Repair Application Procedures

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Repair Application

A s you may have seen on our website, ICRI’s
mission is “… to be a leading resource for
education and information to improve the quality
CRB, as they are of great benefit to our members.
These documents are also available, free of charge,
on the ACI’s website:
of repair, restoration, and protection of concrete and Each bulletin gives a concise description of the
other structures.” Part of being the leading resource repair method including the purpose of the repair,
is to know what information other organizations when it should be used, needed surface preparation,
have developed on the topic of concrete repair material and equipment selection, and safety
and whether to make this information available considerations. These bulletins are useful reference
to our members. documents for facility owners, design professionals,
In this spirit of cooperation, ICRI has now published and concrete repair contractors.
the first eight Repair Application Procedures (RAP) Users are encouraged to tear out these pages for
Bulletins, developed by Committee E706 of the handy reference or, if you prefer, download these
American Concrete Institute (ACI). These bulletins documents from ACI’s website, make copies for
are “how-to” documents for commonly used concrete distribution to field personnel, and file them for
repairs. ACI is allowing ICRI to publish them in the future reference.

Spall Repair of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces

Reported by ACI Committee E706
David W. Whitmore,‡ Chair
J. Christopher Ball* Fred R. Goodwin Kelly M. Page
Peter H. Emmons† Bob Joyce Jay H. Paul
Timothy R. W. Gillespie Brian F. Keane George I. Taylor
H. Peter Golter Kenneth M. Lozen Patrick M. Watson§
John S. Lund

Primary author of RAP Bulletin No. 6 ‡
Primary author of RAP Bulletin No. 8

Primary author of RAP Bulletin No. 7 §
Primary author of RAP Bulletin No. 9

The committee would like to thank Brandon Emmons for his illustrations in these bulletins.

It is the responsibility of the user of this document to Structural Disclaimer

establish health and safety practices appropriate to the specific
circumstances involved with its use. ACI does not make any This document is intended as a voluntary field guide for
representations with regard to health and safety issues and the use the Owner, design professional, and concrete repair con-
of this document. The user must determine the applicability of tractor. It is not intended to relieve the user of this guide
all regulatory limitations before applying the document and of responsibility for a proper condition assessment and
must comply with all applicable laws and regulations,
including but not limited to, United States Occupational structural evaluation of existing conditions, and for the
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) health and specification of concrete repair methods, materials, or
safety standards. practices by an experienced engineer/designer.

ACI Repair Application Procedure 7.

Copyright © 2005, American Concrete Institute.
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any The Institute is not responsible for the statements or
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the copyright proprietors. Printed in the United States of America. the information provided.

26 Concrete Repair Bulletin july/august 2007

ACI RAP Bulletin 7

FIELD GUIDE TO Spall Repair of


by Peter Emmons

July/August 2007 Concrete Repair Bulletin 27

Spall Repair of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces (ACI RAP-7) 1

Horizontal surface repair is common on slabs either
elevated or on grade. Deterioration may be caused by corro-
sion of embedded reinforcement resulting in delamination and
spalling. Other common causes include freezing-and-thawing
deterioration and chemical attack. After an evaluation of the
deterioration by an engineer, a plan should be developed
including objectives and specifications for the repair. Steps for
repairs that include layout, removals, edge preparation,
mixing, bonding, placement, and curing have been included
below as a step-by-step guide for use by field personnel.

What is the purpose of this repair?

The purpose of spall repair is to repair deteriorated
concrete, repair damaged reinforcing steel, and replace the
lost concrete section.

When do I use this method? Fig. 1—Sound the concrete surface to locate delaminated
This method should be used for repairing spalls on hori- areas. Chain drags can be used for sounding.
zontal surfaces such as structural slabs, exterior slabs on
ground, balconies, and interior floors.

How do I prepare the surface?

Regardless of the repair method, surface preparation is
essentially the same. Unsound concrete is removed. Exposed
bars are undercut and surfaces are cleaned with high-pressure
water (3000 psi minimum) or are abrasively blasted. Follow
the steps outlined below:

