BASF Master Seal 590 Spec.
BASF Master Seal 590 Spec.
BASF Master Seal 590 Spec.
Fast setting mortar to plug active water leaks in concrete and masonry
MasterSeal 590 is a blend of hydraulic cements, Standard: grey.
well graded sands and additives supplied in dry
powder form. It requires only the addition of TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES*
clean water to produce a ready-to-use, ultra- Typical values. All tests were carried out
rapid setting, plugging mortar. under temperature controlled conditions of
Stops active water or seepage under Maximum particle size 0.8 mm
pressure through joints, cracks and holes in Mechanical strengths N/mm²
concrete or masonry, where a normal mortar Compressive 30 min. 13.8
would be washed away and resin would not 24 h. 31.0
bond. 7 d. 44.3
For sealing cracks and construction joints in 28 d. 52.8
reservoirs and other water-retaining Tensile 28 d. 3.3
Flexural 30 min. 2.7
24 h. 6.1
For instant sewer connections.
7 d. 6.3
For rapid anchoring of bolts, conduits, pipes, 28 d 7.0
railings, sanitary equipment, etc.
Joint filling, pointing between concrete
segments in concrete and brick tunnels,
sewage systems, pipes and mines. 1 kg of powder will fill 585 cm³ or a joint 20mm x
20mm x 1.45 m
approx. 1.7 kg powder / dm³
Chloride-free, will not promote corrosion of
reinforcement. All materials are to be stored under cover, clear
of the ground and stacked not more than 2 pails
Expands as it sets to ensure a permanent
high. Protect the materials from all sources of
watertight seal.
moisture and frost. Rotate stock in order not to
Mechanical characteristics similar to
exceed the shelf life of 12 months. Once opened
the material should be used as soon as possible.
Cost effective
Ultra-rapid setting for instant leak plugging.
Blocks water, no injection equipment
required. Substrate preparation
Easy to apply Preferably, cracks or holes should be cut to a
Only to be mixed with water. minimum width and depth of 20 mm, cutting the
Environmentally friendly sides as square as practicable. Undercut if
possible. Avoid leaving a V section. Do not
Cement based, contains no toxic elements.
PACKAGING For plugging active leaks
5 kg can and 25 kg pail. Cut out the opening to a minimum diameter of
20 mm or till a sound base is obtained.
MasterSeal® 590
For sealing the wall / floor joint in an existing Do not mix more then can be placed within one
Construction application, 1 - 2 minutes (at 20°C). Do not re-
Cut out the joint/crack at least 20 mm wide and
deep, cutting back into the wall slightly. Application
For plugging active leaks
For sealing the wall / floor joint in a new Form a plug of the mixed material in the gloved
construction hand until slight setting occurs. Then press
When designing, foresee an opening situated at MasterSeal 590 mortar firmly into the opening;
the wall/floor joint (20 mm x 20 mm) to be filled exert full pressure, without moving the hand.
with MasterSeal 590. Hold in place for approximately 60 seconds.
To repair mortar joints and cracks in If the opening is too big to be closed with 1 mix
masonry walls, or cracks in concrete walls. of MasterSeal 590, work progressively from the
Cut out the defective mortar joints or cracks to a sides to the middle, following the above
minimum width and depth of 20 mm. Undercut if procedure.
After setting, but not completely hardened, trim
For holes, patches, honeycomb and other off excess material in order to create a uniform
construction faults in concrete walls. level with the surrounding surfaces. Remove
Remove all tie wires, wood or foreign objects by from centre to sides.
cutting back the concrete from the surface to a
depth of 25 mm. For sealing the wall / floor joint in an existing
For anchoring bolts or metal posts in Fill the opening with MasterSeal 590 mortar,
concrete or masonry*. force into place forming a cove.
Drill a hole deep enough to secure the bolt or For sealing the wall / floor joint in a new
post properly and large enough so there is at construction
least 10 mm on all sides of it. Fill the rebate with MasterSeal 590 mortar, force
into place forming a cove.
Flush out holes, joints or cracks with water to
remove all loose particles and dust. All surfaces To repair mortar joints and cracks in
must be dampened with clean water immediately masonry walls, or cracks in concrete walls.
prior to the application of MasterSeal 590. Trowel or press into the joint.
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.