GEAS Refresher (Mechanics)

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GEAS Refresher (Mechanics) 7. A 900N weight hangs on a vertical rope. A man pushes the weight c.

on a vertical rope. A man pushes the weight c. FH = 0; Fv = 100 lb; MA = 450 lb-ft
horizontally until the rope makes an angle of 40⁰ with the vertical.
Statics What is tension in the rope? d. FH = 100 lb; Fv = 0; MA = 450 lb-ft

1. A block weighing 500 kN rest on a ramp inclined 25⁰ with the a. 1125N b. 1145N c. 1165N d. 1175N 13. Find the reactions of a simply supported beam that is 10 meters
horizontal. Determine the force tending to move the block down the in length with a concentrated load of 250 N, 4 meters from the left
ramp. 8. An 100-lb object is suspended by a rope pulled aside by a end, and a uniformly distributed load of 75 N/m.
horizontal cord held so that the rope makes an angle of 30⁰ with the
a. 211.31 N b. 231. 13 N c. 213.11 N d. 311.12 N vertical. Find the tension in the cord. a. 400 N and 600 N b. 425 N and 575 N

2. The resultant of two forces in a plane is 400 lbs at 120⁰. If one of a. 59.73 lbs b. 58.73 lbs c. 57.73 lbs d. 56.73 lbs c. 450 N and 550 N d. 475 N and 525 N
the forces is 200 lbs at 20⁰, what is the other?
9. A 20 kg board serves a seesaw for two children. One child has a 14. Find the reactions of a simply supported beam with a length of 8
a. 477.28 N @ 144.37⁰ b. 477.28 N @143.47⁰ mass of 30kg and sits 2.5 m from the pivot point. At what distance meters if it has a uniformly varying load starting at 30 N/m at the left
from the pivot point must a 25kg child place herself to balance the end and goes up to 60 N/n at the right end.
c. 472.28 N @ 144.37⁰ d. 427.78 N @ 143.47⁰
seesaw? Assume the board is centered at the pivot.
a. 120 N and 240 N b. 140 N and 220 N
3. Find the resultant of two coplanar forces 80 N, -30⁰ and 60 N, 60⁰.
a. 2.6 m b. 3.0 m c. 2.8 m d. 2.0 m
c. 160 N and 200 N d. 180 N and 180 N
a. 130 N @ 6.87⁰ b.120 N @ 6.87⁰
10. When one boy is sitting 1.2 m from the center of a see-saw,
15. A 250 lb block is initially at rest on a flat surface that is inclined at
c. 110 N @ 6.87⁰ d. 100 N @ 6.87⁰ another boy must sit on the other side 1.5 m from the center to
30⁰. If the µk is 0.3 and µs is 0.4, find the force required to start the
maintain an even balance. However, when the first boy carries an
block moving up the plane.
4. Three forces 20N, 30N and 40 N are in equilibrium. Find the angle additional weight of 14 N and sit 1.8 m from the center, the second
between the 30N and 40N forces. boy must move to 3m from the center to balance. Find the weight of a. 190 lb b. 212 lb c. 125 lb d. 75 lb
the heavier boy.
a. 29.96⁰ b. 28.96⁰ c. 27.96⁰ d. 26.96⁰ 16. A 40 kg block is resting on an inclined plane making an angle of
a. 42 N b. 43 N c. 44 N d. 45 N 20⁰ from the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction is 0.6, determine
5. Determine the resultant of the following coplanar forces: 15N, 30⁰;
the force parallel to the incline that must be applied to cause
55N, 80⁰; 90N, 210⁰ and 130N, 260⁰. 11. Two men are just able to lift a 300N weight with a crowbar when
impending motion down the plane.
a fulcrum for the lever is 0.3 m from the weight. The first man exerts
a. 136N, 235⁰ b. 132N, 198⁰
his strength at 0.9 m while the second is at 1.5 m from the fulcrum a. 82 b. 77 c. 87 d. 72
c. 136N, 210⁰ d. 132N, 203⁰ respectively. If the man interchanged positions, they can raise a 340
N weight. What force does the first man exert? 17. A 600 N block rests in a surface inclined at 30⁰. Determine the
6. Determine the single force which will replace the following horizontal force P required to prevent the block from sliding down.
coplanar forces: 120N, 30⁰; 200N, 110⁰; 340N, 180⁰; 170N, 240⁰; a. 60 N b. 50 N c. 40 N d. 30 N Angle of friction between the block and the inclined plane is 15⁰.
80N, 300⁰.
12. In a 10 ft cantilever beam, find the reactions if there are two a. 160.75 N b. 198.55 N c. 164.60 N d. 190.45 N
a. 351N, 175⁰ b. 289N, 124.5⁰ forces, each 50 lb, applied at a point 3 ft and 6 ft from the end of the
beam with the support? 18. A 15 m rope passing through a pulley with 0.5 m diameter is
