nsshl2019 Finalprogram

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6th national Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language

(Preliminary Program)

Thursday, February 21, 2019 Friday, February 22, 2019 Saturday, February 23, 2019
Embassy Suites Hilton Embassy Suites Hilton Embassy Suites Hilton
Session 1 8:30-10:30am Session 5 8:30-10:30am
Break 10:30-10:40am Break 10:30-10:40am
Session 2 10:40-12:40pm Session 6 10:40-12:40pm

Lunch 12:40-2:10pm Lunch 12:40-2:10pm

Session 3 2:10-4:10pm Session 7 2:10-4:10pm

Break 4:10pm-4:20pm Break 4:10pm-4:20pm
Session 4 4:20pm-6:20pm Session 8 4:20pm-6:20pm
Welcome 5:30-6:00pm Break 6:20-6:30pm Break 6:20-6:30pm
Plenary 1 6:00-7:00pm Plenary 2 6:30pm-7:30pm Plenary 3 6:30pm-7:30pm
Dinner 7:00-9:00pm Closing

6th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language

(Preliminary Program)

February 21, 2019
Embassy Suites McAllen

Plenary: Andrew Lynch
"The conceptualization and perception of (un)bounded languages in
Spanish Heritage Language Studies"
(Washington/Jefferson: 6:00pm-7:00pm)

(Hamilton/Adams: 7:00-9:00pm)
February 22, 2019
Embassy Suites McAllen
Session 1 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room
8:30-10:30am HS Instruction Attitudes HS Specific Round table
Holguín, Claudia Loza, Sergio Purpose Discussion
Azevedo, Clara De La Trinidad, Maritza

8:30-9:00am Attitudes in action: Preparing Nahuatlismos: herencia e Promoting

heritage speakers for professor historia de una lengua
attitudes and expectations in divina Culturally Relevant
upper-level mixed Spanish Education for
courses Morales, Veronica (TTU) Mexican
Zach, Ariel (DePauw U) American/Latinx
Students in K-12:
9:00-9:30am “Soy el profesor”: Motivaciones y actitudes como Multi-modal learning The Case for
Constructing an “expert” guía para la mejora del plan de opportunities for Spanish
oral presentation voice in estudios heritage speakers:
Mexican American
academic settings Business and Finance Studies in Texas
Ruiz-Perez, Sergio (TTU) Hybrid Courses High Schools
Viera, Carolina (BSU) &
Williams, Serena (UCD) Rodriguez, Estrella (FSU)
& Brandl, Anel (FSU) De La Trinidad,
9:30-10:00am Heritage Language Translanguaging as a vehicle “No le tengo miedo al
Learner interactions for ideological and attitudinal micrófono”: Building
during collaborative reconfigurations in the Spanish translator competences in
writing activities classroom for heritage Speakers of Spanish as a Álvarez, Stephanie
speakers Heritage Language
Walls, Laura (U Omaha)
Prada, Josh (IUPUI) González Núñez, Gabriel
(UTRGV) Abraham Díaz,
10:00-10:30am Evaluación de pares: Heritage student perceptions of Challenges and
hacia el mejoramiento de Heritage Spanish instructors opportunities for Heritage
la escritura académica de Language Learners in
los futuros maestros Gonzalez Darriba, Patricia, Interpreting Courses Lee Tovar, Amanda
bilingües (Rutgers),
Kinsella, Benjamin (Rutgers) Mellinger, Christopher UTRGV
Velasquez, Edna (UH) & Marull, Crystal (UF) (UNCC) & Gasca
Jiménez, Laura
(Fairfield U)
Carmona, Juan P.
(Donna ISD)

Break 10:30-10:40am
Session 2 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room
10:40-12:40pm HS Instruction Study Abroad Medical Spanish I Workshop 1
Beaudrie, Sara Barajas, Jennifer Glenn Martínez Zapata, Gabriela

10:40-11:10am Setting up a Spanish for Inclusión de estudiantes de Medical Spanish in Materials

Native Speakers Course: español como lengua de Medical School Programs
if you build it, will they herencia en los programas de development
come? estudio en el extranjero Ortega, Pilar (UIC) grounded in the
Learning by Design
Shea, Christine (UI) & Gonzalez,, Karla (UMHB) &
Sturchis, Kristin (UI) Luna, Katherine (UMHB) multiliteracies
11:10am-11:40am Educación no The utility of needs analysis Pathways to the Health
diferenciada: una for second and heritage Professions: Medical
propuesta ineficaz para language learners of Spanish in Spanish through high
Zapata, Gabriela
los hablantes de herencia a pre-study abroad context school/university (TAMU)
Viera, Carolina
(BSU) Camus, Pablo (Soka UA) & Martínez, Glenn (OSU) &
Advani , Mehak De León, David (VV ISD
(Soka UA)
11:40-12:10am Hidden Hispanic Herencia The pragmatic development of Heritage and L2 learners
for the Heritage Speaker heritage speakers studying in a Mixed Undergraduate
Class: A Regional case abroad in a non-heritage Medical Spanish:
study country An All-teach, All-learn
Foster, Timothy Pozzi, Becky (CSUMB),
(WTAMU) Escalante, Chelsea (UW) & Hardin, Karol (Baylor U)
Quan, Tracy (UD)

