HSE-TBRA-OP11 - Transportation of Cargo To Client Site Rev2

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JSL International (Trinidad)

Task Base Risk Assessment
Each assessment must take into account and record any specific hazards arising from the activity or a particular site, before the assessment is complete.

Manager: Mr. Munesh Beepath Facilitator: Russel Baptiste

Form: JSL-F-HSE-TBRA-OP11 Assessment Date: 14th Mar 2015
Revised Date: 14.3.17, 13.3.17,
Activity/Workplace Assessed: Transportation of Cargo to Client Assessors: Reynold L. Diaz, Russel Baptiste
Sites Next Revision Date: 27th May 2020
RISK (with Risk
JOB STEPS already in place to remove hazard, Additional Controls
potential for harm Affect
L S R reduce risk level
Pre-assess job, Overloading, uneven Personnel, 1 2 2 Identify SWL, identify cargo weight, size, 1 1 1
identify tools & surfaces, falling objects machinery proper communication
equipment to be Visual Inspection to be made on truck
used, identify load/s before use
Use of PPE such as gloves to be utilize
for doing inspections
Conducting Pinch points, slips, trips Personnel 2 2 4 Proper maintenance to equipment’s, 1 1 1
inspection on vehicle, and falls, burns switch off engine before inspection,
cargo, equipment proper PPE

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RISK (with Risk
JOB STEPS already in place to remove hazard, Additional Controls
potential for harm Affect
L S R reduce risk level
Placement of load on Falling objects, pinch Personnel, 2 1 2 Use of banksman, proper 1 1 1
trailer points, manual machinery communication, supervision, stand clear
handling, uneven of loads
loads/surfaces, Proper assessment of load to ensure it
personnel injury, lack doesn’t exceeds the Mass Gross Weight
of communication Use of a Trained Banksman to guide the
person placing the load
Maintaining proper communication with
the Banksman at all times
Maintaining “NO HANDS ON LOAD” to
prevent any pinch points for injury to
Usage of Proper PPE such as gloves &
Securing the Load Improper tools, slips, Personnel 2 2 4 Competent personnel, inspect tools 1 1 1
trips, falls, strains, before use, proper precautions, PPE.
falling objects, manual Proper selection & assessing of slings
handling, poor being used to secure loads
communication Ensuring loads are even & stable to
prevent any falling of objects.
Use of proper PPE
Transportation of Improper straps Equipment 2 1 2 Driver to ensure that loads are even &
Load on Trailer Overloading of Trailer stable before Driving
Unstable or Unsecure Defensive Driving for all Drivers
Loads Drivers to ensure to maintain speed
Inclement weather limits or even a slower paste under
conditions inclement weather
Drivers to ensure that the route of
Transportation is discussed taking into
account peak transport.
Stabilize loads, defensive driving, use of
lorry man to check on load, Exercise
precaution in bad weather,
Communication with home base on
issues and diversions.

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RISK (with Risk
JOB STEPS already in place to remove hazard, Additional Controls
potential for harm Affect
L S R reduce risk level
Un securing the load Pinch Points Personnel / 1 2 2 Proper selection & assessing of Competent personnel, safe working 1 1 1
Cuts Equipment slings being used to secure loads speed, PPE, proper communication
Falling Objects Ensuring loads are even & stable to
Lack of prevent any falling of objects.
Communication Use of proper PPE
Improper Slings
Final Truck Cuts & Bruises Personnel 1 2 2 Visual Inspection to be made on Proper maintenance to 1 1 1
Inspection upon Pinch Points truck before use equipment’s, switch off engine
offloading Use of PPE such as gloves to be before inspection, proper PPE
utilize for doing inspections

The three columns (L,S,R) are for assessing the level or degree of risk. The first (L) is for an assessment of the likelihood of the hazard taking place, the second (S) for the severity of the hazard, both based
on the following:-

(L) LIKELIHOOD (S) SEVERITY OF HAZARD (R) RISK LEVEL is product of Likelihood and Severity
1. Hazard exists very infrequently; limited numbers 1. Could cause minor injury only
exposed 2. Could cause major injury/3 day or more Very high risks score 6 or 9
2. Likely to occur; hazard exists intermittently or occurs absence Moderate risks score 3 or 4
occasionally 3. Could cause fatality/severe injury Low priority risks score 1 or 2
3. Likely to occur soon; permanent hazard or occurs
daily / repeatedly; many may be exposed VERY HIGH RISKS NEED IMMEDIATE ACTION

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Activity/Workplace Assessed: Assessor: Assessment Date:

ADDITIONAL CONTROLS NEEDED To be actioned by: Date Completed:

GENERAL RESTRICTIONS. TO REDUCE / ELIMINATE RISK. Are there any general restrictions or controls which are
needed, eg No Smoking in area, Wash Hands After Use, etc.



TRAINING NEEDED: Which staff need training and in what areas?

MONITORING: Who is to monitor whether or not controls are in place and how?

COMMUNICATION: Who needs to be informed about risks and control measures and by what means?

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