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Introduction, Classification of Layout, Advantages and Limitations of different layouts, Layout design
procedures, overview of the plant layout.
Process layout & Product layout. Selection, Specification, Implementation and follow up, comparison
of product and process layout.
S Question
Which of the following is a strategic decision?
a) Facilitates location
b) Plant location
1 B
c) Plant layout
d) Resources location.
e) None of the above
Which is an advantage for product layout?
a) Huge capital outlay
b) Little flexibility
2 D
c) Discontinuity in production
d) Lower cost of material handling
e) None of the above
Objective of plant layout is
a) Minimum material handling
b) Minimum equipment utilization
3 A
c) Minimum manpower utilization
d) Minimum utilization of floor area
e) None of the above
“O” type flow pattern used in ______________ industry
a) Bottling plant
4 c) Steel plant D
d) Cement plant
e) Paper plant
Which of the following processes most likely uses batch production?
a) Sugar refinery
b) Plastic part manufacturer
5 D
c) Consumer electronics
d) Oil refinery
e) None of the above
6 Which of the following processes most likely uses repetitive or mass assembly B
lines production?
a) Commercial printer
b) Plastic part manufacturer
c) Consumer electronics
d) Sugar refinery

e) None of the above

The pattern of plant layout is basically divided by the relationship between the
---------- and -----
a) Commercial printer
7 b) Plastic part manufacturer D
c) Consumer electronics
d) Number of products
e) Production quantity
All of the following will increase the capacity of process except:
a) The purchase of additional equipment
b) scheduled machine maintenance
8 C
c) Larger production lot sizes
d) increasing the backlog before each machine
e) None of the above
The pattern of plant layout is basically divided by the relationship between the
----------and --
a) Commercial Printer
9 b) Plastic Part Manufacturer D
c) Consumer Electronics
d) Number of products, Production quantity
e) None of the above
The location of plant should be in such a place where the -----------are available
a) Larger production cycle
b) Higher material handling costs
10 c) Interesting to workers D
d) Large scale economics
e) None of the above

Flexibility cannot be achieved with

a) Moveable equipment
b) Inexpensive equipment
11 c) Sophisticated electronic equipment D
d) Immovable equipment
e) None of the above

The most important objective behind plant layout is

a) Overall simplification and ease in integration of various functions
b) Economy in machines
12 A
c) Maximum travel time in plant
d) Minimum work-in-progress
e) None of the above
13 A low unit cost can be achieved by following B
a) Process layout
a) Product layout
b) Fixed position layout
c) Functional layout
d) None of the above

Arranging Machines & operations sequentially refers to which principle.

