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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
4 year B.Tech. Course

(Department: Radio Physics and Electronics)

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Structure
1st SEMESTER (common to all streams)
Serial Name Code Credi Weekly Load Total
No. t L T P Load
1 English HU101 03 2 1 0 03
2 Physics-I PH102 03 2 1 0 03
3 Chemistry-I CH103 03 2 1 0 03
4 Engineering Mathematics-I MA104 03 2 1 0 03
5 Basic Electrical Engineering EE105 03 2 1 0 03
6 Language Lab HU106 1.5 0 0 3 03
7 Physics Lab-I PH107 1.5 0 0 3 03
8 Chemistry Lab-I CH108 1.5 0 0 3 03
9 Basic Electrical Engineering EE109 1.5 0 0 3 03
TOTAL 21 10 5 11 27

2nd SEMESTER (common to all streams)

Serial Weekly Load Total
No. Name Code Credit L T P Load
1 Physics-II/ Chemistry-II# PH201/CH201 03 2 1 0 03
2 Engineering Mathematics-II MA202 03 2 1 0 03
3 Engineering Mechanics ME203 03 2 1 0 03
Basic computer Science
4 and Engineering CS 204 03 2 1 0 03
5 Basic Electronics BE205 03 2 1 0 03

Physics Lab –II/ Chemistry

6 Lab–II# PH206/CH206 01 0 0 2 02
7 Workshop Practice ME 207 1.5 0 0 3 03
8 Engineering Drawing ME 208 1.5 0 0 3 03
Computer Programming
9 Lab CS 209 1.5 0 0 3 03
10 Basic Electronics Lab BE210 1.5 0 0 3 03
TOTAL 22 10 5 14 29

Total credit in 1st Year considering both, 1st and 2nd semester is 21+22=43





Sub Code: PH-201 L-T-P: 3-0-0

Total Lectures 40 hours + Contact Hours Credit: 3

Course objectives:

The objective of the course is to enhance the understanding of the Students’ on some basic
philosophies and corresponding application based reasoning of Physics. To help the students
in acquiring the necessary skills to solve the application based problems useful for almost all
branches of physics and engineering, on the basic of theoretical understanding.

1.1. Electromagnetic Theory: [6L]

Module 1: [3L]

Biot-Savart law, The divergence and Curl of B , Ampere's law, Inductance- self and mutual,
magnetic vector potential, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, Differential form of
Faraday’s law and its’ consequence.

Module 2: [3L]

Maxwell’s equations, Maxwell’s equation in vacuum and in matter, energy in an

electromagnetic field, Poynting’s theorem (qualitative), Electromagnetic wave equation in
Vacuum and in matter (brief).

1.2. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics: [3L]

Statistical approach to system of particles, Phase space, Macrostate, Microstate, Density of

states, Brief discussion on Maxwell Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics and
their differences.
1.3. Quantum Mechanics - II: [12L]

Module 1: [5L]
Application of Schrödinger equation in – (i) Barrier potential with qualitative discussion on
examples like tunneling, alpha decay etc, (ii) The square well potential, (iii) Infinite square
well potential and (iv) Simple Harmonic oscillator ,

Module 2: [4L]

Application of Schrödinger equation in three dimension- (i) Particle in three dimensional box
and concept of degeneracy, (ii) One-electron Atom problem – Equations, Solutions,
Eigenvalues, Quantum number and Eigen functions.

Module 3: [3L]

Application of quantum mechanics to solid - Free electron Theory of metals, Fermi Level,
Density of states, qualitative discussion on Bloch’s Theorem, Kronig- Penny model and origin
of band gaps.

1.4. Mechanics: [10L]

Module 1: [2L]

Meaning of gradient-Potential energy function, equipotential surfaces, Conservative vector

fields - gravitational and electrostatic examples.

Module 2: [2L]

Central forces; Conservation of Angular Momentum; Features of central force motion. Energy
equation and energy diagrams (qualitative);

Module 3: [2L]

Non-inertial frames of reference; Rotating coordinate system, Velocity and Acceleration in a

Rotating Coordinate System

Module 4: [2L]


Angular momentum of a system of particles, Torque, Moment of inertia , Parallel and

Perpendicular axes theorem and consequences

Module 5: [2L]

Motion of a rigid body in a plane, Angular momentum about a point of a rigid body in planar
motion; Euler’s laws of motion, rigid body motion in three-dimension (brief)

1.5. Waves & Oscillation: [9L]

Module 1: [2L]
Simple harmonic motion, Composition of simple harmonic motion, Mechanical and electrical
simple harmonic oscillators, complex number notation and phasor representation of simple
harmonic motion.
Module 2: [2L]

Damped harmonic oscillator – heavy, critical and light damping, energy decay in a damped
harmonic oscillator (brief).