Surface preparation
Step 1—Sound the concrete surfaces to locate delaminated
Step 2—Mark the perimeter of the repair area. Preferable
layout will result in simple geometric shapes with few re-
entrant corners. Fig. 2—Mark the perimeter of the repair area using simple
Step 3—Sawcut the perimeter of the repair. To avoid geometric shapes and minimizing re-entrant corners.
damaging reinforcement, the sawcut should not be deeper
than the cover over the reinforcement. If the delamination is
caused by corrosion, but the area of corroded reinforcing
isn’t apparent, use chipping hammers to expose the rein-
forcement until areas of uncorroded bars are found. Then
sawcut an area that encompasses the boundaries of corrosion
that have been established.
Step 4—Perform initial concrete removal with either 15-lb
or 30-lb jackhammers. Jackhammers larger than 30 lb may
cause damage to reinforcement, reinforcement bond to
surrounding concrete, and remaining concrete. Use 15-lb
jackhammers for final removal and detailing around the rein-
forcing steel.
Step 5—If exposed bars are corroded, concrete surrounding
the bar should be fully removed to expose the corroded bar,
regardless of how much of the bar is corroded. Removals around
the bar should allow the hand to pass under the bar. Clearance
around the bar should be approximately 3/4 in. (20 mm).
Step 6—If corroded bars are found and the bars have loss
of cross section, a structural engineer should be consulted.
Step 7—Final cleaning of the exposed reinforcement and Fig. 3—Sawcut the repair perimeter, but no deeper than the
concrete is required. Use of high-pressure water or abrasive thickness of the concrete cover over the reinforcement.

28 Concrete Repair Bulletin july/august 2007

Fig. 4—Initial concrete removal within the sawcut area,
using a 15- or 30-lb jackhammer. Use 15-lb jackhammer for Fig. 7—Clean the exposed concrete and reinforcing bars
final removal. with high-pressure water or abrasive blasting.

Fig. 5—If corrosion is present, remove enough concrete to

fully expose the corroded bar.
Fig. 8—Place repair material into the prepared cavity by
buggy, pump, or other conveying method.

achieved when the body of the concrete is saturated and free

surface water and puddles have been removed from the
surface of the concrete. Wetting the surface immediately
before placing material may result in standing water and
water-filled surface pores. This condition will result in poor
bond between the repair material and the concrete substrate.
Step 9—Use of bonding agents is optional. The most
common bonding agents are composed of cement and water
mixed together to form a broomable slurry. When a cement
slurry is used, care should be exercised so the slurry doesn’t
dry prior to placement of the repair material. Manufactured
bonding agents can also be used. Follow manufacturer
Fig. 6—Remove enough concrete so clearance beneath bars instructions for use of these materials. Certain repair material
is about 3/4 in.
mixture proportions and placement conditions may not
blasting is required to remove loose and bond-inhibiting require a separate bonding agent. If a manufactured (bagged)
materials. product is used, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Follow the procedures outlined in the preceding section of
Placement procedures this document. This will ensure that the placement methods
Step 8—Pre-wet concrete surfaces before placing repair and materials will result in adequate bond.
materials. Concrete surfaces receiving repair materials Step 10—Mix bagged repair material in accordance with
should be saturated surface-dry (SSD). An SSD condition is the manufacturer’s instructions. If using ready-mixed

July/August 2007 Concrete Repair Bulletin 29

Fig. 9—Strike off, then float the repaired surface. Fig. 11—Cure with wet coverings, or use a spray- or roller-
applied curing compound as shown here.

concrete and should not be less than 4000 psi. Other proper-
ties such as low shrinkage may be desirable and should be
specified by the owner’s representative. Prepackaged materials
specially designed for the repair of concrete surfaces can also
be used. Selection should be based on meeting the specified
properties outlined by the owner’s representative.

What equipment do I need?

• Sawcutting equipment and blades
• Chipping hammers
• Air compressor
• Abrasive blast equipment
• Concrete mixing and placing equipment
Fig. 10—After floating, trowel or broom the surface. • Concrete finishing tools

