Review On The Role of Allelopathy in Pest Management and Crop Production By: Serkie Habtamu IDNO - DBUR/1994/09

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Above all I would like to thank my God for his presence with me in all ups and
downs ,next I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation and thanks to my
advisor Derib Alemu(Msc) for his valuable support in advising me during
reviewing my seminar paper and directs me how to go through the work smoothly.
Next to this I would like to thank my family for their continuous financial and
moral support and department of plant science for their designing such kinds of
course and give us a chance to attend. Finally I would to thank the librarians for
their support in providing with reference materials.

List of abbreviation
FAO food and agricultural organization
USD united states dollar
IAS International Allelopathy Society

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................. i
List of abbreviation .................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................... 1
2.1 Role of Allelopathy in Weed Management for Sustainable Agriculture......... 1
2.2Allelopathy as Crop rotation .......................................................................... 2
2.3 Allelopathy as Cover crops ............................................................................ 3
2.4Allelopathy as Mulching ................................................................................. 3
2.5Allelopathic water extracts ............................................................................ 4
2.6 Combined effect of allelopathic water extracts and herbicides .................... 5
2.7 Allelopathy for Insect-Pest management ...................................................... 6
2.8 Role of Allelopathy in Disease management ................................................. 7
3. Summary and conclusion ................................................................................... 8
4. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 10

1. Introduction
Allelopathy is a relatively newer and potential area of research. Allelopathy is a
phenomenon where by secondary metabolites synthesized by fungi, viruses,
microorganisms and plants influence biological and agricultural systems, which
may be ïeither stimulatory or inhibitory (Torres et al., 1996). The word allelopathy
is derived from two Greek words: ‘allelon’, meaning ‘of each other’, and ‘pathos’,
meaning ‘to suffer’. This ancient concept was known to classical researchers in the
Greek and Roman era (Wills 2007). The term ‘allelopathy’ was first used by
Austrian plant physiologist Molísch, who defined it as the chemical interaction
among plants and microorganisms (Molísch 1937).

Allelopathy involves the synthesis of plant bioactive compounds, known as

allelochemicals, capable of acting as natural pesticides and can resolve problems
such as resistance development in pest biotypes, health defects and soil and
environmental pollution caused by the indiscriminate use of synthetic
agrochemicals. Allelopathic crops, when used as cover crops, mulch, smother
crops, intercrops or green manures, or grown in rotational sequences, can combat
biotic stresses such as weed infestation, insect pests and disease pathogens and
additionally build up fertility and organic matter status of soil, thereby reducing
soil erosion, and improve farm yields (Dayan et al., 2009).

Sustainable agriculture aims at long-term maintenance of natural resources and

agricultural productivity with minimal adverse impact on the environment. It
emphasizes optimal crop production with minimal external inputs, reducing
dependence on commercial inputs (fertilizer and pesticides) and substituting them
with internal resources and relying on sustainable practices, which could maintain
the productivity over long periods. Research has shown that allelopathic practices

