Macmillan English 5 Unit 4 Worksheet Teaching Notes

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5 Macmillan English 5

Unit 4 worksheet
Teaching notes

Skills and language practised

Skill Language

Activity 1 Vocabulary adverbs from adjectives

Activity 2 Grammar future will; first conditional

Follow-up activity
Play Mime it with the class. First, get children to make role-play cards. Give each pair a
piece of A4 paper and get them to fold it in half three times. They should unfold the paper
to find eight rectangles. In each rectangle, they should write a different action and adverb:
e.g. wash dishes/quickly. Then they cut the paper into eight cards.
Pairs exchange their cards with another pair, and put their new set of cards face down in
front of them. One child picks up a card and mimes the action and adverb. Their partner
must guess the action and the adverb: e.g. You are washing the dishes quickly. They take it
in turns to mime all the cards.

1 Complete the sentences with adverbs.
Use the adjectives in the box to make the adverbs. 10 marks
Example answers

1 quickly 3 correctly 5 happily 7 luckily 9 angrily

2 carefully 4 hungrily 6 safely 8 gently 10 quietly

For each word, give ½  mark for making an adverb correctly, and ½ mark if it makes sense
in the context of the sentence.

2 Complete the sentences. 10 marks

1 will find some local shops [2 marks]
2 will learn more about Bedouin life [2 marks]
3 will see some birds and animals [2 marks]
4 will see some sharks [2 marks]
5 will eat great seafood [2 marks]
For each sentence, give 1 mark for the correct use of will + verb and 1 mark for correct

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