Biological and Psychosocial Correlates of Adult Gender-Variant Identities: A Review

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Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366

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Biological and psychosocial correlates of adult gender-variant identities: A review

Jaimie F. Veale a,*, David E. Clarke a, Terri C. Lomax b
Massey University, New Zealand
New Zealand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This article reviews research on biological and psychosocial factors relevant to the etiology of gender-var-
Received 15 December 2008 iant identities. There is evidence for a genetic component of gender-variant identities through studies of
Received in revised form 27 September twins and other within-family concordance and through studies of specific genes. Evidence that prenatal
androgens play a role comes from studies that have examined finger length ratios (2D:4D), prevalence of
Accepted 28 September 2009
Available online 5 December 2009
polycystic ovary syndrome among female-to-male transsexuals, and individuals with intersex and
related conditions who are more likely to have reassigned genders. There is also evidence that transsex-
uals have parts of their brain structure that is typical of the opposite birth-assigned gender. A greater like-
lihood of non-right-handedness suggests developmental instability may also contribute as a biological
Transvestism factor. There is a greater tendency for persons with gender-variant identities to report childhood abuse
Development and a poor or absent relationship with parents. It is unclear if this is a cause or effect of a gender-variant
Etiology identity. Parental encouragement of gender-variance is more common among individuals who later
Gender identity develop a gender-variant identity. We conclude that biological factors, especially prenatal androgen lev-
Prenatal androgens els, play a role in the development of a gender-variant identity and it is likely that psychosocial variables
Gender dysphoria play a role in interaction with these factors.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction It has been suggested that there are two types of female gender
identity that can develop in birth-assigned males. One of these
Although they do not necessarily imply causation, biological types has its origins in the femininity expressed by some homosex-
and psychosocial correlates can give insight into the etiology of ual males and the other has its origins in the cross-gender eroti-
transsexualism and other gender-variant identities (e.g. transves- cism experienced also by heterosexual male transvestites
tites, cross-dressers, drag artists). A gender-variant identity occurs (Blanchard, 2005; Freund, Steiner, & Chan, 1982). Proponents of
when a person identifies as a gender other than what they were as- this typology believe that these male-to-female (MF) transsexuals
signed at birth (Docter, 1988). In this article, the term gender-var- can be distinguished by one group having exclusive sexual attrac-
iance is used to refer to the expression of this identity. Transsexuals tion to males (androphilic) and the other group not (non-andro-
are persons who have a sustained gender identity that is discrepant philic). Because it has been proposed that these types have
with their birth-assigned sex and have a desire to alter their bodily distinct biological etiologies (Bailey & Triea, 2007; Freund & Blan-
appearance to match this. Cross-dressers/transvestites are defined chard, 1993; Freund et al., 1982), we report the sexual orientation
as persons who dress in clothing of the opposite sex for emotional of MF transsexuals in the research we are reviewing where this
relief and/or sexual arousal. These persons almost always report a information is available. An analogous typology is generally not ap-
history of heterosexual or bisexual partner preference, and plied to female-to-male (FM) transsexuals due to the belief that
although they may experience a gender identity that is at variance this group seldom experiences cross-gender eroticism (Chivers &
with their birth-assigned sex, this identity is not strong or persis- Bailey, 2000).
tent enough to occupy the individual’s entire gender identity (Doc-
ter, 1988). All findings reported in this review were statistically
2. Biological correlates
2.1. Genetics

2.1.1. Within-family concordance

* Corresponding author. Address: School of Psychology, Massey University,
Auckland Campus, Private Bag 102-904, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland 0745,
A number of case reports have noted within-family concor-
New Zealand. Tel.: +64 9 414 0800x41230; fax: +64 9 441 0831. dance of gender-variant identities (details of references from the
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.F. Veale). author). For further insight as to whether a family member of a

0191-8869/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
358 J.F. Veale et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366

Table 1
Summary of studies of within-family concordance of gender-variance.

Reference Sample Within-family concordance

Randell (1971) 340 transvestic clinical patients Three ‘‘familial cases” (2.6%)
Buhrich (1978) 70 male members of cross-dressing clubs Three (4.3%) had a first degree relative that cross-dressed – one father, one brother,
and one sister
Croughan, Saghir, Cohen, 70 male members of cross-dressing clubs One (1.4%) father, two (3.2%) brothers, and one (1.4%) sister cross-dressed
and Robins (1981)
Green (2000b) Clinic sample of 1500 transsexuals Four MF transsexual sibling setsa; one MF transsexual with a gender-dysphoric
birth-assigned female sibling; one FM transsexual siblings set; one MF transsexual
with a gender dysphoric fatherb; one MF transsexual with a transvestite sonb; one
transvestite father with a gender dysphoric son; one transvestite father with a FM
transsexual offspring
Veale, Clarke, and Lomax Internet sample of 579 transsexuals, 574 other Three transsexuals reported transsexual relatives, giving prevalence ratios of
(submitted for gender-variant, and 552 NGVs of both genders 1:1567 in MF transsexuals’ relatives and 1:1209 in FM transsexuals’ relatives. The
publication-a) transsexual and other gender-variant groups reported a higher proportion of
gender-variant relatives than the NGV group
Gómez-Gil et al. (in press) Clinic sample of 677 MF transsexuals and 318 Eleven MF transsexuals (1.6%) had a transsexual sibling (nine MF siblings and two
FM transsexuals FM siblings) and one FM transsexual (.003%) had a FM sibling
Sexual orientation not given for these pairs although one of these pairs had both been married.
Both probands reported a history of gynephilic sexual attraction.

