Dowek Principles of Programming Languages c2009

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The document discusses the Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (UTiCS) series which delivers instructional content for undergraduates studying computing and information science. The series includes books on various topics that are authored by experts and take a modern approach.

The UTiCS series delivers high-quality instructional content for undergraduates studying in all areas of computing and information science. The books cover topics from core foundational material to applications and are designed for self-study or course use.

The books in the UTiCS series are authored by established experts, reviewed by an international advisory board, and contain numerous examples and problems. Many include fully worked solutions.

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (UTiCS) delivers high-quality instructional content for
undergraduates studying in all areas of computing and information science. From core foundational
and theoretical material to final-year topics and applications, UTiCS books take a fresh, concise, and
modern approach and are ideal for self-study or for a one- or two-semester course. The texts are all
authored by established experts in their fields, reviewed by an international advisory board, and contain
numerous examples and problems. Many include fully worked solutions.

Also in this series

Iain D. Craig
Object-Oriented Programming Languages: Interpretation
Max Bramer
Principles of Data Mining
Hanne Riis Nielson and Flemming Nielson
Semantics with Applications: An Appetizer
Michael Kifer and Scott A. Smolka
Introduction to Operating System Design and Implementation: The OSP 2 Approcah
Phil Brooke and Richard Paige
Practical Distributed Processing
Frank Klawonn
Computer Graphics with Java
David Salomon
A Concise Introduction to Data Compression
David Makinson
Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing
Orit Hazzan
Agile Software Engineering
Pankaj Jalote
A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering
Alan P. Parkes
A Concise Introduction to Languages and Machines
Gilles Dowek

of Programming

Gilles Dowek
École Polytechnique

Series editor
Ian Mackie, École Polytechnique, France

Advisory board
Samson Abramsky, University of Oxford, UK
Chris Hankin, Imperial College London, UK
Dexter Kozen, Cornell University, USA
Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge, UK
Hanne Riis Nielson, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Steven Skiena, Stony Brook University, USA
Iain Stewart, University of Durham, UK
David Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science ISSN 1863-7310

ISBN: 978-1-84882-031-9 e-ISBN: 978-1-84882-032-6
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008943965

Based on course notes by Gilles Dowek published in 2006 by L’Ecole Polytechnique with the following
title: “Les principes des langages de programmation.”

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009

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Springer Science+Business Media
The author wants to thank François Pottier, Philippe Baptiste, Julien
Cervelle, Albert Cohen, Olivier Delande, Olivier Hermant, Ian Mackie, François
Morain, Jean-Marc Steyaert and Paul Zimmermann for their remarks on a first
version of this book.

We’ve known about algorithms for millennia, but we’ve only been writing com-
puter programs for a few decades. A big difference between the Euclidean or
Eratosthenes age and ours is that since the middle of the twentieth century,
we express the algorithms we conceive using formal languages: programming
Computer scientists are not the only ones who use formal languages. Op-
tometrists, for example, prescribe eyeglasses using very technical expressions,
such as “OD: -1.25 (-0.50) 180◦ OS: -1.00 (-0.25) 180◦ ”, in which the parenthe-
ses are essential. Many such formal languages have been created throughout
history: musical notation, algebraic notation, etc. In particular, such languages
have long been used to control machines, such as looms and cathedral chimes.
However, until the appearance of programming languages, those languages
were only of limited importance: they were restricted to specialised fields with
only a few specialists and written texts of those languages remained relatively
scarce. This situation has changed with the appearance of programming lan-
guages, which have a wider range of applications than the prescription of eye-
glasses or the control of a loom, are used by large communities, and have allowed
the creation of programs of many hundreds of thousands of lines.
The appearance of programming languages has allowed the creation of ar-
tificial objects, programs, of a complexity incomparable to anything that has
come before, such as steam engines or radios. These programs have, in return,
allowed the creation of other complex objects, such as integrated circuits made
of millions of transistors, or mathematical proofs that are hundreds of thou-
sands of pages long. It is very surprising that we have succeeded in writing
such complex programs in languages comprising such a small number of con-
structs — assignment, loops, etc. — that is to say in languages barely more
sophisticated than the language of prescription eyeglasses.
viii Preface

Programs written in these programming languages have the novelty of not

only being understandable by humans, which brings them closer to the scores
used by organists, but also readable by machines, which brings them closer to
the punch cards used in Barbarie organs.
The appearance of programming languages has therefore profoundly im-
pacted our relationship with language, complexity, and machines.
This book is an introduction to the principles of programming languages.
It uses the Java language for support. It is intended for students who already
have some experience with computer programming. It is assumed that they
have learned some programming empirically, in a single programming language,
other than Java.
The first objective of this book will then be to learn the fundamentals
of the Java programming language. However, knowing a single programming
language is not sufficient to be a good programmer. For this, you must not
only know several languages, but be able to easily learn new ones. This requires
that you understand universal concepts like functions or cells, which exist in
one form or another in all programming languages. This can only be done by
comparing two or more languages. In this book, two comparison languages have
been chosen: Caml and C. Therefore, the goal is not for the students to learn
three programming languages simultaneously, but that with the comparison
with Caml and C, they can learn the principles around which programming
languages are created. This understanding will allow them to develop, if they
wish, a real competence in Caml or in C, or in any other programming language.
Another objective of this book is for the students to begin acquiring the
tools which permit them to precisely define the meaning of the program. This
precision is, indeed, the only means to clearly understand what happens when
a program is executed, and to reason in situations where complexity defies
intuition. The idea is to describe the meaning of a statement by a function
operating on a set of states. However, our expectations of this objective remain
modest: students wishing to pursue this goal will have to do so elsewhere.
The final objective of this course is to learn basic algorithms for lists and
trees. Here too, our expectations remain modest: students wishing to pursue
this will also have to look elsewhere.

1. Imperative Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Five Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Variable Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.4 Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1.5 Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.1 Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.2 Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 The Semantics of the Imperative Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.1 The Concept of a State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.2 Decomposition of the State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.3 A Visual Representation of a State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.4 The Value of Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.5 Execution of Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2. Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1 The Concept of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.1 Avoiding Repetition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.2 Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.1.3 Return Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.4 The return Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1.5 Functions and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.1.6 Global Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.1.7 The Main Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

x Contents

2.1.8 Global Variables Hidden by Local Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.1.9 Overloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2 The Semantics of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.1 The Value of Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2.2 Execution of Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.3 Order of Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.4 Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.5 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.3 Expressions as Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4 Passing Arguments by Value and Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.1 Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.2 Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.4.3 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.4.4 Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3. Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.1 Calling a Function from Inside the Body of that Function . . . . . 47
3.2 Recursive Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2.1 Recursive Definitions and Circular Definitions . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2.2 Recursive Definitions and Definitions by Induction . . . . . . 49
3.2.3 Recursive Definitions and Infinite Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.2.4 Recursive Definitions and Fixed Point Equations . . . . . . . 51
3.3 Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.4 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.5 Programming Without Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4. Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.1 Tuples with Named Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.1.1 The Definition of a Record Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.1.2 Allocation of a Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.1.3 Accessing Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.1.4 Assignment of Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.1.5 Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.1.6 The Semantics of Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2 Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.2.1 Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.2.2 Equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.2.3 Wrapper Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.3 Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.3.1 Definition of a Record Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.3.2 Creating a Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.3.3 Accessing Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Contents xi

4.3.4 Assigning to Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.4 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4.1 Definition of a Record Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4.2 Creating a Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4.3 Accessing Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.4.4 Assigning to Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.5 Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.5.1 Array Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.5.2 Allocation of an Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.5.3 Accessing and Assigning to Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.5.4 Arrays of Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.5.5 Arrays in Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.5.6 Arrays in C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5. Dynamic Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5.1 Recursive Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.1.1 Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.1.2 The null Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.1.3 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.1.4 Recursive Definitions and Fixed Point Equations . . . . . . . 88
5.1.5 Infinite Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.2 Disjunctive Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.3 Dynamic Data Types and Computability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.4 Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.5 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.6 Garbage Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.6.1 Inaccessible Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.6.2 Programming without Garbage Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.6.3 Global Methods of Memory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.6.4 Garbage Collection and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

6. Programming with Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

6.1 Finite Sets and Functions of a Finite Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.1.1 Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.1.2 Association Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.2 Concatenation: Modify or Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.2.1 Modify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.2.2 Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.2.3 Using Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6.2.4 Chemical Reactions and Mathematical Functions . . . . . . . 111
6.3 List Inversion: an Extra Argument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.4 Lists and Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
xii Contents

6.5 Stacks and Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6.5.1 Stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.5.2 Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.5.3 Priority Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

7. Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.1 Exceptional Circumstances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
7.2 Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
7.3 Catching Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
7.4 The Propagation of Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
7.5 Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.6 The Semantics of Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
7.7 Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

8. Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
8.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
8.1.1 Functions as Part of a Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
8.1.2 The Semantics of Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
8.2 Dynamic Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
8.3 Methods and Functional Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
8.4 Static Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
8.5 Static Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
8.6 Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
8.7 Caml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

9. Programming with Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

9.1 Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
9.2 Traversing a Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
9.2.1 Depth First Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
9.2.2 Breadth First Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
9.3 Search Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
9.3.1 Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
9.3.2 Balanced Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
9.3.3 Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
9.4 Priority Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
9.4.1 Partially Ordered Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
9.4.2 Partially Ordered Balanced Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Imperative Core

1.1 Five Constructs

Most programming languages have, among others, five constructs: assignment,
variable declaration, sequence, test, and loop. These constructs form the im-
perative core of the language.

1.1.1 Assignment

The assignment construct allows the creation of a statement with a variable x

and an expression t. In Java, this statement is written as x = t;. Variables are
identifiers which are written as one of more letters. Expressions are composed
of variables and constants with operators, such as +, -, *, / — division — and
% — modulo.
Therefore, the following statements
x = y % 3;

x = y;

y = 3;

x = x + 1;

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 1

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_1,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
2 1. Imperative Core

are all proper Java statements, while

y + 3 = x;

x + 2 = y + 5;
are not.
To understand what happens when you execute the statement x = t; sup-
pose that within the recesses of your computer’s memory, there is a com-
partment labelled x. Executing the statement x = t; consists of filling this
compartment with the value of the expression t. The value previously contained
in compartment x is erased. If the expression t is a constant, for example 3,
its value is the same constant. If it is an expression with no variables, such as
3 + 4, its value is obtained by carrying out mathematical operations, in this
case, addition. If expression t contains variables, the values of these variables
must be looked up in the computer’s memory. The whole of the contents of the
computer’s memory is called a state.
Let us consider, initially, that expressions, such as x + 3, and statements,
such as y = x + 3;, form two disjoint categories. Later, however, we shall be
brought to revise this premise.
In these examples, the values of expressions are integers. Computers can
only store integers within a finite interval. In Java, integers must be between
-231 and 231 - 1, so there are 232 possible values. When a mathematical op-
eration produces a value outside of this interval, the result is kept within the
interval by taking its modulo 232 remainder. Thus, by adding 1 to 231 - 1, that
is to say 2147483647, we leave the interval and then return to it by removing
232 , which gives -231 or -2147483648.
Exercise 1.1
What is the value of the variable x after executing the following state-

x = 2 * 1500000000;

In Caml, assignment is written x := t. In the expression t, we designate

the value of x, not with the expression x itself, but with the expression !x. Thus,
in Caml we write y := !x + 1 while in Java we write y = x + 1;.
In C, assignment is written as it is in Java.
1.1 Five Constructs 3

1.1.2 Variable Declaration

Before being able to assign values to a variable x, it must be declared, which

associates the name x to a location in the computer’s memory.
Variable declaration is a construct that allows the creation of a statement
composed of a variable, an expression, and a statement. In Java, this statement
is written {int x = t; p} where p is a statement, for example {int x = 4;
x = x + 1;}. The variable x can then be used in the statement p, which is
called the scope of variable x.
It is also possible to declare a variable without giving it an initial value,
for example, {int x; x = y + 4;}. We must of course be careful not to use
a variable which has been declared without an initial value and that has not
been assigned a value. This produces an error.
Apart from the int type, Java has three other integer types that have
different intervals. These types are defined in Table 1.1. When a mathematical
operation produces a value outside of these intervals, the result is returned to
the interval by taking its remainder, modulo the size of the interval.
In Java, there are also other scalar types for decimal numbers, booleans,
and characters. These types are defined in Table 1.1. Operations allowed in the
construction of expressions for each of these types are described in Table 1.2.
Variables can also contain objects that are of composite types, like arrays
and character strings, which we will address later. Because we will need them
shortly, character strings are described briefly in Table 1.3.

The integers are of type byte, short, int or long corresponding to the
intervals [-27 , 27 - 1], [-215 , 215 - 1], [-231 , 231 - 1] and [-263 ,
263 - 1], Respectively. Constants are written in base 10, for example, -666.

Decimal numbers are of type float or double. Constants are written in sci-
entific notation, for example 3.14159, 666 or 6.02E23.

Booleans are of type boolean. Constants are written as false and true.

Characters are of type char. Constants are written between apostrophes, for
example ‘b’.

Table 1.1 Scalars types in Java

To declare a variable of type T, replace the type int with T. The general
form of a declaration is thus {T x = t; p}.
4 1. Imperative Core

The basic operations that allow for arithmetical expressions are +, -, *, /

— division — and % — modulo.

When one of the numbers a or b is negative, the number a / b is the quotient

rounded towards 0. So the result of a / b is the quotient of the absolute values
of a and b, and is positive when a and b have the same sign, and negative if
they have different signs. The number a % b is a - b * (a / b). So (-29) /
4 equals -7 and (-29) % 4 equals -1.

The operations for decimal numbers are +, -, *, /, along with some transcen-
dental functions: Math.sin, Math.cos, ...

The operations allowed in boolean expressions are ==, != — different —, <,

>, <=, >=, & — and —, &&, | — or —, || and ! — not.

For all data types, the expression (b) ? t : u evaluates to the value of t if
the boolean expression b has the value true, and evaluates to the value of u
if the boolean expression b has the value false.

Table 1.2 Expressions in Java

Character strings are of type String. Constants are written inside quotation
marks, for example "Principles of Programming Languages".

Table 1.3 Character strings in Java

In Caml, variable declaration is written as let x = ref t in p and it isn’t

necessary to explicitly declare the variable’s type. It is not possible in Caml to
declare a variable without giving it an initial value.
In C, like in Java, declaration is written {T x = t; p}. It is possible to
declare a variable without giving it an initial value, and in this case, it could
have any value.
In Java and in C, it is impossible to declare the same variable twice, and
the following program is not valid.
int y = 4;
int x = 5;
int x = 6;
y = x;
In contrast, nothing in Caml stops you from writing
1.1 Five Constructs 5

let y = ref 4
in let x = ref 5
in let x = ref 6
in y := !x
and this program assigns the value 6 to the variable y, so it is the most recent
declaration of x that is used. We say that the first declaration of x is hidden by
the second.
Java, Caml and C allow the creation of variables with an initial value that
can never be changed. This type of variable is called a constant variable. A
variable that is not constant is called a mutable variable. Java assumes that
all variables are mutable unless you specify otherwise. To declare a constant
variable in Java, you precede the variable type with the keyword final, for
final int x = 4;
y = x + 1;
The following statement is not valid, because an attempt is made to alter the
value of a constant variable
final int x = 4;
x = 5;
In Caml, to indicate that the variable x is a constant variable, write let x
= t in p instead of writing let x = ref t in p. When using constant vari-
ables, you do not write !x to express its value, but simply x. So, you can write
let x = 4 in y := x + 1, while the statement let x = 4 in x := 5 is in-
valid. In C, you indicate that a variable is a constant variable by preceding its
type with the keyword const.

1.1.3 Sequence

A sequence is a construct that allows a single statement to be created out of two

statements p1 and p2 . In Java, a sequence is written as {p1 p2 }. The statement
{p1 {p2 { ... pn } ...}} can also be written as {p1 p2 ... pn }.
To execute the statement {p1 p2 } in the state s, the statement p1 is first
executed in the state s, which produces a new state s’. Then the statement p2
is executed in the state s’.
In Caml, a sequence is written as p1 ; p2 . In C, it is written the same as it
is in Java.
6 1. Imperative Core

1.1.4 Test

A test is a construct that allows the creation of a statement composed of a

boolean expression b and two statements p1 and p2 . In Java, this statement is
written if (b) p1 else p2 .
To execute the statement if (b) p1 else p2 in a state s, the value of
expression b is first computed in the state s, and depending on whether or not
its value is true or false, the statement p1 or p2 is executed in the state s.
In Caml, this statement is written if b then p1 else p2 . In C, it is writ-
ten as it is in Java.

1.1.5 Loop

A loop is a construct that allows the creation of a statement composed of a

boolean expression b and a statement p. In Java, this statement is written
while (b) p.
To execute the statement while (b) p in the state s, the value of b is first
computed in the state s. If this value is false, execution of this statement is
terminated. If the value is true, the statement p is executed, and the value
of b is recomputed in the new state. If this value is false, execution of this
statement is terminated. If the value is true, the statement p is executed, and
the value of b is recomputed in the new state... This process continues until b
evaluates to false.
This construct introduces a new possible behaviour: non-termination. In-
deed, if the boolean value b always evaluates to true, the statement p will
continue to be executed forever, and the statement while (b) p will never
terminate. This is the case with the instruction
int x = 1;
while (x >= 0) {x = 3;}
To understand what is happening, imagine a fictional statement called
skip; that performs no action when executed. You can then define the state-
ment while (b) p as shorthand for the statement
if (b) {p if (b) {p if (b) {p if (b) ...
else skip;}
else skip;}
else skip;}
else skip;
So a loop is one of the ways in which you can express an infinite object using a
1.2 Input and Output 7

finite expression. And the fact that a loop may fail to terminate is a consequence
of the fact that it is an infinite object.
In Caml, this statement is written while b do p. In C, it is written as it
is in Java.

1.2 Input and Output

An input construct allows a language to read values from a keyboard and other
input devices, such as a mouse, disk, a network interface card, etc. An output
construct allows values to be displayed on a screen and outputted to other
peripherals, such as a printer, disk, a network interface card, etc.

1.2.1 Input

Input constructs in Java are fairly complex, so we will use an extension of Java
created specially for this book: the class Ppl1 .
Evaluation of the expression Ppl.readInt() waits for the user to type a
number on her/his keyboard, and returns this number as the value of the
expression. A typical usage is n = Ppl.readInt();. The class Ppl also contains
the construction Ppl.readDouble which allows decimal numbers to be read
from the keyboard, and the construction Ppl.readChar which allows characters
to be read.

1.2.2 Output

Execution of the statement System.out.print(t); outputs the value of ex-

pression t to the screen. Execution of the statement System.out.println();
outputs a newline character that moves the cursor to the next line. Execution
of the statement System.out.println(t); outputs the value of expression t
to the screen, followed by a newline character.
Exercise 1.2
Write a Java program that reads an integer n from the keyboard, com-
putes the value of 2n and outputs it to the screen.
The file is available on the author’s web site. Simply place it in the
current directory to use the examples described here.
8 1. Imperative Core

Exercise 1.3
Write a Java program that reads an integer n from the keyboard, and
outputs a boolean indicating whether the number is prime or not.

Graphical constructs that allow drawings to be displayed are fairly complex

in Java. But, the class Ppl contains some simple constructions to produce
graphics. The statement Ppl.initDrawing(s,x,y,w,h); creates a window
with the title s, of width w and of height h, positioned on the screen at co-
ordinates (x,y). The statement Ppl.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); draws a line
segment with endpoints (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). The statement Ppl.drawCircle
(x,y,r); draws a circle with centre (x,y) and with radius r. The state-
ment Ppl.paintCircle(x,y,r); draws a filled circle and the statement
Ppl.eraseCircle(x,y,r); allows you to erase it.

1.3 The Semantics of the Imperative Core

We can, as we have below, express in English what happens when a statement
is executed. While this is possible for the simple examples in this chapter, such
explanations quickly become complicated and imprecise. Therefore, we shall
introduce a theoretical framework that might seem a bit too comprehensive at
first, but its usefulness will become clear shortly.

1.3.1 The Concept of a State

We define an infinite set Var whose elements are called variables. We also define
the set Val of values which are integers, booleans, etc. A state is a function that
associates elements of a finite subset of Var to elements of the set Val.
For example, the state [x = 5, y = 6] associates the value 5 to the vari-
able x and the value 6 to the variable y. On the set of states, we define an
update function + such that the state s + (x = v) is identical to the state s,
except for the variable x, which now becomes associated with the value v. This
operation is always defined, whether x is originally in the domain of s or not.
We can then simply define a function called Θ, which for each pair (t,s)
composed of an expression t and a state s, produces the value of this expression
in this state. For example, Θ(x + 3,[x = 5, y = 6]) = 8.
This is a partial function, because a state is a function with a finite domain
while the set of variables is infinite. For example, the expression z + 3 has no
1.3 The Semantics of the Imperative Core 9

value in the state [x = 5, y = 6]. In practice, this means that attempting

to compute the value of the expression z + 3 in the state [x = 5, y = 6]
produces an error.
Executing a statement within a state produces another state, and we define
what happens when a statement is executed using a function called Σ. Σ has a
statement p, an initial state s and produces a new state, Σ(p,s). This is also
a partial function. Σ(p,s) is undefined when executing the statement p in the
state s produces an error or does not terminate.
In the case of a statement p having the form x = t;, the Σ function is
defined as follows
Σ(x = t;,s) = s + (x = Θ(t,s)).
For example, Σ(x = x + 1;,[x = 5]) = [x = 6]. This is equivalent to
saying ‘Executing the statement x = t; loads the memory location x with the
value of expression t’.

1.3.2 Decomposition of the State

A state s is a function that maps a finite subset of Var to the set Val. It will be
helpful for the next chapter if we decompose this function as the composition
of two other functions of finite domains: the first is known as the environment,
which maps a finite subset of the set Var to an intermediate set Ref, whose
elements are called references and the second, is called the memory state, which
maps a finite subset of the set Ref to the set Val.
Var Ref Val

e m

This brings us to propose two infinite sets, Var and Ref, and a set Val of
values. The set of environments is defined as the set of functions that map a
finite subset of the set Var to the set Ref. The set of memory states is defined as
the set of functions mapping a finite subset of the set Ref to the set Val. For the
set of environments, we define an update function + such that the environment
e + (x = r) is identical to e, except at x, which now becomes associated with
10 1. Imperative Core

the reference r. For the set of memory states, we define an update function +
such that the memory state m + (r = v) is identical to m, except at r, which
now becomes associated with the value v.
However, constant variables complicate things a little bit. For one, the envi-
ronment must keep track of which variables are constant and which are mutable.
So, we define an environment to be a function mapping a finite subset of the
set Var to the set {constant, mutable} × Ref. We will, however, continue
to write e(x) to mean the reference associated to x in the environment e.
Then, at the point of execution of the declaration of a constant variable
x, we directly associate the variable to a value in the environment, instead of
associating it to a reference which is then associated to a value in the mem-
ory state. The idea is that the memory state contains information that can be
modified by an assignment, while the environment contains information that
cannot. To avoid having a target set for the environment function that is overly
complicated, we propose that Ref is a subset of Val, which brings us to pro-
pose that the environment is a function that maps a finite subset of Var to
{constant, mutable} × Val and the memory state is a function that maps
a finite subset of Ref to Val.
Var Val


1.3.3 A Visual Representation of a State

It can be helpful to visualise states with a diagram. Each reference is represented

with a box. Two boxes placed in different positions always refer to separate

Then, we represent the environment by adding one or more labels to certain

1.3 The Semantics of the Imperative Core 11

a x b

Even though each label is associated with a unique reference, nothing prevents
two labels from being associated with the same reference, since an environment
is a function, but not necessarily an injective function. Finally, we represent
the memory state by filling each square with a value.

a x b

4 5

When a variable is associated directly with a value in the environment, we

do not draw a box and we put the label directly on the value.