a) Principle of space
b) Principle of space
14 D
c) Principle of minimum travel
d) Principle of usage
e) None of the above
If a line is balanced with 90 percent efficiency, the balance delay would be
a) 10 percent
b) 90 percent
15 A
c) 100 percent
d) 80 percent
e) e) None of the above
A common goal in process layouts is to
a) Minimize transportation distance
b) Maximize distance between departments
16 A
c) Standardize processes
d) Convert to cellular layout as often as possible
e) None of the above
________ are generally used for the transportation of powders, liquids and gases
a) Pipes
b) Conveyors
17 A
c) Trucks
d) Trolleys
e) None of the above
Conveyors are suitable for _______ production in _____ routes
a) Standardize processes
b) Convert to cellular layout as often as possible
18 D
c) Share personnel
d) Mass, fixed
e) None of the above
A common goal in process layouts is to
a) Minimize transportation distance
b) B)Maximize distance between departments
19 A
c) Standardize processes
d) Convert to cellular layout as often as possible
e) None of the above
Which layout facilitates high degree of automation to minimize fatigue and
a) Product layout
20 b) Process layout A
c) Flexible layout
d) Fixed layout
e) None of the above
21 For ship vessel industry the following layout is best suited. C
a) Process layout
b) Product layout
c) Fixed position layout
d) Plant layout
e) None of the above
________ is concerned with the orderly storage and issuing of finished goods.
a) tool room
b) receiving area
22 C
c) shipping area
d) warehousing area
e) None of the above
The layout, wherein a breakdown in one machine leads to a breakdown of the
entire production facility, is called
a) Chute conveyor
23 b) screw conveyor D
c) arm conveyor
d) Plant layout
e) None of the above
. In ------------layout, the lines need to be balanced.
a) Process layout
b) Fixed layout
24 C
c) Product layout
d) Fixed position layout
e) all of the above
In which layout has the best machine utilization
a) process layout
b) flexible layout
25 C
c) Product-oriented layout
d) Fixed layout
e) None of the above
Process layout is employed for ----------
a) Batch production
b) Continuous type of product
26 A
c) Effective utilization of machines
d) Effective utilization of labor and machines
e) None of the above
Decisions mainly deals with the location on & arrangement of the production,
support, customer service and other industrial facilities is known as
a) Product layout
27 b) Plant layout B
c) Line layout
d) Process layout
e) None of the above
The available space needs to be optimally utilized is refers to which of the
following principle?
a) Principle of minimum investment
28 b) Principle of flexibility B
c) Principle of usage
d) Principle of compactness
e) None of the above
29 A common goal in process layouts is to----- A
a) Minimize transportation distance
b) Maximize distance between departments
c) using material handling equipment
d) use of robots
e) None of the above
The process layout is best suited where
a) Specialization exists
b) Machines are arranged according to sequence of operation
30 c) Few numbers of non-standardized units are to be produced A
d) Mass production is envisaged
e) Continuous production exists
f) e) None of the above

Heuristics for Plant layout – ALDEP, CORELAP, CRAFT, Group Layout, Fixed position Layout.
Quadratic assignment model, Branch and bound method.

S Question
Expand CRAFT
a) Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique.
b) Computerised Relation facilities Technique
1 A
c) Computer relation Facilities allocation Technique
d) Computer Aided Relation Technique
e) None of the above
Expand ALDEP
a) Automatic layout Development of Product
b) Automated Line Development of Process
2 c) Automated design layout design program C
d) Automatic layout Design Process
e) None of the above

a) Computerized Relative Process
b) Computer Relationship Layout Process
3 c) Computer Related Layout Planning C
d) Computerized Relationship Layout Planning
e) None of the above

Example for fixed position Layout

a) Mass Production of units
b) Air craft assembly
4 c) TV assembly C
d) Refrigerator assembly
e) None of the above

Expand QAP
a) Quality Analysis of Parts.
5 b) Quadratic Assignment Problem B
c) Quality Assurance Programme.
d) None
The method used for arriving at an optimal solution of quadratic Assignment.
a) Assignment method
b) Transportation method
6 C
c) Branch and bound method
d) Hungarian method
e) None of the above
Which of the following is used for planning layout?
a) Template
b) Process chart
7 A
c) Operation chart.
d) Two handed process chart
e) None
Product Layout is Suitable for which type of production?
a) Job Shop Production
b) Mass production
8 A
c) Low production
d) Cellular production
e) None of the above
Which of the following is considered more a corporate decision?
a) Plant layout
b) Facilitates layout
9 D
c) Resources layout
d) Plant location
e) None of the above
The chart used for identifying the most active departments?
a) Flow chart
b) Travel Chart
10 B
c) Two handed chart
d) Analysis diagram
e) None of the above
Work study is done with the help of ……..
a) Process chart
b) material handling
11 C
c) stop watch
d) all of the above
e) None of the above

Process layout is employed for

a) Batch production
b) continuous type of product
12 D
c) Effective utilization of machine
d) Mass production
e) all of the above
For a product layout the material handling equipment must be…….
a) Batch production
b) continuous type of product
13 D
c) Effective utilization of machine
d) be designee as special purpose for a particular application
e) None of the above
14 Product layout is employed for which type of Production A
a) Batch production
b) Process Layout
c) Fixed Position Layout
d) Cellular layout
e) all of the above