person with a gender-variant identity is more likely to also develop environmental factors among males. Among females the corre-
a gender-variant identity, six additional reports have examined sponding percentages were 24% (0–42%), 67% (56–79%), and 9%
within-family concordance among samples of persons with gen- (0–35%). However, because this study was not likely to include
der-variant identities. Results of these studies are summarized in many participants with gender-variant identities, the reader
Table 1. should be cautious in extrapolating these findings to this
Overall, these studies indicate the prevalence of transsexuality population.
in the relatives of transsexuals appears to be higher than popula- In all cases of twins reported to be concordant for transsexual-
tion prevalence estimates.1 However, given transvestism has been ism, sexual orientation was also reported to be concordant where
estimated to occur among 2–6% of the male population (see Law- this data was given. This should be expected to a certain degree,
rence, 2009 for a review), there is no evidence for elevated familial as a significant concordance of sexual orientation among non-
co-occurrence of transvestism. transsexual twins has also been reported (Bailey et al., 2000; Ken-
Arguing a case for a genetic component for transsexuality, dler, Thornton, Gilman, & Kessler, 2000). No twin data on non-
Green (2000b) noted that social learning could not have been a fac- transsexual gender-variant persons has previously been reported.
tor in his parent–child cases because in all of the cases the child did
not know about their parent’s gender-variant identity before they 2.1.2. Studies of specific genes
were aware of their own cross-gender feelings. There is some evidence that three genes that have been associ-
Genetic factors can be measured as the amount of greater con- ated with sexual differentiation of brain structures correlate with
cordance of transsexualism among monozygotic (MZ) twins than transsexualism. Henningsson et al. (2005) found 29 MF transsexu-
dizygotic (DZ) twins. Table 2 outlines twin pairs concordant and als scored differently from 229 males with no gender-variant iden-
discordant for transsexualism that have been reported in the aca- tity (NGV) on the estrogen receptor gene, although most
demic literature. From this table it can be seen that MZ twins are transsexuals’ scores were still within normal range. Henningsson
more likely to be concordant for transsexualism than DZ twins, et al. suggested that specific combinations of androgen receptor,
v2(4) = 15.05, p < .01, n = 83. aromatase, and estrogen receptor genes may be more relevant to
It is worth noting that this analysis drew 41% of cases from one the development of transsexualism and they found evidence for
conference paper that has not been peer-reviewed (Diamond & this with an interaction effect of these three genes in predicting
Hawk, 2004). When these cases are removed from this analysis it transsexuality using a logistic regression analysis. This method
is no longer statistically significant, v2(4) = 7.88, p = .10, n = 49. It was replicated by Hare et al. (2009) among 112 MF transsexuals
is also worth noting that there is no check on the equal environ- and 258 NGV males. The results did not replicate the estrogen
ments assumption in this analysis. This is the assumption that receptor finding, but Hare et al. did find that MF transsexuals dif-
MZ twins are not treated more similarly than DZ twins in ways that fered on the androgen receptor gene, suggesting a greater likeli-
might affect their gender identity. Bailey, Dunne, and Martin hood of reduced sensitivity to androgens among transsexuals.
(2000) were able to test this assumption among a large represen- Hengstschläger et al. (2003) found no detectable genetic abnor-
tative sample of Australian twins and found that twins that were malities among 30 MF or 31 FM transsexuals at the chromosomal
more similar on adult gender identity were not more likely to re- level, or at the molecular level on a gene associated with androgen
port a more similar environment than those that were less similar. receptor or the SRY gene (sex determining region). Another study
However, this study was not able to test any environmental factors found no genetic differences between transsexuals (MF or FM)
that may be specifically relevant to gender identity development. and NGVs of the same birth-assigned sex in the steroid 5a reduc-
Bailey et al. estimated that 31% (95% confidence intervals 0–44%) tase gene which is involved with androgen metabolism (Bentz
of the variance of adult gender identity was accounted for by ge- et al., 2007). The same research team also found that a variant of
netic factors, 69% (53–85%) was accounted for by non-shared envi- the CYP17 gene which influences the metabolism of sex hormones
ronmental factors, and 0% (0–30%) was accounted for by shared and leads to above average tissue concentrations of both estrogens
and androgens was carried by more FM transsexuals (44%) than fe-
The most liberal population estimates for transsexualism have been 1:2900 MF
male NGVs (31%). MF transsexuals did not differ from male NGVs
and 1:8300 FM in Singapore (Tsoi, 1988), and 1:4470 MF and 1:26,818 among New (Bentz et al., 2008). Data on sexual orientation of MF transsexuals
Zealanders (Veale, 2008). was not collected in any of these genetic studies.
J.F. Veale et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366 359

