Midterm Sample

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The passage discusses biology concepts related to anatomy, cells, and chemistry.

The passage discusses concepts related to bones, joints, and their structure and function.

The Golgi apparatus is responsible for protein modification and transport.

Midterm Exam IA January 30, 2006

Choose the best answer!

1. The presence of an internal callus would suggest that:

a. A first degree burn occurred.

b. A deep cut penetrating into the dermis and subcutaneous layer occurred.
c. A bone fracture occurred.
d. Long bone ossification has been completed.
e. The epidermis has been compromised.

2. Blood cell formation occurs in the bones of the skeleton in the:

a. Yellow bone marrow.

b. Matrix of the bone.
c. Ground substance.
d. Synovial fluid.
e. Red bone marrow.

3. The majority of the weight in bone is:

a. Calcium phosphate crystals.

b. Collagen.
c. Osteocytes.
d. Calcium carbonate.
e. Keratin.

4. Which of the following is not found in spongy bone:

a. Trabeculae
b. Lamellae.
c. Canaliculi.
d. Osteon.
e. Endosteum.

5. Which of the following bones cells is responsible for producing new bone matrix?

a. Osteoclasts.
b. Osteocytes.
c. Osteoprogenitor cells.
d. Osteoblasts.
e. None of the above.
6. A type of immovable joint that is characterized by a cartilaginous bridge between
2 articulating bones is called a:

a. Suture.
b. Gomphoses.
c. Synchondroses.
d. Synostoses.
e. Syndesmosis.

7. The cavity of a freely movable joint is encased by areolar tissue with an

incomplete epithelial layer. This is also known as the:

a. Synovial membrane.
b. Cutaneous membrane.
c. Mucous membrane.
d. Serous membrane.
e. None of the above.

8. The type of joint where the bones are connected by a ligament such is found
between the tibia and fibula is called a:

a. Symphysis.
b. Syndesmosis.
c. Suture.
d. Synarthroses.
e. Synostoses.

9. Endochondral ossification during formation of a long bone involves:

a. Killing of chondrocytes.
b. Increased vascularization of the developing bone.
c. Differentiation of fibroblasts into osteoblasts.
d. Secondary ossification centers.
e. All of the above.

10. A strong base may be described as:

a. Alkaline.
b. A proton acceptor.
c. Releases hydroxyl ions.
d. A pH value much greater than 7.
e. All of the above.
11. Which of the following molecules does not contain a double or triple bond:

a. NO.
b. H2.
c. N2.
d. O2.
e. CO2.

12. The definition of pH is:

a. Natural log of the hydrogen ion concentration.

b. Log of the hydrogen ion concentration.
c. - log of the hydroxide ion concentration.
d. - natural log of the hydrogen ion concentration.
e. None of the above.

13. Dissociation of a salt in water produced negatively charged molecules called:

a. Anions.
b. Onions.
c. Protons.
d. Cations.
e. Electrons.

14. An atom that has its first three energy levels completely filled has:

a. 2 electrons.
b. 8 electrons.
c. 10 electrons.
d. 18 electrons.
e. 20 electrons.

15. The reaction AB + H2O Æ A + B may be described as:

a. Decomposition reaction.
b. A hydrolysis reaction
c. A dehydration reaction.
d. a and b.
e. a and c.
16. What is the correct abbreviation for potassium:

a. P
b. S
c. Cu
d. C
e. None of the above.

17. Which of the organ systems involves primarily the kidneys?

a. Endocrine.
b. Reproductive.
c. Lymphatic.
d. Digestive.
e. None of the above.

18. Arachidonic acid has the chemical formula C20H40O2 and has saturated carbon
bonds. Arachidonic acid is then a:

a. Lipid with double bonds.

b. Lipid with no double bonds.
c. Carbohydrate with double bonds.
d. Carbohydrate with no double bonds.
e. Protein with double bonds.

