PHYSICAL EDUCATION K 12 Curriculum Guide Grades 1 and 7 PDF

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City

K to 12 Curriculum Guide
(Grades 1 and 7)

January 31, 2012



The Physical Education Curriculum under the K to 12 Basic Education Program is anchored on the tenet “Move to Learn, Learn to Move” with ultimate goal of
achieving lifelong fitness. The framework is bounded on the context of legal and philosophical underpinnings pursuant to Article IV Section 19 of the Philippine
Constitution which mandates that:

The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international
competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. All educational institutions shall
undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.

This curriculum shall contribute to the development of fitness, health and wellness among school-age students as provided in the program’s rich and challenging
physical activity experiences. It shall promote the development of a participative and active body; learning to use the body in moving efficiently and effectively in a
given space, time, effort and assurance of quality movement. The desire for becoming a physically educated person, thus aid an individual in successfully selecting
and in participating in activities appropriate at various stages of life.

In order to facilitate the development of an active lifestyle, selected and appropriate activities are designed in line with the five strands of learning which include body
management, movement skills, games and sports, rhythms and dance and physical fitness.

Body Management includes body awareness, space awareness, qualities and relationships of movements and how these are used dynamically in various physical

Movement skills relate to the fundamental movement patterns and skills that form the basis of all physical activities.

Games and sports comprise simple, lead-up and indigenous games, that help in the acquisition of proper sporting techniques in preparation for greater or competitive
participation in selected sports and recreational activities.

Rhythms and dances include understanding and performance of rhythmical movement patterns; promotion of the appreciation of Philippine folk dance, indigenous
and traditional dance and other dance forms, and the proficiency in performing a diversity of dances as contributory activities to achieve fitness, health and wellness.

Physical fitness includes assessment through fitness testing, interpreting and recording; the design and implementation of appropriate programs that will develop and
maintain learners’ desired fitness levels.

Each strand is sequentially developed across grade levels. Activities are varied and age-appropriate to address the needs and interest of learners and shall provide
movement experiences that enhance the involvement of every learner in all physical activities for lifetime use.

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The integrated movement approach enables the learner to relate the movement context to the development of motor skills and other combined use in a variety of
activities. The approach shall enable the learner’s ability to apply these concepts to their performance in a variety of physical education activities in school and in the
community they belong. This approach emphasizes the identification of movement potential which are used as the means for transfer of learning and in
understanding the human activity.

This curriculum responds to the government’s thrust in achieving total participation and involvement of the whole learning environment via instructional support
(quality instruction), administrative support (facilities and equipment), public and private partnership (cooperative effort) and the home and community support
(parents and society).

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Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of Physical Education

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Learning Area Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of physical activities in achieving, sustaining, and promoting an active lifestyle for health,
lifelong fitness and wellness.

Key Stage Standards

Strands K–3 4–6 7 – 10

The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of movement understanding of principles in understanding of integrating physical
concepts and skills in preparation for movement, fitness and health activity behaviors in achieving a
active participation in various for active participation in various healthy lifestyle.
physical activities. physical activities.

Body Management

Movement Skills

Physical Fitness

Games and Sports

Rhythms and Dance

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Grade Level Grade Level Standards

Grade 1

Grade 2 The learner demonstrates understanding of the body and its parts, movement skills, locomotor and non-locomotor skills, basic games,
rhythmic and gymnastics skills for active participation in various physical activities.
Grade 3

Grade 4 The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of acquiring mature patterns of movements as tools for active participation
in physical activities to achieve the desired level of fitness and health:
Grade 5  Exercise
 Individual, dual, and team sports
Grade 6  Dance
 Recreational activities
Grade 7
The learner demonstrates understanding of personal health and fitness in achieving individual wellness for a healthy lifestyle.

Grade 8
The learner demonstrates understanding of family health and fitness in sustaining family wellness for a healthy lifestyle.

Grade 9 The learner demonstrates understanding of environmental and community health and fitness in sustaining and promoting community
wellness for a healthy lifestyle.
Grade 10 The learner demonstrates understanding of global health and fitness in promoting global wellness for a healthy lifestyle.

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Table 1a – Scope and Sequence of Physical Education from Grades 1-4

Grade Level Strands Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Body management
Body Awareness Space Awareness Qualities of Effort Relationships
Movement skills
GRADE 1 Rhythms and dance Action Songs Singing Games,
Games and sports Simple Games, Chasing/Fleeing type games, Mimetics.
Physical fitness Participation in Enjoyable and challenging Physical Activities
Body management Locations, Directions,
Body Shapes and Body Person, Objects, Music
Levels, Pathways and Time, Force and Flow
Actions and Environment
GRADE 2 Movement skills Locomotor, Non- Locomotor and Manipulative Skills
Rhythms and dance Simple Folk Dance and Rhythmic Routines ( Ribbon, Hoop, Balls, etc.)
Games and sports Relays and Races
Physical fitness Posture and Body Mechanics
Body management Locations, Directions,
Body Shapes and Body Person, Objects, Music
Levels, Pathways and Time, Force and Flow
Actions and Environment
GRADE 3 Movement skills Locomotor, Non- Locomotor and Manipulative Skills
Rhythms and dance Simple Folk Dance and Rhythmic Routines ( Ribbon, Hoop, Balls, etc.)
Games and sports Lead-up and Organized games ( indigenous)
Physical fitness Corrective Exercises
Body management
Physical fitness Fitness testing
Movement skills Self-testing activities
Games and sports Individual and dual
GRADE 4 sports
Rhythms and dance Folk and creative

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Table 1a – Scope and Sequence of Physical Education from Grades 5-7

Grade Level Strands Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Body management
Physical fitness Fitness testing
Movement skills Basic principles of
GRADE 5 exercise
Games and sports Team sports
Rhythms and dance Folk and creative
Body management
Physical fitness Fitness testing
Movement skills Exercise program
GRADE 6 design
Games and sports Team sports
Rhythms and dance Folk and creative
Body management
Movement skills
Physical fitness Fitness components,
benefits and testing
GRADE 7 Games and sports Individual sports
Games and sports Dual sports
Rhythms and dance Local and indigenous

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Table 1d – Scope and Sequence of Physical Education from Grade 8-10

Grade Level Strands Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Body management
Movement skills
Physical fitness Health-related fitness
assessment and
GRADE 8 (Cardiovascular and
Games and sports Team sports
Games and sports Indoor recreational activities
Rhythms and dance Regional and national
folk dances with Asian
Body management
Movement skills
Games and sports Skill-related fitness
assessment and
related-activities (sport-
GRADE 9 specific)
Games and sports Team sports
Games and sports Outdoor recreational
Rhythms and dance Social and ballroom
Body management
Movement skills
Physical fitness Lifelong fitness and
physical activity habits
GRADE 10 Games and sports Sports leadership
Games and sports Recreational leadership
Rhythms and dance Other dance forms
(Hip-hop, Street Dance,
Festival, Contemporary,
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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies

The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . .

