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Shortcol Circ 1 20

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Print Company name Project: BRIDGE OVER F STREET Engineer: YP Project # ShortCol

and address here Date: 1/20/04 Copyright © 2004

Subject: RECTANGULAR COLUMN Checker: Page: 1 Yakov Polyakov, PE
Date: [email protected]
Capacity Of Eccentrically Loaded Short Column
Material Properties

S. U D
f'c = 4.00 ksi Ec = 3,605 ksi
fy = 60.00 ksi Es = 29,000 ksi
fb = 0.9
fc = 0.75 Column Interaction Diagram
US ACI 318-99 Units: Kip, Kip-ft
● Rectangular ● ●
Height H = 36.00 in fPn
Width B = 48.00 in Circular Metric ACI 318-02 5000

3 in
No.bars = 24
1.56 4000
rs = 1.39%
Maximum Force: fPu(max) = 0.8f[0.85f'cbh+(fy-f'c)SAs] = 4,332 kip
Maximum calculated capacities: 3000
fMb = 2347 kip-ft fMb = -2347 kip-ft
fPb = 1893 kip fPb = 1893 kip
Reinforcing Steel Dist. from Dist. from
Bar No. Area Center Bottom
As fMn
X Y 1000
in^2 in in
1 1.00 -9.00 18.00
2 1.00 -6.99 10.50
3 1.00 -1.50 5.01 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000
4 1.00 6.00 3.00
5 1.00 13.50 5.01
6 1.00 18.99 10.50 -1000
7 1.00 21.00 18.00
8 1.00 18.99 25.50
9 1.00 13.50 30.99 -2000
10 1.00 6.00 33.00
11 1.00 -1.50 30.99
12 1.00 -6.99 25.50
13 1.00 -21.00 18.00 Interaction Diagram Factored Loads Capacity D/C Ratio
14 1.00 -18.99 10.50 fPn fMn f Pu Mu fMn
15 1.00 -13.50 5.01 kip kip-ft kip kip-ft kip-ft %
16 1.00 -6.00 3.00 -1296 0 0.900 1 500 2000 #VALUE! #VALUE!
17 1.00 1.50 5.01 -1108 271 0.900 2
18 1.00 6.99 10.50 -921 519 0.900 3
19 1.00 9.00 18.00 -733 751 0.900 4
20 1.00 6.99 25.50 -546 971 0.900 5
21 1.00 1.50 30.99 -358 1189 0.900 6
22 1.00 -6.00 33.00 -170 1401 0.900 7
23 1.00 -13.50 30.99 17 1585 0.896 8
24 1.00 -18.99 25.50 205 1685 0.856 9
25 392 1781 0.815 10
26 580 1866 0.774 11
27 767 1952 0.750 12
28 955 2056 0.750 13
29 1143 2152 0.750 14
30 1330 2239 0.750 15
31 1518 2292 0.750 16
32 1705 2324 0.750 17
33 1893 2347 0.750 18
34 2081 2330 0.750 19
35 2268 2294 0.750 20
36 2456 2251 0.750
37 2643 2201 0.750
38 2831 2142 0.750
39 3018 2074 0.750
40 3206 1996 0.750
3394 1903 0.750
3581 1797 0.750
3769 1681 0.750
3956 1544 0.750
4144 1393 0.750
4332 1218 0.750
4332 0 0.750

-1296 0 0.900
-1108 -271 0.900
-921 -519 0.900
-733 -751 0.900
-546 -971 0.900
-358 -1189 0.900
-170 -1401 0.900
17 -1585 0.896
205 -1685 0.856
392 -1781 0.815
580 -1866 0.774
767 -1952 0.750
955 -2056 0.750
1143 -2152 0.750
1330 -2239 0.750
1518 -2292 0.750
1705 -2324 0.750
1893 -2347 0.750
2081 -2330 0.750
2268 -2294 0.750
2456 -2251 0.750
2643 -2201 0.750
2831 -2142 0.750
3018 -2074 0.750
3206 -1996 0.750
3394 -1903 0.750
3581 -1797 0.750
3769 -1681 0.750
3956 -1544 0.750
4144 -1393 0.750
4332 -1218 0.750
4332 0 0.750
Sum of Forces = 0 Sum of Moments = 0
a 30.208011 in -0.85f'c(ab)= -4929.94733 kip S(Asfs(Ys-h/2)) = 435
b1 0.85 S(As*fs)= -845.41267 kip -0.85f'c(ab)(a/2-h/2) = 1189.8
Pu 4519.1 kip Pu/f 6025.472 kip Mu/f = 1624.4
Mu 1218 kip-ft Total 250.112
ACI 318-99 ACI 318-02
f 0.75 0.75 zeroM 1546765.339
0.1f'cbh = 691.2 kip
fPu(max) = 0.8f[0.85f'cbh+(fy-f'c)SAs] = 4331.5 kip Force Converter 1
S(As)= 24.00 in^2 MomentConverter 12
fPu(min) = f(fySAs) = -1296 kip
Units1 1
Units US
CurrentUnits US
Steel Dist from Strain in Stress in
Area Bottom Reinf. Bar Reinf. Bar Code: 1 ACI 318-99
As Ys es fs Column Interaction Diagram
in^2 in ksi Units: Kip, Kip-ft
1 1 18 -0.001481 -39.5355292 Section Shape 1 Rectangular
2 1 25.5 -0.000847 -21.1753331
3 1 30.99038 -0.000384 -7.73473666
4 1 33 -0.000214 -2.81513693 Asection = 1728
5 1 30.99038 -0.000384 -7.73473666 R 18
6 1 25.5 -0.000847 -21.1753331 ALPHA = 0.825455
7 1 18 -0.001481 -39.5355292 Ac = 1449.985 Area in Compression
8 1 10.5 -0.002114 -56.6 Y= 2.895995 C.G. of compression area (fr
9 1 5.009619 -0.002577 -56.6
10 1 3 -0.002747 -56.6
11 1 5.009619 -0.002577 -56.6
12 1 10.5 -0.002114 -56.6
13 1 18 -0.001481 -39.5355292
14 1 25.5 -0.000847 -21.1753331
15 1 30.99038 -0.000384 -7.73473666
16 1 33 -0.000214 -2.81513693
17 1 30.99038 -0.000384 -7.73473666
18 1 25.5 -0.000847 -21.1753331
19 1 18 -0.001481 -39.5355292
20 1 10.5 -0.002114 -56.6
21 1 5.009619 -0.002577 -56.6
22 1 3 -0.002747 -56.6
23 1 5.009619 -0.002577 -56.6
24 1 10.5 -0.002114 -56.6

