SRSD Pamphlet Reading Comprehension in Adolescents

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How can SRSD be Beneficial Citations

to ESL Students?
SRSD Strategies are very beneficial to
ESL (English as a Second Language) [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from
students. ESL students usually are very
hard working and devoted students that
are in the process of overcoming
linguistic barriers during their education
[Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The first of the six stages (as
mentioned) is critical, in my opinion, istock_000010530114_490x356.jpg
because each child learns at a different
speed and will need a bit more K. (2018, August 12). 10 ESL Teaching (SRSD)
individuality placed into each lesson. It Strategies That Successfully Motivated My
is important to note that not all of the Students To Reach The Next Level. By:
jfjfBethany Ross
children in an ESL class will be on the Retrieved from
level of speed and comprehension. log/educator-
english/effective -esl-teaching-strategies-
Teachers will need to be patient and
allot sufficient time when lesson
planning to ensure students can achieve Mason, L. H., Mason, L. H., Reid, R. C., &
their goals at their pace. Hagaman, J. L. (2012). Building
comprehension in adolescents: Powerful
Goal setting plays a huge factor in strategies for improving reading and
keeping students motivated. writing in content areas . Chelsea, MI:
“Furthermore, goal-setting Sheridan Books.
worksheets allow students to outline
clear plans while giving them an TEAL Center Fact Sheet No. 10: Self -
Regulated Strategy Development. (2017,
opportunity to practice writing and
July 06). Retrieved from
planning skills” (FluentU, 2018). Other -
ways to encourage students is to resources/federal-
introduce technology, use peer initiatives/teal/guide/strategydev
discussion rather Teacher Talk Time
(TTT), and give instruction for at home

Creating an authentic atmosphere for

reading and writing in the classroom will
allow ESL students to experience
accurate conversation and text when
they leave the class.
“It is an instructional approach designed to help  Establish background knowledge: The
students learn, use, and adopt the strategies teacher will assess if his/her students The intricacy of text-based content has driven
used by skilled writers and readers (“Lincs”, are prepared and obtain the required some teachers into avoidance all together.
2017). skills to perform the strategy.
 Discuss the strategy: The teacher will This is problematic for students, especially in low-
This approach is evidence based and primarily discuss the importance of the strategy to achieving adolescents, because we begin to see a
seen at the secondary level. capture the students’ focus. In this struggle to self-regulate and motivate. Students
stage, the class can set goals in which comprehension of more vigorous contents becomes
Prior to using strategies… they will strive to achieve. weaker and weaker, as does their writing
 Model the strategy: Students in this step development about the learned material.
It is vital that teachers read over the content and will learn WHY steps are executed in the
manner they are and HOW it can aid Strategies help students to fully grasp what the
understand the level of difficulty at which
them in becoming better readers and assigned text is discussing, dissect the different
he/she may present to his student readers. This writers. points made within it, enable them to summarize
is important because it will provide an awareness  Memorize the strategy: Students must and write descriptions of what they have read and
of the text. For example, after reading over the fully understand the strategy for it to be learned, and provide feedback of their own points
text, a teacher may want to include some parts beneficial. In this stage, students should of views based off of the reading (which could be
not only be able to parrot the correct done in a group discussion).
of the reading but might feel other portions of it order of the strategy, but also be
are too advanced for their specific class. descriptive in explaining what each step An example of a reading strategy from “Building
does. Some students may struggle with Comprehension in Adolescents” is TRAP: Think
Teachers are not limited to, but should include, memorization. Cue cards and other before you Read, Read the passage, Ask yourself
a pre-instruction overview, lesson plan, and the materials could be useful to help these what the main idea is, Paraphrase. A writing
necessary lesson materials. learners. Memorization can be strategy that they provide is C-Space: Characters-
accomplished during any stage but Setting, Purpose, Action, Conclusion, and Emotion.
should be integrated throughout the
instructional portion.
 Support strategy use: The students
should be well familiarized with the
steps of the strategy. Now it becomes
cooperative between the student and
teacher. The end goal for both parties is
that the students can practice the steps
independently and properly. Peer
support and scaffolding can be crucial
during this process.
 Independent practice: Students in this
step can use the strategy independently.
Teachers should still monitor for
consistency to ensure steps are not being
skipped or altered.

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