Body Management and  demonstrates understanding of  performs movement experiences  identifies and describe parts of the body: the
Movement Skills body awareness and movement accurately and efficiently by: head, shoulders, neck, back, chest, waist,
skills needed for participation in  Identifying and describing parts hips, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers,
physical activities. of the body. legs, knees, ankles, feet, and toes.
 Creating shapes through non-  creates shapes by using non-locomotor
locomotor movement. movement .
 Balancing one, two, three, four,  balances on one, two, three four and five
five body parts. body parts.
 Transferring weight of body  transfers weight of body parts.

Rhythms and Dance  demonstrates understanding of Action Songs

 performs movement sequences
movement patterns through
while singing.  performs movements while singing.
action songs.

Games and Sports  demonstrates understanding of Mimetics

 imitates accurately movements of
movement activities through
machine, animals, and nature  imitates mechanical, animal and nature
mimetics. movements.

Physical Fitness  demonstrates understanding of Physical Fitness

 develops values-oriented task in
valuing one’s active participation  enjoys his/her participation in the different
engaging in a different challenging
in various challenging activities. challenging activities.

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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies

The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . .

Body Management and  demonstrates understanding of  performs movement experiences in Space Awareness/ Movement Skills
Movement Skills space awareness and movement demonstrating space awareness  moves within a large group without
skills needed for participation in and movement skills efficiently and bumping into others or falling, while using
physical activities. accurately by: locomotor skills
 Moving within large group.
 travels in straight, curved, and zigzag
 Travelling in different pathways pathways: high, medium and low levels.
 Identifying locomotors skills  executes the locomotor skills of walk, run,
hop, jump and leap.

Rhythms and Dances  demonstrates understanding of  creates movement sequences while Action Songs
movement patterns through singing  creates movements while singing
action songs.

Games and Sports  demonstrates understanding of  performs simple games by: Simple Games
movement concepts used in  recognizing terms for moving in  recognizes terms for moving in relation to
participating simple games. relation to others others (lead, follow, chase, flee and dodge).
 participating in simple games  participates in simple games.
Physical Fitness
 demonstrates understanding in  shows evidence of acceptable Physical Fitness
the different challenges, responses to challenges,  demonstrates acceptable responses to
successes, failures during successes, and failures during challenges, successes, and failures during
participation in physical activities. participation in physical activities. participation in physical activities.

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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies

The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . .

Body Management and  demonstrates understanding of  performs movement experiences Qualities of effort/ Movement Skills
Movement Skills qualities of effort and movement accurately and effectively by:  demonstrates contrast between slow and
skills needed in participation in  demonstrating contrast between fast speeds while using locomotor skills.
physical activities. slow and fast.  demonstrates the difference between heavy
 demonstrating the difference and light while moving.
between heavy and light.  demonstrates the difference between free
 demonstrating the difference and bound.
between free and bound.

Singing Games
Rhythms and Dance   sings and performs task – oriented games
demonstrates understanding of  excellently performs task-oriented
task-oriented games while games while singing. at the same time.

 performs simple games with a Simple Games

Games and Sports  demonstrates understanding of partner and objects or equipment.  participates in simple games with a partner
movement experiences in and objects or equipment.
participating in different games
with a partner and objects or
Physical Fitness  acts as a good team player in Physical Fitness
 demonstrates understanding of physical activities.  demonstrates the characteristics of sharing
sharing and cooperation in and cooperation in physical activities.
physical activities.

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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies

The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . .

Body Management and

Movement Skills  demonstrates understanding of  performs movement experiences Relationships/ Movement Skills
relationships and movement accurately and effectively by:  demonstrates the relationship of under,
skills needed in participation in  demonstrating the relationships over, behind, next to, through, right, left, up,
physical activities. of under, over, behind, next to, down, forward, backward and in front of by
through, right, left, up, down, using the body and an object.
forward, backward and in front  jumps over a stationary object several
of by using the body and an times in succession, using forward- and-
object. back and side-to-side movement patterns.
 jump over a stationary object
 demonstrates understanding of several times in succession,
inventing oriented games while using forward-and-backward
singing. and side-to-side movement
Rhythms and Dance  demonstrates understanding of  invents task-oriented games while Singing Games
movement experiences in singing.  invents task-oriented singing games
participating in simple group

Simple Games
Games and Sports   participates in simple group games
demonstrates understanding of  participates in simple group games.
enjoyment in participation in
various challenging physical
Physical Fitness
 shows enjoyment participating in  enjoys one’s participation in physical
Physical Fitness
challenging physical activities. activities that are challenging.

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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies

The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . .
COMPONENTS,  demonstrates understanding of  designs and implements a  recognizes and appreciates the importance
BENEFITS AND the concept and principles of personalized exercise program to of physical fitness for himself/herself
TESTING physical fitness to improve improve and sustain the desired  differentiates the physical fitness
oneself level of fitness components
Physical Fitness  promotes the benefits of physical activity
 Concept and e.g. (greater work capacity, performance
Principle enhancement, healthy weight, prevention of
 Test and injuries, cardiovascular diseases and
Assessment diabetes for optimal health and fitness) for
 Supplemental optimal health
Activities  selects and performs appropriate physical
fitness tests that will assess one’s fitness
 interprets physical fitness test results.
 selects and performs fitness activities that
will improve his/her fitness level

INDIVIDUAL SPORTS  demonstrates understanding of  performs individual sports regularly  describes the nature/background of
the benefits that can be derived to achieve fitness individual (athletics or swimming) sports
(athletics/ swimming) from participating in individual  explains the benefits derived from playing
sports individual sports
 exhibits self - direction by correcting
himself/herself and others (e.g. peers)
when playing individual sports
 executes proficiently the basic skills and
tactics of the sports.
 officiates practice and actual games by
applying knowledge of rules and regulations
of the sport.

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Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies

The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . .

 demonstrates understanding of  performs regularly in dual sports to  describes the nature/background of dual
(arnis/ badminton/ table the benefits that can be derived achieve fitness. (arnis and badminton/table tennis/ tennis)
from participating in dual sports. sports.
tennis/ tennis)
 explains the benefits derived from playing
dual sports.
 exhibits self - direction by correcting
oneself and others (e.g. peers) when
playing dual sports.
 executes proficiently the basic skills and
tactics of the sports.
 officiates practice and actual games by
applying knowledge of rules and
regulations of the sport.


 demonstrates understanding of  performs skillfully local and indigenous  discusses the nature/background of local
LOCAL AND INDIGENOUS local and indigenous Philippine dances as physical activity that and indigenous dances.
DANCES dances that promote physical promotes physical fitness.  explains significant benefits to health and
fitness. fitness when folk dancing.
 performs basic steps peculiar to each dance.
 executes rhythmic patterns of selected local
and indigenous dances through various
 describes costumes, props and accessories
of local and indigenous folk dances.
 interprets dance figures correctly following
the step by step instruction of the teacher.
 performs figures of the dance with grace,
form and sense of rhythm.

