A2A C172 Pilot's Manual

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The document discusses ergonomic advice for pilots, an epilepsy warning, and details of the pre-flight checklist for the C172 aircraft.

Advice is given to maintain proper posture and take regular breaks when using screens or playing games to avoid eye strain and back pain.

The warning mentions that some people experience seizures from flashing lights, and to stop use and consult a doctor if any symptoms occur.




© 2013 A2A Simulations Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by A2A Simulations Inc.

Accu-Sim C172 Trainer, including sounds, aircraft, and all content is under
strict, and enforceable copyright law. If you suspect anyone has pirated any
part of Accu-Sim C172 Trainer, please contact [email protected]


Ergonomic Advice
▶▶ Always maintain a distance of at least 45cm to
the screen to avoid straining your eyes.
▶▶ Sit upright and adjust the height of your chair so that
your legs are at a right angle. The angle between your
upper and forearm should be larger than 90º.
▶▶ The top edge of your screen should be at eye level or be-
low, and the monitor should be tilted slightly back-
wards, to prevent strains to your cervical spine.
▶▶ Reduce your screen’s brightness to lower the con-
trast and use a flicker-free, low-radiation monitor.
▶▶ Make sure the room you play in is well lit.
▶▶ Avoid playing when tired or worn out and take
a break (every hour), even if it’s hard…

Epilepsy Warning
Some people experience epileptic seizures when viewing flashing lights or
patterns in our daily environment. Consult your doctor before playing com-
puter games if you, or someone of your family, have an epileptic condition.
Immediately stop the game, should you experience any of the follow-
ing symptoms during play: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitch-
ing, mental confusion, loss of awareness of your surroundings, involuntary
movements and/or convulsions.

CESSNA 172/Skyhawk – The Very Defi-
nition of a Classic Aeroplane


Everything you need to get cleared
for take-off as soon as possible.


Experience flight simulation like
never before with Accu-Sim.


The basic principles of how your engine
produces power and allows you to fly.

What you need to know about the pro-
peller as and Accu-Sim pilot.

As a pilot you must always be aware of what
your aircraft can do … and what it can’t.

Airspeeds for normal operation of the C172.

Normal operations checklists and proce-
dures for the Accu-Sim C172 Trainer.


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A more in-depth look at the nor-
mal operation procedures.

What you need to know to plan your flights.

Emergency procedures and checklists.

A more detailed look at the emer-
gency procedures.


A detailed look at the various parts
and systems of the C172.


Navigating the 2D panels and tak-
ing care of your aircraft.



FOREWORD by Mitchell Glicksman ©2013

CESSNA 172/Skyhawk – The Very Definition

of a Classic Aeroplane

Merriam /Webster’s dictionary defines “classic” as:

a : s erving as a standard of excellence, of recognized value.
b : traditional, enduring, i.e., a classic design.


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F ANY AEROPLANE ever deserved no surprise. After all, in its fifty-
seven year production history,

to be called “classic”, then the since November 1955 when

the first C-172 was introduced
venerable and ubiquitous Cessna to the public, over 60,000 of
these versatile aeroplanes
172 in all of its many variations have been built, making it the
most numerous aeroplane
surely deserves that title. It is a ever produced, by far.
All during its 57 year run
time-tested benchmark of aircraft ef- (with no sign of going away) it
has been one of the most eco-
ficiency, utility and excellence; it is one nomical, utilitarian, versatile,
affordable, safe and easy to
of the most recognizable aeroplanes fly aeroplanes ever produced,
not to mention one of the most
(although sometimes mistaken for its popular, most reliable and re-
lied upon of all general aviation
larger and more powerful brother, the aeroplanes. This, too, is no sur-
prise. For all of these years the
Cessna 182/Skylane and vice versa); Cessna 172 has been a relax-
ing, fun, simple and economi-
its value has been and continues to cal aeroplane to fly and oper-

be well-established and constant. The ate. Additionally, the C-172 in

its various forms has and still

Cessna 172 has endured going- on six serves in the U. S. Border Patrol
and Civil Air Patrol for search
decades, and is an undisputedly tradi- and rescue missions as well as
in over a dozen foreign air forc-
tional design. Classic? es since its introduction.
All of this has not come
about by chance. The Cessna
172 is an example of what can
be achieved by intelligent com-
promise and attention to what
If Piper aircraft are “Fords”, based upon William T. is required as well as to what is desired in a basic four-
Piper having been called “The Henry Ford of Aviation”, seat aeroplane. While many Cessna aeroplanes have
then Cessna aircraft are surely at least “Chevys”. Of been ground- breaking and highly significant markers
course, in both instances I am referring to the smaller, in the history of aviation, the simple, straight-forward,
lower powered, single-engine examples, the types of and distinctly unspectacular C-172 may be Clyde Cess-
aeroplanes that most private pilots rent or fly as mem- na’s and his company’s greatest achievement.
bers of a club — Piper’s Tomahawks and Cherokees, If this is so it is not because the 172 exhibits blinding
and Cessna’s 152s, 162s and, particularly the venerable performance or is so extraordinarily lovely to behold.
172/Skyhawk. No, the 172 is a modest and ordinary looking aero-
These Pipers and Cessnas are the aviation indus- plane, an efficient short-hauler with moderate-payload
try’s entry-level aeroplanes just as lower-priced Fords and range. Stable and pilot-friendly it is also surpris-
and Chevys are their automotive equivalent (No slight ingly nimble and quick on the controls when needs be.
or disrespect is intended towards any of the other au- The 172 is a mostly docile (except for a sharp stall break
tomobile manufacturers who also offer excellent entry- under certain conditions), some might say pedestrian
level automobiles). It might be hard to find a private aeroplane, purposely designed to be able to be flown
pilot who has not taken some dual and/or soloed in a safely even by the dimmest bulb on the pilot tree. Not
Cessna 172. It can be seen, often many examples, at just a fast cruiser or a rapid climber it is, however, an hon-
about any and every general aviation airport, and this is est, solid and reliable aircraft, neither overly forgiving



Photos of
the 1937-38
Luscomb 8a nor overly challenging. Accordingly, it is one of the best Of the 60K Cessna172/Skyhawks that have been built
choices for both VFR and IFR training. With its high wing, since its debut in November 1955, more than 20,000 of
granting an unobstructed downwards view, it is ideal those which remain are based and flying in the United
for sightseeing, aerial photography and for patrol and States; the rest are scattered over virtually every corner
surveillance duties. of the world.
FBOs and flying clubs love 172s because there are
always excellent examples available in the market for THE RISE OF A CLASSIC AEROPLANE
purchase/lease, they are reasonably priced, cost effec- So then, from where and whence did this ubiquitous
tive to operate, are durable, and if well-maintained, work horse of the general aviation fleet come?
hold their value well. Parts are plentiful and available Anyone seeking proof that evolution exists need
but, as it is with all aeroplanes, they may be expensive look no further than the Cessna 172. Its design is a
depending upon which part(s) is/are needed. Pilots new mélange, hybrid and accumulation of those designs of
to the 172 find that they offer no unpleasant surprises, a number of previously successful aeroplanes. Many
are a quick study and require little time to check out in. histories of this aeroplane start from the point when
They have an excellent safety record, keeping hull and Cessna decided to put a nose wheel on their popular
liability insurance premiums to the minimum. They are 170 model; but that does not go back far enough. It is
not fuel guzzlers and can withstand a lot of pilot abuse. clear that many of the specific design characteristics of
Renters find that they are not walletbusters, either. the 172 gradually took shape and form from its immedi-
On the debit side, 172s cabins are snug with lim- ate predecessors going back to just after World War II.
ited shoulder and headroom for all but the smallest The 172’s real forefathers are the humble 120/140/140A
and slightest people. “Full sized” adults will find them models, the elementary, 85-90 h.p., single engine, high
an uncomfortable or even prohibitively small environ- wing, two seat tail wheel aeroplanes which came into
ment. Like many “four-seat” GA aeroplanes, the 172’s this world in 1946 as part of the virtually universally pre-
average 900 lb. useful load does not permit full tanks dicted General Aviation (GA) boom which so many sup-
plus four hefty adults on board. With standard tanks (43 posed would blossom and thrive after World War II as a
gal.) on board, only 642 lbs. of available load remains. matter of course, but which never happened.
Of course, if you and your friends weigh and average of You see, the makers of general aviation aeroplanes
no more than 160 lbs. or so each, no worries. In the real thought, and to be fair not without sound reason, that
world (my world, anyway) this may not be the case. thousands of returning military pilots would be more
172s are slow; there is no way around it. It’s a 120k than anxious to jump at the chance of owning and flying
(138 m.p.h.) aeroplane and that is all. Fully loaded it their own aeroplanes now that they had experienced
may climb at 600-700 fpm at sea level. The cabin is loud, (on Uncle Sam’s dime, if you please) the “wonderful
even at cruise settings the engine produces a distinc- world of flying”. Sounds good, right? Wrong.
tive and pervasive low-midrange drone that makes ca- The real story which the virtually drooling after-war
sual conversation in the air without an intercom system aeroplane manufacturers did not ken was that for all
somewhat difficult. However, from the “R” model for- too many of these brave and valiant pilots their experi-
ward, some attention to cabin soundproofing has been ences in the air during the war ran from deadly dull to
addressed. just deadly; and with not much in between. Fortunately,


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most service pilots’ closest brush with the grim reaper approximately the price of a new, well-equipped BMW
whilst flying came from being bored to death on seem- 3-Series 328i Sedan or Buick LaCrosse Hybrid Sedan
ingly endless flights of all kinds in all kinds of turbulence (before taxes, etc.) in 2013.
and rough weather during which their most ardent, fer- For comparison, in 2013 1946 Cessna 120s in
vent wish was to return safely, and soon to terra firma, good condition we advertised for between a low of
the more firma the less terra. US$17,000.00 and a high of US$30,000 depending upon
For those far fewer souls who found themselves, engine and propeller TBO, radios, etc. installed.
mostly by oft- regretted choice, in harms way at alti-
tude, the experience of flying was mostly as described THE CESSNA 120/140 –WHERE IT BEGINS.
by U. S. M. C. Colonel Gregory “Pappy” Boyington: “Fly- While Piper, Taylorcraft, Stinson and others had been
ing is hours and hours of boredom sprinkled with a few producing light, two-seat, high wing aeroplanes before
seconds of sheer terror.”  Enough said. the war and these aeroplanes had been slightly altered
So, between the recently bored and/or terrified ex- for military use by the services to great effect. Cessna,
aeroplane jocks a far smaller realistic potential clien- however, which had seen its T-50 light twin used to great
tele for Pipers, Taylorcrafts, Cessnas, Stinsons and the effect by the services as the AT-17 multi-engine trainer
like than had been so optimistically imagined actually as well as building 750 Waco CG-4A-CE assault gliders
existed. Still, after the enthusiastic, if unrealistic, post- of D-Day fame, had no similar light single of its own at
war glut on the market of various GA aircraft types and war’s end and therefore has to start from scratch to
makes, a few managed to survive, some by virtue of the catch up to the others. Looking around for ideas, Cessna
brilliance of their design, most by virtue of the fact that was sure to notice Don Luscomb’s excellent 1937 “8” se-
they were relatively inexpensive to own and operate. ries “Silvaire”, an aeroplane widely used in the pre-war
In 1946, aviation fuel cost around US.20 per gallon and wartime Civilian Pilot Training Program. (un-impor-
(around US$2.50 in 2013). This was not too bad; better tant information: the very first aeroplane I ever flew and
anyway than the just over US$6.00 for 100LL in most trained in was a Luscomb 8A on floats). Numerous dis-
places in the U.S. in 2013. In 1946, a brand new Cessna tinct design similarities between the Luscomb 8 and the
120 cost a bit over US$3,000.00 (US$37,198.00 in 2013); 120/140 are surely more than coincidental.
So, the great controversy continues; was the Cessna
120 a budget model of the 140, or was the 140 the deluxe
model of the 120? While there are some distinct differences
between them - the original 140 has flaps (albeit somewhat
questionable as to effectiveness), and small “D” windows
aft of the main side windows, as well as an electrical sys-
tem which includes a starter - it was not long before many
120s got retrofitted with, you guessed it, “D” windows, an
electrical system w/ starter, and in some cases, flaps.
All original 120/140s had C-85 Continental four cylinder
horizontally opposed engines and fixed-pitch propellers of
the cruise (lower pitch) or climb (higher pitch) variety.
As they came from the factory in 1946, the wings of
the Cessna 120/140 were fabric covered; however, most

Photos of
the 1946
Cessna 120



1948 Cessna 140 some real aerodynamic improvements were included

such as an entirely new semi- tapered wing for better
roll response; and still a bit later, replacement of the
original thin-chord, ineffectual flaps (which is why there
is little practical aeronautical difference between the
120 and the 140) with slightly shorter but deeper real
Fowler flaps, which finally gave the 140’s flaps some au-
(The Fowler type flap’s trailing edge flap extends
rearward of the wings as it descends on special tracks.
When deployed, wing area, camber and chord are in-
creased and if there is a slot, or opening at the hinge line
to allow airflow over the top of the flap, boundary-layer
control may be improved. Fowlers provide the most lift
per sq. ft. of surface of any type of flap; however, they
require a complicated linkage system and mechanism.)
At the same time that Fowler flaps were installed,
the powerplant was upgraded to the Continental C-90,
90 h.p. engine.
A big step on the way to the 172 was the new wing.
have by now been since converted to metal covering. The fabric covering of the 140A’s original wing was re-
Lift struts extending from the bottom of the fuselage placed with a new design which was covered with
to the wing s were of the “V” two-strut design. In 1948 stressed aluminum, stiffening the entire structure and
the 140’s instrument panel was updated from the old thus permitting a single lift strut per wing rather than
30’s/40’s central cluster (clutter?) to something resem- the dual “V”, two-strut design of the 120/140. Addition-
bling a useful layout. ally, the ailerons were lengthened and ran the length of
the tapered outer-wing section and the wing tips were
THE CESSNA 140A – THE TRUE changed from rounded to what was thought to be a
ANCESTOR OF THE 172 EMERGES. more modern-looking squared off shape.
In 1949, disappointed by the poor sales and the short Also, the 140A received an improvement in its land-
customer lines of returning aviators (see above) Cessna ing gear. The 1946 120/140s already had the familiar
updated the 140 and the “A” model was introduced. Cessna flat spring leaf steel main landing gear legs.
The fuselage and interior were left unchanged; however While the materials used and exact design of Cess-

The 1950C-140A


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1948 Cessna 170

na’s landing gear legs have changed from steel leaf but literally life-saving and life-changing introduction to
to tapered tubular spring over time, their profile and and involvement with aviation. The airplane he bought
general appearance have remained essentially un- and learned to fly in was a Cessna 140.
changed. The 140A had toe brakes which were not at The Cessna 120/140 is one of the most gentle and
all common in light aeroplanes at that time. Cessna forgiving of the classic tailwheel aeroplanes; however,
was afraid that pilots new to this kind of brake control interestingly (bafflingly), a few 140As have been spotted
system would nose the 140A over too easily by braking with nose wheel conversions, turning them into sort-of
too hard. Accordingly, the main gear was moved for- Cessna 150s. Most ironically, there are and have been
ward to put the C. G. farther behind the main wheels. for some time a number of companies offering a tail-
Later, some 120s and 140s were retrofitted with land- wheel conversion for the Cessna 150/152 turning them
ing gear extension modifications which moved their into sort-of Cessna 140A’s! Madness, I say; madness.
wheels forward as well. Pilots being the myriad, mul-
tifarious, magpies that they are, some have managed THE CESSNA 170 – GETTING
to nose over their 140As anyway. CLOSER TO HOME.
Around 525 140As were built, including a few C-140A Given the time it takes for design development and pro-
“Patroller” types, anticipating the 1949 L-19 (O-1) “Bird- totype testing, the C-170, introduced to the public on 27
dog”, a derivative of the C-170. These aeroplanes were February 1948, a year before the debut of the C-140A,
designed for use by police departments who had vast it is clear that as early as 1947 that Cessna was already
areas of highway to patrol such as are found in and committed to producing a four-seat version of their
around the deserts of the southwest U.S. They had see- 120/140 models.
through Plexiglas doors, 42 gallon fuel tanks for long Like the 120/140, the new C-170 was initially pro-
range/long loitering time; and most curiously, a tube in duced with an all-metal fuselage and fabric-covered
the floor which could ostensibly be utilised for dropping wings which had no dihedral and were called “straight-
messages and/or for more basic biological necessities. wings”. The fin/rudder had no dorsal fin. The engine was
The Cessna 140 has a special place in the hearts of upgraded to the reliable flat, six-cylinder, horizontally
all of those (me) who were first introduced to the re- opposed 145 hp Continental C-145-2 (later the O -300A)
ality that we could actually go flying by the late and with three of the C-140’s fuel tanks totaling 42 US gal-
much missed Frank Kingston Smith who, amongst his lons installed in the wings to accommodate the larger
many books and magazine articles wrote the delightful, engine. The lift struts were the same “V”, two- strut de-
“Weekend Pilot”. Therein he tells of how as a much be- sign as on the 120/140. In every way this new aeroplane
leaguered young Philadelphia attorney in the mid 1950s was just a slightly larger 120/140; but changes were to
he almost succumbed to a depressing syndrome of ul- come soon which would transform this aeroplane into
cers and emotional dysfunction but for his accidental, the father of the 172.


Photos of 1950
Cessna 170A

dral; accordingly, the C-170 and C-170A are called the

“straight-wing” 170s.
In 1952 the pen-ultimate variant of the 170, the C-
170B was introduced and production of this aeroplane
continued until 1956, the year of the first C-172. The C-
170B was a massive and distinct refinement of the 170
model and set the stage for all of the subsequent C-172
s which were soon to begin to appear.
Larger “Fowler” flaps, first seen on the C-140A and
which were also used on the L-19 ‘Birddog” introduced
in 1950 were installed in the C-170B’s new wing. These
were termed “Para-Lift flaps” by Cessna, but are more
commonly called “barn door flaps”. They initially could
be lowered to 20º, 30º and 40º; however, beginning in
1955 an additional 10º flap setting for short-field take-
offs was added.
Other aerodynamic refinements included a newly
designed stabilizer/elevator with an increased aero-
dynamic balance area at the tips which incorporated
within them an internal mass balance which reduced
THE CESSNA 170A - ARE WE THERE YET? elevator control pressure. Also, in 1955 the rounded rear
There is every reason to suspect that the initial C-170 side windows were changed to be more square shaped,
was a temporary and somewhat hastily produced and a new, more durable type of tailwheel bracket was
aeroplane because before the year was out, Cessna installed.
introduced the much slicker and more sophisticated All of these refinements much improved the C-170;
C-170A. The fin/rudder now had a dorsal fin and was however the most significant and longest lasting refine-
identical to that of the already established C-190/195 ment was the wing. The “B”’s new wing became the
aircraft which were introduced in 1947. This aero- standard wing of all Cessna light single-engine aircraft,
plane sported a new wing, now covered with metal including the C-172, and is still incorporated to this day.
and with slightly larger flaps. While these flaps were The wing incorporated all of the previous refinements
not yet the more effective “Fowler” flaps to come on such as a stressed- skin metal covering, etc., and consists
the C-170B, they could be lowered to a whopping 50º! of a constant 64” chord NACA 2412 centre section from
Like the C-170’s wing, this new wing had no dihe- centerline outward to 100”, at that point tapering to 44-


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TOP: Photo of
creating the C-170C. The 145  hp 1952 C-170B
Continental C-145-2 engine used
in all previous C-170s was replaced of early 1960’s era
with the more modern flat six-cyl- Army L-19 Birddog
inder, horizontally opposed, Con- BOTTOM RIGHT: Photo
tinental 0-300-A. The O-300 is es- of Vietnam-era Air
sentially a modernized C-145 and Force L-19/0-1 Birddog
has the same dimensions, weight,
bore, stroke, displacement, com-
pression ratio and output. Both
the C-145 and O-300 use a direct,
un-geared drive to the propeller
and produce approximately 145
h.p. Many pilots appreciate and
are pleased by the smoothness of
the six-cylinder O-300, but are less
than pleased at their increased
overhaul bill caused by the extra
two cylinders.
The tail surfaces were once
again revised to incorporate an
even larger stabilizer/elevator (still
with the same aerodynamic and
mass balances of the C-170B) and
inch chord NACA 2412 section at 208” from centerline. a very businesslike, “modern” squared-off fin/rudder.
This new wing also now had 3º of dihedral with threeº This became the C-172’s tail section.
washout (forward twist) across the tapered section only While this aeroplane was promoted as the latest and
to prevent wing-tip from stalling before the wing-root. the greatest of the C-170 series, Cessna had a trick card
All of these refinements were carried over to the C-172 up its sleeve, and it was a ace. On 12 June 1955 Cessna
and have appeared on all subsequent 172 models. The unveiled what it had undoubtedly been working on for
172 was now only one step away from birth. a long time -- the first tricycle gear Cessna -- the C-170C
now had a nosewheel!
THE CESSNA 170C – ALMOST THERE, KIDS. The 170’s FAA type certificate initially included an
In January 1955, while the scene was set and lit and the additional provision for a “C-172” which was done to
curtain seemed just about ready to rise on the Cessna reduce usual bureaucratic certification time and fees.
172, there was one more slight detour; the C-170C. Not After overwhelming approval of the tricycle geared 170
quite ready to abandon its latest and most successful by the aviation community, a separate type certificate
aeroplane, Cessna modified the C-170 one more time was applied for and received for the new Cessna 172.

