Grade 5 PPT Science Q2 W6 Day 1-5

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Describing the

Reproductive Parts in
Plants and their Functions
Standards to follow:
1.Seat properly.
2.Avoid talking to your
3.Do not stand and move
4.Ask permission when going
5.Raise your hands when you
Reading of passages…

Parts of A Flower
Flowers contain male sex organs called
stamens and female sex organs called pistils.
The anther is the part of the stamen that
contains pollen. Pollen contains the male
gametes. Pollen must be moved to a part of
the pistil called the stigma for reproduction
to take place.
Write IF if the following described Internal
fertilization and EF for external fertilization.

1. Fusion of gametes within the body of the IF

2.Both female and male gametes are EF
discharged into the external surroundings .
3. Inside the female body IF
4. Outside the body EF
5.Lesser is released and deposited inside the IF
body of the female
Reading of the Poem

1. What is the title of the poem?

2. What are the parts of the plant?
3.What anchored the plant to the ground?
4. What comes first, the fruit or the flowers?
5. What makes the flower bloom and bright?
6. What do plants need in order to create a
new plant?
Establishing a purpose for the

1.What is the most attractive part that

you see? What do you call this part?
Petals - are most attractive part of all
floral parts. purposely to attract insects.
2. How do plants reproduce,do they
have a reproductive organ?
Flower - reproductive organ of a
plant that produces the egg and
Male Parts and Functions
 Stamen – is the male
reproductive part of a
 Anther – produces
pollen grains which
develop sperm.
 Filament– supports
the Anther.
Female Parts and

 Pistil – is the female reproductive part of a flower.

 Stigma – sticky pollen-receptive part of the pistil.
 Style – the stalk of the pistil down which the pollen tube
 Ovary – contains the ovules and becomes the fruit.
 Ovule – becomes the seeds when sperm cells fertilize
the egg cells.
Other Parts and functions
 Petal – colorful part of a flower used to attract insects and
 Sepal – protects the bud of a young flower.
 Receptacle – reproductive parts of a plant are attached here.
 Roots – provides the stems and leaves with water and dissolved
minerals from soil.

Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
1.Group reporting and presentation of outputs.
2. Analysis and Discussion.

G1- a. What are the parts of the

G2- b. What are the female
reproductive parts?
G3- c. What are the male
reproductive parts?
Developing Mastery

Classify the following parts of flower into

male and female. Use the chart below.
stamen ovary
stigma filament style
Male reproductive Part Female Reproductive
stamen ovary

filament stigma
Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Read the situation below then answer the

question that follow.
You saw a group of boys and
girls picking flowers in the park.
They made fun of these by
removing the petals one by one.
What would you tell them?
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

How can you show your love and care to

Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson .

1.What are the parts of the


2.What are the reproductive

parts of the flower?
Assessment and Evaluation
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What do you call to the male and female reproductive organ of a
A. Petal and Sepal
B. Stamen and Pistil
C. Filament and Anther
D. Pollen grain and Calyx

2. It is an oval-shaped structure found at the bottom of the pistil

that contains ovules or eggs.
A. Style
B. Ovary
C. Anther
D. Filament

3. The part of the pistil that is tubular in shape that supports the
stigma. It is a passage through the ovary.
A. Style
B. Calyx
C. Ovary
D. Filament

4. A yellow powdery substance on the top of the anther. It is the

male sex cells of the flower that enters the stigma to fertilize the ovary.
A. Anther
B. Corolla
C. Stamen
D. Pollen grains