Module 3: [2L]

Forced vibration and resonance, steady state motion of forced damped harmonic oscillator,
power absorbed by oscillator, steady state, application in mechanical and electrical oscillation
(brief), ,

Module 4: [3L]

Wave equation in one dimension and travelling wave solution, Standing waves, Wave velocity
and group velocity, Acoustics wave and velocity of sound, ultrasonic(qualitative)
Course Outcomes:

V. Students will be knowable with some basic facts of Physics needed for advancement
VI. Students will achieve quantitative knowledge about higher level ideas of Physics such
as advance quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics etc.


VII. Students will be able to identify the characteristics differences between Macro and
micro world appearing from their dimensional uniqueness.
VIII. Students will be efficient to apply the fundamental concepts of modern Physics in their
future prospect as well as in the advancement of technology for mankind.

Reference books:

1. Introduction to Electrodynamics by David Griffiths, Prentice Hall

2. Principles of Physics, 10th ed, David Halliday, Robert Resnick Jearl Walker , Wiley

3. Electricity, Magnetism, and Light by Wayne M. Saslow, Academic Press.

4. Electromagnetism by Grant and Phillips, John Wiley.

5. Thermodynamics in Materials Science by Robert DeHoff, CRC Press

7. Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, Reif, Sarat Book Distributors

8. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths.(Prentice Hall)

9. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles by Eisberg & Resnick,
10. Classical Mechanics by Goldstein, Poole and Safko Pearson Education.

11. Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill.

12. An Introduction to Mechanics by Klepner and Kolenkow, McGraw Hill.

13. Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, 7th ed. - JL Meriam

14. Theory of Vibrations with Applications — WT Thomson

15. The Physics of Waves and Oscillations by N.K. Bajaj,Tata McGraw-Hill.

16. Oscillations and waves in physics by Ian G. Main.

17. Web Platform: NPTEL, SWAYAM, etc



Sub Code: CH-201 L-T-P: 3-0-0

Total Lectures 40 hours + Contact Hours Credit: 3

Course objective:
The objective is to develop understanding of the concepts and applications of chemical
kinetics and different analytical techniques. Course will impart knowledge of
physical/chemical behavior and applications of various engineering materials and explore
water chemistry, green chemistry and non-conventional energy sources.

Module 1: Analytical techniques [8L]

Applications of spectroscopic techniques. Surface characterization techniques. Diffraction and

scattering. Chromatographic methods of separation and analysis. Mass spectrometry. Thermal

Module 2: Kinetics of Chemical Reactions [10L]

Reversible, consecutive and parallel reactions. Steady state approximation. Chain and
oscillatory reactions. Kinetics of photochemical & photophysical processes. Catalysis.

Module 3: Metals and Alloys: [3L]

Phase rule and applications to one, two and multi-component systems. Iron-carbon phase
Types of alloys, carbon steel, alloy steel, alloys of Cu, Al, Pb.
Module 4: Polymers [3L]

Mechanism of polymerization and synthesis of polymers. Molecular weight, shape and

conformation of polymers. Crystallinity, melting point and glass transition. Copolymerization.
Viscoelasticity. Elastomers-structure, applications and curing. Conducting polymers and

Module 5: Surfactants and lubricants [3L]


Critical micelle concentration and its determination. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions.
Micelles and reverse micelles. Detergents. Fricohesity of lubricants and chemical properties,
types and mechanism of lubrication. Additives of lubricants and freezing points of lubricants.

Module 6: Nanomaterials [3L]

Properties of nanomaterials, size dependent properties, general methods of synthesis, bottom-

up and top-down approach, characterization of nanomaterials, electron microscopy, self-
assembly, nanoscale materials, Applications of nanomaterials.