Photos of 1955
Cessna 170C



1955 Cessna 172

THE CESSNA 172/SKYHAWK configuration was difficult to design into an airframe

- HOME AT LAST. where the engine and its systems take up virtually all
“Everything old is new again.” of the available space in the very front of the fuselage.
The first military aircraft with a nosewheel produced in
The early to mid -1950’s were yet another in the long large numbers is believed by this author to have been
series of periods of change in aviation since the Broth- the Consolidated PBY “Catalina” amphibious light
ers started the whole sha-bang at Kitty Hawk on a frigid bomber/patrol aircraft, which first flew in March, 1935.
morning on December 17, 1903. It sometimes seems However, there was an even earlier GA aeroplane with a
that there are no periods other than periods of change nosewheel (after the early Curtiss’), the W-1 designed by
in aviation; but no matter. This time the big change was Fred Weick and flown in 1934. Other early GA aeroplanes
from GA aircraft with tailwheels to those with nose- with a nosewheel were the Stearman-Hammond Y-1 of
wheels. 1936, followed by another, more famous Fred Weick de-
While some of the pioneering and innovative Cur- sign, the “Ercoupe” first flown in October. 1937.
tiss pushers of the early 1900s most presciently sported By 1938 after thousands of expensive and sometime
tricycle landing gear, i.e., having a wheel at the nose fatal nose overs of their tailwheel aircraft, the U. S. Army
instead of one at the tail, that particular landing gear Air Corps was ready to try a new idea in a military aero-


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Early nosewheeled aircraft:
▶▶ Replica 1910
Curtiss “Pusher”
▶▶ W.W. II era Consolidated
▶▶ 1934 Weick W-1
▶▶ 1936 Stearman-
Hammond Y-1
▶▶ 1937 Weick (Forney)
▶▶ An early Me-262

plane; it was ready for aeroplanes with nose wheels

and the beginning of a new era in aviation commenced.
What followed were the P-38 “Lightning” -27 Jan. 1939;
the P-39 “Airacobra” -April, 1939; the B-24 “Liberator”-
mid-1939 (the first A. A. C. bomber with a nosewheel, the
B-17 being the last A. A. C. bomber without one); B-25
“Mitchell” - late 1939; the B-26 “Marauder”-Nov. 1940.
Of course, once the jet-age began, tailwheels were as
useful as…well, whatever is not very useful (although,
interestingly, the first operational jet fighter, the Messer-
schmitt Me-262 was first designed and test- flown with
conventional tailwheel landing gear).
After World War II makers of GA aircraft soon followed
the lead of the military. In 1951 Piper introduced its it’s
first tricycle landing gear aeroplane, the four-seat PA-22
Tri-Pacer. It was a huge success and it surely challenged


1951 Piper “Tripacer” sales success, more than 1,400 were built and sold dur-
ing the first year after its unveiling. Cessnas all-metal
and far sleeker -appearing entry into the tri-gear race
was more appealing to many than the fabric- covered,
and to many stodgy and foreshortened -looking Piper
After the C-172’s appearance and huge success the
GA “nosewheel revolution” continued throughout the
rest of the ‘50s and into the 60’s until very few GA air-
craft, except for special types intended for aerobatics,
crop dusting, bush and rough country flying, and other
specific utility purposes were still being manufactured
with tailwheels.
1960 saw a new swept- back tail on the C-172A
and tasked Cessna to step up and to introduce a tricycle which looked rakish, but didn’t actually increase per-
geared aeroplane of its own. Additionally, the impetus formance in any way. In 1961 the first C-172 was avail-
for Cessna to produce a factory tri-gear 170 possibly able as a “Skyhawk”, an upscale, more luxurious ver-
came because of the well-known tri- gear STC (Supple- sion of the C-172B. However, after a short while, all
mental Type Certificate) for the 172 developed by Met- C-172s were popularly called “Skyhawks” and the dis-
Co-Air in Fullerton, California, a modification which was tinction gradually dissolved until 1977 when all C-172s
being made by many C-170 owners. were then and thereafter officially and simply named
In July 1955 the aeroplane destined to become one “Skyhawks”.
of the most beloved in its class, the Cessna 172, was in- A major change in the fuselage structure and in
troduced to the public, touted to now be equipped with the overall appearance of the C-172/Skyhawk came in
“Land- O - Matic” (tri-cycle) landing gear. An overnight 1963, one year after the same modification was made

Photo of 1961

Cessna 172/Skyhawk
w/ new fuselage


16 www.a2asimulations.com
to the C-182 and to Cessna’s single-engine flagship, the
1959 Cessna 175/Skylark
C-210 with the dropped rear fuselage and inclusion of
a wraparound rear-view window. Not being an aero-
plane likely to ever be involved in aerial combat, un-
obstructed vision to the rear might be seen by some as
being somewhat superfluous in the 172; but it looked
modern, added welcome light and a feeling of extra
spaciousness to what is in the fastback versions of the
aeroplane a fairly cramped and formerly claustropho-
bic environment.
While the original C-172 evolved and was altered
over the years as to its appearance (swept fin/rudder,
rear view window), available equipment, electronics,
soundproofing, landing gear length and construction,
control refinements, engine swops, experiments with
cantilever wings, retractable landing gear, as well as
plans for diesel and electric power; it has always re-
mained what it was from the first: a reliable, utilitarian
and good- mannered flying machine for four moderate-
ly sized people to fly for moderate distances at moder-
ate altitudes and airspeeds.
Not an aeroplane which exhibits spectacular perfor-
mance numbers, the C-172 nevertheless just keeps on
doing what it has done from the first which is to pro-
vide the ordinary private pilot with an excellent, if most
moderate way to go aviating; and you know, sometimes
moderation is the wisest practice after all, which during
Photo of 1957
its 43 years and counting the ever-popular Cessna 172 Cessna 180
has well and truly proved.

SIBLINGS AND RELATIONS bulge in the cowling to make room for the rather large
THE CESSNA 175/SKYLARK and bulky engine gear box. This at least makes the
By 1958, the popularity and commercial success of C-175/Skylark an excellent choice for a rather tricky
the C-172/Skyhawk was firmly established. Cessna “name that plane” contest.
perceived that there was market for a more powerful The C-175/Skylark was not a successful aeroplane
C-172 but was unwilling to risk its star seller’s reputa- for Cessna. Firstly, it did not much improve the C-172/
tion and “brand” recognition by going too far in alter- Skyhawk’s performance all that much. Those who de-
ing the basic design. Accordingly a new Cessna, the sired the spectacular and legendary performance of a
C-175 was developed. C-180 simply chose it instead, and those who desired
Intended to take its place between the heavier and a C-180 with tricycle gear chose the C-182/Skylane.
more powerful Cessna 180 and the C-172/Skyhawk, the Secondly, the C-175/Skylark’s ill-starred GO-300 en-
C-175 and the “Skylark”, a more luxurious version, was gine was, perhaps hastily and unfairly perceived to
intended to be both close enough and different enough be unreliable, possibly because of its low TBO, and
to the “Skyhawk” to maintain a familial connection. The accordingly the C-175/Skylark was largely ignored.
powerplant chosen was the Continental GO-300 which Eventually realising that it had clearly made a serious
is a geared and beefed up 175 h.p. version of the 145 h.p. marketing mistake, Cessna wisely dropped the aero-
Continental C-145 engine which powered the Skyhawk. plane from its production lines after only four years
This turned out to be a poor choice of engine. Because of tepid sales.
it is essentially a 145 h.p. engine pushed to put out 30
more horsepower by gearing the propeller, its TBO (time THE CESSNA REIMS - FR172J “REIMS ROCKET”
between overhaul) is only 1,200 hours of operation, Built in the mid ‘60s through the mid ‘70s by the French
whist the un-geared C-145 (O-300)’s TBO is within the aviation company known alternatively as “Societè Nou-
industry standard at 1,800 hours. velle Max Holste, and “Reims Aviation”, the pleasantly
While there are a number of structural details that named FR172J “Reims Rocket” is essentially a heavily
differ from the C-172/Skyhawk to accommodate its modified C-172F. Reims Aviation also produced modifi-
greater power and weight, the C-175/Skylark looks cations of other Cessna aircraft: F150 , F152, F172, F177,
much like the C-172/Skyhawk, except for a distinct F182, F337, and the Reims-Cessna F406 “Caravan”.



The Rocket was powered by a fuel-injected, Conti- modified U. S. A. F. T-41A “Mescalero” primary trainer
nental IO-360D of 210  h.p. (takeoff), 195 h.p. (continu- (see below).
ous) which was built by Rolls Royce, with a constant
speed, controllable propeller, which is also basically the THE T-41A,B “MESCALERO” – U.S.
same powerplant which is installed in the twin-engined AIR FORCE PRIMARY TRAINER
Cessna 336/337 series. In 1964 the U.S. Air Force chose the C-172A to be the
It was the first 172 to have electrically operated aeroplane used for Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT),
flaps instead of the former manual, lever-operated later called Initial Military Flight Screening (IMFS) air-
flaps (which I personally like a lot better). The Re- craft, naming it the T-41A. The Air Force rightly figured
ims Rocket was the prototype aircraft for the further that if a prospective Flight Training Cadet could not
learn to fly this most docile and forgiving aeroplane in
a fairly short time then he or she was not a likely candi-
date for their most rigourous flight- training program, of
which your author has some practical knowledge.
1972 Cessna “Reims Rocket The T-51A “Mescalero”, named after the “Mescalero
Apache” tribe of New Mexico, was initially a stock 172.
The following year the Air Force, influenced by the in-
creased performance of the Cessna Reims - FR172J “Re-
ims Rocket”, modified the T-41A with the installation of
the same 210 h.p. (takeoff), 195 h.p. (continuous) Con-
tinental IO-360 engine with a constant-speed control-
lable propeller in place of the stock 145 hp Continental
O-300 and its 7654 fixed-pitch propeller as was installed
in the factory C-172A. This was the T-41B.
Additionally, in 1968 the U. S. Air Force acquired 52 T-
41Cs, which had the same engine as the T-41B but with
a fixed-pitch climb propeller for the Air Force Academy
in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a climb propeller be-
ing most useful in that largely vertical territory. Three
1965 T-41A,B “Mescalero” of these remain at the school and are used by, among
others, the Academy’s prestigious show -flying team. A
later “D” model of this aeroplane included more sophis-
ticated avionics including a proprietary military TACAN
(Tactical Air Navigation System) receiver; essentially a
hyper-accurate VOR/DME.
The T-41 in its various incarnations was the U.S. Air
Force’s Initial Military Flight Screening (IMFS) aircraft
until 1993 when it was gradually phased out in place of
the ill-fated and too-occasionally deadly Slingsby T-3A
Firefly. The Air Force has since utilised the Diamond DA2
for this purpose.

Built both in Wichita and Reims between 1977 and ’81
1980 R172K Hawk had a fuel injected, Continental IO-360K (IO-360KB) a
XP on floats 210 h.p. engine which was soon derated to 195 h.p. to
increase its TBO from 1,500 hours in 1977- early ’78 to
2,000 hours thereafter, with a constant speed, control-
lable propeller. The Hawk XP was basically Cessna’s
homegrown answer to the French Reims Rocket and
could cruise at 131 knots as opposed to the plain-jane
172’s 120 k cruise. This slight increase in speed was not
considered by some to be worth the extra purchase
price and operating costs.
However, the one place that the R172K Hawk XP re-
ally shines is on the water. A standard 172 is not power-
ful enough to be an effective four-passenger floatplane;


18 www.a2asimulations.com
Photos of 1980 Cessna
172RG “Cutlass

however, the Hawk XP on floats is one of GA’s nicest C-172 go faster. To do so cost US$19,000 more than
four-seat floatplanes, with its excellent takeoff perfor- the standard 172 so that the landing gear would get
mance and cruise speed of around 125K, which is very out of the way of the oncoming air. However, at the
good for a floatplane in its class. (more unimportant in- end of the day the RG’s best cruise speed is only 140
formation; I often flew a Hawk yea’ years ago from the knots compared to the 120 or so knots cruise of the
old, now long gone and much missed “Suburban Sea- standard and much less expensive 172. The extra ex-
plane Base” in Island Park, N.Y., located near the Long pense of purchase, maintenance and annual inspec-
Beach /Island Park Bridge; and it was a class act with tion of a C-172 with retractable gear was not greeted
lots of get up and go) with enthusiasm by many. Additionally, for some, the
idea of an aeroplane with wing struts hanging out in
THE CESSNA 172RG “CUTLASS” the breeze and retractable gear seems and looks pre-
Sometimes humourously (or maybe not so humour- posterous, and perhaps it is.
ously) called the 172 “RRR” (Pirates, Cutlass…whatev- In any event, the C-172RG was a case of not enough
er), the “RG” stands for the fact that this 172’s landing go for the buck; and, accordingly, it did not find much
gear retracts. Introduced in 1980 and actually appear- favour in the mass GA market. The beginning of a world-
ing on the Cessna 175’s FAA type certificate, the 172 wide slump in new GA aircraft sales in 1980 didn’t help,
RG is officially considered to be a variant of the C-175 either. The RG found a small niche for itself, however, in
and not of the C-172. It is powered by the venerable flight schools which found it to be a relatively low-cost
Lycoming O-360-F1A6 engine of 180 h.p. (also the fa- aeroplane for giving pilots the requisite complex aircraft
miliar powerplant of the Piper “Comanche 180”, “Ar- (controllable propeller - retractable landing gear) expe-
cher” and many others), with a constant-speed, con- rience necessary to obtain a Commercial Pilot’s Certifi-
trollable propeller. The idea was to make the 120 knot cate in the U.S.



ed cabin for the pilot’s seat. A soft, roll-up pad was used
as sleeping accommodations for the pilot not on duty.
Problems arose early in the flight when the electric
generator, which was driven by the engine, failed. Un-
daunted by this setback, the innovative Timm and Cook
called for and hauled up a wind -driven generator from
an Aeronca Champion, duct-taped it to the right wing
strut and plugged it into the aeroplane’s cigarette lighter
receptacle, thereby providing electric power for the re-
mainder of the flight which went without a further hitch.
Once they knew that they had broken the world’s
record for endurance in flight, the pilots wisely decided
to end their flight as their faithful Cessna’s beleaguered
and tired engine was, after over 1,500 hours of continu-
ous operation, starting to lose power. Near the end of
the flight, the exhausted 172 could hardly climb away
after refueling and before all ended in tragedy the time
to call it quits was clearly on hand.
NOTEWORTHY FLIGHTS This world’s record breaking Cessna 172 can be seen
LONGEST TIME IN THE AIR WORLD’S on display in the passenger terminal at McCarran Inter-
RECORD FLIGHT national Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada.
As part of a clever and spectacular fund- raising scheme
for the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund Robert Timm and TO RUSSIA WITH LOVE
John Cook took off from McCarran Airfield, Las Vegas, NV On 28 May 1987 at approximately 7:00 p.m., 18 (or pos-
in Cessna 172 N9172B on December 4, 1958. What was sibly 19) year- old Mathias Rust, a German pilot with
different and newsworthy about this particular takeoff only around 50 hours of flight experience flew a rented
was that the next landing did not occur until 64 days, 22 German- registered Reims Cessna F172P, D-ECJB from
hours, 19 minutes and 5 seconds had elapsed when they Helsinki-Malmi Airport through Soviet airspace to a
landed back at McCarran Airfield on February 4, 1959. landing on a bridge near St. Basil’s Cathedral in Red
Timm and Cook pulled up all personal necessaries, Square, Moscow, U. S. S. R. Rust was detected by but not
such as food, water with buckets on ropes and through stopped by Soviet air defense forces.
the specially made accordion door on the passenger’s As it happens, Mr. Rust was luckier than he could
side from a truck which drove at full throttle down a have hoped for in that the overhead electric trolly wires
long, straight road with the Cessna flying overhead and that usually run along and above the bridge were under
matching its speed. Fuel was taken on board through a repair and had been taken down on the morning of day
hose which first fed a special auxiliary fuel tank in the he landed there and were replaced the next day. After a
belly of the aeroplane which, in turn, fed the two wing successful landing Rust then taxied off the bridge, past
tanks. Extra oil was carried on board and fed to the en- the famous Cathedral and came to a stop about 100 me-
gine through hole in the instrument panel and firewall. tres from the entrance to Red Square. His approach and
To accommodate all those cans of oil and other living landing was videotaped by a British doctor. Rust was
necessaries, there was only room in the snug and crowd- promptly arrested, tried and sentenced to 4 years in a


20 www.a2asimulations.com
labour camp. However, he did not actually serve out his duce only 160 h.p., which means that it lasts longer
sentence in a labour camp, but instead at the far less and has a greater TBO. Also, the injected Lyc I0-360
rigourous high security Lefortovo temporary detention produces maximum power at only 2,400 r.p.m. mak-
facility in Moscow. Rust had served less than one year of ing it quieter and more fuel efficient than the faster-
his sentence when he was released by order of General turning Lyc 320.
Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev in August 1988 as a gesture The “R” got a complete interior make-over with ver-
of good will to the west. tically adjustable, contoured, reclining, 26g seats and
an inertia-reel seat belt/harnesses (a responsive echo
YOUR CESSNA 172R SKYHAWK from the old product liability lawsuits), an efficient
This is the aeroplane that almost never was. In fact, multi-level ventilation system (always an important fea-
there almost were never any more light Cessna aero- ture for flight simmers), an intercom system for all four
planes built after 1985. In the mid 1980s the economy in seats, and extensive soundproofing which was sorely
the United States was in very bad shape, something we needed in the aeroplane’s previously overly-loud inte-
know all about again today. Also, a spate of what some rior environment.
might consider unwise, unreasonable and draconian Structurally, the “R” received stainless steel control
decisions by various courts regarding product liabil- cables, dual vacuum pumps, epoxy corrosion protec-
ity had crippled manufacturers of light aircraft such as tion, larger fuel tanks, tinted windows, better, back-lit,
Cessna and had rendered their businesses untenable. non-glare instruments, a systems annunciator panel,
Accordingly, unable to thrive in such a hostile insurance optional wheel fairings, and more radio package choic-
climate, Cessna simply closed up shop. Almost ten years es including GPS or IFR GPS.
went by, but in 1994 President Clinton signed the Gen- An upgraded version, the 172S Skyhawk SP was of-
eral Aviation Revitalization Act which eased and limited fered in 1998 with the full-power Lyc IO-360 rated at 180
the manufacturer’s liability with regard to accidents in h.p., a larger propeller and a leather interior.
which there occurred monetary or property damage Not a generic “C-172”, A2A has specifically modeled
and/or personal injury as a result of the operations of a every aspect of the C-172R in every detail using the tre-
light GA aeroplane. mendous amounts of information of all kinds which
The result was that in 1995 a new C-172, the “R” were derived from the pilots on our staff’s extensive
model would be produced. This new 172 was an im- real-world flying of an excellent example of the Cessna
provement over the last 172, the “N”, built in 1985, in 172R. Taking all of that information we modeled the
that the “R” has the larger fuel injected Textron Ly- most authentic and accurate flight-sim Cessna 172R
coming IO-360-L2A engine. The last 172, the “N” had available, both visually and in its flight characteristics.
the smaller, carburetted Lycoming O-320. This Lyc 360 We do this because we have a passion for flying which
was de-rated from its usual average 180 h.p. to pro- we want to share with you. Enjoy!



 ER TEN YEARS ago, A2A (then Shockwave
Productions) entered the flight simulation
scene with strong opinions of what was
needed in our flight simulation industry.
And thus, began our quest to unwind and
re-define what the word “simulation” truly
means. Today and over a decade later, we
have released a new airplane, the Accu-Sim
C172 Trainer. This is one of our most ambi-
tious and important projects to date.


22 www.a2asimulations.com
The month preceding the public release of this air- is known as “cold soaked.” However, if you plugged in
craft brought a new challenge, and that was “how do we your electric engine heater you can come back anytime
show our customers what this product is?” Everywhere and find a nice, warm engine waiting for you. Warm up
we look, we see brand new substance. While the Cessna times will be much shorter, and your engine will actu-
172 is a simple aircraft to operate, reproducing and sim- ally last longer. This is what aircraft owners talk about,
ulating all of the building blocks of this machine is not. and do.
The conversations we’ve been having with many com- However, probably the most ambitious new feature in
panies and people in aviation were different than most the Accu-Sim C172 Trainer is the Pre-Flight Inspection (a
were used too, because here comes this ambitious com- virtual walk-around). You can now, more than ever, visu-
pany A2A having to understand aspects of an airplane ally see the state of the airplane. You can check for water
that pilots, mechanics, and even many engineers don’t in the fuel, inspect various hinges, check the oil, tires, and
have to know. But we do, because we must produce the even wiggle the flaps by hand to see how secure they are.
exact same product in a different world. The wonderful In fact, this walk around system is so complete, that we
and magical world of flight simulation. could hand this product to a future pilot who has never
Soon you will be reading and possibly participating even gotten close to a Cessna 172 and a week later, ask
in discussions within our simulation community that him or her to perform a pre-flight inspection on the real
are virtually identical to the conversations taking place aircraft. The result would be a person with a solid under-
right now throughout the aviation communities, with standing of what parts and systems need to be checked
questions like “what oil do you recommend during the and why, and this would have all been learned without
winter months?” “How do you like that propeller?” “Do realizing it since it was, in this case, interactive and fun.
you lean your engine by ear or using the EGT gauge (ex- “Fun” is a key word to learning and has been the core
haust gas temperature)?” of Accu-Sim since its inception. To be truly immersed in a
Your Accu-Sim airplane has been developed as we simulation, is to truly have fun. This is who we are, flight
go back and forth from the airport to our development simmers. We block out the world around us and want to
workstations. Not only does the aircraft and its systems get ourselves lost in an alternate reality. This is simula-
persist from flight to flight, even engine temperatures tion. But it must be true. When you do something as
persist. So if you land at an airport on a cold day, park simple as turn an ignition key and engage a starter, there
the plane, turn your computer off, grab lunch and return are things you can expect to happen…. physical things.
an hour later, you will find an engine that is still warm. Much of our interpretation of the physical world around
If you wait until the next morning to fly, it will be what us is known to us, subconsciously. We instinctively know
when something looks and feel right and conversely,
when something “just doesn’t seem right.” During our
development of our Accu-Sim aircraft, we are continually
looking, probing, and testing all kinds of combinations of
things to make sure the physical world in Accu-Sim is as
true as we can make it to the natural world we all live in.
Pilots and aircraft enthusiasts are a discerning, sen-
sitive bunch. We’re tough to please, which helps define
who we are. We welcome everyone to the new Accu-
Sim C172 Trainer. We hope you get not just hours, but
months if not years of growth and enjoyment from it.



Everything you need to get cleared

for take-off as soon as possible.


24 www.a2asimulations.com
 ANCES ARE, IF you are reading this
manual, you have properly installed
the A2A Accu-Sim C172 Trainer. Howev-
er, in the interest of customer support,
here is a brief description of the setup
process, system requirements, and a
quick start guide to get you up quickly
and efficiently in your new aircraft.

The A2A Simulations Accu-Sim C172
Trainer requires the following to run:
▶▶ Requires licensed copy of
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
▶▶ Service Pack 2 (SP2) required

NOTE: while the A2A Accu-Sim C172 Trainer may work

with SP1 or earlier, many of the features may not work
correctly, if at all. We cannot attest to the accuracy of
the flight model or aircraft systems under such condi-
tions, as it was built using the SP2 SDK. Only Service
Pack 2 is required. The Acceleration expansion pack is
fully supported but is NOT REQUIRED.