5. It is a green leafy part of a flower that serves as the base and

holds the petal together.
A. Calyx
B. Ovary
C. Anther
D. Filament

6. Which of the following shows love and care for plants?

A. Give them water
B. Putting them near the sun.
C. Breaking branches.
D. Picking them from the ground.
Assignment: Complete the table below and the
shade, using pink for the female structure of a
flower and yellow for male part.
Flower part Functions What are the
following parts in a
filament flower? Define or
give its function.
anther 2.Sepals-
style 3.Petals-
stigma 5.Stamen-
A complete flower has the following parts:
receptacle, sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils
(carpels )
• receptacle- is the enlarged upper end of
flower stalk which bears the flower or group
of flowers.
• sepals - are modified leaves which enclose
and protect the other parts of a flower when
it is still a bud.
• When a flower blooms the sepals
supports the bottom of the flower.
• A group of sepals is called Calyx
Petals - the brightly colored parts that attracts
stamen – the male part of a flower. It
consist of filament and anther
1.filament- holds the anther in a
position tall enough to release the
2.anther- consist of two lobes that
contain pollen has pollen
grains that are released by the
anther when it matures.
3. pollen grains- contain the male
Pistil or carpel is the female part of the
flower. It consists of the stigma, style and
1. ovary - contains two or more ovules.
Within the ovule is the female games or
egg cell called ovum. a stalk that connects the stigma
to the ovary, tall enough to trap the pollen
3.stigma – a swollen structure at the end of
the style
• It receives the pollen grains.
Pistil or carpel is the female part of the
flower. It consists of the stigma, style and
1. ovary - contains two or more ovules.
Within the ovule is the female games or
egg cell called ovum. a stalk that connects the stigma
to the ovary, tall enough to trap the pollen
3.stigma – a swollen structure at the end of
the style
• It receives the pollen grains.
Evaluating learning
Write the reproductive parts of the flower corresponding to the
indicated number.
1. 2.




WEEK 6 Day 2
Functions of the
Lesson 27:

Reproductive parts of the

Flowering Plants
Review :
Identify the parts of a flower a shown..
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Presenting examples/ instances of the lesson
1.Grouping of the pupils
B. Setting the standards of the activity
C. Activity Proper
“How it Works“
I. Problem: What are the functions of the different parts of aflower?
II. Materials: illustration of the flower parts
III. Procedures:
1. Examine the illustration of the parts of the flower
Guided Questions:
1. Which are the reproductive parts of the
2. Where are the pollen grains found?
3. What is the function of pollen grains?
5. Which part of the flower becomes seed?
6. Which part receives the pollen during
fertilization? _________
7. What holds the anther?
Guided Questions:
1. Which are the reproductive parts of the
2. Where are the pollen grains found?
3. What is the function of pollen grains?
5. Which part of the flower becomes seed?
6. Which part receives the pollen during
fertilization? _________
7. What holds the anther?
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

1.Group reporting and presentation of outputs.

B. Analysis and Discussion.
a. What are the reproductive parts of the
b. What is the role of each reproductive
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #2

Presenting video clip about the functions

of the reproductive
Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the best
1. What is the male reproductive part of the
A. sepal B. pistil C. petal D.
2. What is the female reproductive part of the
A. stamen B. petal C. sepal D.
3. Which of the following is not found in the
A. filament B. ovary C. style D.
WEEK 6 Day 3
Lesson 28:
Parts in Spore-bearing

Game: “Passing the Box”

Pupils will pass the box as they sing “ Bubuka
ang Bulaklak”.
When the music stops the one who is holding
the box will get a cartolina strip reads and
answers what is described there.
Establishing a purpose for the lesson;
Many plants have flowers that help them
to make seeds in order to reproduce.
However, some plants do not use flowers to
reproduce. These plants are called non-
flowering plants. What do you think is their
reproductive part? Let’s find out.
Presenting examples/ instances of the lesson
Activity Proper
“ A Trip to the Garden “
I. Problem: What is the reproductive part of spore-bearing plants?
II. Materials: live fern plant, pen and paper
III. Procedures:
1. Bring pupils to the school garden.
2. Instruct them to go in pairs.
3. Look for a non-flowering plant like fern.
4. Observe the appearance and body parts. Examine
closely the leaves of the plants. Note down the
structures observed from the plants. (They can even
bring camera with them and take photos of the plants.)
5. Teacher can introduce the word spores and further explain about it.
Life cycle of the fern can also be tackled during the field observation.
6. Throughout the field observation, observe and give specific feedback
relevant to what the pupils are expected to do.
7. When the pupils are finished tell them to leave the
area without picking any specie or live plants.
Guide questions:

1. What non- flowering plants did

you observe in the garden?______
2. What structure did you see in
3. Where did you find them?
4. How will you describe spores?
5. Why is life cycle of ferns different
from most of the plants?______
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Look at the diagram, how will you describe the ferns’ life
Why are spores important to ferns?
Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Nina took a walk in the garden