1.3.4 The Value of Expressions

The function Θ now associates a value to each triplet composed of an expres-

sion, an environment, and a memory state. For example, Θ(x + 3,[x = r1 ,
y = r2 ],[r1 = 5, r2 = 6]) = 8.
For Java, this function is then defined as
– Θ(x,e,m) = m(e(x)), if x is a mutable variable in e,
– Θ(x,e,m) = e(x), if x is a constant variable in e,
– Θ(c,e,m) = c, if c is a constant, such as 4, true, etc.,
– Θ(t + u,e,m) = Θ(t,e,m) + Θ(u,e,m),
– Θ(t - u,e,m) = Θ(t,e,m) - Θ(u,e,m),
12 1. Imperative Core

– Θ(t * u,e,m) = Θ(t,e,m) * Θ(u,e,m),

– Θ(t / u,e,m) = Θ(t,e,m) / Θ(u,e,m),
– Θ(t % u,e,m) = Θ(t,e,m) % Θ(u,e,m),
– if Θ(b,e,m) = true then

Θ((b) ? t : u,e,m) = Θ(t,e,m),

if Θ(b,e,m) = false then

Θ((b) ? t : u,e,m) = Θ(u,e,m).

At first glance, this definition may seem circular, since to define the value
of an expression of the form t + u, we use the value of expressions t and u.
But the size of these expressions is smaller than that of t + u. This definition
is therefore a definition by induction on the size of expressions.
The first clause of this definition indicates that the value of an expression
that is a mutable variable is m(e(x)). We apply the function e to the variable x,
which produces a reference, and the function m to this reference, which produces
a value. If the variable is a constant variable, on the other hand, we find its
value directly in the environment.
The definition of the function Θ for Caml is identical, except in the case of
variables, where we have the unique clause
– Θ(x,e,m) = e(x),
where the variable x is either mutable or constant.
For example, if e is the environment [x = r] and m is the memory state
[r = 4] and that the variable x is mutable in e, the value Θ(x,e,m) is 4 in
Java, but is r in Caml.
Caml also has a construct ! such that
– Θ(!t,e,m) = m(Θ(t,e,m)).
If x is a variable, then the value of !x is Θ(!x,e,m) = m(Θ(x,e,m)) =
m(e(x)) that is the value of x in Java. This explains why we write y := !x +
1 in Caml, where we write y = x + 1; in Java.
In Caml, references that can be associated to an integer in memory are of
the type int ref. For example, the variable x and the value r from this example
are of the type int ref. In contrast to the variable x, the expressions !x, !x +
1, ... are of the type int.
The definition of the function Θ for C is the same as the definition used for
1.3 The Semantics of the Imperative Core 13

Exercise 1.4
Give the definition of the function Θ for expressions of the form t & u
and t | u.
Unlike the boolean operator & that evaluates its two arguments, the
operator && evaluates its second argument only if the first argument
evaluates to true. Give the definition of the function Θ for expressions
of the form t && u.
Answer the same question for the boolean operator ||, which only eval-
uates its second argument if the first argument evaluates to false.

1.3.5 Execution of Statements

The function Σ now associates memory states to triplets composed of an in-

struction, an environment, and a memory state. The function Σ in Java is
defined below.
– When the statement p is a mutable variable declaration of the form {T x =
t; q}, the function Σ is defined as follows

Σ({T x = t; q},e,m) = Σ(q,e + (x = r),m + (r = Θ(t,e,m)))

where r is a new reference that does not appear in e or m.

– When the statement p is a constant variable declaration of the form {final
T x = t; q}, the function Σ is defined as follows

Σ({final T x = t; q},e,m) = Σ(q,e + (x = Θ(t,e,m)),m).

– When the statement p is an assignment of the form x = t;, the function is

defined as follows

Σ(x = t;,e,m) = m + (e(x) = Θ(t,e,m)).

– When the statement p is a sequence of the form {p1 p2 }, the function Σ is

defined as follows

Σ({p1 p2 },e,m) = Σ(p2 ,e,Σ(p1 ,e,m)).

– When the statement p is a test of the form if (b) p1 else p2 , the function
Σ is defined as follows. If Θ(b,e,m) = true then
14 1. Imperative Core

Σ(if (b) p1 else p2 ,e,m) = Σ(p1 ,e,m).

If Θ(b,e,m) = false then

Σ(if (b) p1 else p2 ,e,m) = Σ(p2 ,e,m).

– This brings us to the case where the statement p is a loop of the form while
(b) q. We have seen that introducing the imaginary statement skip; such
that Σ(skip;,e,m) = m, we can define the statement while (b) q as a
shorthand for the infinite statement

if (b) {q if (b) {q if (b) {q if (b) ...

else skip;}
else skip;}
else skip;}
else skip;

When dealing with these types of infinite constructs, we often try to ap-
proach them as limits of finite approximations. We therefore introduce an
imaginary statement called giveup; such that the function Σ is never de-
fined on (giveup;,e,m). We can define a sequence of finite approximations
of the statement while (b) q.
p0 = if (b) giveup; else skip;
p1 = if (b) {q if (b) giveup; else skip;} else skip;
pn+1 = if (b) {q pn } else skip;.
The statement pn tries to execute the statement while (b) q by completing
a maximum of n complete trips through the loop. If, after n loops, it has not
terminated on its own, it gives up.
If isn’t hard to prove that for every integer n and state e, m, if Σ(pn ,e,m)
is defined, then for all n’ greater than n, Σ(pn ,e,m) is also defined, and
Σ(pn ,e,m) = Σ(pn ,e,m). This formalises the fact that if the statement
while (b) q terminates when the maximum number of loops is n, then it
also terminates, and to the same state, when the maximum number of loops
is n’.
There are therefore two possibilities for the sequence Σ(pn ,e,m): either it is
never defined, or it is defined beyond a certain point, and in this case, it is
constant over its domain. In the second case, we call the value it takes over
its domain the limit of the sequence. In contrast, the sequence does not have
1.3 The Semantics of the Imperative Core 15

a limit if it is never defined. We can now define the function Σ in the case
where the statement p is of the form while (b) q

Σ(while (b) q,e,m) = limn Σ(pn ,e,m).

Note that the statements pi are not always shorter than p, but if p contains
k nested while loops, pi contains k - 1. The definition of the function Σ is
thus a double induction on the number of nested while loops, and on the size
of the statement.
Exercise 1.5
What is the memory state Σ(x = 7;,[x = r],[r = 5])?
The definition of the function Σ for Caml is not very different from the
definition used for Java. In Caml, any expression that evaluates to a reference
can be placed to the left of the sign :=, while in Java, only a variable can appear
to the left of the sign =. The value of the function Σ of Caml for the statement
t := u is defined below:
– Σ(t := u,e,m) = m + (Θ(t,e,m) = Θ(u,e,m))
In the case where the expression t is a variable x, we have Σ(x := u,e,m)
= m + (Θ(x,e,m) = Θ(u,e,m)) = m + (e(x) = Θ(u,e,m)) and we end up
with the same definition of Σ used for Java.
The definition of the function Σ for C is not very different from the defini-
tion used for Java. The main difference is in case of variable declaration
Σ({T x = t; q},e,m) = (Σ(q,e+(x=r),m + (r = Θ(t,e,m))))|Ref−{r}
where r is a new reference that does not appear in e or m, and the notation
m|Ref−{r} designates the memory state m in which we have removed the ordered
pair r = v if it existed. Thus, if we execute the statement {int x = 4; p} q
in the state e, m, we execute the statement p in the state e + (x = r), m +
(r = 4) in C as in Java. In contrast, we execute the statement q in the state
e, m + (r = 4) in Java and in the state e, m in C.
As, in the environment e, there is no variable that allows the reference r
to be accessed, the ordered pair r = 4 no longer serves a purpose sitting in
memory. Thus, whether it is is left alone, as in Java or Caml, or deleted, as
in C, is immaterial. However, we will see, in Exercise 2.17, that this choice in
C is a source of difficulty when the language contains other constructs.
Exercise 1.6
The incomplete test allows the creation of a statement composed of a
boolean expression and a statement. This statement is written if (b)
p. The value of the function Σ for this statement is defined as follows. If
Θ(b,e,m) = true then
16 1. Imperative Core

Σ(if (b) p,e,m) = Σ(p,e,m).

If Θ(b,e,m) = false then

Σ(if (b) p,e,m) = m.

Show that it is possible to define this construct using a complete test

and the statement skip;.
Exercise 1.7
The loop do allows the creation of a statement composed of a boolean
expression and a statement. This statement is written do p while (b).
This is a shorthand of the statement {p while (b) p}. Give the defini-
tion of the function Σ for this construct.
Exercise 1.8
The loop for allows the creation of a statement composed of three state-
ments and a boolean expression. This statement is written for(p1 ; b;
p2 ) p3 . It is a shorthand for the statement p1 ; while (b) {p3 p2 ;}.
What does the following statement do?

{y = 1; for(x = 1; x <= 10; x = x + 1) y = y * x;}

Exercise 1.9
Give the definition of the Σ function for the declaration of a variable
without an initial value.
Exercise 1.10
Imagine an environment e — which cannot be created in Java — [x =
r, y = r], m, the memory state [r = 4], p, the statement x = x + 1;,
and m’, the memory Σ(p,e,m). What is the value associated with y in
the state e, m’? Answer the same question for the environment [x =
r1 , y = r2 ] and memory [r1 = 4, r2 = 4].
Draw these two states.
Exercise 1.11
Imagine that all memory states have a special reference: out. Define the
function Σ for the output construct System.out.print from the Section
Exercise 1.12
In this exercise, imagine a data type that allows integers to be of any
size. To each statement p in the imperative core of Java, we associate the
1.3 The Semantics of the Imperative Core 17

partial function from integers to integers that, to the integer n, associates

the value associated to out in the memory state Σ(p,[x = in, y =
out],[in = n, out = 0]).
A partial function f, from integers to integers, is called computable if
there exists a statement p such that f is the function associated with p.
Show that there exists a function that is non computable.
Hint: use the fact that there does not exist a surjective function of N in
the set of functions from N to N.

2.1 The Concept of Functions

2.1.1 Avoiding Repetition

System.out.print("Flight ");
System.out.print(" to ");
System.out.print(" takes off at ");
System.out.println("8:50 AM");

System.out.print("Flight ");
System.out.print(" to ");
System.out.print("New York");
System.out.print(" takes off at ");
System.out.println("8:55 AM");

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 19

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_2,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
20 2. Functions

In this program, the block of three statements System.out.println();,

which skips three lines, is repeated twice. Instead of repeating it there, you can
define a function jumpThreeLines
static void jumpThreeLines () {
And use it in the main program
System.out.print("Flight ");
System.out.print(" to ");
System.out.print(" takes off at ");
System.out.println("8:50 AM");

System.out.print("Flight ");
System.out.print(" to ");
System.out.print("New York");
System.out.print(" takes off at ");
System.out.println("8:55 AM");
The statement jumpThreeLines(); that is found in the main program is
named the call of the function jumpThreeLines. The statement that is found in
the function and that is executed on each call is named the body of the function.
Organising a program into functions allows you to avoid repeated code,
or redundancy. As well, it makes programs clearer and easier to read: to un-
derstand the program above, it isn’t necessary to understand how the function
jumpThreeLines(); is implemented; you only need to understand what it does.
This also allows you to organise the structure of your program. You can choose
to write the function jumpThreeLines(); one day, and the main program an-
other day. You can also organise a programming team, where one programmer
writes the function jumpThreeLines();, and another writes the main program.
This mechanism is similar to that of mathematical definitions that allows
you to use the word ‘group’ instead of always having to say ‘A set closed under
an associative operation with an identity, and where every element has an
2.1 The Concept of Functions 21

2.1.2 Arguments

Some programming languages, like assembly and Basic, have only a simple
function mechanism, like the one above. But the example above demonstrates
that this mechanism isn’t sufficient for eliminating redundancy, as the main
program is composed of two nearly identical segments. It would be nice to
place these segments into a function. But to deal with the difference between
these two copies, we must introduce three parameters: one for the flight number,
one for the destination and one for the take off time. We can now define the
function takeOff

static void takeOff

(final String n, final String d, final String t) {
System.out.print("Flight ");
System.out.print(" to ");
System.out.print(" takes off at ");

and to use it in the main program, we write

takeOff("819","Tokyo","8:50 AM");
takeOff("211","New York","8:55 AM");
The variables n, d and t which are listed as arguments in the function’s
definition, are called formal arguments of the function. When we call the func-
tion takeOff("819","Tokyo","8:50 AM"); the expressions "819", "Tokyo"
and "8:50 AM" that are given as arguments are called the real arguments of
the call.
A formal argument, like any variable, can be declared constant or mutable.
If it is constant, it cannot be altered inside the body of the function.
To follow up the comparison, mathematical language also uses parameters
in definitions: ‘The group Z/nZ is ...’, ‘A K-vector space is ...’, ...
In Caml, a function declaration is written let f x y ... = t in p.
let takeOff n d t =
print_string "Flight ";
print_string n;
print_string " to ";
print_string d;
22 2. Functions

print_string " takes off at ";

print_string t;
print_newline ();
print_newline ();
print_newline ()
in takeOff "819" "Tokyo" "8:50 AM";
takeOff "211" "New York" "8:55 AM"
Formal arguments are always constant variables. However, if the argument
itself is a reference, you can assign to it, just like to any other reference.
In C, a function declaration is written as in Java, but without the keyword

2.1.3 Return Values

a = 3;
b = 4;
c = 5;
d = 12;
u = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
v = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d);

In this program, we want to isolate the computation Math.sqrt(x * x + y

* y) in a function called hypotenuse. But in contrast to the function takeOff
that performs output, the hypotenuse function must compute a value and
send it back to the main program. This return value is the inverse of argument
passing that sends values from the main program to the body of the function.
The type of the returned value is written before the name of the function. The
function hypotenuse, for example, is declared as follows.
static double hypotenuse (final double x, final double y) {
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);}
And the main program is written as follows.
a = 3;
b = 4;
c = 5;
d = 12;
u = hypotenuse(a,b);
v = hypotenuse(c,d);
In Caml, the function hypotenuse is written
2.1 The Concept of Functions 23

let hypotenuse x y = sqrt(x *. x +. y *. y)

In C, the function hypotenuse is written as in Java, but without the keyword
static and using C’s square root function which is written as sqrt instead of

2.1.4 The return Construct

As we have seen, in Caml, the function hypotenuse is written

let hypotenuse x y = sqrt(x *. x +. y *. y)
In Java and in C, in contrast, you must precede the return value with the
keyword return. So, in Java, instead of writing
static double hypotenuse (final double x, final double y) {
Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);}
you should write
static double hypotenuse (final double x, final double y) {
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);}
When return occurs in the middle of the function instead of the end, it
stops the execution of the function. So, instead of writing
static int sign (final int x) {
if (x < 0) return -1;
else if (x == 0) return 0;
else return 1;}
you can write
static int sign (final int x) {
if (x < 0) return -1;
if (x == 0) return 0;
return 1;}
Basically, if the value of x is negative, the statement return -1; interrupts the
execution of the function, and the other two statements will not be executed.
Exercise 2.1
In Java, write a function that takes an integer argument called n and
returns the integer 2n .
Exercise 2.2
In Java, write a function that takes an integer argument called n and
returns a boolean that indicates whether n is prime or not.
24 2. Functions

2.1.5 Functions and Procedures

A function can on one hand cause an action to be performed, such as outputting

a value or altering memory, and on the other hand can return a value. Functions
that do not return a value are called procedures.
In some languages, like Pascal, procedures are differentiated from functions
using a special keyword. In Caml, a procedure is simply a function that returns
a value of type unit. Like its name implies, unit is a singleton type that
contains only one value, written (). In Caml, a procedure always returns the
value (), which communicates no information.
Java and C lie somewhere in the middle, because we declare a procedure in
these languages by replacing the return type by the keyword void. In contrast
to the type unit of Caml, there is no actual type void in Java and C. For
example, you cannot declare a variable of type void.
A function call, such as hypotenuse(a,b), is an expression, while a proce-
dure call, such as takeOff("819","Tokyo","8:50 AM");, is a statement.
There are however certain nuances to consider, because a function
call can also be a statement. You can, for example, write the statement
hypotenuse(a,b);. The value returned by the function is simply discarded.
However, even if a language allows it, using functions in this way is considered
to be bad form. The Caml compilers, for example, will produce a warning in
this case.
In Java and in C, a procedure, that is to say a function with return type of
void cannot be used as an expression. For example, to write
x = takeOff("819","Tokyo","8:50 AM");
the variable x would have to be of the type void and we have seen that there
is no such variable. In Caml, in contrast, a procedure is nothing but a function
with a return type unit and you can easily write
x := takeOff("819","Tokyo","8:50 AM")
if the variable x is of type unit ref. However, if such an assignment is possible,
it is not useful.
In general, no matter what the language, it is considered good form to sep-
arate functions and procedures. Functions return a value, and do not perform
actions such as outputting a value, and are used as expressions. Procedures do
not return a value, can perform actions, and are used as statements.
2.1 The Concept of Functions 25

2.1.6 Global Variables

Imagine that we would like to isolate the statement x = 0; with a function in

the program
int x;
x = 3;
x = 0;
We then would write the function
static void reset () {x = 0;}
and the main program
int x;
x = 3;
But this program is not correct, as the statement x = 0; is no longer in the
scope of variable x. For the function reset to have access to the variable x, you
must declare a variable x as a global variable, and the access to this variable is
given to all the functions as well as to the main program

static int x;

static void reset () {x = 0;}

and the main program

x = 3;
All functions can use any global variable, whether they are declared before
or after the function.

2.1.7 The Main Program

A program is composed of three main sections: global variable declarations x1 ,

..., xn , function declarations f1 , ..., fn , and the main program p which is a
A program can thus be written as

static T1 x1 = t1 ;
26 2. Functions

static Tn xn = tn ;

static ... f1 (...) ...

static ... fn (...) ...

However, in Java, the main program is placed inside a special function called:
main. The main function must not return a value, and must always have an
argument of type String []. In addition to the keyword static, the definition
of the main function must also be preceded by the keyword public.
In addition, the program must be given a name, which is given with the
keyword class. The general form of a program is:

class Prog {

static T1 x1 = t1 ;
static Tn xn = tn ;

static ... f1 (...) ...

static ... fn (...) ...

public static void main (String [] args) {p}}

For example
class Hypotenuse {

static double hypotenuse (final double x, final double y) {

return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);}

public static void main (String [] args) {

In Caml, there is no main function and the syntax of the language separates
functions from the main program

let hypotenuse x y = sqrt(x *. x +. y *. y)

in print_float(hypotenuse 3.0 4.0)
2.1 The Concept of Functions 27

In C, the main program is also a function called main. For historical reasons,
the main function must always return an integer, and is usually terminated with
return 0;. You don’t give a name to the program itself, so a program is simply
a series of global variable and function declarations.

double hypotenuse (const double x, const double y) {

return sqrt(x * x + y * y);}

int main () {
return 0;}

2.1.8 Global Variables Hidden by Local Variables

class Prog {

static int n;

static int f (final int x) {

int p = 5;
return n + p + x;}

static int g (final int x) {

int n = 5;
return n + n + x;}

public static void main (String [] args) {

n = 4;

The value of the expression f(6) is 15. The function f adds the global vari-
able n, which has been initialised to 4 in the main program, the local variable
p, with a value of 5, and the argument x, with a value of 6.
In contrast, the value of the expression g(6) is 16, because both occurrences
of n refer to the local variable n, which has a value of 5. In the environment
in which the body of function g is executed, the global variable n is hidden by
the local variable n and is no longer accessible.
28 2. Functions

2.1.9 Overloading

In Java, it is impossible to define two functions with the same name, for example
static int f (final int x) {
return x;}

static int f (final int x) {

return x + 1;}
except when the number or types of their arguments are different. You can, for
example, declare three identically named functions
static int f (final int x) {
return x;}

static int f (final int x, final int y) {

return x + 1;}

static int f (final boolean x) {

return 7;}
At the time of evaluation of an expression of the form f(t1 , ..., tn ), the
called function is chosen based on its name as well as the number and types
of its arguments. The expressions f(4), f(4,2), and f(true) evaluate to 4, 5,
and 7 respectively. In this case, we say that the name f is overloaded.
There is no overloading in Caml. The programs
let f x = x in let f x = x + 1 in print_int (f 4)
let f x = x in let f x y = x + 1 in print_int (f 4 2)
are valid, but the first declaration is simply hidden by the second.
There is also no overloading in C, and the program
int f (const int x) {return x;}
int f (const int x, const int y) {return x + 1;}
is invalid.
2.2 The Semantics of Functions 29

2.2 The Semantics of Functions

This brings us to extend the definition of the Σ function. In addition to a state-
ment, an environment, and a memory state, the Σ function now also takes an
argument called the global environment G. This global environment comprises
an environment called e that contains global variables and a function of a finite
domain that associates each function name with its definition, that is to say
with its formal arguments and the body of the function to be executed at each
We must then take into account the fact that, because functions can modify
memory, the evaluation of an expression can now modify memory as well. Be-
cause of this fact, the result of the evaluation of an expression, when it exists,
is no longer simply a value, but an ordered pair composed of a value and a
memory state.
Also, we must explain what happens when the statement return is exe-
cuted, in particular the fact that the execution of this statement interrupts the
execution of the body of the function.
This brings us to reconsider the definition of the function Σ in the case of
the sequence
Σ({p1 p2 },e,m,G) = Σ(p2 ,e,Σ(p1 ,e,m,G),G)
according to which executing the sequence {p1 p2 } consists of executing p1 and
then p2 .
Indeed, if p1 is of the form return t;, or more generally if the execution of
p1 causes the execution of return, then the statement p2 will not be executed.
We will therefore consider that the result Σ(p1 ,e,m,G) of the execution of p1
in the state e, m is not simply a memory state, but a more complex object. One
part of this object is a boolean value that indicates if the execution of p1 has
occurred normally, or if a return statement was encountered. If the execution
occurred normally, the second part of this object is the memory state produced
by this execution. If the statement return was encountered, the second part of
this object is composed of the return value and the memory state produced by
the execution. From now on, the target set of the Σ function will be ({normal}
× Mem) ∪ ({return} × Val × Mem) where Mem is the set of memory states,
that is to say the set of functions that map a finite subset of Ref to the set
Finally, we should also take into account the fact that a function cannot
only be called from the main program — the main function — but also from
inside another function. However, we will discuss this topic later.
30 2. Functions

2.2.1 The Value of Expressions

The evaluation function of an expression is now defined as

– Θ(x,e,m,G) = (m(e(x)),m), if x is a mutable variable in e,
– Θ(x,e,m,G) = (e(x),m), if x is a constant variable in e,
– Θ(c,e,m,G) = (c,m), if c is a constant,
– Θ(t ⊗ u,e,m,G) = (v ⊗ w,m”) where ⊗ is an arithmetical or logical op-
eration, (v,m’) = Θ(t,e,m,G) and (w,m”) = Θ(u,e,m’,G),
– if Θ(b,e,m,G) = (true,m’) then

Θ((b) ? t : u,e,m,G) = Θ(t,e,m’,G),

if Θ(b,e,m,G) = (false,m’) then

Θ((b) ? t : u,e,m,G) = Θ(u,e,m’,G).

