bad weather - People Personal 5 3 15 Library : Weather forecast considered, entry plan 2 10
enclosed space rolling/pitching injuries/fatality abandoned in case of bad weather, PPEs, securing of all
of ship, loose gear/tools etc
increased risk
RA / Additional Control Measures : Weather Forecasts
of slips/falls, checked and ascertained about calm weather for entry.
falling tools etc
Lowering Dropping of People Injury 5 2 10 Library : Only safe means of lowering equipment into the 2 10
equipment /tools equipment/tools space are to be used.
into enclosed
space RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
all personnel involved.

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

New Likelihood Rating(B1)

(after additional control)

Residual Risk ( A x B1)

Likelihood** Rating (B)
(Refer Table in Sect.2)
Severity** Rating (A) of

(Refer Table in Sect.2)

Who /What is

Risk Level**

(A X B)
by hazard
Acivity Hazards Consequences Control Meaures

Removing Dropping or People Injury 4 2 8 Library : Correct means of lifting equipment out of the 2 8
equipment forgetting enclosed space to be used. Final round to be made in the
equipment/tools enclosed space to ensure all equipment is removed and no
in enclosed blockages to valves, suction or filling bell mouths, rags to be
removed. Double checks to be carried out.
RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
all personnel involved.

Property/Com Equipment damage 4 2 8 Library : As above 2 8

RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
all personnel involved.

Closing of Improper People Injury 4 2 8 Library : Proper supervision, tools and PPEs 2 8
enclosed space handling,
Manholes not RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
properly closed all personnel involved.
and secured.

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

New Likelihood Rating(B1)

(after additional control)

Residual Risk ( A x B1)

Likelihood** Rating (B)
(Refer Table in Sect.2)
Severity** Rating (A) of

(Refer Table in Sect.2)

Who /What is

Risk Level**

(A X B)
by hazard
Acivity Hazards Consequences Control Meaures

Closing of Improper Property/Com Equipment damage 4 2 8 Library : Proper supervision, tools and PPEs 2 8
enclosed space handling, mercial
Manholes not RA / Additional Control Measures : Tool Box Meeting with
properly closed all personnel involved.
and secured.
Manhole closed People Fatality 5 2 10 Library : Double checks by responsible officer to ensure 1 5
inadvertently that all personnel are out prior fitting back manhole cover
with personnel
inside RA / Additional Control Measures : NA

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

SECT 2: Risk Ranking Matrices & Risk Level Tables

FAC:First LTI:Lost Hospital:Inju Perm Fatalty:Injury
Aid Case Time ry requiring Disability:Inj Resulting in
Incident hospital or ury death
LTI>24 hrs Resulting in
1 2 3 4 5
Certain (Several times per annum on board) 5 5 10 15 20 25

Probable ( Happened once per annum on board) 4 4 8 12 16 20

Possible ( Happened several times in our Company) 3 3 6 9 12 15

Heard within the industryUnlikely ( Happened in our 2 2 4 6 8 10

Highly Unlikely ( Never heard within the Company) 1 1 2 3 4 5

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd


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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

Nil to Sea: Sheen on Less than 1 to 5 m3 to More than 5

Contained Sea: 1m3 to Sea Sea m3 to Sea
onboard Evidence of Toxic Cargo Uncontrolled Uncontrolled
loss . vapour venting venting
Excessive release above 15 above 30
TABLE 3 : SHIPBOARD -ENVIRONMENT black smoke min min
below 15 min
1 2 3 4 5
Certain (Several times per annum on board) 5 5 10 15 20 25

Probable ( Happened once per annum on board) 4 4 8 12 16 20

Possible ( Happened several times in our Company) 3 3 6 9 12 15

Unlikely ( Happened in our Company) 2 2 4 6 8 10

Highly Unlikely ( Never heard within the Company) 1 1 2 3 4 5

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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

