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Vol. 66 (1) - 2017


New Edition of the International

Cloud Atlas
An Integrated Global The Evolution of
Greenhouse Gas Information Climate Science: A
System, page 38 Personal View from
Julia Slingo, page 16
The journal of the
World Meteorological
Volume 66 (1) - 2017 A New Edition of the International
Secretary-General P. Taalas
Cloud Atlas
Deputy Secretary-General E. Manaenkova
Assistant Secretary-General W. Zhang
by Stephen A. Cohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

The WMO Bulletin is published twice per year

in English, French, Russian and Spanish editions.
Understanding Clouds to Anticipate
Associate Editor
E. Manaenkova
S. Castonguay
Future Climate
Editorial board
by Sandrine Bony, Bjorn Stevens and David Carlson
E. Manaenkova (Chair)
S. Castonguay (Secretary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
R. Masters (policy, external relations)
M. Power (development, regional activities)
J. Cullmann (water)
D. Terblanche (weather research)
Y. Adebayo (education and training) Seeding Change in Weather
F. Belda Esplugues (observing and information systems)

Subscription rates
Modification Globally
Surface mail Air mail
1 year CHF 30 CHF 43
by Lisa M.P. Munoz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 years CHF 55 CHF 75

E-mail: [email protected]

The Evolution of Climate Science

© World Meteorological Organization, 2017

The right of publication in print, electronic and any other form by Dame Julia Slingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
and in any language is reserved by WMO. Short extracts from
WMO publications may be reproduced without authorization,
provided that the complete source is clearly indicated. Edito-
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Chairperson, Publications Board
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The opinions, findings, interpretations and conclusions

expressed in WMO Bulletin articles and advertisements are
those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily
reflect those of WMO or its Members.
Picture Essay: Winners of WMO Influences on the Transfer of
Calendar Competition Hydrological Research into Practice
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 by Ann Calver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

The Annual Global Carbon Budget A Good Day to Hang out the Laundry,
by Josep (Pep) Canadell and David Carlson . . . 34 or a 10% Chance of Rain?

by Alexander Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
An Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas
Information System (IG3IS)
Accreditation Schemes of the Royal
by Phil DeCola and WMO Secretariat . . . . . . . 38
Meteorological Society
by Chloe Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Europe, Developing Energy Sector
Climate Services
by Carlo Buontempo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Probabilistic Forecasts and Civil

by Clemens Wastl, Yong Wang, Andre Simon,

Martin Kulmer, Andrea Sigl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

2 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

A New Edition of the

International Cloud Atlas
by Stephen A. Cohn, National Center for Atmospheric Research (retired)

"Before the Storm," Davor, Croatia

Ivica Brlic

A new edition of the International Cloud Atlas is scheduled to be released simultaneously with this Bulletin
following three years of hard work. The International Cloud Atlas is the world’s reference for the identification
and classification of clouds and other meteorological meteors. Its use by WMO Members ensures consistency
in reporting by observers around the world.

First published over a century ago in 1896, the Atlas The new version retains the overall three-part structure
has not experienced many updates. There have been of the 1975 text edition, first covering the definition of a
numerous fundamental changes in our world since the meteorological meteor and the general classification of
most recent in 1975/1987 (Volume I/Volume II), including meteors; then looking at clouds; and finally, discussing
the emergence of the Internet and the invention of meteors other than clouds – that is, hydrometeors,
cellular phones with cameras. Important advancements photometeors, lithometeors and electrometeors.
in scientific understanding, too, have come about.The However, there are several important and interesting
time is ripe for a new version. new changes to this edition.

Added classifications
Among the most exciting and widely discussed aspects
of this edition are the new, additional classifica-
tions of several known phenomena. The need for
continuity over time, particularly to avoid affecting
climate records, means that these additions were not
undertaken lightly, and existing classifications have
not been changed.

As might be expected, no additions have been made to

Today’s high-quality cameras and modern technology the 10 genera or primary cloud types. However, a new
can deliver an abundance of excellent photographic cloud species has been added: volutus, which occurs
examples of clouds and all other meteorological phe- within the genera Altocumulus and Stratocumulus. It
nomena, providing better images for the Atlas than ever describes a long, typically low, horizontal, detached
before. This allows us to present more phenomena, tube-shaped cloud mass that often appears to roll
and to illustrate variation in their appearance with slowly about a horizontal axis. When formed through
different locations and viewing conditions. the dynamics of a convective storm, it differs from the
supplementary feature arcus in that it is fully detached
In an age where the Internet has become a primary resource, from other clouds.The Australian morning glory cloud
the new edition will also give the Cloud Atlas a strong is a non-convective example of this species.
online presence.Without this, many alternative atlases have
appeared online.This threatens the global standardization Five new supplementary features have also been added:
of cloud classification, which is one of the primary reasons asperitas, cavum, cauda, fluctus and murus. The most
for the existence of the International Cloud Atlas. discussed of these is asperitas, which has been observed
and described by many people in recent years.The Cloud
Yet the new 2017 edition goes beyond simply providing a Appreciation Society strongly argued for the cloud
web-based version: it modernizes information and style and classification to be extended in order to better describe
takes advantage of the opportunities of a digital format.This clouds with this appearance – that is, with well-defined,
new Cloud Atlas is intended to once again be the de facto wave-like structures in the underside that are more
reference standard for classifying and reporting clouds and chaotic and have less horizontal organization than the
other atmospheric phenomena referred to as "meteors" in variety undulatus. Some of the new supplementary
the Cloud Atlas. Its up-to-date reference material will be easily features have familiar common names – for example,
accessible to a wide range of users, from professional observers most people know fluctus as “Kelvin-Helmholz wave”,
and trainers to teachers, enthusiasts and the general public. cauda as “tail cloud” and murus as “wall cloud”.
4 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Added cloud species volutus (Stratocumulus volutus), Szprotawa, Poland

Clearer photographs and context

The images used for this new edition often have
better quality and information content than those in
the previous version. For example, the new image
for fog shows this phenomenon’s effect on horizontal
visibility much better.
Gary McArthur

The web format also allows for much richer content and
presentation. For instance, there is now an interactive
image viewer that allows users to actively highlight
features indicated in the captions. This approach is
Added supplementary feature asperitas (Stratocumulus much simpler than that of the 1987 printed Atlas,
asperitas), Burnie, Tasmania, Australia. which involved using a system of numbers around
the border of the picture to pinpoint features. Users
A new accessory cloud, flumen, has been included as can also access any supplementary information that
well. Commonly known as “beaver’s tail”,it is associated might be available, such as thermodynamic soundings,
with a supercell severe convective storm. synoptic charts, satellite images and more. With the
image viewer, readers can look at two images side
There are also five new special clouds in this edition: by side in order to compare similar but distinct cloud
cataractagenitus, flammagenitus, homogenitus, sil- types, or one particular cloud type in different climatic
vagenitus and homomutatus. The suffix “-genitus” zones or seasons.
indicates that the term describes localized factors that
led to cloud formation or growth, while “-mutatus” is
added when these factors caused the cloud to change Improved Cloud Classification Aid
from a different cloud form. These special clouds are
influenced by large waterfalls, localized heat from An extremely useful feature of the last Atlas were the
wildfires, saturation of air above forests and humans. Pictorial Guides for the Coding of Clouds, illustrated
flow charts that led readers through a simple process
Definitions, descriptions and illustrations of meteors to identify a cloud’s genus and species.The new edition
other than clouds have also been expanded to include is enhanced with a redesigned and more accurate Aid
several more phenomena. For example, snow devil featuring colour illustrations, each hyperlinked to a
and steam devil have been added to the hydrometeors, photographic image. The Aid is divided into three
together with details regarding types of tornadoes. charts, one each for low-level, mid-level and high-level
The optical phenomena (photometeors) have been clouds. In addition, a simplified Cloud Identification
thoroughly expanded with illustrations of various types Guide is now provided to help users easily identify
of halo phenomena, rainbows and mirages. Upper the 10 genera. This should be especially useful for
atmospheric electrometeors known as “sprites” and training and teaching, and for amateur observers.
“jets”, not yet discovered when the previous edition
was published, have also now been added.

Miroslaw Cichanowicz
Ernie Johnson
Claudia Hinz

Newly illustrated photometeor halo, Klinovec, Ore Mountain, Newly illustrated hydrometeor snow devil, near Abraham
Czech Republic. Lake, Alberta, Canada.

Glossary of Terms It is also possible to search for images based on Köp-

pen climate classification, enabling users to view and
This version of the Cloud Atlas is the first to include a compare things like a Cumulonimbus capillatus in the
Glossary of Terms. The task team felt it was important tropics and one at high latitudes, where the vertical
for users to be able to find explanations for some extent is very different.
less-common names and terms that are not formally
defined within the main text, but that are used by Great effort was also put into updating the language
observers in various parts of the world – for example, and style used, thus improving readability. Prior to this
“bear’s cage”, “barber pole”, and “beaver’s tail”. new edition, much of the text had remained unaltered
for 75 years or more, while in that time common-use
language and writing style had evolved. Writing aimed
Enhancements in text and images at an Internet audience tends toward short, easily
skimmed sentences rather than the more complex and
A wonderful change enabled by the web format is sometimes nuanced sentences common in the past,
the ability to view the text directly alongside relevant and the new changes reflect this.
images – these were separated in the previous edition,
with the text included in Volume I and images in The content of some descriptions and explanations
Volume II. This, together with the ability to view and has also been updated to include significant advances
compare images side by side, increases the Atlas’ that have been made in the scientific understanding of
value as a reference and teaching tool. clouds and other meteors. For example, more is now
known about the conditions in which upper atmos-
pheric clouds – that is, polar stratospheric clouds and
noctilucent clouds – can form and exist.
Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

New Cloud Identification Guide for the 10 cloud genera.


Improve use for training and education Creation of the 2017 edition of the WMO Interna-
tional Cloud Atlas was a collaborative, three-year
The International Cloud Atlas remains first and foremost effort by the WMO Commission for Instruments
a reference for cloud classification. However, like the and Methods of Observation (CIMO), its Task Team
previous editions, it will also be used to train observers (below), the Secretariat, the Hong Kong Observa-
and, in some cases, teach meteorology students. Its tory, subject matter experts, institutions that freely
new web-based format makes it easily accessible. Its contributed synoptic charts and other contextual
search filters will permit users to find images not only information, and especially the enthusiastic observ-
of all cloud and meteor types, but also all situations. ers and photographers who submitted their images.
WMO and the Task Team hope and anticipate that
the Atlas’ usefulness for training and teaching will WMO Task Team on Revision of the International
continue to increase. Cloud Atlas:

• Stephen A. Cohn, Chair, US

Into the digital era • Michael Bruhn, Co-Chair, Australia
• George Anderson, United Kingdom
The new, 2017 edition of the International Cloud Atlas • Roger Atkinson, WMO Secretariat
brings this important document into the digital era. It • Marinés Campos, Argentina
provides professional and amateur observers of clouds • Federico Galati, WMO Secretariat
and other meteors with an online resource that can • Ernest Lovell, Barbados
be used as a reference, a training tool and a source • Colleen Rae, South Africa
of stunning images and descriptions. In addition, it • Isabelle Rüedi, WMO Secretariat
updates and strengthens the language used to classify • Kwong Hung Tam, Hong Kong, China
and report cloud and meteor observations, ensuring the • Eliane Thürig-Jenzer, Switzerland
consistency and clear communication that is essential • Jim Trice, United Kingdom
to this field.
The Task Team is also indebted to cloud expert Frank
You can access the 2017 International Cloud Atlas at Le Blancq (Jersey) for his tireless contributions,
www.wmocloudatlas.org. and to experts around the world who provided
opinions and arguments.
8 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Understanding Clouds to
Anticipate Future Climate
by Sandrine Bony1, Bjorn Stevens2 and David Carlson3

Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid

Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Humanity has a primordial fascination with clouds. The meteorological and hydrological commu-
nities have come to understand through decades of observation and research that cloud processes
– from the microphysics of initial nucleation to superstorms viewed from satellites – provide vital
information for weather prediction, and for precipitation in particular. Looking at clouds from a
climate perspective introduces new and difficult questions that challenge our overall assumptions
about how our moist, cloudy atmosphere actually works.

Clouds are one of the main modulators of heating in the atmosphere, controlling many other
aspects of the climate system. Thus, “Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity” is one of the
World Climate Research Programmes (WCRP) seven Grand Challenges. These Grand Challenges
represent areas of emphasis in scientific research, modelling, analysis and observations for WCRP
and its affiliate projects in the coming decade.

Clouds and large-scale circulation the cause and effect relationship between clouds and
patterns 123
circulation.The strengths and limitations of our current
understanding of this relationship can be illustrated
Visible and infrared satellite imagery of our planet by examining four different areas.
almost always shows clouds aligned with and distrib-
uted along the large swirls and eddies of atmospheric
circulation. Animating successive still images of clouds Challenge 1: Convection and climate
can provide clear documentation of these circulatory sensitivity
motions. But what if cloud formation processes and
systems, instead of serving as outcomes and tracers The sensitivity of our climate – that is, how much tem-
of large-scale circulations, actually influence or even perature will increase in response to rising atmospheric
determine these large-scale circulations? carbon dioxide concentrations – remains, intellectually
and economically, one of the most important ques-
We know that clouds undergo condensation and evap- tions in climate research. Recent work has separated
oration processes and interact with solar and infrared the factors controlling climate sensitivity into those
radiation as they go through their individual cycles of that are known and reliable, and those that are less
formation, maturation and dissipation. In addition, we well understood – largely, cloud feedbacks. While some
know that mesoscale up- and downdrafts form within cloud cloud feedback aspects have been explained, such
systems.These thermodynamic and dynamic processes as those related to the vertical extent of deep clouds
can be expected to affect the transport of heat, moisture or to boundary layer clouds over the ocean, a more
and momentum, and to stimulate waves and turbulence, fundamental matter remains a mystery: the interplay of
perturbing local conditions while rectifying the large-scale clouds and convection in present and future climates.
atmospheric state.Through these local and remote effects, It is clear that our uncertainty concerning cloud feed-
clouds influence atmospheric static stability, wind shear backs stems largely from the present-day rudimentary
and meridional gradients of temperature. treatment of convective mixing in models.The research
community needs to approach the convection problem
Based on these facts, we can presume that clouds systematically, using both improved observations and
impact the structure, location and strength of small- a hierarchy of comprehensive and convection-focused
scale disturbances, such as tropical and extratropical models targeted at undisturbed maritime conditions
cyclones, and larger hemispheric-scale features, such and remote measurements of lower tropospheric water
as mid-latitude jets. To understand the regional and vapour. Community focus on this convection issue will
global impact of a warmer and moister climate, we lead to substantial progress and have a significant
must improve our ability to describe and interpret impact, given the issue’s key relationship with cloud
feedbacks and climate sensitivity.
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Director, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
10 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Challenge 2: Storm tracks seem to influence the poleward extent

of monsoons, while planetary-scale
While we know that as clouds embed- circulations can extend the influence
ded within storm tracks shift, they of rain belts to distant extratropical
Progress toward influence the temperature gradients locations. Through a similar com-
understanding the that gave rise to the storms in the bination of local thermodynamic
first place, we are only beginning and large-scale dynamic processes,
interplay between to understand the myriad ways in high-latitude heat sources can induce
clouds, circulation which clouds couple with storm displacement of tropical rain belts
and climate tracks. The relatively large scale of across large distances.
storm tracks makes them particularly
sensitivity is a amenable to hierarchical modelling In present-day climate models, a defi-
primary metric of our approaches at cloud-resolving and cit in cloudiness over the Southern
ability to anticipate global scales. These approaches Ocean warms the entire southern
can advance our understanding of hemisphere, causing excessive pre-
future climate. how moist processes along frontal cipitation in the southern tropics
systems, interactions with ocean cir- and driving a too-strong southern
culations, and cloud radiative effects Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone.
collectively and interactively influence Similar cloud-related factors help
storm development and storm track explain why cooling in one hem-
structure. isphere caused by aerosols or ice
sheet expansion pushes tropical
As these models and our under- rain bands toward the opposite
standing evolve, it is likely that the hemisphere. Modelling these cloud
use of paleoclimate reconstructions processes and cloud-to-circulation
and models – to assess, for example, connections properly will allow us not
how storm track changes may have only to understand past changes in
influenced past changes in the overall rain band position and intensity, but
hydrological cycle – will increase. also to predict future ones. “Proper”
Enhanced understanding of past and modelling in this case will require the
present storm track dynamics will coordinated application of a hierarchy
improve our ability to predict future of models to work through specific
changes. hypotheses, guided by robust evi-
dence of past changes.

Challenge 3: Tropical rain

belts Challenge 4: Aggregation
Climate forcing that leads to changes We know that clouds and the con-
in the strength, width or location of vection processes that initiate them
tropical rain belts almost certainly tend to aggregate and organize, and
involves cloud feedbacks. In a com- that this organization can play a role
plicated interplay of forcing and in the dynamics of the climate sys-
feedback, localized cloud processes tem. Recent idealized simulations
induce hemisphere- and planet-wide have demonstrated that convection
changes in circulation, which in turn can aggregate spontaneously in the
influence the location and intensity absence of external drivers, leading
of rain belts. For example, mesoscale to the concept of “self-aggregation”.
circulations induced by convection Cloud-resolving simulations suggest

that instances of self-aggregation might increase with temperature, while model simulations and observational
evidence suggest that greater aggregation results in a drier, clearer atmosphere that is more efficient at
radiating heat into space. Thus, convective aggregation could feed back on climate changes forced by other
influences and contribute to changes in extreme events.

The presence of organization on scales of tens to hundreds of kilometres exposes the probability of widespread
impacts, including the aforementioned link between cloud feedbacks and tropical rain belts. As understanding
and modelling skills advance, one can expect innovative simulations to explore aggregation processes in
large-scale models side by side with disaggregation processes in fine-scale models. Such an array of tools
and approaches will be necessary in order to assess how convective aggregation impacts climate.

Clouds, convection and circulation – again

As these four topics demonstrate, clouds do not only act as tracers of a turbulent atmosphere, they also
embody processes that can actively control circulation and climate. Each example is confronted with an
intimate and complex relationship between clouds, convection and larger scale circulation, with clouds and
convection taking a determinant role.

Given the strong dependence of regional climate patterns and extremes on large-scale circulation, it is important
that climate research seek to understand both how clouds and convection affect atmospheric dynamics and
how these effects will change as the troposphere becomes warmer and wetter, the stratosphere cools and
the cryosphere shrinks. Progress toward understanding the interplay between clouds, circulation and climate
sensitivity is a primary metric of our ability to anticipate future climate.

