The Economics of Technology Diffusion: Implications For Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Developing Countries
The Economics of Technology Diffusion: Implications For Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Developing Countries
The Economics of Technology Diffusion: Implications For Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Developing Countries
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The Economics of Technology Diffusion:
Implications for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
in Developing Countries
Allen Blackman
Fellow, Resources for the Future
Recent efforts to forge some consensus on the role that developing countries should play
in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions have focused attention on climate friendly technolo-
gies (CFTs). Developing countries are expected to supersede industrialized countries as the
leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the next thirty years. Yet their ability and willing-
ness to contribute to abatement efforts is constrained by limited financial resources, weak regula-
tory institutions, and the perception that they should not have to bear the costs of mitigating a
problem primarily created by industrialized countries. CFTs are seen by many as a means of
surmounting these obstacles.
Many types of CFTs — notably, energy efficiency innovations — not only reduce emis-
sions of greenhouse gases but also cut production costs. As a result, such technologies could
conceivably diffuse spontaneously in developing countries, obviating the need for government
financing and regulation. Climate strategies that focus on promoting the diffusion of CFTs are
likely to garner widespread support since they represent opportunities to enhance productivity
and abate local pollution in the eyes of developing countries, and opportunities to boost exports
of equipment and expertise in the eyes of industrialized countries.
But how likely is it that technology-based strategies will have a significant impact on
greenhouse gas emissions in the near to medium term? In part, the answer depends on whether,
once introduced, CFTs would diffuse at a reasonably rapid pace, and whether policy makers will
be able to speed the rate of diffusion. This brief summarizes some of the key findings of the
extensive economics literature on the diffusion of new technologies, and assesses the implica-
tions of these findings for the ongoing debate about technology-based climate change strategies.
In short, the literature suggests that a wide variety of policies are likely to speed the diffusion of
CFTs, including rationalizing energy prices, improving information, and investing in energy
Though not all the evidence on technology diffusion is conclusive, there is broad agree-
ment on two points. First, new technologies are never adopted by all potential users at the same
time. The widespread diffusion of new technologies can take anywhere from five to fifty years.
Second, countless studies have confirmed that the diffusion of new technologies follows a
predictable intertemporal pattern — technologies are adopted rather slowly at first, then more
rapidly, and then slowly again as a technology specific “adoption ceiling” is reached. These
stylized facts have prompted researchers to focus on two related questions: Why do some firms
adopt a given innovation before others? Why do some innovations diffuse more quickly than
Researchers have addressed these questions using a variety of theoretical constructs that
emphasize different aspects of the diffusion process. “Epidemic” models focus on the dissemi-
nation of information about new technologies via day-to-day contact among firms, likening this
process to the spread of a disease. These models imply that some firms adopt before others
because they happen to become “infected” first, and that some innovations diffuse faster than
others because they are more “contagious” than others by virtue of their profitability and limited
So-called “rank” models are premised on the observation that, given differences in capital
vintage, size, access to technical information, labor productivity, and environmental regulatory
costs, some firms will get a higher return from a new technology than others. Hence, one may
rank all potential adopters on the basis of their expected returns. Only firms with a sufficiently
high ranking will adopt when an innovation first becomes available. However, over time — as
sector-wide production and information costs fall, the new technology is refined, and the existing
capital depreciates — lower ranked firms will adopt as well.
“Order” models are applicable when there is a fixed critical input into production such as
a pool of specially trained labor or a scarce natural resource. In such situations, the order of
adoption clearly matters — initially only first movers who secure access to the critical input will
find it profitable to adopt.
Finally, so-called “stock” models are also premised on the idea that early movers obtain
higher returns on the new technology. However, they attribute this phenomenon to the fact that
as the stock of firms that have adopted a cost-saving innovation grows, average production costs
fall, and eventually output prices fall as well. Thus, initially it will only be profitable for a
limited number of firms to adopt.
It is important to note that these four types of theoretical models are not mutually exclu-
sive. Indeed, the diffusion of any specific technology is likely to be influenced by some combi-
nation of the factors emphasized by the models: information and learning, the characteristics of
potential adopters, the characteristics of technology, the scarcity of critical inputs, and the sensi-
tivity of output prices to technological change.
structure (the degree to which the market is competitive or controlled by a small number of
firms) on the timing diffusion is inconclusive.