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Abduction - movement of a limb away from the median axis of the body.
Academic - learning time (ALT-PE). The time a student is engaged with lesson content at an appropriate level of difficulty.
Accent - emphasis on a beat, usually, but not always, the first beat of the measure.
Accident - an unforeseen event occurring without the will or design of the person whose act causes it.
Activity - curriculum model. An activity-centered curriculum model in which teaching a variety of activities is the primary focus.
Adapted Physical Education - Developmentally appropriate activities for students with limitations who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted
participation in various activities of the general physical education program.
Adduction - movement of a limb toward the median axis of the body or closer together (similar parts such as fingers).
Advance - move forward, usually with walking steps.
Advanced Skills - skills used in sport applications.
Adventure Model - a curriculum model in which goals are focused on building self-esteem, cooperation, trust, challenge, and problem solving.
Aerobic Activity - light to vigorous intensity physical activity that requires more oxygen than sedentary behavior and thus promotes cardiovascular
fitness and other health benefits (e.g. jumping rope, biking, swimming, running; playing soccer, basketball, or volleyball).
Aerobic Efficiency - ability of the body to supply fuel and oxygen to the muscles.
Aerobic Exercise.- exercise performed in the absence of oxygen.
Affective Development.-the development of attitudes and values.
Agility - the ability to shift the body in different directions quickly and efficiently.
Agility Apparatus. -all types of indoor and outdoor climbing apparatus.
Anaerobic Activity. - intense physical activity that is short in duration and requires a breakdown of energy sources in the absence of sufficient oxygen.
energy sources are replenished as an individual recovers from the activity. Anaerobic activity (e.g., sprinting during running,
swimming, or biking) requires maximal performances during a brief period.
Anaerobic Exercise.- exercise performed in the absence of oxygen.
Apparatus Work. - the second part of a gymnastic lesson. Also, the second part of a Movement Education lesson, concerned with the application of
movement ideas to large and small apparatus.
Arch.- two dancers join inside hands and raise their arms.
Assessment. - process that enables teachers to evaluate a student’s performance, knowledge or achievement.
Asymmetry.- a position or movement characterized by the unevenness of opposite parts of the body.
Athletics. - structured participation in organized sports.
Atrophy. - a reduction in size.
Attack. - players who are designated as forward line players.
Attacking Team. - the team that has possession of the ball; also known as the offensive team.
Away. - the number of players who have been put out.

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Back Court. -the half of the basketball court farthest from the offensive basket.
Bag. - base.
Balance. - the ability to maintain a stationary position or to perform purposeful movements while resisting the force of gravity. Also, the ability to
hold the body in a fixed position.
Baseline. -The endline of a basketball court.
Bases Loaded. Runners on every base.
Base of Support. The space covered and the limbs utilized in supporting the body in any position.
Basic Skills - Skills that utilized either locomotor (e.g. walk, run, jump, skip, gallop) or manipulative (e.g. throw, catch, kick, strike) fundamental
Basket. circular goal located on the backboard.
Baton . A short, round stick passed between members of a relay team.
Beat . The constant, steady pulsation in a movement or musical accompaniment.
Blind Pass . A baton pass in pursuit relays in which the receiver is facing away from the baton as it is passed.
Block . One or two defensive players jump up at the same time as the spiker, with their hands raised and facing the oncoming ball.
Block Plan. A tentative calendar of objectives and activities developed for a unit.
Blocking . A legal method of stopping an opponent.
Boarding . Holding a player against the wall.
Body Awareness. Understanding of one’s own body potential for movement and a sensitivity to one’s physical being.
Body Composition . The relationship in percent of body fat to lean body tissue.
Body Mechanics. Efficient use of the body in maintaining good alignment and in performing daily tasks such as lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling.
Bound Flow. Control or momentary restraint of movement in which the body may be stopped, such as in changing direction of pathway.
Box . The specific area marked and designated as the catcher’s area, the batter’s area, or the coach’s area.
Bunch Start. Crouch start; a starting position used in sprints in which the rear knee is placed next to the forward foot. The thumb and index fingers are
spread and parallel to the starting line.
Buzz . The weight is held on one foot while pushing with the other foot.

Calisthenics. Conditioning exercises designed to improve physical fitness.

