Cusat Thermal Engg Syllabus

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(Specialization: Thermal Engineering)
(Faculty of Engineering)


(Unit of IHRD, Kerala)

May, 2012
1. Introduction

IHRD is an autonomous Educational Institution established by the Govt. of Kerala during 1987. The institute is
registered under The Travancore – Cochin Literary, scientific and charitable society’s registrations Act 12 of 1955.
Starting in 1987 IHRD has grown within a short period into a network of more than 90 institutions. In addition to regular
courses of study in academic establishments, IHRD also runs short and long term employment oriented and continuing
education Programmes.
The College of Engineering, Adoor (CEA), was established by Government of Kerala in 1994 under the Institute
of Human Resource Development (IHRD. Admissions are carried out on the basis of the ranks obtained in the All Kerala
Common Entrance Examination (KEAM), conducted by the Controller of Entrance Examinations, Government of
Kerala. CEA is a centre of academic excellence that provides undergraduate studies to about 1000 students in four
disciplines. It imparts technical education and training in the fields of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. The college is
affiliated to Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) known internationally for its academic excellence.
College of Engineering, Adoor is a recognized institution by the All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.
College of Engineering, Adoor has the unique feature of offering undergraduate programme in Mechanical Engineering
among IHRD Engineering Colleges One among the first three departments to be established in 1994 in the institute, the
Mechanical Engineering Department of CE Adoor has had the reputation of being among the finest in the country and is
dedicated towards the advancement of technology and science.
3. Scheme of Examination
The Scheme of Examination of the proposed M.Tech. programme is based on the following guidelines:
a) The number of credits (total) in I,II,III and IV semesters shall be 20, 20, 15 and 17. The total number of credits for the
course shall be 72.
b) Semesters I and II will consist of course work, Semesters III and IV shall be devoted for Project Work.
c) Semesters I and II will consist of 4 core courses, 2 electives, laboratory work and seminar. The core courses and
electives will have 3 credits each and laboratory and seminar will have 1 credit each.
d) The Core courses and electives will be evaluated as follows:
1) 50 marks for internal assessment
2) 50 marks for University examination
e) The evaluation of laboratory courses and seminar shall be based on internal assessment with a weightage of 50 marks
M.Tech (Full Time) Degree Course in
(Specialization: Thermal Engineering)
Semester I
Course code Course Title Credits

1 TE101 Computational Methods for Engineers 3

2 TE102 Applied Thermodynamics 3
3 TE103 Advanced Heat Transfer 3
4 TE104 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3
5 Elective 1 3
6 Elective 2 3
7 TE111 Thermal Engineering Laboratory 1
8 TE112 Seminar I 1
Total credits for semester I 20

1. TE 105 Solar Thermal Engineering
2. TE 106 Advanced Refrigeration & Air-conditioning
3. TE 107 Environmental Pollution and Control


4. TE 108 Alternative Fuels for I.C Engines

5. TE 109 Modern Energy Conversion Systems
6. TE 110 Theory and Technology of Fuel Cells

Semester II
Course code Course Title Credits
1 TE201 Principles of Turbomachinery 3
Computational Methods in Fluid Flow and
2 TE202 3
Heat Transfer
3 TE203 IC Engines & Combustion 3
4 TE204 Propulsion 3
5 Elective 3 3
6 Elective 4 3
7 TE211 Computational Lab 1
8 TE212 Seminar II 1
Total credits for semester II 20
Elective III

1. TE 205 Design of Heat Transfer Equipments

2. TE 206 Analysis of Thermal Power Plant Cycles and Systems
3. TE 207 Cryogenic engineering

Elective IV

4. TE 208 Measurements in Thermal Sciences

5. TE 209 Energy Conservation and Management
6. TE 210 Research Methodology

Semester III
Course code Course Title Credits
1 TE301 Project Phase I 15

Total credits for semester III 15

Semester IV
Course code Course Title Credits
1 TE401 Project Phase II 17

Total credits for semester IV 17


Grand total credits ( Semester I to IV) 72

The detailed syllabus is given in Appendix 1

4. Conclusion

Institute of Human Resources Development being a Government of Kerala Establishment is keeping its values high to
turn Kerala into a knowledge society with a sustainable economic growth. The admission to all the engineering colleges
under IHRD is through government allotment. This allows the meritorious students to get admission to our colleges as
per the government regulations and fees structure laid down by the directions of Government of Kerala. And also, 50%
seats are purely merit seats having lower fees structure. So starting a new P G course in Thermal Engineering under
Department of Mechanical Engineering at College of Engineering Adoor will also adds to the concern and
commitment of the government to the common people.
Appendix 1