This very recent daytime image of the Caribbean region demonstrates the rich variety of
cloud features and organizational patterns over ocean and land.
12 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Seeding Change in Weather

Modification Globally
by Lisa M.P. Munoz1

Operational programmes to modify the weather – “Water is the basic sustenance of life on Earth, with
including to disperse fog, enhance rain and snowfall, water and the air we breathe as the two primary
and suppress hail – are taking place in more than 50 issues in this century,” says Dr. Roelof Bruintjes of
countries worldwide. Since the discovery in the late the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research
1940s that crystals of silver iodide can form ice crystals (NCAR) and chair of the WMO ExpertTeam on Weather
in some water vapor, scientists have been working Modification. “Improving our understanding of cloud
to understand how to alter the way water forms and and precipitation processes are the number one
moves within a cloud. Despite decades of research, priority and the better we understand them, the
deep skepticism still surrounds cloud seeding due, in better we can potentially impact cloud processes
part, to the challenge of verifying the efficacy of the with cloud seeding.”
technique – establishing cause and effect – given the
complexity and variability of weather systems.1 The fundamental challenge of weather modification
is identifying and locating the best clouds for the job.
Warm or cold, polluted or clean, over a mountain or a Without clouds, these technologies are powerless.
field, a cloud’s characteristics are key to the success or While “cloud seeding could be a tool to enhance water
failure of cloud seeding efforts. New tools are enabling resources, it is not a ‘drought busting’ because we
meteorologists to study and understand clouds and need clouds,” says Bruintjes, whose early training in
their modification with greater precision than ever, weather modification was in South Africa. “Nobody
while new technologies such as nanotechnology are can make a cloud or chase away a cloud.”
expanding the possibilities for the field. Bolstered
by an international drive for research and funding “The basic concept of weather modification, especially
to secure water resources, scientists are cautiously precipitation enhancement, is to find a rate-limiting
working to modernize rainmaking for the 21st century. process related to the conversion of cloud water to
precipitation in natural clouds, and to bypass it with
a minimum level of artificial stimulation,” says Dr.

Lisa M.P. Munoz is a science writer and content strategist
based in Washington, D.C., USA. She is a former press officer Masataka Murakami of the Institute for Space-Earth
and editor for WMO. Environmental Research at Nagoya University in Japan.

“Therefore, it is important to find the clouds that have cloud seeding because high-elevation snowpacks can
the potential to precipitate but cannot exert that ability.” store water for a region year-round.

Indeed, says Dr. Abdullah Al Mandoos, director of the In Japan, for example, where water shortage is a
National Centre for Meteorology and Seismology in transient, not chronic, problem, Murakami says that
the United Arab Emirates (UAE): “Any country that has glaciogenic seeding of orographic snow clouds can be
a plan to implement cloud seeding projects needs to a preventive measure in late spring and early summer.
investigate the physical and chemical properties of Such operational programmes can be conducted “once
the frequent and available clouds in their territory.” the long-term prediction of precipitation becomes more
accurate and reliable and when we can predict water
Part of finding the “right” clouds depends of the tem- shortage with a lead time of a few months,” he says.
perature. Increasing precipitation requires one of two
approaches to help water particles collide, merge, and Bruintjes and Murakami point to examples of snowpack
grow: glaciogenic seeding and hygroscopic seeding. enhancement projects in Wyoming, USA, and the
Glaciogenic seeding uses agents, such as silver iodide, Snowy Mountains in Australia. In the Snowy Mountains,
that initiate ice formation in “cold clouds,” those colder scientists have been using glaciogenic seeding on
than 0 °C and that have supercooled water. Because cold fronts to the west of the mountains. In the colder
silver iodide has a crystalline shape similar to natural months, ground-based generators spray a mixture of
ice, it can create ice earlier in the lifetime of a cloud, silver iodide that the winds carry east to clouds over
giving it more time to grow precipitation-sized particles. the mountains. In an analysis of results from the initial
In “warm clouds,” convective clouds with large parts 2005-2009 experiment, researchers found a positive,
warmer than -10 °C, scientists can use hygroscopic but not statistically significant, impact of seeding on
seeding, generally with a simple salt. The salt helps snowfall; however, they found the targeting of the
water droplets to collide and produce rain. seeding efforts “unequivocally successful”, with levels
of silver iodide higher in seeded areas compared
For either glaciogenic or hygroscopic seeding, it is to unseeded ones. A secondary analysis showed
essential to determine if clouds in a region are already enhanced levels of seeding materials that suggested
efficient or if cloud seeding can potentially make a additional ice particles and thus an impact on cloud
difference. “The main cloud seeding methods provide precipitation processes. The project continues to this
centers for drops and ice crystals to form on,” Bruintjes date, well beyond the initial trials. Some reports suggest
says. “If these particles already exist in optimal size that snowfall has increased by up to 14%.
and concentration in some regions of the world, cloud
seeding would not have an impact.” Measuring the impact of cloud seeding initiatives
is challenging. “Usually we revert to a randomized
The location of the clouds is also highly significant. experiment similar to what is used in the medical
Clouds in the tropics differ from clouds in the mid-lat- community when they test a new drug,” Bruintjes says.
itudes because temperature influences how cloud Like in a medical experiment, where no two people are
processes operate. “In addition, clouds in different alike, “no cloud is the same as another, and there are
regions with different levels of pollution can also many factors that can play a role in the development
develop precipitation differently – and even in one of precipitation in a cloud.”
region depending on the pollution on a specific day,”
Bruintjes says. Anything that alters clouds can affect Over the last 10 years, cloud seeding experiments
seeding. have benefited from advances in numerical models
that can simulate seeding more accurately, as well
Some of the most successful cases of cloud seeding as improved observational tools to understand the
in the world have happened in mountainous regions, physical processes in clouds due to seeding. These
with glaciogenic seeding of “orographic” clouds. tools include more precise satellite capability and
In these regions, clouds form from air flowing over ground-based and airborne dual-polarization radars
mountains. They are an especially attractive target for that can better measure precipitation size.
14 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

“Although not perfect, it has been a great step forward,” 2015, greater-than-normal cloud cover enabled more
Bruintjes says. “As we get better at weather prediction, missions that year.
we can better predict a change.”
As part of its rain enhancement program, the UAE is
Another member of the WMO ExpertTeam on Weather working to lead the way for greater investments and
Modification, Andrea Flossmann of Observatoire de technological advancements in weather modification.
Physique du Globe de Clermont Ferrand in France, Al Mandoos says he is proud of the “UAE as a global
says that researchers have been working to improve hub that develops the best technologies that contribute
the statistical approaches necessary to validate the to the water shortage solutions.”
randomized approach. “Still, reliable campaigns remain
costly, requiring numerous test clouds, both seeded In addition to the award to Murakami’s team for improv-
and not,” she says. ing cloud seeding validation, other recipients of the
2015 award were projects to “use nanotechnology to
One such group is Murakami’s research team, which manufacture more effective seeding materials and
received a 2015 grant award from the UAE Research land cover modification to enhance the confluence
Programme for Rain Enhancement Science. “We are areas and improve the convection initiation,” says Al
working to better evaluate, and ultimately improve, the Mandoos. Using nanotechnology, researchers could
effectiveness of precipitation enhancement in arid and potentially create new chemicals for cloud seeding
semi-arid regions through a sound scientific research that better mimic the crystalline structure of ice at a
consisting of data analysis, laboratory experiments, nanoscale. The UAE Program team is working with
field observation and numerical modelling,” he says. awardees over the next three years to help them
A major aim of the work is to clarify the microphysical implement their research projects.
structures of clouds suitable for seeding and their
occurrence frequency over the eastern mountain Al Mandoos of the UAE points to the WMO Guiding
areas of the UAE. Principles for the Planning of Weather Modification
Activities as an important resource for countries looking
to improve water security. “The guidelines state that
Rain enhancement in the UAE countries that practice cloud seeding must investigate
seeded and unseeded clouds through a statistical
The US$ 5 million UAE Research Programme for randomization method,” he says. “The outcome of
Rain Enhancement Science launched in 2015 as an this statistical randomization process must then be
international initiative to advance the research and supported with an analysis that validates the original
technology of rain enhancement. According to its cloud seeding operations.”
director, Alya Al Mazroui, the program has two goals:
to boost research in rain enhancement worldwide,
and to increase rainfall in the UAE and other arid and
semi-arid regions in the world.

Water is a critical issue in the UAE with its 10 000 year-

old groundwater supplies running low, and demand
for water expected to double in the next 15 years by
some estimates. Desalinated seawater accounts for
40% of the country’s water supply. With the high cost
of desalination, the UAE has been conducting cloud
seeding as a possible lower-cost alternative. In 2016,
UAE undertook 177 cloud seeding operations, mostly
using hygroscopic seeding in the eastern mountain
ranges on the border with Oman to raise levels in
UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science
aquifers and reservoirs. According to a report from

Caution advised
The 2015 WMO Statement on Weather Modification
also discusses weather modification techniques to
suppress hail and disperse fog, and it mentions recent
interest in climate engineering. “Recently, seeding has
been proposed as a climate mitigation strategy, to
increase cloud brightness and increase the part of solar
radiation reflected into space,” Flossmann says. The
WMO report offers caution for such global-scale efforts,
pointing out the historical difficulties in proving cause
and effect for seeding interventions at the local scale.

Global-scale cloud seeding does have a historical

precedence but in an unexpected way: through inad- Award Winners of the UAE Rain
vertent weather modification. For example, volcanic Enhancement Programme
eruptions have injected particles into stratosphere that
have reduced temperatures globally for 2 to 3 years The United Arab Emirates announced the win-
after the eruptions (e.g. such eruptions are thought ners of the Rain Enhancement Programme on
to have contributed to the “little ice age” in the 19th 17 January. The US$5 million funding went to
century). As another example of inadvertent weather Professor Giles Harrison of the University of
modification, Flossmann says that satellites have Reading, Professor Hannele Korhonen of the
observed that particles released by ship chimneys Finnish Meteorological Institute and Dr Paul
modify cloud properties of the stratocumulus cloud Lawson of SPEC Inc.
deck above, appearing to brighten the clouds.

For all weather modification – intentional or not – it is

important to remember that “the atmosphere has no
walls,” Flossmann says. “What you add may not have
the desired effect in your vicinity, but by being trans-
ported along might have undesired effects elsewhere.”

But above all, it’s all about the clouds. “There is no

one-size-fits-all solution,” she says. “It depends very
much on the specific cloud whether adding particles
to it will have any effect at all, and if it has an effect
that it is in the desired direction.”
16 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

The Evolution of Climate

A Personal View from Julia Slingo

Professor Dame Julia Slingo DBE, Chief Scientist of the Met Office in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2009 to 2016,
was awarded the prestigious IMO Prize for her outstanding work in meteorology, climatology, hydrology and related
sciences in 2015. As Chief Scientist, she led a team of more than 500 scientists working on a broad portfolio of
research that underpins weather forecasting, climate predictions and climate change projections. She has a long-
term career in atmospheric physics and climate science, working at the Met Office (UK), the European Centre for
Medium-range Weather Forecasts, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (USA) and Reading University.

Throughout her career she has brought innovative approaches to understanding and modeling weather and
climate. She has developed and used complex weather and climate models to deliver new insights into how the
atmosphere and climate system works, as well as significant advances in predictive skill and climate services. Her
special interests are tropical weather and climate variability.

Dame Julia is the 60th IMO laureate and the seventh from the UK. The WMO Executive Council selected Dame Julia
for the annual prize in June 2015 and she delivered the scientific lecture on which the paper below is based at the
award ceremony held during the WMO Executive Council meeting in June 2016. Dame Julia was elected a Fellow
of the Royal Society of the UK in 2015.

“Climate is what you expect, weather is what you Assign the Phisical Cause of the Said Wind. Halley was
get.” Therein lies an interesting question: what is the curious why the winds invariably blew from the east
difference between weather and climate? It is a matter and argued that it must be due to the daily passage
of timescale – climate is, in effect, the statistics of the of the Sun, whereby the Sun heated the atmosphere,
weather averaged over some time period. As this causing the air to rise and hence pulling air in from
paper will show, the science of weather underpins the east in the wake of the Sun’s passage.
the science of climate.
In 1735 it was George Hadley who postulated that in
Climate science is about understanding how the Earth’s fact it is the Earth’s rotation that drives the easterly
climate works at a global and regional scale. Why cli- trade winds. In a paper that was largely ignored at
mate varies and changes through internal interactions, the time he wrote: “...that the Air as it moves from the
such as El Niño and theThermohaline Circulation, and Tropicks towards the Equator, having a less Velocity
in response to external forcing agents such as solar than the Parts of the Earth it arrives at, will have a
and volcanic activity. It also studies whether human relative Motion contrary to that of the diurnal Motion
activities, especially those linked to the emission of of the Earth in those parts, which being combined
greenhouse gases, will fundamentally change how with the Motion towards the Equator, a N.E. wind
the Earth’s climate behaves. Not surprisingly, in recent will be produc’d on this Side of the Equator, and a
years climate science has become synonymous with S.E. on the other.” He also realized that the greater
climate change science. heating from the sun over the equator must cause the
air to rise and that through continuity there must be
But climate science is about so much more than cli- an equivalent region of descent and the production
mate change. Climate science, as a discipline, has truly of westerly winds away from the tropics. From these
emerged during my career as a scientist, since my start ideas was born the Hadley Circulation, a fundamental
as a researcher in the Met Office in 1972 following a part of the climate system.
degree in physics. But its roots go back much further.
It is synonymous with the disciplines of meteorology, It was not until much later that Hadley’s assertion
oceanography and climatology, and it is rooted in classical that the Earth’s rotation is fundamental really came to
physics, mathematics, chemistry and – increasingly – fruition. In 1835 Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis introduced
biology. Modern climate science is fundamentally a fusion his theory of how objects move within a rotating frame
of theory, observations and computational modelling. of reference and the forces that act upon them. Coriolis
did not consider rotating spheres, but his theory was
In this paper I will provide a personal perspective on quickly taken up by meteorologists to explain Earth’s
how climate science has developed by highlighting a wind patterns. Hadley had been right in identifying the
few key points in history, and by drawing on my own Earth’s rotation as fundamental, but he had mistakenly
40 years of experience of how it has transformed in that assumed that absolute velocity was conserved rather
time through scientific and technological advances. than absolute angular momentum.
Finally I shall address the issues raised by human-in-
duced climate change and how climate science can In 1856 William Ferrel provided the first explanation of
help us plan for a safe and sustainable future. the global circulation and the westerly winds, or pas-
sage winds as they were known then, that characterize
mid-latitude climates. So by the end of the nineteenth
Historical context century, through a combination of observations and
theory, the fundamental importance of the Earth’s
Climate science has a long and distinguished history. rotation in defining the mean characteristics of atmos-
In 1686 Edmund Halley published his iconic picture of pheric circulation and hence the climate system, from
the tropical winds in the Philosophical Transactions the easterly trades to the mid-latitude westerlies, had
of the Royal Society - An Historical Account of the been demonstrated.
Trade Winds, and Monsoons, Observable in the Seas
between and near the Tropicks, with an Attempt to
18 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Edmund Halley’s map (1686, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society) depicts the major reversal of
the trade winds between the winter and summer monsoons of Asia and Australia by using shorter dashes

The role of the Earth’s rotation reached its ultimate The enormous combustion of coal by our
recognition in the work of Carl Gustaf Rossby who, industrial establishments suffices to increase
from the 1930s onwards, introduced the concept of the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air to
absolute vorticity and its conservation in adiabatic a perceptible degree… By the influence of the
conditions. He developed the theory of planetary waves increasing percentage of carbonic acid in the
– Rossby Waves – within the atmosphere and oceans atmosphere, we may hope to enjoy ages with
and essentially laid the foundations of dynamical more equable and better climates, especially as
oceanography and meteorology. regards the colder regions of the earth, ages when
the earth will bring forth much more abundant
In parallel to the development of our understanding crops than at present, for the benefit of rapidly
of atmospheric circulation, physicists were trying to propagating mankind.
understand why the Earth has the temperature that it
does – in other words its energy balance. Beginning Throughout the first half of the twentieth century con-
in the late 1850s, John Tyndall showed that the Earth's cerns about climate change were very much focused
atmosphere must have a greenhouse effect to explain on the possibility of entering another Ice Age based on
its warm surface temperature. He also demonstrated what paleoclimate records from all sorts of geological
that these gases were emitters as well as absorbers evidence could tell us. In line with Arrhenius’ thinking,
of infrared radiation, which is vital for understanding global warming was not, as yet, a serious concern.
the surface energy budget.
In terms of the dynamics of the climate system, there is
Svante Arrhenius took this a step further in 1896 by another aspect of climate science which is of profound
making the first calculations of the influence of carbon importance – understanding how and why the climate
dioxide on the Earth’s surface temperature. In his book of a region varies from year to year, and from decade
on Worlds in the Making published in 1908 he states to decade due to the internal variations in the climate
that, “…any doubling of the percentage of carbon diox- system associated with oceanic and atmospheric
ide in the air would raise the temperature of the earth's flows and the interactions between them. If these
surface by 4….” This early climate change projection, can be understood then it may be possible to predict
although at the high end of current projections, still variations in regional weather and climate patterns at
lies within them. least a season ahead.