Module 7: Environmental and green chemistry [6L]

Water chemistry: Sources of water. Hardness of water and softening methods. Alkalinity of
Boiler feed water. Treatment of water for domestic and industrial use.

Air, water and noise pollution. Optimum level of pollution. Significance and determination of
COD and BOD. Solid waste treatment of collection of NKP. Greenhouse effect and global
warming. e-Waste. Radioactive pollution. Applications of green chemistry and green
technology. Concept ofatomic and molecular economy and its use in green chemistry.

Module 8: Energy science [4L]

Analysis of coal. Petroleum refining, liquid fuels, anti-knock agents. Cracking of oils.
Limitations of fossil fuels. Alternative and non-conventional sources of energy - solar, wind,
geo, hydro-power and biomass. Advantages and disadvantages. Nuclear energy, reactors and
nuclear waste disposal. Safety measures for nuclear reactors. Battery technology.
Rechargeable batteries. Fuel cells. Photovoltaics.

Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Appreciate the usefulness of new analytical techniques for elucidating the structure of
chemical systems.
2. Apply the basic principle of chemical kinetics in order to analyze and develop chemical
reactors and reaction systems.


3. Use the knowledge on compounds of interest like polymers, surfactants, nanomaterials and
appreciate their engineering applications.
4. Able to apply the principles of green chemistry in designing alternative reaction
methodologies to minimize hazards and environmental degradation.

Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry by S. Crouch, D. West, F. Holler, D. A. Skoog
2. Organic Spectroscopy by W. Kemp.
3. Physical Chemistry by P. W. Atkins and J. de Paula
4. Chemical Kinetics, by K. Laidler
5. Introduction to Nanoscience by S. M. Lindsay
6. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Fundamentals to Frontiers by M. S. R. Rao, S. Singh
7. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Shashi Chawla
8. Engineering Chemistry by S. S. Dara
9. Engineering Chemistry by P. C Jain and M. Jain
10. A Textbook of Environmental Chemistry by O. D. Tyagi and M. Mehra
11. Engineering Chemistry (WIND) by Wiley editorial


Sub Code: MA-202 L-T-P: 3-0-0

Total Lectures 40 hours + Contact Hours Credit: 3

Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to know the use of mathematical techniques in Linear algebra
that are needed by engineers for practical applications, familiarize with differential equation
with its application in Laplace transform, introduction to the concepts of improper integrals,
Gamma, Beta function which are needed in engineering applications, and finally to acquaint


with numerical methods in evaluating polynomial equations, differential equation and


Module 1: Linear Algebra: Matrices, Vectors, Determinants, Linear Systems: [12 L]

Inverse and rank of a matrix, Determinants, Cramer’s Rule, Solutions of Linear Systems:
Existence, Uniqueness , rank-nullity theorem, Symmetric, skew symmetric, and orthogonal
matrices, Vector Space, Linear dependence of vectors, basis, Eigenvalues and eigen vectors ,
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and Orthogonal transformation.
Module 2: Convergence of improper integrals: [3 L]
Convergence of improper integrals, tests of convergence, Beta and Gamma functions
elementary properties.
Module 3: Differential Equation: [10 L]
First order equations, Exact, linear and Bernoulli’s equations, Euler’s equations, Equations not
of first degree: equations, solvable for p, equations solvable for y, equations solvable for x and
Clairaut’s type.
Second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients; Method of variation of
parameters; Wronskian
Module 4: Integral transform: [7 L]
Laplace Transform, Properties of Laplace Transform, Laplace transform of periodic functions,
inverse Laplace transform, convolution theorem, Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transform,
solving ODEs by Laplace Transform method, Fourier transforms.
Module 5: Numerical Methods: [8 L]
Finite differences, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae, Trapezoidal rule
and Simpson’s 1/3rd rule of integration, Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations,
Bisection method, Newton Raphson method and Regular Falsi method, Numerical solutions of
first order differential equations by Euler's method and 4th order Runge- Kutta method.