TE 101 Computational Methods in Thermal Engineering

Module 1
Approximations: Accuracy and precision, definitions of round off and truncation errors, error propagation.
Algebraic equations: Formulation and solution of linear algebraic equations, Gauss elimination, LU decomposition,
iteration methods (GaussSiedel), convergence of iteration methods, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Module 2
Interpolation methods: Newton’s divided difference, interpolation polynomials, Lagrange interpolation polynomials
Differentiation and Integration: High accuracy differentiation formulae, extrapolation, derivatives of unequally spaced
data, Gauss quadrature and integration
Module 3
Transform techniques: Continuous Fourier series, frequency and time domains, Laplace transform Fourier integral and
transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Differential equations: Initial and boundary value problems, Eigen value problems, solutions to elliptical and parabolic
equations, partial differential equations
Module 4
Regression methods: Linear and nonlinear regression, multiple linear regression, general linear least squares
Statistical methods: Statistical representation of data, modeling and analysis of data, tests of hypotheses, Introduction to
optimization methods: Local and global minima, Line searches, Steepest descent method, Conjugate gradient method,
Quasi Newton method, Penalty function.
1. Numerical methods for engineers - Steven.C.Chapra & Raymond P Canale
2. Probability and statistics for engineers - Miller and Freund’s
3.Mathematical methods - Merlic C potter , Jack Goldberg
4.Differential equations and boundary value problemsEdwards and penney

TE 102 Applied Thermodynamics

Module 1
Review of the fundamentals of classical thermodynamics- First law applied to unsteady flow systems. Thermodynamic
property relations. Second law analysis of steady and unsteady flow systems. Entropy. Availability. Loss of Available
energy. Gas Power cycles and analysis. Rankine cycle, Binary vapor cycle, Stirling cycle, Erricsson cycle, Brayton cycle.
Module 2
Thermodynamics of Combustion. Equations of combustion – stoichiometric. Analysis by mass, volume and their
conversion. First and second law analysis of reacting systems. Adiabatic fame temperature. Introduction to
thermochemistry – Heat of reaction and its effect on temperature and pressure.
Module 3
Fundamentals of Statistical Thermodynamics - Micro and Macro States - Thermodynamic Probability. Partition Function
and evaluation of thermodynamic properties –- Statistical interpretation of heat, work and entropy.
Module 4
Microscopic approach to thermodynamics. Kinetic theory of gases and distribution of molecular velocities. Absolute
temperature of gas, Van der Walls equation of state, Average Root mean square and most probable speed. Principle of
Equipartition energy.
1. Thermodynamics – J. P. Holman
2. Thermodynamics – Michael A Saad
3. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics –F.W. Sears & G. L. Salinger.
4. Basic and applied thermodynamics P. K. Nag
TE 103 Advanced Heat Transfer
Module 1
Review of heat transfer fundamentals; Conduction heat transfer – heat equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical
coordinates - boundary conditions; Heat conduction equation for anisotropic medium; Extended surfaces - Steady state
analysis and optimization - longitudinal fin of rectangular profile radiating to free space; Transient heat conduction -
Exact solution - use of Heisler and Grober charts.
Module 2
Forced convection heat transfer – Flow over flat plates, similarity and integral solution of the thermal boundary layer,
wedge flow; non-similar boundary layer, flow over bodies with boundary layer separation, boundary layer analogies,
friction and heat transfer analogy, heat and mass transfer analogy.
Heat transfer in turbulent flow – internal and external flows, fully developed velocity and temperature profiles, low and
high Prandtl number flows, convective heat transfer at high velocities, compressibility effects, influence of Mach
number, Reynolds analogy for turbulent heat transfer.
Module 3
Free convection - Boundary layer equations – vertical semi-infinite plate, constant and variable wall temperatures, effect
of suction and blowing, variable fluid properties; integral solution of the free convection boundary layer; free convection
flow regimes; free convection between heated plates; combined free and forced convection.
Module 4
Radiation Heat Transfer - Fundamental laws of thermal radiation - surface properties – radiation heat exchange among
diffuse, gray and non-gray surfaces separated by nonparticipating media - gas radiation and radiation transfer in
enclosures containing absorbing and emitting media - interaction of radiation with conduction and convection.
1. Ozisik, M.N., Heat Transfer - A Basic Approach, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
2. Incropera, P.P. and Dewitt, D.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th ed., John Wiley, 2002.
3. Vedat. S Arpaci, Conduction Heat Transfer, Addison-Wesley, 1996
4. Kraus, A.D., Aziz, A., and Welty, J., Extended Surface Heat Transfer, John Wiley, 2001.
5. Kakac, S. and Yener, Y., Convective Heat Transfer, CRC Press, 1995.
6. Kays, W. M. and Crawford, M. E., Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, 1993.
7. Modest, M. F., Radiative Heat transfer, Second Edition, Academic Press, 2003

