CEeNews2 04 PDF
CEeNews2 04 PDF
CEeNews2 04 PDF
Distillation Clean
1 5 Steam
Future designs can benefit from the lessons 109°C
that were learned via a well-planned Thermosiphon
∆Pin 2
#1 109°C
investigation of this startup problem #2 140°C 4
Contaminated solvent
2% A 1% B 97% solvent
Etienne Rubbers, Kirsten Green TABLE 1. DESIGN STREAM COMPOSITIONS
and Terry Fowler, Stream #1 Stream #2 Stream #3
Sasol Technology (Pty.) Ltd.
Liquid to Liquid Vapor
Flashed Flashed
kettle ex kettle ex kettle
Henry Z. Kister and Walter J. Stupin, Temperature,°C 109 124 137 140 140
A, wt, % 30 3 2 2 62
B, wt, % 14 2 1 1 29
uring the initial startup of a
new extractive distillation C, % wt 56 95 97 97 9
tower* at a Sasol plant in Se- Vaporization, mol% — 69.0 71.7 72.3 —
cunda, South Africa, the Mass flow, kg/h 134,000 72,000 62,000
chimney tray feeding liquid to the
tower’s once-through kettle reboiler tractive distillation, with the boiling ney tray at 109˚C, and gravity-flows to
unexpectedly overflowed. The plant liquid consisting of a large concentra- the kettle reboiler. Vapor generated in
quickly implemented a successful fix, tion of very high boilers and a small the kettle reboiler at 140˚C is re-
but the cause of the overflow remained concentration of volatile components. turned to the tower above the lower
obscure. Further joint troubleshooting The mulitifeed and multidraw kettle chimney tray. Unboiled liquid from
by a Sasol/Fluor team cleared up the arrangement, and possible foam for- the kettle reboiler, also at 140˚C, over-
mystery, and provided lessons for how mation, may also play a role. flows the reboiler weir into the kettle
to avoid similar problems in other ex- draw compartment, from where it
tractive distillation units. Process description gravity-flows into the tower bottom-
The investigation utilized pressure The process feed to the tower (Figure product sump.
drop measurements, neutron back- 1) contains: 93% Component A, an or- Table 1 shows the rapid change in
scatter, surface temperature surveys, ganic with an atmospheric boiling component concentration that takes
and hydraulic calculations to estab- point of 80°C, which is recovered as a place near the bottom of the tower.
lish the force balance that led to the high-purity overhead product from the The tower bottoms contain 2% by
overflow. Among other things, the top of the tower; and 7% Component B, weight of Component A, 1% of Compo-
measurements offered strong evi- an organic that boils at 84°C under at- nent B, and 97% solvent (Component
dence of boiling maldistribution in the mospheric pressure. B has a higher C). One stage up, at the bottom chim-
reboiler. The team came up with a affinity to the solvent and leaves at the ney tray, the liquid composition
theory that is consistent with all the tower bottom. The solvent boils at changes to 30 wt.% A, 14 wt.% B, and
measurements and force balance; it above 250˚C at atmospheric pressure. only 56 wt.% solvent. This difference
subdivides the reboiler into a stag- In the unusual boilup supply sys- is the reason for the steep tempera-
nant region, an intense boiling region, tem for the tower (Figure 1), liquid at ture change near the tower bottom.
and a kettle region. 108˚C from the bottom trays is col- Such steep composition and tempera-
This regional maldistribution pat- lected on an upper chimney tray, from ture changes are typical of extractive
tern is believed to be unique to mix- where it gravity-flows to a once- distillations, using a high-boiling sol-
tures such as those encountered in ex- through thermosiphon side-reboiler. vent to separate relatively low-boiling
The liquid from the outlet of the ther- organics.
*The tower was not designed by the authors’ em-
ployers. mosiphon is collected on a lower chim- (Continues on p. 56)
Operations & Maintenance