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1. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

2. <?php
3. $y = 2;
4. if ($y-- == ++$y)
5. {
6. echo $y;
7. }
8. ?>

A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. no output

Answer: Option A

2. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $x = 4;
3. $y = -3;
4. $z = 11;
5. echo 4 + $y * $z / $x;
6. ?>

A. 4.25
B. 3.25
C. -3.25
D. -4.25

Answer: Option D

3. If session.use_cookie is set to 0, this results in use of _____________

A. Session
B. Cookie
C. URL rewriting
D. Nothing happens

Answer: Option C

4. Which of the following php statement/statements will store 111 in variable num?
i. int $num = 111;
ii. int mum = 111;
iii. $num = 111;
iv. 111 = $num;
A. Both (i) and (ii)
B. All of the mentioned.
C. Only (iii)
D. Only (i)

Answer: Option C

5. What will be the output of the following php code

< ?php
$num = 1;
$num1 = 2;
print $num . "+". $num1 ;
A. 3
B. 1+2
C. 1.+.2
D. Error

Answer: Option B

6. What will be the output of the following code?

< ?php
$foo = 'Bob';
$bar = &$foo;
$bar = "My name is $bar";
echo $bar;
echo $foo;
A. Error
B. My name is BobBob
C. My name is BobMy name is Bob
D. My name is Bob Bob

Answer: Option C

7. If $a = 12 what will be returned when ($a == 12) ? 5 : 1 is executed?

A. 12
B. 1
C. Error
D. 5

Answer: Option D
8. What will be the output of the following PHP code?
< ?php
$color = "maroon";
$var = $color[2];
echo "$var" ;
A. a
B. Error
C. $var
D. r

Answer: Option D

9. Which statement will output $x on the screen?

A. echo “\$x”;
B. echo “$$x”;
C. echo “/$x”;
D. echo “$x;

Answer: Option A

10. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

< ?php
$num = 10;
echo 'What is her age? \n She is $num years old';

A. What is her age? \n She is $num years old

B. What is her age?
She is $num years old
C. What is her age? She is 10 years old
D. What is her age?
She is 10 years old

Answer: Option A

Reference Website for above questions is:


11. Which of the following variables does PHP use to authenticate a user?

A. and ii)
B. and iv)
C. and iv)
D. and iii)

Answer: Option C

12. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");
3. echo "I like " . $cars[2] . ", " . $cars[1] . " and " . $cars[0] . ".";
4. ?>

A. I like Volvo, Toyota and BMW

B. I like Volvo, BMW and Toyota
C. I like BMW, Volvo and Toyota
D. I like Toyota, BMW and Volvo

Answer: Option D

13. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. class Person
2. {
3. function getName() { return "Bob"; }
4. function getAge() { return 44; }
5. function __toString() {
6. $desc = $this->getName();
7. $desc .= " (age ".$this->getAge().")";
8. return $desc;
9. }
10. }
11. $person = new Person();
12. print $person;

A. Object Not Found

B. PHP Catchable fatal error
C. BOB (age 44)

Answer: Option C
14. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $a1 = array_fill(1, 4, "hello");
3. $b1 = array_fill(5, 1, "php");
4. $a2 = array_merge($a1, $a2);
5. print_r($a2);
6. echo "<br>";
7. print_r($b1);
8. ?>

A. Array ( [1] => hello [4] => hello [5] => php )
Array ( [5] => php )
B. Array ( [1] => hello [2] => hello [3] => hello [4] => hello )
Array ( [5] => php )
C. Array ( [1] => hello [2] => hello [3] => hello [4] => hello [5] => php )
Array ( [5] => php )
D. Array ( [1] => hello [2] => hello [3] => hello [4] => hello )
Array ( [1] => php )

Answer: Option C

15. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $names = array("Sam", "Bob", "Jack");
3. echo $names[0]."is the brother of ".$names[1]." and ".$names[1].".".$brother;
4. ?>