– Θ(f(t1 ,...,tn ),e,m,G) is defined this way.

Let x1 , ..., xn be the list of formal arguments and p the body of the function
associated with the name f in G. Let e’ be the environment of global variables
of G. Let (v1 ,m1 ) = Θ(t1 ,e,m,G), (v2 ,m2 ) = Θ(t2 ,e,m1 ,G), ..., (vn ,mn ) =
Θ(tn ,e,mn−1 ,G) be the result of the evaluation of real arguments t1 , ..., tn
of the function.
For the formal mutable arguments xi , we consider arbitrary distinct refer-
ences ri that do not appear either in e’ or in mn . We define the environment
e” = e’ + (x1 = v1 ) + (x2 = r2 ) + ... + (xn = rn ) in which we asso-
ciate the formal argument xi to the value vi or to the reference ri according
to whether it is constant or mutable, and the memory state m” = mn + (r2 =
v2 ) + ... + (rn = vn ) in which we associate to the values vi the references
ri associated to formal mutable arguments.
Consider the object Σ(p,e”,m”,G) obtained by executing the body of the
function in the state formed by the environment e” and the memory state
m”. If this object is of the form (return,v,m”’) then we let

Θ(f(t1 ,...,tn ),e,m,G) = (v,m”’).

Otherwise, the function Θ is not defined: the evaluation of the expression

produces an error because the evaluation of the body of the function has not
encountered a return statement.
2.2 The Semantics of Functions 31

2.2.2 Execution of Statements

We now define what occurs when a statement is executed.

– When the statement p is a declaration of the form {T x = t; p} or {final

T x = t; p}, if Θ(t,e,m,G) = (v,m’) then

Σ({T x = t; p},e,m,G) = Σ(p,e + (x = r),m’ + (r = v),G)

where r is an arbitrary reference that does not appear in e and m, and

Σ({final T x = t; p},e,m,G) = Σ(p,e + (x = v),m’,G).

– When the statement p is an assignment of the form x = t;, if Θ(t,e,m,G)

= (v,m’) then

Σ(x = t;,e,m,G) = (normal,m’ + (e(x) = v)).

– When the statement p is a sequence of the form {p1 p2 }, if Σ(p1 ,e,m,G) =

(normal,m’) then

Σ({p1 p2 },e,m,G) = Σ(p2 ,e,m’,G)

and if Σ(p1 ,e,m,G) = (return,v,m’) then

Σ({p1 p2 },e,m,G) = (return,v,m’).

– When the statement p is a test of the form if (b) p1 else p2 , if Θ(b,e,m,G)

= (true,m’) then

Σ(if (b) p1 else p2 ,e,m,G) = Σ(p1 ,e,m’,G)

and if Θ(b,e,m,G) = (false,m’) then

Σ(if (b) p1 else p2 ,e,m,G) = Σ(p2 ,e,m’,G).

– The definition for loops is unchanged

Σ(while (b) q,e,m,G) = limn Σ(pn ,e,m,G)

p0 = if (b) giveup; else skip;
and pn+1 = if (b) {q pn } else skip;.
32 2. Functions

– When the statement p is of the form return t;, if Θ(t,e,m,G) = (v,m’)


Σ(return t;,e,m,G) = (return,v,m’).

– Finally, we add the case of functions, which is very similar to the case of
functions in the definition of the evaluation of expressions, except that if the
object Σ(p,e”,m”,G) has the form (normal,m”’), then we let

Σ(f(t1 ,...,tn );,e,m,G) = (normal,m”’)

and if it has the form (return,v,m”’), we let

Σ(f(t1 ,...,tn );,e,m,G) = (normal,m”’)

by ignoring the value v: we have the case where a function is used as a


For example, when we execute the statement u = hypotenuse(a,b);

in the environment e = [a = r1 , b = r2 , u = r3 ], the memory state
m = [r1 = 3.0, r2 = 4.0, r3 = 0.0], and the global environment G com-
posed of the environment e and the function declaration hypotenuse: (x,y),
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);, we start by evaluating the expression
hypotenuse(a,b). To do so, we start by evaluating a and b, which produces
the values 3.0 and 4.0, without changing the memory state. And we cre-
ate an environment e” = [a = r1 , b = r2 , u = r3 , x = r4 , y = r5 ] and
the memory state m” = [r1 = 3.0, r2 = 4.0, r3 = 0.0, r4 = 3.0, r5 =

a b u x y

3.0 4.0 0.0 3.0 4.0

Next, we execute the body of the function, which produces the result
(return,5.0,m”) and so Θ(hypotenuse(a,b),e,m,G) is (5.0,m”). The result
of the execution of the statement u = hypotenuse(a,b); is then an ordered
pair composed of a boolean normal and the memory state m”’ = [r1 = 3.0,
r2 = 4.0, r3 = 5.0, r4 = 3.0, r5 = 4.0].
The value of the variable u in the state e, m”’ is 5.0.
2.2 The Semantics of Functions 33

Exercise 2.3
What happens if the formal arguments x and y of the function hypote-
nuse are constant variables?
Exercise 2.4
What happens if you execute the statement u = hypotenuse(a,b);,
with the variables a, b, and u declared in the main function?

Finally, we can give the definition of the Σ function for the entire program.
Let P be a program formed of global variable declarations static T1 a1 = t1 ;,
..., static Tn an = tn ; and of function declarations static U1 f1 (x1 ) p1 ;,
..., static Un fn (xn ) pn ;.
Let v1 , ..., vn be the initial values given to global variables, that is to say the
values of expressions ti . Let e be the environment [a1 = v1 , a2 = r2 , ...,
an = rn ] in which we associate the global variable ai to the value vi or to the
reference ri whether it is constant or mutable, and m is the memory state [r2
= v2 , ..., rn = vn ], in which we associate the references ri associated to
mutable global variables with the values vi . Let G be the global environment
(e, [f1 = (x1 ,p1 ), ..., fn = (xn ,pn )]).
The memory state Σ(P) is defined by
– Σ(P) = Σ(main(null);,e,m,G)
where null is a value of type String [] which we will discuss later.
Exercise 2.5
The function f is defined as follows

static int f (final int x) {

int y = x;
while (true) {
y = y + 1;
if (y == 1000) return y + 1;}}

What is returned from the function call f(500)?

Exercise 2.6
Imagine that all memory states contain two special references: in and
out. Write the definition of the function Σ for the input and output
constructs from Section 1.2.
34 2. Functions

2.2.3 Order of Evaluation

Since expressions can modify memory, consideration must be given to the fact
that in the definition of Σ we have given, arguments of a function are evaluated
from left to right. So, we evaluate t1 in the memory state m, and t2 in the
memory state m1 produced by the evaluation of t1 , ... So, the program
class Prog {

static int n;

static int f (final int x, final int y) {

return x;}

static int g (final int z) {

n = n + z;
return n;}

public static void main (String [] args) {

n = 0;
outputs the result 2.

2.2.4 Caml

The definition of the function Σ for Caml is somewhat different from the defini-
tion of Σ used for Java. In Caml, all formal arguments are constant variables,
so new references are never created at the point of a function call.
Also, in Caml, there is only one name space for functions and variables. In
Java, the program
class Prog {

static int f (final int x) {

return x + 1;}

static int f = 4;

public static void main (String [] args) {

2.2 The Semantics of Functions 35

is valid, and in the expression f(f), the first occurrence of f is a function

name f and the second occurrence of f is a variable name. In Caml, however,
the program
let f x = x + 1 in let f = 4 in print_int(f f)
is invalid. The function f becomes hidden by the variable f. There is there-
fore no global environment: global variables and functions are declared in the
environment, like variables. During the call of a function f, it is impossible
to create the environment in which we must evaluate the body of the function
using the global environment. Thus, in the environment, we must associate the
name f, not only with the list of formal arguments and the body of the function,
but also the environment to extend with the arguments for executing the body
of the function. This environment is the environment in which the function is
So, the Java program
class Prog {

static int f () {return x;}

static int x = 4;

public static void main (String [] args) {

System.out.println(f ());}}
is valid, and outputs 4, while the Caml program
let f () = x in let x = 4 in print_int(f())
is invalid, because the variable x in the body of f is not part of the environment
of the definition of f. It is necessary to declare this variable before f
let x = 4 in let f () = x in print_int(f())
Another difference is that the Caml compilers evaluate the arguments from
right to left. For example, the program

let n = ref 0
in let f x y = x
in let g z = (n := !n + z; !n)
in print_int (f (g 2) (g 7))

results in 9 and not 2.

However, the definition of the Caml language does not specify the order of
evaluation of the arguments of a function. Different compilers may evaluate
36 2. Functions

arguments in a different order. It is up to the programmer to write programs

whose result is not dependent on the order of evaluation.
Finally, there is no return in Caml, and the result of the execution of a
statement, like the evaluation of an expression, is an ordered pair composed of
a value, possibly (), and a memory state.
Exercise 2.7
Give the definition of the Σ function of Caml, assuming that arguments
are always evaluated from right to left.

2.2.5 C

The definition of the Σ function for C is also somewhat different from the
definition of Σ for Java.
In C, the references created at the moment of a function call are removed
from the memory and the end of the execution of the body of the function.
Like in Caml, there is only one name space for functions and variables, and
functions are declared in the same environment as variables. In this environ-
ment, we not only associate the name f to the list of formal arguments and the
body of the function, but also to the environment e to extend with the arguments
for executing the body of the function. This environment is, like in Caml, the
environment of the definition of the function. For example, the program
int f () {return x;}

int x = 4;

int main () {
return 0;}
is invalid.
C compilers also evaluate a function’s arguments from left to right, as in
Java. However, the definition of the language, like that of Caml, does not specify
the order of evaluation of a function’s arguments, and it is up to the programmer
to write programs whose result does not depend on the order of evaluation.
Exercise 2.8
Give the definition of the Σ function for C, assuming that arguments are
always evaluated from left to right.
2.3 Expressions as Statements 37

2.3 Expressions as Statements

Now that we have defined the result of the evaluation of an expression as an
ordered pair composed of a value and a state, we can better understand the
link between expressions and statements.
In C, any expression followed by a semicolon is a statement. The value of
an expression is simply ignored when it is used as a statement. If Θ(t,e,m,G)
is the ordered pair (v,m’) then Σ(t;,e,m,G) is the ordered pair composed
of the boolean normal and the memory state m’. The situation is somewhat
similar in Java, except that only certain expressions are eligible to be used
as statements. For example, if f is a function, then f(t1 ,...,tn ); is, as we
have seen, a statement, but that is not the case with 1;. In Caml, there is
no difference between statements and expressions, since statements are simply
expressions of type unit.
Exercise 2.9
In Java and in C, the expression x = t assigns the value of t to x and
returns this same value. How would you modify the definition of the
Θ function to take into account expressions of this type? What is the
output of the following program?

class Prog {

public static void main (String [] args) {

int x;
int y;
x = (y = 4);

2.4 Passing Arguments by Value and Reference

If the initial value of the variable x is 4 and that of the variable y is 7, after
executing the statement {z = x; x = y; y = z;}, variable x has the value 7
and variable y has the value 4. More generally, this statement exchanges the
values of these variables, using the principle of the third glass
38 2. Functions

Observe the behaviour of the following program

class Prog {

static int a;

static int b;

static void swap (int x, int y) {int z; z = x; x = y; y = z;}

static public void main (String [] args) {

a = 4;
b = 7;
You might expect the values of a and b have been exchanged and that the
numbers 7 and 4 are displayed, but surprisingly, the number 4 is displayed first,
followed by the number 7.
In fact, this result is what is expected based on the definition of the Σ func-
tion given above. We start with an environment e = [a = r1 , b = r2 ] and
a memory state m = [r1 = 4, r2 = 7]. The call of the function swap(a,b);
computes the values of the expressions a and b in the environment e and the
memory state m. It obtains 4 and 7 respectively. Then, the environment [a =
r1 , b = r2 , x = r3 , y = r4 ] and the memory state [r1 = 4, r2 = 7, r3
= 4, r4 = 7] are created.

a b x y

4 7 4 7
2.4 Passing Arguments by Value and Reference 39

The values of the variables x and y are exchanged, which results in the mem-
ory state [r1 = 4, r2 = 7, r3 = 7, r4 = 4, r5 = 4] which returns control
to the main program. The environment is then e = [a = r1 , b = r2 ] with
the memory state [r1 = 4, r2 = 7, r3 = 7, r4 = 4, r5 = 4]. The values
of the variables a and b have not changed.
In other words, the function swap ignores the variables a and b. It can only
use their value at the moment of the function call, and cannot modify their
value: executing the statement swap(a,b); has the same result as executing
the statement swap(4,7);.
The mechanism of argument passing that we have described is called argu-
ment passing by value. It does not allow the creation of a swap function that
changes the contents of two variables. However, most programming languages
have a construct that allows the creation of such a function. But, this construct
is somewhat different in each language. Before seeing how this is done in Java,
Caml, and C, we will look at the much simpler example of the Pascal language.

2.4.1 Pascal

The Pascal language has a built in calling mechanism to pass arguments by

reference, or by variable. In the definition of the swap procedure, we can precede
each argument with the keyword var.
procedure swap (var x : integer, var y : integer) ...
When an argument of a procedure or a function is declared using pass by
reference, we can only apply this procedure or function to a variable. So, we
can write swap(a,b) but not swap(4,7), nor swap(2 * a,b).
When we call the procedure swap(a,b), instead of associating the vari-
ables x and y to new references assigning to these references the values of
the procedure’s arguments, 4 and 7, we associate the variables x and y to
references associated with variables given as arguments to the procedure. So,
we call the procedure swap(a,b) in an environment e = [a = r1 , b = r2 ]
and a memory state m = [r1 = 4, r2 = 7], instead of creating the environ-
ment [a = r1 , b = r2 , x = r3 , y = r4 ] and the memory state [r1 = 4,
r2 = 7, r3 = 4, r4 = 7], we create the environment [a = r1 , b = r2 , x
= r1 , y = r2 ] while keeping the memory state [r1 = 4, r2 = 7].
40 2. Functions

a x b y

4 7

Because of this, the procedure swap exchanges the contents of the references r1
and r2 and not of the references r3 and r4

a x b y

7 4

and after execution of the procedure, the contents of the references associated
with the variables a and b have been exchanged.
Being able to explain the mechanism of passing by reference is the main
motivation for decomposing the state into an environment and a memory state
by introducing an intermediate set of references, as we have done in the previous
Exercise 2.10
Give the definition of the Σ function in the case of functions with an
argument passed by reference.

2.4.2 Caml

In Caml, passing by reference is not a primitive construct, but it can be accom-

plished by using the fact that references are also values.
For example, in the environment [x = r] and in the memory state [r =
4], the value of the expression !x is the integer 4, but the value of the expression
x is the reference r. This allows the creation of a function swap that takes
two references as arguments and exchanges the values associated with these
references in the memory.
let swap x y = let z = ref 0 in (z := !x; x := !y; y := !z)
To exchange the values of the variables a and b, you simply apply the func-
tion to the references a and b and not to the integers !a and !b.
2.4 Passing Arguments by Value and Reference 41

a:= 4;
b := 7;
swap a b;
print_int !a;
print_int !b;
Indeed, when we call the function swap a b in the environment [a = r1 , b =
r2 ] and the memory state [r1 = 4, r2 = 7], we create the environment [a =
r1 , b = r2 , x = r1 , y = r2 ] in which the constant formal arguments x and
y are linked to the real arguments r1 and r2 and we keep the same memory
state [r1 = 4, r2 = 7]

a x b y

4 7

and the function swap exchanges the contents of the references r1 and r2 and
after the execution of the function, the contents of the references associated
with the variables a and b have now also been exchanged.
Exercise 2.11
What does the following program do?

let swap x y = let z = !x in (x := !y; y := z)

2.4.3 C

In C as well, the passing by reference is not a primitive construct, but it can be

simulated by using a similar mechanism to that of Caml. The type of references
that can be associated with a value of type T in memory, written T ref in Caml,
is written T* in C. The dereference construct, written ! in Caml, is written as
* in C. For example, in the environment [u = r1 ] and in the memory state
[r1 = r2 , r2 = 4], the value of the expression u is the reference r2 and the
value of the expression *u is the integer 4.
If x is a variable, the reference associated with x in the environment, written
simply as x in Caml, is written as &x in C. For example, in the environment
42 2. Functions

[x = r] and the memory state [r = 4] the value of expression x is the integer

4, the value of expression &x is the reference r and the value of expression *&x
is the integer 4. The & construct applies to a variable and not to an arbitrary
Exercise 2.12
What does the following program output?

int main () {
int x;
int* u;

x = 4;
u = &x;
return 0;}

Using these constructs, it becomes possible to create states in which some

references are associated with other references. It then becomes necessary to
update our graphical representation of states. When a memory state has a ref-
erence r’ associated with a reference r, one solution is to write in the box of r
the coordinates of the place where we have drawn the reference r’ on the page.
A better solution is to draw in the box of r an arrow that points to the reference

u x

If t is an expression of type T* then the language C has a new assignment

construct *t = u;, similar to the construct := of Caml: if the value of t is a
reference r and the value of u is v, then the execution of the statement *t =
u; associates the value v to the reference r in memory.
Exercise 2.13
Show that the execution of the statement x = u; has the same effect as
executing the statement *&x = u. What can we conclude?
These constructs allow you to write a function swap that takes as argu-
ments two references and exchanges the values associated with these references
in memory.
2.4 Passing Arguments by Value and Reference 43

void swap (int* const x, int* const y) {

int z;
z = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = z;}
To exchange the values of the variables a and b, you can now apply this function
to the references &a and &b.
int main () {
a = 4;
b = 7;
return 0;}
When we execute the statement swap(&a,&b); in the environment e = [a =
r1 , b = r2 ] and the memory state m = [r1 = 4, r2 = 7], we create the en-
vironment e = [a = r1 , b = r2 , x = r1 , y = r2 ] and the memory state m
= [r1 = 4, r2 = 7].

a x b y

4 7

And, the function swap exchanges the contents of the references r1 and r2 and
after the execution of the function, the contents of the references associated
with the variables a and b have been exchanged.
In this example, take note of the syntax of the declaration of the argu-
ment x, int* const x, which prevents the assignment x = t; but allows the
assignment *x = t;. The declaration const int* x, in contrast allows the as-
signment x = t; but prevents the assignment *x = t;. The declaration const
int* const x prevents both types of assignment.
Exercise 2.14
What is the output of the following program?

void swap (int* x, int* y) {

int z;
z = *x;
44 2. Functions

*x = *y;
*y = z;}

int main () {
a = 4;
b = 7;
return 0;}

Draw the state in which the body of the function is executed.

Exercise 2.15
What does the following function do?

void swap1 (int* x, int* y) {

int* z;
z = x;
x = y;
y = z;}

Exercise 2.16
Give the definition of the Θ function for expressions of the form *t and
&x, and the definition for the Σ function for statements of the form *t
= u;.
Exercise 2.17
The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate that, in C, you may look for
a reference that does not exist.

1. In the following Caml program, what is the state in which the state-
ment print_int !(!u) is executed?
let f p = let n = ref p in let x = ref n in !x
in let u = ref (f 5)
in print_int !(!u)
Answer the same question for the following program.
let f p = let n = ref p in let x = ref n in !x
in let u = ref (f 5)
in let v = ref (f 10)
in print_int !(!u)
2.4 Passing Arguments by Value and Reference 45

2. Given the following C program

int* f (const int p) {
int n = p;
int* x = &n;
return x;}

int main () {
int* u = f(5);
return 0;}
In what state is the statement printf("%d\n",*u); executed?
Hint: remember that in C, in contrast to Caml, we remove from
memory the reference associated with a variable when that variable
is removed from the environment.
3. In C, when we use a reference that is not declared in memory, it
does not produce an error, and the result will be unpredictable. Try
compiling and running the following C program.

int* f (const int p) {

int n = p;
int* x = &n;
return x;}

int main () {
int* u = f(5);
int* v = f(10);
return 0;}

2.4.4 Java

In Java, passing by reference is not a primitive construct, but it can be simu-

lated by using a different mechanism called wrapper types. We will explain this
later, as it uses language constructs that have yet to be introduced.

3.1 Calling a Function from Inside the Body

of that Function
In the previous chapter, to define the Σ function for a statement of the form
f(t1 ,...,tn );, we have used the definition of the Σ function for the statement
p, that is the body of the function f. Was this definition correct, or could it be
This definition is clearly correct when the statement p does not contain
within itself calls to another function. That is to say, when the main program —
the main function — only calls functions that do not call functions themselves.
This definition is also correct when the program contains k function defi-
nitions f1 , ..., fk such that the body of the function fi contains only calls of
functions defined before, that is to say functions fj for j < i. Some languages,
like Fortran, only allow the calling of a function f in the body of a function
g if f is defined before g. In this case, the definition of the Σ function is by
induction on three values: the number of the function, the number of nested
while loops, and the size of the statement. Note that such an ordering of func-
tions always exists if these functions are introduced from the main program by
isolating parts of the program one after another: we isolate one part pk of the
main program, and then one part pk−1 of the main program or of the function
pk , ...
However, most programming languages allow functions to be written that
call themselves, or that call functions that call other functions that eventually

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 47

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_3,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
48 3. Recursion

call the initial function.