TE104 Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Module 1
Review of Basic concepts- continuum, control volume, Eulerian and Lagrangian methods of description of fluid flow;
Reynolds transport equation – integral and differential forms of continuity, momentum, and energy equations, Navier-
Stokes equations and boundary conditions.
Module 2
Exact solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations-Parallel flow in a straight channel, Couette flow, Hagen-Poiseulli flow, flow
between concentric rotating cylinders. Low Reynolds number flow, Theory of Hydrodynamic lubrication, Low Reynolds
number flow around a sphere.
Module 3
Laminar Boundary Layers - Derivation of Prandtl Boundary Layer Equations-Similarity solutions for two dimensional
flow-Free Shear flows-Momentum Integral Equations-Karman Pohlhausen method for approximate solution to
momentum integral equation.
Module 4
Two-dimensional Turbulent Boundary layer Equations- Turbulent Flows in Pipes -Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat
Plate- Universal velocity distribution, Turbulence Modeling in Two-Dimensional Flow-Concept of Eddy viscosity-
Prandtl Mixing length Hypothesis-Turbulence Modeling.
Compressible flow: 2D compressible flow – Governing Equations – Linearised solutions to subsonic and supersonic
flows. Method of characteristics. Introduction to Hypersonic flows.
1. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006
2. Currie, LG., Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, 3rd ed., CRC Press, 2002
3. Ockendon, H. and Ockendon, J., Viscous Flow, Cambridge Uni. Press 1995.
4. Som and Biswas, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, 2004
TE 105 Solar Thermal Engineering
Module 1
Introduction, solar radiation- solar radiation data, solar radiation geometry, empirical equations for predicting solar
radiation, solar radiation on tilted surfaces, instruments for measuring solar radiation.
Module 2
Methods of collection and thermal conversion-Liquid flat plate collectors, solar air heaters, concentrating collectors.
Module 3
Thermal energy storage- sensible heat storage, latent heat storage , thermochemical storage.
Module 4
Solar pond, solar refrigeration, solar thermal electric conversion, other applications.
Economic analysis of solar thermal conversion.
1. F Kreith and J F Kreider: Principles of Solar thermal Engg.
2. J A Diffie and W A Beckman: Solar Engineering of Thermal processes
3. A B Meinel and F P Meinel: Applied Solar Engineering
4. S P Sukhatme: Solar Energy

TE 106 Advanced Refrigeration & Air-conditioning

Module 1
Actual vapor compression system – Multi pressure vapor compression system - cascade system. Refrigerants-Mixture
refrigerants-LPG and other alternatives
Module 2
Absorption refrigeration system – Three fluid absorption system – comparison of absorption with compression system -
Analysis of multistage systems-Use of solar power for absorption system
Module 3
System components-Design of compressors- condensers-evaporators-expansion devices-components matching
Module 4
Advanced psychometric calculations - Cooling load calculations – Determination of U factor – short method calculation
Room air distribution – Friction losses in ducts - Duct design, Air filters clean rooms – Air Curtain
1. Arora, C.P., Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Tata McGraw-Hill,
2. Stoeker, W.P. and Jones, J.W., Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGrawHill
3. Manohar Prasad, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, New Age International
4. Gosney, W.B., Principles of Refrigeration, Cambridge Uni. Press
5. Air conditioning principles and systems: an energy approach

TE 107Environmental Pollution and Control

Module 1
Air pollution - Classification and properties of Air pollutants - Sampling and analysis of air pollutants –Control of air
Dispersion of air pollutants - Gaussian plume model- Control of gaseous pollutants – Volatile organic compounds -
Control of gaseous emission - Air pollution laws and standards.
Water pollution - Sampling and analysis of waste treatment – Advanced waste water treatments by physical, chemical,
biological and thermal methods - Effluent quality standards.
Module 3
Solid waste management - Classification and their sources - Health hazards - Handling of toxic and radioactive wastes -
Incineration and verification.
Module 4
Pollution control in process industries namely Cement, Paper, Petroleum and petrochemical, Fertilizers and distilleries,
thermal power plants and automobiles.
1. Manster, G.M., Introduction to Engineering and Science, 2nd ed., Pearson Publishers, 2004.
2. Rao, E.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1991.
3. Mahajan, S.P., Pollution Control in Process Industries, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1985.
4. Crawford, M., Air Pollution Control Theory, TMH, 1976.
TE 108Alternative Fuels for I.C Engines
Module 1
Availability and Suitability to Piston Engines, Concept of conventional fuels, potential alternative fuels-Alcohol,
Methanol, DEE/DME-Hydrogen, LPG, Natural gas, Producer gas,
Bio-gas and vegetable oils-Use in IC engines-Merits and demerits of various fuels.
Module 2
Technical Background of Diesel/Bio-diesel fuels-Oil feed stocks- Transesterification-Bio-diesel production from
Vegetable oils and waste cooking oil-High blend levels of bio-diesel-Testing
Bio diesel-Oxidation stability-Performance in Engines, Properties of bio-fuels and their importance in the context of IC
Module 3
Initiation of combustion, flame velocities, Normal and abnormal combustion, Knocking combustion, pre-ignition-Knock
and engine variables,-Features and design consideration of combustion chambers- stratified charge combustion- concepts
of lean burn engines. Spray formation and combustion in diesel engines.
Module 4
Types-Air flow, Fluid flow, Temperature, Speed, Oxygen, Detonation, Position, Principle of operation, Arrangement and
material. Cylinder pressure measurement.
Atmospheric pollution from piston engines, Global warming, Pollutant Formation in IC Engines-Emission measurement-
control of Engine pollution–driving cycles and Emission standards.
1. John B.Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book Company1988.
2. Taylor, C.P., The Internal Combustion Engines in Theory and Practice, Vol-2, MIT press, 1985.
3. RichardL.Bechtold, Automotive Fuels Guide Book, SAE Publications, 1997.
4. Ashley S. Campbell, "Thermodynamic Analysis of Combustion Engines", John Wiley and Sons, USA, 1979.
5. E. F. Obert, "Internal Combustion Engines and Air pollution", Harper and Row Publication Inc., New York, 1973.