Cardiac Output. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart each minute.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance. The maximal functional capacity of the heart and lungs to continue activity over a period of time.
Cardiovascular Fitness. A health-related component of physical fitness that relates to ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen
during sustained physical activity.
Center. The middle position on the forward line, usually played by the tallest player on the team.
Center Of Gravity. The weight center of the body; the point around which the body weight is equally distributed.
Child Self-Evaluation. An evaluation technique in which the student determines when the criteria for a knowledge or skill taught in physical education have
been met.
Circuit Training. A training method in which a number of stations for conditioning different parts of the body or different components of fitness are set up and
the participants go to each station for a set period of time. Repeating one or more exercises as many times as possible within a time limit.
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Classroom Games. Games, relays, and contests that can be played in the classroom.
Clean The Bases. Hit a home run, with one or more teammates on bases.
Cleanup. The fourth, and usually the strongest, hitter in the batting order.
Clockwise. In the same direction as the hands of a clock.
Collecting. In soccer. The ability to receive a ball and get under control using body parts other than the hands.
Command. A teacher-centered approach to teaching in which the teacher presents the material to be learned directly to the students, who move to the
teacher’s command.
Competence. Sufficient ability to enjoy safe participation in an activity; the ability to perform and apply skills.
Competition. A contest between individuals or groups.
Complex Skills. Skills that combine two or more locomotor and/or manipulative fundamental movements.
Concept. The degree of meaning a person possesses about an experience.
Conflict Resolution. Skill developed to help individuals resolve disputes in a way in which there are no real winners and losers.
Content Area. The categories of skill students should possess as a result of instruction.
Contingency Contract. A technique in which the child is offered a reward for behaving in a particular manner: “If you will do this, then you may do that.”
Continuity. Movements following each other in succession.
Contra Dance. Dances done with partners facing in long rows of couples.
Cooperation. Working together to achieve a goal in which success depends on combined effort.
Cooperative Learning. A process in which children work together to determine the one answer to a learning activity.
Coordination. A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in
performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
Corner. When the defending team causes the ball to go over the endline, the attacking team is awarded a free hit from the nearest corner of the field.
Corner Kick. A placekick awarded to the attacking team after the defending team has sent the ball over its own goal line.
Correlation. Relating the subject area to another.
Counterclockwise. In the opposite direction as the hands of a clock.
Cover. In softball, to move in position to make a play at a base by someone other than the usual base player.
Crease. The semicircular area around the goal area.
Creating. The highest level learning process that results in the creation or invention of movements unique to the individual or new to physical education.
Creative Dance. The expression of ideas and feelings through unstructured movement.
Creative Games. Games invented by children.
Creative Playground. A unique arrangement of outdoor apparatus.
Creativity. The degree of inventiveness of a movement.
Criterion-Referenced Tests. Measures of how a person performs; evaluation against qualitative standard, such as the evaluative criteria considered for the
motor skills in this text.
Critical Elements. Key points of emphasis or evaluative criteria emphasized in teaching the skills, strategies, and movement concepts in physical education.
Critical Thinking. Utilizing the higher thought processes of analysis, problem solving and evaluation.
Cumulative Record. A method of plotting a child’s performance (skill or physical fitness items) at the beginning and end of each year.
Curl. An action that flexes or bends the body or its parts.
Curriculum. The total experience within the physical education program that is provided for all children.
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Defensive Team (defense, defending team). The team that does not have possession of the ball.
Development. Changes caused by maturation that lead to more advanced use of particular mechanisms.
Developmental. The systematic and progressive acquisition of concepts and skills.
Developmental Physical Education. Physical education based on the physical, cognitive, social, and affective developmental status of children rather than
age or grade.
Developmentally Appropriate. Those aspects of teaching and learning that change with the age, experience and ability of the learner.
Diamond. The area inside the four bases.
Dink. A deception drop volley executed from a spiked position.
Direct Free Kick. A free kick from which a goal may be scored directly.
Direct Method. A teaching method in which the choice of the activity and how it is performed is entirely the teacher’s.
Direction. The six ways the body can move in space with different body surfaces leading: forward, backward, right, left, up, and down.
Directionality. An awareness of space outside the body involving knowledge of directions in relation to right and left, in and out, up and down.
Discipline. The process for assisting individuals to adjust to their environment; also, the result of failure to adhere to certain standards of behavior.
Distributed Practice. Practice over a period of time in which the time between the practice periods varies.
Dodge. A means of evading an oncoming tackler.
Double Dribble. In basketball, dribbling the ball, stopping, and beginning to dribble once again or contacting the ball with two hands at any time during
Double-Beat Jump. The rope jumper jumps as the rope passes under the feet and then again as the rope passes overhead.
Double-Elimination Tournament. A tournament that ensures the participation of each team or individual until all but one have lost two matches.
Double Play. A defensive play by the fielding team, resulting in two outs.
Down. A method of starting play after the ball has been stopped. In football, each team is given four downs to advance the ball ten yards.
Dribble. A means of advancing the ball or puck with a series of short taps.
Drive. Hit the ball from moderate to a long distance. Also, a quick dribbling movement toward the opponent’s basket.
Dual Activities. Cooperative and competitive activities between two children.
Duration Recording. Recording the amount of time during which an event occurred.
Dynamic Balance. Maintaining balance while moving.

Earned Run. A run scored as a result of an offensive play and not as a result of an error committed by the defensive team.
Educational game. A game with few rules, played by small or large groups, that is selected for the practice and use of previously learned motor skills and
movement concepts.
Endurance. The ability to continue a muscular effort or movement over a prolonged period of time.
Error. A mistake committed by the defensive team.
Evaluation. The act of making judgments about something.
Event Recording. Recording the number of times an event took place.
Exercise. Activities that are planned and structured, and that maintain or improve one or more of the components of physical fitness; leisure time physical
activity conducted with the intention of developing physical fitness.

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Exploration. A child-centered approach to teaching in which the teacher leads the children through a series of very general movement challenges designed
to help them learn about their own movement potential or the use of a particular piece of equipment. Many different responses are possible.
Extension. The act of straightening body parts.
Extraclass Program. A cooperative and competitive program between two or more schools.

Fair Ball. Any legally batted ball that is touch or lands in fair territory.
Fan. A player who misses the third strike.
Fast break. A situation in which the defensive team gains possession of the ball and move it into a scoring position before the opposing team can recover into
a defensive position.
Feedback. Information received while observing one’s own performance.
Feint. A deceptive movement to mislead an opponent.
Fielding. Gaining possession of the ball or puck.
Fine Motor Coordination. Movement involving limited movement of parts of the body in the performance of precise movements (e.g. writing, tying
Fitness. A state of well-being that allows people to perform daily activities with vigor, participate in a variety of physical activities, and reduce their risks for
health problems.
Fitness Model. A curriculum model in physical education that uses activity to enhance fitness.
Flexibility. The range of motion in a joint.
Flexion. The act of bending body parts.
Flick. A method of putting the ball or puck into the air.
Flight. The ability to propel the body in the air.
Float. An interval or period during a long run in which the runner has a relaxed stride, with no increase or decrease in speed.
Floor Exercise. A combination of stunts, tumbling skills, balances, dances, and locomotor and other movements in which the performer moves on a square
mat, using as much space as possible and travelling in several pathways.
Flow. The ability to combine movements smoothly.
Folk Dance. A traditional dance of the people handed down from one generation to the next.
Force. The degree of effort or tension involved in a movement.
Force Out. In softball, an out made by getting the ball to the base before the runner and tagging the base. If the player must run to the base the player may
be forced out.
Formative Evaluation. Evaluation to determine changing needs throughout the learning process.
Forward And Back. This figure may involve one or more dancers facing each other. Both advance four steps forward (or three steps and bow) and four steps
Foul. An illegal act, such as tripping or holding an opponent, which results in a direct free kick being awarded to the nonoffending team.
Foul Ball. A batted ball that settles outside the baseline or lands outside this extended line in the outfield.
Free Flow. A continuity of movement.
Free Hit. A hit awarded to the opposing team after a breach of the rules.
Free Throw. An unguarded shot taken from the free throw line. If successful, the shooting team scores one point.
Frequency. The number of days per week needed to improve fitness.
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Frontcourt. The part of the basketball court nearest each team’s goal.
Front Runner. A runner who performs best when ahead of opponents.
Fundamental Motor Skill. Locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills that form the foundation upon which other skills will be learned; examples
include walking, running, skipping, pulling, pushing, throwing, and catching.

Gallop. A slide performed in a forward direction.