19. Steroids belong to which group?

a. Nucleic acids.
b. Proteins.
c. Carbohydrates.
d. Lipids.
e. Triglycerides.

20. The term that refers to all of the chemical reactions in the body is known as:

a. Respiration.
b. Reproduction.
c. Metabolism.
d. Differentiation.
e. Excretion.
21. Epidermal ridges form patterns on thick skin provide us with fingerprints and are
part of the:

a. Stratum germinativum.
b. Stratum spinosum.
c. Stratum granulosum.
d. Stratum lucidum.
e. Stratum corneum.

22. The free edge of the nail that continues past the nail bed extends over an area of
thickened stratum corneum called:

a. Eponychium.
b. Lateral nail fold.
c. hyponichium.
d. Lunula.
e. Proximal nail fold.

23. The 2 major types of exocrine glands in the skin are:

a. Merocrine and sudoriferous glands.

b. Sebaceous and sudoriferous glands.
c. Apocrine and sudoriferous glands.
d. Eccrine and sudoriferous glands.
e. Ceruminous and sudoriferous glands.

24. Arrector pili muscles of a hair follicle extends from the papillary layer of the
dermis to the:

a. Hair shaft.
b. Hair bulb.
c. Hair papilla.
d. Connective tissue sheath.
e. Root hair plexus.

25. The major protein found in the outer layers of the epidermis is:

a. Melanin.
b. Collagen.
c. Elastin.
d. Keratin.
e. Cartilage.
26. A subcutaneous injection is a useful method because:

a. It is highly vascularized.
b. It is highly innervated.
c. It contains a limited number of capillaries.
d. It contains a lot of fat.
e. Drugs are metabolized faster.

27. Burns that destroy the epidermis and some of the dermis is termed a:

a. First degree burns.

b. Second degree burns.
c. Third degree burns.
d. Fourth degree burns.
e. Full thickness burns.

28. The 2 major components of the dermis are the:

a. Papillary layer and reticular layer.

b. Hypodermis and epidermis.
c. Papillary layer and hypodermis.
d. Epidermis and reticular layer.
e. Reticular layer and hypodermis.

29. Beginning at the basal lamina and traveling toward the free surface, the epidermis
includes the following layers:

a. Corneum, lucidum, spinosum, germinativum, corneum.

b. Granulosum, lucidum, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum.
c. Germinativum, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum.
d. Lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, germinativum, corneum.
e. Germinativum, lucidum, spinosum, granulosum, corneum.

30. Each of the following is a function of the integumentary system except:

a. Protection.
b. Excretion of salts.
c. Maintenance of body temperature.
d. Synthesis of Vitamin D.
e. All of the above.
31. The 3 major types of cartilage are:

a. Hyaline, areolar and fibrocartilage.

b. Hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage.
c. Hyaline, elastic and tendons.
d. Ligaments, areolar and collagen.
e. Tendons, elastic and reticular cartilage.

32. The reticular layer of the dermis is intimately associated with the region directly
below it which is known as the:

a. Papillary layer.
b. Stratum germinativum.
c. Epidermis.
d. hypodermis.
e. Stratum lucidum.

33. The type of glandular secretion in which the cell swells and bursts releasing
vesicles and in the process destroys the cell is:

a. Endocrine secretion.
b. Merocrine secretion.
c. Holocrine secretion.
d. Apocrine secretion.
e. None of the above.

34. Which of the following is a false statement regarding epithelial tissues?

a. Polarity of cell ends.

b. Attachment to a basement membrane.
c. The ability to regenerate new cells.
d. Highly vascularized.
e. Cells communicate by interconnections or cell junctions.

35. Which of the following is true about Osmosis?

a. It is the movement of water molecules across a membrane.

b. It occurs across a selectively permeable membrane that is freely permeable
to water, but not freely permeable to solutes.
c. Water flows across a membrane toward the solution that has the higher
concentration of solutes, because that is where the concentration of water
is lower.
d. a is the only true statement about osmosis.
e. a, b and c are all true statements about osmosis.
36. Which of the following is false about DNA?

a. It is double stranded.
b. It contains deoxyribose sugar.
c. It has 4 bases.
d. It is found inside the cytoplasm.
e. It forms an alpha helix.

