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ss1 chemistry

time: 1h:30mins

1. The separation technique applied in extraction of kerosene fraction from crude

oil is known as A. Refining B. Distillation C. Fractional distillation D.
2. A chemical reaction is always associated with A. An increase in the
composition of one the substance B. A change in the volume of the reactants
C. A change in the nature of the reactants D. The formation of new substances
3. All are careers in chemistry except A. Pollution B. Agriculture C. Forestry D.
Food processing
4. Which of the following substances is a mixture? A. Sulphur powder B. Bronze
C. Distilled water D. Ethanol
5. Which of these is a physical change A. Freezing ice cream B. Dissolving
calcium in water C. Burning kerosene D. Exposing white phosphorus to air
6. Chemistry is defined as A. A branch of knowledge which provides chemicals
B. A branch of science which makes physics and biology more clearer C. The
oldest branch of science D. The branch of science which deals with changes in
7. Studying chemistry gives us training in the A. Scientific methods B.burning
fields C. Oil and magarine D. Rotti g of leaves
8. Sugar is separated from its impurities by A. Distillation B. Evaporation C.
Precipitation D. Crystalization
9. The following are adverse effects of chemistry except A. Population B.
Population C. Corrosion D. Drug abuse
10. Which of the following is a career in chemistry A. Medicine B. Philosophy C.
Geologist D. Oil spilage
11. When hypothesis has been tested and found to be within the limits available
evidence it becomes A. Hypothesis B. Experiments C. Positive results D.
12. The dissolution of common salt in water is a physical change because A. The
salt can be obtained by crystalization B. The salt can be recovered by the
evaporation of the water C.heat is not generated during mixture D. The
solution will not boil at 1002
13. __________ has helped to increase food production A. Mobile B. Fertiliser C.
Man made fibres D. Space science
14. All are examples of chemical reactions except A. Rusting B. Sour soup C.
Melting of candle wax D. Burning of substances
15. We study chemistry to acquire knowledge about __________ A. Bioscience B.
Theory C. Matter D. Hypothesis
16. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change A. Dissolution of
salt in water B. Rusting of iron C. Melting of ice D. Separating a mixture by
17. Which is the odd one out? A. Air B. Urine C. Brass D. Sand
18. A mixture of oil and water can be easily separated by A. Sublimation B.
Evaporation to dryness C. Using a separating funnel D. Fractional
19. Sieving is a technique use to separate mixtures containing solid particles of A.
Small sizes B. Large sizes C. The same size D. None of the above
From XNH3(g) + YO2(g) -- ZNO(g) + QH2O(g)
20. The value of Z is A. 4 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5
21. The value of X is A. 4 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5
22. The value of Q is A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
23. A molecule of oxygen is A. Diatomic B. Ionic C. Monotonic D. Positively
24. Atomicity of Ozone is A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
25. A molecule is the smallest particle of A. A matter that can exist in free state B.
An element that can exist in free state C. A radical that can exist in free state
D. A lattice that can exist in free state
26. There are basic particles from which matter could be made except A. Salt B.
Atom C. Ion D. Molecules
27. Atom is A. The smallest part of a substance that can take part in a chemical
change B. The smallest part of a compound that can take part in a chemical
change C. The smallest part of an element which can take part in a chemical
change D. The smallest part of a lattice which can take part in a chemical
28. A mixture of oil and water can be easily separated by A. Sublimation B.
Evaporation to dryness C. Using a separating funnel D. Fractional
29. The 17th element is known as A. Chlorine B. Argon C. Nitrogen D. Calcium
30. Sieving is a technique used to separate mixtures containing solid particles of
A. Small sizes B. Large sizes C. The same size D. Different sizes

Part B (theory)

Attempt all
1. A. Define chemistry B. In tabular form give four difference between a
physical and chemical change C. Classify each of the following changes as
either a physical or a chemical change A. The melting of candle wax B. The
dissolution of common salt in water C. The addition of water to QuickTime D
the hardening of cement by the absorption of carbon
2. A. Mixture and compound B. Give three difference between them C. Classify
the following as an element, a mixture or a compound I. Limestone ii.
Diamond Iii clay iv. Neon V. Milk VI. Soil VII. Sand VIII. Urea
3. Write the electronic configuration of the following elements A. Ca B. N C. O
D. B
4. A. Define chemical equation B. Balance the following chemical equation I.
KClO3(s) -- KCl(s) + O2(g) ii. C(s) + H2O(g) -- CO(g) +H2(g) iii. NH3(g) +
O2(g) -- H2O(g) + N2(g)
5. State the Dalton atomic theory and its modifications

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