▶▶ Windows XP SP2
▶▶ Windows Vista
▶▶ Windows 7
▶▶ Windows 8

▶▶ 2.0 GHz single core processor (3.0GHz and/or
multiple core processor or better recommended)

▶▶ 250MB of hard drive space or better

▶▶ DirectX 9 compliant video card with at least 128
MB video ram (512 MB or more recommended)

▶▶ DirectX 9 hardware compatibility and audio
card with speakers and/or headphones



Included in your downloaded
zipped (.zip) file, which you should
have been given a link to download
after purchase, is an executable
(.exe) file which, when accessed,
contains the automatic installer for
the software.
To install, double click on the ex-
ecutable and follow the steps pro-
vided in the installer software. Once
complete, you will be prompted
that installation is finished.

IMPORTANT: If you have Microsoft Se-

curity Essentials installed, be sure to
make an exception for Microsoft Flight
Simulator X as shown on the right.

The A2A Simulations Accu-Sim C172
Trainer was built to a very high de-
gree of realism and accuracy. Be-
cause of this, it was developed using
the highest realism settings avail-
able in Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
The following settings are rec-
ommended to provide the most ac-
curate depiction of the flight model.
Without these settings, certain fea-
tures may not work correctly and
the flight model will not perform ac-
curately. The figure below depicts
the recommended realism settings
for the A2A Accu-Sim C172 Trainer.

To achieve the highest degree of real-
ism, move all sliders to the right. The
model was developed in this manner,
thus we cannot attest to the accuracy
of the model if these sliders are not
set as shown above. The only excep-
tion would be “Crash tolerance.”


Enable “Pilot controls aircraft ENGINES rudder” turned off if you have a
lights” as the name implies for Ensure “Enable auto mixture” is means of controlling the rudder
proper control of lighting. Check NOT checked. The Spitfire has a input, either via side swivel/twist
“Enable gyro drift” to provide realis- fully working automatic mixture on your specific joystick or rudder
tic inaccuracies which occur in gyro control and this will interfere with pedals.
compasses over time. our extensively documented and
“Display indicated airspeed” modeled mixture system. AIRCRAFT STRESS
should be checked to provide a DAMAGES ENGINE
more realistic simulation of the air- FLIGHT CONTROLS (Acceleration Only). It is recom-
speed instruments. It is recommended you have “Auto- mended you have this UNCHECKED.


26 www.a2asimulations.com
›› To Change Views Press A or SHIFT + A.

›› K
eep the engine at or above 800 RPM. Fail-
ure to do so may cause spark plug fouling.
If your plugs do foul (the engine will sound
rough), try running the engine at a higher
RPM. You have a good chance of blowing
them clear within a few seconds by doing so.
If that doesn’t work, you may have to shut
down and visit the maintenance hangar.

›› On landing, once the airplane settles

slowly pull back on the stick for addi-
tional elevator braking while you use
your wheel brakes. Once the airplane has
slowed down you can raise your flaps.

›› B
e careful with high-speed power-on dives
(not recommended in this type of aircaft),
as you can lose control of your aircraft if
you exceed the max allowable speed.

›› For landings, take the time to line up

and plan your approach. Keep your
eye on the speed at all times.

›› Using a Simulation Rate higher than

4X may cause odd system behavior.

›› A quick way to warm your engines is to

re-load your aircraft while running.



Experience flight simulation like

never before with Accu-Sim.

Developed for


28 www.a2asimulations.com
CCU-SIM IS A2A Simulations’
growing flight simulation engine,
which is now connectable to oth-
er host simulations. In this case,
we have attached our Accu-Sim
C172 Trainer to Microsoft Flight Simulator X
to provide the maximum amount of realism
and immersion possible.

WHAT IS THE PHILOSOPHY on or off with a single switch. How-

BEHIND ACCU-SIM? ever, if Accu-Sim is enabled and the
Pilots will tell you that no two air- needles are in the red, there will be
craft are the same. Even taking the consequences. It is no longer just an
same aircraft up from the same aircraft, it’s a simulation.
airport to the same location will re-
sult in a different experience. For ACTIONS LEAD TO
example, you may notice one CONSEQUENCES
day your engine is running a Your A2A Simulations Accu-Sim air-
bit hotter than usual and craft is quite complete with full sys-
you might just open your tem modeling and flying an aircraft
cowl flaps a bit more and be such as this requires constant at-
on your way, or maybe this is a sign tention to the systems. The infinite
of something more serious devel- changing conditions around you
oping under the hood. Regardless, and your aircraft have impact on
you expect these things to occur these systems. As systems operate
in a simulation just as they do in both inside and outside their limita-
life. This is Accu-Sim, where no two tions, they behave differently. For
flights are ever the same. example, the temperature of the
Realism does not mean having a air that enters your carburetor has
difficult time with your flying. While a direct impact on the power your
Accu-Sim is created by pilots, it is engine can produce. Pushing an
built for everyone. This means ev- engine too hard may produce just
erything from having a professional slight damage that you, as a pilot,
crew there to help you manage the may see as it just not running quite
systems, to an intuitive layout, or as good as it was on a previous
just the ability to turn the system flight. You may run an engine so hot,



that it catches fire. However, it may persistence is craft are not like automobiles, in the conditions. So be aware, no longer
not catch fire; it may just quit, or one of the key sense that weight plays a key role in will your aircraft load with full fuel
may not run smoothly. This is Accu- features of Accu- the creation of every component. So, every time, it will load with the
Sim – it’s both the realism of all of Sim. Maintain almost every system on your aircraft same amount of fuel you left off
these systems working in harmony, your C172 from is created to be just strong enough to when you quit your last flight. You
flight to flight in
and all the subtle, and sometimes the Maintenance give you, the pilot, enough margin of will learn the easy or the hard way
not so subtle, unpredictability of Hanger. error to operate safely, but these mar- to make, at the very least, some ba-
it all. The end result is when flying gins are smaller than those you find in sic checks on your systems before
in an Accu-Sim powered aircraft, it an automobile. So, piloting an aircraft jumping in and taking off, just like a
just feels real enough that you can requires both precision and respect of real aircraft owner.
almost smell the avgas. the machine you are managing. Additionally, in each flight things
It is important that you always will sometimes be different. The
YOUR AIRCRAFT TALKS keep an eye on your oil pressure gauges and systems will never be
We have gone to great lengths to and engine temperature gauges. exactly the same. There are just
bring the internal physics of the air- On cold engine starts, the oil is too many moving parts, variables,
frame, engine, and systems to life. thick and until it reaches a proper changes, etc., that continuously al-
Now, when the engine coughs, you operating temperature, this thick ter the condition of the airplane, its
can hear it and see a puff of smoke. If oil results in much higher than engine and its systems.
you push the engine too hard, you can normal oil pressure. In extreme
also hear signs that this is happening. cold, once the engine is started, NOTE: Signs of a damaged engine may
Just like an actual pilot, you will get watch that oil pressure gauge and be lower RPM (due to increased friction),
to know the sounds of your aircraft, idle the engine as low as possible, or possibly hotter engine temperatures.
from the tires scrubbing on landing keeping the oil pressure under
to the stresses of the airframe to the 120psi. SOUNDS GENERATED
window that is cracked opened. BY PHYSICS
PERSISTENT AIRCRAFT Microsoft Flight Simulator X, like
BE PREPARED – STAY Every time you load up your Accu- any piece of software, has its limi-
OUT OF TROUBLE Sim C172 Trainer, you will be flying tations. Accu-Sim breaks this open
The key to successfully operating al- the continuation of the last aircraft by augmenting the sound system
most any aircraft is to stay ahead of which includes fuel, oil, coolant with our own, adding sounds to
the curve and on top of things. Air- levels along with all of your system provide the most believable and im-


30 www.a2asimulations.com
mersive flying experience possible.
The sound system is massive in this
Accu-Sim C172 Trainer and includes
engine sputter / spits, bumps and
jolts, body creaks, engine detona-
tion, runway thumps, and flaps, dy-
namic touchdowns, authentic sim-
ulation of air including buffeting,
shaking, broken flaps, primer, and
almost every single switch or lever
in the cockpit is modeled. Most of
these sounds were recorded from
the actual aircraft and this sound
environment just breaks open an
entirely new world. However, as you
can see, this is not just for enter-
tainment purposes; proper sound is
critical to creating an authentic and
believable flying experience. Know
that when you hear something, it is
being driven by actual system phys-
ics and not being triggered when a
The gauges are
certain condition is met. There is a LANDINGS the windows into crunching, or just kiss the pavement
big difference, and to the simula- Bumps, squeaks, rattles, and stress your aircraft’s perfectly and hear just a nice chirp
tion pilot, you can just feel it. all happens in an aircraft, just when systems and or scrub of the wheels. This landing
it is taxiing around the ground. Now therefore Accu- system part of Accu-Sim makes every
GAUGE PHYSICS take that huge piece of lightweight Sim requires landing challenging and fun.
these to behave
Each gauge has mechanics that al- metal and slam it on the pavement. authentically.
low it to work. Some gauges run off It’s a lot to ask of your landing gear. YOUR TURN TO
of engine suction, gyros, air pres- Aircraft engineer’s don’t design the FLY SO ENJOY
sure, or mechanical means. The RPM landing gear any more rugged than Accu-Sim is about maximizing the
gauge may wander because of the they have too. So treat it with kid joy of flight. We at A2A Simulations
slack in the mechanics, or the gyro gloves on your final approach. Kiss are passionate about aviation, and
gauge may fluctuate when starting the pavement. Anything more is just are proud to be the makers of both
the motor, or the gauge needles may asking too much from your aircraft. the A2A Simulations Accu-Sim C172
vibrate with the motor or jolt on a Accu-Sim watches your landings, Trainer, and its accompanying Ac-
hard landing or turbulent buffet. and the moment your wheels hit cu-Sim expansion pack. Please feel
The gauges are the windows into the pavement, you will hear the ap- Don’t get lazy free to email us, post on our forums,
on approach!
your aircraft’s systems and there- propriate sounds (thanks to the new Every landing is or let us know what you think. Shar-
fore Accu-Sim requires these to be- sound engine capabilities). Slam it on a challenging ing this passion with you is what
have authentically. the ground and you may hear metal with Accu-Sim. makes us happy.



The piston pulls

in the fuel / air
mixture, then
compresses the
mixture on its
way back up.

The spark plug

ignites the
compressed air
/ fuel mixture,
driving the piston
down (power),
then on it’s way
back up, the
burned mixture
is forced out
the exhaust.


32 www.a2asimulations.com
HE COMBUSTION ENGINE is basically an air
pump. It creates power by pulling in an air
/ fuel mixture, igniting it, and turning the
explosion into usable power. The explosion
pushes a piston down that turns a crank-
shaft. As the pistons run up and down with controlled
explosions, the crankshaft spins. For an automobile,
the spinning crankshaft is connected to a transmis-
sion (with gears) that is connected to a driveshaft,
which is then connected to the wheels. This is liter-
ally “putting power to the pavement.” For an aircraft,
the crankshaft is connected to a propeller shaft and
the power comes when that spinning propeller takes
a bite of the air and pulls the aircraft forward.

The main difference between an engine designed

for an automobile and one designed for an aircraft is
the aircraft engine will have to produce power up high
where the air is thin. To function better in that high, thin
air, a supercharger can be installed to push more air into
the engine.
The basic principles of how OVERVIEW OF HOW THE ENGINE
your engine produces power WORKS AND CREATES POWER
Fire needs air. We need air. Engines need air. Engines are
and allows you to fly. just like us as – they need oxygen to work. Why? Because
fire needs oxygen to burn. If you cover a fire, it goes out
because you starved it of oxygen. If you have ever used
a wood stove or fireplace, you know when you open
the vent to allow more air to come in, the fire will burn
more. The same principle applies to an engine. Think of
an engine like a fire that will burn as hot and fast as you
let it.
Look at these four images on the left and you will un-
derstand basically how an engine operates.
The piston pulls in the fuel / air mixture, then com-
presses the mixture on its way back up.
The spark plug ignites the compressed air / fuel mix-
ture, driving the piston down (power), then on it’s way
back up, the burned mixture is forced out the exhaust.


Cold air is
Have you ever noticed that your car provides more As you now know, an engine is an
engine runs smoother and stronger
in the cold weather? This is because
WEAK oxygen to your
engine. More
air pump that runs based on timed
explosions. Just like a forest fire,
cold air is denser than hot air and oxygen means it would run out of control unless
more power.
has more oxygen. Hotter air means it is limited. When you push the
less power. throttle forward, you are opening a
valve allowing your engine to suck
MIXTURE STRONG in more fuel / air mixture. When at
Just before the air enters the com- full throttle, your engine is pulling
bustion chamber it is mixed with in as much air as your intake system
fuel. Think of it as an air / fuel mist. will allow. It is not unlike a watering
A general rule is a 0.08% fuel to hose – you crimp the hose and re-
air ratio will produce the most pow- strict the water. Think of full power
er. 0.08% is less than 1%, meaning THE MIXTURE LEVER as you just opening that water valve
for every 100 parts of air, there is Most piston aircraft have a mix- and letting the water run free. This
just less than 1 part fuel. The best ture lever in the cockpit that the is 100% full power.
economical mixture is 0.0625%. pilot can operate. The higher you In general, we don’t run an air-
fly, the thinner the air, and the less plane engine at full power for ex-
Why not just use the most fuel you need to achieve the same tended periods of time. Full power
economical mixture all the time? mixture. So, in general, as you is only used when it is absolutely
Because a leaner mixture means a climb you will be gradually pull- necessary, sometimes on takeoff,
hotter running engine. Fuel actually ing that mixture lever backwards, and otherwise in an emergency sit-
acts as an engine coolant, so the leaning it out as you go to the high- uation that requires it. For the most
richer the mixture, the cooler the er, thinner air. part, you will be ‘throttling’ your
engine will run. motor, meaning you will be be set-
However, since the engine at How do you know when you ting the limit.
high power will be nearing its maxi- have the right mixture?
mum acceptable temperature, you The standard technique to achieve MANIFOLD PRESSURE
would use your best power mix- the proper mixture in flight is to = AIR PRESSURE
ture (0.08%) when you need power lean the mixture until you just no- You have probably watched the
(takeoff, climbing), and your best tice the engine getting a bit weaker, weather on television and seen a
economy mixture (.0625%) when then richen the mixture until the large letter L showing where big
throttled back in a cruise when en- engine sounds smooth. It is this storms are located. L stands for
gine temperatures are low. threshold that you are dialing into LOW BAROMETRIC PRESSURE
So, think of it this way: your 0.08%, best power mixture. Be Just before the (low air pressure). You’ve seen the
▶▶ For HIGH POWER, use aware, if you pull the mixture all the air enters the H as well, which stands for HIGH
a RICHER mixture. way back to the leanest position, combustion BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (high
▶▶ For LOW POWER, use this is mixture cutoff, which will chamber it is air pressure). While air pressure
mixed with fuel.
a LEANER mixture. stop the engine. changes all over the world based on
Think of it as an
air / fuel mist. weather conditions, these air pres-
When you push sure changes are minor compared
the throttle to the difference in air pressure with
forward, you are altitude. The higher the altitude,
opening a valve the much lower the air pressure.
allowing your
engine to suck On a standard day (59°F), the
in more fuel / air pressure at sea level is 29.92Hg
air mixture. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. To keep
things simple, let’s say 30Hg is stan-
dard air pressure. You have just
taken off and begin to climb. As you
reach higher altitudes, you notice
your rate of climb slowly getting
lower. This is because the higher
you fly, the thinner the air is, and
the less power your engine can pro-
duce. You should also notice your


34 www.a2asimulations.com
MANIFOLD PRESSURE decreases your carburetor is bolted on top of
as you climb as well. your intake manifold. Just below
those throttle valves and inside
Why does your manifold your intake manifold, the air is in
pressure decrease as you climb? a near vacuum. This is where your
Because manifold pressure is air manifold pressure gauge’s sensor
pressure, only it’s measured in- is, and when you are idling, that
side your engine’s intake manifold. sensor is reading that very low air
Since your engine needs air to pressure in that near vacuum.
breath, manifold pressure is a good As you increase power, you
indicator of how much power your will notice your manifold pressure
engine can produce. comes up. This is simply because
you have used your throttle to open
Now, if you start the engine and those throttle plates more, and the
idle, why does the manifold engine is able to get the air it wants.
pressure go way down? If you apply full power on a normal
The air and fuel
When your engine idles, it is being engine, that pressure will ultimately are compress independent ignition systems. In
choked of air. It is given just enough reach about the same pressure as by the piston, the event one fails, the other will
air to sustain itself without stalling. the outside, which really just means then the ignition continue to provide sparks and the
If you could look down your car- the air is now equalized as your en- system adds the engine will continue to run. This
buretor throat when an engine is gine’s intake system is running wide spark to create means each cylinder will have two
a controlled
idling, those throttle plates would open. So if you turned your engine explosion. spark plugs installed.
look like they were closed. However off, your manifold pressure would An added advantage to having
if you looked at it really closely, you rise to the outside pressure. So on two sparks instead of one is more
would notice a little space on the a standard day at sea level, your sparks means a little more power.
edge of the throttle valve. Through manifold pressure with the engine The pilot can select Ignition 1, Igni-
that little crack, air is streaming in. off will be 30”. tion 2, or BOTH by using the MAG
If you turned your ear toward it, you switch. You can test that each igni-
could probably even hear a loud IGNITION tion is working on the ground by
sucking sound. That is how much The ignition system provides timed selecting each one and watching
that engine is trying to breath. sparks to trigger timed explo- your engine RPM. There will be a
Those throttle valves are located sions. For safety, aircraft are usu- slight drop when you go from BOTH
at the base of your carburetor, and ally equipped with two completely to just one ignition system. This is
normal, provided the drop is within
your pilot’s manual limitation.

All sorts of things create heat in an
engine, like friction, air temp, etc.,
but nothing produces heat like
The hotter the metal, the weaker
its strength.
Aircraft engines are made of alu-
minum alloy, due to its strong but
lightweight properties. Aluminum
maintains most of its strength up
to about 150°C. As the temperature
approaches 200°C, the strength
starts to drop. An aluminum rod at
0°C is about 5× stronger than the
The hotter the
metal, the weaker same rod at 250°C, so an engine is
its strength. most prone to fail when it is run-
ning hot. Keep your engine tem-
peratures down to keep a healthy
running engine.



MORE CYLINDERS, “rows” of cylinders. Sometimes two

MORE POWER engines would literally be mated
The very first combustion engines together, with the 2nd row being ro-
were just one or two cylinders. tated slightly so the cylinders could
Then, as technology advanced, and get a direct flow of air.
the demand for more power in-
creased, cylinders were made larg- THE PRATT &
er. Ultimately, they were not only WHITNEY R4360
made larger, but more were added Pratt & Whitney took this even fur-
to an engine. ther, creating the R4360, with 28
Below are some illustrations Cylinders (this engine is featured in
to show how an engine may be the A2A Boeing 377 Stratocruiser).
Without the layer
of oil between configured as more cylinders are The cylinders were run so deep, it
the parts, an added. became known as the “Corn Cob.”
LUBRICATION SYSTEM (OIL) engine will The more cylinders you add to This is the most powerful piston
An internal combustion engine has quickly overheat an engine, the more heat it pro- aircraft engine to reach production.
precision machined metal parts that and seize. duces. Eventually, engine manu- There are a LOT of moving parts on
are designed to run against other facturers started to add additional this engine.
metal surfaces. There needs to be a
layer of oil between those surfaces at
all times. If you were to run an engine
and pull the oil plug and let all the oil
drain out, after just minutes, the en-
gine would run hot, slow down, and
ultimately seize up completely from
the metal on metal friction.
There is a minimum amount of
oil pressure required for every en-
gine to run safely. If the oil pressure
falls below this minimum, then the
engine parts are in danger of making
contact with each other and incur-
ring damage. A trained pilot quickly
learns to look at his oil pressure
gauge as soon as the engine starts,
because if the oil pressure does not
rise within seconds, then the engine
must be shut down immediately.
Above is a simple illustration of a
crankshaft that is located between
two metal caps, bolted together. This
is the very crankshaft where all of the
engine’s power ends up. Vital oil is
pressure-injected in between these
surfaces when the engine is run-
ning. The only time the crankshaft
ever physically touches these metal
caps is at startup and shutdown. The
moment oil pressure drops below its
minimum, these surfaces make con-
tact. The crankshaft is where all the
power comes from, so if you starve
For a piston engine,
this vital component of oil, the en- more cylinders ment
gine can seize. However, this is just more power!
one of hundreds of moving parts in
an engine that need a constant sup-
ply of oil to run properly.


36 www.a2asimulations.com
The “Corn Cob,”
the most powerful TORQUE VS HORSEPOWER
piston aircraft Torque is a measure of twisting force.
engine to reach If you put a foot long wrench on a
production. bolt, and applied 1 pound of force at
the handle, you would be applying 1
foot-pound of torque to that bolt. The
moment a spark triggers an explo-
sion, and that piston is driven down,
that is the moment that piston is cre-
ating torque, and using that torque
to twist the crankshaft. With a more
powerful explosion, comes more
torque. The more fuel and air that can
be exploded, the more torque. You
can increase an engine’s power by ei-
ther making bigger cylinders, adding
more cylinders, or both.
Horsepower, on the other hand, is
the total power that engine is creat-
ing. Horsepower is calculated by com-
bining torque with speed (RPM). If an
engine can produce 500 foot pounds
of torque at 1,000 RPM and produce
the same amount of torque at 2,000
RPM, then that engine is producing
twice the horsepower at 2,000 RPM
than it is at 1,000 RPM. Torque is the
twisting force. Horsepower is how fast
that twisting force is being applied.
If your airplane has a torque me-
ter, keep that engine torque within
the limits or you can break internal
components. Typically, an engine
produces the most torque in the
low to mid RPM range, and highest
horsepower in the upper RPM range.


What you need to know about the pro-
peller as and Accu-Sim pilot.


38 www.a2asimulations.com
EFORE YOU LEARN about how different propellers
work, first you must understand the basics of
the common airfoil, which is the reason why a
wing creates lift, and in this case, why a propel-
ler creates thrust.

It is interesting to note when

discussing Bernoulli and Newton
and how they relate to lift, that
both theories on how lift is created
were presented by each man not
knowing their theory would even-
tually become an explanation for
how lift is created.
They both were dealing with
other issues of their day.