It is interesting also to see how Arrhenius viewed While Tyndall and Ferrel were pondering the global
human-induced climate change, its cause and its aspects of the climate system, India was of growing
impacts: importance for the economy of the British Empire.
Indian cotton and grain harvests made up nearly one

Rossby’s example of waves in the mid-

latitude westerlies from his paper in
1940 on Planetary flow patterns in the
atmosphere (Quart. J. Roy. Meteor.
Soc.; left panel) and a real example of
Rossby waves in the mid-troposphere
(500 hPa height field) on 6 January
2014 during an extreme cold event
over North America.

fifth of the British economy and depended critically on Oscillation (and its association with failures of the
the monsoon rains. Henry Blanford arrived in India in Indian monsoon), the North Atlantic Oscillation and
1875 as the first British Director (Imperial Meteorologi- the North Pacific Oscillation.
cal Reporter) of the Indian Meteorological Department.
He found a climate where “Order and regularity are as Over the next 50 years, statistical climatology became
prominent characteristics of our (India’s) atmospheric a very important branch of climate science, through
phenomena, as are caprice and uncertainty those of which empirical forecasting systems were developed
their European counterparts.” Blanford believed that he to predict seasonal variations in the climate such as
had found in India a perfect laboratory to understand the Indian monsoon. But the causes of these climate
how the weather works. variations were poorly understood; this is when ocean-
ography enters the story.
But he was soon to be confronted by the great famine
of 1876–1878 when the monsoon rains failed dramati- The intermittent warming and cooling of the equatorial
cally and the British economy was deeply affected. He eastern Pacific Ocean – El Niño and La Niña – had been
decided that because of the supposed simplicity of the known for a long time, particularly by the Peruvian
Indian climate, it must be possible to find causes for fisherman who saw their catch fail dramatically in El
these monsoon failures; through climate prediction Niño years. In 1961 Vilhelm Bjerknes made the con-
famine could be anticipated and controlled, and India nection between this phenomenon in the ocean and
could be governed more effectively. the Southern Oscillation in the atmosphere, and the
symbiotic relationship between the two – ENSO – was
So began the growing body of research that sought to recognized. Although Henry Blanford did not know it
find relationships between the variations in climate in then, the great Indian famine of 1876–1878 was caused
one region of the world and those in another, termed by a very intense El Niño event.
teleconnections by the British meteorologist, Sir Gilbert
Walker. So by the time I started my career in the Met Office in
1972, dynamical meteorology and weather forecasting,
In 1904 Sir Gilbert Walker arrived in India as the 3rd statistical climatology, paleoclimatology and oceanog-
British Director (Director General of Observatories) of raphy were well established and the transformation
the Indian Meteorological Department. He began to of climate science was about to begin.
draw together observations from around the world and
pioneered statistical climate forecasting by constructing
The 1st transformation: Earth observation
a “human computer”, with Indian staff performing a
mass of statistical correlations using these data. As We now know an immense amount about climate and
Walker said, “I think that the relationships of world how it varies and changes, through a vast array of
weather are so complex that our only chance of explain- observations, especially from space-borne instruments.
ing them is to accumulate the facts empirically.” From In the 1970s, what we knew was based primarily on the
his endeavours came identification of the Southern network of meteorological observations that were used
20 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Flows of energy through the global climate system

(Wm-2) from Trenberth (2009). This emphasizes that
although the balance at the top of the atmosphere
is between the net shortwave radiation from the
sun and thermal, infrared radiation from the planet,
at the Earth’s surface the balance is much more
complex. It involves other fluxes of energy besides
radiation, predominantly from turbulent transports
of moisture. In the atmosphere the balance is even
more complex involving clouds, emission and
absorption of thermal radiation by greenhouse
gases and latent heat release.

in weather forecasting. These gave us a very limited Today, Earth observation tells us an immense amount
view of the general circulation of the atmosphere and about our climate system, but it does not tell us why the
very little understanding of the role of the water cycle. climate system works in the way it does, how different
At that time the first images from weather satellites components interact and drive the variability we observe,
were appearing, showing how clouds are organized, and why the climate might be changing. For that we
and by the early 1980s the first direct measurements need to use numerical models of the climate system.
of the Earth’s radiation budget were made.

Over the subsequent decades the development of a The 2nd transformation: Climate models
constellation of geostationary and polar orbiting sat-
ellites has provided a rich resource for describing and In principle, fundamental physics tells us everything
monitoring the climate system. This is complemented about the motion of the atmosphere and oceans,
by a myriad of surface and in situ observing systems, about the thermodynamics of the water cycle, about
including surface weather stations, weather balloons, the transfer of radiation through the atmosphere,
aircraft, ocean buoys, floats and ships. and about how the atmosphere interacts with the
underlying surface. In practice we have to solve these
We have been able to define the global flow of energy physical equations on a computer by dividing the Earth’s
through the climate system with sufficient accuracy to atmosphere and oceans into millions of volumes using
know that the planet has been accumulating energy due sophisticated numerical techniques.
to increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse
gases; and we know that around 90% of this additional The first climate models, known as general circula-
energy is taken up by the oceans. We know that excess tion models, were developed in the 1950s alongside
heat accumulated in the tropics is transported toward numerical weather prediction, which was also in its
the poles, predominantly by the atmosphere in weather infancy. At that time the models were very simple in
systems, and that phase changes of water – from evap- their construction and the first simulations considered
oration at the Earth’s surface to condensation in the only the adiabatic flow without any representation of
atmosphere forming clouds and precipitation – are a the hydrological cycle. It was shown very quickly that
fundamental part of Earth’s energy cycle. to get anything like a realistic circulation required moist
processes, but this raised some very big challenges
In fact the ability of the Earth’s climate to support water that we still struggle with today.
in its three phases – solid, liquid and vapour – is one
of the unique characteristics of the planet. It means The problem is that many of the processes that give
that between the Earth’s surface and the troposphere, rise, for example, to cumulus convection, condensation
heat can be taken out in one location and released far and the formation of clouds and precipitation occur at
away from its original source. scales much finer than those resolved by the grid of

we experience in the UK. We have learnt how mountains

affect the position of storm tracks, whether Himalayan
snow cover can really influence the progress of the
Indian monsoon and many more important findings.
All this has been achieved through careful design of
“what if” experiments based on hypotheses drawn
from observations of the past and present climate.

The 3rd transformation: Supercomputing

Schematic showing how a climate model divides Ever since their inception, climate models have been very
the atmosphere, oceans and the surface into computationally-intensive; therefore, the availability of
horizontal squares, typically of 100km or less in computing power has dictated the level of sophistication
length, and how they are sliced up in the vertical, and the type of experiments that can be performed.
typically over 70 layers or more. The fundamental There are few sciences where progress can be so closely
equations of motion are solved numerically on this linked to the increases in supercomputing power.
grid to simulate how atmospheric winds and ocean
currents evolve over time. Supercomputing has transformed climate science. It
has enabled increases in resolution so that the models
the model. Much of the early development of general capture more faithfully the weather systems that
circulation models therefore focused on finding ways constitute the climate; it has allowed the introduction
to represent these sub-gridscale processes through of more components of the climate system, such as
parameterization, in which the effect of these pro- the carbon cycle and atmospheric composition, and
cesses could be deduced from the resolved, large- their transformation to Earth system models; and it
scale characteristics of the atmosphere. Over the has delivered the capability to perform large numbers
subsequent decades these parameterizations have of simulations to test for robustness and to capture
developed substantially based on greater theoretical the plausible range of future states of the weather and
understanding, better observations and the use of climate that might arise naturally from the chaotic
detailed laboratory and field experiments. nature of the atmosphere and oceans.

For a climate scientist, the climate model is our lab- But complexity comes at a computational cost and so
oratory. We cannot perform experiments on the real the resolution of climate models was compromised to
system to test hypotheses formed from theory and enable different interactions and feedbacks within the
observations as one might in experimental physics or climate system to be represented. It is now increas-
chemistry. Instead we need to use the model to pick ingly recognized that many of these interactions and
apart feedbacks and interactions within the climate feedbacks operate on space and timescales that relate
system so that we can understand how the system to atmospheric weather and ocean eddies, and recent
works and why it varies and changes. This means advances in supercomputing power are allowing this
that we are always testing the validity of our models to happen.
against theory and observations and always seeking
to improve their skill. Increasing the horizontal (spatial) resolution is particu-
larly challenging; halving the grid length requires 10
Over the last few decades models have enabled us to times the computing power. Even the latest models
understand so many aspects of the climate system, used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
from how soil moisture feedbacks affect the West (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report (2013) had resolutions
African monsoon, to why what happens in the tropical coarser than 100 km. But that is changing rapidly
West Pacific drives the climate over North America, to now as more computing is becoming available and
how the 11-year solar cycle affects the winter weather there is greater appreciation of the scientific need to
22 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Example of the improvements in the description of upper-ocean flows with higher model resolution in the Met Office climate
model. This shows the surface currents with the strongest currents in white, and highlights the importance of resolution for
capturing ocean eddies and western boundary currents, such as the Gulf Stream.

resolve atmospheric motions – the weather – and how for the validity of the simulation or prediction. There
they transport heat, momentum, moisture and other is no doubt that the availability of supercomputing
atmospheric constituents. power continues to hold back climate science and
that a compelling case can be made for even greater
The ocean is potentially even more challenging because investment.
the scale of eddies is a fraction of those in the atmos-
phere. The resolutions of order 80 km typically used in
climate models require the effect of ocean eddies to be The 4th transformation: Global warming
parameterized and compromise important components
of the ocean circulation, such as the Gulf Stream. The In 1958 Charles David Keeling began making meas-
latest climate models, with significantly higher ocean urements of atmospheric concentrations of carbon
resolution of order 20 km, begin to capture ocean dioxide (CO2) at Mauna Loa (Hawaii, USA), and soon
eddies and are leading to substantial increases in skill, began to notice that the concentrations were rising
but it is generally regarded that resolutions of order 5 systematically year-on-year. So began the huge influ-
km are necessary to represent ocean eddies. As well ence that human-induced climate change would have
as being important for transporting heat around the on climate science.
ocean, regions of eddy activity are also where biological
production is high, so they are critical to the uptake The first simulations of the possible implications of
of carbon by the ocean. increasing CO2 were performed in the 1970s and by the
early 1980s were an integral part of climate research in
So the climate scientist is always making choices the Met Office and beyond. One landmark study from
about how best to deploy available supercomputing 1974 on The Effects of Doubling the CO2 Concentration
resources, whether to trade resolution for complexity on the Climate of a General Circulation Model by
or ensemble size. There is never a single answer; Suki Manabe and Dick Wetherald, predicted a global
it depends on the scientific application and on our warming of 2.93 Kelvin (K), close to the middle of the
level of understanding of what those choices mean current range.They also predicted several other facets

that we have now observed as signatures of greenhouse Helping us plan for a safe and sustainable
gas-induced climate change – stratospheric cooling, future
enhanced warming of the poles and greater warming
of the tropical upper troposphere. In 1990, at the time of the publication of the first IPCC
Report, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher established
The need to understand the sensitivity of the climate the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
system to greenhouse gases undoubtedly had a big in the Met Office. Her words are as relevant today as
influence on model development. There have been they were 25 years ago:
major endeavours involving national and international
science partnerships from the introduction of a fully “We can now say that we have the Surveyor's Report
interactive ocean model to address ocean heat uptake and it shows that there are faults and that the repair
to the development of terrestrial vegetation and ocean work needs to start without delay. …… We would be
biogeochemistry models to understand the role of taking a great risk with future generations if, having
the carbon cycle in amplifying global warming; to received this early warning, we did nothing about it or
complex cloud microphysics to understand cloud just took the attitude: "Well! It will see me out! ...The
feedbacks and interactive sea-ice models to address problems do not lie in the future – they are here and
polar amplification. now – and it is our children and grandchildren, who
are already growing up, who will be affected.”
By the time the IPCC published its 5th Assessment
Report in 2013 the evidence for a warming world The evolution of climate science means that today it
was unequivocal. The IPCC further stated that it is is ready to play a central role in helping us plan for a
“Extremely likely that most of observed increase in safe and sustainable future. The predictive power of
global surface temperature since 1951 is caused by climate models enables us “to see into the future,” so
human influence.” That statement was based on the that we can be better prepared to deal with the risks we
use of climate models to investigate what the world’s face from human interference with the climate system.
climate would have been like without human emissions
of greenhouse gases and land use change. Without It is worth returning to where this paper began – “Cli-
the development of sophisticated climate models in mate is what you expect, weather is what you get.”
the last 50 years the attribution of global warming to Through the evolution of climate science outlined
human factors could not have been made. here, we have begun to appreciate more and more
that there is no distinction between the weather and
Attribution of climate change now goes beyond just the climate; the same science underpins them both.
considering the global mean surface temperature to As we look to the future and a warming world, the
address other components, more regional aspects of greatest impacts of climate change on society will be felt
the climate system and even extreme events such as through changes in the weather, especially hazardous
flooding, drought and heatwaves. Year after year the weather such as floods, storms and heatwaves. The
evidence grows that human-induced climate change transformation of climate science to a science that is
has made a contribution to the severity of these sorts rooted in local weather is the next big step.
of events.

Despite all the debates about uncertainties in climate

models and in the projections of climate change,
arguably one of the most important outcomes from
the IPCC 5th Assessment Report was the very simple
and fundamental fact that if we continue to accumu-
late carbon in the atmosphere then the planet will
continue to warm, just as Arrhenius hypothesized in
1896. Without doubt, climate change has become a
defining problem for the 21st century.
24 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

WMO Technical Regulations

An interview with Dimitar Ivanov
by WMO Secretariat

Dimitar Ivanov is the chief of the WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Division and the officer in charge of quality
management systems. For the last five years, he has been providing guidance and advice on updating and
amending the WMO technical regulations. Mr Ivanov has extensive experience in the development and man-
agement of regulatory frameworks for the provision of meteorological services to aviation through his work
at the national level and for the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In view of the high priority
accorded by the Seventeenth World Meteorological Congress (2015) to enhancing the organization-wide culture
of compliance with the international regulatory framework that WMO has been promulgating – which is one
of its main functions – the Bulletin has interviewed Mr Ivanov on the topic.

Is there a link between the "clouds" theme first International Meteorological Congress, written
and the WMO Technical Regulations? during the Leipzig Conference in August 1872: “At the
present time, the increasing interest in meteorology
Bob Dylan sang “Man Gave Names to All the Animals.” research shown by all civilized countries has led to a
In the same way, WMO gave names to all the clouds – demand for far-reaching coordination and standardiza-
or rather, its predecessor was involved in the process tion of the methods and procedures in use in different
long before WMO, in its current form, existed. During countries.” The Leipzig Conference established some
the nineteenth century, an international effort was of the main features of the international approach to
made by many scientists and observers of the sky meteorology, including standardized observations,
to agree upon a classification of clouds based on telegraphic exchange of data, international coordination
their appearance and physical characteristics. This and governance through a dedicated international body.
work was guided by the International Meteorological IMO was established one year later in September 1873
Organization (IMO) and resulted in the development of at the First International Meteorological Congress in
the International Cloud Atlas, Volume I of which serves Vienna.
as Annex I to the WMO Technical Regulations today.
Attempts at standardization, however, started even
Standardized cloud observations were extremely earlier. The so-called Beaufort wind force scale was
important in the early years of weather forecasting, devised in 1805 and the first international meteorolog-
which was at the time a mixture of science, art and ical conference, known as the Maritime Conference,
black magic. The ability to “read the sky” by knowing was held in Brussels in August 1853. This conference
the cloud types and their physical links to frontal established the basis for standardized maritime obser-
systems and air mass characteristics was essential vations and the standardization of ships’ weather
for forecasters. logbooks, which allowed Lieut. Matthew Fontaine
Maury to develop wind charts over the oceans.

When did WMO start to create international For its almost 80 years of existence (1873 to 1951),
regulations? IMO was the main body promoting international
standardization. It established a structure that served
Standardization in meteorology predates WMO as is international meteorology well, which included tech-
clear from this excerpt from an invitation letter to the nical commissions, an especially effective means

of promoting the international standardization of would today be called a non-governmental organ-

observations and ways of exchanging observational ization (NGO). Its technical commissions had been
data. The standardization and optimization of weather trying to introduce certain standards and harmonized
observation and reporting practices received a great procedures, hence, as cross-border data exchanges
deal of attention at IMO meetings. increased, the need to standardize aspects such as
instrument calibration and the measurement units
The first prototype of a regulatory document was the used became obvious. But, these early “standards”
International Cloud Atlas, mentioned above. It was were purely voluntary and adherence to them was
first published in Paris in 1896 and a more definitive inconsistent. Prof. Paul Edwards describes the situation
second edition appeared in 1910. The newest version in his essay Meteorology as Infrastructural Globalism:
set to be published by WMO simultaneously with this
Bulletin, 121 years after the first. The IMO case was typical of pre-WWII scientific
internationalism. For 75 years the organization
A very strong stimulus for the development of a com- remained a cooperative non-governmental asso-
mon global framework of technical regulations arrived ciation of national weather services.The principle
after World War I with the emergence of international air of interaction was explicity voluntary. As a result,
transport. Aviation is one of the most weather-sensitive IMO standards and policies funcitoned only as
businesses, but was even more so in its early years. recommendations, which nations were at liberty
Aerodrome meteorological observations and reports to refuse or simply ignore. In practice, national
were crucial for flight planning and safety and had identity and independence often mattered more
to be highly standardized for the growing number of than international standards, though the polite
regular international flights. language of scientific exchange muted national
rivalries. Each national weather service chose its
Yet it was not until the WMO World Weather Watch was own balance between IMO standards and its own,
established in the early 1960s that the vision of a global sometimes diverging techniques. Ambivalence
network of stations making standardized observations about intergovernmental status among national
and exchanging data through common protocols weather service directors, who feared bureaucratic
across national borders truly materialized. This began meddling, kept the organization frozen in this
the next round of intensive standard-making and was state until just before WWII.
a major step forward in globalizing meteorological
networks, using emerging satellite observations and The need for a governmental power to enforce inter-
advancing numerical weather prediction. In order to national standards in a coherent, uniform way was one
operate successfully, the three global components of of the main driving forces for the transition to a new,
the World Weather Watch – the Global Observing System inter-governmental form of organization. As stated
(GOS), the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) at the IMO meeting in Berlin in 1939: “In view of the
and the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System steadily increasing practical importance of meteorol-
(GDPFS) – all required a strong regulatory framework ogy, it is desirable that governments … should have
that was collectively enforced and implemented by all a greater influence on the work of the Organization.
WMO Members. The resolutions of the Organization should be binding
on the countries to a greater extent.”

Did the transformation of IMO to WMO When WMO was established in 1951 and became a
strengthen the development of standards in United Nations specialized agency, all “proto-stand-
meteorology? ards” developed within the IMO framework became
WMO resolutions.The Second WMO Congress in 1955
The transformation from IMO to WMO was brought defined the WMOTechnical Regulations and the terms
about to a great extent by the desire for stronger “standard meteorological practices and procedures”
international standardization and regulation. As an and “recommended meteorological practices and
association of meteorological services, IMO was what procedures”. It also adopted the WMO Technical
26 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Regulations (Volumes I and II) for implementation a “recommended practice or procedure”; these are
as of 1 July 1956. Since then, the Regulations have referred to as ”standards” and “recommendations”,
been expanded and amended as necessary to reflect respectively. A common misconception is that only
the evolving requirements of Members and users, standards are true regulations, while recommendations
taking into consideration advances in science and are guidance material. In fact, they are both regulatory
technology. material, but there is a difference in their implemen-
tation status. By definition, standards are “practices
How was the WMO role as a standard-making and procedures which it is necessary that Members
body established? follow or implement” and recommendations are “the
practices and procedures which it is desirable that
The role of WMO as a standardization body was estab- Members follow or implement”. Both standards and
lished in its Convention. Article 2 of the Convention recommendations are linked to Article 9 of the WMO
stipulates that one of the purposes of WMO is “[t]o Convention, which includes the general expectation
promote standardization of meteorological and related that all Members “shall do their utmost to implement
observations and to ensure the uniform publication of the decisions of Congress” – since the regulatory
observations and statistics”. Furthermore, the general provisions developed by WMO are normally approved
terms of reference of the WMO technical commissions by Congress or by the Executive Council, they are
require that each commission “[d]evelop, for consider- considered “Congress decisions”.Article 9 also requires
ation by the Executive Council and Congress, proposed Members to notify the Secretary-General if they find it
international standards for methods, procedures, tech- impracticable to implement certain technical provisions
niques and practices in meteorology and operational and explain their reasons.
hydrology including, in particular, the relevant parts of
the Technical Regulations, guides and manuals”. Thus, There is a simple way to distinguish between standards
the Technical Regulations have always been a major and recommendations in the English version of the
product of the WMO expert bodies’ work supporting WMOTechnical Regulations: standards are formulated
the establishment and continuous development of with the use of the verbal form “shall” and recommen-
global infrastructure and services. dations with “should”.