Table 2 summarizes gender identity outcomes of these cases and it is clear

Reports of twins at least one case of transsexualism in the academic literature. that persons who are exposed to levels of prenatal androgens that
Zygosity and birth Number Number Total are intermediary between male- and female-typical levels are
assignment concordant discordant more likely to be reported as gender dysphoric and/or reassign
MZ male 16 (10.5) 15 (20.5) 31 their gender than persons from the general population, and per-
DZ male 1 (4.7) 13 (9.3) 14 sons exposed to male-typical prenatal androgen levels but as-
MZ female 11 (9.1) 16 (17.9) 27 signed female at birth are even more likely to be reported as
DZ female 0 (1.7) 5 (3.3) 5
DZ male and female 0 (2.0) 6 (4.0) 6
gender dysphoric and/or reassign gender. There have not been re-
ports in the academic literature of persons exposed to female typ-
Total 28 55 83
ical prenatal androgen levels assigned the male gender at birth.
Note: Figures in parentheses are the expected value if concordance for transsexu- Veale et al. (submitted for publication-b) analyzed these out-
alism was equally split between MZ and DZ twins (the null hypothesis); details of comes using a logistic regression and found that prenatal androgen
references from the author.
exposure and sex of assignment at birth equally predicted adult
gender identity among this population. They also found that sex
Care is needed in interpreting the findings of these genetic stud- chromosomes and time delayed before sex assignment were not
ies. Although the differences are statistically significant, there is significant predictors of adult gender identity, although these vari-
still a large proportion of the population who have these gene pat- ables had a restricted range with the population tested.
terns yet are not transsexuals and a large proportion of transsexu- Care is needed in extrapolating findings of change of sex in per-
als who do not have these gene patterns. There is also a lack of sons with intersex and related conditions with those who do not
power in many of the studies that found non-significant results. have these conditions. Meyer-Bahlburg et al. (1996) argued that
The strongest conclusion these genetic studies allow us to draw transsexuals experience more gender dysphoria whilst intersex
is that genetic determinants of hormones play a small role in persons experience more gender confusion or uncertainty, and that
increasing the likelihood of transsexualism. the gender-variant identity formation appears to develop later in
A recent study has found FM transsexuals have metric teeth fea- intersex persons than those with early-onset transsexualism. Inter-
tures that are intermediary between NGV males and females sex persons often also experience ambiguous genitalia, early geni-
(Antoszewski, Zadzinska, & Foczpanski, 2009). The authors sug- tal surgery, and sometimes develop cross-gender secondary sex
gested this finding provides evidence for a genetic cause of FM characteristics – all of which non-intersex transsexuals generally
transsexuality. do not experience. The effects of these on an emerging gender
identity are unclear.
2.2. Prenatal hormones Only one study has directly tested the relationship between
prenatal androgen levels and adult gender-variance. This study
Almost all of the evidence of sex-atypical hormone levels found prenatal androgen levels measured by maternal blood sam-
among persons with gender-variant identities has been of andro- ples positively related to adult gender-role behaviour among fe-
gen levels. Androgen levels are much higher in men than women males (Udry, Morris, & Kovenock, 1995).
and these hormones play a role in masculinity development both Associations have also been made between a number of less di-
pre and postnatally (Nelson, 2005). rect measures of prenatal androgen exposure and gender-variance.
The most compelling evidence for the effects of prenatal andro- The ratio between the length of the second and fourth fingers
gens on adult gender identity in humans comes from studies of the (2D:4D) is widely believed to be an indicator of prenatal sex hor-
gender identity of persons with intersex and related conditions. mone levels (e.g. Putz, Gaulin, Sporter, & McBurney, 2004). A num-
These persons are exposed to prenatal androgen levels that are at ber of studies have shown that females have greater 2D:4D ratios
variance to either their genetic make-up (male or female sex chro- than males on average (Manning, Churchill, & Peters, 2007; Man-
mosomes) or the gender they were assigned at birth. Recent re- ning, Scutt, Wilson, & Lewis-Jones, 1998; Manning et al., 2000).
views have shown that these individuals are much more likely to Studies of 2D:4D of persons with gender-variant identities are out-
change from the gender they were assigned at birth than persons lined in Table 4. All of these studies used experimenter measures
without these conditions. Veale, Clarke, and Lomax (submitted from photocopies except for Veale, Clarke, and Lomax (submitted
for publication-b) summarized 451 cases reported in the academic for publication-a) who used participant self-measure. Generally,
literature of persons with prenatal androgen exposure at variance these studies have either found transsexuals do not differ from
with their birth-assigned gender followed up in adulthood. Table 3 NGV persons of the same birth-assigned gender or there were

Table 3
Summary of gender dysphoria and gender change in adults with intersex and related conditions.

Condition Prenatal androgen level Gender assignment Gender-variant identity outcomes

Congenital adrenal Intermediary 147 female 3.4% male, 4.1% gender dysphoric
hyperplasia 14 male 14.3% female
Partial androgen Intermediary 39 female 7.7% male
insensitivity 16 male 31.3% female
Micropenis Intermediary 6 female None
69 male 2.9% gender dysphoric
Mixed gonadal Intermediary 10 female 10.0% male, 20.0% gender dysphoric
dysgenesis 14 male 7.1% female
5a reductase deficiency Male-typical 86 female 68.6% male
17b hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Male-typical 29 female 55.2% male
Cloacal exstrophy Male-typical 13 female 30.8% male, 15.4% gender dysphoric
Penile agenesis Male-typical 4 female 25.0% male
Penile ablation Male-typical 4 Female 50.0% male, 25.0% gender dysphoric

See Veale et al. (submitted for publication-b) for references.