This has been the traditional theory
of why an airfoil creates lift:
Look at
the image above which shows you
how the shape of an airfoil splits the Unfortunately over time, the Bernoulli theory spe-
oncoming air. The air above is forced to travel further cifically has been misrepresented in many textbooks
than the air at the bottom, essentially stretching the air causing some confusion in the pilot and flight training
and creating a lower pressure, or vacuum. The wing is community. Misrepresentations of Bernoulli such as the
basically sucked up, into this lower pressure. The faster “equal transit theory” and other incorrect variations on
the speed, the greater the lift. Bernoulli have caused this confusion. Rather than get
into a highly technical review of all this we at A2A sim-
THE NEWTON THEORY ply advise those interested in the correct explanation of
As the air travels across the airfoil’s upper and lower Bernoulli to research that area with competent authority.
surfaces, lift is created by BENDING the air down with For the purposes of this manual, A2A just wants you
great force at its trailing edge, and thus, the Newtonian to be aware that both Bernoulli and Newton represent
force of opposite and equal reaction apply. complete explanations for how lift is created.
The main thing we want to impress upon you here is
WHAT WE DO KNOW (AND WHAT that when considering lift and dealing with Bernoulli and
 Newton, it is important and indeed critical to understand
The airfoil is essentially an air diverter and the lift is that BOTH explanations are COMPLETE EXPLANA-
the reaction to the diverted air. An airfoil’s lift is de- TIONS for how lift is created. Bernoulli and Newton do
pendent upon its shape, the speed at which it is trav- NOT add to form a total lift force. EACH theory is simply a
eling through the air, and its angle to the oncoming different way of COMPLETELY explaining the same thing.
air (angle of attack).” BOTH Bernoulli and Newton are in fact in play and
It is important that you note that we have delib- acting simultaneously on an airfoil each responsible
erately not entered into the details and complete completely and independently for the lift being created
aerodynamics involved with either of the above ex- on that airfoil.
planations for lift as they go beyond the scope of this Hopefully we have sparked your interest in the direc-
manual. tion of proper research.


Look at the cross
WHAT IS A STALL? section of a
In order for a wing to produce ef- propeller blade.
ficient lift, the air must flow com- Essentially, the
pletely around the leading (front) same process
edge of the wing, following the creates lift.
contours of the wing. At too large an
angle of attack, the air cannot con-
tour the wing. When this happens,
the wing is in a “stall.”
Typically, stalls in aircraft oc-
LEFT: Level Flight.
cur when an airplane loses too
A wing creating
much airspeed to create a suffi- moderate lift. Air
cient amount of lift. A typical stall vortices (lines) stay
exercise would be to put your air- close to the wing.
craft into a climb, cut the throttle, RIGHT: Climb.
and try and maintain the climb as Wing creating
significant lift
long as possible. You will have to force. Air vortices
gradually pull back harder on the still close to
stick to maintain your climb pitch the wing.
and as speed decreases, the angle
of attack increases. At some point,
the angle of attack will become so
great, that the wing will stall (the
nose will drop).
completely around the leading stabilizer, thus shaking the air-
STALL edge. The wing is stalled, not only craft. This shaking can sometimes
The angle of attack has become creating little lift, but significant become so violent, you can pop
too large. The boundary layer drag. rivets and damage your airframe.
vortices have separated from the You quickly learn to back off your
top surface of the wing and the CAN A PROPELLER STALL? stick (or yoke) when you feel those
incoming flow no longer bends What do you think? More on this shudders approaching.
below. Notice in the diagram on the
next page, how the airfoil creates
LIFT VS ANGLE OF ATTACK more lift as the angle of attack in-
Every airfoil has an optimum angle creases. Ideally, your wing (or pro-
at which it attacks the air (called peller) will spend most of it’s time
angle of attack, or AoA), where moving along the left hand side of
lift is at it’s peak. The lift typically this curve, and avoid passing over
starts when the wing is level, and the edge. A general aviation plane
Stall. A wing that
is stalled will be increases until the wing reaches its that comes to mind is the Piper
unable to create optimum angle, lets say 15-25 de- Cherokee. An older version has
significant lift. grees, then as it passes this point, what we call a “Hershy bar wing”
the lift drops off. Some wings have because it is uniform from the root
a gentle drop, others can actually to the tip, just like an Hershy choc-
be so harsh, as your angle of attack olate bar. Later, Piper introduced
increases past this critical point, the tapered wing, which stalled
the lift drops off like a cliff. Once more gradually, across the wing.
you are past this point of lift and The Hershy bar wing has an abrupt
the angle is so high, the air is just stall, whereas the tapered wing
being plowed around in circles, has a gentle stall.
creating almost no lift but plenty A propeller is basically a wing
of drag. This is what you experi- except that instead of relying on
ence when you stall an aircraft. The incoming air for lift, it is spinning
buffeting or shaking of the aircraft around to create lift, it is perpendic-
at this stall position is actually the ular to the ground, creating a back-
turbulent air, created by your stall- wards push of air, or thrust. Just
ing wing, passing over your rear remember, whether a propeller is


40 www.a2asimulations.com
a fixed pitch, variable pitch, or con- these phases of flight, that we will
stant speed, it is always attacking just let you experience for the first
a variable, incoming air, and lives time yourself.
within this lift curve.
FROM STALL TO A fixed speed prop spends almost
FULL POWER all of it’s life out of it’s peak thrust
With brakes on and idling, the angle. This is because, unless the
angle at which the prop attacks aircraft is travelling at a specific
the still air, especially closer to speed and specific power it was
the propeller hub, is almost al- designed for, it’s either operating
ways too great for the prop to be too slow or too fast. Lets say you
creating much lift. The prop is are flying a P-40 and have the pro-
mostly behaving like a brake as it peller in MANUAL mode, and you
slams it’s side into the air. In real- are cruising at a high RPM. Now
ity, the prop is creating very little you pitch down, what is going to
lift while the plane is not moving. happen? The faster air will push
This effect is known as prop stall, your prop faster, and possibly be-
and is part of the Accu-Sim prop yond it’s 3,000 RPM recommended
physics suite. limit. If you pitch up your RPM will
Once done with your power drop, losing engine power and pro-
check, prepare for takeoff. Once peller efficiency. You really don’t
you begin your takeoff run, you have a whole lot of room here to
may notice the aircraft starts to play with, but you can push it (as
pull harder after you start rolling many WWII pilots had to).
forward. This is the propeller start-
ing to get its proper “bite” into the
air, as the propeller blades come
out of their stalled, turbulent
state and enter their comfortable
high lift angles of attack it was
designed for. There are also other
good physics going on during all of


As a pilot you must always be aware
of what your aircraft can do … and
what it can’t.


42 www.a2asimulations.com
 IS SECTION OUTLINES the capabili-
ties and limitations of your Accu-Sim
C172 aircraft. Learning this informa-
tion is of vital importance if you are
to successful master the aircraft,
while ignoring it will likely lead to
many trips to the Maintenance Hang-
er for repairs.

Note that high speed figures are with wheel fairings.
Subtract 2 kias when removed. Performance data is
supplied for the “R” (or “160 HP”) model only.


▶▶ Maximum at Sea Level: 123 ktas

▶▶ Cruise, 80% Power at 8000 ft: 122 ktas


Recommended lean mixture with fuel allowance for en-

gine start, taxi, takeoff, climb and 45 minutes reserve.
▶▶ 80% Power @ 8000 ft (max): 580 nm / 4.8 hrs
▶▶ 60% Power @ 10000 ft (econ):
Range 687 nm / 6.6 hrs
▶▶ Rate Of Climb At Sea Level: 720 fpm
▶▶ Service Ceiling: 13,500 ft


▶▶ Ground Roll: 945 ft

▶▶ Total Distance Over 50 ft Obstacle: 1685 ft


▶▶ Ground Roll : 550 ft

▶▶ Total Distance Over 50 ft Obstacle : 1295 ft


▶▶ Flaps Up, Power Off: 51 kcas

▶▶ Flaps Down, Power Off: 47 kcas




▶▶ Textron Lycoming, IO-360-L2A, Normally ▶▶ Max Takeoff Weight: 2450 lbs.

aspirated, direct drive, air-cooled, horizon- ▶▶ Max Baggage Area Weight: 120lbs
tally opposed, fuel injected, four cylinder
engine with 360 cu. in. displacement.
▶▶ Horsepower Rating and Engine Speed: STANDARD AIRPLANE WEIGHTS
◆◆ 160 rated BHP at 2,400 RPM.
▶▶ Standard Empty Weight: 1639 lbs.
▶▶ Maximum Useful Load (total fuel, pas-
PROPELLER sengers, and baggage): 818 lbs

▶▶ Two blade, Fixed pitch, 75” 70° pitch Mc-

Cauley, Model Number 1C235/LFA7570. LIMITATIONS

▶▶ VNE (Never Exceed)

FUEL Do not exceed 163 kias in any speed operation.

▶▶ Fuel Capacity: ▶▶ VNO (Maximum Structural)

◆◆ Total Capacity: 56.0 U.S. gallons. Do not exceed 129 kias except in smooth
◆◆ Total Usable: 53.0 U.S. gallons. air, and then only with caution.
◆◆ Total Capacity Each Tank: 28.0 U.S. gallons.
◆◆ Total Usable Each Tank: 26.5 U.S. gallons. ▶▶ VA (Maneuvering Speed)
▶▶ 100LL Grade Aviation Fuel Do not make full or abrupt control
movements above this speed.
◆◆ 2,450 lbs.: 99 kias
OIL ◆◆ 2,000 lbs.: 92 kias
◆◆ 1,600 lbs.: 82 kias
▶▶ Oil Capacity:
◆◆ Sump: 8 U.S. Quarts ▶▶ VFE (Maximum Flap Speed)
◆◆ Total: 9 U.S. Quarts Do not exceed this speed with flaps
▶▶ Recommended Viscosity ◆◆ 10° Flaps: 110 kias
for Temperature Range: ◆◆ 10° to 30° Flaps: 85 kias
◆◆ Above 16°C (60°F) 50 (w100)
◆◆ -18°C (0°F) to 32°C (90°F) 20W-50
◆◆ All Temperatures 15W-50


44 www.a2asimulations.com

▶▶ Center of Gravity Range:

◆◆ Forward: 35.0 inches aft of datum at 1950
lbs. or less, with straight line variation to
40.0 inches aft of datum at 2450 lbs.
◆◆ Aft: 47.3 inches aft of datum at all weights.
◆◆ Reference Datum: Lower por-
tion of front face of firewall.


▶▶ Maneuvers And Recommended Entry Speed*

◆◆ Chandelles 105 kias

◆◆ Lazy Eights 105 kias
◆◆ Steep Turns 95 kias
◆◆ Stalls (Except Whip Stalls) Slow Deceleration

* Abrupt use of the controls is prohibited above 99 kias.

Aerobatics that may impose high loads should not be

attempted. The important thing to bear in mind in flight
maneuvers is that the airplane is clean in aerodynamic
AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS design and will build up speed quickly with the nose
down. Proper speed control is an essential requirement
▶▶ WHITE ARC (flaps extended) for execution of any maneuver, and care should always
◆◆ Full Flap Operating Range (33 – 85 kias) be exercised to avoid excessive speed which in turn can
◆◆ Lowest speed at maximum weight impose excessive loads. In the execution of all maneu-
with full flaps is 33 kias vers, avoid abrupt use of controls.
◆◆ Maximum speed permissible with flaps
extended beyond 10° is 85 kias
▶▶ GREEN ARC (flaps retracted)
◆◆ Normal Operating Range (44 – 129 kias) ▶▶ Flight Load Factors
◆◆ Lowest speed at maximum weight with is 44 kias (Maximum Takeoff Weight - 2450 lbs.):
◆◆ Maximum structural cruising speed is 129 kias
◆◆ *Flaps Up +3.8g, -1.52g
▶▶ YELLOW ARC ◆◆ *Flaps Down +3.0g
◆◆ Operations must be conducted with cau-
tion and only in smooth air (129-163 kias) *The design load factors are 150% of the above, and in
all cases, the structure meets or exceeds design loads.
◆◆ Maximum speed for all operations is 163 kias ▶▶ Flap Limitations
◆◆ Approved Takeoff Range: 0° to 10°
◆◆ Approved Landing Range: 0° to 30°

▶▶ Maximum Engine Speed: 2400 RPM.

NOTE: The static RPM range (full throttle when
stopped at sea level) is 2,065 – 2,165 RPM.
▶▶ Maximum Oil Temperature: 245°F (118°C).
▶▶ Oil Pressure, Minimum: 20 PSI, Maximum: 115 PSI.



Airspeeds for normal operation of the C172.


46 www.a2asimulations.com
ERE IS A brief sum-
mury of the airspeeds
required for normal op-
erations of the Accu-Sim
C172 aircraft.


Unless otherwise noted, the following speeds are based
on a maximum weight of 2450 pounds and may be used
for any lesser weight.

▶▶ Normal Climb Out: 70-80 kias
▶▶ Short Field Takeoff, Flaps 10°,
Speed at 50 Feet: 57 kias


Sea Level: 75-85 kias
10,000 Feet: 70-80 kias
Sea Level: 79 kias
10,000 Feet: 71 kias
Sea Level: 60 kias
10,000 Feet: 65 kias

▶▶ Normal Approach, Flaps Up: 65-75 kias
▶▶ Normal Approach, Flaps 30°: 60-70 kias
▶▶ Short Field Approach, Flaps 30°: 62 kias

▶▶ Maximum Power, Flaps 20°: 55 kias


▶▶ 2450 lbs: 99 kias
▶▶ 2000 lbs: 92 kias
▶▶ 1600 lbs: 82 kias

▶▶ Takeoff or Landing: 15 kts


Normal operations checklists and procedures
for the Accu-Sim C172 Trainer.


48 www.a2asimulations.com
1. Pitot Tube Cover  —  REMOVE. Check for pitot blockage.
2. Pilot’s Operating Handbook  —  AVAILABLE IN THE AIRPLANE
3. Airplane Weight and Balance  —  CHECKED
4. Parking Brake  —  SET
5. Control Wheel Lock  —  REMOVE
6. Ignition Switch  —  OFF
7. Avionics Master Switch  —  OFF
WARNING: When turning on the master switch, using an external power
source, or pulling the propeller through by hand, treat the propeller as if
the ignition switch were on. Do not stand, nor allow anyone else to stand,
within the arc of the propeller, since a loose or broken wire or a component
malfunction could cause the propeller to rotate.

8. Master Switch  —  ON
9. Fuel Quantity Indicators  —  CHECK QUANTITY AND ENSURE LOW
10. Avionics Master Switch  —  ON
11. Avionics Cooling Fan  —  CHECK AUDIBLY FOR OPERATION
12. Avionics Master Switch  —  OFF
13. Static Pressure Alternate Source Valve  —  OFF
14. Annunciator Panel Switch  —  PLACE AND HOLD IN TST
POSITION and ensure all annunciators illuminate
NOTE: When Master Switch is turned ON, some annunciators will flash for
approximately 10 seconds before illuminating steadily. When panel TST
switch is toggled up and held in position, all remaining lights will flash un-
til the switch is released.

15. Fuel Selector Valve  —  BOTH

16. Fuel Shutoff Valve  —  ON (Push Full In)
17. Flaps — EXTEND
18. Pitot Heat  —  ON (Carefully check that pitot tube
is warm to the touch within 30 seconds)
19. Pitot Heat  —  OFF
20. Master Switch  —  OFF
21. Elevator Trim  —  SET for takeoff
22. Baggage Door  —  CHECK, lock with key
23. Autopilot Static Source Opening (if installed)  —  CHECK for blockage




1. Preflight Inspection  —  COMPLETE
2. Passenger Briefing  —  COMPLETE
3. Seats and Seat Belts  — ADJUST and LOCK Ensure inertia reel locking.
4. Brakes — TEST and SET
5. Circuit Breakers  —  CHECK IN
6. Electrical Equipment  —  OFF
NOTE: the avionics master switch must be off during engine start to prevent
possible damage to avionics.

7. Avionics Master Switch  —  OFF

8. Fuel Selector Valve  —  BOTH
9. Fuel Shutoff Valve  —  ON (push full in)
10. Avionics Circuit Breakers  —  CHECK IN


50 www.a2asimulations.com
1. Throttle — OPEN 1/4 INCH
2. Mixture — IDLE CUTOFF
3. Propeller Area  —  CLEAR
4. Master Switch  —  ON
5. Flashing Beacon  —  ON
NOTE: If engine is warm, omit priming procedure of steps 6, 7, and 8 below.

6. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switch  —  ON

7. Mixture — SET to FULL RICH (full forward) until stable fuel flow is indicated
(usually 3 to 5 seconds), then set to IDLE CUTOFF (full aft) position.
8. Auxiliary Fuel Pump  —  OFF
9. Ignition Switch  —  START (release when engine starts)
10. Mixture — ADVANCE smoothly to RICH when engine starts.
NOTE: If engine floods (engine has been primed too much), turn off auxiliary fuel pump, set
mixture to idle cutoff, open throttle 1/2 to full, and motor (crank) engine. When engine starts,
set mixture to full rich and close throttle promptly.

11. Oil Pressure  —  CHECK

12. Navigation Lights  —  ON as required
13. Electrical System – CHECK FOR PROPER OPERATION:
a. Master Switch  —  OFF
b. Taxi and Landing Light Switches – ON (provides an initial electrical load on the system).
c. Engine RPM  —  REDUCE to idle (Minimum alternator output occurs at idle)
d. Master Switch  —  ON (taxi and landing lights on)
NOTE: (The ammeter should indicate in the negative direction, showing that the alternator out-
put is below the load requirements, but the battery is supplying current to the system.)

e. Engine RPM  —  INCREASE to approximately 1500 RPM (as engine RPM increases,
alternator output should increase to meet the system load requirements)
f. Ammeter and Low Voltage Annunciator – CHECK (the ammeter should
indicate in the positive direction, showing that the alternator is supplying
current and the Low Voltage Annunciator (VOLTS) should not be lighted)
NOTE: If the indications, as noted in Step “d” and Step “f”, are not observed, the electrical
system is not functioning properly. Corrective maintenance must be performed to provide for
proper electrical system operation before flight.

14. Avionics Master Switch  —  ON

15. Radios – ON
16. Flaps — RETRACT




1. Parking Brake  —  SET 1. Wing Flaps  —  0°-10°
2. Passenger Seat Backs  —  MOST 2. Throttle — FULL OPEN
UPRIGHT POSITION 3. Mixture — RICH (above 3000 feet,
3. Seats and Seat Belts  —  CHECK SECURE LEAN to obtain maximum RPM)
4. Cabin Doors  —  CLOSED and LOCKED 4. Elevator Control  —  LIFT
5. Flight Controls  —  FREE and CORRECT NOSE WHEEL (at 55 kias)
6. Flight Instruments  —  CHECK and SET 5. Climb Speed  —  70-80 KIAS
7. Fuel Quantity  —  CHECK 6. Wing Flaps  —  RETRACT
8. Mixture — RICH
9. Fuel Selector Valve  —  RECHECK BOTH
10. Throttle — 1800 RPM SHORT FIELD TAKEOFF
a. Magnetos — CHECK (RPM drop 1. Wing Flaps  —  10°
should not exceed 150 RPM 2. Brakes — APPLY
on either magneto or 50 RPM
differential between magnetos). 3. Throttle — FULL OPEN
b. Vacuum Gage  —  CHECK 4. Mixture — RICH (above 3000 feet,
LEAN to obtain maximum RPM)
c. Engine Instruments and
Ammeter — CHECK 5. Brakes — RELEASE
11. Annunciator Panel  —  Ensure no 6. Elevator Control  —  SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW
annunciators are illuminated 7. Climb Speed  —  57 KIAS (until
12. Throttle — CHECK IDLE all obstacles are cleared)
13. Throttle — 1000 RPM or LESS 8. Wing Flaps  —  RETRACT slowly
after reaching 60 kias
14. Throttle Friction Lock  —  ADJUST
15. Strobe Lights  —  AS DESIRED
16. Radios and Avionics  —  SET
17. NAV/GPS Switch (if installed)  —  SET
18. Autopilot (if installed)  —  OFF 1. Airspeed — 70-85 KIAS
19. Elevator Trim  —  SET for takeoff NOTE: If a maximum performance climb
20. Wing Flaps  —  SET for takeoff (0°-10°) is necessary, use speeds shown in the
21. Brakes – RELEASE Rate Of Climb chart later in this manual.

2. Throttle — FULL OPEN
3. Mixture — RICH (above 3000 feet,
LEAN to obtain maximumRPM)


52 www.a2asimulations.com
1. Power — 2000-2400 RPM (No 1. Airspeed — 65-75 KIAS (flaps UP)
more than 80% is recommended) 2. Wing Flaps  —  FULL DOWN (30°)
2. Elevator Trim  —  ADJUST 3. Airspeed — 62 KIAS (until flare)
3. Mixture — LEAN 4. Power — REDUCE to idle
after clearing obstacle
5. Touchdown — MAIN WHEELS FIRST
1. Power — AS DESIRED 7. Wing Flaps  —  RETRACT
2. Mixture — ADJUST for smooth operation
3. Altimeter — SET
4. NAV/GPS Switch  —  SET
5. Fuel Selector Valve  —  BOTH 1. Throttle — FULL OPEN
6. Wing Flaps  —  AS DESIRED (0° - 10° 2. Wing Flaps  —  RETRACT TO 20°
below 110 kias, 10° - 30° below 85 kias) 3. Climb Speed  —  55 KIAS
4. Wing Flaps  —  10° (until obstacles
are cleared), RETRACT (after reaching
BEFORE LANDING a safe altitude and 60 kias)

1. Pilot and Passenger Seat Backs  —  MOST

2. Seats and Seat Belts  —  SECURED
AND LOCKED 1. Wing Flaps  —  UP
3. Fuel Selector Valve  —  BOTH
4. Mixture — RICH
5. Landing/Taxi Lights  —  ON SECURING AIRPLANE
6. Autopilot (if installed)  —  OFF
1. Parking Brake  —  SET
2. Electrical Equipment, Autopilot
(if installed)  —  OFF
NORMAL LANDING 3. Avionics Master Switch  —  OFF
1. Airspeed — 65-75 KIAS (flaps UP) 4. Mixture — IDLE CUT OFF (pulled full out)
2. Wing Flaps  —  AS DESIRED (0°-10° 5. Ignition Switch  —  OFF
below 110 kias, 10°-30° below 85 kias) 6. Master Switch  —  OFF
3. Airspeed — 60-70 KIAS (flaps DOWN) 7. Control Lock  —  INSTALL
4. Touchdown — MAIN WHEELS FIRST 8. Fuel Selector Valve – LEFT or
5. Landing Roll  —  LOWER RIGHT to prevent cross feeding



A more in-depth look at the

normal operation procedures.


