Adolescent Sexuaiity: Judith Marks Mishne D.S.W

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Child and Adolescent Social Work

Volume 5, Number 3, Fall 1988

Adolescent SexuaIity

J u d i t h Marks Mishne D.S.W.

ABSTRACT: The reader is offered a contemporary view of adolescent sexual-

ity, which has evolved into new forms of sexual behavior, in response to
current shifts of values and societal realities. The current phenomena of
excalating sexually transmitted diseases and teen-age pregnancy and parent-
hood are examined. The recent developments in clinicians views about homo-
sexuality and heterosexuality are also offered. A case of more "optimal"
adolescent heterosexual activity is presented, depicting the accompanying
self questioning, uncertainties, passions and inner musings, regarding a male
adolescent's sense of self and self object choices.

Anna Freud noted t h a t following the publication of "Three Essays on
Sexuality" [S. Freud, 1905], and the observance of the existence of an
infantile sex life, the significance of adolescence diminished. Prior to
this publication " . . . . adolescence a derived major significance for
its role as the beginning of sex life in the individual; after the discov-
ery of an infantile sex life, the status of adolescence was reduced to
t h a t of a period of final transformation, a transition and bridge be-
tween the diffuse infantile and the genitally centered adult sexual-
ity" [A. Freud, 1958, p. 256]. Understanding the contemporary teen-
ager necessitates consideration of the existent social changes which
have altered familial style, roles, parental work patterns and adoles-
cent peer behavior and sexual patterns. Currently, we observe ever
increasing numbers of children raised without consistent parenting.
The increase of divorce has all but ended shared parenting. The lack
of an available extended accessible family and inconsistent social ties
are the inevitable results of increased social mobility. The high pro-
portion of substance abuse and the resultant regression has made it

Dr. Mishne is Professor New York University School of Social Work and in private
practice. Address reprint requests to Dr. Mishne at 255 W. 88th Street, # 4E, New
York, NY 10024.

187 9 1988 Human Sciences Press


difficult for many adolescents to tolerate frustration and to develop

and sustain significant emotional attachments. These realities, the
excessive dependence on music, peers, and drugs, have resulted in a
paucity of tolerance for ambivalence and ambiguity. The extended
period of financial dependence and academic preparation, combined
with the expanded time period in pre-adult personality consolidation,
has altered our concept of adoIescence and the age-appropriate behav-
iours of this time of life. All of these realities have altered the teenag-
ers approach to sexuality and iptimacy. Today's adolescents have
been affected by the sexual revolution and the new feminism, which
many believe complicates the consolidation of late adolescence.
Patterns of heterosexuality have changed also. Teenage pregnancy
is of epidemic proportion and increasing numbers of adolescents have
rejected a heterosexual orientation in favor of a bisexual or homosex-
ual lifestyle. For both gay and straight youth, sexually transmitted
diseases are running rampant. Regardless of one's theoretical orien-
tation, these phenomena must be recognized by clinicians working
with the contemporary adolescent. Successful engagement and sus-
tainment of the therapeutic relationship requires clinician's sensitiv-
ity, and when appropriate, openness to modify concepts or therapeutic
postures that alienate young people who reflect vulnerability as they
attempt to master a whole new set of demands and expectations that
further threaten autonomy and self-esteem. Minimizing personal,
social and cultural conflicts, and normalizing heretofore recognized
pathology is a danger. Because specific behaviors are widely ob-
served, they cannot be dismissed simply as "the youth culture." In-
deed, the casualties of youth are on the increase.
Kaplan [1984] notes the current cult of immediacy with its empha-
sis on sensation, which saps the vitalities of the young and "incites
their sexual passions to precocious consummation, stultifies their
intellect, trivializes their imaginations" [p. 336]. Adolescence is
ordinarily a period of significant upheaval and developmental stress.
Now current sociocultural and technological phenomena have compli,
cated earlier easier possible career choices. Additionally, familial
breakdown, and lessened institutional support heighten problems of
maturation for today's teenager. Rather than "blaming the victim,"
these interfamilial and cultural realities must be recognized as con-
tributing to the accelerated modes of drive expression of today's
youth. This is clear in the new forms of sexual behavior, as well as
aggressive expression. The remainder of this paper will examine the

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