Like a number of other United Nations organizations These two types of regulations are necessary due to the
and agencies, WMO is part of the family of international different maturity of the requirements they establish
standard-making bodies.The International Organization and their suitability for global implementation. With
for Standardization (ISO) recognized WMO as such in the advancement of technology, new requirements
December 2007. Since then ISO and WMO have been could initially be promulgated as recommendations,
working to develop joint standards. WMO has also realizing that less developed Members may need time
been working closely with other organizations, the to attain the necessary technical capability for their
International Civil Aviation Organization in particular, to implementation. Hence, technical commissions are
create joint regulatory frameworks for their Members. given the instruction that they “should not recommend
that a Regulation be a standard practice unless it is
What is the structure of the WMO Technical supported by a strong majority”.
In general, depending on their needs and technical
It is important to understand the different types of capabilities, Members should treat standards as binding
WMO regulatory and guidance material and their requirements and recommendations as highly desirable
implications to Members' National Meteorological for implementation as soon as possible. Members
and Hydrological Services as well as for other service have been strongly encouraged to inform the Secre-
providers and stakeholders. tariat of any difficulties they may face in implementing
the technical regulations as an important feedback to
A WMO technical regulation can be formulated the continuous improvement of the standardization
either as a “standard practice or procedure” or as processes.

All WMO Technical Regulations are contained in WMO Technical Regulations in their national systems and
Basic Documents No. 2, a set of publications that consist practices – for instance, standards for synchronized
of three volumes, numbered WMO-No. 49, with eight synoptic observations are spelled out in the Manual
annexes to Volume I. The annexes, called “manuals”, on the Global Observing System (WMO-No. 544) and
also contain standards and recommendations for all Members organize their national systems in such
specific systems and services. a way that the observations are made at the main
standard times (0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC)
The third part of the WMOTechnical Regulation frame- and intermediate standard times (0300, 0900, 1500
work involves a set of guides that describe practices, and 2100 UTC). Other standards define the types of
procedures and specifications which "Members are centres that need to be established in order to ensure
invited to follow or implement" in establishing and that the WMO Information System (WIS) functions
conducting their arrangements for compliance with seamlessly. The Manual on the WMO Information
theTechnical Regulations, and in otherwise developing System (WMO-No. 1060) provides the designation
meteorological and hydrological services in their procedures and functional requirements for the three
respective countries. Guides are non-regulatory by types of WIS centres: National Centres, Data Collection
nature, but are nonetheless a very important part of or Production Centres and Global Information System
the standardization process as they contain practical Centres. Standard and recommended practices for the
advice and options, based on Members’ identified provision of meteorological services to specific sectors
best practices. One such example is the Guide to – for example, aviation and marine sectors – have
Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observa- been in place for many years. Technical specifications
tion (WMO-No. 8), which is one of the WMO all-time regarding the coding of meteorological, hydrological,
"bestsellers." climatological and other related information are also
included in the WMO Technical Regulations.
How are technical regulations used by Members
and how is their application ensured? As has been demonstrated above, WMO uses its
expert technical bodies to create a comprehensive
As mentioned above, Article 9 of the Convention international framework that enables a global stand-
calls for Members to “do their utmost” to implement ardization of systems, methods and procedures. This
Congress decisions, including adopted standards and standardization is crucial for the uniform conduct
recommended practices. Some authors see this “soft of the main activities of Members’ meteorological,
binding” expression as a result of the debate between hydrological and other institutions – that is, monitoring
directors of meteorological services when IMO was the atmosphere and hydrosphere; conducting analyses
transitioning to WMO.Thus, one can argue that there is and forecasting; and providing essential services to
nothing strictly mandatory in theTechnical Regulations, various users. Members ensure their compliance with
but the main motivation is that all Members would the international standards and recommendations by
cooperate in a global endeavour that requires a high transposing the WMO technical provisions into relevant
level of standardization.The vast majority of Members national normative or regulatory documents. Thus
do follow the international regulations in their national international regulations can be enforced at a national
procedures and practices, although some deviations level and Members’ participation in and contribution
exist due to local circumstances, whether institutional to regional and global systems and services can be
or technical. A number of resolutions of Congress and ensured.
the Executive Council have addressed and promoted the
need for uniform implementation of the standards by How will the recommendation of the Seven-
all Members. Related capacity development activities teenth Congress for an enhanced, organiza-
have also been organized. tion-wide “culture of compliance” be followed?

Each Member’s data are used by many of the other The Seventeenth Congress reiterated that achieving
Members, which is why standardization and inter- compliance with theTechnical Regulations was funda-
operability are essential. Members implement the mental to the global standardization and interoperability
28 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

of systems, networks, methods and of the WMO Technical Regulations

related services provided at global, (WMO-No. 1127) and a training pro-
regional and national levels.This came gramme has been put in place for
as a response to observed cases of experts engaged in drafting Techni-
deviations or slow implementation cal Regulations and amendments.
WMO uses its of some requirements established Improved systematic monitoring of
expert technical through the standard and recom- compliance and identification of defi-
mended practices and procedures. ciencies are also part of the enhanced
bodies to create Such non-compliance cases are gen- culture of compliance.
a comprehensive erally referred to as “deficiencies” that
international affect the performance of individual What is the role of the Secre-
service providers. This is consequen- tariat in the preparation and
framework that tial because the WMO networks and promulgation of the Technical
enables a global systems are built on the collective Regulations?
standardization of capacity of the Members, which con-
tribute their infrastructure and data When new or amended technical
systems, methods at regional and global levels. Thus, regulatory or guidance material is
and procedures. any deficiencies stemming from a created, the Secretariat has the impor-
lack of standardization of procedures tant role of editing and publishing the
and practices affect the performance approved texts. During the editorial
of the system as a whole. Congress process, the main task is to ensure the
explained how such deficiencies could consistency and homogeneity of all
be overcome through an organiza- WMO publications that contain tech-
tion-wide, coordinated effort involving nical regulations.This is made difficult
technical bodies, which develop stand- by the fact that the regulatory material
ards; Members’ agencies, which carry is prepared by the eight technical
out implementation; and regional commissions and their many expert
bodies and the Secretariat, which are bodies.Thus, all officers serving these
responsible for quality control and groups must be prepared to offer
monitoring. advice during the drafting process.

The sixty-eighth session of the Exec- Once theTechnical Regulations come

utive Council followed up with the into force, the Secretariat monitors
adoption of a roadmap to an enhanced their implementation by the Mem-
framework for WMO Technical Regu- bers’ responsible institutions, namely
lations (Decision 93), which outlines the National Meteorological and
actions by technical commissions, Hydrological Services. The Regional
regional associations, Members and Associations play a key role in col-
the Secretariat that would lead to lecting information about the status
the desired culture of compliance. of the Regulations’ implementation
As part of this roadmap, technical in their respective regions. In case of
commissions have been tasked with identified non-compliance, the Sec-
reviewing and updating all relevant retariat coordinates relevant capac-
WMO regulatory publications before ity development actions with these
the Eighteenth Congress in 2019. Members in order to enable effective
implementation. In many cases, the
Improved standard-making capacity more advanced Members provide
is sought through the Guidelines on technical assistance to those that are
the Preparation and Promulgation less developed to resolve deficiencies

and raise the compliance factor to desired levels –

an excellent demonstration of the aforementioned
organization-wide culture of compliance. As the private sector has grown in
almost every area traditionally dealt
Taking into account the growing engagement of
the private sector in weather services, how do with by public goverment agencies, we
you think WMO's regulatory role will evolve? can now talk about a global weather
Two drivers are pushing the current active work on
WMO Technical Regulations: advances in technology
and evolving user needs for meteorological, hydro-
logical and climatological information and services.
Siting Classification for Surface
On the technology side, the global WMO systems have Observing Stations on Land
been reshaped in the last decade: The WMO Integrated
Global Observing System (WIGOS), WIS and the new The Siting Classification for Surface Observing
seamless GDPFS are major improvements on the World Stations on Land is the first common ISO/WMO
Weather Watch system components. Climate and disaster standard. It was published by ISO as ISO standard
risk reduction services are also being developed to become 19289:2014 (EN), and by WMO in the WMO Guide
part of the National Meteorological and Hydrological to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of
Services’ portfolios.These developments require an update Observation (WMO-No. 8, the CIMO Guide),
and expansion of the international regulatory framework. Part I, Chapter I, Annex 1B. Guidance on how to
implement the classification and to share tools
Other elements of standardization are user-driven. Fol- used by NMHSs in implementing this classification
lowing a general trend for performance-based stand- in their services is available here: http://www.
ardization, requirements have been developed to ensure wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/SitingClassif/
that the services provided to various user groups are of SitingClassif.html
high quality, reliable and fit for purpose. This includes
standards and recommendations for the competencies
and qualifications required of personnel involved in the
provision of decision-supporting services such as aviation References
or public weather services. Other requirements pertaining
Edwards, Paul N., A Vast Machine, MIT Press (2010)
to the quality assurance of such services are in place or
being developed. Edwards, Paul N., Meteorology as Infrastructural Globalism (2006),
The History of Science Society
As the private sector has grown in almost every area
traditionally dealt with by public government agencies, E. I. Sarukhanian and J.M. Walker, The International Meteorological
Organization (IMO) 1879-1950
we can now talk about a global weather enterprise. It is
in the best interest of all of this enterprise’s stakeholders Guidelines on the Preparation and Promulgation of the WMO Technical
to operate under agreed common rules and standards, Regulations (WMO-No. 1127)
particularly those related to the homogeneity and quality
ISO/IEC Directives Part 2, Principles and rules for the structure and
of observing data, related data policies, processing
drafting of ISO and IEC documents (Edition 7.0 2016-05)
methods and service attributes.Thus, the leadership role
of WMO as an international standardization organization WMO Technical Regulations, Volume I – General Meteorological Stand-
will not only stay and even grow, but also evolve in order ards and Recommended Practices, 2015 Edition (WMO-No.49)
to be seen as balanced and working for the good of every
stakeholder in the enterprise, both public and private.
Picture Essay: Winners of
WMO Calendar Competition
Cumulonimbus Capillatus Incus Praecipitatio. "The End of Summer," Dubrovnik, Croatia

Cumulus Congestus Foreground with Cumu

Incus Centre Background. "Before the Sto

Stratus opacus. "Running Above the Clouds," Slovenia Daniel Pavlinovic

Altocumulus Asperitas Mamma. "Sky Wave

Zoran Stanko

Altocumulus Stratiformis Translucidus Per

Anja Costa
Altocumulus stratiformis opacus duplicatus undulatus, Cirrus
uncinus and Cirrostratus. "Layers," Above Cabo Verde
Ivica Brlic

ulonimbus Capillatus
orm," Davor, Croatia

Vessi Ogaard
Arvydas Latvis

es," Panevezys, Lithuania Nacreous cloud. "Iridescent Clouds," Oslo, Norway

Kairo Kiitsak

rlucidus Undulates. "Amazing Waves in the Sky," Simuna, Estonia

Shyamalee Subramanyam
Altocumulus Duplicatus. "Meghaduta - Cloud Messenger," Melbourne, Australia

Ramon Santiago
"Irridescence," Pasig City, Philippines Cumulo

Cirrocumulus Stratiformis Homomutatus. "Sunset Sky in Jois," Jois, Austria

Luka Filipi
Cumulus Congestus Praecipitatio. "Nature's Power," Bandarban, Bangladesh

Shamim Shorif Susom

Rosemarie Steiner
onimbus Capillatus Incus Praecipitatio Arcus. "Dromana Roll Cloud," Victoria, Australia

Cirrus Fibratus, Uncinus, Floccus and Castel-

lanus. "Cirrus Variations," Livingston County,
New York, USA
Valentina Abinanti
Michael Hanna

Cumulonimbus Capillatus Incus Praecipitatio

Murus. "Supercell in Kansas," Kansas, USA
34 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

The Annual Global Carbon

by Josep (Pep) Canadell1 and David Carlson2

Each year since 2005, a community of researchers for More specifically:

the Global Carbon Project produce and report a global
carbon budget quantifying CO2 emissions for the prior Emissions from fossil fuel combustion + emissions
year, then apportioning that carbon to the atmosphere, from land use change = growth in the concentration
the ocean or the land.This careful accounting of human in the atmosphere + amount going (chemically and
disturbance of the natural carbon cycle, accompanied biologically) into the ocean + amount going into ter-
by quantification of uncertainties in each source and restrial vegetation and soils.
sink term, allows the research community to under-
stand and monitor major components of and processes For the most recent accounting year, 2015, the annual
within the global carbon cycle. carbon budget,33specifies (in units of gigaton of carbon
per year, GtC yr-1):
The annual carbon budget also provides a highly
valuable resource within a climate policy framework, 9.9 ± 0-5 1.3 ± 0.5 = 6.2 ± 0.2 3.0 ± 0.5 2.0 ± 0.9

providing a definitive record of recent trends as well as Fossil fuel Land use Growth in Uptake by Uptake by
quantitative updates on permissible emissions for given emissions change, atmos- the ocean land
climate stabilization targets. With solid justification, one (includes primarily pheric
cement desforest- concen-
can describe the annual carbon budgets as products of production) ation tration (6.2
high scientific quality with strong political relevance.12 GtC = 2.9
A budget for carbon?
Assembling the budget: Emissions
To monitor a financial budget, one must know balances
between income and expenditure. Likewise for carbon, The carbon budget team quantify emissions from fossil
with CO2 in the atmosphere as the relevant “account”, fuels and industry based on energy statistics and relia-
one quantifies inputs (sources) and outputs (sinks). A ble production data. For the most part, this data relies
global carbon budget determines the input of CO2 to on national emissions estimated by the countries them-
the atmosphere by emissions from human activities, selves. The carbon budget team assume that national
balanced by output (storage) in the carbon reservoirs emissions reported to the United Nations Framework
on land or in the ocean. We can write the carbon budget Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) carry the
as a relatively simple balance: highest accuracy because 1) national experts have
access to country-specific information and 2) national
Sources = amount in the atmosphere plus amounts emission estimates undergo periodic audit through an
in the sinks; where sinks represent removals from the international methodology overseen by the UNFCCC.
atmosphere but inputs to the ocean or land. They also use a data set of global and national emis-
sions – drawn primarily from energy data provided by
For any given amount of emissions, if less carbon goes the UN Statistics Division and compiled by the Carbon
into land or ocean more will remain in the atmosphere. Dioxide Information and Analysis Center (CDIAC) – that
extends consistent well-documented emission data
Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
Flagship, Australia
Director, World Climate Research Programme, WMO 3
Le Quéré, C., et al.: 2016, doi:10.5194/essd-8-605-2016

from fossil fuels, cement production and gas flaring The team further supplement these observational data
back in time to 1751. For the two years immediately with land-use change CO2 emissions estimated using
prior to each annual carbon budget calculation, before an ensemble of Dynamic Global Vegetation Model sim-
UNFCCC and UN data have emerged, the team utilize ulations. Uncertainties in land-use emissions arise from
an annual energy review compiled and published by differences between the bookkeeping, satellite-based
British Petroleum. and modelling methods and from uncertainties in the
underlying land cover change data sets. Overall, the
In general, global total emissions do not exactly equal carbon budget team estimates an uncertainty of +0.5
the sum of national emissions, largely due to emissions GtC yr-1 for these land use terms; in the 2015 example:
from international shipping and aviation that occur 1.3+0.5 GtC yr-1.
outside of national territories. Other uncertainties in
emissions arise from uncertainties in amounts of fuel
consumed, carbon and heat contents of fuels and Assembling the budget: Atmospheric
combustion efficiencies.Through a thorough sequence concentrations
of analysis and re-analysis, the team have reduced the
overall error of these emissions estimates to +5%; in To quantify annual growth rates of atmospheric CO2
the case cited here for 2015: 9.9+0.5 GtC yr-1. concentration, the team rely on direct measurements.
They use global growth rates of CO2 compiled by the
Uncertainty as a percentage of emissions probably US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
increases with time as the number of reporting coun- (NOAA) Earth System Research Laboratory from an
tries grows, while internal national statistical precision average of marine boundary layer sites with well-mixed
decreases. Each annual carbon budget includes a com- background air. Annual increments come from the
parison of production-based and consumption-based average of the most recent December-January time
emissions data. This recognizes differences between period, corrected for the average seasonal cycle and
territorial production-based emission inventories and subtracting this same average one year earlier.
consumption-based emission inventories that allocate
global emissions based on products consumed within Careful measurement inter-calibration and data pro-
a given country; as well as recognizing that consump- cessing of direct measurements from multiple and
tion-based emissions data might allow design of more consistent instruments and stations distributed around
effective and efficient climate policies. the world, coupled with rigorous scientific peer review
of the measurement technologies and annual data,
Additional emissions come from human-driven land allow the team to assign a relatively low uncertainty –
use changes including deforestation, afforestation, +0.2 GtC yr-1 for 2015 – to this term of the carbon budget.
logging (forest degradation and harvest activity), shift- By using ice core CO2 data to establish a pre- industrial
ing cultivation (cutting forests for agriculture and then baseline concentration (277 +3 ppm), authors of each
abandoning), and regrowth of forests following wood annual carbon budget can monitor and update total
harvest or abandonment of agriculture. The carbon carbon accumulated in the atmosphere since 1750.
budget team calculate human-influenced land change
emissions as the sum of all identified anthropogenic
activities. Some of these activities lead to emissions of Assembling the budget: Oceanic and
CO2 to the atmosphere while others lead to CO2 sinks. terrestrial sinks
To supplement a bookkeeping analysis based on net
forest area change and biomass data from the Forest To quantify CO2 uptake by the ocean, the team use a
Resource Assessment of the Food and Agriculture combination of observations from the 1990s combined
Organization (only available at five-year intervals), they with ocean biogeochemistry models that produce
incorporate inter-annual variability of deforestation trend and variability estimates for the time period
and degradation estimated from satellite-based fire 1959-2015. They validate their ocean uptake estimates
activity in tropical forest areas. with two observation-based estimates available for
recent decades. Combining data uncertainties with
36 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

model uncertainties gives a total uncertainty estimate of +0.5 GtC yr-1 for
the ocean sink term.