360 J.F. Veale et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366

Table 4
Summary of studies of 2D:4D among persons with gender-variant identities.

Reference Sample Findingsa

Schneider, Pickel, and 63 MF and 43 FM transsexuals; 58 male and 65 female NGVs MF transsexuals differed from male NGVs on right hand but not left
Stalla (2006) hand; no differences between FM transsexuals and NGV females
Wallien, Zucker, 96 MF and 51 FM transsexuals; 90 male and 112 female NGVs No differences between MF transsexuals and NGV males; FM
Steensma, and transsexuals differed from female NGVs on both right and left hands
Kraemer et al. (2009) 39 MF and 17 FM transsexuals; 176 male and 190 female NGVs MF transsexuals differed from male NGVs on right hand but not left
and no effect of sexual orientation on this; right handed FM
transsexuals had hyper-feminized 2D:4D compared to NGV females
Veale, Clarke, and Convenience internet sample of 453 MF and 126 FM transsexuals; No between-group differences; 2D:4D predicted adult gender-
Lomax (submitted 574 other gender-variant persons (382 birth-assigned male and 192 variance (continuously measured) in regression models for both
for publication-a) birth-assigned female); 207 male and 345 female NGVs birth-assigned genders; 2D:4D was unrelated to sexual orientation
in this sample
All findings in the expected direction (i.e. a lower 2D:4D signaling a more feminine gender identity and a higher 2D:4D signaling a more masculine gender identity) unless
otherwise noted.
This study also did not find differences between children diagnosed with gender identity disorder and NGV children of the same birth-assigned gender.

differences in the expected direction, providing some further evi- 2.3. Neuroanatomical correlates
dence that prenatal androgens play a role in gender-variant iden-
tity development. One research team has found a sex differentiation in the neuron
One study found three transsexuals (one MF and two FM) out of volume of the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria ter-
a group of 243 Dutch persons who had been exposed to anticon- minalis (BSTc) of the hypothalamus and in postmortem examina-
vulsants prenatally. This is a much higher prevalence than ex- tions of transsexuals’ brains found that their BSTc neuron volume
pected due to chance, and anticonvulsants have been matched that of their opposite birth-assigned sex (Kruijver et al.,
demonstrated to alter prenatal hormone levels (Dessens et al., 2000; Zhou, Hofman, Gooren, & Swaab, 1995). Their sample in-
1999). cluded six MF transsexuals and one FM transsexual who had re-
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) experience ele- ceived hormone treatment for a significant period of time. These
vated levels of androgen exposure postnatally and possibly prena- MF transsexuals were all non-androphilic (Garcia-Falgueras & Swa-
tally (Xita & Tsatsoulis, 2006). Some studies have shown elevated ab, 2008). Kruijver et al. also included a male who ‘‘had very strong
rates of PCOS among FM transsexuals who have not yet begun cross-gender identity feelings” (p. 2039) but never received hor-
cross-sex hormone treatment (reviewed in Table 5). Many of the mone treatment in their sample and found a BSTc neuron volume
earlier studies lacked a consistent definition of PCOS, so the newer within the female range for this person. Both studies also included
Rotterdam criteria (Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Con- six ‘‘sex hormone disorder” cases that had atypical hormone levels
sensus Workshop Group, 2004) was applied to these. Overall, the but NGV, and came to the conclusion that the BSTc differences were
prevalence of 29% of 294 FM transsexuals (Wald 95% confidence not associated with hormone treatment in either the transsexuals
intervals 24–35%) was greater than the most liberal population or NGVs. Given their findings, Zhou et al. and Kruijver et al. pro-
estimates of PCOS in NGV females, 13% (Mueller et al., 2008). posed a neurobiological basis as an explanation of transsexualism.
Finally, scores on the ‘‘Systematizing Quotient” has been associ- More recent research has discovered that sex differences in
ated with prenatal androgen exposure (Auyeung et al., 2006). Sys- BSTc volume do not develop until well into adulthood (Chung,
tematizing refers to a persons’ ability to understand and construct De Vries, & Swaab, 2002) and yet the majority of transsexuals re-
systems and it has been used in explaining the development of aut- port that their transsexual feelings began before adulthood (Veale,
ism which has been conceptualized by some as having an extreme Clarke, & Lomax, submitted for publication-c). Lawrence (2007, de-
male brain (Baron-Cohen, 2002). Veale et al. (submitted for publi- tails from the author) also argued that there is insufficient evi-
cation-a) found differences between participants with gender-var- dence that these brain differences were not the effect of
iant identities (including transsexuals) and NGV participants in hormone treatment, given studies finding hormone treatment for
scores on the Systematizing Quotient and that this variable was a MF transsexuals decreased overall brain volume, and in FM trans-
strong predictor of adult gender-variance in a regression model sexuals both hypothalamic and overall brain volume increased
among both sexes. The Systematizing Quotient was not related to with hormone treatment (Hulshoff Pol et al., 2006). A study has
social desirability in this study. also found that pedophilic offenders also have a smaller BST size

Table 5
Summary of studies of PCOS among FM transsexuals.