may meet all these requirements; Allelopathy, being an important phenomenon in
agriculture, is also important in sustainable agriculture. Thus for sustainability,
future weed control practices must minimize the use of herbicides and use
allelopathic strategies and other practices for weed management (Farooqet al.,
Indiscriminate use of herbicides for weed control during the last 50 years has
resulted in serious ecological and environmental problems as under: (A) Increasing
incidence of resistance in weeds to important herbicides (Duke et al., 2001) (B)
Shifts in weed population to species that are more closely related to the crops
infested e.g., wild oat (Avenafatua) in oat (A. sativa) (C) Greater environmental
pollution (FAO 1990) and health hazards (D) Toxic residues of herbicides pollute
the environment and may prove hazardous to even future generations. (E) Some
agricultural commodities may contain minute quantities of herbicide residues, with
long-term adverse effects on human and livestock health. Because of these reasons,
serious ecological questions about the reliance on herbicides for weed control have
been raised. FAO Expert Consultation Group on ‘Weed Ecology and Management
‘has expressed great concern about the problems associated with the use of
herbicides for weed control and has recommended minimizing or eliminating use
of herbicides with alternative strategies viz., allelopathy (FAO1997) to maintain
weeds at economic threshold level and use of clean crop seed, etc Allelopathy may
help in weed control through inhibition of weed seed germination and seedling
growth. Present understanding of the plant biochemistry, physiology, morphology,
inter and intra-plant specific interactions and chemistry of natural products have
shown that smothering crops, trap crops, and allelochemicals may be used in weed
control, overcoming the problems associated with herbicides. Three allelopathic
strategies for weed control (a) selection of weed smothering crops and breeding
their varieties to control major weeds in a given area, (b) inclusion of allelopathic
crops in rotation and/or use their residues as mulches (Liebman and Dyck 1993),
and (c) selecting allelochemicals from plants or microbes with herbicidal activity.
Allelopathy may help in weed control through inhibition of weed seed germination
and seedling growth. Present understanding of the plant biochemistry, physiology,
morphology, inter and intra-plant specific interactions and chemistry of natural
products have shown that smothering crops, trap crops, and allelochemicals may be
used in weed control, overcoming the problems associated with herbicides.
(Reinhardt et al., 1993) has suggested three allelopathic strategies for weed control
(a) selection of weed smothering crops and breeding their varieties to control major
weeds in a given area, (b) inclusion of allelopathic crops in rotation and/or use
their residues as mulches (Liebman and Dyck 1993), and (c) selecting
allelochemicals from plants or microbes withherbicidalactivity. Wise exploitation
of allelopathy in cropping systems may be an effective, economical and natural
method of pest management, and a substitute for heavy use of pesticides. Pesticide
use may be reduced by exploiting allelopathy as an alternate pest management tool
in sustainable intensive crop production. Several researchers have described
allelochemicals as natural pesticides. Allelochemicals usually have a mode of
action different from synthetic herbicides, being more easily and rapidly
degradable owing to a shorter half-life, with comparatively fewer halogen
substituents and no unnatural ring structures. (Dayan et al 2009).

Phytochemicals have low or no toxicity to animals and beneficial insects, possess

an array of activity with varying and diverse site of action and have a
comparatively high degradation rate.(Regnault et al., 2004).Allelochemicals may
influence vital physiological processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, cell
division and elongation, membrane fluidity, protein biosynthesis and activity of
many enzymes, and may also affect tissue water status (Cloyd 2004).

Allelochemicals are usually more effective in mixtures than singly to influence
targets. Previous reviews on allelopathy include research on allelopathic potential
of plants genetic differences among cultivars to suppress crops and weeds,
identification of allelochemicals, significance of allelopathy in ecosystems and
possibilities of using allelopathic crops for weed management in field crops. In the
present review, the possible use of allelopathy as an alternative to pesticides for
managing weeds, insect pests and diseases, especially in small-farm intensive
agricultural systems(Weston LA and Duke 2003).


 To review the role of allelopathy in pest management and crop


2.1 Role of Allelopathy in Weed Management for Sustainable Agriculture
The word weed means any wild plants that grows at an unwanted place for
example in fields and interferes with the growth of cultivated plants are known to
reduce crop yield. In agro-ecosystems, weeds compete with crop plants for
resources, interfere in crop handling, reduce crop yield and deteriorate their
quality, and thus result in huge financial losses.Several techniques (e.g. mechanical
and chemicals) are used for weed control. Nowadays, chemical method provides an
effective strategy for weed control. Nevertheless, the indiscriminate use of
herbicides has provoked an increasing incidence of resistance in weeds to some
herbicides, changes in weed population to species more related to the crop,
environmental pollution, and potential health hazards (Macíaset al., 2006).