12:10-12:40pm Incorporating Language Pedagogical structuring

Mediation Activities in of a Spanish for Health
the Spanish as a Heritage Professionals Program in
Language Classroom a Study Abroad Context:
Implications for Heritage
Gasca Jiménez, Laura Learners
(Fairfield U)
Salaberry, Rafael
(Rice U)
Gavela Ramos, Yvonne
(ILCE U Navarra)
Negueruela Azarola,
(ILCE U Navarra)

Creative Writing Awards

(Hamilton/Adams: 12:40-2:10pm)

Session 3 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room

2:10-4:10pm Writing Identity Syntax Round table

Herrera-Dulcet, Andrea Lima, Rossy Pascual y Cabo, Diego Discussion
2:10-2:40pm De La Llorona a La Metalinguistic commentary & A reaction time study of Family separation
Sonriente: How to use the continuity of Spanish: A preposition stranding in
personal and cultural South Florida perspective on Spanish Heritage on the Border
narratives as a the construction of positive Speakers and reunification
pedagogical tool in the Latinx identities efforts in the Rio
Heritage Language Iranzo, Vicente (TTU) &
Classroom Lopez Valdez, Lydda López-Hevia, Gema Grande Valley
(U Miami) (TTU)
Nieto, Debra (UNM) Emmy Pérez
Prada Vivas, Rosa (UNM)
2:40-3:10pm Cultural reflection in HLL HLL identity & language use: Orphan prepositions in
classes A qualitative analysis Spanish Heritage Nayelly Barrios
Barajas, Jennifer Brock Gonzalez, Stephanie
(Bradley U) (UA) Depiante, Marcela Angry Tías and
(UWEC) Abuelas)
3:10-3:40pm Heritage language Heritage Language artists: Spanish copula selection
Cindy Candia
learners writing Creating expression in hip hop with adjectives in heritage
development – homework and deconstructing identity for children (Angry Tías and
reflections Spanish Speakers in Diaspora
Requena, Pablo (UM) &
Azevedo, Clara S (USD) Costello, Elena (OSU) Dracos, Melisa
(Baylor U) Laura
Peña, Visiting
3:40pm-4:10pm Construyendo Los demostrativos en
conversaciones estudiantes de herencia:
transdisciplinarias y un análisis de la (Texas Civil Rights
translingüísticas entre una producción escrita
clase de SHL y una de
FYW Munuera, Kevin (UH)

Hebbard, Marcela
Hernandez, Yanina

Break 4:10-4:20pm
Session 4 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room
4:20-6:20pm HS Instruction Dual Language Medical Spanish II Heritage & L2
Wilson, Damián Christoffersen, Katherine Glenn Martínez Sánchez-Muñoz, Ana

4:20-4:50pm The effect of explicit Elements for Effective Past injustices and present What are their
versus implicit computer Implementation for Dual experiences in Medical experiences? A
assisted language learning Language Education Spanish Service-Learning comparative analysis of
on grammatical learning: Programming for Spanish Heritage HL and L2 students and
The case of receptive Speakers instructors in the advanced
heritage learners Esquierdo, Joy (UTRGV) mixed classes
Showstack, Rachel
Beaudrie, Sara (ASU) & (WSU) Vana, Rosti (ASU) &
Holmes, Bonnie (SOU) Negron, Melissa (ASU)

4:50-5:20pm Effectiveness of Language ideologies in the Translation and Article use after
dictogloss in teaching the classroom: Pre-service Interpreting as instruction: The Case of
present subjunctive to teachers’ perceptions of pedagogical tools in the Spanish Heritage Speakers
Spanish Heritage Learners elementary students as Medical Spanish and Second Language
language learners Classroom Learners
Belpoliti, Flavia
(TAMUC) & Wilkinson, Garcia-Mateus, Suzanne Krause, Alice (SUNYD)
Florencia (TAMUC) (Southwestern U) & Romero, Rey (UHD & Ramirez, Dora
Dings, Abby (SUNYA)
(Southwestern U)