Games Of Low Organization. Such activities as relays, tag, and simple team games that involve one or more basic skills and a minimum of roles and playing
General Space. The area that is available for movement, defined by imposed or natural boundaries.
General Supervision. Supervision provided by a teacher who is in the area of the activity.
Give And Go. An offensive strategy in which the passer draws an opponent, passes a square pass to a teammate, and then receives a return pass after
moving around the opposing player.
Gross-Motor Coordination. Performing skills involving large muscle groups.
Group Sampling. Recording at particular intervals throughout the lesson the number of individuals engaged in a particular activity.
Growth. Change in size.
Guided Discovery. A teaching style in which the teacher leads the children through a series of activities, narrowing their focus at each step of the way until
the one or a limited number of solutions to the movement challenges are reached.

Hash Running. A team race, with markers and hidden directions located along the route.
Heading. Playing the ball by striking it with the head.
Health-Related Physical Fitness. The ability to perform strenuous activity without excessive fatigue and to show evidence of the traits and capacities that
limit the risks of developing disease or disorders that limit a person’s functional capacity.
Heats. Preliminary track-and-field events to determine who will compete in the final events.
High Sticking. Raising the stick above shoulder level.
Hike. The movement of the ball from the center player to the quarterback.
Home. The original starting place of a dance.
Honor. Salute or bow to one’s partner or to other dancers.
Hop. A locomotor movement in which the performer takes off on one foot and lands on the same foot.
Hypertrophy. An increase in size of a muscle as a result of appropriate exercise.

Illegal Contact. Any contact of the ball in which it comes to a visible resting position.
Imagery. To use something from a person’s experience to convey an idea; i.e., light as a feather.
Improvisation. Created extemporaneously, without preplanning.
Indirect Free Kick. A free kick from which a goal may not be scored directly.
Indirect Method. A teaching method that allows the children to choose the activity, as well as how and what they will perform within the activity.
Individual Education Plan (IEP). A plan for long- and short-term goals, activities, and services to meet these goals; it is required for all disabled children.
Individual Games. Low-organization games played by one person with or without small equipment.

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Individualized Family Plan (IFSP). A plan developed for infants and toddlers with special needs, which includes the assessment of the child’s status, family
strengths, and needs and services to be given.
Individualized Learning. A system of teaching that adapts to each learner’s ability, needs, and interests.
Infield. The playing area within and immediately adjacent to the diamond.
Infringement. An illegal act, such as being offside, that results in an indirect kick being awarded to the nonoffending team.
Inning. A division of the game in which both teams play until each has three players out.
Inservice. Training provided for teachers on various aspects of schooling.
Instruction. The activities the teacher uses to move the class toward the lesson objectives.
Instructional Unit. The organization of material around a central activity or theme of instruction.
Integrated Movement Curriculum Model. Includes the study of human movement as an important aspect of each instructional unit.
Integration. Recognizing and teaching the mutual relationship among the subject matter in the schools.
Intensity. In music, the loudness and softness of an accompaniment; in fitness, the degree of vigor or the amount of effort expended during an activity.
Interpersonal Communication Skills. Verbal or non-verbal abilities that help to share feelings, thoughts and information with another person in a positive
Interpersonal Social Skills. Skills that enhance the ability to work and play together such as cooperation, fair play, sportsmanship, respect, loyalty, patience,
self-control and tolerance.
Interschool Athletics. Competition between schools in team and individual sports.
Intersensory Integration. The ability to use input from several sensory organs at the same time.
Interval Recording. An observation technique in which events are recorded at various time intervals.
Intramurals. Voluntary recreational activities conducted within the school setting for all children.
Intrasensory Discrimination. The ability to use various sensory stimuli from a single-sense organ.
Introductory Activity. The first part of a Movement Education lesson, which involves general warm-up and lasts approximately five minutes.
Isometric Exercise. Contraction of muscles involving a push, pull, or twist against an object that does not move.
Isotonic Exercise. Contraction of muscles that involves both shortening and lengthening the muscle fibers.

Jog. A slow, easy run.

Jump. A locomotor or movement in which the performer takes off on one or both feet and lands on two feet.
Jump Ball. A situation in which two opposing players simultaneously gain possession of the ball, and the referee tosses it up between the two players.
Jump Shot. A shot taken while the player has both feet off the floor.

Kickoff. a short kick taken by the center forward at the center of the field. The kickoff is used to start the game, at halftime, and after each goal is scored.
Kinesthetic. A sense of the location and place of body parts in body movements.
Kyphosis. A postural deviation characterized by an increased thoracic curve.

Ladder Tournament. A tournament arranged as the rungs of a ladder. Participants may challenge players on one or two rungs above their own position. The
winner assumes the higher rung. The individual or team at the top of the ladder at the end of the tournament is the winner.
Lap. One complete circuit around the track.
Lateral. A sideways pass of the ball.
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Lay-Up. A shot taken close to the backboard. The ball is released off one hand and gently placed over the rim or against the backboard to allow it to rebound
into the basket.
Lead-Up Game. A game with some of the skills, rules, and game elements of a team sport.
Lean Body Weight. The weight of the bones, muscles, and internal organs.
Leap. An extended running step in which the performer takes off on one foot, travel forward through the air, and lands on the opposite foot.
Learning. A change in behavior brought about as a result of practice.
Least Restrictive Environment. In physical education the environment in which a child can participate successfully and safely in as near a normal setting as
Legal Liability. Responsibility for the children in one’s care as obligated by the law.
Leisure Activity. Physical activity undertaken during discretionary time.
Lesson Plan. The day’s plan for meeting unit objectives, including objectives for the day, activities to meet objectives, points of emphasis, and organizational
Level. High, medium, and low in relation to the standing position or the location of the body parts.
Liability. A violation of an obligation to perform a duty.
Lifestyle Activity. Physical activity typically performed on a routine basis (e.g. walking, climbing stairs, mowing or raking the yard), which is usually light to
moderate in intensity.
Limitation Method. A teaching method in which the choice of the activity or the way it is performed is limited by the teacher.
Linear Motion. A movement in which the body or an object as a whole moves in a straight line.
Line Of Gravity. An imaginary line that passes through the body from head to foot, passing through the center of gravity and dividing the body into two equal
parts from front to back and from side to side.
Line Of Scrimmage. In football, the imaginary line running the width of the field that marks the forward progress of the ball. Teams line up on their side of the
line to begin play.
Locomotor Movement. A movement through space from one place to another.
Locomotor Skills. Basic motor skills involving a change of position of the feet and/or a change of direction of the body.
Lordosis. A postural deviation characterized by an increased lumbar curve.
Low-Intensity Exercise. An exercise that gets the individual moving but does not increase the heart rate to a fitness-improving level or result in overheating
or other discomforts.
Low-Organized Games. Activities that are easy to play, have few and simple rules, require little or no equipment, and may be varied in many ways.