Overuse of synthetic chemicals for weed control worsens the quality of soil, water,
other life support systems, human health and food. Because of all these problems,
efforts are being made to find out alternative low-input strategies for weed
management. In this regard, much attention has been focused on the use of
allelopathic plants and their products for managing weeds in a sustainable manner.
Natural products release from allelopathic plants may help to reduce the use of
synthetic herbicides for weed management and therefore, causeless pollution, safer
agricultural products as well as alleviate human health concerns So, it is
worthwhile to explore the potential of plants with strong allelopathic activity for
the management of agricultural weeds.The use of allelopathy for controlling weeds
could be either through directly utilizing natural allelopathic interactions,
particularly of crop plants, or by using allelochemicals as natural herbicides. In the
former case, a number of crop plants with allopathic potential can be used as cover
and green manure crops for managing weeds by making desired manipulation since
the cultural practices and cropping patterns. These can be suitably rotated or
intercropped with main crops to manage the target weeds (including parasitic ones)
selectively. Even the crop mulch/ residues can also give desirable benefits
(Khanhet al., 2007).

2.2Allelopathy as Crop rotation

Crop rotation is the sequential sowing of various crops in a particular field over a
definite time period. In crop rotation, allelopathic or smothering crops use
allelochemicals exuded by roots and released by decomposition of preceding crop
residues to suppress weeds, disease pathogens and insect pests (Vollet al., 2004). A
properly designed crop rotation can increase yield by around 20%. Crop rotation
leads to numerous benefits over monocultures. Special attention should be paid to
pest management when designing the rotation. Factors such as different root
systems and plant architecture, differences in sowing and harvesting times,
allelopathy, varying soil and crop management techniques and diverse cultural
practices may be responsible for pest suppression and other benefits in a rotation
(Peters et al., 2003).

Plant-released allelochemicals through root exudation and litter decomposition in

rotational sequence suppress weeds. Crop rotation is also helpful in neutralizing
potential auto toxic effects associated with allelochemicals. Crops following
sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) face less weed competition owing to suppression of
weeds by allelochemicals added to soil by the sorghum crop (Einhellig and
Rasmussen 1989). Rice–wheat is a major cropping system in many Asian
countries. Heavily infested with weeds, this system largely relies on herbicide
inputs for weed control. Integration of smothering allelopathic crops such as pearl
millet (Pennisetumglaucum L.), maize and sorghum in the rice–wheat cropping
system, grown after harvesting wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) and before rice

transplantation, offers effective weed control for the upcoming rice crop for at least
45 days (Peters et al., 2003). Wheat has the potential for integration as a trap crop
as it stimulates parasitic seed germination without attachment, so working as a
false host. This can therefore be used to suppress the parasitic weed infestation
(Lins et al., 2006).

2.3 Allelopathy as Cover crops

Cover crops are grown to control weeds, conserve soil, suppress insects,
nematodes and other disease pathogens, enhance nutrient recycling and supply
fodder. Important cover crops include sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.), yellow
sweet clover (Melilotusofficinalis L.), sorghum, cowpea, alfalfa (Medicago sativa
L.), velvet bean, red clover and ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.).Legume crops such as
velvet bean, jumbie bean (Leucaenaleucocephala ), wild tamarind
(Lysilomalatisili-quum (L.) and jack bean Canavaliaensiformis.) , used as cover
crops in maize, Likewise, barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) grown as a cover crop for
weed control in soybean suppressed weeds such as crabgrass (Digitariaciliaris )
and barnyard grass(Kobayashi et al., 2003). Cover crops incorporated into soil as
green manure can delay planting and emergence owing to excess soil moisture,
have phytotoxic effects on major crops and increase nitrogen immobilization. This
can, however, is avoided through the adoption of good management practices and
by optimizing and integrating cover crops in a cropping system (Caporali et al

