Sample Lesson Plan in Science V Using Explicit Instruction

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January 10 – 16, 2016 and February 8 – 21, 2016

Sample Lesson Plan in Science V using Explicit Instruction

Content: Changes that Materials Undergo

Content Standards: Materials undergo changes due to oxygen and heat.
Performance standards: Uses local, recyclable solid and / or liquid materials in making
useful products.

Learning Competency: Investigate changes that happen in materials under the following
1. presence or lack of oxygen; and
2.application of heat.
( S5MT – I c – d – 2)
I. Objectives:
1. Describe changes that happen in materials due to oxygen and heat.
2. Describe how materials change chemically.
3. Identify signs when materials undergo chemical change.
4. Differentiate physical from chemical changes.

II.Subject Matter
A. Concept: Materials change due to presence or lack of oxygen and application of
heat. Some materials change its physical properties , others undergo chemical
changes. Chemical change occurred when:
1. A new substance is formed.
2. There is a formation of gas which can be seen by a fizzing or bubbling
3. The reaction will cause heat, light or odor to be emitted
4. A color change is produced.
5. A solid is formed during the change.

B. References:
about- chemistry, Martin Ralph, Teaching Science for All
Children, pp. 147-151,

C. Process Skills: Experimenting, Observing, Describing, Comparing

D. Value Integration: Valuing the beneficial effects of changes and lessening the
possible harmful effects.
E. Materials: LCD projector, netbook
a piece of paper, match/ matchstick,
steel wool, vinegar , two beakers
paper or a lid (something to cover the beaker to keep the heat in)
thermometer, 5 containers , Water, green food coloring,
PVA glue , borax solution
3 test tubes with lid, Hydrogen peroxide
3 droppers , Baking soda , tooth pick
Clear plastic cup , bleach
Prepared by:
MT – II, Region IV – A, Cavite
NTOT Trainer
apron , safety goggle , apple

III. Procedure

Parts Activity Classroom setting Materials

Direct  State the learning outcome/  Children are
Explanation WALT ( what are we sitting down LCD projector
learning today/ WILF ( what quietly Ppt
am I looking for) or the  Sitting in presentation
Essential questions to correct spot
answer.  Eyes on the
1. What happen to board/
materials when exposed screen and
to oxygen and heat? teacher
2. How do materials
change chemically? What
are the different conditions
showing chemical change?
3. What is the difference
between physical and
chemical change?
 Tell the class why they are
going to learn this.
( We will learn this to
understand the changes
that are happening around

Activating Prior  Relate the lesson by

Knowledge recalling what they learned  Children are paper
in previous grades. still sitting
down quietly
 Get a piece of paper.  Sitting in
Ask: correct spot
What am I holding?( paper  Eyes on the
) board/ screen
This is an example of and teacher.
( matter )
What is a matter?
What phase of matter is it?
What are the three phases
of matter?

 Tear the paper into pieces.

What changes did you
observe? ( change in size
and shape)
What properties of matter
Is there a new substance
Prepared by:
MT – II, Region IV – A, Cavite
NTOT Trainer
What kind of change is it?

 Tell the class that materials

may undergo changes
under different conditions.

Modelling  Teacher will discuss  Pupils still Projector

( “ I Do ”) through ppt presentation sitting down
the other properties of quietly. Ppt
materials that may change  Listening and presentation
when exposed to heat and observing
oxygen. Chemical change a piece of
will be discussed and the paper
clues/ indications when
this happen. match/
Teacher will also point out matchstick
the difference between
physical and chemical
 After presenting them,
teacher will demonstrate an
experiment - Activity 1 –
“ Burning Paper ” ( see
activity sheet )
Teacher will discuss that a
material ( paper ) changed
its color and chemical
composition by burning and
there is new material
formed, thus chemical
change occurred. steel Wool
 Teacher will model another vinegar
condition when chemical
change occur through two beakers
demonstrating activity 2- paper or a lid
“Steel Wool and Vinegar (something to
Reaction”. cover the
Teacher will point out beaker to
that this steel wool rust keep the heat
because of the presence of in)
oxygen. The increase in
temperature/ production of thermometer
heat and rust shows
chemical change.
 Modeling of the change
that happened will also be
presented using the
molecular ball – and – stick

Guided  Call volunteer pupils to 5 containers

Practice perform activity 3- Crazy  Teacher and Water food
( “ We Do “) Putty and activity 4 – Color pupils ask coloring
Prepared by:
MT – II, Region IV – A, Cavite
NTOT Trainer
Change questions.
.  Teacher provide PVA glue
 Check the understanding of more examples. borax solution
the pupils by asking the
following questions. 3 test tubes
 What happened to with lids
the PVA glue when
mixed with borax Hydrogen
solution? Why? peroxide
 Is there a new
material formed? 3 droppers
 What happened to
the liquid? What did
you observe?
 What property of a
liquid changed?
 What does this
 Are they physical
change or chemical
change? Why?
 Give other examples and
non examples of chemical
change ( physical change ).
Independent  Pupils work in Medicine
Practice Part I groups/ with dropper
( “You Do”)  Divide the class into collaboration. Vinegar
groups. Baking soda
 Let each group do the  Teacher monitor Green food
experiments on chemical and give color
changes. feedback. Hydrogen
 Ask them to report their peroxide
findings/ observation. Tooth pick
 Check their understanding Clear plastic
by asking questions. cup
Part II.  Pupils work
 Let the pupils do activity Safety goggle
independently /
6- worksheet on physical Apple
individually on
and chemical change. Knife
their worksheets
Generalization/  Synthesize the lesson by
Synthesis asking: LCD projector
 What have you
learned today? Ppt
 What happens to presentation (
materials when organizer )
exposed to heat
and oxygen?
 What is the
difference between
physical and
chemical change?
( Teacher may use
Prepared by:
MT – II, Region IV – A, Cavite
NTOT Trainer
other strategies
.e.g. writing in a
journal, graphic
organizer, spotting
the error, writing a
reflection paper)
Application  You’re tired of the color of
your bedroom, and you Laptop
want to change the color of LCD projector
your walls. Will your room
undergo a physical or
chemical change?
 Knowledge of chemical
changes has led to the
invention of many products
that have greatly changed
society. Can you think of
any products that were
created as the result of a
chemical change.

IV. Evaluation
Read and analyze the following questions then choose the best Laptop
answer. LCD
1. Gina is roasting some pieces of chicken. She noticed that projector
the color of the chicken changes. What brings the change in
the kitchen?
A. heat B. wind C. seasoning D. charcoal

2. The following show changes in chemical properties of

materials EXCEPT
A. wood rotting
B. burning sugar
C. autumn leaves
D. evaporating perfume

3. Which of the following changes is caused by heat?

A. fermentation of wine
B. souring of milk
C. rusting of iron
D. burning of wood

4. What change does digestion of food undergo? Why?

A. Physical, because it breaks down food into smaller
B. Chemical, because a new substance is formed when
the food reacts with the acid of the saliva and stomach.
C. Physical, because it changes its size and shape only.
D. Chemical, because it burns calories.

5. A chemical change is different from physical change

because in a chemical change
A. Chemicals are used

Prepared by:
MT – II, Region IV – A, Cavite
NTOT Trainer
B. Molecules do not physically touch
C. A new substance is formed and in a physical change
no new substance is formed
D. The change can be seen but in a physical change it

V. Assignment
List down changes that you observe in your environment. Tell
whether they are useful or harmful.

Prepared by:
MT – II, Region IV – A, Cavite
NTOT Trainer

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