5e Lesson Plan Template

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5e lesson plan template

Instructional Planning and Assessments for Elementary Teacher Candidates (Grand

Canyon University)

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Downloaded by Ria Estrecho ([email protected])

GCU College of Education

Revised 9/2018

Teacher Candidate:
Grade Level:
Instructional Plan Title:
Lesson Summary:
In a few sentences, summarize this lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content/skills you are teaching.
Clarify where this lesson falls within a unit of study.

Classroom and student factors:

Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs,
non-labeled challenged students).
Standard(s): Lesson Objective:
Identify the relevant grade level standard(s), including Specify exactly what the students will know and be able
the code and its text. Be sure to include any to do as a result of the standards-based lesson. The
process/practice standards as well. lesson objective should be aligned to the standard, but
narrow the focus of the lesson down. Remember that
standards are broad and should be broken down into
Lesson Focus Question (Big Idea of the Lesson): Focus Question Possible Answers (for teacher
Write a question which is aligned to the objective and planning only – what is the big idea that students
which demonstrates the overall “big idea” students should get out of the lesson?):
should learn through this lesson. The focus question Write a/all possible answer(s) to the focus question. This
should be open ended so as to promote critical thinking should guide teacher planning. Knowing what we want
and discussion. students to discover/learn while engaging in the planned
activities directs instruction, activities, and formative
assessments, is key to student learning.
Anticipation of Common Misconceptions/Challenges:
After completing all of the problems/questions included in this lesson and researching the science/math done in this
lesson, list common misconceptions and challenges students may have. This misconceptions/challenges should be
further outlined/addressed in the actual plan for instruction below.
Key Vocabulary: Differentiation:
Include the content-specific terms and their meanings Use the class profile to develop differentiation techniques
according to this lesson. Vocabulary words listed here to meet the needs of all students. List differentiation
should be further outlined in the actual plan for strategies here. Strategies listed here, should be further
instruction below. outlined in the actual plan for instruction below.

Probing Questions:
Develop multiple questions (5 to 10) which help students access prior knowledge and get them thinking about the big
idea of the lesson, move students towards mastery of the learning target and promote critical thinking and inquiry-
based learning, work through misconceptions, gain a deeper understanding of the content, and allow students to
apply new knowledge in a different context. These questions should be further outlined in the actual plan for
instruction below.
List ALL materials, equipment and technology the teacher and students will use during the lesson. Add or attach
copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this lesson plan.

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The 5Es
Teacher opens the lesson by activating prior knowledge, linking previous learning, and presenting objective and focus
question. (5 minutes)

Designed to help students understand the learning task and make connections to past and present learning experiences.
This activity should stimulate interest and prompt students to identify their own questions about the topic. Typical
activities in this stage include posing a question, defining a problem, or demonstrating a discrepant event, then using
small group discussions to stimulate and share ideas. Teachers help students connect previous knowledge to the new
concepts introduced in the unit.
Students collaborate to problem-solve in order to gain a conceptual understanding of the concept. Teacher asks probing
questions and provides prompts to groups and individuals as they work to help them move towards mastery of the
objective. (20 minutes)
Students have the opportunity to get directly involved with key concepts through guided exploration of information. The
goal here is for students to gain a conceptual understanding of the concept. The teacher must first explain/model the
activity so students have a clear direction on what they are doing. In this activity, students should begin to identify
patterns and make connections to other disciplines. Students should have hands-on opportunities to work collaboratively
with peers, engaging in structured academic discussions about the planned activity. In this stage, teachers observe and
listen to students as they interact with each other and the information provided. Teachers also ask probing questions to
help students clarify their understanding and redirect their investigations when necessary so that they move towards
mastery of the “big idea” of the lesson.
Students explain/share findings from EXPLORE activity and teacher facilitates class discussion. Teacher models and
asks questions using student input to help connect student responses with the big idea of the lesson. Vocabulary and big
idea concepts are formally introduced. (20 minutes)
Discussion: Direct Instruction
Teachers provide structured opportunities for students to Students are introduced more formally to the lesson’s
share and explain their findings as a result the Explore concepts. Through class discussions, teacher questioning,
activity (Small group and whole class discussions). student modeling, and teacher modeling, students gain
understanding of the major concepts and can verify
answers to questions or problems posed earlier. In
addition, more abstract concepts not easily explored in
earlier activities are introduced and explained. As students
formulate new ideas, appropriate vocabulary can be
introduced, if not already done so. The teacher helps
students clarify the big idea of the lesson.
Practice/Application of the big idea to the same or new concept. (10 minutes)

Students expand on what they have learned and apply their newfound knowledge to a different situation or they can
continue practicing the concept. They test ideas more thoroughly and explore additional relationships. Students practice
and apply concepts learned so far in the lesson. Teacher can differentiate activities based on lesson mastery.
Formative assessment activity that is aligned to the objective and focus question to close the lesson. (5 minutes)

A formative assessment activity should be conducted here as a closure to the lesson and to assess student learning as it
relates to the objective and lesson focus. Be sure to also include formative assessments/checks for understanding
throughout the lesson.
In 150-250 words, explain how the instructional strategies you chose in this lesson promote the 4 C’s of 21 st Century
Learning and Teaching (Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity).

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Provide detailed explanations of the strategies and explain how they promote collaboration, communication, critical
thinking, and/or creativity.

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