Mainstreaming. The placing of disabled persons in the least restrictive learning environment.
Management. Operations used to move the class through the lesson from one activity to the next.
Manipulative Skills. Skills developed when a person handles some kind of object including throwing, kicking, batting, catching, redirecting an object in flight
(such as volleyball) or continuous control of an object such as a hoop.
Marking. Being responsible for an opponent while playing defense.
Massed Practice. Practice periods scheduled close together.
Maturation. The general progress from one stage of development to a higher, more complex stage. Maturation occurs as a function of time and is
independent of experience.

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Mature Form. The basic movement that can be performed with ease, is smooth, efficient, repetitive and can be performed without thinking out each step of
the movement; the most efficient technique for the development of force production in a skill; usually associated with the highly skilled
performances; using the critical elements of a skill (e.g. step with the opposite foot when throwing).
Maximum Heart Rate. The maximum number of heartbeats attained per minute, depending on age and physical condition.
Maximum Oxygen Consumption (MaxVO2). The greatest amount of oxygen a human can consume at the tissue level.
Measure. Underlying beats grouped together by a unit, the number of which depends on the meter.
Medium Start. A start used in sprints in which the feet are a comfortable distance apart and the hand position is as in the bunch start.
Meter. The number of beats in a measure, such as 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, or 6/8. The upper number represents the number of beats to a measure, the lower number
the type of note to receive one beat.
Method. A general way of guiding and controlling the learning experiences of children.
Mixed Grip. In gymnastics, gripping a bar, with one hand assuming a regular grip, the other a reverse grip.
Modified Teaching Unit. A unit of instruction that emphasizes one type of activity and provides a minor focus on one or more other activities.
Mood. The character of an accompaniment that depicts feelings, such as sadness, gaiety, seriousness, or other emotions.
Motivation. The process of getting an individual to act in ways that satisfy a need or desire.
Motor Skills. Non-fitness abilities that improve with practice (learning) and relate to one’s ability to perform specific sports and other motor tasks.
Motor Skills Curriculum Model. Emphasizes the development of motor skills as its primary focus.
Movement Challenge. A movement problem posed that involves problem solving with a focus on the movement content.
Movement Concepts. The elements important in the study of human movement: body awareness, space, and qualities of movement, including force,
balance, time, and flow.
Movement Concepts And Principles. Relates to the cognitive information concerning the development of physical fitness and motor development and its
application in real life such as specificity in training and other principles of conditioning, application of force, center of gravity, and stress
Movement Education. A child-centered approach to learning in physical education designed to help children develop greater understanding of themselves as
movers, the space in which to move, and the factors affecting efficient movement.
Movement Ideas. A movement concept related to one or more of the basic elements – qualities, body awareness, space awareness, and relationships.
Movement Model. Stresses the movement content as the only legitimate curriculum content; utilizes problem solving and other child-centered approaches for
the most part.
Movement Training. The second part of a Movement Education lesson, which is concerned with the development of movement themes and activities.
Multiple Teaching Unit. A unit of instruction that includes two or more activities.
Muscular Endurance. The ability of the muscles to sustain effort over time.
Muscular Strength. The amount of force a muscle can exert.

Net Recovery. A fair move to play the volleyball after it has been hit into the net by a teammate.
Neuromuscular Skills. Motor skills under the voluntary control of the brain.
Nonlocomotor Movement. A movement executed while the individual remains in one place.
Nonlocomotor Skills. Movements of the body performed from a relatively stable base.

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Norm-Referenced Tests. Measures of quantitative data that serve as a comparison with scores of other children of the same age and sex tested under like
conditions, such as the AAHPERD health-related physical fitness test norms.

Obstacle Course. An arrangement of small and large equipment designed to improve physical fitness and skill development.
Obstruction. When a player runs between an opponent and the ball.
Offense (Offensive Team). the team that has possession of the ball.
Off-Side. A player from either team moving across the line of scrimmage before the ball is centered.
One-On-One. A situation in which one offensive player tries to outmaneuver one defensive player.
Open. Partners stand side-by-side, with their inside hands joined. Girls stand to the boy’s right.
Opposite. The person or the couple directly across the square.
Ossification. The hardening of cartilaginous tissue into bone in the development process.
Out. The retirement of a batter after three strikes. Also, a base runner who is caught or forced out.
Outfield. The fair territory located beyond the infield.
Overload. A performance of an exercise or activity that requires the individual to exert more than a normal effort.

Pace. The rate of speed the runner sets for a particular distance run.
Parallel Play. The play of young children in which they participate alongside other children but do not depend on the others for success or for meeting their
play objective.
Passing Zone. An area on the track within which the baton must be passed.
Pathways. Lines of movement in space: straight, curved, or combinations of straight and curved.
Pattern. The arrangement of a series of movements in relation to shape, level, and pathway.
Penalty Kick. If a foul is committed by the defending team within the penalty area, the attacking team is given a direct free kick from the twelve-yard mark,
directly in front of the goal. All other players must be outside the penalty area until the kick is taken.
Perceiving. The initial phase of learning in which concepts and motor skills are introduced.
Perception. The ability to use information coming in through the sense organs to make judgments about the environment.
Perceptual-Motor Response. The process of perceiving a stimulus and translating it into a motor response.
Perceptual Motor Skills. Movement involving the interrelationships between the perceptual or sensory processes and motor activity including balance and
Performance. A temporary occurrence or action.
Performance Indicator. The indices of quality that specify how competent a student must be to meet the standard.
Personal Space. The area around an individual that can be used while keeping one part of the body in a fixed position on the floor or apparatus; also known
as limited space.
Phrase. A group of measures that constitutes a musical thought.
Physical Activity. Physical movement involving the large skeletal muscles; a wide variety of activities that promote health and well-being; bodily movement
that is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle and that substantially increases energy expenditure.
Physical Education. That aspect of education in the schools designed to develop skillful, fit, and knowledgeable movers through carefully planned and
conducted experiences.
Physical Fitness. The degree to which a person is physically able to function.
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Physically Gifted. Possessing a unique talent or ability in physical fitness.

Physically Handicapped. Suffering from a disease or physical disability.
Pinch Hitter. A substitute hitter.
Pivot. A method of changing pathways by rotating the body around one stationary foot, which remains in contact with the floor.
Play Day. An interschool event in which children from two or more schools play on the same team.
Pole Position. The inside, or curb, lane of the track.
Pop-Up. A high fly ball that lands in or near the infield.
Portfolio. A method of assessment in which samples of a student’s work and evaluations are collected and the results indicate pupil progress and
identification of present needs.
Post. The post player is normally a pivot player positioned near the key with his or her back toward the basket.
Posture. The relative alignment of the body segments.
Power. The ability of the body to apply a maximum muscular contraction with the quickest possible speed.
Practice. A teacher-centered teaching style that permits individual practice with teacher supervision.
Problem Solving. A teaching style whereby the teacher leads the children through a series of activities in which the children find an increasing number of
possible responses to a movement challenge.
Pronation. Rotation of the arm to bring the palm downward or backward.
Psychomotor. Motor activity stimulated by the higher brain centers.
Psychomotor Development. Area of learning involving the attainment of movement skills and competencies needed for a lifetime of activity.
Punt. A kick performed by dropping the ball and contacting it with the top of the foot before it touches the ground.
Pursuit Relay. A relay run on an oval in which each member runs a particular distance of the course.
Pyramid Tournament. Participants are arranged in a pyramid. Players challenge others in the level above. The winner assumes the higher position. At the
end of the tournament, the player or team at the top is the winner.