This possibility is present in our definition of the Σ function for Java, since
the global environment G is global for the whole program: all functions in the
program can be called from within other functions. So, nothing prevents you
from calling a function f in the body of a function g, whether function f is
defined before g, after g, or if f and g are the same function.
We call recursive function definitions to be definitions of functions that
call themselves, or that call functions that call other functions, that eventually
call the initial function again. For recursive definitions, the definition of the Σ
function from the previous chapter, can be circular. For example, if f is the
function defined as follows
static void f (final int x) {f(x);}
then the definition of Σ(f(x);,e,m,G) uses the value of Σ(f(x);,e,m,G),
which is circular.
We must therefore find another method of defining the Σ function.

3.2 Recursive Definitions

3.2.1 Recursive Definitions and Circular Definitions

A more interesting example of recursive definition is that of the factorial func-


static int fact (final int x) {

if (x == 0) return 1;
return x * fact(x - 1);}

To compute the factorial of the number 3, we must compute the factorial

of 2, which requires that we compute the factorial of 1, that requires the com-
putation of the factorial of 0. This value is 1. The factorial of 1 is then found
by multiplying 1 by this value, which gives 1. The factorial of 2 is found by
multiplying 2 by this value, which gives 2. And the factorial of 3 is found by
multiplying 3 by this value, which gives 6.
We sometimes say that a recursive definition is a definition that uses the
object which it is defining. This idea is absurd: circular definitions are just
as invalid in programming as they are elsewhere. If it were possible to use a
function inside its own definition, the factorial function could be defined very
static int f (final int x) {return f(x);}
3.2 Recursive Definitions 49

and the definition of the function that multiplies its argument by 4 or that
squares it would be identical.

3.2.2 Recursive Definitions and Definitions by Induction

Another way to try to understand the definition of the function fact is to see
it as a definition by induction of the sequence un = n!: u0 = 1, un+1 = (n +
1) * un . Although this works for this function, that does not mean it will work
in general, for example for the function

static int f (final int n) {

if (n <= 1) return 1;
if (n % 2 == 0) return (1 + f(n / 2));
return 2 * f(n + 1);}

Indeed, the computation of the value of this function at 11 requires the

computation of its value at 12, which requires the computation of its value
at 6, which requires the computation of its value at 3, which requires the
computation of its value at 4, which requires the computation of its value at
2, which requires the computation of its value at 1. So, the computation of the
value of the function f at n does not require only the computation of its value
at n - 1, nor does it requires only the computation of its value at numbers
smaller than n, but also that of its value at numbers larger than n. However,
this definition is correct, and for any integer n, the computation of the value of
f at n gives a result.
The function below presents a more interesting example
static int ack (final int x, final int y) {
if (x == 0) return 2 * y;
if (y == 0) return 1;
return ack(x - 1,ack(x,y - 1));}
which always gives a result after a finite number of calls, but, as Wilhelm Ack-
ermann proved in a theorem in 1928, cannot be defined using nested definitions
by induction.

3.2.3 Recursive Definitions and Infinite Programs

When we have a recursive function definition, for example the definition of the
factorial, it is possible to transform this definition into another, non-recursive
one, by replacing the calls of the function fact in the body of the function
50 3. Recursion

fact by calls to another function fact1, identical to fact, but defined before
static int fact1 (final int x) {
if (x == 0) return 1;
return x * fact1(x - 1);}

static int fact (final int x) {

if (x == 0) return 1;
return x * fact1(x - 1);}
The definition of the function fact is no longer recursive, but that of function
fact1 is. We can, as well, replace the calls to function fact1 in the body
of function fact1 by calls to a function fact2, and so on. We can succeed,
in theory, in creating a non-recursive program, but it will be infinitely long.
Recursive definitions are, like the while loop, a means of expressing infinite
programs and, like the while loop, recursive definitions introduce the possibility
of non-termination.
Like in the case of while loops, we can introduce an imaginary expression,
giveup, and approach this infinite program with finite approximations. We do
this by replacing the nth copy of the function fact with the function giveup
and remove the subsequent functions that are no longer used.
Calculating the value of the nth approximation of program p consists of
trying to compute the value of program p by doing a maximum of n nested
recursive calls. If at the end of these n calls, the computation is not complete,
it is given up.
It isn’t too difficult to prove that for any state e, m, either the sequence
Σ(pn ,e,m,G) is never defined or it is defined beyond a certain point, and in
this case, it is constant over its domain. Remember that, in the second case,
the limit of the sequence is the value that it takes over its domain and that the
sequence has no limit if it is not defined.
We can now define the Σ function for (p,e,m,G)
Σ(p,e,m,G) = limn Σ(pn ,e,m,G).
To generalise this idea to multiple mutually recursive functions, we will
abandon the idea of copying out the recursive function calls, and instead in-
troduce a parameter for the number of nested function calls. We define the
family of functions Σk such that Σk (p,e,m,G) is the result of executing the
statement p, if the execution of this statement needs at most k nested function
calls. If at the end of k nested calls, the computation is not complete, then the
Σk function is not defined over (p,e,m,G).
The definition of the Σk functions is similar to the definition of the Σ func-
tion, except in the case of function calls. To define Σk (f(t1 ,...,tn );,e,m,G),
3.2 Recursive Definitions 51

we start by defining (v1 ,m1 ) = Θk (t1 ,e,m,G), (v2 ,m2 ) = Θk (t2 ,e,m1 ,G), ...,
(vn ,mn ) = Θk (tn ,e,mn−1 ,G), then e” and m” as we have done in the previous
chapter. Next, instead of considering the object Σk (p,e”,m”,G) we consider
the object Σk−1 (p,e”,m”,G). A notable exception occurs in the case where k
= 0, and in this case, the Σ0 function is not defined for this expression.
Once the family of Σk functions is defined, we define the Σ function
Σ(p,e,m,G) = limk Σk (p,e,m,G).

3.2.4 Recursive Definitions and Fixed Point Equations

The recursive definition of the function called fact

static int fact (final int x) {
if (x == 0) return 1;
return x * fact(x - 1);}
cannot be seen as a regular definition, where the name fact is associated with
an object. We can instead consider it as an equation where the variable is the
function fact. Indeed, the function fact is the unique function f that maps
natural numbers to natural numbers that satisfies the equation
f = (x → if (x == 0) then 1 else x * f(x - 1)).
This equation has the form f = G(f), so it is a fixed point equation.
Some fixed point equations, for example, the equation
f = (x → 1 + f(x))
that corresponds to the recursive definition
static int loop (final int x) {
return 1 + loop(x);}
do not have any solutions when dealing with total functions that map integers
to integers.
But, we have seen that recursively defined functions can be created that
do not terminate. It is then among the partial functions that map integers to
integers that we must find solutions. And, in this set, the fixed point equation
f = (x → 1 + f(x))
has one solution that is the function with an empty domain.
We can prove that, in general, any fixed point equation always has at least
one solution for the set of partial functions that map integers to integers. These
various functions can be ordered by inclusion of their graphs, and we can prove
that among these functions, one will be the smallest.
52 3. Recursion

There is therefore an alternative method of defining the Σ function. How-

ever, this alternative definition is equivalent to the definition of Section 3.2.3,
because this fixed point theorem produces a solution as the limit of a sequence
of functions.
Exercise 3.1
What are all the solutions of the following equation?

f = (x → f(x))

What is the least solution?

Let loop be the function defined below

static int loop (final int x) {

return loop(x);}

What is the value of the expression loop(4)?

Exercise 3.2
What are all the solutions of the following equation?

f = (x → 2 * f(x))

What is the least solution?

Let loop be the function defined below

static int loop (final int x) {

return 2 * loop(x);}

What is the value of the expression loop(4)?

Exercise 3.3
In the set of partial functions that map integers to integers, what are all
the solutions to the following equation?

f = (x → if (x == 0) then 1 else x * f(x - 1))

What is the least solution?

Imagine a data type that allows integers to be of any size. What does
the call fact(-1) return?
In the set of partial functions from an interval to itself, what are all the
solutions of this equation?
3.3 Caml 53

What does the call fact(-100) return if we define the function fact as

static byte fact (final byte x) {

if (x == 0) return 1;
return (byte) (x * fact((byte) (x - 1)));}

Why? And what does the call fact(-100) return if we define the function
fact as follows?

static double fact (final byte x) {

if (x == 0) return 1.0;
return x * fact((byte) (x - 1));}


3.3 Caml
In Caml, we execute the body of the function in the environment in which the
function was declared, extended by the declaration of its arguments. Because of
this fact, only functions declared before the function f are accessible within the
body of f, and the declaration
let fact x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact(x - 1)
in print_int (fact 6)
is invalid.
To be able to use the function fact within its own definition, you must use
a new construct let rec f x1 ... xn = t in p
let rec fact x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact(x - 1)
in print_int (fact 6)
and, at each function call, the definition of the function fact is then added to
the environment in which the body of the function is executed.
When two functions are mutually recursive, you cannot declare them as
let rec even x = if x = 0 then true else odd(x - 1)
in let rec odd x = if x = 0 then false else even(x - 1)
in print_bool(even 7)
54 3. Recursion

because the environment in which the function even is executed does not contain
the function odd, so we have to use a special construct for mutually recursive
functions let rec f x1 ... xn = t and g y1 ... yp = u and ... For ex-
let rec even x = if x = 0 then true else odd (x - 1)
and odd x = if x = 0 then false else even (x - 1)
in print_bool (even 7)

3.4 C
In C, as in Caml, the body of the function is executed in the environment in
which this function was declared, extended with the declaration of its arguments.
Because of this, only functions declared before a function f are accessible in the
body of f.
However, in order to allow for recursion, at each function call, the definition
of the function f is added to the environment in which the body of the function is
executed. This is exactly what happens in Caml with let rec, so the declaration
of a function in C is more like Caml’s let rec than it is like let. Therefore,
the following program
int fact (const int x) {
if (x == 0) return 1;
return x * fact(x - 1);}

int main () {
return 0;}
is valid, and returns 720.
When the definitions of several functions, for example two functions f and
g, are mutually recursive, we must start by prototyping the function g to allow
g to be called within the body of f. Prototyping a function defines its argument
types and its return type, and you can then define the actual function later in
the program.

int odd (const int);

int even (const int x) {

if (x == 0) return 1;
return odd(x - 1);}
3.5 Programming Without Assignment 55

int odd (const int x) {

if (x == 0) return 0;
return even(x - 1);}

int main () {
return 0;}

3.5 Programming Without Assignment

Comparing the factorial function written with a loop
static int fact (final int x) {
int i;
int r;

r = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= x; i = i + 1) {r = r * i;}
return r;}
and recursively
static int fact (final int x) {
if (x == 0) return 1;
return x * fact(x - 1);}
we see that the first uses assignments: r = 1;, i = 1;, i = i + 1; and r = r
* i;, while the second does not. It is therefore possible to program the factorial
function without using assignments.
More generally, we can consider a sub-language of Java in which we remove
assignment. In this case, all variables can be declared as constant and, in the
definition of the Σ function, the memory state is always empty. Sequences and
loops in this case become useless. We are left with a shell of Java composed
of variable declarations, function calls, arithmetical and logical operations and
tests. This sub-language is called the functional core of Java. We can also define
the functional core of many programming languages.
Surprisingly, this functional core is just as powerful as Java as a whole.
For each expression t of Java, we associate the partial function that maps
the integer n to the value v such that (v,m’) = Θ(t,[x = n],[],G), and
for each statement p in Java we associate the partial function that maps the
integer n to the value v such that (return,v,m) = Σ(p,[x = n],[],G). A
56 3. Recursion

partial function f that maps integers to integers is called programmable in Java

if there exists an expression t or a statement p such that f is the function
associated with t or with p.
We can show that the set of programmable functions in Java, in the impera-
tive core of Java or in its functional core is identical: it is the set of computable
functions — see Exercise 1.12.
This result is true only because we allow for recursive functions. Loops
and recursion are therefore two essentially redundant constructs for producing
infinite programs, and each time you want to construct an infinite program,
you can choose to use either a loop or a recursive definition.
Exercise 3.4
Write the definition of the Σ function for the functional core of Java.

Exercise 3.5 (The Towers of Hanoi)

The towers of Hanoi is a game created by Édouard Lucas in 1883. It
has seven disks of different sizes distributed among three columns. At
the start, all the disks are on the left column, arranged from largest to
smallest, with the largest disk on the bottom.

The only movement allowed is to move a single disk from the top of one
column to the top of another column, with the condition that you can
never place a bigger disk on top of a smaller one. We write n -> n’ the
movement of a disk from column n to column n’. The goal of the game
is to move all of the disks from the left column to the right column.

Write a program that generates a solution to the game by outputting a

list of movements.
Hint: A variant of the game has only six disks. If one can solve the game
for six disks, how can one solve the game for seven disks?
3.5 Programming Without Assignment 57

Exercise 3.6 (The Koch Snowflake)

The Koch Snowflake, created in 1906 by Helge Von Koch, is an example
of a non-differentiable continuous curve. It’s also an example of a fractal
set, that is to say a set whose Hausdorff dimension is not a whole number.

This curve is defined as the limit of the sequence of curves where the
first curve is a segment

and where each element is obtained from the previous one, by dividing
each segment in 3, and replacing the middle segment with an equilat-
eral triangle with one side removed. The second iteration of the Koch
snowflake is thus

the third
58 3. Recursion

and the fourth

Write a program that draws the nth element of this sequence.


In the programs that have been described in previous chapters, each variable
contained an integer, a decimal number, a boolean, or a character.
These variables could not contain an object composed of several numbers,
booleans or characters, such as a complex number made of two decimal num-
bers, a vector made of several coordinates, or a string made of several charac-
We will now introduce a new construct, records, that allow the construction
of these composite objects.

4.1 Tuples with Named Fields

Mathematically, a tuple is a function whose domain is a set of the form {0, 1,
..., n - 1}. In programming languages, tuples are usually of named fields,
that is, they are functions where the domain is not of the form {0, 1, ..., n
- 1}, but an arbitrary finite set, whose elements are called labels. Such a tuple
of named fields is called a record.
For example, if we are given a set of labels latitude, longitude and
altitude, we can construct the record {latitude = 48.715, longitude =
2.208, altitude = 156.0}.

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 59

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_4,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
60 4. Records

4.1.1 The Definition of a Record Type

In Java, we define a new type of records by indicating the label and type of
each of its fields. For example, the type Point is defined as
class Point {
final double latitude;
final double longitude;
final double altitude;}
This definition is written before the introduction of the name of the program
with the keyword class.

4.1.2 Allocation of a Record

Once this type is defined, you can declare a variable with the type Point.

Point x;

As with any variable declaration, this adds an ordered pair to the environ-
ment that associates a reference r to this variable, and an ordered pair to the
memory that associates a value to the reference r. If we declare this variable
without giving it a value, the value by default is a special value called null.
We represent a state, in which the variable x is associated in the environment
to a reference r, which is associated in the memory to the value null this way.

In Java, the reference r is never directly associated to a record in memory.

The box r is always a small box that can only contain null or another reference.
To associate a record with the variable x, you start by creating a box large
enough to contain three decimal numbers. This is done with a new construct:
new Point()
The evaluation of the expression new Point() creates a new reference r’
and associates this reference with a record, by default {latitude = 0.0,
4.1 Tuples with Named Fields 61

longitude = 0.0, altitude = 0.0}. The value of this expression is the ref-
erence r’.

0.0 0.0 0.0

In this diagram, the object on the right is only one box that can contain three
decimal numbers, and not a collection of three boxes. Seen another way, there
is only one reference r’.
A reference that was added to memory by the construct new is called a cell.
The set of memory cells is called the heap. The operation that adds a new cell
to the memory state, is called an allocation.
When you execute the statement
x = new Point();
you associate the reference r’ to the reference r in memory. The environment
is then [x = r] and the memory state [r = r’, r’ = {latitude = 0.0,
longitude = 0.0, altitude = 0.0}].

0.0 0.0 0.0

In Java, as in Caml and C, references are values and it is possible for a reference
to be associated to another reference. But unlike Caml and C, this can only be
done using this construct for records.
It is possible to declare the variable x with an initial value. Instead of writing
Point x;
x = new Point();
you can write
Point x = new Point();
Like any variable, a variable of type Point can be mutable or constant. So,
whereas the statement
62 4. Records

Point x = new Point();

creates the environment [x = r] and the memory state [r = r’, r’ =
{latitude = 0.0, longitude = 0.0, altitude = 0.0}], the statement
final Point x = new Point();
creates the environment [x = r’] and the memory state [r’ = {latitude =
0.0, longitude = 0.0, altitude = 0.0}].

0.0 0.0 0.0

Although it is associated with a variable in the environment, the reference r’

is a cell, since it was created with the statement new.

4.1.3 Accessing Fields

If the value of the expression t is a reference r’ associated in memory with a

record and l is a label, the value of the expression t.l is the field l of this
record. So, the statement
outputs 0.0.
In particular, when t is a mutable variable x, its value is m(e(x)) and so
the value of the expression x.latitude is the field latitude of the record
m(m(e(x))). In contrast, when t is a constant variable x, its value is e(x) and
so the value of the expression x.latitude is the field latitude of the record

4.1.4 Assignment of Fields

In the definition of a record, it is also possible that the fields are mutable
class Point {
double latitude;
double longitude;
double altitude;}
4.1 Tuples with Named Fields 63

In this case, when you execute the statement

Point x = new Point();
you might think you are creating the environment [x = r] and the memory
state [r = r’, r’ = {latitude = r1 , longitude = r2 , altitude = r3 },
r1 = 0.0, r2 = 0.0, r3 = 0.0].

0.0 0.0 0.0

But, this is not the case: you have already introduced a reference r’ by creating
the cell and you can use this to make fields mutable without introducing extra
references. Whether the fields are constant or mutable, you are constructing
the environment [x = r] and the memory state [r = r’, r’ = {latitude
= 0.0, longitude = 0.0, altitude = 0.0}]

0.0 0.0 0.0

In this cell, you simply choose which fields are mutable and which are constant.
To assign to a record’s mutable field, you use a new statement t.l = u;,
where l is a label and t and u are expressions. If the value of expression t
is a reference r associated in memory with a record that has a field l, then
when you execute the statement t.l = u;, the field l of this record receives
the value of expression u.
Thus, in executing the statements
x.latitude = 48.715;
64 4. Records

x.longitude = 2.208;
x.altitude = 156.0;
you create the state

48.715 2.208 156.0

The means of handling records in a programming language, like Java, is

therefore composed of four constructs that allow you to
– define a type, class in Java,
– allocate a cell, new in Java,
– access a field, t.l in Java,
– assign to a field, t.l = u; in Java.
Understanding how records are handled in a new programming language re-
quires you to understand the constructs that allow you to define a type, allocate
a cell, access a field, and assign to a field.

4.1.5 Constructors

We have seen how to allocate a cell

x = new Point();
and assigning to its fields
x.latitude = 48.715;
x.longitude = 2.208;
x.altitude = 156.0;
It is possible to do all of this in a single statement
x = new Point(48.715,2.208,156.0);
But this requires an improvement to the definition of the Point type, by adding
a constructor
4.1 Tuples with Named Fields 65

class Point {
double latitude;
double longitude;
double altitude;

Point (final double x, final double y, final double z) {

this.latitude = x; this.longitude = y; this.altitude = z;}}
A constructor definition resembles the declaration of a function: a constructor
has arguments of a certain type, and a body that is executed at the moment
it is called. But
– a constructor must always have the same name as the type it belongs to,
– in the definition of a constructor, you never define a return type,
– you never use the return statement in the body of a constructor,
– in the body of a constructor, you can assign to fields of the allocated record
using the keyword this to refer to this record.
It is possible to define multiple constructors for the same type. Since these
constructors must have the same name, they are overloaded and must be dis-
tinguished by the number or type of their arguments. For example, it is possible
to add a constructor to the type Point with two arguments that constructs a
point of altitude 0.
Finally, when no constructor is defined, there is a default constructor with
no arguments, which we have used above in the expression new Point(). You
cannot use the default constructor once one has been defined in your program.
Finally, when declaring a type, it is also possible to define default values for
each field
class Point {
double latitude = 90.0;
double longitude = 0.0;
double altitude = 0.0;}
In this case, if a constructor does not assign to a field of the object this,
the default value used is not 0.0, but the value given in that definition.

4.1.6 The Semantics of Records

To extend the Σ function to cover records, it is necessary to add a fifth argument

that is the list of constructed types, each type being associated to an ordered
pair composed of a list of its fields and a list of its constructors.
66 4. Records

Exercise 4.1
Define the Σ function for the four operations: type definition, cell allo-
cation, accessing to a field, assigning to a field.

4.2 Sharing
4.2.1 Sharing

Suppose that x and y are two variables of type Point, associated with two
references r1 and r2 in the environment. In addition, suppose that, in mem-
ory, r1 is associated with a reference r3 , which itself is associated with a record
{latitude = 48.715, longitude = 2.208, altitude = 156.0} and r2
with a reference r4 , which itself is associated with the record {latitude
= 90.0, longitude = 0.0, altitude = 0.0}. So, e = [x = r1 , y = r2 ],
m = [r1 = r3 , r2 = r4 , r3 = {latitude = 48.715, longitude = 2.208,
altitude = 156.0}, r4 = {latitude = 90.0, longitude = 0.0, altitude
= 0.0}].

48.715 2.208 156.0

90.0 0.0 0.0

When the statement y = x; is executed, the value of x is computed, which is

the reference r3 and we associate this value with the reference r2 . The memory
state becomes [r1 = r3 , r2 = r3 , r3 = {latitude = 48.715, longitude
= 2.208, altitude = 156.0}, r4 = {latitude = 90.0, longitude = 0.0,
altitude = 0.0}].
4.2 Sharing 67

48.715 2.208 156.0

90.0 0.0 0.0

In contrast, if the statements y.latitude = x.latitude; y.longitude =

x.longitude; y.altitude = x.altitude; are executed, the resultant mem-
ory state is [r1 = r3 , r2 = r4 , r3 = {latitude = 48.715, longitude =
2.208, altitude = 156.0}, r4 = {latitude = 48.715, longitude = 2.208,
altitude = 156.0}].

48.715 2.208 156.0

48.715 2.208 156.0

If you then assign to the field latitude of the record x: x.latitude =

23.45; and then output the field latitude of y, you get 23.45 in the first
case, and 48.715 in the second. We say, in the first case, that the variables x
and y share the cell r3 . All changes of the cell associated with x automatically
change the cell associated with y, and vice versa.
68 4. Records

4.2.2 Equality

If a and b are two expressions of type Point, their value is a reference and
the expression a == b evaluates to true only when these two references are
identical. That is to say when a and b share the same cell. We call this type of
equality physical. So, the program
Point a = new Point(48.715,2.208,156.0);
Point b = new Point(48.715,2.208,156.0);
if (a == b) System.out.println("equal");
else System.out.println("different");
outputs different.
It is also possible to write a function that tests the structural equality of
two records, which checks the equality of their fields
static boolean equal (final Point x, final Point y) {
return (x.latitude == y.latitude)
&& (x.longitude == y.longitude)
&& (x.altitude == y.altitude);}
and the statement
if (equal(a,b)) System.out.println("equal");
else System.out.println("different");
outputs equal.