Reference Sample Proportion meeting Rotterdam criteria for PCOSa

Futterweit, Weiss, and Fagerstrom (1986) 40 FM transsexuals Eleven (28%)
Spinder, Spijkstra, Gooren, and Burger (1989) 16 FM transsexuals None, but ultrasound was not measured
Balen, Schachter, Montgomery, Reid, and Jacobs (1993) 16 FM transsexuals Seven (44%)
Bosinski et al. (1997) 16 FM transsexuals Eight (50%)
Baba et al. (2007) 69 FM transsexuals 40 (58%)
Mueller et al. (2008) 61 FM transsexuals and 94 NGV females Nine (15%), this was not more than NGVs (13%)
Vujovic, Popovic, Sbutega-Milosovec, Djordevic, and Gooren (2009) 76 FM transsexuals Eleven (14%)
Total 294 FM transsexuals 86 (29%)
To meet these criteria, must have two of: clinical (hursutism) and/or bio-chemical signs of androgen excess, oligo-amenohhrea (nine or fewer menstrual cycles per year),
or ultrasound evidence of polycystic ovaries.
J.F. Veale et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366 361

Table 6
Summary of studies of cognitive tests among persons with gender-variant identities.

Reference Sample Findings

La Torre, Gossmann, and Piper 8 MF transsexuals, 12 male and 14 female MF transsexuals differed from male NGVs but not female NGVs on an embedded
(1976) NGVs figures test
Cohen-Kettenis, van Goozen, 44 MF and 34 FM transsexuals pre Transsexuals scored atypically of the same birth-assigned sex on a verbal memory
Doorn, and Gooren (1998) hormone treatment, 51 male and 29 test but not on a two-dimensional test of spatial ability
female NGVs
van Goozen, Slabbekoorn, Gooren, 22 MF and 19 FM transsexuals pre No differences between groups on a two dimensional mental rotation task and
Sanders, and Cohen-Kettenis hormone treatment, 20 male and 23 verbal reasoning test; MF and FM transsexuals scored intermediary between NGV
(2002) female NGVs groups on judgement of line orientation, three-dimensional mental rotation, and
targeted throwing
Haraldsen, Opjordsmoen, Egeland, 22 MF and 30 FM transsexuals pre No effect of gender identity on two-dimensional rotation, visualization,
and Finset (2003) hormone treatment, 14 male and 15 perception, verbalization, logic, or arithmetic tests.
female NGVs
Menaged (2004) 20 MF transsexuals; 20 male and 20 Transsexuals and NGV females did not differ from each other but scored lower
female NGVs than NGV males on a three-dimensional mental rotation task.
Wisniewski, Prendeville, and Dobs 27 hormone treated MF transsexuals These groups did not differ on perceptual speed, map memory, and three-
(2005) receiving and 16 NGV males dimensional mental rotation tests
Veale, Clarke, and Lomax Large convenience internet sample of Three-dimensional mental rotation performance was not related to gender
(submitted for publication-a) birth-assigned males and females; see identity or gender-variance continuously measured in either gender
Table 4