ACI 318-99
nteraction Diagram


Area in Compression
C.G. of compression area (from center)
X Y Max Min
1 9 18 24 -24
1 6.990381 25.5 36 0
1 1.5 30.99038 DX = 48
1 -6 33 DY= 36
1 -13.5 30.99038 Plot of diagonal
1 -18.99038 25.5 to control XY scale
1 -21 18 x y
1 -18.99038 10.5 -24.000 -6.000
1 -13.5 5.009619 24.000 42.000
1 -6 3 Dialog box Concrete plot
1 1.5 5.009619 H= 36
1 6.990381 10.5 B= 48
1 21 18 -24 0
1 18.99038 25.5 -24 36
1 13.5 30.99038 24 36
1 6 33 24 0
1 -1.5 30.99038 -24 0
1 -6.990381 25.5
1 -9 18
1 -6.990381 10.5
1 -1.5 5.009619
1 6 3
1 13.5 5.009619
1 18.99038 10.5
Circular Concrete Plot a =Calculations!$B$2
X Y As =OFFSET(FirstReinf,0,1,Nb,1)
18 18 As_ =OFFSET(As,0,0,COUNT(As),1)
17.38666 22.65874 B =Input!$B$16
15.58846 27 Bar_Area =Input!$B$19
12.72792 30.72792 Betta1 =Calculations!$B$3
9 33.58846 Btemp =Sheet1!$F$13
4.658743 35.38666 x y clr =Input!$B$17
1.1E-15 36 -24.000 -0.100 Code =Calculations!$H$15
-4.658743 35.38666 24.000 48.000 conc_chart_X =CHOOSE(Shape,Sheet1!$M$14:$M$18
-9 33.58846 Permanent conc_chart_Y =CHOOSE(Shape,Sheet1!$N$14:$N$18
-12.72792 30.72792 Rectangular Concrete plot CurrentUnits =Calculations!$H$14
-15.58846 27 Ec =Input!$E$10
-17.38666 22.65874 -24 0 Es =Input!$E$11
-18 18 -24 36 fc =Input!$B$10
-17.38666 13.34126 24 36 FirstAs =Input!$A$29
-15.58846 9 24 0 FirstP =Input!$F$44
-12.72792 5.272078 -24 0 FirstReinf =Calculations!$A$18
-9 2.411543 FirstX =Sheet1!$B$11
-4.658743 0.613335 ForceConverter =Calculations!$I$9
-3.31E-15 0 fs =OFFSET(As,0,3)
4.658743 0.613335 Fy =Input!$B$11
9 2.411543 H =Input!$B$15
12.72792 5.272078 Htemp =Sheet1!$F$12
15.58846 9 MomentConverte=Calculations!$I$10
17.38666 13.34126 Ms =Calculations!$I$2
18 18 Mu =Calculations!$B$5
Nb =Input!$B$18
phi_b =Input!$B$12
phi_c =Input!$B$13
phi02 =Calculations!$C$7
phi99 =Calculations!$B$7
Pmax =Calculations!$E$9
Pmin =Calculations!$E$11
Pneg =Input!$F$77:$F$108
Ppos =Input!$F$44:$F$75
Pu =Calculations!$B$4
reinf_X =OFFSET(Input!$C$29:$C$68,0,0,Nb)
reinf_y =OFFSET(Input!$D$29:$D$68,0,0,Nb)
Shape =Calculations!$H$18
Strain =OFFSET(As_,0,2)
UnitForce =IF(Units="US","kip","kN")
UnitLength =IF(Units="US","in","mm")
UnitMoment =IF(Units="US","kip-ft","kN-M")
Units =Calculations!$H$13
Units1 =Calculations!$H$12
UnitStress =IF(Units="US","ksi","MPa")
X =OFFSET(FirstX,0,0,COUNT(Sheet1!$B
Y =OFFSET(X,0,1)
ys =OFFSET(As,0,1)
Zero =Calculations!$E$5
zeroM =Calculations!$E$7





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