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Summative Test in Matter and Its Properties

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is an extensive property of matter?
A. malleability B. ductility C. mass D. boiling point

2. Extensive properties of matter are properties that depend on the __________ of matter.
A. quality B. size C. amount D. changes that occur

3. A substance (X) fills all the space available. It has no definite shape and volume. It exists in the
_______ at room temperature.
A. solid state B. liquid state C. gaseous state D. plasma
4. When a substance changes its appearance without changing its composition, it is said to be a/an
A. intensive property C. physical change
B. extensive property D. chemical change

5. A compound is a ___________.
A. heterogenous mixture
B. physical combination of 2 or more substances
C. pure substances composed of one kind of atom
D. pure substances composed of more than one kind of atom
6. Which is NOT true about mixtures?
A. A homogenous material is always a mixture.
B. A mixture is made when elements and / or compounds are mixed.
C. All solutions are homogenous mixtures.
D. Mixtures of water and salt can have varying properties.

7. Which of the following is an example of a solution?

A. chromium B. fog C. air D. mayonnaise
8. Which of the following is NOT one of the five most abundant elements (by weight) in the earth’s
crust, water, and atmosphere?
A. aluminum B. silicon C. oxygen D. calcium
9. Oxygen dissolved in water is _______.
A. an alloy B. an element C. a mixture D. a compound
10. Which of the following undergoes a physical change?
A. melting butter B. baking a cake C. bleaching a stain D. rusting of a nail

11. All of the following undergoes a chemical change EXCEPT

A. fermentation of rice washing C. tarnishing of a silver spoon
B. sawing a board in half D. dissolving antacid in water

12. Which is NOT a physical property of water?

A. liquid at room temperature
B. boils at 1000C
C. melts at 00C
D. changes oxygen and hydrogen gas when electrolyzed

13. Which DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. sugar C. sodium chloride
B. aluminum foil D. monosodium glutamate
14. Copper is commonly used for electric wiring. Which of the following properties is the reason
behind it?
A. malleability B. good insulator C. ductility D. specific gravity
15. Which of the following element is used for beverage cans?
A. silver B. copper C. mercury D. aluminum
16. How do you classify oxygen, vapor or gas?
A. vapor B. gas C. neither a nor b D. both a and b
17. Which of the following DOES NOT indicate a formation of a new substance?
A. A new color is formed. C. Phase change
B. Bubbles are formed. D. formation of precipitate

18. What evidence proves that the spoiling of milk is a chemical change?
A. evolution of light C. production of electricity
B. different smell D. formation of worms

19. Which of the following terms do not match?

A. heterogenous mixture – macaroni salad C. element - iron
B. compound – copper wire D. solution - vinegar

20. What is the property of metals that allows them to be rolled, flattened or hammered into sheets
without breaking?
A. electrical conductivity C. metallic property
B. ductility D. malleability

21. Which of the following substances is an element?

A. salt B. air C. carbon dioxide D. fluorine

22. Which of the following is a mixture?

A. lead B. tungsten C. gold D. brass

23. Which of the following properties of the element silicon is a chemical property?
A. blue-gray color C. melts at 1410oC
B. does not dissolve in water D. reacts vigorously with fluorine
24. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. This property is not exhibited by
A. sodium B. aluminum C. phosphorus D. manganese

25. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

A. formation of green leaves in plants
B. neutralizing stomach acid with an antacid tablet
C. using oxygen in body cells
D. chewing a gum

26. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. sucrose B. sodium chloride C. iodine D. acetic acid

For numbers 27-30, read the short description below and answer the questions correctly.

Tungsten has the highest meting point among the elements. It melts at 3410 oC and
boils at 5660oC. Due to its extremely high melting point, tungsten is used as a filament in
electric lamps. Its density is 19.3 g/cm 3 at 25oC. In its pure form, tungsten is steel gray to white
in color. It can combine with oxygen in air especially at high temperatures to form tungstic
oxide. The metal is commercially obtained by the reaction of tungstic oxide with hydrogen or

27. What is the use of tungsten in the industry?

A. Used as electrical conductors.
B. Used to power up electricity due to high melting point.
C. Used as a filament in electric lamps.
D. Used commercially to obtained a product of hydrogen and carbon.

28. Which of the following describes the physical property of tungsten?

A. extremely high melting point C. steel gray to white in color
B. boils at 5660oC D. all of the above

29. What is the product of the combination of tungsten and oxygen in air at high temperatures?
A. hydrogen B. carbon C. tungstic D. tungstic oxide

30. If tungsten will have a mass of 34.12 g, what will be its volume in milliliters?
A. 17.7 mL B. 1.77 mL C. 0.566 mL D. 177 mL