4.2.3 Wrapper Types

A wrapper is a type of record with one lone field. An example is the type
class Integer {
int c;

Integer (int x) {
this.c = x;}}
At first glance, the Integer type and the int type may seem redundant, be-
cause the record {c = 4} is not very different from the integer 4. And it is true
that the program
Integer x = new Integer(4);
Integer y = new Integer(x.c);
4.2 Sharing 69

x.c = 5;
can be rewritten as
int x = 4;
int y = x;
x = 5;
which produces the same result: both output the number 4.
However, if you replace the statement Integer y = new Integer(x.c);
with Integer y = x; instead of obtaining the state

you obtain the state

70 4. Records

and the program outputs 5, instead of 4.

More generally, instead of having a state in which a variable x is associated
with a reference r associated with a value, for example, 4

wrapper types allows you to have a state in which a variable x is associated

with a reference r, associated with a reference r’, which is itself associated
with the value 4.

This type of indirection allows several variables to share a single value.

In Caml and in C, this allows you to write functions with arguments that
are passed by reference, like the function swap that swaps the contents of its
arguments, and more generally, functions that modify their arguments.
4.2 Sharing 71

In Java, it is not possible to write a function that swaps the contents of two
arguments of type int. However, it is possible with arguments of type Integer.
static void swap (Integer x, Integer y) {
int z = x.c;
x.c = y.c;
y.c = z;}
and the program

public static void main (String [] args) {

a = new Integer(4);
b = new Integer(7);
System.out.println(a.c + " " + b.c);}

outputs 7 and 4.
Wrapper types allow you to simulate passing arguments by reference in
Indeed, when you call the function swap, you create the state
72 4. Records

and swapping the contents of x and y will also swap those of a and b.
If variables a, b, x and y are constant and of the type Integer, then the
state created is as follows
a x b y

4 7

and swapping the contents of x and y swaps those of a and b.

4.3 Caml 73

Exercise 4.2
In which state is the body of the function swap executed if a and b are
constant, but x and y are mutable? And if a and b are mutable, but x
and y are constant?
Exercise 4.3
What does the following program output, if you replace the function
swap with the function swap1 defined below?

static void swap1 (Integer x, Integer y) {

Integer z = x;
x = y;
y = z;}

4.3 Caml
We will now see constructs in Caml that allow you to define a type, allocate a
cell, read a field, and assign to a field.

4.3.1 Definition of a Record Type

In Caml, as in Java, you define a record type by defining the type and label of
each of its fields.
type point = {
latitude : float;
longitude : float;
altitude : float;}

4.3.2 Creating a Record

You create a value to assign to each of its fields {latitude = 90.0; longitude
= 0.0; altitude = 0.0;}. There is no new keyword, and the pair of braces
indicates that you want to allocate a cell.
The declaration let x = ref {latitude = 90.0; longitude = 0.0;
altitude = 0.0;} creates the state
74 4. Records

90.0 0.0 0.0

And, with a constant variable, the declaration let x = {latitude = 90.0;

longitude = 0.0; altitude = 0.0;} creates the state

90.0 0.0 0.0

A variable x of type point ref is always associated with a reference, which

itself is associated with a record in memory. There is no null value in Caml.

4.3.3 Accessing Fields

If the value of expression t is a reference r’ associated in memory with a record,

the value of expression t.l is the field l of this record.
In particular, when t is of the form !x where x is a mutable variable, its
value is m(e(x)) and so the value of expression (!x).latitude is the field
latitude of the record m(m(e(x))), like the value of the expression x.latitude
in Java. And when t is a constant variable x, its value is e(x) and so the value
of the expression x.latitude is the field latitude of the record m(e(x)) as in

4.3.4 Assigning to Fields

In Caml, all fields are constant by default, and you must indicate that they
should be mutable with the keyword mutable.
type int_wrap = {mutable c : int}
Mutable field assignment is written as x.c <- 4.
The function
4.3 Caml 75

let swap x y = let z = x.c in (x.c <- y.c; y.c <- z)

swaps the contents of two variables of type int_wrap. When you execute the
statement swap a b in the state composed of the environment [a = r, b =
r’] and the memory state [r = 4, r’ = 7]

a b

4 7

the values associated with variables x and y are the references r and r’ and
not the integers 4 and 7

a x b y

4 7

and so swapping the contents of x and y swaps the contents of a and b.

You can avoid using the construct ref by using a constant variable of a
wrapper type, like in Java. In fact, the type int ref of Caml is not primitive,
but is an abbreviation for a wrapper type like this one.
Exercise 4.4
What is the state created by the following declarations?

type point = {
mutable latitude : float;
mutable longitude : float;
mutable altitude : float;}

let x = {latitude = 48.715;

longitude = 2.208;
altitude = 156.0;}

and by the following declarations?

type point = {
76 4. Records

latitude : float ref;

longitude : float ref;
altitude : float ref;}

let x = {latitude = ref 48.715;

longitude = ref 2.208;
altitude = ref 156.0;}

Draw both of these states.

4.4 C
4.4.1 Definition of a Record Type

In C, we define a record type, called a structure, by defining the label and type
of each of its fields
struct Point {
double latitude;
double longitude;
double altitude;};

4.4.2 Creating a Record

Like in Java, a variable can be declared of type Point

struct Point x;
with the difference that the keyword struct must always be written before the
type name. It is also possible to avoid giving the type a name, and to apply the
type directly to the variable x as follows
struct {double latitude; double longitude; double altitude;} x;
It is also possible to give an initial value while declaring the variable
struct Point x = {90.0,0.0,0.0};
In contrast with Java, a single declaration creates a record with three fields.
There is therefore no equivalent to the new construct from Java. In C, creating
records does not allocate cells.
4.4 C 77

A variable of type Point can never have the value null. It directly asso-
ciates, in the environment, the variable x with a reference r and, in memory, the
reference r to the record {latitude = 90.0, longitude = 0.0, altitude =
0.0}. Therefore, there is one less level of indirection than is found in Java.

90.0 0.0 0.0

4.4.3 Accessing Fields

You can then access fields of the record

If the value of expression t is a record, the value of expression t.l is the field
l of this record. Specifically, when t is a variable x, its value is m(e(x)) and
so the value of expression x.latitude is the field latitude of record m(e(x))
and not m(m(e(x))) like in Java.

4.4.4 Assigning to Fields

You can then assign to a record’s field

x.latitude = 48.715;
x.longitude = 2.208;
x.altitude = 156.0;
When you define a function
void tropic (struct Point y) {
y.latitude = 23.45;}
and call it with the statement
the value of x is not a reference associated with a record in memory as it is
in Java and Caml, but the record itself and is recopied to the variable y at the
moment of the function call.
78 4. Records

x y

48.715 2.208 156.0 48.715 2.208 156.0

Thus, the program

int main () {
struct Point x = {90.0,0.0,0.0};
x.latitude = 48.715;
x.longitude = 2.208;
x.altitude = 156.0;
return 0;}
outputs 48.715 and not 23.45.
The use of a structure does not allow you to write functions with argument
passing by reference. For a function to take a record as an argument and modify
its fields, you must use the construct &, as in the case of an argument of a scalar
void tropic (struct Point* y) {
(*y).latitude = 23.45;}


The statement
struct Point x = {90.0,0.0,0.0};
struct Point* y = &x;
creates the state

y x

90.0 0.0 0.0

Records in Java correspond to references to records in C. While in Java you

would write t.l, in C you would write (*t).l.
4.5 Arrays 79

Exercise 4.5
What does the following program output?

struct Integer {
int c;};

void swap (struct Integer x, struct Integer y) {

int z = x.c;
x.c = y.c;
y.c = z;}

int main () {
struct Integer a = {4};
struct Integer b = {7};
return 0;}

4.5 Arrays
Programming languages allow you to also create tuples where the fields are not
named, but are identified by number. We call them arrays.
The fields of an array, in contrast to those of a record, are all of the same
type. The number of fields of an array is determined during the allocation of
the array, and not during the declaration of its type, as is the case with records.
This allows you to compute, during the execution of a program, an integer n and
to allocate an array of size n. It is also possible to compute, during execution
of a program, an integer k and to access the kth field of an array, or to assign
to it.
However, once an array is allocated, it is not possible to change its size. The
only way to accomplish this is to allocate a new array of a different size and to
copy the fields of the old one to the new one.

4.5.1 Array Types

In Java, an array with elements of type T is of type T [].

80 4. Records

4.5.2 Allocation of an Array

You can, for example, give the type int [] to a variable.

int [] t;
As with any variable declaration, this adds an ordered pair to the environ-
ment that associates a reference r to the variable t and an ordered pair to the
memory that associates a value with the reference r. If you declare this variable
without giving it a value, the value by default is null. In Java, the reference r
is never directly associated with an array of values in memory. The box r can
only contain null or another reference.
To associate an array with the variable t, you start by creating a box large
enough to contain several integers. This is done with the statement new
new int [10]
Evaluation of the expression new int [u], where u is an expression whose value
is an integer n, creates a new reference r’ and associates this reference with a
n-tuple containing the default values: 0 in this case. The fields are numbered
from 0 to n - 1.
The statement
t = new int [10];
associates the reference r’ with the reference r in memory. The environment is
then [t = r] and the memory state is [r = r’, r’ = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0]]. It is possible to declare a variable t with an initial value. Instead of writing
int [] t;
t = new int [10];
you can write
int [] t = new int [10];

4.5.3 Accessing and Assigning to Fields

If the value of the expression t is a reference associated in memory to an array

and the value of expression u is an integer k, the value of expression t[u] is
the value contained in the kth field of the array. Thus, the statement
outputs 0.
To assign to the kth field of an array, we use a new statement t[u] = v
where t is an expression whose value is a reference associated in memory with
4.5 Arrays 81

an array, u is an expression whose value is an integer k and v an expression of

the same type as the elements in the array. When you execute this statement,
the kth field of the array receives the value of expression v.
Thus, the program
int [] t = new int [10];
int k = 5;
t[k] = 4;
outputs 4.
Exercise 4.6
We can represent natural numbers of up to 110 digits by using an array
of digits, each digit being of type int.

1. Define addition, subtraction, multiplication, and euclidean division

for these numbers.
2. Knowing that
2 tan(x)
tan(2 x) =
1 − tan2 (x)
π tan(x) − 1
tan(x − )=
4 tan(x) + 1
we show that
1 π 1
tan(4 arctan( ) − ) = .
5 4 239
√ √
As 1
5 ≤ 2 − 1, we have arctan( 15 ) ≤ arctan( 2 − 1) = π
8 and so
π 1 π π
− < 4 arctan( ) − <
2 5 4 2
1 π 1
4 arctan( ) − = arctan( )
5 4 239
that is to say
1 1
π = 16 arctan( ) − 4 arctan( )
5 239

16(−1)i 4(−1)i
π= − .
52i+1 (2i + 1) i=0 2392i+1 (2i + 1)
This series, which converges much more rapidly than π = 4 arctan(1)
because the numbers 15 and 2391
are smaller than 1, was used in 1706
by John Machin to compute the first hundred decimal places of π.
82 4. Records


10104 16 20
10104 4
^ = 10−104 ( (−1)i 
π 2i+1
− (−1)i  2i+1
5 (2i + 1) i=0
239 (2i + 1)

where x is the floor of x. Show that

^ | ≤ 10−101 .
|π − π

Show that, if the 101st decimal place of π

^ is neither a 0 or 9, then
the first hundred decimal places of π and π^ are the same.
3. Write a Java program that computes π ^ . What is its 101st decimal
place? What are the first 100 decimal places of π?

4.5.4 Arrays of Arrays

In order to represent tuples indexed with ordered pairs or ordered triplets of in-
tegers, such as matrices, one possibility is to create an array whose elements are
themselves arrays. The element at index (i,j) of array t is written t[i][j].
Such an array has the type T [][].
Allocation of such an array is done with a single operation
int [][] t = new int [20][20];
Exercise 4.7
The game of life is a game invented by John Conway in 1970. On a
grid, you lay out creatures randomly. The population of these creatures
evolves from one state to the next based on the following rules.
– A creature survives if it has 2 or 3 neighbours in the 8 adjacent cells,
and it dies due to isolation or overpopulation otherwise.
– A creature is born in an empty cell if it has exactly 3 neighbours in
the 8 adjacent cells, and no creature is born in that cell otherwise.
For example, starting with the initial state
4.5 Arrays 83

the population evolves as follows

Write a program that implements the game of life, so you can observe
the development of a population of creatures.

4.5.5 Arrays in Caml

In Caml, an array with elements of type T is of the type T array. You allocate
an array with the expression Array.make u v where u is an expression whose
value is an integer n and v is an expression of type T. The array that is created
has size n and each field receives the value of expression v as its initial value.
If the value of expression t is a reference associated in memory with an
array and the value of expression u is an integer k, the value of the expression
Array.get t u is the value contained in the kth field of this array.
To assign to the kth field of an array, you use the new statement Array.set
t u v where t is an expression whose value is a reference associated in memory
with an array, u and an expression whose value is an integer k, and v is an
84 4. Records

expression of the same type as the elements of the array. When you execute
this statement, the kth field of the array receives the value of expression v.
So, the program
let t = Array.make 10 0
in let k = 5
in Array.set t k 4; print_int (Array.get t k)
outputs 4.

4.5.6 Arrays in C

In C, arrays, like records, are not allocated. Because of this fact, the size of an
array cannot be determined at the moment of its allocation, and is part of its
An array of size n whose elements are of type T are of type T[n]. You declare
a variable t of type T[n] as follows
T t [n];
For example
int t [10];
The size of an array is not necessarily constant, but can be any integer expres-
sion. The array created has size n and each field receives an unspecified initial
In C, as in Java and Caml, the value of the variable t is a reference asso-
ciated in memory with an array. The arrays are therefore somewhat different
from records. If the value of expression t is a reference associated in memory
with an array and the value of expression u is an integer k, the value of ex-
pression t[u] is the value contained in the kth field of this array. To assign
to the kth field of an array, you use a new statement t[u] = v where t is an
expression whose value is a reference associated in memory with an array, u is
an expression whose value is an integer k and v is an expression of the same
type as the elements in the array. When you execute this statement, the kth
field of the array receives the value of expression v. So, the program
int t [10];
int k = 5;
t[k] = 4;
outputs 4.
Dynamic Data Types

Records allow you to construct data types composed of several numbers or

characters. But all the values of a particular type of record must have the same
number of fields. It is not possible to define a record without knowing ahead of
time how many fields it will contain, like a polynomial, a string of characters,
a dictionary, or an address book.
You can represent these types of objects using arrays, but the size of an
array is determined during its allocation. Because of this, when you represent,
for example, large integers in an array, like in Exercise 4.6, you have to choose
the number of digits ahead of time.
In this chapter, we will see how to represent data where the size is restricted
only by the size of the computer’s memory, which is always finite. We call
dynamic data such composite data whose size is not known ahead of time, and
if the data is mutable, can change size during the execution of the program.

5.1 Recursive Records

5.1.1 Lists

In the previous chapter, we created a record type whose fields were of the
scalar type double. It is also possible to define a record type T whose fields
are themselves records, in particular the type T itself. For example, a triplet

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 85

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_5,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
86 5. Dynamic Data Types

of integers (a,b,c) can be defined as the pair (a,(b,c)), and more generally
a non-empty list of integers can be defined as an ordered pair composed of an
integer, the head of the list, and a shorter list, the tail of the list. Thus, the
type List is defined as follows
class List {
int hd;
List tl;}
The head of the list 1, 2, 3, 4, for example, is the integer 1. The tail of this
list is the list 2, 3, 4 — and not the integer 4.

5.1.2 The null Value

This definition is not complete, because if List is the type of lists, the cartesian
product int × List contains only non-empty lists. The type List is therefore
not the cartesian product int × List, but the disjoint union {empty}
× List).
However, since a value of the type List is either null or a reference asso-
ciated in memory with a record, the type List that we have defined is equal
to {null}
(int × List), so that the empty list and the value null get

5.1.3 An Example

Observe what happens when you execute the following program

List l;
l = new List();
l.hd = 4; = new List(); = 5; = null;
The declaration List l; associates the variable l with a reference r in
the environment, and associates the reference r with the default value null in
5.1 Recursive Records 87

then the statement l = new List(); allocates a cell r’, fills this cell with the
default values 0 and null, and assigns the reference r’ to the variable l

The statement l.hd = 4; assigns the value 4 to the field hd of the cell

The statement = new List(); allocates a new cell

4 0

Then, the last two statements assign to the fields of this cell
88 5. Dynamic Data Types

4 5

You can also define a constructor in the declaration of type List

List (final int x, final List y) {this.hd = x; = y;}
and write this program more concisely
List l = new List(4,new List(5,null));
Thus, it seems that this recursive definition defines a type whose elements
are lists of integers.
Exercise 5.1
Write a function that computes the sum of the elements of a list of

5.1.4 Recursive Definitions and Fixed Point Equations

In the previous section we have ‘defined’ the type List, as List = {null}

(int × List). The fact that List appears on the right side of the = sign
means that its definition is recursive. Again, recursive definitions appear to be
circular, and one way to avoid this circularity is to read the proposition List
= {null}
(int × List), not as a definition, but as an equation. The type
List is therefore defined as the solution to the equation List = {null}

(int × List). This calls into question the existence and the uniqueness of
this solution.
To construct a solution we proceed, as was the case with recursive functions,
by successive approximations, by defining the set Li of values of type List that
we can construct in at most i steps.
L0 = ∅
L1 = {null}
(int × L0 ) = {null}
L2 = {null}
(int × L1 )
L3 = {null}
(int × L2 )
Then, we define the type List as the limit of this sequence

List = i Li
5.1 Recursive Records 89

The value null is essential to this process. The same construction with the
equation List = int × List gives an empty type.
Note that the type created this way is not a unique solution to the equation
List = {null}
(int × List). The set of all the finite or infinite sequences
is also a solution. But the solution created above is the smallest set that is a
solution to this equation.
More generally, if you consider a set E, a family of sets A1 , ..., An and a
family of functions f1 , ..., fn such that fi is an injective function mapping
Ai × Emi to E and the images of fi are disjoint, you can construct the small-
est subset of E closed by the functions fi . This allows you to understand all
recursive type definitions.
Among these recursive types, some have only one recursive field and others
have several. We call types with one recursive field list types, regardless of the
number of non-recursive fields. We call types with several recursive fields tree

5.1.5 Infinite Values

The type List is a solution to the equation List = {null}

(int × List),
but it is not exactly the smallest solution to this equation. Indeed, this type
contains values that cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps. For
example, the program
List l = new List();
l.hd = 4; = l;
creates the list

that is, the list 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... which is not really finite.

If u and v are two finite or infinite lists, we say that v is a sub-list of u if
and only if there exists an integer n such that v is obtained by erasing the n
first terms of u, that is, if for all i, i is in the domain of v if and only if i + n
is in the domain of u and vi = ui+n .
90 5. Dynamic Data Types

A list is called regular if it has a finite number of sub-lists. For example, the
list 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... is regular, as is the list 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5,
4, 5, ... or the list 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, .... but
the list 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, ... is not. It isn’t diffi-
cult to show that a list is regular if it is either finite, or infinite but ultimately
periodic, and that a list of digits of a real number is regular if this number
is rational. We can show that the set of regular lists is also a solution to the
equation List = {null}
(int × List). It is this set, and not the set of
finite lists, that the declaration of the type List defines. The minimal number
of cells for constructing a list is the number of its distinct sub-lists.
This notion of regular lists can be generalised to any recursive type, and we
can show that the values of such a type are regular.
Some programmers choose to never create infinite objects. Some program-
ming languages do not even allow the creation of such objects. For example, if
you add to Java the binary constructor for lists, you cannot construct infinite
lists, because in an expression new List(x,l); the object l must already be
It is important to know which convention is in use: allowing or prohibiting
the construction of infinite objects, because the function
static int sum (final List l) {
if (l == null) return 0;
return l.hd + sum(;}
terminates properly if you apply it to finite lists, but enters an infinite loop if
you try to apply it to infinite lists.
Exercise 5.2
Write a function that tests whether a regular list is finite or infinite.

5.2 Disjunctive Types

Often, we want to define a type, not as a cartesian product, but as a disjoint
union of cartesian products. For example, as we have seen, the type List is
defined, not as the cartesian product int × List, but as the disjointed union
of the singleton {null} and this cartesian product. Such a type is called a
disjunctive type.
Another example is that of arithmetical expressions. An arithmetical ex-
pression is either a constant, for example 3, or a variable, for example x, or
the sum of two arithmetical expressions, for example y + 3 or x + (y + 3),
or the product of two arithmetical expressions, for example, x × (y + 3).
5.2 Disjunctive Types 91

Based on this fact, we define the type Expr by

Expr = int
(Expr × Expr)
(Expr × Expr)
When a type can be defined, possibly recursively, as a disjoint union of a
singleton and a cartesian product, we identify the singleton element with the
value null. This method works, for example, with lists, or binary trees Tree
= {leaf}
(Tree × Tree) but not for the type of arithmetical expressions.
Another solution is to place the type inside a larger type that contains
a field called the selector field that you can, for example, name select and
that indicates the case in which we find ourselves: constant, variable, sum, or
product. And we add enough fields to cover all these cases. In the example of
arithmetical expressions, it requires a field of type int that is used in the case
where the expression is a constant, a field of type String that is used in the
case where the expression is a variable, and two fields of type Expr that are
used in the cases where the expression is a sum or a product. This brings us to
the following definition.
class Expr {
int select;
int val;
String var;
Expr arg1;
Expr arg2;}
When the value of the selector field is 0, that is, the expression is a constant,
we fill in the extra fields, var, arg1 and arg2 with ‘dummy’ values, for example
"", null and null. Note that it is important that these values exist, that is to
say that the corresponding types are not empty. In particular, the type Expr
must not be empty. In Java, all record types are non-empty as they contain the
value null.
Exercise 5.3
1. Write a function that takes an arithmetical expression, and outputs
it in traditional mathematical notation, with parentheses.
2. Modify this function to eliminate unnecessary parentheses.
Exercise 5.4
Write a function that takes an arithmetical expression and a variable as
arguments and computes the derivative of this expression with respect
to this variable.
Exercise 5.5
Write a function that takes an arithmetical expression as an argument,
and simplifies it using the following simplification rules.
92 5. Dynamic Data Types

e + 0 −→ e
0 + e −→ e
e × 0 −→ 0
0 × e −→ 0
e × 1 −→ e
1 × e −→ e

Exercise 5.6
Write a function that tests the equality of two arithmetical expressions.