c. 230N, 150⁰ d. 310N, 128.6⁰ being used to lift an 80 kg box. What is the force needed to lift the
a. FH = 0; Fv = 100 lb; MA = 300 lb-ft box if the coefficient of friction of the rope and the pulley is 0.45 and
the angle of contact is 130 degrees.
b. FH = 100 lb; Fv = 0; MA = 300 lb-ft
a. 2178.6 N b. 3245.9 N c. 4576.1 N d. 4897.4 N any angle with the horizontal, determine the minimum value of P to a. 19 ft b. 29 ft c. 39 ft d. 49 ft
start the wheel over the block; the angle that P makes with the
19. A branch of engineering mechanics that is concerned with bodies horizontal; and the reaction of the block. 6. What is the acceleration of a point on a rim of a flywheel 0.8 m in
in equilibrium whether at rest or in motion diameter turning at the rate of 1400 rad/min?
25. The cylinders shown in the figure
a. Statics b. Dynamics c. Kinetics d. Kinematics have the indicated weights and a. 217.77 m/s2 b. 227.77 m/s2 c. 237.77 m/s2 d. 247.77 m/s2
dimensions. Assuming smooth contact
20. This law states that the state of a body is unaltered if a force 7. A compact disk 125 mm in diameter is rotating at 50 rpm. If it
surfaces, determine the reactions at A,
acting on it is replaced by another force of the same magnitude and takes 10 completer revolutions before slowing to a stop, how fast is it
B, C, and D on the cylinders.
direction but acting anywhere on it along the line of action of the decelerating?
replaced force.
a. -0.12 rad/s2 b. -0.22 rad/s2 c. -0.32 rad/s2 d. -0.42 rad/s2
a. First Law of Newton b. Second Law of Newton
8. A man driving a car at 45 mph suddenly saw a stalled vehicle on
c. Third Law of Newton d. Law of Transmissibility Dynamics the road 100 ft ahead. What constant deceleration is required to stop
the car 10 ft before the stalled vehicle?
21. The resistance to the relative motion of two bodies sliding against 1. A mango falls from a branch 5 meters above the ground. With
each other. what speed in meters per second does it strikes the ground? g = 10 a. -4.20 ft/s2 b. -14.20 ft/s2 c. -24.20 ft/s2 d. -34.20 ft/s2
a. Buoyancy b. Friction c. Shear d. Normal Force 9. For a highway curve of 183 m radius, the speed so that there will
a. 5 m/s b. 10 m/s c. 15 m/s d. 20 m/s be no side thrust is 72 kph. At what speed will skidding impend if the
22. The angle of an inclined plane when the body on its surface coefficient of friction is 0.3?
begins to slide down. 2. An automobile accelerates at a constant rate of 15 mi/hr to 45
mi/hr in 15 seconds while traveling in a straight line. What is the a. 31.72 m/s b. 36.67 m/s c. 32.45 m/s d. 33.73 m/s
a. Superelevation b. Angle of moment
average acceleration?
10. A 50 kN car traveling with a speed of 150 kph rounds a curve
c. Angle of repose d. Track angle whose radius is 150 m. Find the centrifugal force.
a. 0.93 ft/s2 b. 1.93 ft/s2 c. 2.93 ft/s2 d. 3.93 ft/s2
23. The dynamics dealing with the problems without referring to the a. 29 kN b. 39 kN c. 49 kN d. 59 kN
3. A 50 kg block of wood rests on the top of the smooth plane whose
forces causing the motion of the body.
length is 3 m and whose altitude is 0.8 m. How long will it take for the
11. A 40 g rifle with a speed of 300 m/s is fired into a ballistic
a. Kinetics b. Kinematics block to slide to the bottom of the plane when released?
pendulum of mass 5kg suspended from a chord 1m long. Compute
a. 1.51 s b. 2.51 s c. 3.51 s d. 4.51 s the vertical height through which the pendulum rises.
c. Fluid Mechanics d. Quantum Mechanics

4. A baseball is thrown from a horizontal plane following a parabolic a. 28.87cm b. 30.87 cm c. 26.87 cm d. 20.87cm
24. (Past Board) A wheel of 10-in.
radius carries a load of 1000lb as path with an initial velocity of 100 m/s at an angle of 30⁰ above the
shown in the figure. (a) Determine horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball attain its
the horizontal force P applied at original level?
the center which is necessary to
a. 583 mb. 683 mc. 783 m d. 883 m
start the wheel over the 5-in block.
Also find the reaction of the block. 5. A missile is fired with a speed of 100 fps in a direction 30 ⁰ above
(b) If the force P may be inclined at the horizontal. Determine the maximum height to which it rises?

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