than non-pedophilic males (Schiltz et al., 2007). Finally, there is transsexuals’ hormone treatment does not have much effect on the
also evidence from experimental studies of animals and correla- results (e.g. Haraldsen, Egeland, Haug, Finset, & Opjordsmoen,
tional studies of humans that childhood stress (including abuse) 2005). The most likely reason for these mixed findings is the small
has an impact on brain structure, including the hypothalamus sample sizes of both transsexuals and NGVs in most of the studies.
(Kaufman, Plotsky, Nemeroff, & Charney, 2000; Teicher, Tomoda, It is also possible that studies that included more transsexuals who
& Andersen, 2006). Clearly, further independent research using lar- were sexually attracted to the same birth-assigned sex (Collaer,
ger samples is needed to assess the BSTc as a proposed neurobio- Reimers, & Manning, 2007; Peters, Manning, & Reimers, 2007)
logical basis as an explanation of transsexualism. were more likely to report between-group difference because this
The interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus nuclei 3 sexual orientation has been associated with sex-atypical results on
(INAH-3) has previously been shown to be sexually dimorphic these cognitive tests among NGVs.
and it has been reported that NGV homosexual males also have a
female-typical INAH-3 size (Byne et al., 2001; LeVay, 1991). Gar- 2.4. Handedness and dermatoglyphics
cia-Falgueras and Swaab (2008) found 11 MF transsexuals had an
INAH-3 that was a smaller, female-typical size. The group differed Research into the handedness of persons with gender-variant
from 14 NGV males but not from 11 NGV females. They also re- identities is outlined in Table 7. Most of this research has been con-
ported the INAH-3 size of one FM transsexual was within the male ducted on transsexuals. A consistently high proportion of non-
range. Given that most of the MF transsexuals in this research were right-handedness has been found among transsexuals in all of
non-androphilic this finding has interesting implications for the the controlled and non-controlled studies outlined.2 Three studies
relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity. Gar- have shown this occurs independently of sexual orientation in MF
cia-Falgueras and Swaab found that INAH-3 size of five castrated transsexuals (Green & Young, 2001; Veale et al., submitted for pub-
males was intermediary between male and female NGVs, suggest- lication-a; Watson & Coren, 1992). Herman-Jeglinska, Dulko, and
ing that androgen level changes in adulthood may have an effect Grabowska (1997) noted that the elevated levels of non-right hand-
on INAH-3 size. edness was more pronounced in those transsexuals who did not
Other research has found that 22 MF and 28 FM transsexuals have an immediate relative who was non-right handed compared
have corpus collosum midsaggital plane shapes (measured using to NGVs who also did not have an immediate relative who was
MRI scans) more typical of those of the gender they identify as, non-right handed. They suggested this is a reflection of a non-genetic
when compared to NGVs (Yokota, Kawamura, & Kameya, 2005). determinant of the relationship between transsexuality and non-
A recent study has found that non-androphilic MF transsexuals right handedness. Herman-Jeglinska et al. also noted a greater prev-
who had not been taking cross-sex hormones showed a female- alence of extreme-right handedness, which they operationally de-
typical hypothalamus activation pattern when smelling odorous fined as scoring the maximum possible for right-handedness on a
steroids known to activate the hypothalamus (Berglund, Lind- continuous scale. However, Veale et al. found no greater prevalence
strom, Dhejne-Helmy, & Savic, 2009). Another study found that 6 of extreme-right-handedness among participants with gender-vari-
androphilic and 18 gynephilic MF transsexuals who had not com- ant identities and no interaction effect between handedness and
menced hormone therapy had gray matter variation that was more number of older brothers that has been reported among NGV homo-
similar to NGV males than NGV females, although transsexuals of sexual males (e.g. Blanchard & Lippa, 2008).
both sexual orientations had a female-typical volume of grey mat- The causes of non-right handedness are not completely under-
ter in the left putamen (Luders et al., 2009). stood. There is evidence that the cause of at least some non-right
Underlying differences in neuroanatomic structure can also be handedness is genetic (e.g. Medland et al., 2009). However, two
manifested in cognitive test performance. Studies of cognitive abil- other explanations for non-right handedness are more likely to
ities of persons with gender-variant identities are outlined in Table have relevance to gender-variant identity development: elevated
6. Almost all of this research has been conducted on transsexuals. prenatal androgens and developmental instability. There is evi-
Overall, these results are mixed, with some studies showing no dif-
ferences between transsexuals and NGVs of the same birth-as- 2
One study has also found elevated rates of left-handedness among boys
signed sex and some showing transsexuals’ cognitive test diagnosed with childhood gender identity disorder (Zucker, Beaulieu, Bradley,
performance in line with their gender identity. It also appears that Grimshaw, & Wilcox, 2001).
362 J.F. Veale et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366

Table 7
Summary of studies of handedness among persons with gender-variant identities.

Reference Sample Findings

Orlebeke, Boomsma, Gooren, 93 MF and 44 FM transsexuals Both transsexual groups were almost twice as likely to be left-handed than
and Verschoor (1992) estimates of the general population
Watson and Coren (1992) 45 MF transsexuals of varying sexual Transsexuals were more than three times more likely to be left-handed than age-
orientations and 225 age-matched NGV males matched males
Herman-Jeglinska et al. (1997) 12 MF and 70 FM transsexuals; 148 male and FM transsexuals more likely to be non-right handed than NGV females; a non-
331 female NGVs significant trend towards non-right handedness among MF transsexuals
Cohen-Kettenis, van Goozen, 46 MF and 47 FM transsexuals 3 MF (7%) and 13 (28%) transsexuals were non-right handed
Doorn, and Gooren (1998)
Slabbekoorn et al. (2000) 184 MF and 110 FM transsexuals; 158 male Both transsexual groups more likely to be non-right handed than NGVs (our
and 164 female NGVs analysis – ps < .01, Fisher’s exact test)
Green and Young (2001) 443 MF and 93 FM transsexuals; 144 male and Both transsexual groups more likely to be non-right handed than NGVs, for MF
140 female NGVs transsexuals
Veale, Clarke, and Lomax Large convenience internet sample of birth- Gender-variant (including transsexual) participants were more likely to score
(submitted for assigned males and females; see Table 4 non-right handed than NGVs among both sexes