Course Outcomes
The students will learn:
to solve mathematical tools for the solutions of differential equations that model
physical processes.


the essential tools of matrices and linear algebra including linear transformations,
eigenvalues, diagonalization and orthogonalization.
to familiarize with techniques in improper integrals . They will have a basic
understanding of Beta and Gamma functions.
the different tools of Laplace and Fourier transform for learning advanced Engineering
To deal with techniques in Numerical Analysis that are essential in most branches of

Text / Reference Books:

1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005.
3. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
4. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 11th
Reprint, 2010.
5. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi
Publications,Reprint, 2010.
6. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 35th Edition, 2000.
7. V. Krishnamurthy, V.P. Mainra and J.L. Arora, An introduction to Linear Algebra,
Affiliated East–West press, Reprint 2005.
8. S.S. Sastry, Introductory methods of numerical analysis, PHI, 4th Edition, 2005.
9. S. L. Ross, Differential Equations, 3rd Ed., Wiley India, 1984
10. E. L. Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover Publications, 1958.



Sub Code: ME-203 L-T-P: 3-0-0

Total Lectures 40 hours + Contact Hours

Credit: 3

Course Objectives
The main objective of a course Mechanics should be build a strong foundation, to acquaint the
students with as many general methods of attack as possible , and to illustrate the application
of these methods to practical engineering into consideration. The basic essence of this subject
resolves around the concept of statics as well as dynamic equilibrium.
Modern day engineering mechanics idealizes the practical problems. Engineering Mechanics
deals with the Mechanics of rigid bodies. -Statics and Dynamics- without taking the effect of
their deformation structures separately. Therefore to meet the present -day needs, the focus of
teaching engineering mechanics turned to the knowledge of proper conceptualization and
modeling, assuming that rest of the things will be carried out using standard techniques.

Module 1: [2L]
Statics: Basic concepts, Scalars and vectors, parallelogram law, Lami’s theorem,

Module 2: [ 2L]
Application of Vectors in Mechanics, Force Systems in two Dimensions;

Module 3: [4L]
Moments and Couples; Resultants and Components in concurrent coplanar, forces, parallel
forces in a plane, Free Body Diagram Concept

Module 4: [ 4L]

Fundamentals of Friction, Limiting angle of Friction, Applications to wedges.

Module 5:[ 6L]
Centroid, Moment of Inertia.
Module 6:[ 5L]


Plane Trusses; Frames and Machines.

Module 7:[2L]
Dynamics: Introduction to vector calculus, Definition of vectors in Dynamics.
Module 8:[5L]
Two dimensional Kinematics in Rectangular Co-ordinates, Rectilinear Motion, Curvilinear
motion of particle and description of different coordinate systems, Kinetics.
Module 9:[ 4L]
Newton's Law and D' Alembert's principle, and application to rectilinear and curvilinear
motion, constrained motion,
Module 10:[4L]
Energy and Momentum methods. Linear Impulse; Angular Impulse and Momentum – Central
Force Motion.
Module 11:[2L]
Concept of Stress and Strain , Stress-Strain Diagram of Ductile and Brittle Material ,Normal
stress , shear stress etc., Relevant numerical.

Course Outcomes:
On successful compulsion at the End of Course, students will able to understand and capable
of answering in the following areas.
1. Drawing Free Body diagrams and determination of Resultant of forces and/or
2. Determination of the centroid and Second Moment of areas of different sections.
3. Analysis of Statically Determinate plane frame.
4. Application of Law of Mechanics to determine the efficiency of simple machines with
5. Application of Newton’s Laws of motion of the moving bodies.
6. Application of D-Alembert’s principle and related numerical.
7. Analysis of Plane Curvilinear motion.
8. Basic concept of Strength of materials, Understanding of Stress- Strain Diagram and
related numerical.

Reference Books :

1. Engineering Mechanics by S Timoshenko , D H Young and J V Rao , Tata McGraw

2. Engineering Mechanics (Statics & Dynamics, VolumeI&II) by J.L. Meriam and L.G.
Kraige, Wiley India pvt Limited.
3. A Text book of Engineering Mechanics by A. R. Basu ,DhanpatRai& Co.
4. Engineering Mechanics by Basudeb Bhattacharyya, Oxford University Press.
5. Engineering Mechanics by S S Bhavikatti, New Age International (P) Limited.
6. Engineering Mechanics by A. K. Tayal , Umesh Publications.
7. Engineering Mechanics by K L Kumar, Tata McGraw Hill
8. Engineering Mechanics by P.K Nag , SukumarPati & T.K. Jana , McGraw Hill
(India) Private Limited.
9. Engineering Mechanics by B B Ghosh, S Chakrabarti& S Ghosh, Vikas Publishing
House pvt Ltd.
10. Strength of Material by S S. Ratan, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.
11. NPTEL on line courses relevant to your topic ;Source:


Sub Code: CS-204 L-T-P: 3-0-0

Total Lectures 40 hours + Contact Hours

Credit: 3

Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to give the introduction of computing systems to the students.
The students will also learn the basics of programming languages. In order to solve good
programming problems data structure is also taught.