54 www.a2asimulations.com
you a more detailed look
at the normal operating
procedures covered by the

STARTING ENGINE under primed (most likely in cold

The Lycoming IO-360 engine in weather with a cold engine) it will
your Cessna 172R is fuel injected, not start at all, and additional prim-
and priming is done using both the ing will be necessary. After starting,
electric fuel pump and the mixture if the oil pressure gauge does not
control. Turn the electric fuel pump begin to indicate pressure within
on (pumps fuel through the lines 30 seconds in the summer time and
and builds up pressure). Carefully approximately one minute in very
watch your fuel flow gauges and cold weather, stop the engine and
push the mixture control in. You will investigate. Lack of oil pressure can
hear a slight difference in the fuel cause serious engine damage.
pump as the primer starts to flow
and the fuel flow gauge will rise just NOTE: Additional details concerning
slightly. Once you see an indication, cold weather starting and operation
wait 3-5 seconds, then pull back on may be found under COLD WEATHER
the mixture control and turn off the OPERATION paragraphs in this sec-
electric fuel pump. The engine is tion.
now primed.
To start the engine, in the real RECOMMENDED STARTER
aircraft make sure you clear the DUTY CYCLE
area with a loud “CLEAR PROP”, Crank the starter for 10 seconds
wait a few seconds and scan the followed by a 20 second cool down
area. Crack the throttle then turn period. This cycle can be repeated
the starter key to the START posi- two additional times, followed
tion. Once the engine begins to by a ten minute cool down period
catch, push the mixture control IN before resuming cranking. After
and adjust the throttle to maintain cool down, crank the starter again,
about 1,000 RPM. three cycles of 10 seconds followed
When the engine starts, smooth- by 20 seconds of cool down. If the
ly advance the mixture control to engine still fails to start, an inves-
full rich and retard the throttle to tigation to determine the cause
desired idle speed. If the engine is should be initiated.




▶▶ For all ground operations,
after starting the engine
and when the engine is
running smoothly:
a. Set the throttle
to 1200 RPM.
b. Lean the mixture for
maximum RPM.
c. Set the throttle to an RPM
appropriate for ground
operations (800 to 1000
RPM recommended)

NOTE: If ground operation will be re-

quired after the BEFORE TAKEOFF
checklist is completed, lean the mix-
ture again (as described above) until
ready for the TAKEOFF checklist.
ferential between magnetos. If TAKEOFF
TAXIING there is a doubt concerning opera- POWER CHECK
When taxiing, it is important that tion of the ignition system, RPM It is important to check full throttle
speed and use of brakes be held checks at higher engine speeds engine operation early in the take-
to a minimum and that all controls will usually confirm whether a off roll. Any sign of rough engine op-
be utilized to maintain directional deficiency exists. An absence of eration or sluggish engine accelera-
control and balance. Taxiing over RPM drop may be an indication tion is good cause for discontinuing
loose gravel or cinders should be of faulty grounding of one side of the takeoff. If this occurs, you are
done at low engine speed to avoid the ignition system or should be justified in making a thorough full
abrasion and stone damage to the cause for suspicion that the mag- throttle static runup before another
propeller tips. neto timing is set in advance of the takeoff is attempted. The engine
setting specified. should run smoothly and turn ap-
BEFORE TAKEOFF proximately 2100 RPM with mixture
WARM UP ALTERNATOR CHECK leaned to provide maximum RPM.
If the engine idles (approximately Prior to flights where verification Prior to takeoff from fields above
600 RPM) and accelerates smoothly, of proper alternator and alterna- 3000 feet elevation, the mixture
the airplane is ready for takeoff. tor control unit operation is essen- should be leaned to give maximum
Since the engine is closely cowled tial (such as night or instrument RPM in a full throttle, static runup.
for efficient in-flight engine cool- flights), a positive verification can After full throttle is applied, adjust
ing, precautions should be taken be made by loading the electrical the throttle friction lock clockwise
to avoid overheating during pro- system momentarily (3 to 5 sec- to prevent the throttle from creep-
longed engine operation on the onds) with the landing light or by ing back from a maximum power
ground. Also, long periods of idling operating the wing flaps during the position. Similar friction lock ad-
may cause fouled spark plugs. engine runup (1800 RPM). The am- justments should be made as re-
meter will remain within a needle quired in other flight conditions to
MAGNETO CHECK width of its initial reading if the al- maintain a fixed throttle setting.
The magneto check should be ternator and alternator control unit
made at 1800 RPM as follows. are operating properly. WING FLAP SETTINGS
Move ignition switch first to R po- Normal takeoffs are accomplished
sition and note RPM. Next move LANDING LIGHTS with wing flaps 0°-10°. Using 10°
switch back to BOTH to clear the If landing lights are to be used to en- wing flaps reduces the ground roll
other set of plugs. Then move hance the visibility of the airplane and total distance over an obsta-
switch to the L position, note RPM in the traffic pattern or enroute, it cle by approximately 10 percent.
and return the switch to the BOTH is recommended that only the taxi Flap deflections greater than 10°
position. RPM drop should not ex- light be used. This will extend the are not approved for takeoff. If 10°
ceed 150 RPM on either magneto service life of the landing light ap- wing flaps are used for takeoff, they
or show greater than 50 RPM dif- preciably. should be left down until all obsta-


56 www.a2asimulations.com
cles are cleared and a safe flap re- CRUISE
traction speed of 60 kias is reached. Normal cruise is performed be-
On a short field, 10° wing flaps and tween 60% and 80% power. The
an obstacle clearance speed of 57 engine RPM and corresponding fuel
kias should be used. consumption for various altitudes
Soft or rough field takeoffs are can be determined by using the
performed with 10° flaps by lifting cruise charts later in this manual.
the airplane off the ground as soon The Cruise Performance charts
as practical in a slightly tail low atti- provide the pilot with detailed infor-
tude. If no obstacles are ahead, the mation concerning the cruise perfor-
airplane should be leveled off im- mance of the Model 172R in still air.
mediately to accelerate to a higher Power and altitude, as well as winds
climb speed. When departing a soft aloft, have a strong influence on the
field with an aft C.G. loading, the time and fuel needed to complete any
elevator trim should be adjusted flight. The Cruise Performance Table
towards the nose down direction illustrates the true airspeed and nau-
to give comfortable control wheel tical miles per gallon during cruise for
forces during the initial climb. various altitudes and percent powers,
and is based on standard conditions
CROSSWIND TAKEOFF and zero wind. This table should be
Takeoffs into strong crosswind con- used as a guide, along with the avail- LEANING USING THE
ditions normally are performed with able winds aloft information, to deter- EGT INDICATOR
the minimum flap setting necessary mine the most favorable altitude and At or below 80% power in level
for the field length, to minimize the power setting for a given trip. The se- cruise flight, the exhaust gas tem-
drift angle immediately after take- lection of cruise altitude on the basis perature (EGT) indicator is used to
off. With the ailerons partially de- of the most favorable wind conditions lean the fuel-air mixture for best
flected into the wind, the airplane and the use of low power settings are performance or economy. The
is accelerated to a speed slightly significant factors that should be con- Cruise Performance charts are
higher than normal, then pulled off sidered on every trip to reduce fuel based on the EGT to adjust the mix-
briskly to prevent possible settling consumption. In addition to power ture to Recommended Lean per EGT
back to the runway while drifting. settings, proper leaning techniques Table below.
When clear of the ground, make a also contribute to greater range and Use the mixture control to slowly
coordinated turn into the wind to are figured into cruise performance lean, from full rich or maximum RPM
correct for drift. tables. To achieve the recommended mixture, while monitoring the EGT
lean mixture fuel consumption, the indicator. As the EGT indication be-
ENROUTE CLIMB mixture should be leaned using the gins to increase, continue to slowly
Enroute climbs are performed exhaust gas temperature (EGT) indi- lean the mixture until an EGT indi-
with flaps up and full throttle and cator as noted. cation decrease is just detectable.
at speeds 5 to 10 kias higher than
best rate-of-climb speeds for the
best combination of performance,
visibility and engine cooling. The CRUISE PERFORMANCE TABLE
mixture should be full rich below
3000 feet and may be leaned above ALTITUDE
3000 feet for smoother operation KTAS NMPG KTAS NMPG KTAS NMPG
or to obtain maximum RPM. For Sea Level 113 12.3 108 13.4 100 14.5
maximum rate of climb, use the 4000 feet 117 12.8 111 13.9 103 14.9
best rate-of-climb speeds shown in
the Rate of Climb chart later in this 8000 feet 122 13.3 115 14.3 105 15.3
manual. If an obstruction dictates
the use of a steep climb angle, the RECOMMENDED LEAN PER EGT TABLE
best angle-of-climb speed should
be used with flaps up and maximum MIXTURE XHAUST GAS
power. Climbs at speeds lower than
the best rate-of-climb speed should Recommended Lean 50° Rich of Peak EGT
be of short duration to improve en-
Best Economy Peak EGT
gine cooling.



Reverse the adjustment slowly in TAKEOFF checklist is com- pared to typical training operations
the rich direction until an EGT indi- plete re-lean the mixture as at full rich mixture. In addition, the
cation decrease is again just detect- described above until ready above procedures will minimize spark
able, then set the EGT index pointer for the TAKEOFF checklist. plug fouling since the reduction in fuel
to match the peak indication. The consumption results in a proportional
mixture may be leaned slightly to 2. Lean the mixture for maxi- reduction in tetraethyl lead passing
return to peak EGT or may be further mum RPM during full throttle through the engine.
richened to Recommended Lean climbs above 3000 feet. The
mixture as desired. Continuous op- mixture may remain leaned STALLS
eration at mixture settings lean of (maximum RPM at full throttle) The stall characteristics are con-
peak EGT is prohibited. Any change for practicing maneuvers such ventional and aural warning is pro-
in altitude or throttle position will as stalls and slow flight. vided by a stall warning horn which
require that peak EGT be redeter- sounds between 5 and 10 kias
mined and the desired mixture be 3. Lean the mixture for maximum above the stall in all configurations.
reset. Under some conditions, en- RPM during all operations
gine roughness may occur at peak at any altitude, including LANDING
EGT. In this case, operate at Recom- those below 3000 feet, when NORMAL LANDING
mended Lean mixture. using 80% or less power. Normal landing approaches can be
As noted in EGT Table, operation made with power on or power off
at peak EGT provides the best fuel NOTE: When cruising or maneuver- with any flap setting desired. Sur-
economy. Operation at peak EGT ing at 80% or less power, the mixture face winds and air turbulence are
results in approximately 4% greater may be further leaned until the EGT usually the primary factors in de-
range and approximately a 3 knot indicator needle peaks and is then termining the most comfortable ap-
decrease in airspeed from the fig- enrichened 50°F. This is especially proach speeds. Steep slips should
ures shown in the Performance sec- applicable to cross-country training be avoided with flap settings great-
tion of this handbook. Recommend- flights, but should be practiced dur- er than 20° due to a slight tendency
ed Lean mixture provides best level ing transition flight to and from the for the elevator to oscillate under
cruise performance(generally close practice area as well. Using the above certain combinations of airspeed,
to “best power” or maximum RPM). recommended procedures can provide sideslip angle, and center of gravity
fuel savings in excess of 5% when com- loadings.
NOTE: The EGT indicator requires
several seconds to respond to mixture
adjustments and changes in exhaust
gas temperature. More rapid changes
in EGT indication are neither neces-
sary nor desirable. Determining peak
EGT and setting the desired mixture
should take approximately one min-
ute when the adjustments are made
sufficiently slowly and accurately.


For best fuel economy during flight
training operations, the following
procedures are recommended.

1. After engine start and for all

ground operations, set the
throttle to 1200 RPM and
lean the mixture for maxi-
mum RPM. Leave the mixture
at this setting until begin-
checklist. After the BEFORE


58 www.a2asimulations.com
Actual touchdown should be control wheel full back, and apply climb, reduce the flap setting to
made with power off and on the maximum brake pressure without 20° immediately after full power
main wheels first to reduce the sliding the tires. is applied. If obstacles must be
landing speed and subsequent cleared during the go-around
need for braking in the landing roll. CROSSWIND LANDING climb, reduce the wing flap set-
The nose wheel is lowered to the When landing in a strong cross- ting to 10° and maintain a safe
runway gently after the speed has wind, use the minimum flap setting airspeed until the obstacles are
diminished to avoid unnecessary required for the field length. If flap cleared. Above 3000 feet, lean the
nose gear loads. This procedure is settings greater than 20° are used mixture to obtain maximum RPM.
especially important in rough or in sideslips with full rudder deflec- After clearing any obstacles, the
soft field landings. tion, some elevator oscillation may flaps may be retracted as the air-
be felt at normal approach speeds. plane accelerates to the normal
SHORT FIELD LANDING However, this does not affect con- flaps up climb speed.
For a short field landing in smooth trol of the airplane. Although the
air conditions, make an approach at crab or combination method of COLD WEATHER OPERATION
62 kias with 30° flaps using enough drift correction may be used, the When air temperatures are below
power to control the glide path. wing low method gives the best 20°F (-6°C), the use of an external
(Slightly higher approach speeds control. After touchdown, hold a preheater and an external power
should be used under turbulent air straight course with the steerable source are recommended whenever
conditions.) After all approach ob- nose wheel and occasional braking possible to obtain positive starting
stacles are cleared, progressively if necessary. and to reduce wear and abuse to
reduce power and maintain the ap- The maximum allowable cross- the engine and electrical system.
proach speed by lowering the nose wind velocity is dependent upon Preheat will thaw the oil trapped in
of the airplane. Touchdown should pilot capability as well as airplane the oil cooler, which probably will
be made with power off and on limitations. Operation in direct be congealed prior to starting in ex-
the main wheels first. Immediately crosswinds of 15 kts has been dem- tremely cold temperatures.
after touchdown, lower the nose onstrated.
wheel and apply heavy braking as HOT WEATHER OPERATION
required. For maximum brake effec- BALKED LANDING Avoid prolonged engine operation
tiveness, retract the flaps, hold the In a balked landing (go-around) on the ground.




60 www.a2asimulations.com
What you need to know to plan your flights.

on the following pages are
presented so that you may
know what to expect from
the airplane under various
conditions, and also, to facilitate the
planning of flights in detail and with
reasonable accuracy. The data in the
charts has been computed from ac-
tual flight tests with the airplane and
engine in good condition and approx-
imating average piloting techniques.

It should be noted that performance information

presented in the range and endurance profile charts al-
lows for 45 minutes reserve fuel at the specified power
setting. Fuel flow data for cruise is based on the recom-
mended lean mixture setting at all altitudes. Some inde-
terminate variables such as mixture leaning technique,
fuel metering characteristics, engine and propeller con-
dition, and air turbulence may account for variations of
10% or more in range and endurance. Therefore, it is im-
portant to utilize all available information to estimate
the fuel required for the particular flight and to flight
plan in a conservative manner.






SETTING 0° 30° 45° 60°
UP 44 48 53 63
10° 35 38 42 50
30° 33 36 40 47


SETTING 0° 30° 45° 60°
UP 44 48 53 63
10° 37 40 44 53
30° 33 36 40 47
  Power Off
1. Altitude loss during a stall recovery
may be as much as 230 feet.
2.  KIAS values are approximate.
3. Maximum demonstrated crosswind
component is 15 kts (not a limitation).


0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
Pressure Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft.
Altitude Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear
(ft.) 50ft. 50ft. 50ft. 50ft. 50ft.
Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle
Sea Level 845 1510 910 1625 980 1745 1055 1875 1135 2015
1000 925 1660 1000 1790 1075 1925 1160 2070 1245 2220
2000 1015 1830 1095 1970 1185 2125 1275 2290 1365 2455
3000 1115 2020 1205 2185 1305 2360 1400 2540 1505 2730
4000 1230 2245 1330 2430 1435 2630 1545 2830 1655 3045
5000 1355 2500 1470 2715 1585 2945 1705 3175 1830 3430
6000 1500 2805 1625 3060 1750 3315 1880 3590 2020 3895
7000 1660 3170 1795 3470 1935 3770 2085 4105 2240 4485
8000 1840 3620 1995 3975 2150 4345 2315 4775 --- ---
Flaps 10° 1.  Short field technique as specified.
Full Throttle Prior to Brake Release 2. Prior to takeoff from fields above 3000 feet elevation, the mixture should be
Paved, level, dry runway leaned to give maximum RPM in a full throttle, static runup.
Zero Wind 3. Decrease distances 10% for each 9 kts headwind. For operation with tail
Lift Off: 51 kias winds up to 10 kts, increase distances by 10% for each 2 kts.
Speed at 50 ft: 57 kias 4.  For operation on dry, grass runway, increase distances by 15% of the ground roll” figure.
5.  Where distance value has been deleted, climb performance is minimal.


62 www.a2asimulations.com
Pressure Climb RATE OF CLIMB (FPM)
Altitude Speed
(ft.) (KIAS) -20°C 0°C 20°C 40°C

Sea Level 79 830 770 705 640

2000 77 720 655 595 535
4000 76 645 585 525 465
6000 74 530 475 415 360
8000 72 420 365 310 250
10,000 71 310 255 200 145
12,000 69 200 145 --- ---
Flaps Up
Full Throttle
Mixture leaned above 3000 feet for maximum RPM.


Pressure Climb Rate of FROM SEA LEVEL
Altitude Speed Climb Time Fuel Used Distance
(ft.) (KIAS) (FPM) (min.) (gal.) (nm.)
Sea Level 15 79 720 0 0.0 0
1000 13 78 670 1 0.4 2
2000 11 77 625 3 0.7 4
3000 9 76 575 5 1.2 6
4000 7 76 560 6 1.5 8
5000 5 75 515 8 1.8 11
6000 3 74 465 10 2.1 14
7000 1 73 415 13 2.5 17
8000 -1 72 365 15 3.0 21
9000 -3 72 315 18 3.4 25
10,000 -5 71 270 22 4.0 29
11,000 -7 70 220 26 4.6 35
12,000 -9 69 170 31 5.4 43
Flaps Up
Full Throttle
Standard Temperature
1.  Add 1.1 gallons of fuel for engine start, taxi and takeoff allowance.
2.  Mixture leaned above 3000 feet for maximum RPM.
3.  Increase time, fuel and distance by 10% for each 10°C above standard temperature.
4.  Distances shown are based on zero wind.



2000 2250 --- --- --- 79 115 9.0 74 114 8.5
2200 79 112 9.1 74 112 8.5 70 111 8.0
2100 69 107 7.9 65 106 7.5 65 105 7.1
2000 61 101 7.0 58 99 6.6 55 97 6.4
1900 54 94 6.2 51 91 5.9 50 89 5.8

4000 2300 --- --- --- 79 117 9.1 75 117 8.6

2250 80 115 9.2 75 114 8.6 70 114 8.1
2200 75 112 8.6 70 111 8.1 66 110 7.6
2100 66 106 7.6 62 105 7.1 59 103 6.8
2000 58 100 6.7 55 98 6.4 53 95 6.2
1900 52 92 6.0 50 90 5.8 49 87 5.6

6000 2350 --- --- --- 80 120 9.2 75 119 8.6

2300 80 117 9.2 75 117 8.6 71 116 8.1
2250 76 115 8.7 71 114 8.1 67 113 7.7
2200 71 112 8.1 67 111 7.7 64 109 7.3
2100 63 105 7.2 60 104 6.9 57 101 6.6
2000 56 98 6.4 53 96 6.2 52 93 6.0

8000 2400 --- --- --- 80 122 9.2 76 121 8.7

2350 81 120 9.3 76 119 8.7 71 118 8.2
2300 76 117 8.7 71 116 8.2 68 115 7.8
2200 68 111 7.7 64 110 7.3 61 107 7.0
2100 60 104 6.9 57 102 6.6 55 99 6.4
2000 54 96 6.2 52 94 6.0 51 91 5.9

10,000 2350 76 119 8.8 72 118 8.2 68 117 7.8

2300 72 116 8.3 68 115 7.8 65 113 7.4
2250 68 113 7.8 65 112 7.4 61 109 7.1
2200 65 110 7.4 61 108 7.0 59 105 6.7
2100 58 102 6.6 55 100 6.4 54 97 6.2
2000 52 94 6.1 51 91 5.9 50 88 5.8

12,000 2350 73 119 8.3 69 117 7.9 65 115 7.5

2300 69 115 7.9 65 113 7.5 62 111 7.1
2250 65 112 7.5 62 109 7.1 59 107 6.8
2200 62 108 7.1 59 105 6.8 57 103 6.6
2100 56 100 6.4 54 97 6.2 53 94 6.1
2450 Pounds Recommended Lean Mixture At All Altitudes. Performance is shown for an airplane equipped with speed fairings,
which increase the cruise speeds by approximately two kias.


64 www.a2asimulations.com

2450 Pounds 2450 Pounds
Recommended Lean Mixture for Cruise At All Recommended Lean Mixture for Cruise At
Altitudes Standard Temperature Zero Wind All Altitudes Standard Temperature
1. This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start, taxi, 1. This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start,
takeoff and climb, and the distance during climb. taxi, takeoff and climb, and the time during climb.
2. Performance is shown for an airplane equipped
with speed fairings, which increase the cruise
speeds by approximately two kias.


0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
Pressure Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft. Ground Total ft.
Altitude Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear Roll (ft.) to Clear
(ft.) 50ft. 50ft. 50ft. 50ft. 50ft.
Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle
Sea Level 525 1250 540 1280 560 1310 580 1340 600 1370
1000 545 1280 560 1310 580 1345 600 1375 620 1405
2000 565 1310 585 1345 605 1375 625 1410 645 1440
3000 585 1345 605 1380 625 1415 650 1445 670 1480
4000 605 1380 630 1415 650 1450 670 1485 695 1520
5000 630 1415 650 1455 675 1490 700 1525 720 1560
6000 655 1455 675 1490 700 1530 725 1565 750 1605
7000 680 1495 705 1535 730 1570 755 1610 775 1650
8000 705 1535 730 1575 755 1615 780 1655 810 1695
Flaps 30° 1.  Short field technique as specified in.
Power Off 2. Decrease distances 10% for each 9 kts headwind. For operation with tail
Maximum Braking winds up to 10 kts, increase distances by 10% for each 2 kts.
Paved, level, dry runway 3.  For operation on dry, grass runway, increase distances by 45% of the “ground roll” figure.
Zero Wind 4.  If landing with flaps up, increase the approach speed by 7 kias and allow for 35% longer distances.
Speed at 50 ft: 62 kias



Emergency procedures and checklists.


