Indonesia Cultural Tourism

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Cultural Tourism: The authentically Unique of Indonesia

Roby Ardiwidjaja1

The structure of all human activities has drastically altered since the past
century,in which cultural tourism is of no exception. Evolving leisure patterns,
short vacations, and the development of a massive tourism infrastructure has
meant that many people tend to have authenticity experiences in a different
culture and learn the similarities and differences of the human condition.
Interaction between visitor and resident, it’s a kind of new tourism paradigm. This
condition has placed a heavy burden on the conservation community, since it is
now the cultural heritage sources often the only impact on the tourist activities.
Proper management of cultural tourism provides the conservation community
into the sustainable development by placing the local communities achieve better
socio-economic benefits. But when the process of cultural development is not
carefully planned without the participation of social scientists, economists, and
local communities involved, it often leads to painful cultural dislocations that
engender more problems than are solved. In any cases, Cultural tourism
development in Indonesia, in one hand shows the conservation community has
been unable to develop convincing arguments that will lure politicians,
development organizations and the private tourist industry to equitably share
tourist revenues with conservation. On the other hand, shows internationally that
the branding had been made is precisely regarding the potential cultural diversity
resource that Indonesia has. Finally, according some studies, it is true that
extreme human need must take precedence over cultural sites, but it must be
acknowledged that guaranteeing the survival of these revenue-generating
heritage assets will play an important role in the well-being of future generations.

Indonesia is surrounded by the South China Sea, the Celebes Sea, and the
Pacific Ocean to the north, and by the Indian Ocean to the south and west. The
main islands of Indonesia are Java, Sumatera, and Sulawesi (Celebes).
As the world’s largest archipelagic country with a tropical climate and very humid,
Indonesia has sources not merely in natural diversity, but also in culture diversity
which compose of values/ideas, behaviors and material culture from past and
present. Culture diversity can be seen from more than 200 million people with
Researcher of Culture and Tourism Ministry

more than 300 ethnic groups live in and scattered over 6,000 from 17,000 islands
spread across 5,120 km of the tropical ocean. Most of them have their own
language and dialects, but Bahasa is the national language and is spoken
throughout the archipelago.
Regarding national development, tourism sector is still considered as the main
earners of Indonesia’s economy. It posted in the five biggest foreign exchange
earners includes the oil and gas industry. This is why up till now tourism is still
considered by the government as an important sector in the Indonesian
In order to achieve Indonesia as a destination with the most divers natural and
cultural attractions internationally, government already implement sustainable
tourism development into sort of programs, that related specifically to the image
improvement of Indonesia as the best destination to visit. On the basis of
Indonesian tourism image, the government has conducted the international
promotion activity with Wonderful Indonesia theme, parallel with the improvement
effort of Indonesia as the one of the most varied destinations in one side. But on
the other side still a lot of challenges and problems which require to be improved
on potential cultural sources, especially in the aspect that still focused on tourism
development with the natural basis while tourism development on cultural basis
has not been yet developed better.

Getting clearer picture of cultural tourism, it is better to know some aspect in
general related or relevant to the matters that referred either tourism or culture.
Tourism represents a very complex phenomenon and not any definition which
can be accepted universally yet.
1. The understanding which usually used by stakeholder in terms of tourism are:
first of all tourism as 'industrial' that involve the competition among tourism
enterprises to serve the need whilst people do travel. Many experts define an
industry as a number of firms that produce similar goods and services and
therefore are in competition with each other. Some believe that the
businesses comprise tourism offer complementary rather than competing
products and services. It is assumed the airline, hotel, restaurant, and
attractions industries do not compete, but they complement each other to
offer tourists the services that related to their traveling. Secondly, tourism as
an activity that related to not merely people movement activity from place to
other place, or internationally people cross a border for any purpose such as
leisure or business, but also the business activity of encouraging sort of

activities and taking care of the people needs during they travel. Finally, the
terms of tourism as systems. This term, most common, see tourism as
consisting of interrelated parts of the terms industry and activity that
mentioned earlier. Tourism enterprises, destination, travel organizer,
community, regulation an etcetera can be placed one of each as a sub
system that closely interrelated to the tourist, and by further examining the
factors that influence the tourist decision and motivation (Cooper, 1996).
Since tourism depend on supply demand mechanism, the tourism products
are marketed are as diagram below:

Diagram 1, Tourism products market




Source: WTO modified

2. The term of culture is almost the same problem with tourism in which the term
is vary. The term of culture, actually, was mentioned during Renaissance
period in 1483 AD as a cultivation of product or crop. But nowadays, there are
more than hundreds version comprising the term of culture as a human
identity that involved the ways of life, language, religion, arts, and so on.
Some define in a narrows sense that culture is a kind of expressions and a
kind works of art. On the other hands defines in a broader sense that culture
is the totality of human ability to deal with his life, to survive physically,
emotionally, and mentally. Culture should be seen as the way of life
manifestation of human that related with ideas, behaviour and the material
product created that shows the norme and value of social relationship and
behaviour as human identity (The Fine Arts Dept, 1999). In a common sense,
however, culture is a total configuration of those faculties that characterize a
society, or a nation. According that, it can be concluded in general that the
term of culture is a masterpiece result of human being in improving level of
live and process adaptation environmentally. As a system, cultural require to
be seen from related/relevant human life materialization with idea, behavioral
and culture material. It is through the culture of his society that a human being

is brought to his dignity, after his basic physical needs have been fulfilled.
Culture identity, basically, can be differentiated by history, background and
social development. The culture itself as a identity has the same traits and
can be grouped into component of living culture ( social, economic, political,
Language, religion, living and esthetics), wisdom and technology ( living,
peacefulness, easiness, language, education, technological science), and
also culture heritage ( artifact, monument, manuscript, tradition, and artistic).
3. Cultural tourism has been identified as one of the major growth areas in
global tourism in recent years. Tourism and culture are two distinct
phenomena that influence each other and that are both open to interpretation
(WTO, 2003). This can result in conflicting interpretations, often rooted in an
ideological view of the dynamic and tense relationship between tourism and
culture. The background of emergence of cultural tourism can be viewed from
economic, socio-culture and technological perspectives. Many people speak
about cultural tourism, however, the perception become vary. Some expert
explain that cultural tourism represent tourism activity based on cultural as
social properties from the past like monuments, site history, architect or
artifact. Others explain cultural tourism is a transportation; traveling to
increase appreciation and knowledge about cultural heritage. However,
Cultural tourism also perception as tourism which deal with masterpiece result
of beautiful human being or limited to creative art like legitimate stage, dance,
opera and art painting. On the other side, cultural tourism is interpreted as a
tourism that deals with aspect of cultural social life/humanities, history,
tradition, and language.
Diagram 2, Component of Living Culture



1.Mosque-Temple-Church 1.Writing 1.Food Production 1. Architecture
2.Doctrine 2.Speaking 2.Clothes-dressing 2. Painting-Sculpturing
3.Tradition-Ritual-Values 3.Reading 3.Medicine-Health 3. Performing Arts
4.Housing 4. Music
5. Dancing
6. Drama

Source: Cultural System for Quality Managemnet 1999

The characteristics of cultural tourism are image, uniqueness and

differentiated markets. Sedyawati states that cultural tourism is a tourism
based cultural. Cultural heritage and living culture are the important source of

cultural tourism. Historic sites, folk villages, museums and monuments are
places for recognizing and gaining knowledge about its culture.
Heritage places have become more popular among domestic and
international tourists to understand cultural authenticity. On the other hand,
festivals are regarded as a form of cultural tourism which reflects the whole
life of inhabitants and traditional culture factors. Cultural tourism is
experiential tourism based on being involved in, and stimulated by the
performing arts, visual arts, and festivals. Heritage tourism, whether in the
form of visiting preferred landscapes, historic sites, buildings or monuments,
is also experiential tourism in the sense that an encounter with nature or
feeling part of the history of the place.