Module- 1. Introduction to Computer: [8 L]

Basic Building blocks, Algorithms, Flowcharts, Pseudo codes, System and Application
Software-concepts & terminologies, Concepts of Machine Language, Assembly Language and
High level languages, Fundamentals of World Wide Web and Internet
Module- 2. Introduction to Programming: [14 L]
Variables, Assignments; Expressions; Input/Output; Conditionals and Branching; Iteration;
Functions; Recursion; Arrays; Pointers; Structures;
Module- 3. Introduction to Data Structure: (18 L)

Array, Stack, Queue, Linked List Searching: Linear Search, Binary Search, Sorting: Bubble,
Insertion, Selection
Course Outcome:
1. The students will have the fundamental knowledge about the computing system.
2. Students will learn different type of data structures, their basic operations and applications.
3. Students will come to know about the basic features of programming language.
4. They will learn to write basic to advanced program.

Reference Books:

1. Computer Fundamentals by P.K.Sinha

2. Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz
3. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C by E.Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni
4. Data Structures Using C by Reema Thareja
5. The C programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
6. Programming with C by Byron Gottfried
7. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balagurusamy
8. Understanding Pointers in C by Kanetkar Yashavant P.



Sub Code: BE-205 L-T-P: 3-0-0

Total Lectures 40 hours + Contact Hours

Credit: 3

Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to acquaint to the students initially the basic concepts of
semiconductors and semiconductor devices which are widely used in electronics engineering.
Further the electronic circuits used in electronics engineering, comprising of analog electronic
and digital electronic circuits will also be introduced in this course. Lastly, the important
application areas of electronics engineering, namely communication engineering and sensor
and actuators will also be introduced.

Module 1: Concepts of Semiconductors [6L]

Basic ideas of electronics, charged particles, review of atomic energy levels, elementary
concepts of
energy bands in crystals, conduction band and valence band, distinction between metal,
semiconductor and insulator, Fermi-Dirac Distribution and definition of Fermi level, intrinsic
extrinsic semiconductors, concepts of majority and minority carries in semiconductors, current
flow in semiconductors.

Module 2: Semiconductor Devices [12L]

P-N Junction and Diode, Concept of space charge, effects of forward and reverse bias, current-
voltage characteristics of P-N junction diode, concept of breakdown, Zener diode principle
and applications, equivalent circuit of diodes, concepts of rectifiers, principle of LED. Bipolar
junction transistor, mechanism of transistor action, current components in a bipolar transistor,
modes of transistor operation, I-V characteristics of a bipolar transistor, transistor biasing,
introduction to field effect transistor, principle of junction field effect transistor, concept of
metal semiconductor field effect transistor, p-channel and n-channel, current flow in field
effect transistors and I-V characteristic curves.

Module 3: Analog Electronics using Operational Amplifier [7L]

Concept of Analog Signaland Analog Electronics, Basic concept of positive and negative
feedback, Basic information of operational amplifier, ideal characteristics, 741- OPAMP,
Basic OPAMP applications using ideal model:inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier,
summing amplifier, difference amplifier, differentiation and integration using operational
amplifier, comparator circuit using operational amplifier

Module 4: Digital Electronics using Gates [13L]

Concept of Digital Signal, Binary Numbers, Signed-binary numbers, Decimal-to-Binary &
Binary-to Decimal Conversion, Binary Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division,
Hexadecimal Number Systems, Logic Gates like OR, AND, NAND, NOR and NOT, Boolean
Algebra, De Morgan’s Theorems, Laws of Boolean Algebra, Logic Circuit Implementation of
Boolean Expressions, Arithmetic circuits, Combinational circuits: Multiplexers, De-
Multiplexers, Encoders Decoder, Comparator, Sequential circuits: counters, registers, ADC
and DAC, Basic ideas of flip flops.

Module 5: Electronics Applications [2L]

Introduction to communication systems. Principle of modulation including amplitude and

frequency modulation. Transmitter and receiver system.

