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Possessive adjectives; possessive 's

Ican use possessive adjectives and possessive 's.

Possessive adjectives

If this your phone? No, if ifn t my ph

Its niv sister':

His means that a boy or man has got something. Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives
his sister (He has got a sister.) I my
Her means that a girl or woman has got something. you your
her sister (She has got a sister.)
he his
Possessive adjectives do not change
with a plural noun. she her
your pencil your pencils it its
their teacher their teachers
we our
you your
they their

*1 Complete the sentences with

You are Ronny.
1 He isTom
bag is green.
bike is old.
* 2 O 8.1
_ _ÿ
Listen and write the correct possessive

_ computer

2 Iam Kate book is big. 2
3 They are Henry and Libby car is red. 3 _ books
4 She is Molly hair is short. 4 _ pen
5 We are Ted and Iris house is nice. 5 _ watches

6 It is a giraffe

beautiful. -- legs are long.

7 You are Jamie and Jill cats are

Possessive adjectives; possessive 's

6 _ .house
*3 Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives.
ÿ James andAlice have got a cat. 5 Amy has got jeans.
Their cat ¡s small. _ jeans are blue.
1 Edward and Ihave got bikes. 6 Billy has got a camera.
_ bikes are red. _ camera is expensive.
2 Frank has got two dogs. 7 Dave and Dora have got a house.
_ dogs are old. _ house is big.
3 Ihave got a computer. 8 Fred and Ihave got an English teacher.
- computer is new.
_ teacher is good.
4 Kim and Martin have got a car. 9 You have got a mobile phone.
_ mobile phone is new.

* 4 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with his, her or their.
ÿ _ ñií_ trainers are white.
1 _ shirt is blue.
_ car is red.

3 _ hair is dark.
4 _ trainers are green.
5 _ house is white.
6 _ shirt is orange.
7 _ dogs are brown.
8 trousers are blue.
9 _ trousers are white.
10 __ .hair is long.

k Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about their possessions. Use the words below.

bag eyes pen shirt shoes

ÿWJÿat colour is your bag?J ÿ /"\y bog if

/ Write sentences about you and your partner.

bag eyes pen shirt shoes u b|oclc
e « fler shoes are bli/e.
Our shirts are white.

Unit 8 43
Possessive 's I Write the singular possessive form.
ÿ The car belongs to the teacher.
We use an apostrophe (') to express possession.
the teacher's car
Beth's dog The dog belongs to Beth.
the children's bikes The bikes belong to the children. 1 The computer belongs to the boy.
the girls'room The room belongs to the girls. the _ computer
2 TheT-shirt belongs to the girl.
the _ T-shirt
For a singular noun or name, we add 's.
the teacher's bag
Beth's dog 3 The books belong to the
Jack and Tom's brother the _ books
4 The jacket belongs to my muí
For an irregular plural, we add 's.
the children's bikes my _ jacket
5 The ball belongs to the dog.
For a regular plural, we add '.
the girls'room
6 The phone belongs to my dad.
the teachers' cars
my _ phone
*7 O 8.2 Look at the pictures and w *9 Complete the sentences with the regular and
k Ben's. Listen and check. irregular plural possessive form.
ÿ The teachers have got a computer.
It is the teachers' computer.
1 The boys have got a dog.
It is the _ dog.
2 The girls have got a house.
It is the_ house.
3 The children have got homework.
It is the_ homework.
4 The cats have got water.
It is the_ water.
5 The men have got cars.
They are the _ cars.

6 The women have got bags.
They are the _ bags.

*10 Complete the phrases with 's or

ÿ Ben'?
_ watch
guitar 0 + the teacherV bag
1 the boy _phone
2 the girls_ school
! _ computer
3 Tom _shirt
I _ dog
4 the teachers _ room
_ phone 5 the dog _ nose
i _ shoes 6 the children _ books
7 Kim _hair
8 my parents _car
9 the girl _ bike
10 thewomens _ shoes
44 Possessive adjectives; possessive 's
i 11 Match 1-8 with a-h.

1 the boy's shoes 3 the women's cars _ 5 the monkey's tree _ 7 my sister's room _
2 the boys' shoes _ 4 the woman's cars _ 6 the monkeys'tree_ 8 my sisters' room _

51208.3 Look at the family trees. Listen and write the correct names.

O Alex Anna Ben Jill Kim Mary and Pat Sem Sue and Leo Tony

Heidi's family

Unit 8 45
*13 Look at the pictures and read the Look at exercise 12 and draw your
* sentences. Write the correct letter. family tree. Answer your partner's
questions about it.

What is your ¿a¿'s

What are your brothers' names'.

Look at your partner's family tree and

write about it.

Her dad's name is Mike, her

name is Jenny, her sister's na

1 Who is Jack? _
His parents' house is old.
His sister's dress is white.

His brother's phone is red.
2 Who is Kim?
Her parents' house is new.
Her brother's phone is black.

Her sister's phone is blue.
3 Who is Carla?
Her mum's hair is dark.
Her brother's hair is fair.
Her sister's hair is dark.
4 Who is Alex? _
His mum's hair is red.
His brother's hair is red.
His sister's hair is dark.

46 Possessive adjectives; possessive 's

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