37. The tertiary structure of a protein results from:

a. Complex coiling and folding producing its 3-dimensional shape.

b. Its nucleic acid sequence.
c. Its amino acid sequence
d. Association with other proteins subunits forming a complex.
e. Weak bonds between amino acids of the polypeptide chain.

38. A cell suddenly shrinks due to dehydration when placed in a new solution. Which
of the following statements may account for this observation?

a. A hypotonic solution producing crenation.

b. A hypertonic solution producing crenation.
c. A hypertonic solution producing lysis.
d. A hypotonic solution producing lysis.
e. It cannot be determined based on the information provided.

39. Which of these is not a major functional category of proteins?

a. Support.
b. Buffering.
c. Metabolic regulation.
d. Energy supply.
e. Defense (immune system).

40. Complementary base pairing in DNA include the pairs:

a. Adenine-uracil and cytosine-guanine.

b. Adenine-thymine and cytosine-guanine.
c. Adenine-cytosine and thymine-guanine.
d. Adenine-thymine and cytosine-uracil.
e. Adenine-guanine and cytosine-thymine.
41. Which of these is a property of an enzyme?

a. One enzyme may catalyze many types of reactions.

b. There is enough enzymes to modify all available substrates.
c. Enzymes are always “on” to catalyze a reaction.
d. An enzyme is no longer functional after catalyzing a reaction.
e. Enzymes lower the activation energy required for a reaction.

42. The high energy bonds that are found in ATP require:

a. Complementary base pairing.

b. Peptide bonding.
c. Phosphorylation.
d. Denaturation.
e. A quaternary structure.

43. Histones are found:

a. Cytoplasm.
b. Nucleus.
c. Plasma membrane.
d. Golgi apparatus.
e. None of the above.

44. Which of the following are true statements about nucleic acids:

a. Large organic molecules composed of H, O, N and P.

b. The language by which the genetic information is stored in cells.
c. There are two classes called RNA and DNA.
d. Five nitrogenous bases occur in nucleic acids.
e. All the statements are true.

45. Which of the following is not a characteristic of mitochondria?

a. It is membrane bound.
b. It produces ATP and O2 as end products.
c. It is the site for energy production through the TCA cycle.
d. Has an inner fluid of called the matrix.
e. All are characteristics of mitochondria.
46. Which of the following is not one of the basic 20 amino acids:

a. Thymine.
b. Phenylalanine.
c. Cysteine.
d. Leucine.
e. Tryptophan.

47. Which is a false statement regarding the Sodium-Potassium exchange pump:

a. It is a type of secondary active transport.

b. 3 sodium ions exit the cell for every 2 K ions brought in.
c. It requires ATP to be functional.
d. It is electrogenic contributing to the transmembrane potential.
e. It does not require a concentration gradient.

48. Isomers are organic molecules that:

a. Have the same structure but different chemical formulas.

b. Have the same chemical properties.
c. Have the same chemical formulas but different structure.
d. Have saturated carbon bonds.
e. Have many repeating chains of glucose molecules such as glycogen and

49. Which of the following is an example of an organelle that contains an outer


a. Peroxisomes.
b. Lysosomes.
c. Golgi apparatus.
d. Nucleus.
e. They all have an outer membrane.

50. The plausible order of events for a protein destined to reach the cell membrane
may be:

a. nucleus, mRNA, cytoplasm, translation, Golgi, ER, cell membrane.

b. nucleus, translation, mRNA, cytoplasm, ribosomes, Golgi, ER, cell membrane.
c. translation, mRNA, nucleus, Golgi, ER, cytoplasm, cell membrane.
d. nucleus, cytoplasm, mRNA, translation, ER, Golgi, cell membrane.
e. None of the above scenarios are possible.

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