66 www.a2asimulations.com
HIS SECTION PROVIDES checklist and ex-
plained procedures for coping with emer-
gencies that may occur. Emergencies
caused by airplane or engine malfunctions
are extremely rare if proper preflight in-
spections and maintenance are practiced. En-route
weather emergencies can be minimized or elimi-
nated by careful flight planning and good judgment
when unexpected weather is encountered. However,
should an emergency arise, the basic guidelines de-
scribed in this section should be considered and ap-
plied as necessary to correct the problem.


▶▶ Engine Failure After Takeoff
◆◆ Wing Flaps Up: 65 kias
◆◆ Wing Flaps Down: 60 kias

▶▶ Maneuvering Speed
◆◆ 2450 lbs: 99 kias
◆◆ 2100 lbs: 92 kias
◆◆ 1600 lbs: 82 kias
Maximum Glide: 65 kias
Precautionary Landing With Engine Power: 60 kias

▶▶ Landing Without Engine Power

◆◆ Wing Flaps Up: 65 kias
◆◆ Wing Flaps Down: 60 kias




1. Throttle — IDLE PROCEDURES)
2. Brakes — APPLY 1. Airspeed — 65 KIAS
3. Wing Flaps  —  RETRACT 2. Fuel Shutoff Valve  —  ON (push full in)
4. Mixture — IDLE CUT OFF 3. Fuel Selector Valve  —  BOTH
5. Ignition Switch  —  OFF 4. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switch  —  ON
6. Master Switch  —  OFF 5. Mixture — RICH (if restart
has not occurred)
6. Ignition Switch  —  BOTH (or
ENGINE FAILURE START if propeller is stopped)
IMMEDIATELY NOTE: If the propeller is windmilling,
AFTER TAKEOFF the engine will restart automatically
within a few seconds. If the propeller
1. Airspeed — 65 kias (flaps has stopped (possible at low speeds),
UP)- 60 kias (flaps DOWN) turn the ignition switch to START, ad-
vance the throttle slowly from idle and
2. Mixture — IDLE CUT OFF
lean the mixture from full rich as re-
3. Fuel Shutoff Valve  —  OFF (Pull Full Out) quired for smooth operation.
4. Ignition Switch  —  OFF
7. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switch  —  OFF
5. Wing Flaps  —  AS REQUIRED
6. Master Switch  —  OFF NOTE: If the fuel flow indicator im-
7. Cabin Door  — UNLATCH mediately drops to zero (indicating an
engine-driven fuel pump failure), return
8. Land — STRAIGHT AHEAD the Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switch to the
ON position.


68 www.a2asimulations.com
1. Passenger Seat Backs  —  MOST 1. Passenger Seat Backs  —  MOST
2. Seats and Seat Belts  —  SECURE 2. Seats and Seat Belts  —  SECURE
3. Airspeed — 65 KIAS (flaps 3. Airspeed — 60 KIAS
UP) - 60 kias (flaps DOWN) 4. Wing Flaps  —  20°
4. Mixture — IDLE CUT OFF 5. Selected Field  —  FLY OVER, noting
5. Fuel Shutoff Valve  —  OFF (Pull Full Out) terrain and obstructions, then retract flaps
6. Ignition Switch  —  OFF upon reaching a safe altitude and airspeed
7. Wing Flaps  —  AS REQUIRED 6. Avionics Master Switch and
(30° recommended) Electrical Switches  —  OFF
8. Master Switch  —  OFF (when 7. Wing Flaps  —  30° (on final approach)
landing is assured) 8. Airspeed — 60 KIAS
9. Doors — UNLATCH PRIOR 9. Master Switch  —  OFF
11. Brakes — APPLY HEAVILY 11. Touchdown — SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW
12. Ignition Switch  —  OFF
13. Mixture — IDLE CUTOFF
14. Brakes — APPLY HEAVILY




1. Ignition Switch  —  START, Continue Cranking to get a start which
would suck the flames and accumulated fuel into the engine
If engine starts:
2. Power — 1700 RPM for a few minutes
3. Engine — SHUTDOWN and inspect for damage
If engine fails to start:
4. Throttle — FULL OPEN
5. Mixture — IDLE CUT OFF
6. Cranking — CONTINUE
7. Fuel Shutoff Valve  —  OFF (Pull Full Out)
8. Auxiliary Fuel Pump  —  OFF
9. Fire Extinguisher  —  OBTAIN (have ground
attendants obtain if not installed)
10. Engine — SECURE
a. Master Switch  —  OFF
b. Ignition Switch  —  OFF
11. Parking Brake  —  RELEASE
12. Airplane — EVACUATE
13. Fire — EXTINGUISH using fire extinguisher, wool blanket, or dirt
14. Fire Damage  —  INSPECT, repair damage or replace damaged
components or wiring before conducting another flight


1. Mixture — IDLE CUT OFF
2. Fuel Shutoff Valve  —  OFF (Pull Full Out)
3. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switch  —  OFF
4. Master Switch  —  OFF
5. Cabin Heat and Air  —  OFF (except overhead vents)
6. Airspeed — 100 KIAS (If fire is not extinguished, increase
glide speed to find an airspeed - within airspeed limitations
- which will provide an incombustible mixture)
7. Forced Landing  —  EXECUTE (as described in
Emergency Landing Without Engine Power)


70 www.a2asimulations.com
1. Alternator — OFF
2. Nonessential Electrical Equipment  —  OFF
3. Flight — TERMINATE as soon as practical


NOTE: Illumination of “VOLTS” on the annunciator panel may oc-
cur during low RPM conditions with an electrical load on the system
such as during a low RPM taxi. Under these conditions, the annun-
ciator will go out at higher RPM. The master switch need not be recy-
cled since an overvoltage condition has not occurred to deactivate
the alternator system.

1. Avionics Master Switch  —  OFF

2. Alternator Circuit Breaker (ALT FLD)  —  CHECK IN
3. Master Switch  —  OFF (both sides)
4. Master Switch  —  ON
5. Low Voltage Annunciator (VOLTS)  —  CHECK OFF
6. Avionics Master Switch  —  ON
If low voltage annunciator (VOLTS) illuminates again:
7. Alternator-- OFF
8. Nonessential Radio and Electrical Equipment  —  OFF
9. Flight — TERMINATE as soon as practical


NOTE: If vacuum is not within normal operating limits, a failure has
occurred in the vacuum system and partial panel procedures may be
required for continued flight.

1. Vacuum Gage  —  CHECK to ensure vacuum

within normal operating limits.



A more detailed
look at the emer-
gency procedures.


72 www.a2asimulations.com
Emergency Procedures
elaborate upon informa-
tion contained in the Emer-
gency Procedures Check-
lists portion of this section. These
procedures also include information
not readily adaptable to a checklist
format, and material to which a pilot
could not be expected to refer in res-
olution of a specific emergency. This
information should be reviewed in
detail prior to flying the airplane, as
well as reviewed on a regular basis
to keep pilot’s knowledge of proce-
dures fresh.

ENGINE FAILURE turn to the runway. The checklist

If an engine failure occurs during procedures assume that adequate
the takeoff roll, the most important time exists to secure the fuel and ig-
thing to do is stop the airplane on nition systems prior to touchdown.
the remaining runway. Those extra After an engine failure in flight, the
items on the checklist will provide most important course of action is
added safety after a failure of this to continue flying the airplane. Best
type. Prompt lowering of the nose glide speed should be established
to maintain airspeed and establish as quickly as possible. While glid-
a glide attitude is the first response ing toward a suitable landing area,
to an engine failure after takeoff. In an effort should be made to identify
most cases, the landing should be the cause of the failure. If time per-
planned straight ahead with only mits, an engine restart should be at-
small changes in direction to avoid tempted as shown in the checklist.
obstructions. Altitude and airspeed If the engine cannot be restarted, a
are seldom sufficient to execute a forced landing without power must
180° gliding turn necessary to re- be completed.



FORCED LANDINGS down moment resulting from pow- wheel briskly forward far
If all attempts to restart the engine er reduction is an adverse factor enoughto break the stall.
fail and a forced landing is immi- and the airplane may land on the Full down elevator may
nent, select a suitable field and pre- nose wheel. Consequently, at flare, be required at aft center
pare for the landing as discussed the elevator trim control should be of gravity loadings to as-
under the Emergency Landing With- adjusted toward the full nose up sure optimum recoveries.
out Engine Power checklist. Trans- position and the power adjusted so 5. Hold these control inputs until
mit Mayday message on 121.5 MHz that the airplane will rotate to the rotation stops. Premature
giving location and intentions and horizontal attitude for touchdown. relaxation of the control inputs
squawk 7700. Before attempting Close the throttle at touchdown. may extend the recovery.
an “off airport” landing with engine 6. As rotation stops, neutralize
power available, one should fly over FIRES rudder, and make a smooth
the landing area at a safe but low al- Although engine fires are extremely recovery from the resulting dive.
titude to inspect the terrain for ob- rare in flight, the steps of the appro-
structions and surface conditions, priate checklist should be followed NOTE: If disorientation precludes a vi-
proceeding as discussed under the if one is encountered. After comple- sual determination of the direction of
Precautionary Landing With Engine tion of this procedure, execute a rotation, the symbolic airplane in the
Power checklist. Prepare for ditch- forced landing. Do not attempt to turn coordinator may be referred to for
ing by securing or jettisoning heavy restart the engine. The initial indi- this information.
objects located in the baggage area cation of an electrical fire is usually
and collect folded coats for protec- the odor of burning insulation. The ROUGH ENGINE OPERATION
tion of occupants’ face at touch- checklist for this problem should re- OR LOSS OF POWER
down. Transmit Mayday message sult in elimination of the fire. SPARK PLUG FOULING
on 121.5 MHz giving location and in- A slight engine roughness in flight
tentions and squawk 7700. Avoid a TOTAL VACUUM may be caused by one or more
landing flare because of difficulty in SYSTEM FAILURE spark plugs becoming fouled by
judging height over a water surface. If both the vacuum pumps fail in carbon or lead deposits. This may
The checklist assumes the avail- flight, the directional indicator and be verified by turning the ignition
ability of power to make a precau- attitude indicator will be disabled, switch momentarily from BOTH to
tionary water landing. If power is and the pilot will have to rely on the either L or R position. An obvious
not available, use of the airspeeds turn coordinator if he inadvertently power loss in single ignition op-
noted with minimum flap exten- flies into clouds. If an autopilot is in- eration is evidence of spark plug
sion will provide a more favorable stalled, it too may be affected. The or magneto trouble. Assuming that
attitude for a power off ditching. In following instructions assume that spark plugs are the more likely
a forced landing situation, do not only the electrically powered turn cause, lean the mixture to the rec-
set the AVIONICS MASTER switch coordinator is operative, and that ommended lean setting for cruis-
or the airplane MASTER switch to the pilot is not completely profi- ing flight. If the problem does not
the OFF position until a landing is cient in instrument flying. clear up in several minutes, deter-
assured. When these switches are mine if a richer mixture setting will
in the OFF position, the airplane SPINS produce smoother operation. If
electrical systems are de-energized. not, proceed to the nearest airport
Before performing a forced landing, NEVER INTENTIONALLY SPIN an air- for repairs using the BOTH position
especially in remote and mountain- craft that is not designed and built to of the ignition switch unless ex-
ous areas, activate the ELT trans- be spun (aerobatic aircraft). treme roughness dictates the use
mitter by positioning the cockpit- of a single ignition position.
mounted switch to the ON position. Should an inadvertent spin oc-
cur, the following recovery proce- MAGNETO MALFUNCTION
LANDING WITHOUT dure should be used: A sudden engine roughness or mis-
ELEVATOR CONTROL firing is usually evidence of magne-
Trim for horizontal flight (with an 1. Retard throttle to idle position. to problems. Switching from BOTH
airspeed of approximately 65 kias 2. Place ailerons in neu- to either L or R ignition switch po-
and flaps set to 20°) by using throttle tral position. sition will identify which magneto
and elevator trim controls. Then do 3. Apply and hold full rud- is malfunctioning. Select different
not change the elevator trim control der opposite to the di- power settings and enrichen the
setting; control the glide angle by rection of rotation. mixture to determine if continued
adjusting power exclusively. At the 4. Just after the rudder reaches operation on BOTH magnetos is
landing flare (round-out), the nose the stop, move the control possible. If not, switch to the good


74 www.a2asimulations.com
magneto and proceed to the near- sive rate of charge and insufficient ter discharge indications may occur
est airport for repairs. rate of charge. The following para- during low RPM conditions with an
graphs describe the recommended electrical load on the system, such
ENGINE-DRIVEN FUEL remedy for each situation. as during a low RPM taxi. Under
PUMP FAILURE these conditions, the annuciator
Failure of the engine-driven fuel EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE will go off at higher RPM.
pump will result in an immediate After engine starting and heavy If the overvoltage sensor should
loss of engine power, similar to fuel electrical usage at low engine shut down the alternator and trip
exhaustion or starvation, but while speeds (such as extended taxiing) the alternator circuit breaker (ALT
operating from a fuel tank contain- the battery condition will be low FLD), or if the alternator output is
ing adequate fuel. A sudden reduc- enough to accept above normal low, a discharge rate will be shown
tion in indicated fuel flow will occur charging during the initial part of on the ammeter followed by illumi-
just before loss of engine power. If a flight. However, after thirty min- nation of the low voltage annuncia-
the engine-driven fuel pump fails, utes of cruising flight, the ammeter tor (VOLTS). Since this may be a “nui-
immediately set the auxiliary fuel should be indicating less than two sance” trip out, an attempt should
pump switch (FUEL PUMP) to the needle widths of charging current. be made to reactivate the alternator
ON position to restore engine pow- If the charging rate were to remain system. To reactivate, set the avion-
er. The flight should be terminated above this value on a long flight, the ics master switch to the OFF posi-
as soon as practical and the engine- battery would overheat and evapo- tion, check that the alternator circuit
driven fuel pump repaired. rate the electrolyte at an excessive breaker (ALT FLD) is in, then set both
rate. Electronic components in the sides of the master switch to the OFF
LOW OIL PRESSURE electrical system can be adversely position and then to the ON posi-
If the low oil pressure annunciator affected by higher than normal volt- tion. If the problem no longer exists,
(OIL PRESS) illuminates and oil age. The alternator control unit in- normal alternator charging will re-
temperature remains normal, the cludes an overvoltage sensor which sume and the low voltage annuncia-
oil pressure sending unit or relief normally will automatically shut tor (VOLTS) will go off. The avionics
valve may be malfunctioning. Land down the alternator if the charge master switch may then be returned
at the nearest airport to inspect the voltage reaches approximately 31.5 to the ON position. If the annuncia-
source of trouble. If a total loss of oil volts. If the overvoltage sensor mal- tor illuminates again, a malfunction
pressure is accompanied by a rise functions, as evidenced by an ex- is confirmed. In this event, the flight
in oil temperature, there is good cessive rate of charge shown on the should be terminated and/or the cur-
reason to suspect an engine failure ammeter, the alternator should be rent drain on the battery minimized
is imminent. Reduce engine power turned off, nonessential electrical because the battery can supply the
immediately and select a suitable equipment turned off and the flight electrical system for only a limited
forced landing field. Use only the terminated as soon as practical. period of time. Battery power must
minimum power required to reach be conserved for later operation of
the desired touchdown spot. INSUFFICIENT RATE OF CHARGE the wing flaps and, if the emergency
The low voltage annunciator occurs at night, for possible use of
ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY (VOLTS) may come on and amme- the landing lights during landing.
Malfunctions in the electrical pow-
er supply system can be detected
by periodic monitoring of the am-
meter and low voltage annuncia-
tor (VOLTS); however, the cause of
these malfunctions is usually diffi-
cult to determine. A broken alterna-
tor drive belt or wiring is most likely
the cause of alternator failures, al-
though other factors could cause
the problem. A defective alternator
control unit can also cause malfunc-
tions. Problems of this nature con-
stitute an electrical emergency and
should be dealt with immediately.
Electrical power malfunctions usu-
ally fall into two categories: exces-


A detailed look at the various parts
and systems of the C172.


76 www.a2asimulations.com
and operation of the airplane and its

FLIGHT CONTROLS of the pilot. These instruments are

The airplane’s flight control system designed around the basic “T” con-
consists of conventional aileron, figuration. The gyros are located
rudder, and elevator control surfac- immediately in front of the pilot,
es. The control surfaces are manu- and arranged vertically over the
ally operated through cables and control column. The airspeed in-
mechanical linkage using a control dicator and altimeter are located
wheel for the ailerons and eleva- to the left and right of the gyros,
tor, and rudder/brake pedals for the respectively. The remainder of the
rudder. flight instruments are clustered
around the basic “T”. An annuncia-
TRIM SYSTEM tor panel is located above the al-
A manually operated elevator trim timeter and provides caution and
system is provided. Elevator trim- warning messages for fuel quan-
ming is accomplished through the tity, oil pressure, low vacuum and
elevator trim tab by utilizing the low voltage situations.
vertically mounted trim control To the right of the flight instru-
wheel in the cockpit. Forward rota- ments is a sub panel which contains
tion of the trim wheel will trim nose engine tachometer and various
down; conversely, aft rotation will navigational heading instruments.
trim nose up. To the left of the flight instruments
is a sub panel which contains a left/
INSTRUMENT PANEL right fuel quantity indicator, an oil
The instrument panel is of all-metal temperature/oil pressure indicator,
construction, and is designed in a vacuum gage/ammeter, an EGT/
segments to allow related groups of fuel flow indicator, a digital clock/
instruments, switches and controls OAT indicator and the avionics cir-
to be removed without removing cuit breaker panel.
the entire panel. For specific de- Below the engine and flight in-
tails concerning the instruments, struments are circuit breakers and
switches, circuit breakers, and con- switches for the airplane systems
trols on the instrument panel, refer and equipment. Master, Avionics
to related topics in this section. Master and Ignition Switches are
also located in this area of the pan-
PILOT PANEL LAYOUT el. The parking brake control is posi-
Flight instruments are contained tioned below the switch and circuit
in a single panel located in front breaker panel.



COCKPIT FAMILIARIZATION 1. Oil Temp and Oil Pressure Indicator. 20. ADF Receiver.
The center panel contains various 2. Fuel Quantity Indicator. 21. Transponder.
avionics equipment arranged in 3. Vacuum Gauge and Ammeter. 22. Autopilot.
a vertical rack. This arrangement 4. EGT/Fuel Flow Indicator. 23. Hour Meter.
allows each component to be re-
5. Digital Clock/O.A.T. Indicator. 24. Cabin Air Control.
moved without having to access the
backside of the panel. Below the 6. Turn Indicator. 25. Cabin Heat Control.
panel are the throttle, mixture, alter- 7. Airspeed Indicator. 26. Flap Switch and Position Indicator.
nate static air and lighting controls. 8. Directional Gyro. 27. Mixture Control.
9. Attitude Indicator. 28. Alternate Static Air Control.
10. Tachometer. 29. Throttle Control.
11. Vertical Speed Indicator. 30. Radio and Panel Dimming Control.
12. Altimeter. 31. Glareshield and Pedes-
13. Annunciator Panel. tal Dimming Control.
14. ADF Bearing Indicator. 32. Avionics Master Switch.
15. Course Deviation and Glide 33. Pitot Heat Switch.
Slope Indicators. 34. External Lighting Switches.
16. GPS Receiver. 35. Fuel Pump Switch.
17. Audio Control Panel. 36. Battery Master Switch.
18. NAV/COM Radio #1 37. Ignition Switch.
19. NAV/COM Radio #2


78 www.a2asimulations.com
38. Controls Lock.
39. Parking Brake.
40. Elevator Trim Control
and Position Indicator.
41. Fuel Selector.
42. Fuel Shutoff Valve Control.
43. Pilots Manual.

GROUND CONTROL LANDING GEAR SYSTEM high or gusty winds occur, a control
Effective ground control while taxi- The landing gear is of the tricycle surface lock should be installed over
ing is accomplished through nose type, with a steerable nose wheel the vertical stabilizer and rudder.
wheel steering by using the rudder and two main wheels. Wheel fair- The control lock and any other type
pedals; left rudder pedal to steer left ings are optional equipment for of locking device should be removed
and right rudder pedal to steer right. both the main and nose wheels. prior to starting the engine.
When a rudder pedal is depressed, Shock absorption is provided by
a spring loaded steering bungee the tubular spring steel main land- ENGINE
(which is connected to the nose gear ing gear struts and the air/oil nose The airplane is powered by a hori-
and to the rudder bars) will turn the gear shock strut. Each main gear zontally opposed, four cylinder,
nose wheel through an arc of ap- wheel is equipped with a hydrauli- overhead valve, air cooled, fuel
proximately 10° each side of center. cally actuated disc type brake on injected engine with a wet sump
By applying either left or right brake, the inboard side of each wheel. lubrication system. The engine is
the degree of turn may be increased a Lycoming Model IO-360-L2A and
up to 30° each side of center. CONTROL LOCKS is rated at 160 horsepower at 2400
A control lock is provided to lock the RPM. Major accessories include a
WING FLAP SYSTEM aileron and elevator control surfac- starter and belt driven alternator
The single-slot type wing flaps, are es to prevent damage to these sys- mounted on the front of the engine,
extended or retracted by position- tems by wind buffeting while the air- and dual magnetos, dual vacuum
ing the wing flap switch lever on plane is parked. The lock consists of pumps, and a full flow oil filter
the instrument panel to the desired a shaped steel rod and flag. The flag mounted on the rear of the engine
flap deflection position. The switch identifies the control lock and cau- accessory case.
lever is moved up or down in a slot- tions about its removal before start-
ted panel that provides mechani- ing the engine. To install the control ENGINE CONTROLS
cal stops at the 10°, 20° and 30° lock, align the hole in the top of the Engine power is controlled by a
positions. To change flap setting, pilot’s control wheel shaft with the throttle located on the switch and
the flap lever is moved to the right hole in the top of the shaft collar on control panel above the center ped-
to clear mechanical stops at the the instrument panel and insert the estal. The throttle is open in the
10° and 20° positions. A scale and rod into the aligned holes. Installa- full forward position and closed in
pointer to the left of the flap switch tion of the lock will secure the aile- the full aft position. A friction lock,
indicates flap travel in degrees. The rons in a neutral position and the which is a round knurled knob, is
wing flap system circuit is protected elevators in a slightly trailing edge located at the base of the throttle
by a 10- ampere circuit breaker, la- down position. Proper installation and is operated by rotating the lock
beled FLAP, on the left side of the of the lock will place the flag over clockwise to increase friction or
control panel. the ignition switch. In areas where counterclockwise to decrease it.



The mixture control, mounted ad-

jacent to the throttle control, is a red
knob with raised points around the
circumference and is equipped with
a lock button in the end of the knob.
The rich position is full forward, and
full aft is the idle cutoff position.