TE 109Modern Energy Conversion Systems

Module 1
Direct Energy conversion systems: Basic principles of thermoelectric generation and Thermionic generation-Seebeck
effect, Peltier effect and Thomson effect. The Diode-selection of materials-elementary principles of design.
Principles of Fuel cells-Thermodynamics of the Fuel cells-Selection of fuel and operating conditions-constructional
features-practical problems-state of the art and prospects.
Module 2
Photoelectric conversion-conceptual description of photo-voltaic effect-the solar cell-the state of art of solar cells-
materials and prospects.
Principle of MHD generation-the Faraday and Hall generators-choice of generator parameters-Magnetic field
requirements-conductivity and ionization-effect of seeding-Recent developments in MHD power systems.
Module 3
Nuclear energy: Fission Reactors:- Classification and basic principles-fuels, moderators and reactor materials-
constructional features, safety and waste disposal.
Nuclear Fusion;-Fuels and Reactions-sustained fusion reaction-practical aspects-containment-production of plasma-state
of the art of fusion power.
Module 4
Renewable Energy sources: Solar energy:-Installation data-collectors and concentrators-design, fabrication and
performance of flat plate collectors-solar thermal devices (stills, water heaters, furnaces, solar cookers, solar
refrigerators)-solar thermal power generation systems-thermal storage.
Biomass: Methods of beneficiation and utilization – pyrolysis, wood distillation, briquetting, gasifiers.
1. R.A.Coombe: An introduction to Direct Energy Conversion
2. George Sutton: Direct Energy Conversion
3. Duffie and Beckmann: Solar Energy Thermal Processes
4. Meinel & Meinel: Solar Energy
5. Maheshwar Dayal: Energy-Today & Tomorrow
6. S P Sukhatme: Solar Energy
TE 110 Theory and Technology of Fuel Cells
Module 1
Introduction: Relevance, Principle, Various Configurations (Alkaline, Phosphoric Acid, Proton Exchange Membrane,
Direct Methanol, Molten Carbonate and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells), Fuel Cell Applications.
Theory: Basic Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Energy Conversion, Electrochemical techniques.
Module 2
Thermodynamics of Fuel Cells, Heat and Mass Transfer in Fuel Cells, Single Cell Characteristics.
Modelling: Electrochemical Model, Heat and Mass Transfer Model, System Thermodynamic Model
Module 3
Low Temperature Fuel Cells: Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) and Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC),
their special features and characteristics.
High Temperature Fuel Cells: Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) for power
generation, their special features and characteristics
Module 4
Fuels and Fuel Processing: Availability, production, and characteristics of Hydrogen, fossil fuel derived fuels and
biomass derived fuels,
Principles of Design of PEMFC, DMFC and SOFC.
1. A.V. Da Rosa, 2005, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, Elsevier academic press.
2. W. Vielstich, A. Lamm and H.A. Gastieger, 2003, Handbook of Fuel Cells, vol. 1-4, John Wiley
3. G. Hogen ed. 2003, Fuel Cell Technology Handbook, crc press
4. Energy-Today & Tomorrow, Maheshwar Dayal
5. Direct Energy Conversion, George Sutton.