Course Outcome:
As outcome of this course, the students will be trained with the fundamentals of
semiconductor devices and circuits and important application areas of electronics engineering.
Reference Books:
1. Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications, D.Chattopadhyay and P.C. Rakshit
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits, J.Millman and C.C. Halkias.
3. Linear Integrated Circuits, D.Roychoudhury and S.Jain




Sub Code: PH-206 L-T-P: 0-0-2

Total : 24 hours + Help Room

Credit: 1

Course objectives:

The objective of the practical classes is to make the students familiar with the technological
features of theory as well as to provide hand-on experience of corroboration between model
theory and it’s practical aspect.

Experiments are based on electricity and magnetism, optics and quantum mechanics with
advanced measurement techniques.

Course Outcome:

In practical classes the students will get hand-on experience about the commissioning of the
theory to the application domain. They also find out the real time difficulties and their
solutions by optimizing the constraints and precision measurements.


The laboratory manual corresponds to all experiments will be provided to the students.


Sub Code: CH – 206 L-T-P: 0-0-2

Total : 24 hours + Help Room

Credit: 1


1. Study of kinetics of chemical reactions.

2. Redox titrations: Dichromatometry, Permanganometry, Iodometry and Iodimetry.

3. Experiments based on Chromatography (paper, thin layer, column chromatography)

4. Detection of different functional groups in known and unknown organic samples.

Course Outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Understand the principles of chemical kinetics through experimentation.
2. Understand the fundamental principle of different analytical methods and instruments.
3. Systematically identify organic functional groups.


Sub Code: ME – 207

L-T-P: 0-0-3

Total : 36 hours + Help Room

Credit: 1.5

Course Objectives:

Designed for the core course on Workshop Practice offered to all first-year degree level
students of engineering, Work shop Practice presents clear and concise explanation of the
basic principles of manufacturing processes and equips students with overall knowledge of
engineering materials, tools and equipment commonly used in the engineering field. The
curriculum describes the general principles of different workshop processes such as primary
and secondary shaping processes, metal joining methods. The workshop processes covered
also include the hand-working processes such as bench work, fitting, welding, sheet metal
work, and carpentry. It also explains the importance of safety measures to be followed in
workshop processes and details the procedure of writing the records of the practices. The tools
and equipment used in each hand-working process are enumerated before elaborating the

Fitting Shop:


Introduction to different hand tools, equipment and measuring devices, sawing, filing &
drilling process. Practice Jobs on Mild Steel Plate, Production of nuts and bolts.

Carpentry Shop:
Specification of wood and wood products, Introduction to Tools and equipment, different
wood joints. Practice jobs on Dove Tail Notch or Dovetail Bridle Joint or Cross Joint

Forging Shop:
Demonstration of forging a Octagonal Chisel.

Welding Shop
Metal joining process, Arc welding practice.

Sheet metal work

Sheet metal work through, production of funnel.

Course Outcomes:

At the End of Course, students will able to understand as well as familiar with carpentry,
fitting, forging, welding and sheet metal work through the following areas.

1. Nomenclature, application use of different hand tools.

2. To get familiarized with the properties of different engineering materials- metals &
alloys and non metals.
3. To learn about the various measuring devices and to know about the importance of
sequential plans of action in manufacturing through practice in various sections.
4. Acquire knowledge about, different measuring instruments their working principle,
application areas and able to handle the same.
5. Hands on practice of simple job related to Fitting shop
6. Hands on practice of simple joint related to Carpentry shop.
7. Overview of Forging Shop.
8. Sheet metal working, through Construction of Funnel.
9. Introduction to welding Process-through practice job using MMAW .

Reference Books:


1. Work shop Technology (Volume- I and Volume-II , By Hazra ,Choudhary ),Media

Promoters & Publishers Pvt Ltd.
2. Mechanical Workshop Practice, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Work shop Manual / P.Kannaiah / K. L. Narayana / Scitech Publishers.


Sub Code: ME – 208 L-T-P: 0-0-3

Total : 36 hours + Help Room Credit: 1.5

Course Objectives
Primary objective of the course of Engineering Drawing is to understand the language of
engineers which is very much essential for engineering career. Students of all engineering
disciplines to develop a spatial bent of mind to observe, visualize and understand the structure
of objects from different perspectives.