Diagram 3, Component of Culture Heritage


1. Monum ents 1. Traditions
2. Artifac ts 2. Visual Arts
3. Manuscripts 3. Performi ng Arts
4. Minorities Customs

Source : Cultura l Syste m for Qua lity Managemne t 1999

As cultural base tourism development, require to pay attention to various

issue influencing. Dan states Cultural tourism have Continuation hereinafter
can be referred as a “Wise tourism or Smart Tourism".
This is because the cultural tourism is being based on environmental
conservation aspect of the culture, community life, quality improvement
aspect, and the economic enabling aspect of local society (Dan. S, 2000).

Existing Condition
Indonesia’s national emblem is bhinneka tunggal ika. It means diverse and yet
united that refers to the cultural diversity of the many ethnic groups within the
1. Indonesia Cultural Diversity
Each ethnic group in Indonesia has its own historical background that can be
differentiated their histories, and acculturations processes. There were
acculturation processes when the Hindu, Buddhist Islam religions came to be
known and adopted in Indonesia. Other great acculturation processes that
happened in almost all parts of Indonesia were that with the European

culture. These processes used to happen in different intensity within each
region, and it is possible this acculturation still undergoing.
Actually, Indonesia homes 491 ethnic groups which are composed The
Javanese constituting 45%, Sundanese 14% of Indonesia’s population and
the rest such as the Bataks, the Minangkabau, and the Acehnese. In addition
some residents from Chinese Indians, Arabs, and Europeans are scattered
around the archipelago. These Ethnic groups have become more acquainted
with each other. People from one ethnic group even learn and adopt certain
cultural element from different ethnic groups.
It can be imagined the potential culture diversity that Indonesian has, will give
a strategic opportunity for Indonesia to improve national development through
cultural tourism implementation that encompasses many things such as a
diversity of natural and cultural places, lifestyles, traditions, objects, history
and values. In addition, there potential sources are a fundamental part of
cultural tourism industry since domestic and foreign tourists want to
experience the distinctive natural and cultural places and the rich stories
associated with them.
2. Best Experiences
The implementation of cultural tourism, actually, has already developed by
promoting historical monuments, living villages, and traditional performing and
arts as a cultural tourism product. Best practiced related to the cultural
tourism implementation in some destinations such as Sulawesi, Bali and
Yogyakarta is as follows:
a. Regional government joint with local community in South Sulawesi
Province, for instance, has promoted the Tana Toraja Traditional
Settlement encompasses both natural and cultural aspects of the Toraja
living tradition. The sites are also interesting places which have attracted a
great deal of tourism development. On the other side, this heritage area
included in the nominated settlement, has introduced and proposed as the
one of World Heritage Site that Indonesian has. Frankly, the tourism
activities created drive some environmental pressure problems.
Considering these, the management of Tana Toraja Traditional Settlement,
that believes to strengthen the cultural tourism implementation in this area,
needs to be a great enterprise involving many government agencies, the
local population, as well as other interested parties. Consequently, a
management plan is needed to guide all the interested parties to take part
in the conservation and enhancement of the universal values of the Tana
Toraja Traditional Settlement. The management plan is necessary to

ensure that all programs related to the heritage are carried out in a
coordinated and integrated manner. It is only through such planning that
this culture heritage can be passed down intact to future generations.
b. It is also can be drawn from Bali that already known internationally as
the most interesting places in Indonesia. Improving development effort not
only focuses in exploiting culture as a potential asset, but also the other
elements that connected and combined harmoniously. Kadek said that it is
obviously require to be emphasized in this case that the potential asset for
Bali Tourism development is Culture, hospitality of local community and
also the natural beauty as a compliment. It can be said natural beauty of
Bali will not be existed without the influence of local community
background that involved such as life forms, mores, religion, and artistic of
Balinese culture. Bali has known and visited by tourists, not solely
because nature, the number of hotel, and other facilities provided, but it is
because of the Balinese culture, that can be seen from their way of live
and religion.
c. Misunderstanding comprehends this culture also take its rise in West
Java. Some problems which emerge in culture Festival event where an
activity automotive as event culminate from that festival. How that activity
which in fact can be protested since the experienced is believed destroy
environment of vicinity area, how a culture activity can grow values which
is not culture. Of course it is not too early to hope the community knows
exactly about what should or should not do in their culture. Another
example is Kampong Naga in West Java. Beni states, the community of
Kampong Naga, actually, face fuzziness when their village opened as a
tourism object. This really should be concerned, especially a lot of among
them as a local which finally complain to feel annoyed after the area
become as a tourism destination. So it is required to be strengthened the
community rights of Kampong Naga to decide either their privacy live want
to be disturbed or not by tourism industry.