2.4Allelopathy as Mulching
Mulch is spread over the soil surface to suppress weeds, among other strategies.
Mulches obstruct seed germination of weeds and inhibit weed seedling growth
through the release of allelochemicals established weeds, however, are difficult to
control with mulches. In addition to weed suppression, use of allelopathic crop

residues as surface mulch benefits agricultural sustainability by adding organic
matter to soil, conserving soil moisture, improving water infiltration into soil,
decreasing the impact of raindrops on soil, modifying/regulating soil temperature,
enhancing biological activities in soil and controlling soil erosion (Teasdale and
Mohler 2000).Allelopathic plant mulches applied to rice fields at suppressed
noxious paddy weeds such as barnyard grass, purple nuts edge (Cyperusrotundus
L.), and Wheat residues as soil cover reduced weed density and dry weight while
conserving soil moisture. (Teasdale and Mohler 2000) reported quantitative
relationships between emergence and mulch properties with mulches such as maize
stalks, rye (Secalecereale L.), crimson clover (T. incarnatum L.), hairy vetch
(Viciavillosa Roth), Quercus leaves and landscape fabric strips.

2.5Allelopathic water extracts

Water‐soluble secondary metabolites or allelochemicals present in the plant tissues

are extracted in water to use them for pest management.Water extracts can be used
as a medium for the expression of allelochemical activity to depress the growth of
other organisms. Several researchers have suggested the use of allelochemicals
extracted in water for weed suppression in the laboratory and also application
under field conditions.Jabranetal.andJamilet al.described the utilisation of
allelopathic water extract as an important and useful way of exploiting the
allelopathic potential of crop plants to manage weeds. Water extracts of mature
sorghum plants substantially reduced the weed population and biomass.

In wheat, application of sorghum water extracts at various rates and frequencies

has been found to reduce weed growth and density, with a simultaneous increase in
grain yield.Application of sorghum water extract 30 and 60 days after sowing
reduced the weed biomass and density by 49 and 44% respectively with increase in

grain yield (21%), when applied at 1:10 w/v ratio. Nevertheless, single and
multiple application of allelopathic extracts provided similar levels of weed
supreesion and yield increase. Application of sorghum water extract substantially
reduced the population of lambsquarters (C. album), lesser swine cress
(Coronopusdidymus L.), toothed dock (Rumexdentatus L.) and Indian fumitory
(Fumariaperviflora Lam.) when applied at 10 and 50% concentration. In this
regard, maximum application of 10% sorghum water extract at 60 DAS provided
the better control, with 53 and 36% reduction in weed biomass and population
respectively, and with a yield increase of 14%.In another study, application of
sorghum water extract (one and two sprays) significantly reduced the
lambsquarters, littleseedcanarygrass, wild oat (Avenafatua L.), field bindweed
(Convolvulus arvensis L.) and toothed dock density by 22–39%, but the density
and biomass of sweet clover either increased or remained unchanged. In another
experiment, single and double applications of sorghum water extract increased the
wheat grain yield by 13.5 and 18.6% compared with the control. This increase in
grain yield was attributed to allelopathicsupression of weeds.

2.6 Combined effect of allelopathic water extracts and herbicides

Substantial scope exists to reduce the herbicide rate if applied together with
allelopathic water extracts. For weed control in wheat, for example, when applied
in combination with sorghum water extract (12 L ha−1), the rate of isoproturon
application was decreased by 50–60% .In studies on weed management in cotton
and maize, at sowing, a half‐dose application of atrazine (150 g ha−1) in
combination with sorghum water extract (at 12 L ha−1) controlled weeds,
paralleling a full dose These authors further observed that the combined
application of sorghum water extract (at 12 L ha−1) and pendimethalin at one‐third
of the standard dose produced more seed cotton yield than the full dose, even

though weed supression was relatively less. In another study, weed suppression
from the combined application of sorghum extract and reduced herbicide dose (400
g ha−1) and a full dose of isoproturon (1 kg ha−1) was similar during the first year.