What does the current state of knowledge suggest for technology-based climate change
policy? Two implications are immediately obvious. First, even if CFTs that significantly lower
production costs can be transferred to developing countries, diffusion will not be immediate.
Second, developing country firms will not necessarily rapidly adopt CFTs simply because they
reduce production costs in industrialized countries. A broad range of firm-level, sector-level, and
country-level characteristics determine whether or not and how quickly new technologies are
adopted, and there are likely to be systematic differences between developing countries and
industrialized countries in nearly all of these characteristics. To give one example, labor is
generally much less costly relative to capital in developing countries. Therefore, labor-saving
technology that is profitable in industrialized countries will not necessarily be profitable in
developing countries.
Given the theory and evidence presented above, there would seem to be seven types of
policy levers available to influence the speed of diffusion of CFTs in developing countries.
These concern: information, input prices, regulation, credit, subsidies, human capital, infrastruc-
ture, research and development, and intellectual property restrictions.
Information. Economic theory suggests that the dissemination of information about the new
technology is likely to be a critical determinant of diffusion. (Limited empirical support for the
importance of information probably stems only from the difficulty of measuring information
flows.) As Stoneman and Dierderen make clear, government intervention to enhance the dis-
semination of technical information is likely to be justified since virtually every means by which
firms acquire information about new technologies is imperfect.
When firms acquire technical information through day-to-day contact with other firms,
early adopters supply information about the new technology to later adopters, but the former do
not capture any of the benefits from this information transfer themselves. As a result, they do not
have proper incentives to make this information available to their rivals. When firms acquire
technical information through active search, firms operating independently will engage in ineffi-
cient duplication of search efforts. And finally, when firms acquire technical information from
advertising, technology suppliers who are concerned about market share, not the diffusion of the
technology, have incentives to oversupply technical information, which may lead to too-rapid
diffusion of intermediate technology.
Policy options for enhancing the flow of information about new technologies include
demonstration projects, advertising campaigns, the testing and certification of new technologies,
and subsidies to technological consulting services. Have such mechanisms had a verifiable
impact on diffusion? Demonstration projects have received wide application in the context of
developing country agriculture, and many industrialized countries have set up regional informa-
tion clearinghouses to provide consulting services to small- and medium-sized businesses that
presumably can least afford search costs associated with adoption. As yet, however, evaluations
of these programs have been limited, and we know little about their effectiveness.*
Finally, it is worth noting that information-based polices may actually retard diffusion by
fostering the expectation that improved technologies are forthcoming, and therefore creating
incentives to defer adoption. A similar problem arises when public provision of information
about new technologies crowds out private information.
Input Prices. Both theory and evidence attest to the important role that input prices play in the
diffusion of new technologies. In particular, energy prices clearly have a critical impact on the
adoption of energy saving technologies. In a number of developing and reforming economies,
energy is still subsidized. Removing or significantly scaling back energy subsidies in these
countries would create strong incentives to adopt energy-saving technologies. In countries where
energy prices are not subsidized, taxing energy to raise its effective price above the market price
would have the same effect as removing subsidies.
Regulation. As noted above, empirical research supports the hypothesis that firms subjected to
stricter environmental regulation are more likely to adopt clean technologies, including CFTs.
The opportunities for, and barriers to effective regulation in developing countries have received
considerable attention, especially in the last ten years. Two points deserve mention. First, the
use of market-based incentives such as pollution taxes and marketable permit systems — includ-
ing a credible international greenhouse gas emissions trading system — is analogous to raising
the price of a critical factor of production, namely environmental services. Therefore, the same
arguments about the link between factor prices and technology adoption are applicable. Second,
even when institutional and financial constraints make formal public-sector-led regulation prob-
lematic, private-sector-led “informal” initiatives (such as grassroots efforts to deter polluters by
stigmatizing them) can be an effective substitute.