Cultural tourism Strategy

For the past few years other forms of tourism, also known as niche tourism, have
been becoming more popular, particularly Adventure tourism in which tourism
involving travel in rugged regions, or adventurous sports such as mountaineering
and hiking (tramping). Agro tourism is farm based tourism, helping to support the
local agricultural economy. Cultural tourism includes urban tourism, visiting
historical or interesting cities and experiencing their cultural heritages. This type

of tourism may also include specialized cultural experiences, such as art
museum tourism where the tourist visits many art museums during the tour, or
opera tourism where the tourist sees many operas or concerts during the tour
(LORD, 2003).
Forecasts by the World Tourism Organization indicate that this trend will continue
and that tourism will grow steadily in the foreseeable future. International arrivals
are expected to increase to more than 1 billion in 2010 and reach over 1.5 billion
by 2020. These data relate to the whole tourism sector, but tourism in world
heritage sites is expected to increase at a higher rate. The growth of demand for
cultural tourism is also supported by the evolution in tourism patterns, which
show a clear tendency toward shorter stays and a greater fragmentation of
holidays. The shortening of vacations multiplies short visits, focused mainly on
urban and cultural tourism (WTO, 2003). The Dynamic Interaction between
Tourism and Cultural Heritage Domestic and international tourism continues to be
among the foremost vehicles for cultural exchange, providing a personal
experience, not only of that which has survived from the past, but of the
contemporary life and society of others. It is increasingly appreciated as a
positive force for natural and cultural conservation. Tourism can capture the
economic characteristics of the heritage and harness these for conservation by
generating funding, educating the community and influencing policy.
Tourism, with economic, social, cultural, and ecological dimensions influences,
has become as an increasingly complex phenomenon. The potentially conflicting
expectations and aspirations of visitors and host or local communities, presents
many challenges and opportunities. The natural and cultural heritage, diversities
and living cultures are major tourism attractions. Poorly-managed tourism and
tourism related development can threaten their physical nature, integrity and
significant characteristics. The ecological setting, culture and lifestyles of host
communities may also be degraded, along with the visitor's experience of the
place. (ICOMOS, 1999)

1. Strategic Development
Cultural aspects for Indonesian country are valuable assets on tourism
development. Tourism is one of the elements to preserve and promote the
national culture and nature in the world. Basically, tourism development has
to respect the national characteristic as contained in PANCASILA, Preamble
of Constitution 1945, and Board Lines of the State Policy of Indonesia and
also the regulations of the People’s Advisory Assembly.