Engineering Lettering, Numbering
Types of Lines and Dimensioning methods.
Construction of Plane Scales, Diagonal Scales & Venier Scales.
Engineering Curves – Parabola, Ellipse, Involutes
Orthographic Projection of Points, Lines, Surfaces, Solids and Section of solids.
Introduction of Isometric projection.
Introduction to CAD tools – basics; Introduction of Development and Intersection of surfaces.

Course Outcomes:
Course Outcomes at the End of Course, students will able to solve the problems in the
following areas.
1. Construction and Interpretation of drawing scales as per the situation.
2. Generation of simple Curves like ellipse, cycloid and Involutes of circle, square.
3. Visualization and generation of Orthographic projections of points, lines and planes.
4. Visualization and generation of Orthographic projections of solids like cylinders, cones,
prisms and pyramids.
5. Layout development of solids for practical situations.
6. Development of isometric projections of simple objects.

Reference Books
1. Engineering Drawing By N.D. Bhatt Pvt. Ltd.,
2. Engineering Drawing By N S Parthasarathy and Vela Murali, Oxford University press
3. A Text Book of Engineering Drawing - by R.K.Dhawan.


Sub Code: CS - 209 L-T-P: 0-0-3

Total : 36 hours + Help Room

Credit: 1.5

Course Objective:
The objective of this practical course is to conceptualize the basic features of programming
language. The students will learn how to write the different programs for simple to advanced
problems using C language.
Experiments on the following topic:
The assignments will be given based on the topics covered in Module-II and Module-III of CS
They will write the programs using C.

Course Outcome:

1. The students will learn how to analyze a given problem.

2. They can identify what types of the variables, data structure are required to solve a problem.
3. Students can write program for a given problem.
4. They will understand how to prepare test set for a given problem.

Reference Books:

1. The C programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie

2. Programming with C by Byron Gottfried
3. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balagurusamy
4. Understanding Pointers in C by Kanetkar Yashavant P.


Sub Code: BE – 210 L-T-P: 0-0-3

Total : 36 hours + Help Room Credit: 1.5

Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to train the students on the working of semiconductor diodes
and transistor circuits, analog electronic circuits using operational amplifiers, digital logic
circuits using Gates through hands-on-experiments.
Each experiment should be carried over bread boards and/or kits. Experimental observations
should be properly tabulated and/or represented graphically. The derived results from
experimental data should be compared with theoretical models and errors should be properly
reported. Conclusion should be scientifically drawn. Each experiment should be preceded with
a theoretical discussion of the concerned topic and identification of the associated circuit
components and/or measuring instruments.

Experiment 1: Identification of Circuit Components

Study of resistors, capacitors and inductors. Determination of values and comparison of the
same with measurement by multi meters/ LCR meters.

Experiment 2: Semiconductor Diodes

2(a): Identification of Ordinary P-N diode and Zener Diode.

2(b): Study the Forward Bias V-I Characteristics of P-N Junction Diode and determination of
2(c): Forward and Reverse Characteristics of Zener Diode, Load Voltage and Line Voltage

Experiment 3: Bipolar Transistors

3(a): Identification of NPN and PNP Bipolar Transistors.
3(b): Study input & output characteristics of transistor in CE & CB modes and determination
of hybrid parameters.

Experiment 4: MOSFET
4(a): Identification of MOSFET
4(b): Study V (DS) vs. I (D) characteristics and Study V (GS) vs. I (D) characteristics and
hence to calculate the MOFET parameters.

Experiment 5: Analog Electronics using Operational Amplifiers

5(a): Identification of 741C OPAMP, pin diagram and power supply requirements. Concept of
positive and negative supply.
5(b): Study of inverting and non-inverting amplifier configurations.
5(c): To use integrating and differentiating circuits with 741C OPAMP and study with
Measurement of phase and frequency with C.R.O.

Experiment 6: Digital Electronics using Logic Gates

6(a): Identification of various digital logic gates.
6(b): Study of NOT, OR, AND, NAND, NOR & XOR gates and verification of truth tables.

Course Outcome:
As outcome of this course, the students will develop a mindset to verify the principles of
electronics using practical devices and components. The practical utilities and performance of
basic electronic devices and circuits will thus be clearly demonstrated.


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