Exercise 5.7
Define a type for large integers, represented as a list of digits, each digit
being of type int. Program the four basic operations for these integers.

5.3 Dynamic Data Types and Computability

We have defined, in Exercise 1.12, the notion of a computable function by
imagining a fictional type that can contain an integer of arbitrary size. Large
integers, defined as lists — and not as arrays — of digits, comes close to this, as
their size is only bounded by the size of the memory of the computer in which
the program executes. We can show that for a given program and given data,
there always exists a certain size of memory sufficient to execute this program
using this data.
Adding other dynamic data types does not allow you to compute more
functions. This is due to the fact that using a bijection between N and N2 , it is,
in theory, possible to encode any dynamic data as a large integer. Said another
way, having either large integers or having all dynamic data types is equivalent
from the point of view of computability.

5.4 Caml
In Caml, you can define a recursive record type, for example
type list = {hd : int; tl : list;}
However, as there is no null value, the smallest solution of this definition
is empty. Thus these types contain only infinite values.
5.4 Caml 93

We must therefore specify the disjoint union between the singleton {empty}
and the cartesian product int × list explicitely. A solution is to use a selector
type list = {select : bool; hd : int; tl : list;}
but a default value for the type list is required in the case of the empty list,
and again, there is no null value in Caml. The only solution would be to use
an infinite default value, which would not be very elegant.
To solve this problem, Caml has a primitive construct that allows the con-
struction of disjoint unions of cartesian products. The disjoint union of the
types T11 × ... × T1n1 , ..., Tp1 × ... × Tpnp is defined by
type T = C1 of T11 * ... * T1n1 | ... | Cp of Tp1 * ... * Tpnp
where C1 , ..., Cp are constants that replace the selector field values, and that are
called constructors, although they have little to do with constructors in Java.
For example, the disjoint union of a singleton — empty cartesian product —
and of the cartesian product int × list is defined below

type list = Nil | Cons of int * list

let l = Cons (5,Cons (4,Nil))

in print_list l


Cons 5

94 5. Dynamic Data Types

5.5 C
In Java, the value of an expression of a record type is a reference associated in
memory with a record. In C, in comparison, the value of such an expression is
the record itself. Because of this, in C, there is no value null and a recursive
record type like
struct List {
int hd;
struct List tl;};
is empty, as a value of this type would contain a field hd and a field tl that
would itself contain a field hd and a field tl, ... The definition of such a type
is thus prohibited in C.
The solution to define a type of lists is, as in Java, that the value of the
record’s second field is, not a record, but a reference associated in memory with
a record. But what is implicit in Java must be explicitly stated in C.
struct List {
int hd;
struct List* tl;};
In Java, the contents of the field tl can be either null, or a reference. In
C, it is always a reference, but there is a special reference called NULL that can
never be associated in memory and that plays the same role as null in Java.
However, this NULL construct is not part of the fragment of the language that
handles records, but is part of the fragment that handles references, like the
constructs &, *, ... We can therefore construct the following singleton list
struct List l = {3,NULL};
Note that the state constructed in C is

and not as in Java

5.5 C 95

To construct a list of two elements

3 4

it is necessary to be able to create a cell. For this, there is a counterpart to the

new statement in Java, but that is, once again, independent of records.
To allocate a cell, in C, we use the function malloc. And we create the
above list as follows
struct List l;
l.hd = 3; = (struct List *) malloc (sizeof(struct List));
(*( = 4;
(*( = NULL;
It is more uniform to put the first element of a list in its own cell. This results
in the following state

3 4

in which the variable l is, not of type List, but of type List*.
struct List* l;
l = (struct List *) malloc (sizeof(struct List));
(*l).hd = 3;
96 5. Dynamic Data Types

(*l).tl = (struct List *) malloc (sizeof(struct List));

(*((*l).tl)).hd = 4;
(*((*l).tl)).tl = NULL;
The List type of Java corresponds, not to the type List, but to the type
List* of C.

5.6 Garbage Collection

5.6.1 Inaccessible Cells

In the state composed of the environment e = [x = r1 , y = r4 ] and of the

memory state m = [r1 = r2 , r2 = {hd = 1, tl = r3 }, r3 = {hd = 2, tl
= null}, r4 = r5 , r5 = {hd = 3, tl = r6 }, r6 = {hd = 4, tl = null}]

1 2

3 4

when you execute the statement y = null;, we associate the value null with
the reference r4 . The memory state now becomes m’ = [r1 = r2 , r2 = {hd =
1, tl = r3 }, r3 = {hd = 2, tl = null}, r4 = null, r5 = {hd = 3, tl
= r6 }, r6 = {hd = 4, tl = null}]
5.6 Garbage Collection 97

1 2

3 4

The reference r5 is not associated with a variable in the environment, and it is

not used by any value in memory. It can be removed from memory, which results
in m” = [r1 = r2 , r2 = {hd = 1, tl = r3 }, r3 = {hd = 2, tl = null},
r4 = null, r6 = {hd = 4, tl = null}]

1 2

It is then the reference r6 that can be removed from memory that becomes
m”’ = [r1 = r2 , r2 = {hd = 1, tl = r3 }, r3 = {hd = 2, tl = null},
r4 = null]
98 5. Dynamic Data Types

1 2

It’s not very hard to show that the presence or the absence of these two
cells in memory has no observable effect. That is, the execution of any program
will produce the same results whether these cells are present in memory or not,
with the condition that the set of references is infinite.
Each of these cells occupy a certain number of elements in the physical
memory of the computer on which the programme is run, that is always finite,
and we may want to remove them to economise this memory space: if we did
not recycle the physical memory of the computer, we would quickly run out of
Some languages, like Java and Caml, have an automated system of collecting
these cells: garbage collection (GC).

5.6.2 Programming without Garbage Collection

Other older languages, like C, do not have garbage collection. The memory
must therefore be managed by hand. This requires the addition of the references
r5 and r6 to a list of free cells before issuing the statement y = NULL;.
5.6 Garbage Collection 99

1 2

3 4


Then, each time you require a new cell, instead of allocating systematically, you
can test the free list first to see if it contains a cell, and if it does, you can
recycle it.
When we free a cell, care must be taken that the cell is not still accessible
because it was previously shared. If we execute the statement y = NULL; in
the state e = [x = r1 ,y = r4 ], m = [r1 = r2 , r2 = {hd = 1, tl = r3 },
r3 = {hd = 2, tl = NULL}, r4 = r5 , r5 = {hd = 3, tl = r3 }]

1 2

we obtain the state

100 5. Dynamic Data Types

1 2

in which we can free the cell r5 but not the cell r3 , which appears not only in
the pair associated with the reference r5 but also in the pair associated with the
reference r2 .
This requires that information about the number of times that the reference
r3 is used in memory be available in the cell r3 . Therefore, we add to each
cell a field that contains an integer indicating the number of occurrences of
this cell in the memory and the environment. This field is called a reference
counter. In the above example, the reference counter of the cell r5 is 1 and the
reference counter of the cell r3 is 2. Before executing the statement y = NULL;
we decrement the reference counter of r5 which becomes 0, which means that
the cell can be collected. Collecting this cell decrements the reference counter of
r3 which becomes 1, but this cell is not collected.
The C language contains a statement free that manages a list of free cells
automatically, but the decision to free a cell or not is always up to the program-

5.6.3 Global Methods of Memory Management

In some languages, like Java and Caml, garbage collection is automatic, and
the programmer does not have to worry about it. Local methods, like using a
reference counter, were used by early languages as a means of managing the
memory, but they have been replaced by global methods, like using a marking.
At some point, the execution of the program stops and all its accessible
references in the environment are recursively marked with a star
5.6 Garbage Collection 101

* * *

1 2

3 4

then the physical memory of the computer is scanned, all the non-marked cells
are collected and the execution of the program resumes.
An advantage of these global methods is that they only require the addition
of a boolean to each cell, and not the addition of an integer for reference
counting. Also, they allow you to free more cells when using infinite values. For
instance, in the following state

* * *

1 2

3 4

only one cell is collected using a reference counter, but two are with the markup
102 5. Dynamic Data Types

5.6.4 Garbage Collection and Functions

Garbage collection has a subtle interaction with function calls. Indeed, when
you start the garbage collection during the execution of a function, it is pos-
sible that some variables are not in the current environment but will return
to the environment when the function returns. This typically occurs with local
variables of the main program.
The initial set of references to mark is not only the set of references acces-
sible in the current environment, but the set of accessible references of all the
environments of functions in which you may return after finishing execution of
the current function.
Programming with Lists

6.1 Finite Sets and Functions of a Finite Domain

6.1.1 Membership

Imagine that all the libraries in a city or a country decide to consolidate their
catalogs together and write a program that allows you to know which book is
in which library, allowing for inter-library loans.
The users of this program have the option of asking whether a certain book
is in a certain library or not. For this, a function must be written that takes a
character string s and a list of character strings b as arguments, and returns
the boolean value true or false depending on whether the string s appears in
the list b or not.
This function can be written as follows
static boolean mem (String s, List b) {
if (b == null) return false;
if (equal(s,b.hd)) return true;
return mem(s,;}
Then, you can define a list
List b = new List("Discourse on the Method",
new List("Critique of Pure Reason",
new List("Principles of Programming Languages",

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 103

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_6,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
104 6. Programming with Lists

and use the function

System.out.println(mem("Discourse on the Method",b));
The program would then output true.
The function mem above is recursive. It is also possible to use a while loop
static boolean mem (String s, List b) {
while (b != null) {if (equal(s,b.hd)) return true; b =;}
return false;}
Exercise 6.1
How many operations occur when searching an element in a list? How
many operations occur when adding a new element to a list? How many
operations occur when removing an element from a list?
Exercise 6.2
A multiset is a set in which an element can appear more than once. It is
thus formally a function that maps a set to the set of natural numbers,
which associates each element with its multiplicity. We can represent
finite multisets as lists, allowing repetition.
Write a function that takes two lists as arguments and computes the
cardinality of the intersection of the two multisets represented by these
Write a function that takes two lists as arguments and computes the
number of elements that appear in the same place in both lists.
Write a program that plays Mastermind. The computer creates a list of
n randomly chosen pegs from p colours. For each turn, the computer asks
the user to enter a list of the same format. The computer then outputs
the number of pegs in the correct position, and the number of correct
pegs in an incorrect position.

6.1.2 Association Lists

An association list is a list of pairs that is functional, meaning that for each k,
there exists at most one element v such that the pair (k,v) appears in the list.
The first element of a pair in the list is called a key and the second is called a
value. Association lists are a means of representing functions of a finite domain,
like dictionaries.
6.2 Concatenation: Modify or Copy 105

Exercise 6.3
Write a function that searches for a key in an association list and returns
the value associated with this key.
Write a function that updates an association list, so that the value as-
sociated with a key is updated if it already exists, and is added if not.

6.2 Concatenation: Modify or Copy

6.2.1 Modify

Imagine that two libraries decided to merge. To create the new library’s catalog,
a new list must be created that contains the elements from both libraries. This
operation, which begins with two lists x1 , ..., xn and y1 , ..., yp , creates
the list x1 , ..., xn , y1 , ..., yp is called concatenation. To simplify our
diagrams, we will consider lists of characters instead of lists of character strings.
Concatenation can be programmed as follows
static List append (List x, List y) {
if (x == null) return y;
List p = x;
while ( != null) p =; = y;
return x;}
If you define two lists
List b = new List(’a’,new List(’p’,new List(’p’, null)));
List c = new List(’e’,new List(’n’,new List(’d’, null)));
and you output their concatenation
you obtain the list
a p p e n d
Indeed, in the case where the list x is not empty, the statement p = x;
starts by putting the first element of the list x in the variable p
106 6. Programming with Lists

b p

a p p

e n d

Then the statement while ( != null) p =; shifts this reference
in such a way that the variable p contains the last cell in the list
6.2 Concatenation: Modify or Copy 107

b p

a p p

e n d

Then, the statement = y; replaces the field tl of this cell by the first
cell in the list y
108 6. Programming with Lists

b p

a p p

e n d

And finally the statement return x; returns the first cell of the list x. The
value returned by the function is then the first cell of a list whose elements are
a p p e n d.
However, this function is not perfect, because if, after the computation, you
output the list b and the list c you obtain e n d for the list c but a p p e n
d and not a p p for the list b. As you can see in the figure, the variable b also
contains the first cell of a list whose elements are a p p e n d.
In addition, the result of this function is not the concatenation of its two
arguments when both lists have elements in common. When you concatenate
b and b for example, you place the first cell of the list b in the field tl of the
last cell of this list and you construct an infinite list. The statement
a p p a p p a p p a p p ...
6.2 Concatenation: Modify or Copy 109

Thus, this function has the benefit of not allocating extra cells, which is
desirable when the lists are very long, but at the expense of modifying its
arguments, and not being correct when its arguments share cells.
Exercise 6.4
How many distinct sublists does the list a b c have? What about the
list a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c ...? And the list a b c a b c?
Show that if f is an arbitrary function that does not allocate memory,
and that l is the list a b c then f(l,l) cannot return the list a b c a
b c.

6.2.2 Copy

An alternative is the following function

static List append (List x, List y) {
if (x == null) return y;
else {
List p = x;
List q = new List(x.hd,null);
List r = q;
while ( != null)
{ = new List(,null); q =;p =;} = y;
return r;}}
In this case, we copy the list x to a list r, and we put the first cell of the list y
in the tl field of the last element of list r. This results in the following
110 6. Programming with Lists

b p

a p p

a p p

e n d

and the variable b keeps the value a p p. The advantage of this function is
that it does not alter its arguments and that it can be applied to any two lists,
even if they have elements in common. However, it does this with the added
6.2 Concatenation: Modify or Copy 111

expense of having to create a copy of its first argument.

Exercise 6.5
What happens to the diagrams above when the elements of the list are
not of a scalar type, but of a composite type, like a character string?

6.2.3 Using Recursion

Instead of using a while loop, you can program concatenation by copying its
first argument recursively
static List append (List x, List y) {
if (x == null) return y;
return new List(x.hd, append(,y));}
In this case, assignment is not used and the function is written in the functional
core of Java.

6.2.4 Chemical Reactions and Mathematical Functions

The choice between these different methods of programming concatenation il-

lustrates a decision that frequently presents itself when writing programs: modi-
fying the data or copying it. This difference is similar to that between a chemical
reaction and a mathematical function. In mathematics, if we state that x = 32
and then apply the function y → y + 1 to x, we obtain the result 33, but the
variable x retains the value 32, so that we can later apply the function y →
2 × y to x and obtain the result 64. We can also apply the + function to the
variables x and x. The variable x is a cornucopia of 32’s.
In chemistry, in contrast, when a molecule of oxygen and two molecules
of hydrogen react to form two molecules of water, the oxygen and hydrogen
molecules are consumed by the reaction and cannot be reused for another reac-
tion. In addition, the hydrogen molecules must be distinct: a molecule cannot
react with itself. Nothing is lost, and nothing is created, and there are no cor-
When we work with a small amount of data, it is always preferable to copy
it. This allows you to treat the function append as a mathematical function
and to avoid having to worry about whether or not the data has been altered
by another function. In contrast, when working with large amounts of data,
copying the data becomes unfeasible. For example, when updating a database,
you must accept that the state of the database will change and that the old
state will be lost.
112 6. Programming with Lists

Exercise 6.6
Program a function that removes an element from a list, by copying its
argument. Create another function that does the same, but by modifying
its argument.
Exercise 6.7 (Sieve of Eratosthenes)
Consider lists of pairs formed of an integer and a boolean that indicates
whether this integer is marked or not.
1. Write a function that marks all the elements in positions that are
non-trivial multiples of an integer n in a list l.
2. Write a function that returns the list of integers between 2 ... 1000
none of them being marked.
3. Write a function that returns the list of prime numbers below 1000.
Exercise 6.8
If T is a type that can be mathematically ordered, such as integers, we
say that a list of elements of type T is ordered if each element of this list
is of lesser value than the next.
1. Write a function that tests whether a list is ordered or not
2. Write two functions that insert an element to and remove an element
from an ordered list.
Exercise 6.9
A polynomial can be represented by a functional list of pairs composed
of an exponent and a coefficient, ordered by increasing exponent. Write
a function that computes the sum of two polynomials.

6.3 List Inversion: an Extra Argument

The inverse of a list x1 , ..., xn is xn , ..., x1 . You can program a function
that reverses a list quite easily using recursion, since, if the list l is non-empty,
its inverse is obtained by adding l.hd to the end of the inverse of
static List reverse (final List x) {
if (x == null) return null;
return add(reverse(,x.hd);}
where the function add is defined by
6.3 List Inversion: an Extra Argument 113

static List add (final List x, final int y) {

if (x == null) return new List(y,null);
return new List(x.hd,add(,y));}
To add an element to the end of a list of n elements, the function add must
complete a number of operations linear in n. To reverse a list of n elements, the
function reverse requires a number of operations linear in 1 + 2 + ... + n,
which is asymptotically equivalent to k n2 , for some non zero constant k.
The time complexity, or simply complexity, of a program is the number
of operations that a particular program executes, as a function of the size of
its given data. In the case of the reverse function, the number of operations
depends only on the size n of the list to reverse. In other cases, the number of
operations required may be dependent on other factors. We distinguish these
two types of complexity: the worst case complexity, which is a function that
maps n to the maximum number of operations the program requires for data
of size n, and the average complexity, which is the function that maps n to the
mean number of operations the program requires for all possible types of data
of size n.
The complexity of the reverse function is asymptotically equivalent to k
n2 , for some non zero constant k, and we say that this function’s complexity is
quadratic with respect to the size of the list.
However, we know that it is possible to reverse the order of a deck of cards
in linear time

since, in n operations, we can move each card from the pile on the left to the
pile on the right. At the end, the card on top of the pile on the left will be on
the bottom of the pile on the right.
This method is linear because we have two places to store cards: the left
pile and the right pile. To write a function reverse that is linear, we must use
the same idea, by writing a function revappend with two arguments x and y
— analogous to the left hand pile and the right hand pile — that computes the
concatenation of the inverse of x with y
static List revappend (final List x, final List y) {
if (x == null) return y;
return revappend(,new List(x.hd,y));}

static List reverse (final List x) {

return revappend(x,null);}
114 6. Programming with Lists

Exercise 6.10
Write a function reverse that modifies its arguments and does not al-
locate memory.
Exercise 6.11 (The Cartesian Product of a Family of Sets)
Consider a list l0 , l1 , l2 , ... such that each li is itself a list. Print
all the lists that can be obtained by taking an element in l0 , an element
in l1 , ...

6.4 Lists and Arrays

We have seen that a list, like an array, is a tuple of objects of the same type.
Each time you want to use a tuple of objects in a program, you can choose to
use a list or an array.
An advantage of an array is that it allows you to directly access its data:
accessing the nth element of an array occurs in constant time, if n is of a scalar
type like int and a time proportional to the number of digits of n, that is of
the logarithm of n, if we replace this scalar type with a type of large integers
— which is required to conceptualise n tending towards infinity. Accessing the
nth elements of a list, in contrast, occurs in linear time with respect to n.
The advantage of a list is that its size does not need to be known in advance,
and lists used with recursively defined functions that copy their arguments allow
you to use the functional core of the language in question. Data is therefore
never altered. It can be used any number of times. And functions resemble
mathematical functions: they take an object as an argument, return another
object, and do not alter any object already in existence.
Put more simply, we can say that lists allow for simpler programs, but
arrays allow for more efficient ones.

6.5 Stacks and Queues

In mathematics, equipping the same set with different operations produces
different structures. Likewise, with programming languages, lists, stacks and
queues are three structures which are composed of similar elements, but whose
operations are different. The operations on lists are
1. Creating an empty list,
6.5 Stacks and Queues 115

2. Testing to see if a list is empty,

3. Creating a list whose head is the object x and whose tail is the list l,
4. Accessing the head of a list,
5. Accessing the tail of a list,
6. Modifying the head of a list,
7. Modifying the tail of a list.

6.5.1 Stacks

The operations on stacks are

1. Creating an empty stack,

2. Testing to see if a stack is empty,
3. Adding — pushing — an element onto the stack,
4. Accessing the top element on the stack,
5. Removing — popping — the top element off the stack.

The first element of a stack is called the top and not the head of the stack,
since it can be thought of as a vertical pile, like a stack of plates. The operation
that removes the top element can be thought of as returning the tail of a list,
but the difference is that the statement l2 =; does not modify the list
l1, while the statement pop(p);, which removes the top of the stack p, modifies
that stack.
Because this statement modifies its argument, it is necessary to represent a
stack, not as a list, but as a list inside a wrapper
class List {
int hd;
List tl;

List (final int x, final List y) {this.hd = x; = y;}}

class Stack {
List c;

Stack (final List x) {this.c = x;}}

And we program the five operations above as follows
116 6. Programming with Lists

static Stack empty () {

return new Stack(null);}

static boolean testempty (final Stack l) {

return l.c == null;}

static void push (final int a, final Stack l) {

l.c = new List(a,l.c);}

static void pop (final Stack l) {

l.c =;}

static int top (final Stack l) {

return l.c.hd;}
We can then use these operations, for example in the following program
public static void main (String [] args) {
Stack p = empty ();
which outputs 5, false, and 4.
Exercise 6.12
The postfix notation is a notation for arithmetical expressions in which
you write 3 4 + instead of writing 3 + 4: you write the two arguments
of a function before the function itself. An advantage of this notation
is that it does not require parentheses. For example, the expression (3
+ 4) + 5 is written 3 4 + 5 +, while the expression 3 + (4 + 5) is
written 3 4 5 + +.
1. How would you write the expression 3 + (4 + (5 + (6 + (7 + (8
+ 9))))) using postfix notation?
2. Consider the expression 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + + + + + + as a list of
elements, thirteen in this case, such that each element is either a
constant or the symbol of a mathematical operation. Define a type
for these postfix arithmetical expressions.
6.5 Stacks and Queues 117

3. We evaluate a postfix arithmetical expression using a stack. We read

the elements of the expression from left to right. When we read a
constant, we add it to the top of the stack. When we read an operator
symbol, we pop the top of the stack twice, and add to the stack a
new element that is the result of applying the operation to the two
popped numbers. Show that reading a complete expression adds to
the stack a unique element that is the value of this expression.
4. Program in Java a function that reads a postfix expression and com-
putes its value.
Exercise 6.13 (Eliminating Recursion)
A recursive program can always be transformed into a non-recursive
one by using a stack. As an example, we will transform the program of
Exercise 3.5, which solves the Towers of Hanoi, into a program that does
not use recursion.
To move a group of k disks from column x to column y, we start by
moving k - 1 disks of column x towards column m, and 1 disk of column
x towards column y and finally k - 1 disks from column m towards
column y, where m is the column different from x and y. This can be
programmed recursively

static void h (final int x, final int y, final int k) {

if (k == 1) System.out.print(x + " -> " + y + " ");
else {int m = 6 - (x + y);
h(x,m,k - 1);
h(m,y,k - 1);}}

An alternative to using recursion is to use a stack that contains the set

of movements of groups of disks waiting to be executed. Each movement
is described by a triplet of integers composed of the origin of the group,
its destination, and the number of disks in the group.
As long as the stack is not empty, we examine its top. If it describes the
movement of a group composed of a single disk, we output the movement
of this disk and we remove the top of the stack. If it contains a movement
of a group composed of k disks, we replace it with three descriptions of
movements of smaller groups.
Write a program that solves the Tower of Hanoi without using recursion.
118 6. Programming with Lists

Exercise 6.14
We consider a list of characters in the set ’(’, ’)’, ’[’, ’]’. The set
of well formatted lists is the smallest set such that
– the empty list is well formatted,
– if l is well formatted then so are (l) and [l],
– if l1 and l2 are well formatted then so is l1 l2 .
For example, the list ([[()]()][]) is well formatted, but the list
([[()](]][]) is not.
Write a function that indicates whether or not a list of characters is well
formatted of not.
For once, it is easier to use a stack than recursion.