and saw a small plant with feather-
like arrangements of leaves. She was
amazed upon looking at the
undersides of the leaves and
immediately gathered the blackish
brown spots found in it. Did Nina
show the right behavior? Why?
Background Information for Teacher
Spore bearing plants have slightly different
life cycles from most plants. They produce
spores from one parent plant. The spores
fertilized themselves and develop into plants
identical to their parents.
Stages of Fern Life Cycle
1. Frond Stage-formation of leaves that
grow from rhizomes called fronds .
2.Sorus Stage-development of small
brown dots or patches called sori
3. Sporangium Stage-Mature
sporangium shrinks, breaks and
release the spores in air. When fall
in moist place, germinate and
develop a vegetative cell
4. Prothallus stage- continued cell
divisions results in the formation of
a heart-shaped prothallus
5. Archegonium and Antheridium
Stage- development of the female
sex organ called archegonium and
male sex organ antheridium
6. Fertilization Stage- Sperm and
egg mature ; antheridium breaks
causing the sperm to swim in water
archegonia opens and sperms enter.
One sperm fertilizes each egg that
result the formation of zygotes.
7. Embryo Fern Stage- zygote
undergoes cell division after
fertilization. The development
produces the embryo fern which
consists of a foot anchored in the
tissue of the prothalllus: a root and
a leaf .
Read the sentences carefully. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
__1. Spores are the reproductive
cells of all non- flowering plants.
__2. Spore-bearing plants have
slightly different life cycles from
most of the plants.
__3. Spores are produced in
structures called sori.
__4. In a spore –bearing plants, both
parents contribute to the formation
of spores.
__5. Ferns reproduce by means of
producing spores the blackish brown
spots underside of the leaves.

1. Aside from ferns what other plants

are spore-bearing? List atleast 5.
WEEK 6 Day 4
Lesson 29:
Parts in Cone-bearing
Form the words by replacing the numbers with the correct
letters. Write the correct words on the blanks. Use the given
clue as
your guide.
1. _________ Small brown dots or
patches found undersides of fern
2. ________reproductive structures
3. ________ Leaves grow from
4. ________Plants with feather-like
5. ________heart-shaped plants
from spores germination
Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Show a picture of a pine tree)

*What comes out on your

mind when you see this tree?
*Can you see any flowers in
the tree?
This is another example
of non-flowering plant.
It has no spores also.
*Can you imagine how this
plant reproduces?
*What are the reproductive
parts /organs of this kind of
Presenting examples/ instances of the lesson:

1. Set the objectives in the watching the video.

* Pupils will discover the reproductive parts of cone-
bearing plants And the life cycle of conifer.
1. What non-flowering plant did you
see in the video?______
2. How is this plant called?
3. What are conifers?_____________
4. Where can female cone be found?
5. Where can male cone be found?
6. What are the stages in the life
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Life Cycle of Conifer.
Developing mastery (Leads to formative assessment)
Pupils will be given metacards in which different stages of life cycle of conifers
( pine tree) are written . Arrange the life cycle of conifer (Pine tree) according
to the stages.
Making generalization

Conifers--- are woody trees with needle-like

leaves that reduce water loss during dry or
cold climates. ---plants that bear seeds within
a cone.
---It develops many cones and one tree can
produce both male and female cones.
---Male cones produce the pollen grains with
sperm cells
---Female cones contain the ovule with two to
three egg cells.
Supply the missing words to complete the sentences.
Plants that bear seeds within a cone
are called ____1. Conifers are
woody trees with 2._______ leaves.
They develop many 3.___ and one
tree can produce both 4.____and
female cones. Male cones produce
the 5.______ with sperm cells while
female cones contain the 6.____
with two to three egg cells.
Assignment: Make a family tree
WEEK 6 Day 5
Lesson 30: Illustration
Different Reproductive
Group Activity :Pupils will be grouped into three. Each group
will be given pictures of flowering and non-flowering
plants. They are going to label the different
parts/reproductive parts
Group 1- label the reproductive parts of a gumamela flower
Group 2. Label the parts of a life cycle of
Group 2.
3. Label the parts of Life Cycle
cycle of
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Group 2. at
Look closely Label the of
the details parts of Life
different Cycle of
pictures/illustrations of

Cone bearing - pine tree

Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Group 2. at
Look closely Label the of
the details parts of Life
different Cycle of
pictures/illustrations of
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Group 2. at
Look closely Label the of
the details parts of Life
different Cycle of
pictures/illustrations of

Spore bearing –
Group 2. Label the parts of Life Cycle of
Group 2. Label the parts of Life Cycle of
Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.
If you will be given a chance to
illustrate using a real plant as your
model what will you draw? Why?
Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What should be remembered when

you have to illustrate or draw
something? Should you submit your
work on time?
Group 2. Label the parts of Life Cycle of
Group 2. Label the parts of Life Cycle of

Draw your favorite flower in

your notebook. Label the
parts .
Group 2. Label the parts of Life Cycle of



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