On land, regionally variable combinations of the fertilizing effects of rising

atmospheric CO2 on plant growth and nitrogen deposition, and climate effects
(such as the lengthening of the growing season in northern temperate and
boreal areas) all influence carbon uptake. Quantifying annual global uptake
by terrestrial vegetation and soils thus proves the most difficult task in
assembling an annual carbon budget.
Thanks to the
dedicated work With four of five terms – fossil fuel emissions, land use sources, atmospheric
concentration and ocean uptake – and their uncertainties known, the authors
of this group, the of the annual budget first calculate terrestrial uptake as the residual of the
research and policy other four terms and then compare that residual to information produced
communities know from Dynamic Global Vegetation Model simulations. Therefore, by design
the overall budget process assigns most of the uncertainties of the method
the present and past to poorly known or poorly modelled land processes. For example, in 2015
carbon budget, within the land sink carries the largest uncertainty of the five terms: +0.9 GtC yr-1.
noted uncertainties.
How have the budget terms changed with time?
By identifying reliable data sources to quantify each term of the present-day
carbon budget, the team also assemble those data sets most suitable for
historical analysis. Monitoring the budget terms over time allows users to
understand recent and long-term trends.

The figure on the next page, extracted from the 2015 carbon budget document,
shows the history of the five carbon budget terms for roughly the past 140
years. On the input side (top half of the graph), one sees the clear increase of
fossil fuel emissions on top of a relatively steady land use change contribution.
The lower half of the graph shows that the sum of carbon accumulating in
the land, atmosphere and ocean balances the inputs. Also note the large
variability of the land and atmosphere terms, with the atmosphere terms
quite well-constrained by measurements.

Thanks to the dedicated work of this group, the research and policy commu-
nities know the present and past carbon budget, within noted uncertainties.

The community and its impact

The Global Carbon Project establishes and maintains connections among
climate, ecological and economic communities, serving the research
community as a necessary and effective coordination and assembly point
for science and information about the global carbon cycle. The annual
carbon budget for 2015 involved 68 co-authors from fields of biochemistry,
economics, atmospheric chemistry, geography and oceanography, and
incorporated information from 11 categories of observational and model

History of the five carbon budget terms for roughly the past 140 years

Gkritzalis, T., Harris, I., Hauck, J., Haverd, V., Hoppema, M., Klein
data sources, several of those categories having Goldewijk, K., Jain, A. K., Kato, E., Körtzinger, A., Landschützer,
multiple implementations or versions. They also P., Lefèvre, N., Lenton, A., Lienert, S., Lombardozzi, D., Melton,
produced the first global methane budget. J. R., Metzl, N., Millero, F., Monteiro, P. M. S., Munro, D. R.,
Nabel, J. E., M. S., Nakaoka, S.-I., O'Brien, K., Olsen, A.,
Omar, A. M., Ono, T., Pierrot, D., Poulter, B., Rödenbeck, C.,
All Global Carbon Project products demonstrate skillful
Salisbury, J., Schuster, U., Schwinger, J., Séférian, R., Skjelvan,
combinations of observations with models. Global I., Stocker, B. D., Sutton, A. J., Takahashi, T., Tian, H., Tilbrook,
Carbon Project depends on external measurement net- B., van der Laan-Luijkx, I. T., van der Werf, G. R., Viovy, N.,
works such as the greenhouse gas network coordinated Walker, A. P., Wiltshire, A. J., and Zaehle, S.: Global Carbon
Budget 2016, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 605-649, doi:10.5194/
and supported by the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch
essd-8-605-2016, 2016.
programme. Their work also requires a deep positive
engagement with the physical climate community of Saunois, M., Bousquet, P., Poulter, B., Peregon, A., Ciais, P., Canadell,
the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). The J. G., Dlugokencky, E. J., Etiope, G., Bastviken, D., Houweling,
S., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Tubiello, F. N., Castaldi, S., Jackson,
WCRP Carbon Feedbacks Grand Challenge addresses
R. B., Alexe, M., Arora, V. K., Beerling, D. J., Bergamaschi, P.,
urgent questions about the capacity and durability of Blake, D. R., Brailsford, G., Brovkin, V., Bruhwiler, L., Crevoisier,
the land and ocean carbon sinks as climate changes. C., Crill, P., Covey, K., Curry, C., Frankenberg, C., Gedney, N.,
Höglund-Isaksson, L., Ishizawa, M., Ito, A., Joos, F., Kim,
One can only admire the level of individual commitment H.-S., Kleinen, T., Krummel, P., Lamarque, J.-F., Langenfelds,
R., Locatelli, R., Machida, T., Maksyutov, S., McDonald, K. C.,
and international coordination required to quantify,
Marshall, J., Melton, J. R., Morino, I., Naik, V., O'Doherty, S.,
on an annual basis, this important component of the Parmentier, F.-J. W., Patra, P. K., Peng, C., Peng, S., Peters, G.
Earth system. When humans eventually slow or stop P., Pison, I., Prigent, C., Prinn, R., Ramonet, M., Riley, W. J.,
carbon emissions, researchers and policy makers will Saito, M., Santini, M., Schroeder, R., Simpson, I. J., Spahni,
R., Steele, P., Takizawa, A., Thornton, B. F., Tian, H., Tohjima, Y.,
look to Global Carbon Project and its thorough and
Viovy, N., Voulgarakis, A., van Weele, M., van der Werf, G. R.,
credible annual budgets for clear, reliable evidence of Weiss, R., Wiedinmyer, C., Wilton, D. J., Wiltshire, A., Worthy,
when and how such reductions play out in the carbon D., Wunch, D., Xu, X., Yoshida, Y., Zhang, B., Zhang, Z., and
cycle and the climate system. Zhu, Q.: The global methane budget 2000–2012, Earth Syst.
Sci. Data, 8, 697-751, doi:10.5194/essd-8-697-2016, 2016.

Le Quéré, C., Andrew, R. M., Canadell, J. G., Sitch, S., Korsbakken,
J. I., Peters, G. P., Manning, A. C., Boden, T. A., Tans, P. P.,
Houghton, R. A., Keeling, R. F., Alin, S., Andrews, O. D.,
Anthoni, P., Barbero, L., Bopp, L., Chevallier, F., Chini, L. P.,
Ciais, P., Currie, K., Delire, C., Doney, S. C., Friedlingstein, P.,
38 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

An Integrated Global
Greenhouse Gas
Information System (IG3IS)
by Phil DeCola1 and WMO Secretariat2

Atmospheric composition measurements in the latter frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally
half of the twentieth century showed increasing global to climate change, to ensure that food production is not
concentrations of greenhouse gases. These measure- threatened, and to enable economic development to
ments were the initial cause of concern about global proceed in a sustainable manner." There are now 197
warming and climate change. Today, as nations make Parties to the Convention. But, what was the motivation
pledges to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and basis for this impressive global action?
concentration measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2)
and other GHGs will unequivocally determine whether The UNFCCC was established upon a bedrock of scientific
the actions taken are having the desired effect. Thus, evidence and understanding, consisting particularly of
WMO has initiated the development of an Integrated long-term observations of Earth’s atmospheric chemical
Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) to composition and its change over time. Consistent and
help guide valuable GHG emission-reduction actions accurate measurements show rapidly rising concentra-
in response to climate change. This new System will tions of GHGs, such as carbon dioxide.These measure-
establish and build confidence in the role of atmospheric ments also unambiguously attribute the rise to human
composition measurements as an essential part of cli- activities, and link the increasing GHG concentrations
mate change mitigation efforts.This article discusses the to global warming and negative climate impacts.334
need for and development of atmospheric composition
measurements and the role of IG3IS.1 Since the eighteenth century Industrial (or energy)
Revolution, human activities have caused a steady
increase in concentrations of GHGs such as CO2,
Climate change a global concern 2
methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and mean
global temperatures have been rising in response.
In 1992, participants of the United Nations Conference Concentrations of CO2 have risen by more than 40%
on Environment and Development (the “Rio Earth from pre-industrial levels and continue to rise at an
Summit”) adopted the United Nations Framework increasing rate. They are now higher than they have
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an inter- been in at least about four million years, when global
national treaty aimed at combatting climate change. average temperatures were 2 to 3 °C hotter than in the
The ultimate objective of the Convention is to stabilize nineteenth century and sea levels were 7 to 25 metres
greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations "at a level that higher than today.4 Current levels of CH4 are 2 ½ times
would prevent dangerous anthropogenic (human-in-
duced) interference with the climate system." It further
IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contri-
states "such a level should be achieved within a time bution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Sigma Space Corporation and Department of Atmospheric (Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer, eds.). IPCC,
and Oceanic Sciences, University of Maryland Geneva, 151 pp.

Oksana Tarasova, Chief, Atmospheric Environment Research
Salawitch et al., 2017: Paris Agreement: Beacon of Hope, ISBN
Division DOI 978-3-319-46939-3 at Springer Climate

Globally averaged surface mole fractions of carbon dioxide and methane and their growth rates calculated from in situ
network of the GAW Programme.

the pre-industrial value, and after a number of years Global levels of CO2 had increased by 12% from 356 ppm
of stability, CH4 concentrations are rising again. As a in 1992 when the UNFCCC was adopted to 400 ppm in
direct consequence of these changes to atmospheric 2015. In the same period, CO2-eq (for any quantity and
composition, global average temperatures are rising type of GHG, the amount of CO2 which would have the
rapidly. WMO recently announced that the global equivalent global warming impact) grew by 13% from
average temperature in 2016 was about 1.1 °C higher 421 ppm to 485 ppm. Due to the cumulative effect of
than the pre-industrial period. It was approximately GHGs in the atmosphere, the window of opportunity
0.83 °C above the long term average (14 °C) of the to meet the Paris Agreement objectives is closing
WMO 1961-1990 reference period, and about 0.07 °C very fast.55
warmer than the previous record set in 2015.
The Paris Agreement intends to achieve its goal via
In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change “nationally determined contributions” (NDCs) that vary
(IPCC) released its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the by national capability and level of economic development.
first volume of which reports on the physical science Several independent estimates suggest that the current
basis of climate change. The categorical conclusion is sum total of all emission reduction pledges under current
that climate change is real, human activities are the NDCs does not put the world on a pathway to achieve the
cause, and negative impacts on society, such as sea- goals of the Paris Agreement.The structure of the agree-
level rise, are rapidly mounting. For the first time, IPCC ment takes this initial gap into account by incorporating a
was also able to estimate cumulative CO2 emissions periodic “global stocktake” every five years beginning in
since pre-industrial times and provide a CO2 budget 2018, with the intent of tracking global progress towards
for future emissions to limit warming to less than 2 °C. achieving the aforementioned goals. This will also be a
About half of this budget was already emitted by 2011. time for nations to take stock of their individual progress
and a chance to help close the gap by increasing their
In December 2015, the UNFCCC adopted the Paris pledges. But, how will progress toward Paris Agreement
Agreement on climate change. Its goal is to keep global goals be determined?
temperature rise by the end of the century well below

Thomas F. Stocker, The Closing Door of Climate Targets, Science
2 °C above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts 18 Jan 2013, Vol. 339, Issue 6117, pp. 280-282, DOI: 10.1126/
to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 °C. science.1232468
40 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Cape Point, South Africa, GAW Station

Atmospheric measurements to manage measurements of ozone-depleting gases have played

emissions and continue to play a critical role in the successful
response of the Montreal Protocol to stratospheric
The best indicator of the success and vitality of ozone depletion and the increase of ultraviolet (UV)
the Paris Agreement are the very measurements radiation. GHG measurements from GAW are recog-
of atmospheric concentrations of CO 2 and other nized by the Global Climate Observing System as a
GHGs that stimulated action on climate change. key component of its implementation plan under the
Continuous, consistent, and accurate GHG con- UNFCCC. Historically, GHG measurements have been
centration measurements at local, national, and made in remote locations that optimized the sampling
global scales have value beyond their original role frequency of global background concentrations. In 2016
as the harbinger calling attention to the climate GAW launched a new implementation plan built on
change challenge. Measured GHG concentrations the concept of “science for services” and bringing an
are the ultimate indicators of emission reduction increased user orientation to the programme.
policy successes. Regardless of the GHG emission
reduction policies and measures applied, effective UNFCCC has required that certain countries report
implementation, both in the short- and long-term, their annual GHG inventories. These inventory reports
will require consistent, reliable and timely informa- have been produced according to the statistical
tion on the magnitude of GHG concentrations, their methods outlined in the 2006 Guidelines of the IPCC
sources and sinks, and their trends over time. For the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
global stocktake to have its desired effect, a global (IPCC TFI). In 2010 the atmospheric, carbon cycle and
goal for average GHG concentrations in the 2030-to- climate change science communities produced a num-
2050 timeframe must be established, translated into ber of studies on the potential for atmospheric GHG
specific emission reduction efforts and updated peri- concentration measurements and model analyses to
odically. GHG concentrations and their trends over independently evaluate and improve the accuracy of
time are the ultimate way for individual governments GHG emission inventories. These studies concluded
to clearly gauge whether their nationally-determined that a realization of this approach would require addi-
actions are adding up to the desired global outcomes. tional investment in research, increasing the density
of well-calibrated atmospheric GHG measurements
The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme of and improving atmospheric transport modelling and
WMO was established in 1989 in recognition of the need data assimilation capabilities.
for improved scientific understanding of the increasing
influence of human activities on atmospheric compo-
sition and subsequent environmental impacts. GAW

GAW science for services: IG3IS IG3IS implementation is now underway following the
endorsement of the Concept Paper by the WMO Exec-
The Seventeenth World Meteorological Congress passed utive Council in June 2016. The IG3IS team defined
a resolution initiating the development of an Integrated four implementation objectives, the first three being:
Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS), 1) reduce uncertainty of national emission inventory
based on GAW successes and progress in atmospheric reporting to UNFCCC; 2) locate and quantify previously
measurements and modeling since 2010. A planning unknown emission reduction opportunities such as
team comprised of scientists and stakeholders from fugitive methane emissions from industrial sources;
developed and developing countries in all six WMO and 3) provide subnational entities such as large urban
regions was established to develop the IG3IS Concept source regions (megacities) with timely and quantified
Paper. IG3IS will work closely with the inventory builders information on the amounts, trends and attribution by
and other stakeholders who need to track GHG emissions sector of their GHG emissions to evaluate and guide
to develop methodologies for how atmospheric GHG progress towards emission reduction goals.
concentration measurements (the top-down) can be
combined with spatially and temporally explicit emission The fourth IG3IS objective is similar in nature and scope
inventory data (the bottom-up) to better inform and to objective 3), but is focused on support for the Paris
manage emission reduction policies and measures. Agreement’s global stocktake. It will by necessity be
GAW GHG measurement network and standards will be implemented at national and global scales, but it is
essential for IG3IS success, but the focus, and location of less mature than the other three objectives at this time.
measurement sites, must expand from remote locations One reason is that although IG3IS has a vision for how
to key GHG source regions where emission reduction to support stocktaking, the Paris Agreement does not
is taking place or is needed. specify how the global stocktake will be conducted.
Another reason is that accounting for fossil fuel CO2
IG3IS will focus on existing-use cases for which the via top-down methods lack the maturity to match the
scientific and technical skill is proven and on where accuracy of IPCCTFITier 3 protocols for estimating fossil
IG3IS information can meet the expressed (or previously fuel CO2 emission inventories at the national scale.
unrecognized) needs of decision-makers who will value This is because atmospheric measurements of CO2
the information. The ultimate success criteria are that contain a significant biospheric signal and are therefore
the IG3IS information is “used” and guides valuable necessary, but not sufficient, to infer fossil fuel CO2
and additional emission reduction actions, building emissions.66However, it has been demonstrated that
confidence in the role of atmospheric composition fossil fuel CO2 emissions can be inferred by inverse
measurements as an essential part of the climate change model analyses of a combination of atmospheric CO2,
mitigation tool kit. radiocarbon (14CO2) measurements, together with meas-
urements of other co-varying atmospheric species.7,, 87
The success of IG3IS will depend on international
coordination of WMO Members and collaborations IG3IS implementation is proceeding along two lines
with a number of WMO partners such as the United of activity:
Nations Environment Programme, the International
Bureau of Weights and Measures, the Group on Earth • The preparation of methodological guidelines that describe
Observations, the IPCC and many others. IG3IS will “good practice” use of atmospheric measurements for
establish and propagate standards and guidelines for implementation under each objective area and
methods that produce consistent and intercomparable
information, such as those GAW already produces, for

Shiga, Y. P., A. M. Michalak, S. M. Gourdji, K. L. Mueller, and
concentration measurement standards. Over time, the V. Yadav (2014), Detecting fossil fuel emissions patterns from
IG3IS framework must be capable of promoting and subcontinental regions using North American in situ CO2
accepting advancing technical capabilities (for example, measurements, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41(12), 4381-4388.

Basu, S., J. B. Miller, and S. Lehman (2016), Separation of bio-
new satellite observations and sensors), continually
spheric and fossil fuel fluxes of CO2 by atmospheric inversion of
improving the reach and quality of the information and CO2 and 14CO2 measurements: Observation System Simulations,
increasing user confidence. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,16(9), 5665-5683.
42 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

• The initiation of new projects and demonstrations that methods, how they can be compared to GHG inventories
propagate and advance these good practice capabilities developed from bottom-up methodologies, and how
and build confidence in the value of IG3IS information the results can be used to target improvements in
with stakeholders. bottom-up inventory data inputs. Progress on this
objective is evident in the approved outline for the
“2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for
Objective 1 – support of national GHG National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.” It will update
emission inventories and elaborate the IPCC TFI Guidelines to include the
use of atmospheric measurements and model analyses
Prior to the Paris Agreement, the UNFCCC required the based on the abundant new scientific and empirical
Annex 1 (developed) Parties submit annual country knowledge published since 2006.
reports containing their national emission inventories,
but Non Annex 1 (developing) Parties did not have this
requirement. Now, Article 13 paragraph 7 of the Paris Objective 2 - Detection and
Agreement states: quantification of fugitive methane
Each Party shall regularly provide the following
information: (a) A national inventory report of Global atmospheric concentrations of methane continue
anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals to increase, but the global growth rate’s variability
by sinks of greenhouse gases, prepared using good and attribution to both natural and anthropogenic
practice methodologies accepted by the Intergov- sources are not well understood. Natural gas, composed
ernmental Panel on Climate Change and agreed mostly of methane, has the potential to be a far more
upon by the Conference of the Parties serving as climate-friendly energy source than coal or oil. But the
the meeting of the Parties to this Agreement. problem with methane is that if it gets into the atmos-
phere without being burned it becomes a very potent
The “good practice methodologies” referred to in GHG — much more potent, molecule-to-molecule,
the Paris Agreement are the protocols developed by than carbon dioxide.8, 9
the IPCC TFI. These combine source-specific emission
factors with statistical activity data, for example, the The amount and location of “fugitive” methane emis-
number and type of coal burning plants or cars on sions from industrial and agricultural sources are
the road – bottom-up methods. Emissions of carbon not well understood. This IG3IS objective intends to
dioxide from the use of homogenous fossil fuels and extend the significant successes of the Environmental
predictable processes can be estimated accurately Defense Fund and National Oceanic and Atmospheric
where well-developed statistical systems are present, Administration in detecting methane super-emit-
but other more heterogeneous and dispersed sources ters in the North American oil and gas supply chain
such as methane from waste management and natural worldwide.7,8 Such information, if acted upon, could
gas production and pipeline transmission are more lead to significant methane emissions reductions.
difficult. Exploring these solutions and applying them to new
types of sites or emissions profiles – for example
Atmospheric measurements and model analyses can offshore platforms – can potentially provide fur-
support the process by providing the useful additional ther reductions. IG3IS also intends to extend these
constraint of top-down quantification (where the fluxes approaches to other methane-emitting sectors such
are estimated through inverse modelling of observed as flooded lands, agriculture, landfills and wastewater,
concentrations). Switzerland and the United Kingdom, and develop sector-appropriate methodologies in
and to a lesser extent Australia, already make use of

Zavala-Araiza et al., 2015: Reconciling divergent estimates of
top-down analyses to guide improvements to their oil and gas methane emissions. PNAS, 112(51):15597–15602,
bottom-up emission inventory reporting. An IG3IS www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1522126112
near-term objective is to propagate these good prac-
Brandt et al, Methane Leaks from North American Natural
Gas Systems Science 14 Feb 2014: Vol. 343, Issue 6172, pp.
tices and establish quality metrics for these top-down
733-735 DOI: 10.1126/science.1247045

The Swiss Top-Down Analyses

The spatial distribution of the prior emission inventory for Switzerland is shown in (a), posterior emissions are
shown in (b), and absolute and relative difference (posterior minus the prior) are shown in (c) and (d), respectively.
An irregular inversion grid was used that exhibits high spatial resolution close to the observation sites (marked by
X) and becomes coarser with distance from these sites.9

Continuous methane measurements from four sites on the Swiss Plateau and two additional sites were
combined with atmospheric transport simulations and an inverse modeling framework to deduce the spatial
distribution of CH4 emissions in Switzerland and adjacent countries. The best inverse estimate (a posteriori)
of total Swiss CH4 emissions for the observation period March 2013 to February 2014 is 196±18 Gg yr–1.