6.5.2 Queues

The operations on queues are

1. Creating an empty queue,
2. Testing to see if a queue is empty or not,
3. Adding an element to the end of a queue,
4. Accessing to an element from the front of the queue,
5. Removing an element from the front of the queue.
The only difference between a stack and queue is that we add elements to
the end of a queue while we add elements to the beginning of a stack: queues
are first come, first serve. Queues are also sometimes called fifo: first in, first
Exercise 6.15
Program the above operations by using an wrapper containing a list to
represent queues. What is the time complexity of adding an element?
Exercise 6.16
To make the operation that adds an element faster, we can represent a
queue for which we know ahead of time the maximum size max by an
array of size max. The elements of a queue of size n are placed in the i
% max cell, (i + 1) % max, ... (i + n - 1) % max for an integer i.
Program the above operations for this data structure.
6.5 Stacks and Queues 119

Exercise 6.17
To make the operation that adds an element faster, we can also represent
a queue by two lists. The pair composed of the lists l1 , ..., lp and
m1 , ..., mq represents the queue l1 , ..., lp , mq , ..., m1 .
Program the above operations for this data structure.
What is the time complexity for the operation that accesses the first
element in the best case? In the worst case? In the average case?

6.5.3 Priority Queues

In a hospital’s emergency room, a first come, first serve policy is not always
optimal. A better solution is to assign each patient a priority level and to serve
the patients with a higher priority first.
The operations on priority queues are
1. Creating an empty queue,
2. Testing to see if the queue is empty or not,
3. Adding an element to a queue,
4. Accessing to the next element with the highest priority,
5. Removing the next element with the highest priority.
Exercise 6.18
Program the operations above by representing a priority queue with a
list and by adding new elements to the head.
What is the time complexity of the operation that adds an element to
the queue? And that of the operation that reads the element with the
highest priority?
And what if we represent a priority queue with a list ordered by decreas-
ing priority?

7.1 Exceptional Circumstances

We have seen that when we represent a finite set with a list, in order to test
the membership of an element in the set, we use a function called mem such
that the value of the expression mem(x,l) is either true or false depending
on whether the element x appears in the list or not.
Similarly, when we represent a function of a finite domain with an associa-
tion list, to obtain the element associated with a key, we use a function called
assoc such that the value of the expression assoc(x,l) is the value associated
with the key x in the list l. But what should the function assoc return when
the key x is not in the list l? There are several possible solutions.
– We can return a default value. If possible, this default value should be disjoint
from the image of the function, and is typically -1.
– We can return a pair composed of a boolean indicating if the key is in the
domain of the function and a value that is the value associated with that key
when the boolean is equal to true and a default value when it is equal to
– We can return an element of a disjunctive type, the disjoint union of a sin-
gleton and of the type of values.
– We can decide to never use the function assoc when the key does not exist
in the list. To do this, we can write a function called domain that returns a

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 121

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_7,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
122 7. Exceptions

boolean indicating whether or not a key is in the domain of the function and
we always use the domain function before using the assoc function.
Each of these solutions has shortcomings: the first solution uses a value
to symbolise the absence of a value, which is somewhat ambiguous and not
immediately clear. The second and third cause the assoc function to have a
more complex type. And the last solution requires the association list to be
traversed twice.

7.2 Exceptions
An alternative solution is to use a construct called an exception. We could use
an exception in the assoc function as follows
static int assoc (final int x, final List l) throws Exception {
if (l == null) throw new Exception();
if (x == l.key) return l.val;
return assoc(x,;}
This function is a partial function that returns the value associated with the
key x in the list l when this value exists and that fails otherwise. In this
case, we say that the function raises an exception. The statement to raise an
exception is throw e; where e is a value of type Exception. The simplest
method of creating a value of type Exception is to use the new construct: new
The fact that the function assoc can raise an exception must be declared by
adding throws Exception between the list of arguments and the body of the
function. Care must be taken to not confuse the keyword throw, used to throw
an exception, and the keyword throws, used to indicate that an exception can
be thrown.

7.3 Catching Exceptions

When we call a function that can raise an exception, we can specify what we
would like to happen when this function raises an exception. This is done with
the construct try p catch (Exception e) q;, for example
try {System.out.println(assoc(x,l));}
catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("Not in the list");}
7.4 The Propagation of Exceptions 123

When we execute such a statement, we start by executing the statement

p. If the execution of this statement raises an exception, then execution of the
statement p is interrupted and the statement q is executed. Thus, if x is a key
of l, we output the value associated with this key, and if this isn’t the case, we
output the character string "Not in the list".
In this example, all the exceptions cause the instruction
System.out.println("Not in the list"); to be executed. It is also pos-
sible, in Java, to define different exceptions and to execute this statement only
when one particular exception is raised.
In a sequence of statements {p1 p2 }, if the statement p1 raises an exception,
then the statement p2 is not executed. From this point of view, the statement
throw resembles the statement return quite a bit.

7.4 The Propagation of Exceptions

We can use the function assoc to write a function called assocplus that returns
the value associated with a key in the list, plus 1. Since we are using the function
assoc, we must specify what will happen when the function assoc raises an
exception. We can, for example, decide that the function assocplus itself raises
an exception in this case.

static int assocplus

(final int x, final List l) throws Exception {
try {return assoc(x,l) + 1;}
catch (Exception e) {throw e;}}

However, it isn’t necessary to be this explicit, since if in the function g, we

use the function f that can raise an exception, without using a try block, then
when f raises an exception, g raises an exception as well. Thus, the function
assocplus can be rewritten more simply as
static int assocplus
(final int x, final List l) throws Exception {
return assoc(x,l) + 1;}
And the statement
try {System.out.println(assocplus(x,l));}
catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("Not in the list");}
outputs the value associated with x in l plus 1 if this key appears in the list,
and the character string "Not in the list" otherwise.
124 7. Exceptions

The option to let exceptions propagate from function to function is the

main advantage of using exceptions instead of returning a boolean with the
value associated with the key x. Without the use of exceptions, the function
assocplus becomes much more verbose and less elegant
static Pair assocplus (final int x, final List l) {
Pair p = assoc(x,l);
if (p.b) return new Pair(true,p.v + 1);
return p;}
You can compare the behaviour of the assocplus function when the key
is not in the list to that of a student when the fire alarm sounds during a
chemistry lab. The procedure, when we hear a fire alarm, is to exit the building
immediately. But the lab instructions require you to mix two chemicals, A
and B, in a test tube, and to heat the mixture, then add a third product
C, saying nothing about fire alarms. The lab instructions would become much
more difficult to read if they read “If the fire alarm rings, then exit the building,
otherwise mix chemicals A and B, and if the fire alarm rings, then exit the
building, otherwise heat the mixture, and if the fire alarm rings, then...”

7.5 Error Messages

Some primitives in Java can throw exceptions. The statement
throws the exception
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
Error messages in Java are then simply a particular case of exceptions.

7.6 The Semantics of Exceptions

Defining the Σ function in a language that has exceptions requires some work.
We have seen that the result of the execution of a statement had a first com-
ponent that was either return or normal depending on whether the execution
of this statement encountered a return statement or not. We now have to
add a third case, exception, for the case where the execution of this statement
raises an exception. Likewise, the evaluation of an expression can now complete
normally or raise an exception.
7.7 Caml 125

The exception case is not very different from the return case. In particular,
if in a sequence {p1 p2 } the execution of p1 raises an exception, then the
statement p2 is not executed and the result of the execution of {p1 p2 } is this
same exception.
Exercise 7.1
Extend the definition of the Σ function to take exceptions into consid-

7.7 Caml
In Caml, the statement throw e is written raise e. It is not necessary to
declare that a function can raise an exception. We declare a new exception with
the statement exception C. We catch an exception with the construct try p
with _ -> q.
Thus, we can start by declaring an exception
exception Not_in_the_list
and define the function assoc and use it in the main program
let rec assoc x l = if l = []
then raise Not_in_the_list
else if fst(List.hd l) = x
then snd(List.hd l)
else assoc x ( l)
in try print_int(assoc 5 [(3,4)])
with _ -> print_string("Not in the list")
There are no exceptions in C, but some constructs like long jumps have
some similarities.

The programs we have seen so far have been composed of type declarations,
global variable declarations, function definitions, and the main program — the
main function.
As we have seen, the use of functions allows for a better layout of programs,
since a main program of a few thousand lines would be very difficult to read and
understand. However, the use of functions isn’t sufficient to create extremely
long programs that also become difficult to read and understand when they
are composed of dozens of functions. Other constructs, such as modules and
objects, allow programs to be even better structured.

8.1 Classes
8.1.1 Functions as Part of a Type

We have seen in Chapter 6 that, in the same way as a mathematical structure

is defined not only by a set, but also by operations defined on that set, the
concept of a stack or a queue was defined not only by a type, but also by
operations on that type. Because of this, it is reasonable to imagine that the
functions push, pop, ... could be part of the definition of the type Stack. A type
equipped with functions is called a class and the functions are called methods
of the class.

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 127

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c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
128 8. Objects

So, instead of defining the stack type, plus its functions, plus the main
class Stack {
List c;

Stack ...

class Prog {

static Stack empty ...

static boolean testempty ...

static void push ...

static void pop ...

static int top ...

static int f ...

public static void main (String [] args) ...

we can place the functions push, pop, ... in the class Stack
class Stack {

List c;

Stack ...

static Stack empty ...

static boolean testempty ...

static void push ...

static void pop ...

static int top ...

8.2 Dynamic Methods 129

class Prog {

static int f ...

public static void main (String [] args) ...

A class is thus composed of three things: a list of fields, a list of constructors,
and a list of methods.
To call the method push, instead of writing push(p); you write
Stack.push(p);. It is important to distinguish between the two uses of
the . symbol: when accessing a field, you use the notation p.c where p is
an expression of type Stack, and when you access the method push, you use
the notation Stack.push where Stack is the class itself.
When we use a method of a class T inside the class itself, then it is not
necessary to precede the method name with the class name. Thus, inside the
class Stack, the name push is an abbreviation for the name Stack.push.

8.1.2 The Semantics of Classes

To extend the Σ function, it is necessary that, in the list of classes, each class
is associated with a triplet composed of a list of fields, a list of constructors,
and a list of methods.
Exercise 8.1
Define the Σ function to account for the inclusion of method calls. As-
sume, for this exercise, that methods cannot access global variables.

8.2 Dynamic Methods

The methods of a class T often have an object of the class T among their
arguments. This is the case, for example, of the methods push and pop of
the class Stack. Such a method is called by the statement or the expression
T.f(b1 ,...,a,...,bp ) where a is an argument of type T.
It is possible, in the definition of a method in the class T, to distinguish
one special argument of type T: we omit the keyword static in the method’s
definition, we do not list it as a formal argument of the method, and in the
130 8. Objects

body of the function we use a special variable called this. Then, we call this
method not with the statement or the expression T.f(b1 ,...,a,...,bp ) but
with the statement or the expression a.f(b1 ,...,bp ). This type of method is
called a dynamic method.
For example, instead of defining the methods push and pop as follows
static void push (final int a, final Stack l) {
l.c = new List(a,l.c);}

static void pop (final Stack l) {

l.c =;}
you can define them more concisely using dynamic methods
void push (final int a) {
this.c = new List(a,this.c);}

void pop () {
this.c =;}
We call these methods with p.pop(); p.push(5);. We can then execute the
following program
Stack p = Stack.empty ();
that outputs 6 and 5.
In fact, it is possible to be even more concise, since in the body of a dynamic
method of the class T, if c is a field of the class T and there is no local variable
with the same name, the expression c is an abbreviation for this.c. Thus, you
can define the methods push and pop as follows
void push (final int a) {
c = new List(a,c);}

void pop () {
c =;}
It is important to note that a dynamic method can only be called when the
object with which it is called does not have the value null. Thus, if append is
a dynamic method, we can write l1.append(l2) only when the list l1 is non
empty. To be able to call the function append with an empty list, you must
8.2 Dynamic Methods 131

either use a static method, or use a wrapper type. For instance, the empty
stack is not represented with the value null, but with an object that contains
a field c whose value is null. Because of this, even if the stack p is empty, the
statement p.push(5); is valid and adds the value 5 to the top of the stack p.
A common error is to write a dynamic method
List f () {
if (this == null) ...}
Basically, the boolean this == null will always be equal to false, because
the method f cannot be called when the object is null.
The extension of the Σ function to include dynamic methods isn’t very
difficult, even if care must be taken to avoid confusing the assignment c = 1;
of the variable c with that of the field c of the object this.
Exercise 8.2
Give the definition of the Σ function, for dynamic methods.

Exercise 8.3 (A Logo Turtle)

On a euclidean plane, a solid object has three degrees of freedom. A Logo
turtle is an object with three fields x, y and a. The fields x and y are
the coordinates of the turtle, and a is the angle that it forms with the x


A turtle has two methods: forward, which takes a number l as an ar-

gument and causes the turtle to move forward by l units, and turn,
which takes a number b as an argument and causes the turtle to rotate
about its centre by the relative angle b. Also, when the turtle advances,
it draws a line segment that goes from its departure to its arrival point.
What does the following program draw?

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) {r.forward(50); r.turn(90);}

Write a program that draws a regular pentagon. Write a program that

draws any regular polygon of n sides.
132 8. Objects

Write a program that draws the Koch Snowflake — see Exercise 3.6 —
with a turtle.

8.3 Methods and Functional Fields

We can say that a dynamic method is associated, not with a class, but with
an object of a class and that when we execute the statement p.push(5);, we
call the method push of the stack p and not of the class Stack. Thus, we can
see the stack p as a record that, in addition to its field c, has the fields push,
pop that are, not values, but functions. Such a record where certain fields are
functions is called an object and the functional fields of an object are called
When we see methods as functional fields, we understand that the object
null, which has no fields, also has no methods.
In principle, in the class Stack, two objects p and q could have methods
push that are completely different, as they can have fields c that are different.
However, in Java, the dependence of the method push with respect to the object
to which it belongs is limited: it’s the same function that is executed when you
call the method push of the stack p and the stack q, the only difference being
that the variable this is equal to p in the first case and is equal to q in the
We will see, however, that a construct in Java called inheritance allows, in
some cases, different objects of the same class to have different methods.

8.4 Static Fields

A dynamic method belongs to an object. A static method, in contrast, belongs
to a class. It is the same method for all objects of that class.
Similarly, a field can be static or dynamic. We declare a static field by
preceding it with the keyword static. When we modify a static field, it is
modified for all the class.
So, if we define the class
class M {
static int mem;

void modify (final int x) {

mem = x;}
8.5 Static Classes 133

void print () {
the program
M a = new M();
M b = new M();
outputs 5 and not 4. Because the field mem is static, the body mem = x; of
the method modify is an abbreviation of the statement M.mem = x; and not
this.mem = x;.

8.5 Static Classes

A class is static if all its fields and methods are static. Objects of such a class
have no fields or methods of their own, so there is no reason to create such
However, static classes are a means of grouping functions that belong to-
gether. For example, the class Math groups together mathematical functions:
Math.sin, Math.cos, ...
Static classes allow the grouping of functions. In programming languages,
a construct that allows the grouping of functions is called a module. In Java,
static classes play the role of modules.
In Java, a program itself is a static class, which explains why we write class
Prog at the beginning of the program Prog. A program’s global variables are
simply static fields of this class, which explains why we precede their definitions
with the keyword static. The functions of the program are methods of this
class. The only special requirement of a program class is that it must contain
a method called main.
We defined in Section 8.1.2 the function Σ of five arguments Σ(p,e,m,G,C)
where p is a statement, e is an environment, m is a memory state, G is a global
environment and C is a list of classes, but we now know that the global envi-
ronment G is simply a class like any other, and that it should be part of the list
C. The final definition of the Σ function is thus a function of four arguments
Exercise 8.4
Give the definition of the Σ function while taking into account the fact
134 8. Objects

that the global environment is a class.

8.6 Inheritance
class Clock {
int h;
int mn;

Clock () {}

Clock (final int x, final int y) {h = x; mn = y;}

void drawDial (final int x, final int y, final int r) {


void drawHand
(final int x, final int y, final double l, final int a) {
double b = (a - 15) * 3.1415926 / 30;
int x2 = x + (int) Math.round(l * Math.cos(b));
int y2 = y + (int) Math.round(l * Math.sin(b));

void drawHourHand (final int x, final int y, final int r) {

drawHand(x,y,r * 0.5,h * 5 + mn / 12);}

void drawMinuteHand (final int x, final int y, final int r) {

drawHand(x,y,r * 0.7,mn);}

void draw (final int x, final int y, final int r) {


An object of class Clock represents a point in time, for example {h = 13,

mn = 58}. The method draw draws a clock of radius r centred at (x,y). This
method uses others: drawDial, which draws a circle, drawHand, which draws a
clock hand of length l and angle a measured from the vertical axis in sixtieths
of a rotation, drawHourHand, and drawMinuteHand.
Now we would like to define another class called ClockWithSeconds such
that an object of this class represents a point in time in terms of hours h,
8.6 Inheritance 135

minutes mn and seconds s, for example {h = 14, mn = 2, s = 30}.

One way of doing this would be to define ClockWithSeconds as a completely
independent type
class ClockWithSeconds {
int h;
int mn;
int s;}
and another solution is to define a clock with seconds as a pair composed of a
regular clock and an integer for the seconds
class ClockWithSeconds {
Clock clock;
int s;}
Java has a construct that allows the definition of a class as an extension of
a class that is already defined by adding new fields and methods: inheritance.
We define the class ClockWithSeconds as an extension of the Clock class
with the keyword extends

class ClockWithSeconds extends Clock {

int s;

ClockWithSeconds (final int x, final int y, final int z) {

h = x; mn = y; s = z;}

void drawSecondHand (final int x, final int y, final int r) {

drawHand(x,y,r * 0.8,s);}

void draw (final int x, final int y, final int r) {


All the fields and methods of the class Clock are inherited in the new class.
It is also possible to redefine certain methods, like the method draw, which
must be altered to draw the second hand.
All expressions of type ClockWithSeconds are also of type Clock. If h is
an expression of type Clock created with the constructor Clock and k is an
expression of type Clock created with the constructor ClockWithSeconds, the
statements h.draw(40,40,30); and k.draw(40,40,30); draw a clock without
a second hand in the first case, and with a second hand in the second.
136 8. Objects

Inheritance allows you to give these two objects a different version of the draw
To conclude this short introduction of inheritance, which is a subject com-
plex enough to occupy an entire book, we shall see how it can be applied to
disjunctive types.
Exercise 8.5 (Disjunctive types)
Remember than an arithmetic expression is either a constant, a variable,
the sum or two arithmetic expressions, or the product of two arithmetic
We define a type Expr with no fields or constructors, but with a method
print, whose body is immaterial since it will never be executed.

class Expr {

void print () {System.out.println("Hello");}}

1. Define four classes Constant, Variable, Sum, Product that extend
the class Expr, respectively with a field of type int, a field of type
String, two fields of type Expr, and two fields of type Expr and
redefine the method print.
2. Define the value of type Expr corresponding to the expression x +
3. Print this expression.
3. Why can the statement System.out.println("Hello"); never be
4. What happens if you remove the class Expr and keep the four classes
Constant, Variable, Sum, Product? What happens if you keep the
class Expr but remove the method print?
5. Write a method that finds the derivative of an arithmetic expression
with respect to a variable.
6. How would you add a new case, for example subtraction, to arith-
metic expressions?

So there are essentially four ways to define disjunctive types in a program-

ming language. The first is only possible when defining the disjunction of a
8.7 Caml 137

cartesian product with a singleton — as in the case with lists. It consists of

identifying the singleton element with the value null, if the language has such
a value. The second is to use a selector field, which requires that the language
allows the creation of a default value for each type. The third is to use a prim-
itive construct for disjunctive types, if the language has one. The fourth uses
inheritance, if the language allows for it.

8.7 Caml
Objects in Caml are somewhat different than in Java. In Java, records are
special types of objects. In Caml, records and objects are completely different
constructs. Another difference is that, in Caml, an object’s fields can only be
accessed by that object’s methods. To allow other objects to access its fields, you
must write a getter method, such as get_c below. The last difference is that
there are no static methods in Caml.
As in Java, each field can be a constant or mutable, which is specified with
the keyword mutable. We create a new object with the keyword new and we
access its methods using the symbol #.
The class for a stack is defined, for example, as follows
class stack = object
val mutable c = ([]:int list)
method get_c () = c
method testempty () = c = []
method push x = c <- x::c
method pop () = c <- c
method top () = List.hd c
As Caml has no static methods, the function empty that creates an empty
stack cannot be a method of the class stack and is defined outside of the class
let empty () = new stack
Then, we can use these methods and this function in a program
let p = empty () in
(p#push 5;
p#push 6;
print_int (p#top());
138 8. Objects

print_int (p#top());
There are no objects in C. But there are objects in a language that is a
successor to C, called C++.
Programming with Trees

9.1 Trees
We have seen that a tree type is a type in which several fields are recursive.
When two fields are recursive, the type is called a binary tree type.
The simplest tree type is a binary tree type without any non-recursive fields.
class Tree {
Tree left;
Tree right;
A value of this type is either null or is a reference associated in memory with
a record composed of two values of the same type.