31. In the distillation process, it involves the process of ______________ of volatile liquids.
A. Filtration and coagulation C. evaporation and condensation
B. Filtration and evaporation D. evaporation and distillation
32. The solid particles that are retained in the filter paper are called
A. residue B. filtrate C. filter paper D. distillate
33. How would you separate a mixture of sand and salt?
A. distillation B. decantation C. evaporation D. centrifugation
34. In making wines and essential oils, what is used to separate the components to produce a pure
A. filtration B. decantation C. flotation D. distillation
35. If you have a mixture of sand and water, what will be the best separation technique?
A. filtration B. decantation C. distillation D. extraction
36. What is the correct order to separate a mixture of sand, water and ethanol?
A. Decantation, filtration C. filtration, decantation
B. Decantation, distillation D. distillation, solvent extraction
37. It is a method in which some solids of a suspension mixture are allowed to settle and the less
dense material is poured off. What separation method is this?
A. flotation B. centrifugation C. distillation D. filtration
38. In cooking miki noodles, we usually add achuete flavor. How do we extract the red color from
achuete seeds?
A. filtration B. flotation C. decantation D. solvent extraction
39. It is a separation technique which uses the difference in degree to which substance are absorbed
on the surface of an inert substance.
A. flotation C. fractional crystallization
B. chromatography D. fractional distillation
40. The components of a liquid mixture can be separated through distillation if they differ in what
A. Melting point B. boiling point C. density D. phase
41. Citonella oil, very commonly used nowadays in candles and in insect repellants, contains the
compounds geraniol, citronellal and citronellol. It can be extracted from lemon grass or commonly
known as dangla. What is the best extraction technique can be used?
A. amalgamation B. cyanidation C. steam distillation D. evaporation
42. In the fractional distillation of petroleum, what fraction of compounds will boil first?
A. The fraction with the lowest boiling points
B. The fraction with the intermediate boiling points
C. The fraction with the highest boiling points
D. The fraction with nonvolatile compounds
43. There are three sample in the laboratory labelled as A, B, and C. The samples are shiny, hard,
dense, solid, malleable and ductile. How do you classify it?
A. metals B. non-metals C. metalloids D. minerals
44. Which of the following DOES NOT describe a pure substance?
A. have the same properties throughout
B. have definite and unchanging chemical composition
C. have two or more substances that are physically combined
D. the substance is the same no matter where it is found
45. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. All elements are made of atoms.
B Atoms can be further separated into simpler particles.
C. Atoms of different elements are different.
D. Atoms of the same element are alike.
46. Which of the following is a Latin name for Silver?
A. Stibium C. Aurum
B. Argentum D. Stannum
47. Lead is a soft, dull, silver-colored metal. Which of these is its Latin name?
A. cuprum B. hydrargyrum C. plumbum D. stannum
48. What is the symbol for the element Antimony?
A. At B. Sn C. Sb D. Al
49. Some elements exists as diatomic, thus, they normally exists as two atoms bound together. Which
of the following is NOT correct?
A. N2 B. F2 C. C2 D. O2
50. Under normal conditions, mercury is a liquid. It is usually used in thermometers. Which of the
following is the symbol for mercury?
A. Me B. Mo C. Th D. Hg
51. Potassium is an element needed by our body. Which of the following does the symbol of the
element potassium derived?
A. English name C. name of a state or country
C. name of the discoverer D. Latin name
52. Iodized table salt is an example of _______.
A. an element B. a mixture C. a compound D. a solution
53. Iron is an important component of blood hemoglobin and muscle myoglobin stored in compounds
found in liver, spleen, and bones. Which of the following was it’s symbol derived?
A. ferrum B. ferrous C. ferment D. felsic
54. ________: pure substance; _______: mixture
A. chemical , solvent C. element , physical
C. compound , solution D. potassium , solvent
55. ________: homogenous mixtures; _______: heterogenous mixtures
A. blood , steel C. steel , granite
C. water , glucose D. nitrogen , gravel and sand
56. Table sugar or sucrose (C12H22O11) can be broken down by intense heating to yield substances,
which are carbon and water. How do we classify sucrose?
A. an element C. a homogenous solution
B. a compound D. a heterogenous mixtures
57. Radium:element ; _______:compound
A. air B. lead C. potassium D. vinegar
58. Which statement about pure substance is NOT true?
A. Milk is a pure substance because it is a solution of different molecules.
B. Elements as well as compounds are under pure substances.
C. A cake mix may look like a pure substance but it is not because it contains different types of
particles such as flour, sugar and baking soda.
D. Pizza is a heterogenous mixture because you can see its components with your naked eye.
59. A compound are composed of atoms of two or more elements. Which condition must it follow?
A. physically combined C. chemically combined
B. cannot be separated D. must be of the same kind of atom
60. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. A mixture of different materials which remain distinct is called solution.
B. A heterogenous mixture made of a liquid and solid particles that settle is a suspension.
C. A mixture which observes tyndall effect is a homogenous mixture.
D. A heterogenous mixture made of two or more substances with uniform phase is a suspension.
B. Identify the separation technique appropriate for each mixtures.
1. Ethanol and water
2. Sulfur and iron fillings
3. Sand, iron fillings salt-water solution
4. mixture of kerosene oil and water
5. separate drugs from blood
6. blood tests
7. preparation of wine from fruits
8. urine analysis

C. Label the set-up.




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