This value is in close agreement with the bottom-up (a priori) national emission inventory total of 206±33
Gg yr–1 reported by Switzerland to UNFCCC in 2015 for the years 2012 and 2013.

The top-down approach largely confirms the bottom-up estimate of emission totals, but the inclusion of
atmospheric measurements reduces the uncertainty on the reported value from 16% to 9%. The meas-
urement and inversion system was set up to estimate the spatial distribution of total emissions and not
to attribute emissions to specific and separate source sectors.1

A robust spatial pattern can be seen in the plots of the absolute and relative difference of the a posteriori
minus a priori emissions and suggests increased methane emissions for northeastern Switzerland. A
possible cause for these differences is farming practices between this area and the rest of the country,
resulting in different per-head emissions from livestock.

Other potential anthropogenic and natural sources may contribute to the unexpectedly high emissions
from this area. Further observations are needed to verify and better characterize this source, but the result
already demonstrates added value.
Henne, S. et al., 2016: Validation of the Swiss methane emission inventory by atmospheric observations and inverse modelling
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16:3683–3710, www.atmoschem-phys.net/16/3683/2016/.

the medium term. These sectors have close links Research studies have shown that a 50/5 rule applies
with urban emissions as they are much more likely to natural gas leaks. That is, the largest 5% of leaks
to be located in or closer to cities than oil and gas are typically responsible for more than 50% of the
extraction sites. total volume of leakage. These "super-emitters" – large
point sources thought to contribute disproportionately
44 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Dr. Gaby Petron with her mobile GHG measurement laboratory studying methane leakages. Fugitive super-emissions of
methane can be tracked down with a tiered suite of observations made from satellites, aircraft and surface-based vehicles
and tall-towers that can successively zoom-in from a regional-scale down to a leak’s location within a facility.

to anthropogenic methane emissions – are logical A number of research projects around the world,
mitigation targets. such as the Indianapolis INFLUX study and the Los
Angeles/Paris Megacity Project, have developed and
A tiered observing strategy, involving satellite, aircraft, tested methods for estimation of GHG emissions.
and mobile and tall tower surface measurements, has This work has established an urban GHG information
proven to be effective in identifying these super-emitters system that combines atmospheric monitoring, data
and their contribution to regional methane emissions. mining and model algorithms. IG3IS will redesign this
This approach has been demonstrated with field studies information system to be deployable to different parts
of agricultural and oil and gas sources in California's of the world, particularly in the low- and middle-income
San Joaquin Valley with the cooperation of a mul- countries where GHG information needs are greatest
ti-stakeholder team.1010 and capacity is limited.11, 12

Several studies have shown the potential to better

Objective 3 - Estimation and quantify the GHG emissions and trends of cities with
attribution of megacities emissions atmospheric measurement networks and high-reso-
lution inverse model analyses.11,12 The requirements
The Lima–Paris Action Agenda of the Paris Agreement for atmospheric inversion are more demanding in
has formalized a role for sub-national entities such as the case of fossil fuel CO2. However, there is evi-
cities (large urban source regions). Cities and their dence that by combining inverse model analysis of
power plants are the largest sources of GHG emissions a sufficiently dense and well-distributed network of
from human activity. In order to provide a diagnosis measurements with spatially explicit prior knowledge
of urban emissions at scales relevant to urban deci- of sources, urban emissions of fossil fuel CO2 can be
sion-making and enable identification of low-carbon better quantified.1313
or carbon mitigation opportunities, cities need better
information about their emitting landscape. Such
information should not only reflect scientifically accu-
Lauvaux, T. et al., 2016: High-resolution atmospheric inversion
rate methods, but place emissions at space and time of urban CO2 emissions during the dormant season of the
scales relevant to urban decision-making and identify Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX). J. Geophys. Res.
Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024473.
key functional characteristics (sector, sub-sector, fuel). 12
McKain, K. et. al, 2015: Methane emissions from natural gas
infrastructure and use in the urban region of Boston, Massachu-

Hulley et al., High spatial resolution imaging of methane and setts. PNAS, 112(7):1941–1946, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1416261112.
other trace gases with the airborne Hyperspectral Thermal 13
Bréon, F.M. et al., 2015: An attempt at estimating Paris area CO2
Emission Spectrometer (HyTES), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, emissions from atmospheric concentration measurements.
2393–2408, 2016 www.atmos-meas-tech.net/9/2393/2016/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15:1707–1724, www.atmos-chemphys.
doi:10.5194/amt-9-2393-2016 net/15/1707/2015/acp-15-1707-2015.html

opportunities, the long-term payoff is to enable the

provision of decision-relevant carbon situational aware-
ness through comprehensive, reliable, sustained,
frequent assessments of greenhouse gas fluxes.

The long-term vision for IG3IS capabilities is similar in

Total flux estimates over a 30-day period, for four 6-hour some respects to aspects of modern weather services
periods, for anthropogenic emissions (red), biogenic fluxes – primarily the rapid delivery of current and recent
(green) and the total (blue). The prior estimates are shown carbon fluxes and controlling activity (on timescales
as open rectangles, while the posterior is shown as filled of weeks rather than years). As with modern weather
rectangles. Uncertainty reduction is evident for the morning services, the transition between research-driven and
and afternoon time periods.14 operational GHG observing and information systems
presents a number of challenges and will be decades
While trends in total emissions of fossil fuel CO2 from in the making.14
cities are valuable, city planners and managers will
need sector-specific information to guide them to A study sponsored by the European Commission exam-
emission reduction opportunities. In emerging econ- ined the requirements for an operational observing
omies that may have inadequate bottom-up statistical system able to monitor fossil fuel CO2 emissions. This
knowledge of emissions for their national area, large was primarily focused within the European domain
urban source regions and forested landscapes, the and built upon the investments already made in the
IG3IS top-down atmospheric measurement inversion Copernicus programme. The report’s conclusions
approaches can prove to be especially valuable sources are relevant to the gap-filling investments that are
of baseline and trend information. necessary for the IG3IS approach to provide addi-
tional valuable constraints on fossil fuel CO2 emission
inventories, and on the long-term IG3IS goal of a more
IG3IS - Providing carbon situational systematic operational approach. IG3IS will build
awareness upon, integrate and improve existing and planned
surface-based measurement networks, airborne and
Earth’s carbon-climate system is undergoing profound satellite observations, modelling frameworks and
and unprecedented change. This change is driven by data assimilation systems and where necessary, fill
fossil fuel and land-use change emissions that increase key gaps in those systems.
atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and other GHGs.
During the last decades, the effect of emissions on As the providers of the modern weather services, WMO,
the increase of atmospheric CO2 has been strongly its Members and partners have the experience and
attenuated by the response of the natural carbon cycle, technical knowledge essential for building the IG3IS
with ocean and land carbon sinks absorbing on average and sustaining it in its future construction, deployment
approximately half of the emissions. Future climate and operational phases. By leveraging existing skills
change is projected to weaken the capacity of natural from weather services and ongoing atmospheric and
sinks, that is diminish their capacity to absorb CO2.This carbon cycle research, WMO can provide the leadership
combination of complexity across many space-time and structure needed to support the building of an
scales and controlling processes has some parallels IG3IS capable of delivering decision-relevant situational
with well-established weather and other environmental awareness for society, as it attempts to manage the
extremes. However, unlike weather and extreme events, unavoidable – and avoid the unmanageable – impacts
society currently has limited "situational awareness" of climate change.
of the coupled human-natural carbon system.

While IG3IS has near-term objectives and delivera-

Ciais et al., 2015: Towards a European Operational Observing
bles that will guide improved knowledge on emis-
System To Monitor Fossil CO2 Emissions (www.copernicus.
sions and potentially inform new emission reduction eu/sites/default/files/library/CO2_Report_22Oct2015.pdf)
46 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Europe, Developing Energy

Sector Climate Services
by Carlo Buontempo, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

Nature is the source of the energy we need to keep Designing an energy network capable of coping with
warm, cook food and power industry and the activities a sudden surplus or deficit of energy is a complicated
that support our everyday existence. We depend on task that must be informed by the best available
ever more complex and sophisticated networks, as well knowledge of future climate conditions. Energy traders
as varied sources, for energy – all of which are inex- and practitioners use statistical tools and big data
tricably linked to the physical realities of weather and technologies to address these issues. With further
climate. The production of renewable energy is clearly development of high quality observational data sets
vulnerable to weather conditions, but the efficiency and tailored climate predictions, there is the potential
of conventional power production too is impacted by to significantly boost the energy sector’s ability to meet
climate. If we want to thrive as global temperatures these challenges.
rise, we need to develop energy production systems
that can adjust to the changes in climate that we will EC climate service initiatives are often designed to
experience. develop proof-of-concept services, prototypes and
pre-operational tools. The expectation is that they will
This will not only require building more resilient energy provide effective lessons and tools for developing a
infrastructure itself, but also creating tools and solutions climate-resilient society.
to better anticipate and mitigate climate risks. In recent
years the European Commission (EC) has invested in
a series of initiatives including research, projects and EUPORIAS
innovation that support the development of climate
services for the energy sector. EUPORIAS is a research project funded through the
EC's 7th Framework Programme. This project has
Non-industrial energy demand, especially in mid-lat- produced a number of prototype climate services that
itude countries, is primarily driven by variations in address the needs of specific sectors on a seasonal
temperature, cloud cover and wind. Extreme weather timescale. Although the effects of climate change are
also visibly impacts the energy sector by causing not directly perceivable on the seasonal timescale,
damages to exposed network assets. The power line developing management practices that account for
pillars that crashed to the ground in Northern Spain climate variability can be an effective way of building
during the severe winter of 2010 demonstrate how climate change resilience in the energy industry. Within
vulnerable equipment can be to events that fall beyond EUPORIAS a specific prototype, called RESILIENCE,
their design range. was developed for the energy sector.

The complex interaction between energy assets and RESILIENCE addresses wind energy production, pro-
weather is further complicated by climate change. Any viding seasonal predictions of future wind speed at
alteration of climate characteristics inevitably affects a global scale. Its objectives include the raising of
the assumptions made when identifying and evaluating awareness of recent advances in seasonal climate
the possible environmental risks faced by a particular predictions, development of a tool to address the needs
type of equipment. From oil pipelines built on melting of specific users and implementation of an effective
permafrost to hydropower plants whose basins never solution for visualizing probabilistic information. The
fill to capacity, the low-frequency variability of climate project focuses on the assessment of average wind
and its long-term changes present new challenges conditions in regions with a great number of wind
for which the energy sector is not yet fully equipped. power infrastructure installations. The RESILIENCE

prototype uses the ten-metre wind speed forecasts The other is a collaborative effort between climate
from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather research and service centres and energy practitioners
Forecasts (ECMWF) System 4 operational seasonal coordinated by C3S with the Atomic Energy Commis-
prediction system, which is based on a fully coupled sion. The goal of the project is to provide ten ener-
global climate model. Predictions are validated with gy-relevant pan-European indicators of climate trends
the surface wind speed data from ERA-Interim. and variability with cross-sector consistency. This will
help users to assess and predict the vulnerability of
Equal attention was applied to the scientific aspects their infrastructure to climate extremes in the coming
of tailoring the post-processing and calibration of decades.The project’s visualization system, expected to
the data to the needs of the energy sector, and to the launch at the end of 2017, will provide simple statistics
graphical representation of probabilistic predictions in and synthesized or advanced data sets for climate
a format that is easily legible and engaging for users. variables and energy indicators as well as information,
The prototype targets two main user groups: energy documentation and product evaluation statements.
traders looking beyond the extended weather range
of their operations and wind farm operators wanting None of these initiatives will single-handedly equip the
to assess the expected return on investment and plan energy sector with all the tools to face future climate-re-
maintenance operations in periods that minimize costs lated challenges; however, these innovative prototype
and loss of gains. The most visible outcome is Project services and demonstrators are building momentum
UKKO, a global map with a data overlay designed to and developing crucial bases upon which others can
enable viewers to quickly spot patterns and trends in expand. The recent adoption of energy as an exemplar
future wind conditions, then drill in to detailed prediction for the Global Framework for Climate Services validates
breakdowns on a regional level. Project UKKO is a Future the necessity of these experiences and supports further
Everything, BSC and Met Office project for EUPORIAS. development of climate services to meet the demand
of the energy sector and improve its capability.

Copernicus climate service

To make its society more climate resilient, the European
Commission designed the Copernicus Climate Change
Service (C3S) to develop a market of climate services
in Europe. Through its Sectoral Information System,
C3S is developing proof-of-concepts addressing the
needs of specific sectors.Two of the seven C3S projects
funded as of autumn 2016 aim to develop tools for the
energy sector.
Moritz Stefaner

The first is demonstrating, with the support of the

University of East Anglia and its sub-contractors, how
different energy mixes in Europe could meet demand
on timescales, ranging from the next season to the next Predictions of wind speed from ECMWF System 4.The colour
decades. Its main goal is the development of a climate and directions of the glyphs indicate the seasonal forecast at
service demonstrator comprised of an array of tools. that location. The thickness of the glphs indicates the mean
These include an interactive web interface that will allow wind speed predicted for the coming season. The opacity
users to assess how energy production and demand provides a measure of the skill of the prediction measured by
will change in response to climate-related factors in a the Ranked Probability Score.The regions with no glyphs are
specific regions of Europe based on energy scenarios the regions where climate predictions provide no additional
from the e-Highway2050 project. Visualization tools will information to the one available from climatology. The user
provide energy supply and demand profiles and inform can see the historical time series for wind speed (bottom
the analysis of an energy system’s performance during left) and the future predictions in the form of a probability
“average” and “extreme” events on both country and cone (bottom right).
regional levels.
48 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Probabilistic Forecasts and

Civil Protection
From seamless warnings to actions
by Clemens Wastl1, Yong Wang1, Andre Simon2, Martin Kulmer1 and Andrea Sigl1

The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events A seamless probabilistic forecasting
is increasing due to climate change. A lack of prepar- system
edness for such extreme weather events can result in
significant economic damages and loss of life. Thus, PROFORCE started in December 2013 and lasted two
accurate and reliable weather forecasts are essential for years. It was co-funded by the European Commission
civil protection agencies to better prepare themselves Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department
and populations at risk. The project on Bridging of (ECHO) and led by the Austrian weather service, ZAMG.
Probabilistic Forecasts and Civil Protection – known Based on transnational cooperation between the
as PROFORCE – took a first step in this direction by Austrian and Hungarian national weather services
providing meaningful impact-based decision-making (ZAMG and OMSZ, respectively) and civil protection
information to civil authorities responsible for protect- partners in the districts of Lower Austria and Somogy
ing citizens, the environment and property. County, PROFORCE aimed to improve preparedness
and decision-making procedures in civil protection
Weather forecasts are subject to inherent uncertainties agencies by building an innovative seamless proba-
due to the chaotic nature of the atmosphere and the bilistic forecast system.
limitations of weather prediction models. Ensemble
prediction systems (EPSs) are widely used by the The main characteristic of the PROFORCE seamless
meteorological community to quantify these uncertain- forecasting system is the probabilistic feature contain-
ties, but these were not communicated to end-users ing information on the uncertainty and predictability of
until recently. However, such information on uncer- severe weather events. Civil protection agencies should
tainties has great potential to improve time-critical be able to use it to optimize their decision-making
decision-making processes in civil protection agencies process in terms of preparedness and awareness and,
and by other stakeholders, especially if tailored to their therefore, better protect society and the environment
needs and worded using their terminology. PROFORCE from the impact of severe weather.
has delivered just that through multidisciplinary and
cross-sector collaboration between meteorological The PROFORCE seamless probabilistic forecasting
services and end-users. It has enhanced awareness merges four different systems:
of the potential impacts of extreme events in civil
protection.12 • The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF) EPS, representing the medium
range and synoptic scale forecast;
• The Central European Limited Area Ensemble
Forecasting system (ALADIN-LAEF), represent-
Department of Forecasting Models, Zentralanstalt für Meter-
ologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Austria ing the region (and ALADIN-HUNEPS for the
Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ), Hungary Hungarian domain);