G. Dowek, Principles of Programming Languages, 139

Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-032-6_9,

c Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009
140 9. Programming with Trees

We will limit ourselves, in this chapter, to states in which the same reference
is used only once. This will exclude infinite values

as well as those that will share a cell

We will also use a more convenient notation for trees. Each cell will be rep-
resented by a circle. Instead of arrows, we will use line segments. The state
represented in the first figure of this chapter can then be represented as
9.1 Trees 141

A tree is a value of type Tree, either the value null called the empty tree
or a cell.
Let r be a tree that is a cell. The nodes of the tree r are the cells accessible
from r, that is, the elements of the smallest set that contains r and that, if it
contains a cell c, also contains the cell c.left, if this value is a cell and not
the value null, and the cell c.right, if this value is a cell and not the value
null. For example, the value of the variable a above is a tree that contains four
By convention, the set of nodes of the empty tree is the empty set.
The size of a tree is its number of nodes.
A node d is the left child of a node c if d = c.left, is the right child of a
node c if d = c.right. The node c is the parent of the node d if d is a child of
c. A node is a leaf node if it has no children. The cell r, seen as a node of the
tree r, is called the root of the tree r. But, formally, a tree and its root are the
same cell.
If c is a node of a tree a, then the trees c.left and c.right are called
the left and right sub-trees of c. These trees can themselves be empty or not.
Formally, the left child and the left sub-tree of a node, if it is not empty, are
the same cell.
A branch of a tree is a sequence of nodes of a such that each element of the
sequence is a child of the node that precedes it. The height of a tree a is the
length of the longest branch of the tree, minus 1. For example, the length of
the longest branch of the tree
142 9. Programming with Trees

is 3 and the height of this tree is then 2. The height of a tree of a single node
is 0. By convention, the height of the empty tree is -1.
All of these definitions generalize immediately to trees with more fields,
recursive or not.
Exercise 9.1
Write a function that computes the number of leaves of a binary tree.
Write a function that computes the number of nodes of a binary tree.
Write a function that computes the number of internal nodes of a binary

A second tree type is obtained by adding, to the above type, a non recursive
field, for example of type int
class Tree {
int val;
Tree left;
Tree right;}
In this case, the field val of a node c is called the contents of node c.

1 4

5 9 2 6

8 7

9.2 Traversing a Tree

The traversal of a tree is an operation consisting of applying an operation p to
each node of a tree, typically printing the contents of the node. We then say
that we have visited each of the nodes of the tree.
9.2 Traversing a Tree 143

As we are applying the same operation p to each node, two traversals of

the same tree can only differ by the order in which the nodes are visited. The
traversal of a tree can then also be defined as an order over the nodes of this
Two common types of traversal are the depth first and the breadth first.

9.2.1 Depth First Traversal

When using depth first traversal, you start at the root, descend the length of
the leftmost branch until arriving at a leaf, then climb this branch, descending
as soon as possible down another branch.

1 4

5 9 2 6

8 7

There are several different types of depth first tree traversal. If you visit a node
before descending its left sub-tree, it is known as a preorder traversal. If you
visit a node after returning from the left sub-tree but before descending the
right sub-tree, it is known as an inorder traversal. If you visit a node after
visiting both the left and right sub-trees, it is known as postorder.
In the above example, a preorder traversal visits the nodes in the order 3
1 5 9 8 4 2 6 7, an inorder traversal visits the nodes in the order 5 1 8 9
3 2 4 6 7, and a postorder traversal visits the nodes in the order 5 8 9 1 2
7 6 4 3.
A depth first traversal can be programmed using a while loop and a list
that contains the sub-trees waiting to be traversed. We start by adding a single
element to the list: the tree a. Then, as long as the list is not empty, we
examine its first element. If this tree is empty, we remove it from the list. If
it is a singleton tree, we visit its only node. Otherwise, we decompose the tree
144 9. Programming with Trees

into three smaller trees: its left sub-tree, its right sub-tree, and the singleton
tree formed by its root, and we add these three trees to the list. Since these
three trees must be traversed before the rest in the list, this list should be a
When performing an inorder traversal, we traverse these three trees in the
order: left, root, right, and can be added to the stack in reverse order.
Stack p = Stack.empty ();
while (!(p.testempty())) {
Tree b = ();
if (b != null) {
if (singleton(b))
System.out.print(b.val + " ");
else {
p.push(new Tree(b.val,null,null));
By changing the order in which you add the three sub-trees to the stack,
you can program a preorder or postorder traversal.
You can avoid using a stack by programming the traversal recursively
static void traverse (Tree a) {
if (a != null) {
System.out.print(a.val + " ");
Exercise 9.2
Write a function that performs a preorder traversal and one that per-
forms a postorder traversal.
Exercise 9.3
What is outputted during a preorder, inorder, and postorder traversal
of the following tree?

5 6
9.2 Traversing a Tree 145

And for the following trees?

+ *

5 * + 7

6 7 5 6

9.2.2 Breadth First Traversal

A breadth first traversal consists of visiting the root, then all of the children of
the root, from left to right, then all of the grandchildren of the root, ...

1 4

5 9 2 6

8 7

This can be programmed like the depth first traversal using a while loop
and a list of sub-trees waiting to be traversed. When you remove an element
from the list, you visit its root and add its left and right sub-trees to the list.
Unlike depth first traversal, these sub-trees can only be visited after visiting all
of the trees already in the list. The stack is therefore replaced with a queue.
Queue p = Queue.empty ();
while (!(p.testempty())) {
146 9. Programming with Trees

Tree b = p.fst ();

if (b != null) {
System.out.print(b.val + " ");
In the above example, a breadth first traversal visits the nodes in the order 3
1 4 5 9 2 6 8 7.
You can also eliminate the while loop by using recursion, but unlike recur-
sive depth first traversal, you still require the use of a queue.

9.3 Search Trees

9.3.1 Membership

In Chapter 6, we have seen that a finite set can be represented with a list and
that with this representation, testing to see if an element belongs to this set or
not requires a linear average time with respect to the number of elements in
the set.
Now imagine we wanted to find a word in the dictionary by searching
through each and every entry, from cover to cover. We already know a more
efficient method for looking up words in the dictionary: you open the dictionary
roughly in the middle, compare your word with the median entry, which elimi-
nates half of the dictionary. Recursively apply the same procedure to remaining
half, and you will eventually find your word.
This method of binary search requires logarithmic time with respect to
the size of the dictionary. However, this method depends on the fact that the
dictionary is ordered by word, and that words can be accessed randomly with
constant time, which is the case with a book, but would not be true for a
papyrus scroll.
Representing a set by a list does not allow for a binary search, because even
if the list is ordered, accessing the median element of the list requires linear
time, and not constant time, with respect to the size of the list.
In contrast, a binary search is possible if you replace the list with an array.
But this solution has two problems. The size of an array must be known in
advance, and it is not possible to change its size after it has been created. Also,
adding a new element to an array requires linear time with respect to the size
of the array, since it becomes necessary to shift all of the elements larger than
the one being inserted.
9.3 Search Trees 147

The solution to allow for searching, inserting, and removing an element in

logarithmic time is to use a search tree. A search tree is a binary tree where each
node contains an element, and all of the elements appearing in the left sub-tree
of a node are smaller than the element contained in this node, and all of the
elements appearing in the right sub-tree of a node are larger than the element
contained in this node. A set can be represented by a search tree in different
ways. For example, the set {1, 5, 9, 12, 19, 24} can be represented by the
search trees

9 5

5 19 1 12

1 12 24 9 24


To test for the membership of an element with a set represented by a search

tree, we start by testing to see if the tree is empty. If this is the case, we
return the boolean false. If not, we compare the element to be found with the
element contained in the root of the tree. If these two elements are the same, we
return the value true. If the element to be found is smaller than the element
contained in the root, then we can ignore the right sub-tree and recursively
apply the same algorithm to the left sub-tree. If the element to be found is
larger than the element contained in the root, we ignore the left sub-tree and
recursively apply the algorithm to the right sub-tree. The time required to see
if an element is contained in the set or not is, in the worst case, linear in the
height of the tree.
To program this search in Java, we can choose to use a static method, which
allows us to use the function even when the tree is empty.
static boolean search (final int x, final Tree a) {
if (a == null) return false;
if (x == a.val) return true;
if (x < a.val) return search (x,a.left);
return search (x,a.right);}
148 9. Programming with Trees

Similarly, inserting a new element in the tree requires a time linear in the
height of the tree. We choose a method that modifies its argument and not
a method that copies it. This method returns a tree that is the result of this
insertion. Note that when you execute insert(a);, the value of a after the
method has been executed is the result of this insertion, except in the case
where a is the empty tree.
static Tree insert (final int x, final Tree a) {
if (a == null) return new Tree(x,null,null);
if (x < a.val) {a.left = insert(x,a.left); return a;}
if (x > a.val) {a.right = insert(x,a.right); return a;}
return a;}
The removal of an element of a tree also requires a time linear in the height
of the tree, but the method of doing so is somewhat more difficult than searching
and insertion. Once the node to remove has been found, there are three possible
cases. If this node is a leaf, it can simply be removed. If this node has only one
child, it can be deleted, and its child connected directly to its parent. If this
node has two children, then you must find the largest element of its left sub-
tree, replace the removed node by this element and then recursively remove
this element from the left sub-tree.
Note that the removal of these elements in the left sub-tree can be done in
a single step, since the largest element in a tree cannot have a right child.

static int max (final Tree a) {

if (a.right == null) return a.val; else return (max(a.right));}

static Tree remove (final int x, final Tree a) {

if (a == null) return null;
if (x == a.val) {
if ((a.left == null) && (a.right == null)) return null;
else if (a.left == null) return a.right;
else if (a.right == null) return a.left;
else {int m = max(a.left);
a.val = m;
a.left = remove(m,a.left);
return a;}}
if (x < a.val) {a.left = remove(x,a.left);return a;}
a.right = remove(x,a.right);return a;}
Exercise 9.4
In order to program these functions using dynamic methods, and that
these methods can modify their argument including when the tree is
9.3 Search Trees 149

empty, a solution is to create a wrapper type for these trees.

Rewrite these three methods for this wrapper class for trees.

9.3.2 Balanced Trees

In a binary tree, the root has at most 21 children, 22 grandchildren, 23 great

grandchildren, ... The maximum size of a binary tree of height h is then 20 + 21
+ 22 + ... + 2h = 2h+1 - 1. Because of this, when a number n is such that
2h+1 ≤ n < 2h+2 , it is possible to construct a binary tree of size n of height h
+ 1, but not one of height h. The minimum height of a tree of size n is thus
log2 (n) , the floor of the binary logarithm of n. A tree is said to be of minimal
height if its height is equal to log2 (n) where n is its size. The complexity of
searching, insertion, and removal of an element in a tree of minimal height is
thus logarithmic with respect to the size of the tree.
However, the maximal height of a tree of size n is n - 1.




The complexity of searching, insertion, and removal of an element in a tree of

maximal height is thus linear — and not logarithmic — with respect to the
size of the tree.
The height of a tree of size n is therefore between log2 (n) and n - 1. We
can show that if we construct a tree by inserting n distinct elements in random
order, then the expected value of the height of the tree is linear in ln(n). The
150 9. Programming with Trees

expected value of the time required to search, insert or remove an element is

thus logarithmic. But, this is only the expected value for complexity, and worse
cases may emerge. In particular, if you insert, which is unfortunately often the
case, elements that are already ordered into a search tree, you obtain a tree of
maximal height.
To ensure that searching, insertion and removal in a tree occur in logarith-
mic time with respect to the size of the tree in all cases, you must ensure that
the tree remains balanced when you insert or remove an element. A natural
solution would be to require that the trees remain of minimal height. But due
to the re-balancing cost, it then seems to be impossible to find insertion and
removal algorithms that occur in logarithmic time, although the non-existence
of such algorithms seems to be only a conjecture. We can, however, impose less
strict conditions that allow for a logarithmic complexity for searching, insertion,
and removal.
A set of trees is called a set of balanced trees, if there exists a number k
such that all the non-empty trees of n nodes belonging to this set have a height
less than k ln(n). The set of trees of minimal height, for example, is a set of
balanced trees, but not the set of all trees.
Note that every finite set of trees is a set of balanced trees. Because of this,
all trees appear in at least one set of balanced trees. It is therefore important,
when we say a tree is balanced, to specify the set to which we are referring.
Also note that it is equivalent to require that there exist a number k and a
number N such that all trees of n nodes have a height less than k ln(n), for all
n ≥ N.
One method to render searching, insertion, and removal of a node logarith-
mic in all cases is to choose a set of balanced trees and to use algorithms for
insertion and removal that keep the tree in this set. Many examples of balanced
trees for which such algorithms exist have been proposed: Adel’son-Velskii and
Landis trees, 2-3 trees, bi-coloured trees, ...
For example, a tree is an Adel’son-Velskii and Landis tree, or AVL, if the
difference in height of the left and right sub-trees of each node is always equal
to 0 or to 1. We can show that the height of such√a tree is bounded from
above by ln(n + 2) / ln(τ ) - 1 where τ = (1 + 5) / 2 and thus, when
n is larger than 4, the height of such a tree is bounded from above by ln(n) /
ln(τ ). Thus, AVL trees form a set of balanced trees.
When we apply the standard methods of insertion and removal to an AVL
tree, we obtain a tree that is not necessarily AVL. All of the nodes of a branch
of the tree can become unbalanced. We must then re-balance each of these
nodes, by employing rotations. A right rotation is the following transformation
9.3 Search Trees 151

y x

x y


and a left rotation is the inverse of a right rotation. Such rotations transform
a search tree into another search tree.
Exercise 9.5
We consider a tree such that the two sub-trees of a root are AVL but
such that the difference of the height of these two sub-trees are equal to
Show that you can transform this tree into an AVL tree by applying
rotations to the root and its children.
We distinguish several cases based on the height of the trees whose roots
are the children and grandchildren of the root of the tree to balance.
Exercise 9.6
Write in Java functions for insertion and removal of elements from AVL
trees. How can you avoid having to compute the height of a tree — which
requires a linear time and not a logarithmic time with respect to its size?

9.3.3 Dictionaries

In Chapter 6, we have seen that an association list is a representation of a

function with a finite domain, typically a dictionary, of the form of a list of
pairs such that for all k, there exists at most an element v such that the pair
(k,v) belongs to the list.
Searching for a value associated with a key in an association list is linear
with respect to the number of pairs. By replacing the list with a search tree,
ordered on its keys, we can do search, insertion, and removal in logarithmic
Exercise 9.7
Define in Java a type of tree for dictionaries. Write methods for searching,
insertion, and removal for these trees.
152 9. Programming with Trees

9.4 Priority Queues

9.4.1 Partially Ordered Trees

Remember that a priority queue is a set in which each element is given a priority.
Operations on such a set are searching for the element with the highest priority,
insertion of an element, and removal of an element with the highest priority.
In Chapter 6, we have seen that we can represent a priority queue with a list,
but that searching for an element and removing an element with the highest
priority occurs in linear time, unless we decide to order the elements of this list
by priority, in which case insertion becomes linear.
We can render searching, insertion, and removal of an element from a prior-
ity list logarithmic by using a tree, for example a balanced search tree. However,
there is a simpler solution. A binary tree is said to be partially ordered if the
contents of a child of a node are always smaller than the contents of this node.
For example, the set {1, 5, 9, 12, 19, 24} can be represented by the fol-
lowing partially ordered trees

24 24

9 1 19

12 1 9 12

Searching for the maximum element in a partially ordered tree is easy, since
this element must be the contents of the root of the tree. The time required to
find it is independent of the size of the tree.
Removal of the maximum element is not difficult either, and illustrates
the mechanism of promotion in a hierarchical structure: the boss dies, the best
deputy of the boss becomes boss, the best deputy of the deputy becomes deputy,
... The time required to remove an element is linear in the height of the tree.
Insertion is done in a similar fashion, by adding the new element anywhere
it will fit, and to permute it with its parent if it is larger, and with its new
9.4 Priority Queues 153

parent, ... The time required to insert an element is linear in the height of the

9.4.2 Partially Ordered Balanced Trees

Once again, to ensure that the operations of insertion and removal are logarith-
mic, you must balance the tree. Here, in contrast to the case of search trees, it
is possible to ensure that the tree is always of minimum size, and even that it
is packed, that is to say that the nodes of the bottom level are all located as
far left as possible. For example, the first of the trees below is packed, but not
the second, although both are of minimum height.

To precisely define the concept of a packed tree, we can introduce a num-

bering of the nodes of a tree. If a is a tree, we designate the node of a tree
with an expression of the form a.left.right.left.left. The sequence of the
fields left right left left can be read as a binary number by replacing
left with 0 and right with 1 by adding a 1 to the start of the sequence to
prevent it from starting with a 0. Thus, we associate a different integer to each
node of a tree: we associate the number 1 to the root and the numbers 2 n and
2 n + 1 to the left and right children of a node associated with the number n.
And a tree is packed if the numbers of its nodes form an interval of the form 1
... n.

1 1

2 3 2 3

4 5 6 4 6 7
154 9. Programming with Trees

A packed, partially ordered tree is called a heap. This notion of a heap has
nothing to do with the notion of a set of cells, as seen before.

24 1

19 9 3

1 12 5
4 5 6

Like all partially ordered trees, we can find the maximum element in a heap
in a time independent of the size of the heap, since the maximum element is
contained in the root.
Adding an element occurs in logarithmic time. We start by adding the new
element in the first empty space that keeps the tree packed, and we permute
this element with its parent while it is larger than its parent, which reorders
the tree.
To remove the maximum element, we replace the root by the element with
the largest number — the lowest right element in the tree — so that the tree
remains packed, and we permute it with the largest of its children while it is
smaller than one of its children.
Exercise 9.8
Write in Java functions for searching, insertion, and removal of an ele-
ment in a heap.

Since the numbers of a packed tree are contiguous, we can represent such
a tree with an array by putting the contents of the node with number i + 1
in compartment i of the array. The children of the node of compartment i
— node of number i + 1 — are in compartments 2 i + 1 and 2 i + 2 and
the parent of the node of compartment i is in compartment (i - 1) / 2.
If compartments 0 ... i - 1 of an array represent a heap, the insertion
in the heap of the element located in compartment i of the array is written as
static void insert (final int [] t, final int i) {
int j = i;
while (j >= 1 && t[(j-1)/2] <= t[j]) {
int z = t[j]; t[j] = t[(j-1)/2];t[(j-1)/2] = z;j = (j-1)/2;}}
9.4 Priority Queues 155

And if compartments 0 ... i of an array represent a heap, the removal from

the heap of the element located in compartment 0 of the array is written as
static void remove (final int [] t, final int i) {
t[0] = t[i];
int j = 0;
while ((2*j+1 < i && t[j] <= t[2*j+1])
|| (2*j+2 < i && t[j] <= t[2*j+2])) {
int m = 2*j+1;
if (m + 1 < i && t[m + 1] >= t[m]) m = m + 1;
int z = t[j]; t[j] = t[m];t[m] = z;
j = m;}}
Exercise 9.9
We can also represent priority queues with an AVL tree. Program meth-
ods for finding the element with the highest priority, insertion, and re-
moval of the element with the highest priority using an AVL tree, in
logarithmic time.
Exercise 9.10 (Image Compression)
The simplest method of representing an image is in the form of an array
of numbers, each number being the colour of a pixel. Thus, a black and
white image of 256 pixels by 256 pixels can be represented with an array
of 65536 numbers whose values are either 0 or 1.
However, with an image such as

whose first 128 lines are white, the array would start with 32768 zeros.
A more efficient alternative, is to use a quaternary tree. We represent a
monochrome image by a singleton tree whose single node contains the
156 9. Programming with Trees

colour of the image. When an image is not monochrome, we divide it in


We compute the tree of each of its four sub-images and we construct

a quaternary tree composed of a root with no content and these four
sub-trees. Thus, the tree of the above image has the form

0 0

and expressing that the top half of the image is entirely white requires
only two nodes of the tree.
Write a function that transforms an array of 0 and 1 into a tree and

allocation, 61 – functional, 55
argument – imperative, 1
– formal, 21
– real, 21 definition
argument passing – function, 20
– by reference (or by variable), 39 – recursive, 48
– by value, 39 do, 16
array, 79 double, 3
assignment, 1 dynamic data, 85
binary search, 146
boolean, 3 environment, 9
branch of a tree, 141 – global, 29
byte, 3 equality
– physical, 68
catch, 122 – structural, 68
cell, 61 error message, 124
– free, 98 Exception, 122
char, 3 exception, 122
child exception, 125
– left, 141 expression, 1
– right, 141 – arithmetical, 90
class, 60 extends, 135
– static, 133
class, 26, 60 false, 3
complexity, 113 fifo, 118
– average, 113 float, 3
– worst case, 113 for, 16
computable, 17 function, 20
concatenation, 105 function body, 20
const, 5 function call, 20
constant, 5
constructor, 64, 93 garbage collection, 98
contents of a node of a tree, 142 giveup, 14
158 Index

head of a list, 86 raise, 125

heap, 61, 154 raising an exception, 122
height of a tree, 141 record, 59
hidden, 5 Ref, 9
ref, 4
if, 6 reference, 9
in, 4 return, 23
inheritance, 134 root of a tree, 141
int, 3 rotation, 150

key, 104 scope of a variable, 3

selector field, 91
label of a record, 59 sequence, 5
leaf node, 141 sharing, 67
let, 4 short, 3
limit, 14 size of a tree, 141
list, 86 skip, 6
– association, 104 snowflake, 57
– ordered, 112 state, 2, 8
– regular, 90 static, 20
long, 3 String, 4
struct, 76
loop, 6
structure, 76
sub-tree, 141
main, 26
malloc, 95 tail of a list, 86
marking, 100 test, 6
memory state, 9 – incomplete, 15
method, 127 this, 65, 130
– dynamic, 130 throw, 122
module, 127, 133 throws, 122
multiset, 104 top, 115
towers of Hanoi, 56
new, 61 traversal
node of a tree, 141 – breadth first, 143
non-termination, 6 – depth first, 143
NULL, 94 – inorder, 143
null, 60 – postorder, 143
– preorder, 143
object, 127, 132 tree, 141
observable effect, 98 – Adel’son-Velskii and Landis, 150
overloading, 28 – balanced, 150
– binary, 139
parent of a node, 141 – empty, 141
postfix notation, 116 – minimal height, 149
principle of the third glass, 37 – packed, 153
print, 7 – partially ordered, 152
println, 7 – search, 147
procedure, 24 true, 3
program, 25 try, 122, 125
– main, 25 type
programmable, 56 – composite, 3
prototype, 54 – disjunctive, 90
public, 26 – list, 89
Index 159

– scalar, 3 variable, 1, 8
– tree, 89 – constant, 5
– wrapper, 68 – global, 25
– mutable, 5
unit, 24 variable declaration, 3
update, 8 visit, 142
void, 24
Val, 8
value, 2, 8, 104
Var, 8 while, 6
var, 39 with, 125

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