Which of the following is not a goal of plant layout?

a) Minimize the unit cost
b) Optimize quality
15 c) Last in first out inventory C
d) Lifting no more than one part at a time
e) None of the above

Material handling and plant location is analysed by ----

a) Gantt chart
16 b) Bin chart B
c) Emersion chart
d) Travel chart
Which of the following is considered more a corporate decision?
a) Plant layout
b) Facilitates layout
17 D
c) Resources layout
d) Plant location
e) None of the above
Which of the following is not a goal of plant layout?
a) Minimize the unit cost
b) Optimize quality
18 C
c) Last in first out inventory
d) Lifting no more than one part at a time
e) None of the above
Which type of Layout is used for Sugar industry?
a) Gantt chart
b) Bin chart
19 D
c) Emersion chart
d) Travel chart
e) None of the above
Which of the following layouts is suited for mass production?
a) Process layout
b) Product layout
20 c) Fixed position layout B
d) Functional layout
e) None of the above

The process layout is best suited for which of situation.

a) Specialization exists
21 b) Machines are arranged according to sequence of operation A
c) Few numbers of non-standardized units are to be produced
d) Mass production is envisaged
22 A common goal in process layouts is to----- A
a) Minimize transportation distance
b) Maximize distance between departments
c) Standardize processes
d) Convert to cellular layout as often as possible

The ----- are three dimensional representation of objects which are made by
cardboard, plastic, paper or sheet metal.
a) Model
23 b) Sample A
c) Isometric projection drawings
d) Isometric Views.
e) None of the above
Detailed drawing consists of an individual machinery, material handling
equipment, position of operators, temporary work in process storage, etc
a) Plot plan
24 b) Block plan C
c) Detailed Drawing
d) Sketch
e) None of the above
This plan represents as the master drawing for locating various individual
detailed drawings.
a) Plot plan
25 b) Block plan A
c) Top view
d) Detailed drawing
e) Master drawing
Which layout is most suitable for production of Air craft?

a) Continuous type of product

26 b) Effective utilization of machine C
c) Product-oriented layout
d) Process layout
e) None of the above
___________ is a traction type conveyor.
a) Chute conveyor
b) Screw conveyor
27 A
c) Arm conveyor
d) Roller conveyor
e) None of the above
The erection of thermal power plant is done------- to availability of coal
a) Nearer
b) Farther
28 A
c) At city
d) At forest
e) Any where
29 PLANET refers to ----- C
a) Computerized Plant Evaluation Technique
b) Computerized Planet Education Technique.
c) Computerized Plant Layout and Evaluation Technique.
d) Computerized Plant Layout Technique.
e) None of the above

COFAD refers to --------

a) Co Factor and Design
b) Computerized Facilities and Design
30 B
c) Computerized Factors and Design
d) Computer Oriented Advances
e) None of the above


Production & Material Handling systems, Material Handling principles,

SNo. Question Answer

In steel plant the most important system for material handling is
a) Conveyors
b) Cranes and hoists
1 D
c) Trucks
d) Locos
e) None of above
Which one of the following technologies is used only for material handling, not
for actual production or assembly?
a) Robots
2 b) CNC D
c) CAD
d) AGVs
e) None of the above
A drawing of the movement of material, or people is a------
a) Flow diagram
b) process chart
3 A
c) service blueprint
d) D)process map
e) e) None of the above
Witch of the following layout is suited to job production
a) Process layout
b) Product layout
4 A
c) Fixed position layout
d) Plant layout
e) None of the above
5 19. Conveyors are suitable for _____________ production in ____________ D
a) Standardize processes
b) Convert to cellular layout as often as possible
c) Share personnel
d) Mass, fixed
e) None of the above
20. For lifting heavy jobs in a shop, _____________are made use of
a) Overhead cranes
b) fork lift
6 c) monorail A
d) True
e) None of the above