• The French Application of Research to Opera- Nowcasting/go-action - Finally, the nowcasting-range

tions at Mesoscale model (AROME) EPS, which EPS material provides the most accurate picture of the
provides forecasts up to 30 hours ahead with a severe weather situation and final decisions can be
focus on convection; and made. Civil protection staff enter the third, “go-action”
• The Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehen- phase where final plans – such as concentrating oper-
sive Analysis (INCA) Ensemble, which provides ational activities on the most affected regions – are
decision-making information to help civil pro- put in place. This nowcasting approach is especially
tection agencies to make better judgment calls important for summer season convective events that
in face of imminent disaster risks. are characterized by high spatial and temporal vari-
ability. For this reason, the nowcasting model INCA
Each system plays its own role in the final seam- Ensemble is run every hour while other models –
less product according to the nature of the predicted AROME EPS, ALADIN-LAEF and ECMWF EPS – are
weather event (whether convective or large scale) only updated every 12 hours; in the case of Hungary,
and the forecast range. Under the assumption that the ALADIN-HUNEPS model is only updated once
each EPS produces the best available results for its every 24 hours.
designated timeframe, each individual time step in the
forecast uses the data from the corresponding EPS, Setting up of web portals
thereby making the forecast seamless. Thus, each
day that an extreme event draws closer, the accuracy Meteorologists and civil protection staff worked
of the forecasts and warnings improves. The distinct together to develop appropriate sets of weather data
gaps in the time steps, which result from the different that illustrate forecasts clearly and simply, thereby
background models, are reflected in the end product promoting a fast decision-making process. First, the
as the PROFORCE project specifically-trained civil civil protection partners defined reasonable thresholds
protection staff to handle such uncertainties. for the key meteorological parameters: wind speed,
precipitation and temperature.These thresholds differed
Seamless warnings ➔ seamless actions considerably in the two countries. For example, a 60
km/h wind gust is normal and occurs frequently in the
The seamless information exchange and actions mountainous regions of Austria, but poses a serious
between meteorologists and civil protection staff hazard to the extremely vulnerable Lake Balaton region
follow this structure: in Hungary, the site of many water sport activities in
summer. As a result, two separate web portals were
Pre-warning/response - ECMWF EPS shows a potential set up, one for each country with different thresholds
severe weather event with a relatively high probability and visualizations.
and a first pre-warnings are given to civil protection
agencies, which enter the “response” action phase and On the sites, product illustrations are prepared in such
take early measures such as arranging duty rosters. a way that the forecast appears to be seamless, that
is medium-range and lower resolution sources are
More specific warning/prepare - Two or three days automatically replaced by higher resolution forecasts
before the potential event, the next EPS in the chain at shorter ranges. Thus, users do not need to identify
renders forecasts that are more precise as regards the EPS model in question.The individual EPS systems’
both space and time. Thus, it can give a more specific output is visualized both as probability maps, showing
warning. Based on this, civil protection staff enter the the likelihood of exceeding certain thresholds, and as
“prepare” action phase with intensified activities like point information for preselected locations in the form
the provision of equipment and personnel. One day of meteograms or plumes.The probability maps in the
after this, the convection-permitting EPS provides Austrian portal are accompanied by image elements
more details, particularly in topographically complex that illustrate the threat level in a manner similar to
regions such as the Alps. traffic light signals: green, yellow, orange and red as
the threat increases.
50 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Combination of riskiness, probability and lead time to

establish a common threat level.

civil protection agencies was confirmed. Prevention

and preparedness actions could be launched much
earlier and were more specific with the new system
than with the classic deterministic weather forecast.
Seamless probabilistic forecast information is
processed, visualized, then posted on a purpose-built Storm Niklas (30 March – 2 April 2015) offers a good
web portal that can be accessed by civil protection case in point. High probabilities of wind gust exceeding
authorities and disaster managers (example from the thresholds in large parts of Austria were signalled
Austrian web portal) by ECMWF EPS over seven days in advance. Once a
severe weather pattern shows up for the first time in
An overall threat index was created in order to provide global EPS, it is necessary to continuously check the
civil protection authorities with general information consistency of its position, time and intensity from
immediately upon logging into the web portal. It takes one forecast to the next.This led to the announcement
into account the probability of an event, its riskiness of initial pre-warnings in the relevant regions five
(intensity) and the lead time, given that a longer forecast days before the event started. Three days before the
generally contains larger uncertainties. In other words, event, the higher resolution EPS showed very high
a “yellow” warning a week ahead should not cause probabilities of gusts above 80 km/h (level 2) and high
panic, but a “red” warning in the next day’s forecast probabilities of gusts exceeding 100 km/h (level 3, the
should ring some alarm bells. highest warning level). In the end, the maximum gust
registered at low-altitude weather stations was 121 km/h
Training and first hand experience in Enns, Upper Austria. The additional reliability and
uncertainty information in the new system facilitated
Interdisciplinary cooperation between meteorologists an improved assessment of the situation; however,
and civil protection agencies was a key to the success the nowcasting EPS did not provide additional benefit.
of PROFORCE. Civil protection staff had to become Performance was tested by checking the warnings
familiar with probabilistic forecasts in order for them to against the civil protection agency’s deployment maps.
derive maximum benefit from the web portal.Training There was a very high correlation between the density
sessions in both countries helped to strengthen trans- of civil protection actions and the highlighted areas in
national cooperation and the feedback from the civil the EPS forecast products, especially for large-scale
protection agencies on the probabilistic information storms and flood events.
also permitted model developers to improve their EPSs.
At the Hungarian disaster management centre, the
Intense testing of the system was realized during severe probabilistic forecasting system was used extensively in
weather events in the pilot regions of Lower Austria the preparations for several contests at and around Lake
and Somogy County over the course of the project Balaton during the 2014 and 2015 summer seasons,
(December 2013 – November 2015).The feedback from including the Blue Ribbon Race and the Lake Balaton
end-users and beneficiaries was generally positive Cross-Swimming contest. For the latter event, the EPS
and the system’s applicability for operational use in information was helpful when it came to deciding

whether or not to postpone the contest. Activities at

Lake Balaton are vulnerable to sudden changes in
weather, which can sometimes be regionally confined.
The experience with PROFORCE demonstrated that
while EPS forecasting techniques can improve the
predictability of these changes, further development
is still necessary, particularly in the very short now-
casting range.

To continue long into the future

PROFORCE was a challenging project that essentially
had two goals. The first was to build a bridge between
the forecasting community, which monitors the weather
and knows the strengths and weaknesses of each
individual model, and the civil protection community,
which focuses on the impacts of severe weather.
Building understanding between these two groups
was challenging.

The second goal concerned the handling probabilities.

Though familiar in weather and climate research, civil
protection authorities and, to a lesser extent, forecasters
are only just starting to learn to manage and trust
probabilities. The civil protection staff must undergo Above: Meteosat (MSG) composite HRV and infrared
regular training in order for them to become more image showing the situation during the Balaton
confident in applying the concept of probabilistic fore- Cross-Swimming contest on 19 July 2014. Below:
casting when making everyday decisions concerning ECMWF EPS probability forecast of the thunderstorm
the deployment of aid or cancellation of mass events. index (CAPE) exceeding 100 J/kg (weak shower or
thunderstorm possible) and the 300 J/kg threshold
It is important to emphasize that the seamless EPS (ordinary thunderstorm possible).
system does not completely replace the standard
warnings issued by the forecasting office, which also Acknowledgements
takes other numerical weather prediction model results
or observations into account. It is intended, above all, The authors thank all of the colleagues who contributed
to provide additional information and details about to the PROFORCE project. Special thanks go to the
spatial distribution and the intensity of the meteoro- scientific advisory board: Fritz Neuwirth, Matthias
logical parameters. Steiner, Siegfried Jachs, Jianjii Wang, Simon Jackson
and Alice Soares. We are grateful for all materials and
Ultimately, everyone in the warning chain, from information provided by György Heizler (DMDSC)
official authorities to local stakeholders and finally and Johann Dantinger (NOEL-CP).The implementation
to the general public, can benefit from this project. of the PROFORCE project was 75% co-funded by the
Changing weather always presents new challenges European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil
for both meteorologists and civil protection experts. Protection department (ECHO).
Although the PROFORCE project has already ended,
the transregional and interdisciplinary cooperation it
established will continue long into the future.
52 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Influences on the Transfer of

Hydrological Research into
by Ann Calver1

A wide range of approaches has been developed for Political drive

the practising hydrologist to analyse water resource
and flood risk management problems. The almost Political motivation to prioritize hydrological research
world-wide availability of web-based information, spurs the development of practical techniques and meth-
methods and distance-learning programmes increases ods. Understandably, there is a tendency for such a drive
the geographic extent of the availability of this array of to arise in the aftermath of disasters, particularly when
techniques. What determines which methods are most severe flooding or drought conditions affect public water
used in practice? The factors affecting their transfer supply, agriculture and industry. Responses to disasters
from the research realm to the subset used widely in sometimes favour the implementation of hydrological
practice are by no means only technical in nature but schemes rather than the development of new or updated
also economic, environmental and social. methods. For example, the development and imple-
mentation of the RiverThames flood barrier scheme in
London was prompted by the exceptionally severe river
Research funding and coastal flooding of 1953, which also provided the
impetus to improve the methodology of inland flood
Hydrological research can be pure or applied, and risk mapping in the United Kingdom. Policy-makers’
it is sometimes difficult to link the development of recognition of long-term climate consequences, as
practical procedures to a specific research endeavour. well as the short-term weather-induced hydrological
Although it is not always the case, there is usually hazards, provides a basis for acknowledging the need
a substantial amount of investment behind a good for sustained longer-term research and development.
practical hydrological technique. Countries with
relatively buoyant economies are often the only ones The ability to properly address the strategic time scale
that can afford the “luxury” of sustaining sizeable can help to alleviate problems in the shorter operational
long-term investment in research. Research also offers time frame. In the river flooding context, for example,
the benefit of training and developing personnel and good long-term flood frequency estimation carried
can encourage scientific liaison between communities through to scheme design can ease, to a degree, com-
and nations. plete dependence on flood warning systems. Strategic
initiatives such as the WMO-led Global Framework on
Hydrological research programmes operate in public Climate Services (GFCS) and the Sendai Framework for
sector organizations, universities and the private Disaster Risk Reduction1may boost the development or
sector. International organizations and frameworks enhancement of hydrological techniques, should the
have a potential to extend the country base of hydro- necessary funding be available to meet aspirational
logical innovation. The European Flood Awareness and ambitious aims.
System (see Box A), which is now reaching a degree 1
Ann Calver is a research and consultant hydrologist and has
of maturity in practice, is an example of one such held a number of WMO roles. anncalver@acw-associates.
initiative. co.uk

European Flood Awareness System

(EFAS) fully operational from 2012
European Union (EU) Joint Research Centre and others

Purpose and method: Increased readiness for river

floods and consistent flood warning information
trans-nationally in Europe. Use of ensemble precip-
itation forecasting from ECMWF (European Centre
for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) combined
with LISFLOOD hybrid conceptual/physical runoff
model linked with river channel routing. Flash flood alerts in October 2015. ©EFAS

Development funding: European Union DGs and Uptake by EU as a flagship initiative in trans-national
Parliament; country-funded experts; testing via disaster mitigation.
National Hydrological Services.
Factors affecting transferability: Broad-scale
Factors which promoted development: Recognition coverage is built into system; not necessarily
at EU level that previous flood alerts were not appropriate at smaller spatial scales. Principles
compatible between countries, and were of variable transferable at broad scale if meteorological
quality, leading to difficulties in planning and in aid model outputs and data transfer mechanisms
organization. Particular prompt from major Elbe and are supported and hydrological model can be
Danube flooding of 2002. calibrated.

Box A

These political drivers are significant aspects of mean that limitations in application may not always be
demand-led methodological development, as opposed specified, but the qualification of the expected range
to ideas-led research. Political motivation can also be of applicability of a method should be presented in
a factor in promoting use of a hydrological technique the interest of appropriate and responsible practical
beyond its country of origin, whether for reasons application. The nature of simplifying assumptions
of influence, commercial interest or humanitarian made in theoretical and numerical methods influences
concern. For example, WMO and aid organizations in how generally applicable methods are in practice.
the US established the Southern African Region Flash
Flood Guidance System in order to reduce hydrome- The development of hydrological methods and models
teorological hazards. This initiative was subsequently is often intended for widespread use but methods may
expanded to encompass regional flood forecasting also include some implicit local, regional or national
and warning systems. features. These may relate directly to the hydrological
environment itself or, for example, to the state of
Generality of methods hydrological data collection and availability within a
country or region.
Research outputs with the potential for more com-
prehensive application across varied environments Calculation and modelling systems that are nominally
stand a greater chance of widespread acceptance, general often require the establishment of locally-appli-
other things being equal. Highly robust methods with cable parameter values.The Flood Estimation Handbook
low-uncertainty outputs are clearly advantageous. (see Box B) describes a river flood frequency estimation
Both research and commercial considerations can system with parameterized empirical equations that
54 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

cover the range of British environments. Conceptually uses a process-related indicator system method as
it is more widely applicable, but it has undergone a standard basis for determining the potential avail-
little testing or re-parameterization beyond its region ability of water abstraction in its countrywide water
of design. licensing strategy. The latter case is an example of
a method addressing a legal requirement, although
The level of transferability across spatial and temporal the legislation did not specify the precise technique.
scales also affects how widely a technique can be used. Longevity and prevalence of use is usually achieved
Different levels of detail are invoked at different spatial in such circumstances.
scales – something for which high computing power
is not necessarily a substitute (even where data are Hydrological modelling methods that are used as
not a constraint). It is especially difficult to provide land boundary conditions in atmospheric modelling
robust methodologies for extreme events with large systems also gain extensive usage.
recurrence intervals as they are rarely experienced
and even more rarely measured.
Accompanying material
Critical mass of uptake Supplementary guidance material – whether produced by
the originators of the method, by users or by organizations
A critical mass of users of a technique is a determining – encourages the adoption of a particular method. The
factor in its survival over an array of similar ones. In provision of training material plays a significant role in
large public and private sector organizations, tech- the dissemination and practical uptake of new methods
niques considered of reasonable generality and quality and also in their adoption into hydrological educational
are frequently adopted as standards because of their programmes. Increasing access to web-based material
compatibility and perceived efficiency. This adoption has significantly expanded the geographical reach of
in turn enhances, at least for a period of time, the information sources and of distance-learning programmes.
dominance and longevity of that technique.
WMO plays a key role in international dissemination and
For example, an Australian government advisory body capacity building activities in hydrology. Key examples
recommended a method for modelling low river flows of hydrological training and reference material from
and cessations of flow (see Box C), thus these proce- WMO, which are extensively used, include the Guide to
dures are widely implemented nationally. Similarly Hydrological Practices, the Manual on Flood Forecasting
in England and Wales, the environmental regulator and Warning and the Manual on Low-flow Estimation and

Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH)

1999 and supplements
Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK

Purpose and method: Estimation of rainfalls and

river flood peak discharges for range of recurrence
intervals at locations with little or no site-specific
data. Statistical and runoff hydrograph methods
based on pooled data.
Wallingford 2003 ©RAF Benson

Development funding: England & Wales govern- Example application: Upstream input to river
ment Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food hydraulic modelling for country-wide flood risk
(subsequently Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs); supplemented by UK Natural Designed as follow-on to successful Flood Stud-
Environment Research Council. ies Report of 1975, itself spurred by severe 1953
Factors which promoted development: Recognized
need at government department level; strong user Factors affecting transferability: In principle
community; uptake by environmental regulators transferable to other humid temperate regimes
(Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Pro- for catchments between about 0.5 and 1 000 km2;
tection Agency); evolving recognition that this is relationships between hydrological variables and
arguably the pre-eminent British tool for flood catchment properties are not widely tested beyond
frequency estimation for data-sparse locations. UK and require data-rich sources.
Box B

Prediction. The emphasis is, appropriately, more on the It is critical to good practice that assumptions are made
types of approach to hydrological problems rather than fully explicit in guidance material and training. Some
on specific methods and products. methods do not make key assumptions apparent when
results are viewed, hence the realm of applicability may
not be obvious and may be inappropriately exceeded.
Hydrological methods presented as software products Review and feedback
offer further advantages for promoting widespread use,
especially for developers who produce user-friendly Evaluation of the use of a hydrological technique
systems and make their software freely or very inex- provides valuable knowledge for future applications.
pensively available. Another considerable advantage Full assessment includes information on limitations as
is gained by also making source codes available, which well as successes although the former is not always a
enables linkages with other techniques and allows feature that developers and/or users readily share for
users to make modifications. commercial or career reasons. Furthermore, research-
ers and practitioners do not always liaise fully. Many
The U.S. Geological Survey’s ‘Modflow’ groundwater developers are not themselves practical users nor do
modelling system is an example of software that has they prioritize the dissemination of their work beyond
been adopted by large communities of practitioners, their peer community. Equally, many practitioners
not least because its source code is freely available. are not involved with the minutiae of theoretical and
methodological detail.
56 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Australian Low Flow Estimation 2012

D. Barma and I. Varley, in consultation with others,
for the National Water Commission

Purpose and method: Collating best modelling

practice nationally for the estimation of low river
flows and cessation of flow for both regulated and
unregulated rivers. Hydrological modelling, with
empirical transposition to data-sparse regions.

Development funding: National Water Commission, Example application: Recalibration of low flows, eg.
a then government advisory body. for Daly catchment, Northern Territory with use of
integrated surface and groundwater model.

Factors which promoted development: Government

recognition of need for compatible prediction at
national scale; recognition of need for consistent
calibration procedures for modelling especially of
lower flow regimes.

Factors affecting transferability: Designed for wide

application across range of Australian environments;
drawbacks can arise from data insufficiency, par-
ticularly with respect to rainfall distribution and
man-made interventions e.g. irrigation offtakes.
Box C

Impartial evaluations of performance and practical potential of various methods are available. Some are
user- or client-funded to meet a particular need while others, including those by WMO, are undertaken on a
more extensive basis.

Conclusion and recommendation

Among the many hydrological methods developed, widespread adoption and operational use of one method
over another is favoured by:

• A sound technical basis,

• Robustness across environmental conditions, in space and time,
• A drive to move the technique beyond the research arena,
• The presence of promoters for its uptake,
• A certain ease-of-use,
• Good guidance and appropriate updating.

Some of these factors follow from conscious decisions and others are rather more nuanced and subject

to a degree of chance choices and opportunities. The process is not

necessarily a straightforward deterministic one, nor is it based entirely
on technical merit.

There is arguably a wider range of acceptable methodological approaches

employed in hydrology compared with meteorology.There is general agree-
ment in meteorology on the preferred type of atmospheric formulations that Social and economic
form the basis of many modelling and model-based weather and climate drivers, in addition to
products. This difference arises partly because of the great variation in
material properties in the physical domains covered by hydrology, and technical concerns, are
partly from the range of hydrological issues addressed, including the significant influences.
variety of man-made interventions in, and modifications of, the hydrological
cycle. This can enhance the degree of competition between alternative
methods in many hydrological applications. This contributes to debate
as to whether a convergence to a small core of “standard” hydrological
techniques should be encouraged or a proliferation of a wide range of
alternative procedures is preferred.

Regardless of the technique used, it is highly recommended that the extent of

applicability of the hydrological method developed and/or used is specified,
and that this assessment is updated as experience accrues through practical
use. Most applied research projects and practical hydrological applications
should comment on this in their reporting for the benefit of the wider
hydrological community to improve future delivery of effective hydrology.