A. Sam is the brother of Bob and Bob) $brother

B. Sam is the brother of Bob and Bob)
C. $brother
D. Error

Answer: Option D

Reference Website for above questions is:

16. What will be the value of $a and $b after the function call in the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. function doSomething( &$arg ) {
3. $return = $arg;
4. $arg += 1;
5. return $return;
6. }
7. $a = 3;
8. $b = doSomething( $a );
9. ?>

A. a is 3 and b is 4
B. a is 4 and b is 3
C. Both are 3
D. Both are 4

Answer: Option B

17. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

< ?php
$fruits = array ("mango", "apple", "pear", "peach");
$fruits = array_flip($fruits);
echo ($fruits[0]);

A. mango
B. Error
C. peach
D. 0

Answer: Option B

18. Which function will return true if a variable is an array or false if it is not?
A. this_array()
B. is_array()
C. do_array()
D. in_array()

Answer: Option B

19. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

< ?php
$fruits = array ("apple", "mango", "peach", "pear",
$subset = array_slice ($fruits, 2);
print_r ($subset);
A. Array ( [0] => peach )
B. Array ( [0] => apple [1] => mango [2] => peach )
C. Array ( [0] => apple [1] => mango )
D. Array ( [0] => peach [1] => pear [2] => orange )

Answer: Option D

20. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

< ?php
$number = array ("4", "hello", 2);
echo (array_sum ($number));
A. 4hello2
B. 4
C. 2
D. 6
Answer: Option D

Reference Website for above questions is:

21. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $x = 75;
3. $y = 25;
4. function addition()
5. {
6. $GLOBALS['z'] = $GLOBALS['x'] + $GLOBALS['y'];
7. }
8. addition();
9. echo $z;
10. ?>

A. 100
B. error
C. 75
D. 25

Answer: Option A

22. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $user = array("Ashley", "Bale", "Shrek", "Blank");
3. for ($x = 0; $x < count($user); $x++)
4. {
5. if ($user[$x] == "Shrek")
6. continue;
7. printf ($user[$x]);
8. }
9. ?>

A. AshleyBaleBlank
B. AshleyBale
C. AshleyBaleShrek
D. No output

Answer: Option A

23. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. for ($i = 0; $i % ++$i; $i++)
3. {
4. print"i";
5. }
6. ?>

A. error
B. infinite loop
C. no output
D. 0

Answer: Option B

Reference Website for above questions is:

24. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $color1 = "red";
3. $color2 = "1";
4. echo "$color1" + "$color2";
5. ?>
A. red1
B. red 1
C. 0
D. 1

Answer: Option D

25. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

A. <?php
B. $i = 0;$j = 1;$k = 2;
C. print !(( + + $i + $j) > ($j - $k));
D. ?>
A. 1
B. no output
C. error
D. 0

Answer: Option B

26. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. $a = 'a' ;
3. print $a * 2;
4. ?>

A. 192
B. 2
C. error
D. 0

Answer: Option D

27. Which of the following method sends input to a script via a URL?
A. Get
B. Post
C. Both
D. None

Answer: Option A
28. Which of the following function returns a text in title case from a variable?
A. ucwords($var)
B. upper($var)
C. toupper($var)
D. ucword($var)

Answer: Option A

29. Which one of the following functions finds the last occurrence of a string, returning its
numerical position?
A. strlastpos()
B. strpos()
C. strlast()
D. strrpos()

Answer: Option D

30. Which one of the following regular expression matches any string containing zero or one
A. p+
B. p*
C. P?
D. p#

Answer: Option C
31. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

1. <?php
2. echo ord ("hi");
3. ?>
A. 106
B. 103
C. 104
D. 209

Answer: Option C

32. Which magic method is used to implement overloading in PHP?

A. __call
B. __invoke
C. __wakeup
D. __unset
Answer: Option A
Reference Website for above questions is:

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