A common goal in process layouts is to

a) Minimize transportation distance
b) Maximize distance between departments
7 A
c) Standardize processes
d) Convert to cellular layout as often as possible
e) None of the above
A combination of product and process layout is called as
a) Fixed position Layout.
b) Hybrid layout
8 B
c) Stationary layout
d) Cellular layout
e) None of the above
A drawing of the movement of material, or people is a------
a) Flow diagram
b) Process chart
9 A
c) Service blueprint
d) Process map
e) None of the above
Cycle time establishes the output rate for a Production line
a) True
b) False
10 A
c) Manufacturing cycle time is increased
d) Problems become more obvious
e) Assembly line
Travel chart method: Travel chart method is a technique used for determining the
overall flow of materials.
a) Flow chart method
11 b) Travel chart method B
c) Process method
d) Two handed process chart
e) None of the above
Which of the following is associated with the transfer of goods into and out of
storage facilities?
a) time
12 b) Quantity C
c) Movement
d) Space
e) None of the above
13 Which refers to the ------required for bringing the raw materials to the B
a) Quantity
b) Time
c) Movement
d) Space
e) None of the above
'Aisle space’ refers to following
a) a passage present between the rows of shelves
b) A space between machines
14 A
c) A space between work centres
d) A space between machines
e) None of the above
The material handling movement may be-------
a) Horizontal
b) Vertical
15 C
c) Combination of both.
d) Curved path
e) None of the above


Classification of Material handling equipment, Relationship of Material handling
to plant layout.
In which of the following layout less inspection supervision is needed
a) Product layout
b) Fixed layout
1 A
c) Process layout
d) Combined layout
e) None of the above
For ship vessel industry the following layout is best suited:
a) Process layout
b) Product layout
2 C
c) Fixed position layout
d) Plant layout
e) Combined Layout
Fixed position layout is also called as …
a) Stationary layout.
b) Hybrid layout
3 A
c) Combination layout
d) Product layout
e) None of the above
A compact estimate of the handling which must be done between various work
stations is obtained from------
4 b) CNC A
c) CAD
d) AGVs
e) None of the above
5 To increase the effective usage capacity of a warehouse, the warehouse has to A
utilized in ------ way .
a) Both horizontal and vertical capacities of a warehouse needs to be
utilized in an efficient manner
b) Using horizontal capacities of ware house only
c) Using vertical capacities of ware house only
d) None
Unit load should be sized and arranged in a manner, which completes the
objectives of material flow and inventory at each stage of supply chain. This
refers to ----- principle
a) Systems principle
6 B
b) Unit load principle
c) Ergonomic principle
d) Work principle
e) None of the above
----- Principle refers To ensure safe and effective operations for the human
worker, the capabilities and limitations should be adapted, designed at the time of
material handling task and equipment.
a) Unit load principle
7 B
b) Ergonomic principle
c) Work principle
d) Planning principle
e) None of the above
The material handling system should be automated or mechanized to improve
operational efficiency, reduce manual labour and operating cost. This refers to
which of the following principle?
a) Unit load principle
8 D
b) Ergonomic principle
c) Work principle
d) Automation principle
e) None of the above
An industrial truck, cranes, conveyors refers to which of the following category
of handling equipment?
a) Transporting equipment
9 b) Positioning equipment A
c) Unit load formation equipment.
d) Storage equipment
e) None of the above
Hoists, lifts, parts feeder, levellers etc. refers which category of handling
a) transporting equipment
10 b) Positioning equipment B
c) Unit load formation equipment.
d) storage equipment
e) e) none of the above
11 Pallets, bags, crates, tote pans, cartoons etc. refers to which category of handling C
a) transporting equipment
b) Positioning equipment
c) Unit load formation equipment.
d) storage equipment
e) none of the above
Storage carousel, sliding racks, pallet racks, mezzanine etc.
a) transporting equipment
b) Positioning equipment
12 D
c) Unit load formation equipment.
d) storage equipment
e) none of the above
Magnetic stripe, bar codes, radio frequency tag, machine vision etc.
a) Transporting equipment
b) Positioning equipment
13 E
c) Unit load formation equipment.
d) storage equipment
e) Identification and control equipment
Equipments such as trucks, tractors, carts etc., refers to which of the following
a) Unrestricted area equipment
14 b) Restricted area equipment A
c) transporting equipment
d) Positioning equipment
e) Unit load formation equipment
Equipments such as gantry cranes, overhead travelling cranes and stacker cranes,
which are confined to working area.
a) Unrestricted area equipment
15 b) Restricted area equipment B
c) transporting equipment
d) Positioning equipment
e) Unit load formation equipment