TE 111 Thermal Engineering Laboratory

Each student shall design his/her own experiment by suitably modifying one of the existing experimental set ups in any
of the laboratories of Thermal Stream under the supervision of Faculty-in-Charge of the Class and Staff in- Charge,
concerned Laboratory. He/she shall conduct the planned experiment and submit a detailed report on the experimental
results obtained. The report shall also contain the detailed study carried out prior to designing the experiment. Marks will
be awarded on the basis of the quality of the experiment conducted, the final report submitted, and oral examination
conducted towards the end of the semester. Students also carried out experiments on following thermal systems.
1. CI and SI engines test rigs
2. Fluid Machine test rigs
3. Heat transfer test rigs
4. Refrigeration & Air conditioning test rigs
5. Air Compressor test rigs

TE 112 Seminar I

Each student shall prepare a seminar paper on any topic of his/her interest. However, the topic must be someway related
to the core/elective courses being credited by him/her during the first or second semester. He/she shall get the seminar
paper approved by the Programme Coordinator/Faculty Advisor/any of the faculty members in the concerned area of
specialization and present it in the class in the presence of Faculty in-charge. Each student has to submit a seminar report.
Every student shall participate in the seminar. Grade will be awarded on the basis of the quality of the paper, his/her
presentation and participation in the seminar.
TE 201 Principles of Turbomachinery
Module 1
Basic concepts of turbomachines- Physical processes inside a turbomachinery stage, Turbine and compressor stages,
Steady flow energy equation for turbomachines, stagnation state, adiabatic flow through nozzles and diffusers,
turbomachinery process representation on h-s diagram and efficiencies, reheat and preheat, Multistage machines. Energy
transfer in turbomachines, Forces on the rotor, components of energy transfer, Euler’s work, Isentropic work, Actual
Module 2
Blade theory-Aerofoil section, Drag and Lift, Blade terminology, Two dimensional cascades.
Turbine cascade-Nomenclature, velocity triangles, Blade forces, Zweifel’s Criterion, Losses in turbine cascades.
Compressor cascade- Nomenclature, Velocity triangles, Blade forces, pressure recovery coefficient, Cascade efficiency,
Losses in compressor cascade. Annular cascades- suction and blower types, Radial cascades-outward flow, Inward flow.
Module 3
Axial turbine stages- stage velocity triangles, single impulse stage, Multistage velocity compounded impulse stage,
Multistage pressure compounded impulse, Reaction stages, Enthalpy-entropy diagram, Stage efficiency, Degree of
Radial turbine stages- elements of a radial turbine stage, Stage velocity triangles, Cantilever blade IFR turbine, Ninety-
degree IFR turbine, Enthalpy-entropy diagram, Spouting velocity, Stage efficiency, Degree of reaction, Stage losses.
Module 4
Axial compressor stages-Stage velocity triangles, Enthalpy-entropy diagram, Efficiencies, Degree of reaction, Flow
through blade rows, Stage losses and efficiency, Work done factor
Centrifugal compressor stage-elements of a centrifugal compressor stage, Stage velocity triangles, Enthalpy-entropy
diagram, Stage efficiency, Degree of reaction, Slip factor- Stodola’s theory, Stanitz method, Balje’s formula, Stage losses.
1. Dixon, S.L., Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 5th ed., Butterworths Heinemann, 2005.
2. Yahya, S.M., Turbines Compressors and Fans, 3rd ed., Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 2007
3. Lewis, R.I., Turbo machinery performance and analysis, Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 1996
4. Csanady, G.T., Theory of Turbomachines, McGraw Hill, 1964.
5. Prithvi Raj, D. and Gopalakrishnan, G., A Treatise on Turbomachines, Scitech Publication, 2003.
6. Budugur Lakshminarayana, Fluid dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1996

TE 202 Computational Methods in Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer

Module 1
Experimental, theoretical and numerical methods of predictions; physical and mathematical classifications of partial
differential equations; numerical stability; validation of numerical results; round-off-error and accuracy of numerical
results; iterative convergence, condition for convergence, rate of convergence; under – and over – relaxations,
termination of iteration; tridiagonal matrix algorithm; discretization – converting derivatives to their finite difference
forms – Taylor’s series approach, polynomial fitting approach; discretization error.
Module 2
Governing equations of fluid mechanics and heat transfer; fundamental equations – Continuity equation, Momentum
equation, Energy equation, equation of state; Non-dimensional form of equations; Averaged equations for turbulent
flows; Boundary layer equations for steady incompressible flows.
Module 3
Steady one-dimensional conduction in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates; handling of boundary conditions; two –
dimensional steady state conduction problems in Cartesian and cylindrical co-ordinates– point-by-point and line-by-line
method of solution, dealing with Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robins type boundary conditions; formation of discretized
equations for regular and irregular boundaries and interfaces.
Module 4
One-, two, and three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems in Cartesian and cylindrical co-ordinates – explicit,
implicit, Crank-Nicholson and ADI schemes; stability criterion of these schemes; conservation form and conservative
property of partial differential and finite difference equations
Finite volume method for diffusion and convection–diffusion problems – steady one-dimensional convection and
diffusion; upwind, hybrid and power-law schemes, discretization of equation for two-dimension, false diffusion;
computation of the flow field using Stream function.
1. Anderson, D. A, Tannehill, J. C., and R. H. Pletcher, R. H., Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Second
Edition, Taylor & Francis, 1995.
2. Muraleedhar, K. and T. Sundararaja, T. (eds.), Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Second Edition, Narosa
Publishing House, 2003.
3. Patankar, S. V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere, 1980.
4. Versteeg, H. K. and W. Malalasekera, W., An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume
Method, Addison Wesley – Longman, 1995.
5. Hornbeck, R. W., Numerical Marching Techniques for Fluid Flows with Heat Transfer, NASA,SP– 297, 1973.
6. Klaus A. Hoffmann, Steve T. Chiang., Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fourth Edition, Volume I, Engineering
Education System, 2000