5:20-5:50pm El acento ortográfico en Dual language teachers’ stated Metaphors in the teaching Round table
las clases de herencia barriers and researcher’s of medical Spanish
recommendations to serving Discussion
Martinez, Raquel Spanish Heritage Speakers’
Education Magaña, Dalia (UCM)
Experiencias y
Martín-Corredor, Lina (UTSA) apreciaciones
entorno a las
5:50-6:20pm A Contextualized Preparing bilingual teachers prácticas
Grammar Instruction for Dual Language Bilingual
Approach for Spanish Education on the U.S.-Mexico pedagógicas:
Heritage Learners Border: Insights of a teacher Perspectivas de los
educator estudiantes en las
Azzad, Nayibe (ASU) &
Negrón, Melissa (ASU) Zuñiga, Christian (UTRGV) clases de español
como lengua de

Holguín, Claudia
(University of

Hernández, Yanina

Break 6:20-6:30pm
Plenary: Ana Celia Zentella
“Idioma y justicia social: En defensa del habla del pueblo”
(Washington/Jefferson: 6:30-7:30pm)

February 23, 2019
Embassy Suites
Session 5 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room
8:30-10:30am HS Instruction Curriculum/Materials Bilingual Speech Workshop
Gatti, Alberta Showstack, Rachel Brock G., Stephanie Flavia Belpoliti
8:30-9:00am El discurso académico Surviving
oral en hablantes de
herencia: Análisis orthography in the
metadiscursivo de la
interacción en las Spanish heritage
presentaciones orales
language classroom
Gomez Garcia, Eva
(Brown U)
Flavia Belpoliti
9:00-9:30am Novice or expert? A The perception of effective Análisis descriptivo de
(Texas A&M
Heritage Language learning practices in an los anglicismos en el
Learner's use of intermediate-advanced SHL español hablado de University
communication strategies class Houston
with different
interlocutors Ibarra, Carlos Enrique (UNM) Naranjo, Carlos (UH)

Ochoa, Valeria (ASU) &

Encarna Bermejo
Del Carpio, Leslie (ASU) (Houston Baptist
9:30-10:00am Percepción del Creating and implementing La metáfora gramatical y
diptongo/hiato contrastivo Open Educational Resources el léxico en estudiantes de
en hablantes de herencia for the Spanish as a Heritage español como lengua de
de español Language classroom herencia

Milner, Allison (UH) Meiners, Jocelly (UTA) & Garza, Anel (SJC)
Durán Urrea, Evelyn

10:00-10:30am Podcasting with Heritage Addressing intra-Latino Labiodentalization effects

Language Learners racism: A curricular unit for of language contact
heritage speaker courses among Spanish Speakers
Foulis, Elena in the Tijuana-San Diego
Betancourt-Ciprian, Angela border region
(UIC) &
Marshall, Megan (UIC) Mata, Rodolfo (Colby C),
Moore, John (UCSD) &
Reed, Stefanie (UCSD)

Break 10:30-10:40am
Session 6 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room
10:40-12:40pm Writing Processing/Proficiency Lexicon Special Talk
Moyna, María Irene Nadeska, Mayens-Robles MacGregor-Mendoza,
10:40-11:10am “Hoy hacido un dia Is high depth of processing Mapping heritage speaker The benefits of dual
estresado”: Insights from necessary for instructed perceptions of a bilingual
HL learners’ informal heritage language acquisition? lexicon immersion
writing programs for
Bowles, Melissa (UIUC) Callesano, Salvatore Spanish
Hasler-Barker, Maria (UTA)
(SHSU) & Artamonova, development
Tatiana (SHSU)
Kimberly J.
11:10am-11:40am Writing process Language use, phonology and Un análisis del efecto de
development for Spanish lexical processing in Heritage la competencia y el
Heritage Speakers Speaker Spanish estatus lingüístico en el (University of
aprendizaje de Illinois Chicago)
Cano, Lilian (UTSA) & Shea, Christine (U Iowa) vocabulario de baja
Campos, Juanita (UIW) frecuencia durante una
actividad interactiva.

Tocaimaza-Hatch, Cecilia

11:40-12:10am Spanish for heritage A look into basic and higher Lexical and discursive
speakers’ linguistic language cognition in Heritage innovations of
development in the Language Speakers prospective bilingual
written mode teachers when creating
Lemus, Linda(GU) & informational texts in
Medina, Almitra (ECU) & Camus, Pablo (Soka U) Spanish
Levi Altstaedter, Laura
(ECU) Pallais, Desirée (UTA)

12:10-12:40pm The writing classroom: A Oral proficiency and writing Procesos morfológicos en
Space where Hispanic proficiency: What is the la formación de
scholars can enhance relationship? creaciones léxicas
learning and alleviate realizadas por hablantes
emotional distress through Gatti, Alberta (GC-CUNY) de español como lengua
culturally relevant and de herencia
sensitive pedagogies
Lima, Rossy (TTU)
Sanchez, Yemin