Basic Material Handling systems: Selection, Material Handling method- path,

Equipment, function oriented systems.
In thermal stations, the coal from the coal handling plant is moved to the boiler
bunker through ------
a) Trucks
1 b) Elevators D
c) Travel chart
d) Belt conveyors
e) None of the above
_______are used for movement of loads
a) hoists
b) Primary cost method
2 A
c) Current value method
d) Fixed price method
e) None of the above
3 Which of the layout usually require less-skilled workers. A
a) Product layout
b) Process layout
c) Fixed position layout
d) Hybrid layout
e) None of the above
________ is used for handling loads over long rectangular area in shipyard.
a) Jib crane
b) Gantry crane
4 C
c) Bridge crane
d) Monorail
e) None of the above
For narrow aisles, long loads (like pipes, angles) _______ truck is used.
a) Crane truck
b) Platform truck
5 A
c) Side load truck
d) Hand lift truck
e) None of the above
6. ____________ are extensively used as material handling equipment in the case
of product layout
a) Conveyors
6 b) gantry crane A
c) bridge crane
d) monorail
e) None of the above
_____________ are used for person moving up and down
a) Elevators
b) Inexpensive equipment
7 A
c) Sophisticated electronic equipment
d) Immovable equipment
e) None of the above
________ is concerned with the orderly storage and issuing of finished goods.
a) Tool room
b) Receiving area
8 C
c) Shipping area
d) Warehousing area
e) None of the above
Material handling in automobile industry is done by-------
a) Overhead crane
b) Trolleys
10 c) Belt conveyor A
d) Tucks
e) all of the above

Elevator is used for handling of persons from -------

a) Lower level to higher level and reverse way also.
b) For the same level
11 A
c) Under water
d) Over water
e) None of the above
12 In thermal stations, the coal from the coal handling plant is moved to the boiler D
bunker through-----
a) Trucks
b) Airlines
c) Trolleys
d) Belt conveyors
e) None of the above
“O” type flow pattern used in ______________ industry
a) bottling plant
b) steel plant
13 D
c) cement plant
d) paper plant
e) Automobile plant
________ is used for handling loads over long rectangular area in shipyard.
a) Jib crane
b) gantry crane
14 C
c) bridge crane
d) monorail
e) None of the above
____________ are extensively used as material handling equipment in the case
of product layout
a) Conveyors
b) gantry crane
15 A
c) bridge crane
d) monorail
e) None of the above