Qualitative Objective. A statement that identifies the behavior necessary for success, such as the way body parts are used in performing a motor skill.
Qualities. How the body can move. It is the ability to move quickly or slowly, the ability to perform light or heavy movements, and the flow with which one
movement is linked to another.
Qualities Of Movement. Factors affecting efficient movement, such as balance, force, time, and flow.
Quantitative Objective. A statement that measures the result of the behavior, such as the degree of success in a particular situation.
Quality Physical Education Programs. Those that are developmentally appropriate and provide a progressive, systematic curriculum.

Range. The relation of the body parts to each other or of the body to objects in space.
Rating Scale. An evaluative technique in which values are arranged on a continuum from high to low; on the basis of observation, children’s performance is
placed along the continuum.
RBM. Runs battled in by a player.
Reality Therapy. A technique used to help persons be responsible for their behavior by identifying undesirable behavior and the consequences of that
behavior and developing a plan to meet desired goals.
Reaction Time. A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of the reaction to it.
Rebound. A shot attempted at the basket that falls back into the court area.

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Reciprocal. A teaching style that uses peer teaching and feedback.

Refining. Those phrases of learning in which skills are mastered and concepts well understood; ends in habituation of motor skills.
Regular Grip. In gymnastics, gripping a bar with the fingers on top, the thumbs underneath, and the palms facing away from the performer.
Reinforcement. An event that increases the probability of a behavior occurring again.
Relationship. The position of the body in relation to the floor, apparatus, or other performers.
Relay Activities. Activities that involve a race between two or more participants or teams.
Retention. Degree to which learning is remembered over time.
Reverse Grip. In gymnastics, gripping a bar with the thumbs closest to the performer, the fingers behind the bar, and the palms facing the performer.
Reverse Stick. In field hockey, when the stick is rolled over to hit the ball toward the right.
Reverse Turn. A method of changing pathways from a stride position in which the body runs toward the rear foot as both feet remain in contact with the floor.
Rhythm/S. Involves motion that possesses regularity and a predictable pattern often involving music such as dance patterns and jumping rope.
Rhythmic. Performing a variety of body movements in time to a specific rhythmic accompaniment.
Rhythmic Pattern. A combination of notes, even and uneven in time, that constitutes a measure or a phrase.
Roll-In. when the opponent causes the ball to cross the sideline, a player on the nonoffending team is awarded a free roll-in at the point of infraction.
Rotary Motion. A movement that traces out an arc or circle around an axis or fixed point.
Rotation. The turning of a body part about its long axis.
Round Robin Tournament. A tournament in which each participant plays every other participant in the tournament, with the winner determined as the one
with the best winning record.
Rudimentary Application. Movements acquired during the first year of life concerning stability (control of head/neck/truck, sitting, standing), locomotion
(crawling, creeping, upright gait), and manipulation (reaching, grasping, releasing).
Run. A transfer of weight from one foot to the other, with a momentary loss of contact with the floor by both feet.

Safety. When a defensive player in possession of the ball is trapped behind his or her own goal line. The attacking team is awarded two points.
Safety Training. Teaching children to move and land safely and efficiently. In a broader context, it refers to the individual’s safety on or around apparatus and
to the individual’s concern for the safety of other participants.
Scoliosis. A postural deviation characterized by one or more lateral curvatures of the spine.
Scoop. A method of raising the ball into the air.
Scratch. A foul committed by stepping over the scratch line.
Scrimmage Line. The line on which each down begins. The defending team must remain behind this line until the ball has left the center’s hands.
Self-Analysis. An evaluation technique in which the teacher reflects on the lesson taught, focusing on particular aspects of the lesson the teacher wishes to
Self-Concept. Feelings an individual has about herself or himself.
Self-Esteem. The value placed on the perceptions of self.
Self-Image. The feeling and/or opinion a child has about himself or herself.
Self-Space. The are of space the body occupies and that space within the body’s natural extensions.
Sequence. A series of movements performed in succession.
Sequential. Following one movement pattern to the next in an orderly pattern.
Set Shot. A shot taken from a stationary position.

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Setup. This is normally the second hit by a team and is directed to a forward player, who then may attempt a spike or a volley over the net.
Shape. The image presented by the position of the body when travelling or stationary.
Shotgun. In football, receiving the ball from the center from a position in which the quarterback stands several yards behind the center.
Shuttle Relay. A relay run back and forth between two lines.
Side Out. A violation committed by the serving team.
Singing Games. Activities of young children in which children’s poems are put to music and imitative movements are used.
Single-Beat Jump. The rope jumper jumps only as the rope passes under the feet.
Single-Elimination Tournament. A tournament in which players are eliminated after one loss. A player or team winning all matches is the winner.
Skill Game. A game in which the primary purpose is the practice of a motor skill.
Skill-Related Physical Fitness. Consists of those components of physical fitness that have a relationship with enhanced performance in sports and motor
skills: agility, balance, coordination, power, speed and reaction time.
Skill Test. An evaluative technique used to evaluate motor skill performance that usually records a quantitative measure of skill performance.
Skinfold Caliper. An instrument for measuring percent of body fat.
Skip. A step-hop combination executed in an uneven rhythm alternating the lead foot.
Slide. A locomotor movement executed in uneven rhythm in which the performer steps to the side, closes the trailing foot to the lead foot, transfers the weight
back to the trailing foot, and repeats the action again.
Sociogram. A technique used to study the relationships within groups.
Solid Teaching Unit. An extensive period of instruction devoted exclusively to one type of activity.
Space. The area in which a movement takes place.
Space Awareness. Perception of where the body moves, including general and self space, directions, pathways, levels, and extensions.
Space Concepts. Movement concepts including self and general space, direction and pathways, level, and range.
Spatial Awareness. The ability to move the body or its parts in specific directions.
Specialized Movement Skill. Movement skills used specifically for structured sports and games, as opposed to skills fundamental to many sports (i.e. lay up
shot, volleyball spike, golf drive, tennis forehand); skills basic to a movement form (basketball chest pass, soccer dribble, fielding a softball with a
Specific Supervision. Supervision in which the teacher is working directly with the students.
Specificity Of Skill. The differential ability of an individual to acquire and perform physical skills and movement patterns.
Speed. The ability to perform successive movements of the same pattern in the shortest period of time.
Spike. A ball hit downward into the opponent’s court.
Spiral. A forward pass in which the football moves with a spiral action, with the point of the ball leading.
Sport. A general term for structured physical activities and athletics.
Sport Elitism. Preferential treatment of students who are skilled over those who are less skilled.
Sports Day. An interschool competitive event in which teams represent their own schools.
Sportslike Behavior. Conduct becoming a sportsperson, including respect for rules and authority, playing fair, working with others in a group effort, being a
good competitor, and accepting winning and losing in a socially acceptable manner.
Spotting. Giving physical assistance to a person performing a motor skill, especially in gymnastics where the possibility of injury is increased in the learning
Sprint. A dash or short-distance race of 20 to 50 yards for elementary school children.
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Square. For couples, each forming one side of a square.