On the other hand, traditional art and cultural products are become as the
ideas for national tourism development and promotion overseas consistently.
National culture has also big role in tourism sector, because cultural products
are important factor in supporting and developing tourism in current
competitive era. Recently, many cultural products which are being developed
sustainability by government under responsibility of Ministry of Culture and
Tourism, such as ecotourism, devotional visit tourism, Borobudur Festival,
local handicraft exhibitions, traditional music festivals, religious ceremonies in
many provinces of Indonesia, etc.
The coordination and collaboration between government and industry and
community is really needed to reach and support the integration of
development programs not only in cultural and tourism sector but also in any
other sectors. Government, industry and community components are the
main pillar in conducting cultural and tourism development. Therefore, to
carry out such matters, it must be based on the principles of good governance
spirit to motivate and improve development productivities of cultural and
tourism sector. Another reason of these principles is to reduce corruption
practices in all sectors of development in relating to increase the national
economic growth for our prosperity. Good governance becomes the absolute
condition in creating a sustainable cultural and tourism development (KLH,
With the above directions, the Indonesian tourism should not only be
developed to achieve economic goals. Preserving World Heritage for the New
Millennium, tourism has a vital role in assuring the sustainability of a nation’s
culture. Indonesian tourism development will carry also the goals of
sustainable tourism principles and should be implemented by all
As stated in The National Tourism Strategic Plan (Depbudpar 2005), the
vision of stakeholders in the Indonesian tourism development is to achieve
tourism capability to strengthen national identity and unity, increase nation’s
well being and promote friendship among nations.
The mission are as follows:
 To create tourism development as the main vehicle for national
development, by protecting, exchanging and using potential cultural and
natural resources those are in abundance.
 To create tourism development to support national unity and relationship
between nations based on mutual respect.

The goals are as follows:
 Creating equal tourism development in line with the areas’ potential and
 Increasing tourism role in the nation’s economy;
 Creating sustainable tourism development capable to enhance people’s
assets as well as natural resource and culture conservation;
 Creating coordinated role and responsibilities for sectors involved;
 Creating cooperation between areas, stakeholders and nations to
establish a harmonious tourism development;
 Creating control and monitoring system for a continuous and
accountable development.

2. Strategic Implementation
The government believes that tourism may impact many people, places and
more potential sources. Tourism is also a source of increasing stress on
fragile ecosystems and culture environment because tourism concentrates on
vulnerable natural and cultural sites. Regarding that, since the last few years,
the development of cultural tourism in Indonesia has focused from mass
tourism approach to the special interest approach that related to sustainable
tourism concept which generally involves three pillars of sustainability, namely
ecologically and environmentally friendly, socio-culturally friendly, and
economically efficient.
One of strategy to effort the sustainable tourism in terms of cultural tourism is,
by applying program of community development. In tourism side, the
implementation of community development programs should drive community
to have many accesses in participating actively when cultural tourism is going
to be developed in their community, and of course should be based on and
matched with their culture. It can be assumed the main principe to implement
cultural tourism development through community development is as follows:
a. Community Relation. The relation among stakeholder where the
government as a facilitator and regional government as a dynamisator,
private sector local and community as an operator. This relationship that
should be built in harmony, is believed as a key success factor for cultural
tourism development.
b. Community Services. As a facilitator, government has responsibility to
serve appropriate services to community in terms of any aspects that

related to cultural tourism. The fact that the public services provided still
insufficient and seems to be as an administration process and charity
programs, should be changed in the future.
c. Community Empowerment. Improving utilization of any sources in
order to give some access that community needed trough research
process based on social mapping. The purpose of this research, basically,
not only to find out what kind and appropriate of infrastructures and
facilities that the community needed to access easily the potential sources
on cultural tourism development. But also to elaborate the carrying
capacity of community and their environment toward cultural tourism
Jero Wacik, the Minister of Culture and Tourism, states that government still is
revising the State Tourism Policy called UU. No. 9, 1990, in order to match
the need of protection to tourism and also custody of tourism area, as well as
take care of vital project. As known that tourism is influenced by security, and
the role of tourism yield in the second best foreign exchange of national
earned, so then government arranged the security party in order this sector
must be taken care of. In Bali, for example, all tourism area and vital tourism
project already guarded by police (Suara Pembaruan, 2003). In the effort to
improve service industries tourism, Jero also commit to drive culture and
tourism will get same attention. So in running his duty, huge input especially
from all tourism and culture stakeholder in order to grasp where the
atmosphere gives tourism work well, culture even also expand and make
everlasting. Meanwhile, Harry Roesli said, special fascination of Indonesia
tourism attract tourists both domestic or international is culture. Therefore,
socialize to take a care in selling the cultural package tour to the stakeholder
is required. Those packages may not touch glorifying to the area of cultural.
Rudito claims the implementation of cultural tourism, basically, should be
related to some characteristic aspects of community that pointed into form are
as follow:
a. Live Pattern (civilization). The form of this tourism will
concern to any experience on natural, social and establish environment
that integrated totally as a set of the live pattern. Picture of this pattern will
be seen in the form of hinterland society (like Kubu, Mentawai, Sakai,
Dani, Membrano, etcetera), or in the form of specific society (like: Badui,
Naga, Samin, Tengger, Toraja, etcetera). By using ecotourism approach,
then the activities of tourists are able to be created such as tracking and
staying and participate into day life activity of local community.