Thanks are due to Bruce Stewart (formerly WMO Director of Climate and
Water) for early discussion and to the editorial team at WMO.
58 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

A Good Day to Hang out

the Laundry, or a 10%
Chance of Rain?
Talking about risk and uncertainty in weather forecasts

by Alexander Hall, Pictet Prize-Winner

Historian Dr Alexander Hall is an Associate Director of the Centre for Science, Knowledge and Belief in Society
at Newman University in Birmingham, UK. His 2012 PhD thesis, Risk, Blame, and Expertise: The Meteorological
Office and extreme weather in post-war Britain was recently awarded the 2016 Marc-Auguste Pictet prize for
the history of science by the Société de Physique et d’Histoire naturelle de Genève.

Recent media and social media clamour that we are Blame it on the weatherman
now living in a “post-truth world” has raised concerns
with some scientists; however, to take such claims One of the most infamous incidents of miscommunica-
at face value would paint an overly simplistic and tion in a weather forecast concerns the British Broad-
deeply ahistorical picture. While 2016 may have had casting Corporation (BBC) weatherman Michael Fish’s
its surprises, the problems it presented for those on-air comment prior to the Great Storm of 1987. Fish,
concerned with communicating facts and figures to a meteorologist for the UK’s national weather service,
both specialist and general audiences should come the Met Office, began his forecast on 15 October 1987
as no real shock. by remarking, “Earlier on today, apparently, a woman
rang the BBC and said she heard that there’s a hurricane
Meteorologists and climatologists have long dealt with on the way. Well, if you’re watching, don’t worry – there
the challenges that relate to empirically measuring isn’t.” The following morning, the country awoke to
and forecasting the atmosphere’s myriad dynamic devastating scenes. With gusts recorded of over 160
patterns and to communicating such complex data km/h and sustained wind speeds of over 130 km/h, the
to the public. In a future where the intensity and extratropical cyclone that battered the south-east of the
frequency of extreme weather events are expected UK as the nation slept on 15-16 October 1987 was the
to increase due to climate change, the ability to accu- most powerful storm to hit the region since the Great
rately, succinctly and convincingly relate forecasts and Storm of 1703. In the UK alone, the storm resulted in
warnings to the public will be even more important. 19 deaths, the destruction of approximately 15 million
This article will explore some of the history of public trees, extensive power cuts and insured damages of
forecast communication in the United Kingdom (UK), what was then a global record of £ 1.4 billion (US$ 2.3
exposing tensions between scientific experts and the billion at the time).
general public.
Rather than just for its severity and the destruction
it caused, the storm is often remembered for Fish’s
infamous forecast and the lack of clear severe weather
warnings from the Met Office.The storm, its aftermath

An internal inquiry into events called for revision of

the content and style of television presentations and a
complete review of how the Met Office dealt with the
press and the media, yet it determined Michael Fish’s
use of the term “hurricane” to be merely “unfortunate”.
The inquiry considered such language to be “part of
the style of delivery of the forecasts, aimed at making
them more interesting rather than a dry repetition of

David Wright
the facts.” This conversational style had long been a
feature of public forecasts in the UK.

The aftermath of the Great Storm of 1987, London. This well-remembered incident was not the first time
a television forecaster was blamed for an erroneous
and its subsequent cultural memory present a late forecast, nor the first time that their language and deliv-
twentieth-century snapshot of the British public’s ery had presented a problem. Such cases go back to
expectations in relation to extreme weather and their the very beginning of televised forecast presentations.
relationship with the expert scientific organisation
communicating on the risks posed by such extreme
meteorological events, the Met Office. The face of British weather forecasts
In the immediate aftermath of the storm, the media The first-ever televised forecasts in the UK to feature
were quick to question the weather service. National a meteorologist on screen were launched by the Met
newspapers led with headlines such as “Met men fail Office in partnership with the BBC in January 1954.
to predict ‘worst recorded storm’” and “Why didn’t These “in vision” forecasts were an attempt to improve
they warn us?” Many criticisms, including those of the visual aesthetics of televised weather and to educate
how late the public warning had been issued, stemmed the public in meteorological matters.
from a lack of understanding of Met Office procedure.
The Met Office had in fact issued a warning four days Yet giving the weather forecast a face led to an unex-
earlier for severe weather on 15-16 October. pected response from viewers. Almost as soon as the
new format was introduced, the BBC began to receive
Official gale warnings for the English Channel were letters blaming the presenters for inaccuracies in their
sent out early on 15 October, and all television and forecasts. Whilst criticism of inaccurate forecasts was
public radio broadcasts that day warned of strong nothing new, the manner, swiftness and volume of
winds. However, because the two different computer the blame directed specifically at the presenters was
models operated by the Met Office produced equivocal unprecedented. This was in part influenced by the fact
forecasts, no warnings were issued for inland gales. that the person appearing on screen was no ordinary
Specific warnings were sent to civil agencies such as television presenter, but rather an expert meteorologist.
British Rail and the London Fire Brigade through the
late hours of 15 October, and an emergency warning The Director of the Met Office personally responded
was issued to the public via radio at 1.20 a.m. on to most of the letters, on one occasion stating: “I think
16 October. In tempering criticisms of how late this that the meteorologist should be regarded more as an
public warning came, Professor John Houghton, then adviser than as a prophet … The difficulty, however,
Director-General of the Met Office, highlighted that is to strike a balance between the professional chart
under the established emergency warning system, with its mass of hieroglyphics [sic] and the extremely
public warnings were only to be issued within three simplified version which will be intelligible to the
hours of severe weather, and only once it was almost average viewer."
certain to occur.
The forecasters had come up against what science
communication theorists were later to identify as a
60 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Visualizing complex synoptic data

The formative technology of television allowed officials
at the BBC to experiment, not only with who would
present the new format, but also with how the forecast
should be delivered. Now that there was a presenter,
should the maps be more complex? Which elements
should be printed and which should be drawn live on
air? During trials in 1953, both the Met Office and the

BBC put a great deal of time and effort into determining
how complex weather forecasts could be visually
Michael Fish giving his infamous forecast on 15 October 1987. presented so as to be understandable to the general
key weakness of the “deficit model’s” dichotomous
approach, in which attempting to communicate with a Met Office officials had already faced the difficulty of
broad spectrum of society with varied levels of education simplifying complex codified synoptic charts when
would always have limited success. In developing the producing forecasts for newspapers, and the technical
new format, the BBC had encouraged the Met Office to limitations of television cameras had initially forced
embrace more engaging language rather than the dull, forecasters to create even simpler charts. Now, with
scientific terms of established professional practice.Thus, the addition of a moving element in the form of the
the new faces of the weather attempted to connect directly meteorologist drawing live on air, the process had
with the viewer: in his first broadcast, meteorologist become even more challenging. Emphasizing the
George Cowling informed housewives that the windy development of the synoptic picture by affording
weather would make it a good day to hang out the laundry. yesterday’s and today’s charts as much airtime as
In addition to being more engaging than “there is a high tomorrow’s allowed the forecaster to explain any
probability of wind today”, such language also imparted errors, which helped to mitigate blame and preserve
a greater sense of certainty and personal connection. the viewers’ trust. However, as they struggled to find
a balance between a comprehensive explanation of all
By late 1953, the Met Office Director had already proposed possible outcomes and a succinct, coherent weather
putting a senior officer in charge of public services, with picture, Met Office officials continued to be blamed
the duty of advising the Deputy Director of Forecasting for inaccurate weather forecasts.
on the nature, content and wording of all information
supplied to the public. Nonetheless, the Met Office team The teams involved with the television project had a
had difficulty keeping the language engaging enough rudimentary understanding of the fact that the lan-
to appeal to a broad spectrum of viewers, whilst at the guage, face and visual aspect of the forecasts were
same time clearly communicating uncertainty, probability important. However, they did not predict that presenting
and reasons for errors. probabilistic forecasts in deterministic language that
viewers could relate to, would have a significant impact
Those at the Met Office who saw the new format as on the development of the public’s risk perception and
an opportunity to disseminate their forecasts and edu- their expectations of weather forecasts.
cate the public were surprised by instances of wanton
blame-casting. They imagined that if the general public
were better educated about how weather systems and Forecasts today
the forecasting process worked, then surely their under-
standing of the fallibility of forecasts would increase. The Met Office’s position as a prominent disseminator
Such an instinctive view oversimplified the relationship of science communications and the challenges this
between risk perception and blame, failing to account position brings for a government-funded body aiming
for the problems of information transfer that occur when to remain objective and scientific were acknowledged in
communicating risk. a 2012 parliamentary inquiry, conducted by the House
Anon, 1954. Two Weather Men. Radio Times, 122, 8 January 1954, p.15.

Anon, 1987. Met men fail to predict ‘worst recorded storm’, The
Telegraph, 17 October 1987, p.1; and Anon. 1987a. Why didn’t
they warn us? The Daily Mirror, 17 October 1987, p.1.

Wikipedia, BBC
Anon, 2009. George Cowling Obituary. The Telegraph Online, 27
December 2009.

Hall, A. 2012. p. 18-22, 37-40.

Houghton, J. T. 1988. The Storm, the Media, and the Enquiry. Weather,
George Cowling presents the new format on the BBC.
43, 67-70; Gadd, A. J., and R.M. Morris. 1988. Guidance
available at Bracknell for the storm of 15/16 October 1987,
of Commons Science and Technology Committee. The and the forecasters’ conclusions at the time. Meteorological
inquiry stated that: Magazine, 117, 110-118; Flood, C. R., and R.D. Hunt. 1988. Public
forecasts and warnings of the storm of 15/16 October 1987.
Meteorological Magazine, 117, 131-136; and LeVay, S. 2008.
an accurate forecast is of little use if it is not com- When Science Goes Wrong: Twelve Tales from the Dark Side
municated well and understood by the customer. of Discovery. London, Penguin Books, Chapter 2.
The Met Office should work with broadcasters to
improve communication. In particular, the inherent House of Commons Debate, 21 October 1987, vol. 120 cc729-42;
and Houghton, D. M., F.R. Hayes, and B.N. Parker. 1988. Media
uncertainty in longer-term forecasts should be
reaction to the storm of 15/16 October 1987. Meteorological
clearly explained and we are keen to see broadcast- Magazine, 117, 136-140.
ers make greater use of probabilistic information
in their weather forecasts. Michael Fish, BBC television weather forecast, 15 October 1987.

Rawes, 1957. Letter from Rawes (BBC TV Presentation Editor) to

So whilst much has changed since the early Met Office Sutton, 23 January, 1957. T16/245/4, BBC Written Archives,
and BBC forays into televised forecasts, the tension Reading, United Kingdom.
between probabilistic forecasts and deterministic lan-
guage remains. Despite changing forecast technologies RMS, 2007. The Great Storm of 1987: 20 Year Retrospective. Risk
Management Solutions Inc. Special Report. For more on the
and new digital media channels, the way that people
Great Storm of 1703 storm see, RMS, 2003. December 1703
interpret, understand and act upon weather forecasts Windstorm: A 300 Year Retrospective. Risk Management
and warnings has stayed largely the same. In order Solutions Inc. For more information on 1987 see the Met
for the public’s potential reaction to any given forecast Office factsheets on the storm, here and here.
to be truly understandable, the manner in which the
Sarewitz, D., R.A. Pielke, and R. Byerly. 2000. Prediction: Science,
forecast is presented and communicated to the end Decision Making, and the Future of Nature. Washington D.C,
user must be more closely analysed. In addition, the Island Press.
scientific activity that goes into the making of each
meteorological forecast, extreme weather warning Sutton, O.G. 1953. Summary of project progress sent from Sutton
to Sandford (DUS – Air Ministry), 24 November 1953. AIR
or climate scenario must be made more transparent
2/10881, The National Archives, London, United Kingdom.
to the public. The history of meteorology provides a
compelling narrative and the physical means to open Sutton, O.G. 1954. Letter from Sutton to Denham, 2 March 1954.
up this scientific activity to the public. Whether it is AIR 2/12924, The National Archives, London, United Kingdom.
achieved through museums, the media, the classroom
or new online initiatives, openness about uncertainty
is essential.
62 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

Accreditation Schemes of the

Royal Meteorological Society
by Chloe Moore (Edited by Professor Liz Bentley, Dr Bob Riddaway and Dr Catherine Muller)

Accreditation is increasing in importance in the job to career advancement by showing that an individual
market. With National Meteorological and Hydro- has expertise beyond what is required in his or her
logical Services facing more demands, the weather current post.
market growing and the number of service providers
increasing, it is crucial that service providers be able In addition to providing a framework to help employers
to demonstrate that their staff have the expertise recruit and promote their staff, it can also be used It can
required to provide quality services. also be used to show that service providers have staff
whose expertise is recognized by an independent body.
Accreditation helps to set standards across the wider Accreditation has the value of assuring both customers
meteorological community, promotes continuing and the public that services are being provided by profes-
professional development and career advancement. sionals who have the necessary expertise. This may be
In addition, it demonstrates that individuals have especially important when consultants are brought in for a
reached and continue to maintain a specified level of specific task, as accreditation can provide confidence that
professional expertise that satisfies clients, employ- these consultants have gone through a robust process
ers and the public. By benchmarking professional to demonstrate their professionalism.
meteorologists at the same high level, accreditation
aims to ensure that the public and other users of Paul Knightley, Forecast Manager (United Kingdom)
meteorological services can have confidence in the at MeteoGroup, has commented from a manager’s
services they are provided. perspective, saying: “The RMetS qualifications and
accreditation schemes are valued inputs to MeteoGroup’s
The Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) established defined career structure. Members of my meteorological
its first accreditation scheme - for Chartered Meteor- team benefit through professional integrity as well as
ologists (RMet) - in 1994. The success of this scheme a clear promotional pathway. Additionally, personal
and the developing needs of service providers led to development and objectives can be measured through
the introduction of an accreditation as a Registered the Society’s CPD tools.”
Meteorologist (CMet) in 2014.These schemes appeal to
service providers who are interested in having their staff
accredited and to organizations that are considering The RMetS accreditation schemes
establishing such an accreditation scheme.
The accreditation schemes run by RMetS provide
professional qualifications in meteorology at a level
Why important? equivalent to other schemes that provide Chartered
status. RMetS is recognized in UK and European law as
Accreditation is important for individuals because it both the Competent Authority and the Regulatory Body
enables them to gain recognition and highlight their for Meteorology in the UK, and its two accreditation
meteorological expertise in addition to their academic schemes are included in the European Commission’s
qualifications. It also demonstrates a commitment to regulated professions database. Although the majority
continuing professional development and can contribute of applicants are based in the UK, the Society does

welcome applicants from outside the UK who meet • Personal responsibility – exercising personal
the requirements. responsibility in planning and implementing tasks;
• Interpersonal skills – demonstrating effective
The schemes conform to the principles specified in the interpersonal skills;
International Standard ISO/IEC 17024 concerning the • Professional practice – applying appropriate the-
operation of certification bodies, in particular: oretical and practical methods; and
• Professional standards – demonstrating a personal
• Assessment is based on objective evidence commitment to professional standards.
obtained through a fair, valid and reliable
assessment and is not influenced by other Evidence of these competencies may consist of a
interests or by other parties. description of past jobs, routine work, professional
• The assessment process ensures that there is positions, project involvement, contributions to the
sufficient objective evidence on which to base meteorological community, expertise sharing or voca-
a decision. tional qualifications. Although CMet and RMet call for
• The person performing the assessment is the same competencies, the requirements for CMet
competent to carry out that task. are much higher.
• There is an effective process for the resolution
of complaints and appeals as a means of
protection against errors, omissions or unrea-
sonable behaviour.

The RMet and CMet schemes

The RMet accreditation is ideal for those in the early
stages of their career in meteorology or in a role that
supports meteorological services. Most applications
have two to five years' experience. Becoming an RMet
paves the way to becoming a CMet, the highest level
of accreditation in meteorology, which is suited to
someone with substanial meteorological experience.
“Being a Registered Meteorologist provides an ideal
The level of knowledge on meteorological science and springboard to apply for the title of Chartered Meteorologist
practice that is required for an RMet is based on the and cement yourself within the higher echelons of the
WMO Basic Instruction Package for Meteorological profession, ” commented Helen Roberts, Senior Operational
Technicians (BIP-MT). For CMet, it is based on the WMO Meteorologist at the Met Office. “Needless to say, the criteria
Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) are tougher, but as you progress with your career, then this
and also includes knowledge of the current national option will become less daunting with time.”
and international contexts in which meteorological
services are provided. Detailed knowledge of declared
specializations is also required for both schemes. The accreditations have the advantage of being a
formally recognized, public statement that requires
To complement these knowledge requirements, the holders to demonstrate that they are maintaining their
candidate must demonstrate oral and written com- competencies; continuing to develop their knowledge
munication skills and competency in five key areas: and skills; keeping up with advances in meteorology
in general; and steadily improving their experience,
• Application of knowledge and expertise – identi- capabilities and contributions. Individuals are to collate
fying and using relevant scientific understanding, continuing professional development records and
methods and skills to address broadly defined, submit reports every two years for CMet and annually
complex problems; for RMet.
64 Vol. 66 (1) - 2017

The accreditation process

In order to apply for accreditation as either an RMet or a CMet, candidates must complete an online application
on the RMetS website. The main part of the application calls for a description of the individual’s qualifications
and experience, evidence of the key competencies and a record of activities associated with continuing pro-
fessional development. Once the application has been completed, the submission is checked and references
are obtained from the nominated referees.

For those applying for RMet, the next step is a workplace assessment. Two members of an assessment panel
look at the applicant's workplace activities with the likely participation of the individual's line manager. The
candidate is also given an opportunity to elaborate on the evidence presented in the initial application.

An applicant for CMet undertakes a panel interview. This is not an exam, but a peer-to-peer discussion
structured around the evidence provided by the applicant. The applicant will also be expected to give a short
technical presentation.

After either the workplace assessment or the interview, the RMetS Professional Accreditation Board consid-
ers the application. The entire award process is usually completed within four months of the application’s
submission. There are 86 RMets and 66 CMets to date.

These numbers are expected to grow quickly as more organizations embed these professional qualifications
in their internal promotion processes.

More detailed information on the accreditation schemes is available at www.rmets.org/professional-accred-

itation. The Society is keen to share its experience of developing, implementing and managing accreditation
schemes. For further advice, guidance or discussion on this topic contact [email protected].

ACCSYS is the Society’s online continuing professional development system, introduced in 2014. It is
only available to RMetS members and is mainly used for submitting accreditation applications and
building a detailed record of continuing professional development activity, which can then be used to
track and manage development.

Over 3 000 continuning professional development records have been created to date by around 200 users.
Once continuing professional development records are entered, reports can be created and easily saved as
PDFs, then emailed or printed.These reports can be presented to current or future employers, or be used during
appraisals and reviews. ACCSYS underpins the accreditation schemes.
World Meteorological Organization
7 bis, avenue de la Paix - Case postale 2300 - CH-1211 Geneva 2 - Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0) 22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41 (0) 22 730 81 81
E-mail: [email protected] - Website: www.public.wmo.int

ISSN 0042-9767

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