dence that non-right handedness is associated with increased pre- they did not employ a comparison group. Three studies have found
natal androgen levels from studies of females with CAH (Helleday, that androphilic MF transsexuals have a greater number of broth-
Siwers, Ritzen, & Hugdahl, 1994; Kelso, Nicholls, Warne, & Zacha- ers than sisters and later birth order than non-androphilic MF
rin, 2000; Nass et al., 1987) and another study showing a link be- transsexuals and FM transsexuals (Blanchard & Sheridan, 1992;
tween handedness and genes associated with the androgen Blanchard, Zucker, Cohen-Kettenis, Gooren, & Bailey, 1996; Green,
receptor (Medland et al., 2005). Whilst this explanation of elevated 2000a). Veale et al. (submitted for publication-a) also found an ele-
prenatal androgen levels causing non-right handedness is consis- vated numbers of older brothers but not an elevated sibling sex ra-
tent with theory and research of prenatal hormones among tio among birth-assigned males with gender-variant identities;
birth-assigned females with gender-variant identities, lower levels however, they also found that this birth-order effect occurred
of non-right handedness would be expected among birth-assigned regardless of sexual orientation typology.
males with gender-variant identities who theory and research has While two studies have found that transvestites have shown the
aligned with low prenatal hormone levels. opposite birth-order effect – a tendency to be more likely to be the
A second causal explanation of non-right handedness, develop- oldest birth-assigned male or only child (Prince & Bentler, 1972;
mental instability, can account for the elevated level of non-right Schott, 1995), these studies did not include comparison groups
handedness among persons with gender-variant identities of both and this finding has not been replicated in two other studies (Bul-
birth-assigned sexes. Developmental instability refers to a persons’ lough, Bullough, & Smith, 1983; Veale et al., submitted for publica-
susceptibility to developmental disturbances; such disturbances tion-a).
could be environmental (e.g. exposure to pathogens) or genetic Green and Keverne (2000) found MF transsexuals, regardless of
(e.g. gene mutations) during early development. These result in re- sexual orientation, had a greater number of maternal aunts than
duced reproductive fitness and increased likelihood of developing maternal uncles. However, this finding was not replicated among
neurodevelopment disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. a large internet-based sample (Veale et al., submitted for publica-
According to this theory, non-right handedness (as well as ex- tion-a).
treme-right handedness) is an indicator of developmental instabil-
ity and the finding of elevated levels of non-right handedness 3. Psychosocial correlates
among transsexuals suggests that such developmental disturbances
have a role in the cause of transsexualism (see Lalumiere, Blanchard, We included birth order and sibling sex ratio under the biolog-
& Zucker, 2000 for a review of the theory of developmental instabil- ical correlates heading because of convincing evidence that this
ity and its application to sexual orientation development). correlate has a biological origin among NGV homosexual males
Another morphological phenomenon relevant to prenatal (Bogaert, 2000; Bogaert, 2006).
androgens and developmental instability is dermatoglyphics. It
has been proposed that total finger ridge count is positively asso-
3.1. Evidence from persons with intersex and related conditions
ciated with prenatal androgen levels and finger ridge fluctuating
asymmetry is associated with developmental instability. Two stud-
In the review by Veale, Clarke, and Lomax (submitted for publi-
ies have assessed dermatoglyphics among both FM and MF trans-
cation-b; see Section 2.2) of persons with intersex and related con-
sexuals. Slabbekoorn, van Goozen, Sanders, Gooren, and Cohen-
ditions, it was found that after controlling for biological factors
Kettenis (2000) did not find any differences between transsexuals
(prenatal androgen levels) those who were assigned a female gen-
(FM or MF) and NGVs of the same birth-assigned sex on total finger
der at birth or early childhood were 61 times more likely to devel-
ridge count or fluctuating asymmetry. Green and Young (2000)
op a female gender identity in adulthood than those who were
also found no differences between total ridge count between trans-
assigned male at birth. The gender a child was reared as had an ef-
sexuals and NGVs but found a difference between androphilic MF
fect on gender identity that was at least as strong as the effect of
transsexuals and non-androphilic MF transsexuals and NGVs on
prenatal androgens, indicating that psychosocial factors play a sig-
fluctuating asymmetry.
nificant role in gender identity development among these persons

2.5. Familial correlates 3.2. Parental factors

Differences in birth order have also been found among transsex- A less warm, more emotionally distant, controlling or rejecting
uals. Tsoi, Kok, and Long (1977) found androphilic MF transsexuals father has been associated with transsexualism in two studies with
from Singapore have a later than expected birth order, although NGV comparison groups (Cohen-Kettenis & Arrindell, 1990; Parker
J.F. Veale et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366 363