TE 203 IC Engines & Combustion

Module 1
Engine operating parameters –Performance parameters and Characteristics, Engine power and Engine efficiency.
Properties of working fluids.
Module 2
Fuel air cycles and their comparison. Actual cycles and their analysis. Super charging Types of super chargers and
methods of super chargers. Turbo charging.
Module 3
Combustion in SI and CI engines – Carburetor and fuel injection systems –Squish pre chamber engine flows.
Module 4
Laminar premixed flames, Factors influencing flame velocity and thickness flame stabilization - Diffusion flames,
Introduction to turbulent flames.
1. Heywood, J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
2. Taylor, C.P., The Internal Combustion Engines in Theory and Practice, Vol-2, MIT press,1985.
3. Ganesan, V., Internal Combustion Engines, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003
4. Sharma, S.P. and Mohan, C., Fuels and Combustion, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1987
5. Willard W. Pulkrabek, Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine

TE 204 Propulsion
Module 1
Reaction principle – Essential features of propulsive devices – Momentum Theory applied to propulsive devices –
performance of turboprop, turbojet and turbofan engines - combustion in jet engines – Augmentation of thrust, noise
Module 2
Comparison of Air Breathing and Rocket Propulsion Systems, Classification of Rockets, Performance parameters of
Rockets, Thermodynamic evaluation of performance parameters, Nozzle Expansion, Real Nozzles, Ideal Thrust
Equation, Escape velocity, Vehicle acceleration.
Module 3
Multistaging of Rockets, Space travel, Thrust vector control. Solid propellant Rocket Motors, Solid Propellant
Formulations, Burning Rate, Temperature Sensitivity, Erosive burning.
Module 4
Combustion Instability, T Burner, Grain Design, Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, Liquid Propellants, Feed systems,
Injectors, Combustion Mechanisms, Combustion Instability,
Rocket Cooling, introduction to Electrical and Nuclear Rockets.
1.Sutton, G. P. and D. M. Ross, "Rocket Propulsion Elements", 4th Edn., John Wiley Publication, New York
2.M. J. Zucrow, "Aircraft & Missile Propulsion" , Vol. I & II John Wiley & Sons, New York
3.P. Hill and C. Peterson, "Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion" Addision Wesley, 1992 Edition.
4.A. H. Lefebvre, "Gas Turbine Combustion", Taylor & Francis, Philedelphia,
5.V. Babu, “Fundamentals of Propulsion”, Ane Publishers, 2008
6.Zucrow, M. J., "Aircraft and Missile Propulsion" , Vol. I & II, John Wiley & Sons, New York
TE 205 Design of Heat Transfer Equipments
Module 1
Classification of heat transfer equipment - Design of shell and tube heat exchanger - Finned
surface heat exchanger – Selection of compact heat exchangers.
Module 2
Heat exchangers for special services – Fired heaters -Plate and spiral plate heat exchanger – plate heat exchanger for
Dairy industry
Module 3
Thermal design of heat exchange equipments such as Air pre-heaters , Economizer – Super heater and condensers-
horizontal and vertical condensers
Module 4
Analysis and design of cooling towers- Packing, spray design, selection of pumps, Fans and pumps - Heat Pipes,
Cryogenic Storage & Transfer System.
1. Ganapathy, v., Applied Heat Transfer, Pennwell Books, 1982.
2. Kays, W.M. and London, A.L., Compact Heat Exchangers, McGraw-Hill, 1998.
3. Dunn, P. and Reay, D.A., Heat Pipes, Pergamon, 1994.
4. Kakac, S. and Liu, H., Heat Exchangers, CRC Press, 2002
5. Barron Randall F Cryogenic Systems Oxford University
6. DQ Kern Process heat transfer McGraw Hill