Credit. Lack of access to credit may be a critical barrier to adoption. Subsidizing credit for
specific types of investments has been a common policy response. However, thus far these
programs — both public and private — have had very mixed results. Chronic problems include
the diversion of loans by borrowers to non-targeted activities, low repayment rates, the creation
of financially unsustainable lending institutions, politicization of lending decisions, and the
undermining of existing credit markets. Since there is growing support for the view that the
costs of “targeted” credit outweigh the benefits, a wiser approach to overcoming financial barri-
ers to technological innovation is to focus on improving banking which, in developing countries,
is often hamstrung by unstable monetary policy, interest rate restrictions, and weak property
For example, the US Department of Commerce sponsors a network of “Manufacturing Technology Centers.”
Similar networks have been established in the United Kingdom (the Advanced Information Technology
Programme, and the Regional Office Technology Transfer Programme), in France (Centres Regionaux
d’Innovation et de Transfer de Technologie), and in the European Union (the SPRINT programme).
Subsidies. An obvious mechanism for speeding the diffusion of a new technology is for govern-
ments to subsidize it. But subsidies, in addition to being quite expensive, are likely to be subject
to many of the same problems as targeted credit, namely the politicization and distortion of input
Human Capital, Infrastructure, and Research and Development. Empirical research on the
links between early adoption of innovations on the one hand and human capital, infrastructure,
and research and development (R&D) on the other suggests there is an argument for subsidizing
education, technical training, infrastructure and R&D. This needn’t be a broad-brush strategy if
these subsidies are focused on greenhouse-gas-intensive sectors such as energy.
Intellectual Property Restrictions. Intellectual property restrictions such as patents and li-
censes have countervailing effects on technology diffusion. On the one hand, they stimulate
R&D, which in turn stimulates technology diffusion. Perhaps more important for developing
countries, they are likely to encourage foreign investment, which can be a significant source of
new technologies. But on the other hand, intellectual property restrictions attach significant costs
to adoption of new technologies which can retard diffusion. In many developing countries,
adaptation of existing technologies, rather than the creation of substantially new ones, accounts
for the bulk of productivity growth. Therefore, there is reason to suspect that the negative impact
of intellectual property restrictions on diffusion in developing countries could be substantial.
Of the broad range of policy options presented here, which are likely to be politically
practical? As mentioned in the introduction, technology-based strategies will generate political
support to the extent they represent obvious “win-win” opportunities for the parties involved.
Many of the policies described above fit this description to some degree. Information, human
capital and infrastructure policies will enhance productivity; rationalizing energy prices will
boost allocative efficiency; improving banking should stimulate saving and investment; and
strengthening regulation should produce environmental benefits.
However, some of these policies involve up-front economic costs that are more immedi-
ate and payoffs that are more delayed than others, making them unattractive to decision makers
with short time horizons. For example, though investments in banking, human capital (broadly
defined), and environmental regulation may have tremendous benefits in the long run, they
involve substantial up-front costs. Thus, the most practical policy options discussed here would
seem to be rationalizing energy prices, improving information, and investing in energy infra-
General Interest
World Bank. 1992. World Development Report: Development and the Environment, 1992.
Washington, DC: Oxford U. Press.
Technical Content
Karshenas, M. and Stoneman, P. 1993. “Rank, Stock, Order and Epidemic Effects in the Diffu-
sion of New Process Technology.” Rand Journal of Economics, 24(4), 503-527.
Kemp, Renè. 1997. Environmental Policy and Technical Change. Brookfield, VT: Edward
Mansfield, E. 1968. Industrial Research and Technological Innovation. New York: W.W.
Pargal, S., and D. Wheeler. 1996. “Informal Regulation of Industrial Pollution in Developing
Countries: Evidence from Indonesia.” Journal of Political Economy, 104(6), 1314-27.
Stoneman, P. 1983. The Economic Analysis of Technological Change. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Stoneman, P. and Diederen, P. 1994 (July). “Technology Diffusion and Public Policy,” Eco-
nomic Journal 104(425), pp. 918-30.