& Barr, 1982). However, two studies have found that androphilic more likely to report this than NGV males. However, Talamini
MF transsexuals reported being no less close to their father than (1982) reported that few of his male transvestite research partici-
homosexual males (Buhrich & McConaghy, 1978; Freund, Lange- pants remembered being treated like a girl during childhood.
vin, Zajac, Steiner, & Zajac, 1974). There is also evidence from stud- Veale et al. (submitted for publication-a) found that gender-var-
ies of NGV participants that this poor relationship is associated iant birth-assigned females had a tendency to have older mothers.
with the child’s feminine expression rather than later sexual orien- However, this finding was inconsistent with one previous study
tation (Freund & Blanchard, 1983). (Blanchard & Sheridan, 1992).
Two studies have found that MF transsexuals and birth-as-
signed male transvestites were more likely to report their parents 3.3. Abuse
wishing for a girl than NGV males (Buhrich & McConaghy, 1978;
Hogan-Finlay, 1995). Buhrich and McConaghy also found that Studies of the prevalence of emotional, physical, and sexual
transvestites and MF transsexuals reported higher mothers’ abuse among persons with gender-variant identities are outlined
involvement and lower fathers’ involvement in their upbringing. in Table 8. Many of these studies have small samples and/or lack
However, they reported no evidence of ‘‘abnormal relationships” adequate comparison groups. In the studies that include compari-
with the participants’ mothers. Two studies have found that trans- sons there is evidence that persons with gender-variant identities
vestites viewed their fathers as more dependent and affiliative are more likely to have experienced abuse. Two studies have also
than NGV men (Newcomb, 1985; Schott, 1995). Schott found that found increased levels of gender-nonconforming behaviour and
68% of his sample of 85 transvestites reported a neutral or negative identity in girls who had been sexually abused (Aiosa-Karpas, Kar-
relationship with their father, compared to only 41% of a compar- pas, Pelcovitz, & Kaplan, 1991; Cosentino, Meyer-Bahlburg, Alpert,
ison group of 44 NGV males. & Gaines, 1993).
One study has shown that gender clinic patients were more The meaning of this higher prevalence of abuse among trans-
likely than psychiatric patients to report parent death – especially sexuals is not clear. Reflecting on interviews with FM transsexuals,
fathers and during adolescence and early adulthood (Bernstein, Devor stated ‘‘I have speculated. . .that, in some cases, transsexual-
Steiner, Glaister, & Muir, 1981). Among a population sample, ism may be an adaptive extreme dissociative survival response to
Långström and Zucker (2005) found an increased likelihood of sep- severe child abuse” (1994, p. 49). On the other hand Gehring and
aration from parents during childhood among males reporting Knudson (2005) believed that children with gender-variance are
transvestic fetishism. However, studies of NGV populations have more of a target to abusers. They stated that their findings ‘‘do
not found any evidence for an absent father having an effect on not support any notion that childhood trauma is associated with
gender development (Stevens, Golombok, Beveridge, & Study . . . the formation of transsexualism . . . but rather has more to do
Team, 2002; Stevenson & Black, 1988) and two further studies have with society’s prejudices about being transsexual” (p. 29). Using
found that MF transsexuals transvestites, and NGV males did not path analysis, Veale et al. (submitted for publication-a) found that
differ in their reported parent relations to each other or likelihood recalled childhood gender-variance mediated all of the significant
of living with both parents during their childhood (Hogan-Finlay, abuse relationship among birth-assigned females but mediated
1995; Veale et al., submitted for publication-a). only part of this effect among birth-assigned males. This indicates
Four studies have looked at familial encouragement of child- the abuse is the effect of birth-assigned females being targeted for
hood gender-variance. Schott (1995) reported that 22% of his sam- abuse for expressing their gender-variant identity and that indicat-
ple had had their cross-dressing initiated, and openly encouraged ing the abuse plays a role in causing the gender-variant identity in
by a female family member during their formative years. Prince some birth-assigned males.
and Bentler (1972) reported that 4% of their sample of 504 trans-
vestites were ‘‘made to wear dresses as punishment” and 6% were 4. Conclusions
‘‘kept in curls till longer than other boys” (p. 912). Hogan-Finlay
(1995) found that MF transsexuals were more likely to report being There is evidence that biological factors, especially prenatal
dressed as a girl in childhood than transvestites who in turn were androgen exposure, play a significant role in the etiology of

Table 8
Summary of studies of abuse among persons with gender-variant identities.

Reference Sample Emotional abuse Physical abuse Sexual abuse

Pauly (1974) 80 FM transsexuals Not assessed 24 (30%) 23 (29%)
Lothstein (1983) 53 FM transsexuals Not assessed 26 (49%) 12 (23%)
Devor (1994)a 45 FM transsexuals 13 (29%) 17 (38%) 14 (31%)
Hogan-Finlay (1995) 27 MF transsexuals, 64 transvestites, 101 Gender-variant No differences No differences between groups
male NGVs groups scored higher between groups
Bullough and Bullough (1997) 41 MF transsexuals, 331 transvestites Not assessed Not assessed 37 (10%)
Kersting et al. (2003) 29 MF and 12 FM transsexuals, 56 male and Transsexuals scored No differences Transsexuals scored lower
59 female psychiatric patients higher between groups
Gehring and Knudson (2005) 34 MF and 8 FM transsexuals 50–80% 20–30% 23 (55%) unwanted sexual
Långström and Zucker (2005) 36 reporting sexual arousal from cross- Not assessed Not assessed Increased likelihood among
dressing from a population sample of 2,450 those reporting transvestism
Grossman, D’Augelli, and 31 young MF transsexuals who used a drop-in 27 (87%) reporting 11 (35%)b 5 (16%)
Salter (2006) centre ‘‘verbal abuse”b
Wharton (2007) Online-recruited gender-variant persons; Not assessed 63 (48%) birth-assigned females and 53 (33%) birth-
birth-assignment 132 female, 163 male assigned males reported physical or sexual abuse
Veale, Clarke, and Lomax Large convenience internet sample of birth- Gender-variant Gender-variant Gender-variant groups scored
(submitted for publication- assigned males and females; see Table 4 groups scored higher groups scored higher higher
A total of 60% of this sample reported at least one of these forms of abuse.
Those who had been more gender atypical in childhood (i.e. reported being called a sissy) were more likely to report experiencing verbal and physical abuse.
364 J.F. Veale et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 357–366

gender-variant identities. While there is also evidence for other Buhrich, N., & McConaghy, N. (1978). Parental relationships during childhood in
homosexuality, transvestism and transsexualism. Australian and New Zealand
biological correlates, this does not necessarily imply more than
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and share a common precursor. For instance, it is entirely plausible Archives of Sexual Behavior, 26, 1–12.
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