TE 206 Analysis of Thermal Power Plant Cycles and Systems

Energy sources - Fossil fuels, Nuclear fuels, Solar and Conventional energy sources - Fuel storage, Preparation, Handling
and Combustion - Combustion calculations - General layout of Conventional Thermal power plants - Design and
Operation- Superheat, Reheat and Regeneration.
Module 2
Steam nozzles and Steam turbines - Working - Compounding - Governing of steam turbines - Condensers and Cooling
towers - Cycles for Steam power plants - Rankine cycle and its analysis - Reheat cycle, Regenerative cycle and Binary
power cycle - Steam piping - Waste heat management.
Module 3
Gas turbine and combined cycle analysis – Inter-cooling, reheating and regeneration - design for high temperature -
Combined cycles with heat recovery boiler – Combined cycles with multi-pressure steam - STAG combined cycle power
plant - Influence of component efficiencies on cycle performance – Energy transfer between a fluid and a rotor - Euler
turbine equation.
Diesel electric power plant - working and fields of use - Different systems of diesel electric power plants and plant layout
Nuclear power plants – Introduction - Nuclear fuels - Atomic number and mass number - Atomic mass unit - Nuclear
energy conversion - Chemical and nuclear equations - Nuclear reactions -Fission and fusion
1. D.G. Shepherd: Principles of Turbo Machinery, The Macmillan Company, 1956.
2. M. M. El-Wakil: Power Plant Technology, McGraw Hill, 1985
3. A. W. Culp Jr: Principles of Energy Conversion, McGraw Hill, 2001
4. H. A. Sorensen: Energy Conversion Systems, J. Wiley, 1983
5. T. F. Morse: Power Plant Engineering, Affiliated East West Press, 1978
6. M. M. El-Wakil: Nuclear Power Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1962
7. R. H. S. Winterton: Thermal Design of Nuclear Reactors, Pergamon Press, 1981
8. R. L. Murray: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1961
Module 1
Introduction: Low temperature properties of engineering materials-Mechanical properties-Thermal properties-Electric
and magnetic properties-Properties of cryogenic fluids.
Gas liquefaction systems: Introduction-Production of low temperatures-General liquefaction systems-Liquefaction
systems for Neon, Hydrogen and Helium-Critical components of liquefaction systems.
Cryogenic Refrigeration systems: Ideal Refrigeration systems-Refrigerators using liquids and gases as refrigerants-
refrigerators using solids as working media.
Cryogenic fluid storage and transfer systems: Cryogenic fluid storage vessels-Insulation-Cryogenic fluid transfer
Applications of Cryogenics: Super conducting devices-Cryogenics in Space Technology- Cryogenics in biology and
1. Cryogenic Systems – Randall Barron
2. Cryogenic Engineering- R.B.Scott
3. Cryogenic Engineering – J.H.Bell Jr.
4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Arora, C.P.
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Stoeker, W.P. and Jones, J.W.

TE 208Measurements in Thermal Sciences

Module 1
Characteristics of Measurement Systems - Elements of Measuring Instruments Performance characteristics - static and
dynamic characteristics - Analysis of experimental data - Causes and types of experimental errors - Error & uncertainty
analysis- statistical & graphical methods.
Module 2
Temperature measurements - Theory, Thermal expansion methods, Thermoelectric sensors, Resistance thermometry,
Junction semiconductor sensors, Pyrometry, Temperature measuring problems in flowing fluids, Dynamic Response &
Dynamic compensation of Temperature sensors.
Module 3
Laminar & Turbulent flow measurements - Determination of Reynolds stresses – Flow visualization techniques - Gross
Volume Flow measurements - Measurement of Liquid level, Density, Viscosity, Humidity & Moisture.
Module 4
Pressure Measurements – Mechanical & Electrical types, High pressure & Low pressure measurements, Differential
Pressure Transmitters
Thermal Analysis Techniques - Measurements in combustion: Species concentration, Reaction rates, Flame visualization.
1. J P Holman : Experimental methods for Engineers
2. Ernest O Doeblin : Measurement Systems - Application & Design
3. Donald P Eckman : Industrial Instrumentation
4. Willard, Mertt, Dean,Settle : Instrumental Methods of analysis
5. D. Patranabis : Principles of Industrial Instrumentation
6. Beckwith & Buck : Mechanical Measurements
7. Nakra & Chaudary : Industrial Instrumentation
8. Physical Measurements in Gas Dynamics and Combustion : High Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propulsion Vol.IX
TE 209 Energy Conservation and Management
Module 1
The relevance of energy management profession; general principles of energy management and energy management
planning; application of Pareto’s model for energy management; obtaining management support; establishing energy data
base; conducting energy audit; identifying, evaluating and implementing feasible energy conservation opportunities.
Module 2
Energy audit report; monitoring, evaluating and following up energy saving measures/ projects. Energy efficiency
analysis; thermodynamics and energy; coefficient of performance; energy effectiveness; management of heating,
ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) – principles, opportunities, case studies;
Module 3
Management of process energy- principles, opportunities, case studies, management of electrical load and lighting -
management opportunities with electric drives, lighting, heating and electrolytic systems; electrical load analysis; peak
demand control; computer-aided energy management;
Module 4
Financial evaluation of energy projects; cash flow model; time value of money; evaluation of proposals - payback
method, average rate of return method, internal rate of return method, present value method, profitability index, life cycle
costing approach, investment decision and uncertainty; consideration of income taxes, depreciation and inflation in
investment analysis.
1.‘Industrial energy conservation’,Charles M Gottschalk, John Wiley & Sons, 1996
2.Energy management principles’, Craig B Smith,Pergamon Press
3. IEEE recommended practice for energy management in industrial and commercial facilities, IEEE std 739 – 1995
(Bronze book)
4.Optimizing energy efficiencies in industry’,G G Rajan,Tata McGraw Hill, Pub. Co., 2001
5.‘Energy management’,Paul O’Callaghan,McGraw Hill Book Co
6.‘Energy management Hand Book’,Wayne C Turner,The Fairmount Press, Inc., 1997
7.‘Energy Technology’,S Rao and B B Parulekar,Khanna Publishers, 1999