(Hamilton/Adams: 12:40-2:10pm)

Session 7 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room

2:10-4:10pm Service & Activism Mixed Courses Social Issues Workshop
Boyero, Lara Hebbard, Marcela Zentella, Ana Celia Hudgens H., Mary

2:10-2:40pm Bringing it all home: the study When fear is louder than Teaching Spanish
of local Spanish heritage words: Spanish language
speakers in a mixed Spanish use in public spaces grammar from a
linguistics classroom sociolinguistic
Sánchez-Muñoz, Ana perspective
Lang-Rigal, Jennifer (JMU) (CSUN)

2:40-3:10pm The beneficial effects of a Investigating language Tex-Mix: Bilingualism in
Henderson, Mary
Service-Oriented ideologies in action: An Texas Music
Undergraduate Research analysis of oral corrective (Winona State
Program for Heritage feedback in the context of a Moyna, María Irene University)
Students mixed Spanish classroom (TAMU), Loureiro-
Rodríguez, Verónica
Ribota, Alessandra Loza, Sergio (ASU) (U Manitoba) &
(TAMU) & Zapata, Mendoza, Abril (TAMU)
Gabriela (TAMU)

3:10-3:40pm The decoloniality of Letting Heritage Speakers of Spanish as a Heritage

familias by means of Spanish know about the Language Learners and
conocimiento: An existence of Heritage Speakers “accountability” in New
autohistoria of my need to of Spanish: An attempt to find Mexico: Examining
create familias for social identity in Spanish mixed linguistic and cultural
change classes responsiveness in
Sánchez, Alejandro Alamillo, Rosalva (SHSU)
(UTRGV) MacGregor-Mendoza,
Patricia (NMSU)

3:40pm-4:10pm Academic peer tutors and Shift in the Heart of

academic biliteracy Texas: An examination of
development in students language shift among
of Spanish as a Heritage Heritage Language
Language Speakers of Spanish in
Central Texas
Reznicek-Parrado, Lina
(UD) & Patiño-Vega, Lawrence, Patrick (UTA)
Melissa (UCD)

Break 4:10-4:20pm
Session 8 Houston Room Bowie Room Crockett Room Washington Room
4:20-6:20pm Critical Pedagogies Teaching Practices Tense, Mood, Aspect Multiliteracies
Potowski, Kimberly J. Dings, Abby Hernández, Estela Zapata, Gabriela

4:20-4:50pm From cultural awareness Spanish heritage language Talkin’ the (time) talk: Fostering Heritage
to a culturally responsive speakers’ linguistic identity Bilinguals expressing
teaching: Strategies to reflection via a digital temporality by integrating Language Learners’
foster linguistic and storytelling project semantics, pragmatics, capabilities: An
cultural diversity in SHS and morphosyntax interdisciplinary,
classes. Amezcua, Angelica (ASU) &
Ruiz, Mariana (ASU) Stafford, Catherine multiliteracies
Palacio-Ribón , Cecilia (UWM) & Garrido pedagogical
(TTU) Rivera, José Luis (UWM) approach
4:50-5:20pm Lengua madre… ¿solo Estudio perceptual e Effect of dominance on
Zapata, Gabriela
hay una?: Aplicación ideológico: “Pocho pocho pero bilingual language
didáctica de la pedagogía más bilingüe que tú”: acquisition of mood (TAMU),
crítica y el “critical Exploraciones ideológicas a Moyna, María Irene
linguistic awareness” en partir del estereotipo común Dracos, Melisa
la clase de herencia del hablante de español como (Baylor U) & Requena, (TAMU),
lengua de herencia Pablo (U Montana)
Boyero, Lara (UO) Serrano Viñuelas,
García, Gilberto (TTU)
5:20-5:50pm “Then, Spanglish doesn’t Feelings of inadequacy about Proficiency AND age-of- (TAMU), Sainz,
seem that bad”: Critical Spanish: The influence of acquisition of English Julia (TAMU),
translingual competence Teacher Education programs affect Heritage Speakers'
in the Spanish Heritage subjunctive usage
Díaz Sardiñas,
Language Classroom Szwed, Amanda (UNT) & Leanee (TAMU) &
González-Carriedo, Ricardo Giancaspro, David Palacio-Ribón ,
Herrera-Dulcet, Andrea (UNT) (U Richmond)
Cecilia (TAMU)


Break 6:20-6:30pm
Plenary: Damián Wilson
"El español que se habla aquí": Sociolinguistics in Spanish as a Heritage Language
(Washington/Jefferson: 6:30-7:30pm)


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