2.7 Allelopathy for Insect-Pest management

Extensive use of synthetic insecticides usually has negative effects on the
environment and on human and animal health and, most critically, develops
resistance among insects. Scientists are therefore turning towards natural insect
suppressants.Neem (Azadirachtaindica L.) seed oil exhibits antifeedant properties
against nymphs and adults of strawberry aphids Chaetosiphonfragaefolii
(Cockerell)], Conifer plantations treated with neem oil deter feeding activity of
large pine weevil (Hylobiusabietis L.) for 3 months. Sitka spruce Piceasitchensis
(Bong.) seedlings without neem oil treatment were killed by the feeding weevil,
while those treated with neem oil (30 cm above the root collar) were not affected;
azadirachtin, nimbin and salannin are the allelochemicals identified in neem oil
(Dayan et al., 2009).

Decomposing residues of cover crops improved soil nutrient status and released
allelochemicals that deter plant pests, particularly soil-borne disease pathogens.
(Gallandt and Haramoto 2004) Exposure to volatile oils from eucalyptus
(Eucalyptus globulus L.) during larval periods of rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica
St) severely affected post-embryonic development and adult emergence evaluated
the effectiveness of allelopathic water extracts of sorghum, mustard and sunflower,
along with combinations of sorghum and mulberry (Morus alba L.) and sorghum
and sunflower, for controlling aphids and sucking insects of Brassica spp. Sorghum
water extracts were most effective (62.5% aphid mortality) at a concentration of
8%, and sunflower water extracts (16% concentration) resulted in 52.5% aphid

mortality. Combination water extracts (16%) of sorghum and mulberry resulted in
45.7% aphid mortality, and sorghum and sunflower had 57.5% mortality.

2.8 Role of Allelopathy in Disease management

Plant disease is a serious issue causing detrimental effects on many crops including
cereals, oilseeds, etc., and especially vegetables. A number of soil-borne diseases
cause substantial losses to crop production by disturbing the crop stand and
lowering product quality. Intercropping creates a microclimate, which is helpful
for reducing disease intensity Gómez et al., (2003).Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica L)
bark has inhibitory effects against diseases causing root infections in tomato
(Lycopersiconesculentum L.). Root exudates from Chinese chive (Allium
tuberosum L.) inhibit multiplication of bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum
Smith). Certain volatile allelochemicals are exuded from aerial parts of marigold
(Tageteserecta L.) Bacterial wilt of tomato (Ps. solanacearum) has been well
controlled by intercropping tomato with cowpea. Brassica spp. produces volatile
sulfur compounds (glucosinolates) in the soil microenvironment, which are
converted to isothiocyanates through biofumigation to suppress soil organisms.
These compounds can reduce fungal pathogens and nematodes in the soil (Cohen
et al., 2005).

3. Summary and conclusion
Allelochemicals are capable of acting as natural pesticides and can resolve
problems such as resistance development in pest biotypes, health defects and soil
and environmental pollution caused by the indiscriminate use of synthetic
agrochemicals Allelopathic crops, when used as cover crops, mulch, , intercrops
or green manures, or grown in rotational sequences, can combat biotic stresses
such as weed infestation, insect pests and disease pathogens and additionally build
up fertility and organic matter status of soil, thereby reducing soil erosion, and
improve farm yields.

Allelopathic potential of higher plants can be exploited for the management of a

variety of phytopathogens especially fungi, bacteria and nematodes. In addition,
allelopathic crops can be incorporated into the soil as green manure to reduce the
population of phytopathogens. These natural product based pesticides will possibly
be far less harmful for the environment as compared to synthetic agrochemicals.
Allelochemicals are advantages as they are biodegradable; having different modes
of action and weed may not easily develop resistance to them. But there are many
limitations using allelopathic potentially as weed management tool. The limitations
are both because of plant itself, producing allelochemicals and environmental

Increasing attention has been given to the role and potential of allelopathy as a
management strategy for crop protection against pests. Incorporating allelopathy
into natural and agricultural management systems may reduce the use of
herbicides, insecticides, and other pesticides, reducing environment/soil pollution
and diminish autotoxicity hazards. There is a great demand for compounds with
selective toxicity that can be readily degraded by either the plant or by the soil
microorganisms. In addition, plant, microorganisms, other soil organisms and

insects can produce allelochemicals which provide new strategies for maintaining
and increasing agricultural production in the future.

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