TE 210 Research Methodology

Module 1
Introduction – Meaning of research – Objectives of research – Motivation in research – Types of research – Research
approaches – Significance of research – Research methods vs Methodology – Criteria of good research.
Module 2
Defining Research Problem – What is a research problem – Selecting the problem – Necessity of defining the problem –
Literature review – Importance of literature review in defining a problem – Critical literature review – Identifying gap
areas from literature review
Module 3
Research design – Meaning of research design – Need– Features of good design – Important concepts relating to
research design – Different types – Developing a research plan
Method of data collection – Collection of data- observation method – Interview method –Questionnaire method –
Processing and analysis of data – Processing options – Types of analysis – Interpretation of results
Module 4
Report writing – Types of report – Research Report, Research proposal ,Technical paper – Significance – Different steps
in the preparation – Layout, structure and Language of typical reports – Simple exercises – Oral presentation – Planning
– Preparation – Practice – Making presentation – Answering questions - Use of visual aids – Quality & Proper usage –
Importance of effective communication - Illustration
1. Coley S M and Scheinberg C A, 1990, "Proposal Writing", Newbury Sage Publications.
2. Leedy P D, "Practical Research : Planning and Design", 4th Edition, N W MacMillan Publishing Co.
3. Day R A, "How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper", Cambridge University Press, 1989.
4. Berry, R.: How to Write a Research Paper. Second edn. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1986)
5. O’Connor, M.: Writing Successfully in Science. Chapman & Hall, London (1995)
6. Swales, J.M.: Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1993)
TE 211 Computational Laboratory

I. Programming assignments on the following topics

1. Roots of algebraic and transcendental equations
2. Solution of simultaneous algebraic equations
3. Curve fitting and optimization
4. Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations: Initial value problems
5. Numerical Solution of ordinary differential equations: Boundary value problems
6. Numerical solution of partial differential equations
II. Hands-on Training on the following Softwares:
a. Design, modeling and analysis: using ANSYS, PRO-E, GAMBIT
b. Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer: FLUENT

Each student shall prepare a seminar paper on any topic of his/her interest. However, the topic must be someway
related to the core/elective courses being credited by him/her during the first or second semester. He/she shall get the
seminar paper approved by the Programme Coordinator/Faculty Advisor/any of the faculty members in the concerned
area of specialization and present it in the class in the presence of Faculty in-charge. Each student has to submit a
seminar report. Every student shall participate in the seminar. Grade will be awarded on the basis of the quality of the
paper, his/her presentation and participation in the seminar.

TE 301 Project Phase I

The student will be encouraged to fix the area of the project work and conduct the literature review during the
second semester itself. The project work starts in the third semester. The topic shall be research and development
oriented. The project has two parts (Phase I in semester III and Phase II in semester IV). The project can be carried out at
the institute or in an industry/research organization. They are supposed to complete a good quantum of the work in the
third semester. At the end of the third semester the student has to submit the phase I report for evaluation. The report
shall be in soft bonded form. A presentation of the work under taken shall be done before the evaluation committee at the
end of the semester.

TE 401 Project Phase II

The project work started in the third semester will be extended to the end of the fourth semester. The project can
be carried out at the institute or in an industry/research organization. At the end of the fourth semester the student has to
submit the full thesis for evaluation. The thesis shall include both phase I & II and be in hard bonded form. A
presentation of the work under taken shall be done before the evaluation committee at the end of the semester. The final
viva-voce examination will be conducted at the end of fourth semester.

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