About Resources for the Future
Resources for the Future (RFF) is an independent, nonprofit research organization that aims to
help people make better decisions about the conservation and use of their natural resources and
the environment. For the past 45 years, researchers at RFF have conducted environmental
economics research and policy analysis involving such issues as forests, water, energy, minerals,
transportation, sustainable development, and air pollution. They also have examined, from a
variety of perspectives, such topics as government regulation, risk, ecosystems and biodiversity,
climate, hazardous waste management, technology, and outer space.
While many RFF staff members are economists by training, other researchers hold advanced
degrees in ecology, city and regional planning, engineering, American government, and public
policy and management. RFF neither lobbies nor takes positions on specific legislative or regula-
tory proposals. Its operating budget is derived in approximately equal amounts from three
sources: investment income from a reserve fund; government grants; and contributions from
corporations, foundations, and individuals (corporate support cannot be earmarked for specific
research projects). Some 45 percent of RFF’s total funding is unrestricted.
The latest RFF news and information is available on the internet at
RFF brings a well recognized and respected reputation for objectivity to this debate. The Climate
Economics and Policy Program integrates the many different aspects of climate change with
ongoing basic and applied research at RFF involving energy markets, water and forest resource
management, air pollution, environmental regulation, and sustainable development.
Drawing on RFF’s strengths in environmental and natural resource assessment, economic analy-
sis, and policy design, the climate program focuses on five main areas: economic and environ-
mental consequences of climate change and policies to deal with climate change; domestic and
international policy design issues; interactions between climate change and other policies; equity,
efficiency, and other criteria used in decisionmaking; development of analytical tools.
PROGRAM OUTPUTS. RFF’s climate program includes original basic and applied research,
policy analysis, and educational outreach.
Research. Integrating basic and applied research on the economic implications of global climate
change with ecological, engineering, scientific, environmental health, geographical, international,
and other considerations, an initial set of research projects underway at RFF include:
· Bringing Uncertainty into the Equation When Calculating Climate Change Risks
· Discounting in Intergenerational Decisionmaking (workshop)
· Economic Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading
· Effective Environmental Policy in the Presence of Distorting Taxes
· Electricity Restructuring and the Costs of Controlling CO2
· Environmental Consequences of Tax System Reform
· Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation on Other Environmental Problems
· Importance of Technical Change in the Economics of Carbon Policy (workshop)
· International Cooperation for Effective and Economic Greenhouse Gas Limitation
· Vulnerability of Low-Income Households to the Hydrologic Effects of Climate Change
Educational outreach. RFF regularly shares its climate change findings with members of the
academic, business and environmental communities, and representatives of local, national and
international governments by publishing and disseminating discussion papers and convening
educational forums on selected topics. To support a well-informed public, RFF provides regular
reports of its climate change activities to the news media, posts program updates and activities on
RFF’s internet home page (, and recently launched Weathervane, an internet
site devoted to the discussion and debate of climate change policy (see next page for more
In light of the continuing international negotiations over climate change, Resources for the
Future (RFF) publishes Weathervane, an internet forum dedicated to climate change policy.
Just as a traditional weathervane tracks the direction of the wind, Weathervane has been
tracking developments in climate change policy, both internationally and within the United
States, since July 1997.
Our editorial aim is to present balanced and objective information, with no one perspec-
tive or viewpoint dominating our analysis and reporting. Now with an
eye on the Fourth Conference of Parties, to be held in Buenos
Aires, Argentina in November 1998, and the stakes poten-
tially enormous on all sides of this complicated issue,
Weathervane continues to provide a neutral forum for
careful analysis to complement the political calculations
that so often drive decisions.
Regular site features include:
Perspectives on Policy, an opinion forum for invited
players in the climate policy debate. It gives experts
from every corner — business, government, environmen-
tal groups, and academia — an opportunity to weigh in
with their opinions on a selected topic; By The Numbers, a
regular column by RFF’s Raymond Kopp to help decode and
demystify energy and environmental data and create a better understanding of
the link between economic data and policy formulation; Enroute to Buenos Aires, which
tracks developments in global climate change policy and players in the debate; Research
Spotlight, which reports new
climate findings and projects;
and Sounding Off, an open fo-
rum for site visitors to voice
their opinions on a variety of
topics related to climate change.