concrete, follow project specifications for mixing and trans- What are the safety considerations?
port requirements. • Eye protection is required for demolition and cleaning
Step 11—Place repair material into the prepared cavity by
• Hearing protection must reduce sound levels reaching
buggy, pumpline, or other acceptable method. the inner ear to limits on these levels that are specified
Step 12—Consolidate the repair material into the cavity by OSHA.
using either a vibrating screed or internal vibrator. Vibration • Respiratory protection is required when airborne dust
allows the repair material to flow around the reinforcing or vapors are produced.
steel and also come into intimate contact with the existing • Skin should be protected from chemicals and cement.
concrete substrate. This will promote maximum bond • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be avail-
between the new material and the substrate. Entrapped air able for materials on the job site.
will also be removed in this step. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to
Step 13—Screed the repair material. establish health and safety practices appropriate to the
Step 14—Float the repair material. specific circumstances involved with its use. ACI does not
Step 15—Trowel the repair material or broom the surface make any representations with regard to health and safety
for texture. issues and the use of this document. The user must determine
Step 16—Cure the repair in accordance with the manufac- the applicability of all regulatory limitations before applying
turer’s recommendations (if the material is bagged). If the the document and must comply with all applicable laws and
repair uses ready-mixed or site-mixed concrete, place wet regulations including, but not limited to, United States Occu-
burlap and a polyethylene sheet over the repair for a pational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) health
minimum of 7 days. An alternative to wet burlap is the use and safety standards.
of a spray-applied curing compound.
Preconstruction meeting
How do I select the right material? Prior to proceeding with the repair, a preconstruction
If ready-mixed concrete is used for the repairs, a water- meeting is recommended. The meeting should include repre-
cement ratio (w/c) of not more than 0.40 should be used. sentatives from participating parties (owner, engineer,
Compressive strength should be greater than the original contractor, materials manufacturer), and specifically address

30 Concrete Repair Bulletin july/august 2007

the parameters, means, methods, and materials necessary to results are below 100 psi (0.7 MPa), critically review
achieve the repair objectives. materials and procedures to develop a plan for improv-
ing the bond strength of the repair. More information
How do I check the repair? regarding this procedure is given in ICRI Technical
• Check surface preparation in two ways. First, the surface Guideline No. 03739, “Guide to Using In-Situ Tensile
should be free of dust or other bond-inhibiting materials. Pull-Off Tests to Evaluate Bond of Concrete Surface
A visual check is the first thing to do. The visual check Materials,” published by the International Concrete
should observe the surface for signs of dust or anything Repair Institute.
that may cause the repair material not to bond to the visi-
ble surface. The second check is to sound the area with a References
hammer to locate any delaminations that may still exist ACI Committee 201, 1992, “Guide for Making a Condition Survey of
beneath the prepared surface. Concrete in Service (ACI 201.R-92), American Concrete Institute, Farm-
ington Hills, Mich., 16 pp.
• Test the repair-material properties to ensure the material
ACI Committee 308, 1992, “Standard Specification for Curing Concrete
meets the desired or specified properties. Compressive (ACI 308-92),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 11 pp.
strength is the most common test. Samples of the mate- ACI Committee 364, 1994, “Guide for Evaluation of Concrete Struc-
rial should be placed into the standard cylinder molds tures Prior to Evaluation (ACI 364.1R-94),” American Concrete Institute,
used for concrete testing and sent to a lab for testing. Farmington Hills, Mich., 22 pp.
• Check bond using a pull-off test. This test requires core ACI Committee 515, 1985, “A Guide to the Use of Waterproofing, Damp-
roofing, Protective, and Decorative Barriers for Concrete (ACI 515.1R-79
drilling through the repair into the substrate approxi- (Revised 1985)),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 44 pp.
mately 1/2 in. (12 mm); the concrete core should ACI Committee 546, 2004, “Concrete Repair Guide (ACI 546R-04),”
remain attached to the substrate. Minimum core diame- American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 53 pp.
ter is 2 in. (50 mm). After core drilling, a steel plate is International Concrete Repair Institute, “Guide for Selecting and Specifying
glued to the top of the core. A specially designed pull- Materials for Repair of Concrete Surfaces,” ICRI Technical Guideline
No. 03733, 34 pp.
ing device is attached to the steel plate and is used to
International Concrete Repair Institute, “Guide for Surface Preparation
pull the plate until failure of the concrete occurs with for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel
the core. The force required to break the core is divided Corrosion,” ICRI Technical Guideline No. 03730, 8 pp.
by the area of the core resulting in a value expressed in International Concrete Repair Institute, “Guide to Using In-Situ Tensile
psi (pounds per square inch) or MPa (megaPascals). A Pull-Off Tests to Evaluate Bond of Concrete Surface Materials,” ICRI
Technical Guideline No. 03739, 16 pp.
target value above 150 psi (1 MPa) is recommended. In
International Concrete Repair Institute, “Selecting and Specifying Con-
some cases, however, values below 150 psi (1 MPa) and crete Surface Preparation for Coatings, Sealers, and Polymer Overlays,”
above 100 psi (0.7 MPa) are acceptable. If the test ICRI Technical Guideline No. 03732, 41 pp.

July/August 2007 Concrete Repair Bulletin 31

Spall Repair of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces (ACI RAP-7) 5

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