Table 5:
Range Meaning Action
Risk Levels
Environment 1-6 Low Risk is acceptable and job can be undertaken. Consideration may be given for further reduction of risk if reasonably
possible. However, in case value is above 4, continuous monitoring is required to ensure existing controls are
7-10 Medium Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk by placing additional controls with an aim to bring down Risk Level to Green
zone. Vessel: If the risk cannot still be brought down to green zone, job can be undertaken but with continuous and
heightened monitoring. The Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager may be contacted for advice if deemed
necessary. MOC: The approving Authority or HOD may be suitably consulted.
11-25 High Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk to green/yellow rating by placing additional controls and taking appropriate
action as defined above. However, If the final risk level is in the red zone then no job shall be undertaken. The
Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager must be advised of this situation immediately. Until the final risk level is
reduced so that it is no longer in the red zone the job shall not be undertaken.
MOC/Incident 1-6 Low Risk is acceptable and job can be undertaken. Consideration may be given for further reduction of risk if reasonably
Category possible. However, in case value is above 4, continuous monitoring is required to ensure existing controls are
7-10 Medium Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk by placing additional controls with an aim to bring down Risk Level to Green
zone. Vessel: If the risk cannot still be brought down to green zone, job can be undertaken but with continuous and
heightened monitoring. The Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager may be contacted for advice if deemed
necessary. MOC: The approving Authority or HOD may be suitably consulted.
11-25 High Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk to green/yellow rating by placing additional controls and taking appropriate
action as defined above. However, If the final risk level is in the red zone then no job shall be undertaken. The
Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager must be advised of this situation immediately. Until the final risk level is
reduced so that it is no longer in the red zone the job shall not be undertaken.
People 1-6 Low Risk is acceptable and job can be undertaken. Consideration may be given for further reduction of risk if reasonably
possible. However, in case value is above 4, continuous monitoring is required to ensure existing controls are
7-10 Medium Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk by placing additional controls with an aim to bring down Risk Level to Green
zone. Vessel: If the risk cannot still be brought down to green zone, job can be undertaken but with continuous and
heightened monitoring. The Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager may be contacted for advice if deemed
necessary. MOC: The approving Authority or HOD may be suitably consulted.
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PG Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd

People 11-25 High Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk to green/yellow rating by placing additional controls and taking appropriate
action as defined above. However, If the final risk level is in the red zone then no job shall be undertaken. The
Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager must be advised of this situation immediately. Until the final risk level is
reduced so that it is no longer in the red zone the job shall not be undertaken.
Process 1-6 Low Risk is acceptable and job can be undertaken. Consideration may be given for further reduction of risk if reasonably
possible. However, in case value is above 4, continuous monitoring is required to ensure existing controls are
7-10 Medium Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk by placing additional controls with an aim to bring down Risk Level to Green
zone. Vessel: If the risk cannot still be brought down to green zone, job can be undertaken but with continuous and
heightened monitoring. The Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager may be contacted for advice if deemed
necessary. MOC: The approving Authority or HOD may be suitably consulted.
11-25 High Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk to green/yellow rating by placing additional controls and taking appropriate
action as defined above. However, If the final risk level is in the red zone then no job shall be undertaken. The
Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager must be advised of this situation immediately. Until the final risk level is
reduced so that it is no longer in the red zone the job shall not be undertaken.
Property/Com 1-6 Low Risk is acceptable and job can be undertaken. Consideration may be given for further reduction of risk if reasonably
mercial possible. However, in case value is above 4, continuous monitoring is required to ensure existing controls are
7-10 Medium Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk by placing additional controls with an aim to bring down Risk Level to Green
zone. Vessel: If the risk cannot still be brought down to green zone, job can be undertaken but with continuous and
heightened monitoring. The Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager may be contacted for advice if deemed
necessary. MOC: The approving Authority or HOD may be suitably consulted.
11-25 High Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk to green/yellow rating by placing additional controls and taking appropriate
action as defined above. However, If the final risk level is in the red zone then no job shall be undertaken. The
Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager must be advised of this situation immediately. Until the final risk level is
reduced so that it is no longer in the red zone the job shall not be undertaken.
#*Note: The Severity and Likelihood of consequences may be interpreted/ evaluated under People, Environmental and Commercial aspects as applicable using the guidance for the
Shipboard Operation Matrix detailed in Sec 1.5.1, 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 of the RA & MOC Manual and in Risk Level Matrices/Table preceding this page of this Form.

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