Square Dance. Dances of American origin executed in a four couple set.
Square Pass. In hockey or soccer, a pass parallel to the end line between two players; also called a flat pass.
Stance. The starting position of a football player.
Standard. The agreed upon level of accomplishment; what all students must know and be able to do as a result of instruction.
Star Or Wheel. Two or more dancers join right hands in the center of the set and walk forward or backward as directed.
Static Balance. Balance while stationary.
Station Work. A technique of organizing the class into small working units.
Steal. A player advances to another base after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand and before the infield player can tag the advancing player with the ball.
Stimulus-Response Theory. Theory that learning consists of strengthening the connections (bonds) between the stimulus and response.
Strength. The amount of force a muscle or group of muscles can exert.
Stress Management. The ability to cope with stress as a normal part of life including the ability to identify situations and conditions that produce stress and
adopt healthy coping behaviors.
Stretch. Move the body or parts of it from a flexed to an extended position.
Stride. The distance between the right and left foot imprints on a track. The measurement is made from the toe of the back foot to the heel imprint of the lead
Strike Zone. In softball, the area between the batter’s armpits and the knees.
Stroke Volume. The amount of blood ejected into circulation with each contraction of the heart.
Summative Evaluation. A final evaluation conducted at the end of a unit or program.
Supination. Rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm faces downward or upward.
Supplies. Materials that are expendable within one or two years.
Sway. A nonlocomotor movement characterized by a pendular movement with the axis below the moving part.
Swing. A nonlocomotor movement characterized by a pendular movement with the axis above the moving part.
Symmetry. In Movement Education, symmetry describes a movement or balance position in which both sides of the body would look identical if an imaginary
line were drawn through the middle of the body.

Tackle. A means of taking the ball or puck away from an opponent without personal contact.
Tactile. The sense of touch.
Task. A style of teaching in which learning objectives and activities are selected and organized by the teacher but in which students assume responsibility for
learning by selecting those objectives and activities on which they need to work.
Task Cards. A technique in which instructions or challenges are written on cards.
Teacher Observation. A technique used in the evaluation of students in which the teacher observes the extent to which certain objectives have been met
using checklists or rating scales to record observations.
Teaching Formation. A specific way of organizing the class such as line, circle, or shuttle patterns.
Teaching Style. Teaching methods and strategies for organizing and presenting learning experiences to children.
Team Sports. Includes games, sports and leisure pursuits that require the participation of one or more groups of individuals on teams such as basketball,
football and soccer.
Team Teaching. The organization of teachers and students into instructional groups that permits maximum utilization of staff abilities.
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Technique. Part of a method.

Tempo. The rate of speed from fast to slow.
Terminal Objectives. Statements of the intended final outcomes of the objectives of a unit.
Theme. A central movement idea.
Through Pass. In soccer or hockey, a pass parallel to the sideline in which the passer hits the ball straight ahead and the receiver moves forward past an
opposing player and cuts for the ball.
Throw-In. A two-hand overhead free throw awarded to the team that did not cause the ball to cross over the sideline.
Time. Duration: the length of fitness activity periods.
Time-Out. Removing a child from activity as a means of controlling inappropriate behavior.
Tort. A psychological or physical injury resulting from someone’s failure to meet their legal responsibility.
Touchback. When a defensive player intercepts the ball behind his or her own goal line and places it on the ground rather than attempting to run it out over
the goal line. One point is awarded to the attacking team.
Touchdown. When a member of the attacking team carries the ball over the goal line or a teammate catches a ball while in the end zone. The attacking team
is awarded six points.
Tournament. a method of organizing small and large groups for competition.
Transfer. The ability to apply what was learned in one situation to new situations.
Trapping. Stopping the ball using any part of the body except the hands.
Traveling. In basketball, while in possession of the ball, taking more than two steps before dribbling or passing.
Turn. A rotation of the body and loss of the initial fixed point of contact (e.g., turning in a full arc).
Twist. One part of the body is held in a fixed position on the floor or apparatus and the rest of the body is turned away from the fixed position (e.g., twisting
the trunk to the side and back).

Underlying Beat. The pulse beat; a steady, even beat found in any piece of music.
Unit Plan. A series of related learning experiences organized around a common theme.
Upfield Pass. In soccer or hockey, a pass on diagonal, passed at an angle in front of a player who is closer to the goal.

Varsovienne Position. The boy stands slightly behind to the left of his partner. While both are facing the same direction, the girl raises both hands to about
shoulder height and the boy joins his right hand with the girl’s right hand and his left hand with the girl’s left hand.
Varying. That phrase of learning in which the teacher alters the learning environment, resulting in the need to make adjustments in the use of motor skills and
Vaulting. In gymnastics, a movement in which the performer passes over a piece of equipment.
Visual Pass. in track events, a pass of the baton in which the receiver watches the baton into the hand.
Volley. A type of kick in which the ball is contacted while it is in the air.

Walk. A rhythmic transfer of weight from one foot to the other. One foot is always in contact with the ground. Also, this occurs when four balls are called on
the batter, who advances to first base.
Weight. The degree of muscle tension involved in the production of a movement, or the maintenance of a static position involving tension.

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Wellness. A way of life purposely designed to enjoy the highest level of health and well-being possible, including nutrition, weight control, avoiding substance
abuse, being physically fit and leading an active life, controlling stress, developing good relationships with others, living with high values and
ethics, and attending somewhat to spirituality.
Wide. An action that moves the arm or legs away from the trunk.

Yoga Exercise. An ancient Indian system of exercise, which is performed slowly.

Zone Defense. A type of defense in which the defensive players are assigned specif


Alejandro, Reynaldo (1978). Philippine Dance. Vera-Reyes, Inc.

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