b. Cultural material (artifact). At this form, tourism creates
activities in which tourists can enjoy, learn and appreciate of culture
heritage (Historic building, complex of ancient building, old town, temple
which is not exploited for the religious activity, museum etcetera). In
addition, tourists are able to visit the object that still be used by and
happened in local community, for example sacred graveyard, temple,
church, mosque, Vihara, klenteng etcetera.
c. Custom and tradition (ethnic group). In this form, tourism
provides tourists any activities of the local community that related to their
traditional institution, for example, religious ceremony (such as patrol,
rangda, penguburan, melabuh, khinatan, tabut, marriage, peresean,
etcetera), performance (dancing, poetry, rebana, didong, rebana
ketimpring, sambrah, sandiwara, etcetera), and attraction of any kind child

Conclusion and Recommendations

We argue that tourism is one of the main reasons for conserving this heritage. In
fact, experience shows that heritage sites that remain closed to tourism and visits
from the general public tend to fall in decay. They suffer abandonment, looting
and spoilage; climatic conditions and other natural phenomena act destructively
upon them; the absence of any economic returns from their existence does not
allow providing funds even for a minimum level of maintenance and upkeep; and
the local community loses all respect for their cultural and symbolic value in view
of their abandonment.
Basically, the principal aspect of cultural tourism development must be based on
the society involvement by improving building understanding, appreciation and
awareness from stakeholder, cultural environmental interpretation, and
knowledge improvement on authenticity aspect, promotion, and multicultural
education. Moreover, stakeholder especially the local society should have the
capacity knowledge about the negative impacts on tourism activity which deals
with attraction and fascination type, ownership, rate, tourism facility, and visitor
arrangement (visitor management).
On the contrary, when open for tourism, heritage sites are to be kept in good
conditions in order to present them to the public in a decent form. A minimum and
periodical level of maintenance then becomes compulsory. But over and above
that, and from a conservationist point of view as well as from the public sector
perspective, the main value of tourism at heritage sites lays in that it serves as an
introduction to the historical and cultural background of a country or place, which

people might never approach otherwise. However, access to sites requires strict
regulations and a wise management of tourist flows. This means: identifying
capacity constraints at the sites, and subsequently setting up carrying capacity
limits; setting up management plans and zoning the sites in different areas;
improving the access to the sites and regulating the parking of vehicles; providing
adequate training to the guides and improving all types of information services;
and monitoring tourist impacts, among other measures.
We would propose some complementary recommendations and instruments for
achieving a mutually beneficial relationship between tourism and heritage:
 Understanding by the tourism sector of the holistic nature of culture, and
reciprocally, understanding, by the cultural heritage specialists and
conservation professionals in general, of the importance of tourism and of the
needs and legitimate desires of the tourist. There is a need for more market
research to provide data on existing and potential visitor profiles and
motivations for visiting heritage sites.
 Preparing a tourism master plan or a site management plan for the heritage
object and its surrounding areas.
 Involving the local community in the definition of a tourism policy and in the
decision-making process concerning heritage tourism, and strengthening its
capacity to have a meaningful role in the management of heritage tourism.
 Responding differently to the needs and preferences of cultural travelers and
of other categories of visitors.
 Interpreting the heritage sites for the visitors, including the cultural elements
around them.
 Setting up a marketing strategy and a pricing policy for tourism at heritage
sites, and establishing appropriate mechanisms for ensuring that a significant
proportion of tourism earnings revert to conservation purposes.

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