_____________ are used for transferring powder from top floor to down
a) Elevators
16 b) Gravity chutes B
c) Pipes
d) Trucks
e) None of the above
________ is concerned with the orderly storage and issuing of finished goods.
a) Tool room
b) Receiving area
17 C
c) Shipping area
d) Warehousing area
e) None of the above
______are used for horizontal movement of loads
a) trucks
b) Primary cost method
18 A
c) Current value method
d) Fixed price method
e) None of the above
Equipments such as lifts and elevators, conveyors, AGV's etc .. Which follows a
continuous specified path for transportation of materials?
a) Unrestricted area equipment
19 b) Restricted area equipment C
c) Line restricted equipment
d) transporting equipment
e) Positioning equipment
Equipments such as job cranes and other industrial robots which are fixed units
and works in specified areas from its position.
a) Unrestricted area equipment
20 b) Restricted area equipment D
c) Line restricted equipment
d) Position restricted equipment
e) transporting equipment
In case of Power Roller conveyors, how roller are driven?
a) Rollers are driven by means of chain or belts.
b) Rollers are driven by rope
21 A
c) Rollers are driven with motors directly
d) Combination of a) and b)
e) None
In case of Non-powered Roller Conveyors how the driven?
a) these are driven by chain
22 b) driven by belts C
c) These are driven by gravity
d) None of the above
Skate wheel conveyor contains which type of wheels?
a) Pulley wheel
b ) Skate wheel
23 B
b) Rollers
c) Rod type
d) None of the above
Which type of conveyor is made of rubber?
a) Rope made of conveyor
b) belt made of rubber
24 B
c) Plastic made of conveyor
d) Metal made of conveyor
e) None of the above
Which of conveyor is e used for Bulk materials like gravel, coal, grain
a) Belt conveyor
b) Troughed belt conveyor
25 B
c) Metal belt conveyor
d) Plastic belt conveyor
e) None of the above
Where the Overhead Trolley Conveyor is fixed?
a) On the ground
26 b) On the work table C
c) Over hanging above the height of workers on fixed rail support
d) None of the above
Equipment’s used in material handling to transfer the bulk quantity of materials
from lower heights to upper heights.
a) Elevators
27 b) Conveyors A
c) Fork lifts
d) Pulleys
e) None of the above
28 ------------ are used for filling the bulk material into metal buckets. A
a) Hoppers
b) Collectors
c) Reservoir
d) Roller conveyor
e) None of the above
Cranes, hoists, Industrial truck etc. are used in which type of layouts
a) Fixed position layout
29 b) Product layout A
c) Process layout
d) None of the above
. Hand trucks, forklift trucks. Automated trucks etc are used in which type of
a) Fixed position layout
b) Product layout
30 C
c) Process layout
d) Hybrid layou
e) None of the above

Methods to minimize cost of material handling- Maintenance of Material
Handling Equipment’s, Safety in handling Ergonomics of Material Handling
equipment. Design, Miscellaneous equipments.
Respirators used for
1 A)Lung protection B)eye protection C)hand protection D)liver protection B

JIT process refers to

a) just in production
2 b) Just in time B
c) Just in Technology
d) None
Name the FLT is self-loading wheeled vehicle with counter balance.
a) Crane
b) Hoist
3 C
c) Fork lift Truck
d) Truck
e) None of the above
The fixed platform trucks are non-elevating with ----- carrying capacity.
a) Lower
b) Higher
4 c) Medium B
d) None

Equipments are used in metal working industry and mining activities.

a) Industrial trucks
b) Trucks
5 C
c) narrow gauge train trucks
d) roller conveyors
e) d) none of the above
Which of the following are combinely used with lift trucks to move the loads
from one location to another
a) skids
6 b) walkie trucks A
c) trolleys
d) trucks
e) None of the above
The simplest equipment which has both horizontal and vertical motion which
may be a spiral or straight chutes?
a) Lifts
b) Chutes
7 c) lift trucks B
d) Crane trucks
e) None of the above

In which of the material handling equipment, operator can alone lift and carry ,
load and unload the materials
a) Trucks
8 b) Hoists C
c) Fork lift trucks
d) Crane trucks

Which of the following is e commonly used for material handling in industries

such as mining, construction etc.
a) hoists
9 b) Excavator D
c) c)Elevator
d) belt conveyor