Engine operation is monitored by
the following instruments: oil pres-
sure/oil temperature indicator, ta-
chometer and exhaust gas tempera-
ture (EGT) indicator. In addition, the
annunciator panel contains a red OIL
PRESS annunciator which comes on
when the oil pressure is low.
Oil pressure signals are generated
from an oil pressure line/transducer
combination. An oil pressure line is
routed from the upper front of the
engine case to the rear engine baffle. strument panel to the right of the mocouple. As the mixture is leaned
At the baffle, the oil pressure line pilot’s control wheel. The instru- (from full rich), the exhaust gas
is connected to a transducer. This ment is calibrated in increments of temperature will increase to a maxi-
transducer produces an electrical 100 RPM and indicates both engine mum value as the stoichiometric
signal which is translated into a pres- and propeller speed. An hour meter (most chemically efficient) fuel-air
sure reading by the oil pressure gage in the lower section of the dial re- ratio is achieved and will decrease if
located on the LH instrument panel. cords elapsed engine time in hours the mixture continues to be leaned.
In addition, a separate low oil and tenths. Instrument markings
pressure indication is provided include the normal operating range MY ENGINE IS SMOKING
through the panel annunciator. This (green arc) from 1900 to 2400 RPM. Remember, your engine is a piston-
annunciator is wired to a pressure The exhaust gas temperature powered air pump. Valves open, a
switch located on the rear of the en- (EGT) indicator is located on the LH piston sucks in air / fuel, ignites it,
gine accessory case. instrument panel as part of the EGT/ another valve opens on the next
When oil pressure is below 20 Fuel Flow indicator. Since exhaust stroke, and it ejects the burned mix-
PSI, the switch grounds and com- gas temperature varies with fuel-air ture out the exhaust. During this
pletes the annunciator circuit, illu- ration (mixture), density altitude, time, oil below is lubricating those
minating the red OIL PRESS light. throttle position and RPM, the in- cylinder walls and piston rings keep
When pressure exceeds 20 PSI, the strument is a useful aid in adjust- that oil below and out of the com-
ground is removed and the OIL ing the mixture for best economy bustion chamber. Also, there are
PRESS annunciator goes out. or performance. The EGT indicator water cooling channels that pass in
allows the pilot to lean (reduce the between these areas, and gaskets
NOTE: The low oil pressure switch is proportion of fuel in the fuel-air keeping that water in those chan-
also connected to the hour (Hobbs) mixture) to a known value using nels and out of these high-vacuum
meter. When pressure exceeds 20 PSI, the maximum or “peak” exhaust combustion chambers. Well, all the
a ground is supplied to the hour meter, gas temperature as a reference. above is how things are supposed
completing the hour meter circuit. An index pointer which can be po- to work, but as all things in life,
sitioned manually is provided for nothing is perfect.
Oil temperature signals are gener- the pilot to mark the location of the
ated from a resistance-type probe lo- peak. Never lean using EGT when BLUE SMOKE
cated in the engine accessory case. As operating at more than 80% power If your cylinders are worn or dam-
oil temperature changes, the probe The EGT system uses a thermo- aged, the cylinders can suck oil up
resistance changes. This resistance is couple in the in the engine exhaust past these rings. This oil is then
translated into oil temperature read- (tailpipe) to supply a voltage pro- present when the chamber com-
ings on the cockpit indicator. portional to exhaust gas tempera- busts, burning it, and ejecting it.
The engine driven mechanical ture. The EGT indicator responds to Two things happen. You will see
tachometer is located on the in- the voltage developed by the ther- blue smoke coming out the exhaust


80 www.a2asimulations.com
and oil sediments will build inside that is responsible for twisting located on the left switch and con-
your combustion chamber, slowly the propeller is one part that is in trol panel. The switch is labeled
degrading that cylinder’s ability to critical need of this pressure at all clockwise, OFF, R, L, BOTH, and
properly work. times. Running the engine with- START. The engine should be oper-
out oil pressure for just minutes is ated on both magnetos (BOTH posi-
BLACK SMOKE enough to seize up the engine. tion) except for magneto checks. The
Your engine is a vacuum pump, R and L positions are for checking
sucking in an air / fuel mixture, ig- OIL TEMPERATURE purposes and emergency use only.
niting it, then ejecting the burned Understanding how temperature af- When the switch is rotated to the
remains. However, if you have a bad fects the viscosity of the lubricant is spring loaded START position, (with
cylinder, a faulty ignition, fouled very important (viscosity is the term the master switch in the ON posi-
plugs, or fuel injection issues, the used to describe the lubricants re- tion), the starter contactor is closed
complete burning of the air / fuel sistance to flow). As your engine oil and the starter, now energized, will
mixture can be compromised. The increases in temperature, it’s vis- crank the engine. When the switch is
result is black smoke (unburned cosity decreases, which means that released, it will automatically return
fuel) seen coming out of the cyl- it flows more freely. And vice-versa, to the BOTH position.
inders. If you see black smoke, get as the lubricant cools down, it’s vis-
the aircraft on the ground and to cosity increases, making it more re- ELECTRIC STARTER
a maintenance facility to find the sistant to flow. The C172 Trainer has a direct-drive,
cause of the problem. Accusim models this effect of oil electric starter, which functions
viscosity, so understanding how it very much the same way as the
ENGINE LUBRICATION affects you, the pilot, is important. starter used in automobiles.
SYSTEM When you start your engine on a
The engine utilizes a full pressure, cold morning, know that the oil in-
wet sump-type lubrication system side your engine has a high viscosi-
with aviation grade oil used as the ty. You must be respectful of this, as
lubricant. The capacity of the en- pushing an engine with thick, cold
gine sump (located on the bottom oil can cause premature oil system
of the engine) is eight quarts. Oil is leaks or worse.
drawn from the sump through an If you must start a very cold en-
oil suction strainer screen into the gine, give it just enough throttle to
engine-driven oil pump. keep it running (not so low that it is
An oil filler cap/oil dipstick is lo- struggling to run). Hold the idle at
cated at the right rear of the engine. the lowest possible RPM and wait for
The filler cap/ dipstick is accessible the oil temperature to rise. As it rises,
through an access door on the top the oil will thin, and you may also
right side of the engine cowling. notice the RPM actually increase
The engine should not be operated due to the thinner oil being easier to
on less than five quarts of oil. For push through all those small areas.
extended flight, fill to eight quarts So ultimately, as the oil temperature
(dipstick indication only). For en- rises the oil pressure drops.
gine oil grade and specifications,
refer to of this handbook. IGNITION AND
OIL PRESSURE Engine ignition is provided by two
Oil is the lifeblood of your engine. engine-driven magnetos, and two
The countless metal parts in mo- spark plugs in each cylinder. The
tion depend on constantly having right magneto fires the lower right
a film of oil covering and separating and upper left spark plugs, and the
them. Theoretically, there should left magneto fires the lower left and
be no metal on metal contact, but upper right spark plugs. Normal
pressurized oil in between. Some operation is conducted with both
times simply having oil continuous- magnetos due to the more com-
ly splashed on the part is enough, plete burning of the fuel/air mixture
yet other times actual pressure is with dual ignition.
required to keep these metal parts Ignition and starter operation is
separated. The heavy crankshaft controlled by a rotary-type switch



Turning the starter on, engages

the starter motor to the engine,
and it cranks the engine over with
electricity. As the engine is turning
over, the pilot is providing the en-
gine with all of its fuel and ignition
requirements, with the expectation
the engine starts firing (combust-
ing), and begins to run on its own
power (using fuel and spark).
Once the engine reaches a cer-
tain speed, the starter motor auto-
matically disengages and the en-
gine runs free,


The engine air induction system
receives ram air through an intake
on the lower front portion of the
engine cowling. The intake is cov-
ered by an air filter which removes
dust and other foreign matter from manual cowl flap cooling system tank in each wing), a three-position
the induction air. Airflow passing control is required. selector valve, auxiliary fuel pump,
through the filter enters an air box. fuel shutoff valve, fuel strainer, en-
The air box has a spring-loaded PROPELLER gine driven fuel pump, fuel/air con-
alternate air door. If the air induc- The Cessna 172R comes stock from trol unit, fuel distribution valve and
tion filter should become blocked, the factory with a two-bladed, fuel injection nozzles.
suction created by the engine will fixed-pitch, 75” diameter propeller.
open the door and draw unfiltered On the real airplane (and in the FUEL DISTRIBUTION
air from inside the lower cowl area. Accu-Sim maintenance hangar), Fuel flows by gravity from the two
An open alternate air door will re- you can replace this with the same wing tanks to a three-position se-
sult in an approximate 10% power propeller that came installed on lector valve, labeled BOTH, RIGHT
loss at full throttle. After passing the Cessna 172S. This higher perfor- and LEFT and on to the reservoir
through the air box, induction air mance propeller has a flatter pitch, tank. From the reservoir tank fuel
enters a fuel/air control unit under resulting in less resistance that al- flows through the auxiliary fuel
the engine, and is then ducted to lows the engine to run at a higher pump, past the fuel shutoff valve,
the engine cylinders through intake RPM under the same conditions. through the fuel strainer to an en-
manifold tubes. So, for example, if you hold gine driven fuel pump.
your brakes on a 172R and apply From the engine driven fuel
EXHAUST SYSTEM full power, the engine will peak at pump, fuel is delivered to the fuel/
Exhaust gas from each cylinder about 2,100RPM. Doing the same air control unit, where it is metered
passes through riser assemblies to exercise on a 172S, the engine will and directed to a fuel distribution
a muffler and tailpipe. Outside air is peak somewhere between 2,300- valve (manifold) which distributes it
pulled in around shrouds which are 2,400RPM. The engine therefore is to each cylinder. Fuel flow into each
constructed around the outside of creating more horsepower on your cylinder is continuous, and flow
the muffler to form heating cham- takeoff run with the flatter, higher- rate is determined by the amount
bers which supply heat to the cabin. RPM 172S propeller. of air passing through the fuel/air
However, on the other hand, the control unit.
COOLING SYSTEM 172R propeller will cruise at a lower
Ram air for engine cooling enters RPM, resulting in better fuel econo- FUEL INDICATING
through two intake openings in the my and a quieter cabin. Fuel quantity is measured by two
front of the engine cowling. The Just like you own airplane, the float type fuel quantity transmit-
cooling air is directed around the choice is yours. ters (one in each tank) and indi-
cylinders and other areas of the cated by an electrically operated
engine by baffling, and is then ex- FUEL SYSTEM fuel quantity indicator on the left
hausted through an opening at the The airplane fuel system consists of side of the instrument panel. The
bottom aft edge of the cowling. No two vented integral fuel tanks (one gauges are marked in gallons of


82 www.a2asimulations.com
fuel. An empty tank is indicated by flow and eventual engine stoppage. time required to consume all of the
a red line and the number 0. When Venting is accomplished by an inter- fuel in one tank, and, after switching
an indicator shows an empty tank, connecting line from the right fuel to the opposite tank, expect an equal
approximately 1.5 gallons remain in tank to the left tank. The left fuel duration from the remaining fuel. The
each tank as unusable fuel. The in- tank is vented overboard through airspace in both fuel tanks is intercon-
dicators should not be relied upon a vent line, equipped with a check nected by a vent line and, therefore,
for accurate readings during skids, valve, which protrudes from the some sloshing of fuel between tanks
slips, or unusual attitudes. bottom surface of the left wing near can be expected when the tanks are
Each fuel tank also incorporates the wing strut. Both fuel filler caps nearly full and the wings are not level.
warning circuits which can detect are also vented.
low fuel conditions and erroneous NOTE: When the fuel tanks are 1/4 full
transmitter messages. Anytime REDUCED TANK CAPACITY or less, prolonged uncoordinated
fuel in the tank drops below ap- The airplane may be serviced to a flight such as slips or skids can un-
proximately 5 gallons (and remains reduced capacity to permit heavi- cover the fuel tank outlets. Therefore,
below this level for more than 60 er cabin loadings. This is accom- if operating with one fuel tank dry or if
seconds), the amber LOW FUEL plished by filling each tank to the operating on LEFT or RIGHT tank when
message will flash on the annun- bottom edge of the fuel filler tab, 1/4 full or less, do not allow the airplane
ciator panel for approximately 10 thus giving a reduced fuel load of to remain in uncoordinated flight for
seconds and then remain steady 17.5 gallons usable in each tank. periods in excess of 30 seconds.
amber. The annunciator cannot be
turned off by the pilot. If the left FUEL SELECTOR VALVE FUEL DRAIN VALVES
tank is low, the message will read L The fuel selector valve should be The fuel system is equipped with
LOW FUEL. If the right tank is low, in the BOTH position for takeoff, drain valves to provide a means for
the message will read LOW FUEL R. climb, landing, and maneuvers that the examination of fuel in the sys-
If both tanks are low, the message involve prolonged slips or skids of tem for contamination and grade.
will read L LOW FUEL R. more than 30 seconds. Operation The system should be examined
In addition to low fuel annun- from either LEFT or RIGHT tank is before each flight and after each
ciation, the warning circuitry is reserved for cruising flight. refueling, by using the sampler
designed to report failures with cup provided to drain fuel from
each transmitter caused by shorts, NOTE: When the fuel selector valve each wing tank sump and the fuel
opens or transmitter resistance handle is in the BOTH position in
which increases over time. If the cruising flight, unequal fuel flow from
circuitry detects any one of these each tank may occur if the wings are
conditions, the fuel level indicator not maintained exactly level. Result-
needle will go to the OFF position ing wing heaviness can be alleviated
(below the 0 mark on the fuel in- gradually by turning the selector valve
dicator), and the amber annuncia- handle to the tank in the “heavy”
tor will illuminate. If the left tank wing. It is not practical to measure the
transmitter has failed, the mes-
sage will read L LOW FUEL. If the
right tank transmitter has failed,
the message will read LOW FUEL
R. If both tanks transmitters have
failed, the message will read L
Fuel pressure is measured by
use of a transducer mounted near
the fuel manifold. This transduc-
er produces an electrical signal
which is translated for the cock-
pit-mounted indicator in gallons-

Fuel system venting is essential to
system operation. Blockage of the
system will result in decreasing fuel



strainer sump. If any evidence of try to jump start a car with a dead and watch how these little changes
fuel contamination is found, it must battery and nothing happens? You affect these systems. Remember,
be eliminated in accordance with have to disconnect the dead battery your electrical system has a bat-
the Preflight Inspection checklist. and try again, since the dead bat- tery and an engine driven electri-
If takeoff weight limitations for the tery is stealing all the electricity). cal generator. The battery puts out
next flight permit, the fuel tanks The physical laws governing elec- about 24 volts, while the genera-
should be filled after each flight to tricity are inexorable as those which tor puts out a little more (about 28
prevent condensation. govern running water. Our latest volts). This allows your generator
and most sophisticated version to not only drive all of the systems,
BRAKE SYSTEM of Accu-Sim accurately replicates but charge the battery at the same
The airplane has a single-disc, hy- those physical laws and permits time. Remember, your generator is
draulically actuated brake on each you to see the electrical system at powered by the engine speed, and
main landing gear wheel. Each work, via the ammeter on your elec- it does not reach it’s full capacity
brake is connected, by a hydraulic trical panel and through sounds until about 1,500 RPM. Watch your
line, to a master cylinder attached and behaviour of the various elec- meters, and you will see and enjoy a
to each of the pilot’s rudder ped- trically driven systems. genuine electrical system in action.
als. The brakes are operated by ap- In addition, weather affects a
plying pressure to the top of either VOLTS, AMPS, WATTS, WHAT battery’s performance. Fortunately,
the left (pilot’s) or right (copilot’s) DOES THIS ALL MEAN? you can always visit your mainte-
set of rudder pedals, which are in- Without getting too technical, the nance hangar for a quick charge or
terconnected. When the airplane pilot in command must understand replacement. If you use your bat-
is parked, both main wheel brakes the basics of what is happening in tery wisely and correctly, it will last
may be set by utilizing the parking the aircraft’s electrical system and a long time.
brake which is operated by a handle components. Volts X Amps = watts.
under the left side of the instrument If we use a water hose as an analogy, ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
panel. To apply the parking brake, volts would be the water pressure, DESCRIPTION
set the brakes with the rudder ped- amps would be the hose width, and The airplane is equipped with a 28-
als, pull the handle aft, and rotate it watts would be the amount / rate volt, direct current electrical sys-
90° down. of water coming out the end. You tem. The system is powered by a
For maximum brake life, keep could have, for example, a 120 volt, beltdriven, 60-amp alternator and
the brake system properly main- 1 amp light bulb would be the same a 24-volt battery, located on the left
tained, and minimize brake usage brightness as a 12 volt, 100 amp forward side of the firewall. Power
during taxi operations and land- bulb. The high voltage system is is supplied to most general electri-
ings. sending high pressure down a small cal circuits through a split primary
With Accu-Sim, we increase the pipe, and the low voltage system is bus bar, with an essential bus wired
likelihood of hearing brake noise sending low pressure down a large between the two primaries to pro-
and squeals as the breaks age. pipe, but each putting out the same vide power for the master switch,
Hearing the occasional squeal is amount of water (watts). annunciator circuits and interior
normal, but if your breaks start If you take a huge draw, for ex- lighting.
making noise regularly, bring the ample running an electric engine Each primary bus bar is also con-
plane into the maintenance hangar starter, voltage will plummet as nected to an avionics bus bar via a
for a check. the battery struggles to supply this single avionics master switch. The
current. Your Ammeter will show primary buses are on anytime the
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM the current draw. However, play master switch is turned on, and are
AND BATTERY with your lights, pitot heat, etc. not affected by starter or external
Accu-Sim installs an authentic power usage. The avionics buses
period battery into a feature-rich are on when the master switch and
electrical system, thanks to close avionics master switch are in the
consultation with our own on-staff ON position.
electrical engineer and high time The airplane uses a power distri-
pilots. Batteries suffer from reduced bution module (J-Box), located on
capacity as they age, have a limited the left forward side of the firewall,
output (34 amp hours), can over- to house all relays used throughout
heat if you demand too much from the airplane electrical system. In
them, and can even load up your addition, the alternator control unit
entire system if you have a brand and the external power connector
new, but dead battery on-line. (ever are housed within the module.


84 www.a2asimulations.com
in the down (OFF) position removes
power from both buses. The switch
is located on the lower left side of
the instrument panel.

NOTE: On some aircraft certified out-

side the United States, the avionics
master switch may be split. They are
aligned for independent operation of
the buses.

ANNUNCIATOR PANEL all electrical power to the airplane. With the switch in the off posi-
An annunciator panel (with integral The left half, labeled ALT, controls tion, no electrical power will be
toggle switch) is located on the left the alternator. applied to the avionics equipment,
side of the instrument panel and regardless of the position of the
provides caution (amber) and warn- CAUTION: Prior to turning the master master switch or the individual
ing (red) messages for selected por- switch on or off, starting the engine or equipment switches. The avionics
tions of the airplane systems. The applying an external power source, power switch should be placed in
annunciator is designed to flash the avionics power switch, labeled the OFF position prior to turning
messages for approximately 10 sec- avionics power, should be turned off the master switch on or off, starting
onds to gain the attention of the to prevent any harmful transient volt- the engine, or applying an external
pilot before changing to steady on. age from damaging the avionics equip- power source.
The annunciator panel cannot be ment. Each avionics bus also incor-
turned off by the pilot. porates a separate circuit breaker
Inputs to the annunciator come Normally, both sides of the mas- installed between the primary bus
from each fuel transmitter, the low ter switch should be used simulta- and the avionics master switch. In
oil pressure switch, the vacuum neously; however, the BAT side of the event of an electrical malfunc-
transducers and the alternator con- the switch could be turned on sepa- tion, this breaker will trip and take
trol unit (ACU). Individual LED bulbs rately to check equipment while on the effected avionics bus off-line.
illuminate each message and may the ground. To check or use avion-
be replaced through the rear of the ics equipment or radios while on AMMETER
annunciator. Illumination intensity the ground, the avionics power The ammeter/vacuum gauge is lo-
can be controlled by placing the switch must also be turned on. The cated on the lower left side of the
toggle switch to either the DIM or ALT side of the switch, when placed instrument panel. It indicates the
DAY position. in the off position, removes the al- amount of current, in amperes,
The annunciator panel can be ternator from the electrical system. from the alternator to the battery
tested by turning the Master Switch With this switch in the off position, or from the battery to the airplane
On and holding the annunciator the entire electrical load is placed electrical system. When the engine
panel switch in the TST position. All on the battery. Continued opera- is operating and the master switch
amber and red messages will flash tion with the alternator switch in is turned on, the ammeter indicates
until the switch is released. the off position will reduce battery the charging rate applied to the
power low enough to open the bat- battery. In the event the alternator
NOTE: When the Master Switch is tery contactor, remove power from is not functioning or the electrical
turned ON, some annunciators will the alternator field, and prevent al- load exceeds the output of the al-
flash for approximately 10 seconds ternator restart. ternator, the ammeter indicates the
before illuminating steadily. When the battery discharge rate.
annunciator panel switch is toggled AVIONICS MASTER SWITCH
up and held in the TST position, all Electrical power for Avionics Bus LOW VOLTAGE ANNUNCIATION
remaining lights will flash until the 1 and Avionics Bus 2 is supplied The low voltage warning annuncia-
switch is released. through Primary Bus 2 and Primary tor is incorporated in the annuncia-
Bus 1, respectively. A rocker switch, tor panel and activates when volt-
MASTER SWITCH located between the primary and age falls below 24.5 volts. If low
The master switch is a split rocker avionics buses, controls current voltage is detected, the red annun-
type switch labeled MASTER, and flow to the avionics buses. Placing ciation VOLTS will flash for approxi-
is ON in the up position and off in the rocker switch in the up (ON) po- mately 10 seconds before illuminat-
the down position. The right half sition supplies power to both buses ing steadily. The pilot cannot turn
of the switch, labeled BAT, controls simultaneously. Placing the switch off the annunciator.