Which type of conveyor is used for transferring heavy oil barrels and boiler
a) Elevator
10 b) Belt conveyor C
c) Chain conveyor
d) Chutes
e) None of the above
Which of conveyors are used for transporting the materials which are in the form
of powders and pastes.
a) roller conveyors
b) belt conveyors
11 C
c) Screw conveyors
d) lifts
e) None of the above

12 For narrow aisles, long loads (like pipes, angles) _______ truck is used. C
a) Crane truck
b) platform truck
c) side load truck
d) hand lift truck
e) None of the above
The available space needs to be optimally utilized is refers to which of the
following principle?
a) Principle of minimum investment
13 b) Principle of flexibility B
c) Principle of usage
d) Principle of compactness
e) None of the above
Where the Overhead Trolley Conveyor is fixed?
a) On the ground
b) On the work table
14 C
c) Over hanging above the height of workers on fixed rail support.
d) On the wheels
e) None of the above
Equipments such as job cranes and other industrial robots which are fixed units
and works in specified areas from its position.
a) Unrestricted area equipments
15 b) Restricted area equipments D
c) Line restricted equipments
d) Position restricted equipments
e) transporting equipments
Which of following layout is used for Rail Engine Production?
a) Process layout
b) Product layout
16 c) Fixed position layout C
d) Hybrid layout
e) None of the above

Magnetic stripe, bar codes, radio frequency tag, machine vision etc. are used in
which category of equipment.
a) transporting equipments
17 b) Positioning equipments C
c) storage equipments
d) Unit load formation equipments.
e) None of the above
Material handling and plant location is analysed by
a) Gantt chart
b) Bin chart
18 D
c) emersion chart
d) Travel chart
e) None of the above
A common goal in process layouts is to
a) Minimize transportation distance
b) Maximize distance between departments
19 A
c) Standardize processes
d) Convert to cellular layout as often as possible
e) None of the above
20 Arranging Machines & operations sequentially refers to which principle. D
a) Principle of space
b) Principle of space
c) Principle of minimum travel
d) Principle of usage
e) None of the above
Wooden pallets makes easy to transfer material in which of the equipment?
a) Trucks
b) Fork lift
21 B
c) Trolley
d) Conveyor
e) None of the above
Which of the following is considered more a corporate decision?
a) Plant layout
b) Facilitates layout
22 c) Resources layout D
d) Plant location
e) None of the above
Product type layout is used in ______________ industry
a) Bottling plant
b) Steel plant
23 c) Cement plant A
d) Paper plant
e) None of the above

All of the following will increase the capacity of process except:

a) The purchase of additional equipment
b) scheduled machine maintenance
24 C
c) Larger production lot sizes
d) increasing the backlog before each machine
e) None of the above
The available space needs to be optimally utilized is refers to which of the
following principle
a) Principle of minimum investment
25 b) Principle of flexibility B
c) Principle of usage
d) Principle of compactness
e) None of the above
The most important objective behind plant layout is
a. Overall simplification and ease in integration of various functions
b. Economy in machines
26 A
c. Maximum travel time in plant
d. Minimum work-in-progress
e) None of the above
Conveyors are suitable in s________ production.
a. Standardize processes
b. Mass
27 c. Low D
d. fixed
e) None of the above
28 The most important objective behind plant layout is A
a. Overall simplification and ease in integration of various functions
b. Economy in machines
c. Maximum travel time in plant
d. Minimum work-in-progress
e) None of the above
To increase the effective usage capacity of a warehouse, the warehouse has to
utilized in ------ way .
a) Both horizontal and vertical capacities of a warehouse needs to be
29 utilized in an efficient manner A
b) Using horizontal capacities of ware house only
c) Using vertical capacities of ware house only
d) None
----- are three dimensional representation of objects which are made by
cardboard, plastic, paper or sheet metal.
a) Model
30 b) Sample A
c) Isometric projection drawings
d) Isometric Views.
e) None of the above

Prepared by:

Dr. Paidi Raghavulu, Professor, ME

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