NOTE: Illumination of the low voltage ing, panel lighting, and radio light- amount of cabin heat. Additional
annunciator and ammeter discharge ing. Flood lighting is accomplished heat is available by pulling the knob
indications may occur during low RPM using two lights in the front and out farther; maximum heat is avail-
conditions with an electrical load on a single dome light in the rear. All able with the CABIN HT knob pulled
the system, such as during a low RPM flood lights are contained in the out and the CABIN AIR knob pushed
taxi. Under these conditions, the light overhead console, and are turned full in. When no heat is desired in
will go out at higher RPM. on and off with push type switches the cabin, the CABIN HT knob is
located near each light. pushed full in.
CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND Glareshield lighting is accom- Front cabin heat and ventilat-
FUSES [NOT MODELED ATM] plished using a fluorescent light ing air is supplied by outlet holes
All circuit breakers inside the air- recessed into the glareshield. Ped- spaced across a cabin manifold just
plane are of the “push to reset” or estal lighting consists of a single, forward of the pilot’s and copilot’s
“switch/breaker” type. The power hooded light located above the feet. Rear cabin heat and air is sup-
distribution module (J-Box) uses fuel selector. Panel lighting is ac- plied by two ducts from the mani-
either “push to reset” circuit break- complished using individual lights fold, one extending down each side
ers or spade type (automotive style) mounted in each instrument and of the cabin to an outlet just aft of
fuses. One glass type fuse is also gauge. the rudder pedals at floor level.
used to provide power to the clock. Windshield defrost air is also
On aircraft using spade type CABIN HEATING, supplied by two ducts leading from
fuses in the power distribution VENTILATING AND the cabin manifold to defroster
module (J-Box), a spare fuse is also DEFROSTING SYSTEM outlets near the lower edge of the
included. If the spare fuse is used, The temperature and volume of air- windshield. Two knobs control slid-
a replacement spare should be ob- flow into the cabin can be regulated ing valves in either defroster outlet
tained and reinstalled before the by manipulation of the push-pull to permit regulation of defroster air-
next flight. CABIN HT and CABIN AIR controls. flow. Separate adjustable ventila-
Both controls are the double-but- tors supply additional air; one near
LIGHTING SYSTEMS ton locking type and permit inter- each upper corner of the windshield
EXTERIOR LIGHTING mediate settings. For cabin ventila- supplies air for the pilot and copilot,
Exterior lighting consists of naviga- tion, pull the CABIN AIR knob out. and two ventilators are available for
tion lights on the wing tips and top To raise the air temperature, the rear cabin area to supply air to
of the rudder, a dual landing/taxi pull the CABIN HT knob out ap- the rear seat passengers. Addition-
light configuration located in the proximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch for a small ally, there are ventilators located on
left wing leading edge, a flashing
beacon mounted on top of the ver-
tical fin, and a strobe light on each
wing tip. In addition, two
courtesy lights are recessed into
the lower surface of each wing and
provide illumination for each cabin
door area.
The exterior courtesy lights
(and the rear cabin dome light) are
turned on by pressing the rear cabin
light switch. Pressing the rear cabin
light switch again will extinguish
the three lights. The remaining ex-
terior lights are operated by break-
er/switches located on the lower
left instrument panel. To activate
these lights, place switch in the UP
position. To deactivate light, place
in the DOWN position.

Interior lighting is controlled by
a combination of flood lighting,
glareshield lighting, pedestal light-


86 www.a2asimulations.com
ing this data, rotate the lower left
knob until pressure altitude aligns
with outside air temperature in the
twelve o’clock window. True air-
speed (corrected for pressure and
temperature) can now be read in
the lower window.


The vertical speed indicator depicts
airplane rate of climb or descent
in feet per minute. The pointer is
actuated by atmospheric pressure
changes resulting from changes of
altitude as supplied by the static

Airplane altitude is depicted by a
barometric type altimeter. A knob
near the lower left portion of the in-
dicator provides adjustment of the
instrument’s barometric scale to
the current altimeter setting.
the forward cabin sidewall area just if the external static source is mal-
below the windshield sill area. functioning. This valve supplies VACUUM SYSTEM AND
static pressure from inside the cabin INSTRUMENTS
[I don ’ t know where these de - instead of the external static port. If The vacuum system provides suc-
froster controls are ] erroneous instrument readings are tion necessary to operate the atti-
suspected due to water or ice in the tude indicator and the directional
PITOT-STATIC SYSTEM pressure line going to the standard indicator. The system consists of
AND INSTRUMENTS external static pressure source, the two engine-driven vacuum pumps,
The pitot-static system supplies alternate static source valve should two pressure switches for measur-
ram air pressure to the airspeed be pulled on. Pressures within the ing vacuum available through each
indicator and static pressure to the cabin will vary with open heater/ pump, a vacuum relief valve, a vac-
airspeed indicator, vertical speed vents and windows. uum system air filter, vacuum oper-
indicator and altimeter. The sys- ated instruments, a suction gauge,
tem is composed of a heated pitot AIRSPEED INDICATOR low vacuum warning on the annun-
tube mounted on the lower surface The airspeed indicator is calibrat- ciator, and a manifold with check
of the left wing, an external static ed in kias. It incorporates a true valves to allow for normal vacuum
port on the lower left side of the for- airspeed window which allows system operation if one of the vacu-
ward fuselage, and the associated true airspeed (ktas) to be read off um pumps should fail.
plumbing necessary to connect the the face of the dial. In addition,
instruments to the sources. The the indicator incorporates a win-
heated pitot system consists of a dow at the twelve o’clock posi-
heating element in the pitot tube, tion. The window displays true
a 5-amp switch/breaker labeled PI- airspeed, and the window at the
TOT HEAT, and associated wiring. twelve o’clock position displays
The switch/breaker is located on pressure altitude overlayed with
the lower left side of the instrument a temperature scale. Limitation
panel. When the pitot heat switch is and range markings (in kias) in-
turned on, the element in the pitot clude the white arc (33 to 85 kias),
tube is heated electrically to main- green arc (44 to 129 kias), yellow
tain proper operation in possible arc (129 to 163 kias), and a red line
icing conditions. A static pressure (163 kias). To find true airspeed,
alternate source valve is installed first determine pressure altitude
below the throttle, and can be used and outside air temperature. Us-



ATTITUDE INDICATOR tor will precess slightly over a peri- vacuum indicator may indicate as
The attitude indicator is a vacuum od of time. Therefore, the compass low as 4.0 in. Hg. at 20,000 feet and
air-driven gyro that gives a visual card should be set with the magnet- still be adequate for normal sys-
indication of flight attitude. Bank ic compass just prior to takeoff, and tem operation.
attitude is presented by a pointer readjusted as required throughout
at the top of the indicator relative the flight. A knob on the lower left LOW VACUUM ANNUNCIATION
to the bank scale which has index edge of the instrument is used to Each engine-driven vacuum pump
marks at 10°, 20°, 30°, 60°, and 90° adjust the compass card to correct is plumbed to a common manifold,
either side of the center mark. Pitch for precession. A knob on the lower located forward of the firewall.
and roll attitudes are presented by right edge of the instrument is used From the tee, a single line runs
a miniature airplane superimposed to move the heading bug. into the cabin to operate the vari-
over a symbolic horizon area divid- ous vacuum system instruments.
ed into two sections by a white ho- VACUUM INDICATOR This tee contains check valves to
rizon bar. The upper “blue sky” area The vacuum indicator is part of the prevent back flow into a pump if it
and the lower “ground” area have vacuum/amp indicator, located fails. Transducers are located just
pitch reference lines useful for pitch on the lower left corner of the in- upstream of the tee and measure
attitude control. A knob at the bot- strument panel. It is calibrated in vacuum output of each pump. If
tom of the instrument is provided inches of mercury and indicates output of the left pump falls below
for in-flight adjustment of the sym- vacuum air available for operation 3.0 in. Hg., the amber L VAC mes-
bolic airplane to the horizon bar for of the attitude and directional indi- sage will flash on the annunciator
a more accurate flight attitude indi- cators. The desired vacuum range panel for approximately 10 seconds
cation. is 4.5 to 5.5 inches of mercury. Nor- before turning steady on. If output
mally, a vacuum reading out of this of the right pump falls below 3.0 in.
DIRECTIONAL INDICATOR range may indicate a system mal- Hg., the amber VAC R message will
The directional indicator is a vacu- function or improper adjustment, flash on the annunciator panel for
um air-driven gyro that displays air- and in this case, the indicators approximately 10 seconds before
plane heading on a compass card should not be considered reliable. turning steady on. If output of both
in relation to a fixed simulated air- However, due to lower atmospher- pumps falls below 3.0 in. Hg., the
plane image and index. The indica- ic pressures at higher altitudes, the amber L VAC R message will flash on
the annunciator panel for approxi-
mately 10 seconds before turning
steady on.


An integrated clock / O.A.T. / voltme-
ter is installed in the upper left side
of the instrument panel as standard


The airplane is equipped with a
pneumatic type stall warning sys-
tem consisting of an inlet in the
leading edge of the left wing, an
air-operated horn near the upper
left corner of the windshield, and
associated plumbing. As the air-
plane approaches a stall, the low
pressure on the upper surface of
the wings moves forward around
the leading edge of the wings. This
low pressure creates a differential
pressure in the stall warning sys-
tem which draws air through the
warning horn, resulting in an au-
dible warning at 5 to 10 kias above
stall in all flight conditions.


88 www.a2asimulations.com
We have spent much time develop-
ing extra modes and functions that
you won’t find in any FSX airplane,
like independent DME receiver, pi-
lot-programmable COMM channels
and NAV OBS mode. For example,
you should pay attention to the
autopilot. Even though it may look
familiar, you need to learn how
to operate it properly or you may
find you plane going in completely
wrong direction.

The Bendix King avionics suite in

your Accu-Sim C172 Trainer is so
complete, the best source for your
information is straight from the
manufacturer. Below are links to
the latest manuals online:




If these links ever change

and become unavailable, visit
for the latest information.


Navigating the 2D panels and
taking care of your aircraft.


90 www.a2asimulations.com
ommended procedures for proper
ground handling and routine care
and servicing of your airplane. It
also identifies certain inspection and
maintenance requirements which
must be followed if your airplane is
to retain that new plane performance
and dependability. It is wise to follow
a planned schedule of lubrication
and preventive maintenance based
on climatic and flying conditions en-
countered in your locality.

Keep in touch with your local and the airplane should receive re-
Cessna Service Station and take petitive and required inspections.
advantage of their knowledge and Cessna does not condone modifi-
experience. Your Cessna Service cations, whether by Supplemen-
Station knows your airplane and tal Type Certificate or otherwise,
how to maintain it, and will re- unless these certificates are held
mind you when lubrications and and/or approved by Cessna. Other
oil changes are necessary, as well modifications may void warranties
as other seasonal and periodic on the airplane since Cessna has
services. The airplane should be no way of knowing the full effect
regularly inspected and main- on the overall airplane. Operation
tained in accordance with informa- of an airplane that has been modi-
tion found in the airplane main- fied may be a risk to the occupants,
tenance manual and in company and operating procedures and
issued service bulletins and service performance data set forth in the
newsletters. All service bulletins operating handbook may no lon-
pertaining to the aircraft by serial ger be considered accurate for the
number should be accomplished modified airplane.



FUEL CONTAMINATION this handbook, should be used, and ▶▶ Watch Engine Temps: this
Fuel contamination is usually the fuel additives should not be used warning will display if
result of foreign material present in unless approved by Cessna and the your engine temperature
the fuel system, and may consist of Federal Aviation Administration. is nearing danger limits.
water, rust, sand, dirt, microbes or Corrective action should
bacterial growth. In addition, addi- 2D PANELS be carried out immediately
tives that are not compatible with The 2D panels are there to provide if this warning appears.
fuel or fuel system components can the extra functionality needed ▶▶ Cabin Temperature: displays
cause the fuel to become contami- when there is so much additional how comfortable the tem-
nated. Before each flight and after information available to you, the perature of the cabin feels.
each refueling, use a clear sampler pilot. ▶▶ Ground Speed: this is your
cup and drain at least a cupful of fuel Each 2D panel is accessed by the speed in relation to the ground
from each fuel tank drain location key-press combination in parenthe- in miles/hour and knots.
and from the fuel strainer quick drain ses after the 2D panel title. ▶▶ Endurance: this figure tells you
valve to determine if contaminants approximately how long you
are present, and to ensure the air- PILOT’S NOTES (SHIFT 2) could remain in powered flight
plane has been fueled with the prop- ▶▶ Outside Temp: is the before running out of fuel. This
Pilot’s Notes
er grade of fuel. If contamination is are an excellent ambient temperature figure will update throughout
detected, drain all fuel drain points quick reference outside the aircraft. your flight, and as such you
including the fuel reservoir and fuel while flying. should take into account that
selector quick drain valves and then during a climb phase, the
gently rock the wings and lower the endurance will be less than
tail to the ground to move any addi- once the aircraft is settled
tional contaminants to the sampling in a cruise configuration.
points. Take repeated samples from ▶▶ Range: given in statute (sm)
all fuel drain points until all contami- and nautical miles (nm), this
nation has been removed. If, after figure will give you an ap-
repeated sampling, evidence of con- proximation of your maximum
tamination still exists, the airplane range under current fuel
should not be flown. Tanks should consumption and airspeed
be drained and system purged by conditions. Again, this
qualified maintenance personnel. figure will change depend-
All evidence of contamination must ing on your flight phase.
be removed before further flight. If ▶▶ Fuel Economy: is the cur-
the airplane has been serviced with rent fuel burn rate given in
the improper fuel grade, defuel com- gallons/hour (gph), miles/
pletely and refuel with the correct gallon (mpg) and nauti-
grade. Do not fly the airplane with cal miles/gallon (nmpg).
contaminated or unapproved fuel. ▶▶ Power Settings: this rep-
In addition, Owners/Operators who resents your clipboard,
are not acquainted with a particular showing you important
fixed base operator should be as- information for the correct
sured that the fuel supply has been settings for take off, climb
checked for contamination and is and cruise configurations.
properly filtered before allowing the ▶▶ Notes: these are a set of
airplane to be serviced. Fuel tanks pages (accessed by the small
should be kept full between flights, arrow to the right of the page
provided weight and balance con- number) that include infor-
siderations will permit, to reduce mation such as actions to be
the possibility of water condensing carried out when first entering
on the walls of partially filled tanks. the cabin, to landing checks.
To further reduce the possibility of
contaminated fuel, routine mainte- CONTROLS (SHIFT 3)
nance of the fuel system should be Initially designed to provide a
performed in accordance with the means to perform various in cockpit
airplane Maintenance Manual. Only actions whilst viewing the aircraft
the proper fuel, as recommended in from an external viewpoint, this


92 www.a2asimulations.com
control panel now provides quick ▶▶ Turn Accusim dam- ▶▶ View, at a glance, total aircraft
access to a number of different age on and off. weight, payload weight,
commands. and total fuel quantities.
From this panel, you can: MANAGER (SHIFT 4) PILOT’S MAP (SHIFT 5)
▶▶ Remove the pilot figure from The payload and fuel manager not The pilot’s map gives full and easy
the external view (only avail- only gives you an overview of your access to information that may be
able whilst the engine is not current payload, fuel and oil quanti- found on real maps, and allows this
running). Note the visual ties, it is also an interactive loading information to be accessed from
change in the aircraft balance screen, where you can: The Pilot’s Map the cockpit, as opposed to using
when you remove the pilot. ▶▶ Add and remove pas- is updated in the default map via the drop-down
▶▶ Control electrical systems such sengers and baggage. real-time. menus.
as the generator or magnetos. ▶ ▶ Increase or decrease
▶▶ Toggle aircraft lighting, both pilot, passenger and
internal and external. baggage weights.
▶▶ Change the GPS system ▶▶ Add or remove oil in the
installed in your aircraft, from reservoir, and change the
a bracket mounted handheld oil viscosity depending
unit, to panel mounted units, on seasonal changes.
or no GPS installed at all. ▶▶ Add or remove fuel
▶▶ Set whether you want from the wing tanks.
the aircraft to already be ▶▶ Change between viewing
in a Cold and Dark state weights and measures in
when you first enter it. imperial or metric format.
▶▶ Have your aircraft switch to
a “Used” state, where some
aircraft components will
immediately show signs of
wear. Check your maintenance
hangar before you go flying,
so that you’re aware of the
systems and components that
you’ll need to keep an eye on.



The accompanying panel to the components must be replaced.

map allows you to select what infor- The cylinders are shown with a yel-
mation you want to have displayed low highlight, but these do not have
on the map, from a compass rose to to be replaced, as a yellow highlight is
low altitude airways. showing us that the components are
Also note that some of the but- worn, but not unserviceable.
ton selections have an increasing We can choose to continue flying
amount of information presented with the worn components, but extra
with each subsequent button press. care should be used and a close eye
For example, the APT (Airport) kept on those systems/components.
button will show the following in-
At the lower right hand corner is
◆◆ APT 1: Airport ID. a “COMPRESSION TEST” button,
◆◆ APT 2: Airport name. which will tell your mechanic to
◆◆ APT 3: Airport elevation. run a high pressure differential
◆◆ APT 4: Airport radio compression test on the engine
frequencies. cylinders.
This is done by compressed air
QUICK RADIOS (SHIFT 6) being applied through a regulator
This small popup panel provides gauge to the tester in the cylinder.
input for your virtual cockpit radios The gauge would show the total pres-
but in a simplified and easy to use sure being applied to the cylinder.
manner. This popup features all the The compressed air would then
amenities of the actual radios but in pass through a calibrated restrictor
a singular unit which allows you to and to the cylinder pressure gauge.
control your communication, navi- This gauge would show the actual
gation, ADF and transponder radios air pressure within the cylinder.
from a single source. Any difference in pressure be-
the bottom right corner. This will tween the two gauges would indi-
MAINTENANCE overhaul the engine and replace cate a leak of air past the engine
HANGAR (SHIFT 7) any parts that are showing signs components, whether that is the
The maintenance hangar is where of wear or damage, with new or re- valves, piston rings, or even a crack
you can review the current state of conditioned parts. in the cylinder wall itself.
your aircraft and its major systems. In this instance, our mechanic The readings that your mechanic
It is one of the core elements to vi- has flagged up several issues which presents to you in the “Compression
sualizing Accusim at work. would give us cause for concern. Test Results” in the notes section, will
With the invaluable assistance of Firstly, he has noted some cylin- be annotated with the actual amount
your local aircraft maintenance engi- der scoring, and secondly that there is of pressure read in the cylinder over
neer/technician, a.k.a “grease mon- a major problem with the crankshaft. the actual pressure that was applied
key”, you will be able to see a full and In order to fix these issues we to the cylinder through the regulator.
in-depth report stating the following: need to inspect the engine in great- Low compression on a cylinder
er detail. By left clicking the “CHECK isn’t nec­ essarily a terrible thing,
▶▶ A summary of your airframe, ENGINE” text on the engine cover, it because as the en­gine picks up in
engine and propeller installed. will open the following window. speed, the worn cylinder becomes
▶▶ Total airframe hours, and productive. It is mostly noticed at
engine hours since the COLOUR CODES: lower R.P.M.’s where the cylinder
last major overhaul. ◆◆ GREEN: OK may have trouble firing, and also a
▶▶ General condition ◆◆ YELLOW: WATCH marked increase in oil consumption
of the engine. ◆◆ RED: MUST FIX OR REPLACE may also occur (sometimes with an
▶▶ Important notes provided accompanying blue smoke out of
by the ground crew. Our mechanic has already stat- that cylinder during flight).
ed that there is a serious issue with However, note that this is a read-
From the maintenance han- our crankshaft, as can be seen from ing of the general condition of the
gar, you can also carry out a com- the highlighted part in red. cylinders, and lower condition does
plete overhaul, by clicking the Heavy wear or a component fail- bring additional risks of failure, or
COMPLETE OVERHAUL button in ure will be shown in red, and these even engine fires.


94 www.a2asimulations.com

The Pre-Flight Inspection is anoth-
er advancement in bringing real
life standard operating procedures
into FSX.
The inspection system is done
in such a way as to emulate mak-
ing your walkaround inspection
prior to flight.
There are 19 separate check
sheets which are accessed by click-
ing the arrows in the bottom right
corner of the aircraft top-down view
As you select the next check
sheet, you will automatically be
moved to the relevant view around
the aircraft.
It’s not just a case of clicking
the next check sheet over and
over again however, as there are
actions to be carried out and vi-
sual checks to be made in order to
complete the pre-flight correctly.
If you miss something, maybe the
landing light lens cover on the
leading edge is smashed, expect
to be notified by your mechanic
in the Maintenance Hangar, as his
sharp eye will pick up anything
you miss.
The checklist itself shows an
overview of the aircraft, with
your walkaround route in black,
and dots to highlight the areas
where subsequent checks will be
carried out.
The check list starts with actions
to be carried out in the cockpit, pri-
or to your walkaround.
Ensure that the checklist is car-
ried out correctly, as checks and ac-
tions missed here, will prevent you
from carrying out the proper checks
during your walkaround.
The first of the external checks
covers the tail area. The checklist
now has an additional bottom sec-
tion in which specific actions can be
carried out, or additional views can
be accessed as a reference to what
to look out for.
By left clicking on an action but-
ton, it will either perform an action,
i.e. remove the tail tie down, or it
will bring up a reference picture. In


96 www.a2asimulations.com
the example below, we’re looking at
the elevator hinges.
As part of the walkaround,
checking the fuel tank sump quick
drain valves is an extremely im-
portant check. If water enters the
engine, expect a brief interlude of
coughing and spluttering, quickly
followed by the sound of silence.
The oil dipstick is not only es-
sential in gauging the total oil
quantity, but also the condition of
the oil. As you put hours on your
engine, expect the oil to become
darker due to suspended par-
ticulates that are too fine to be
trapped by the filter. The oil also
goes through chemical changes,
which over time means that the oil
isn’t as capable of protecting your
engine as it was when new.


The pause controls are made
available for those times when
you need to be away from the
By left clicking the various boxes,
you will turn that pause command
on, and for the Altitude, Time and
Distance boxes, a plus and minus
arrow allow you to change the val-
ues for when the pause command
will be issued.
If more than one box is switched
on, the first trigger to be reached
will pause the simulation.


Creators of Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Scott Gentile


Michal Puto

Martin Catney

Robert Rogalski, Michal Krawczyk

Dudley Henriques

SD Research


Scott Gentile


Lewis Bloomfield

Mitchell Glicksman, Scott Gentile & Matt Newton


Larry Green, Mitchell Glicksman and the beta team


Mark Kee


The world’s most effective and knowledgeable flight simulation
beta team, including Cody Bergland, Forest “FAC257” Crooke, Glenn
Cummings (GlennC), Ryan “Hog Driver” Gann, Mitchell Glicksman,
Captain Jakey, Erwin Schultze (dutch506), Guenter Steiner, Paul
“Gypsy Baron” Strogen, Oskar Wagner, Gunter “Snorre” Schneider,
Matt “mattgn” Newton & Oskar “lonewulf47” Wagner.




It’s a misty morning, and your loyal girl
patiently waits for your next flight.
She is quite the special aircraft
and she is your responsibility.

Take care of her …


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