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1190L Cd1
(u; nc 6p9) ser1g198'g ot dn
slcnpord aJnlew :l ued
elec ect^ros
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1661 t ped laüoo8 eleo acrdas sur)rod
puet6!j VN9 !ld qbnoroqrelad'pallu!_l lPuolleulelulsullJad
's!otecr qnd esuqoal Iq
166t fuen!ef u paqsrlqnd
'sserd ol 6u106 au I aqt te lsaxoc sl uoqeurolul aq,l
1 0
padasar 'palrur"l dnolg sur)rad
slq6 r ile 10 uo leurolul tuela rdord (c)
anssl 119€| odl uo4Psfqnd
sauas gez't
sauas e0z't
(ur nc 6y9) sarlrl98'B o1dn slcnpotdatnleyl :I ued
lalloog eleo acl^las sulllod
The Perkins Seryice Data Booklet contains the data which is most commonly useo oy
experiencedmechanics and technicians.
The booklet contains inlormationfor all perkins peterboroughengines and is avaalablein tlvo

Part 1: Malure products up to 8,85 litres (540 cu in)

3.152 Series
4.203 Series
4.236 Series
6.3544 Series
V8.540 Series

Parl 2: Current products up to 8,7 litres (530 cu in)

100 Series
Prima,/500 Series
700 Series
900 Series
Peregrine/1300 Series
The booklet should be used together with the relevant Use/s Handbook, Workshop Manual
and Service Bulletins.
Any recommendations ,or future issues of the booklet should be sent to Technical

PerkinsServiceData BookletPad 1, 1997

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1661 L Ued lallooS elec ecrruassurlrad
elep lsal uorsserduoC
salqel uol9a^uoc
sOuruasanbtol ptepuels
sptn11 aut6ue1ouollectltcadS
elep leleuae
sapocouno lanl
elep lPcrurlcel
" " elepaurouf
suotlnecald^lales leteuaO
aprnO6urpurjllnel crsee
eprnOuorl€colJaqunu autbu3
slJnpordalqeunsuocpapuauuocor updraaod
acrruessur)iredlo lst-l
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166! I Ued let)ioog elPo 3crruas surlrad
' suorln€Jald^lates
zll leleuao
. ra6reqcoqtnl
80t ctseg
' ' ' aptn66utpu111|ne1
'' ' aprnbraqunu autouf
" aptn6uotlecoltaqunu eut6u3
r0t slcnpordalqEunsuocpapuauuoceJlUVdUf MOd
' ' suorlecrlqnd
asrNassulltad lo lst-l
zol sarueduocsut)ilad
uo!lBuuolur lPrauoc
Perkins companies unlted Klngdom
Perkins InternalionalLld,
Easttield,PelerboroughPE1 5NA,
PeftinsEnginesAustraliaPly. Ltd, England.
Suite2, 364 MainSlreet, Telephone:0173367474
Morninglon3931,Victoria,Auslralia. Telex:32501PerkenG
Telephonei597 51877 Fax101733582240
uniled states of america
Fax: 0597 1305
- Nodh Amenca
12025Tech CenterDrive
Motelfs PerkrnsS.4., L vonia
9-11AvenueMichelet, [4ichigan48150
93583Sa nl Ouen,Cedex,France. USA
Telephone: (1)40 10 42 70 Telephone:313266 5427
Ielex:642924F Fax: 313 266 2700
Fax:(1) 40-10-42'45
sule 620,
GmbH, 999, Ponce de Leon Boulevard,
Saalaeckerslrasse4, Coral Gables,
63801Kleinostheim, Florida33134,U.S.A.
Germany. Telephone:305 442 7413
Telephonei6027 5010 Telex:32501PerkenG
Fax:6O27501124 Fax:305 4427419
Hong Kong
PerkrnsInlernalionalLtd, In additlon to the above companies, there a.e
VarityAsia./Pacilic, Perklns dlstrlbutors In mosl counlries. Perkins
Suile 3301 Inlernatlonal Ltd, Pelerborough or one ol the
ConventionPlaza, above companles can provide detalls.
1 Harbourroad,

Telephone:852 2588 1883
Fax:852 2427 2311
22070Casnatecon Bernale(Como),llaly.
Telephone:031 564633 or 564625
Te ex: 380658 Perkll I
Fax:031249092or 564145
Re nanzakaEuilding,sth Floor,
14 2 Akasaka,1-chome,Mrnalo-ku,
Te ephone: 03 586 7377
Ieex:Petkat J2424823
F a x : 0 35 8 2 1 5 9 6

Perkins SeruEe Data Booklei Pad 1. 1997

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266l I uPd tallooS elPC ecrtues surlrad
'qsruedspue ue 'qsl6uf ur poluüd(z)
upul€e pue qcuorl'qsrl6uj ur peluDd(t)
9rzr 0690odr t09 10zt 060r cdl- r0z sa!es 0t9 8A
sE 68Zt 0690 odl
9tt r 680r odt- cl3 68Zr 1690 Cd1 sauas ttE€ 9
stf 16zr 96900d1
6ZZt €6e0 odJ- t09 9J3 t6Zt 960t Odt- arz n g8z
891I 0890 od,t t09 9tzt 060! odt- r0z z€azn
0t0t t890 ufs r09 9 r z r0 6 0 rc d _ Lr 0 z tjz no E'z n
(z) sti qsz! 9690 odt-
80zt t60t odl (r) glr 9Bzr 9690odr seuas z9l e
880r2690u3s t09 Srzr 060t od.L toz 80t t
lPnuew0oqslroM IOOqpUEH S,reSn ad^i au16uj
suorlec!lqnd aa!ruas sullJad lo ls!'l
consumableproducts POWERPART NuTIocK
Perkinshave made availabielhe products To retain and seal threaded tastenersand cup
fecommendedbelow if order lo assist n lhe plugs where easy removalls necessary,
cotrecl operalion,serviceand malnlenanceoi your CurentlyLoctile242e.Pan number21820242
€ngrneand yourmachrne.The instuctionslor the
POWERPARTLlquld gasket
use ol each productare given on lhe outside ol
eachconlainer. Theseproductsare availablelrom To seal tlal laces oJcomponentswhere no joint is
yourPerkinsdrstrlbutor. used.Especially suilablelor aluminium
components. CutrentlyLoclite518. Pan number
POWERPARTAntifreeze 21820518
Proleclsthe cooling syslem againsttrosl and
POWERPARTThreadlock (hydraull./pnuemafi c)
cotrosron.Pa( nufrber1 lilre21825166or 5 lilres
21825167. To retainand sealpipe conneclions wrlhfine
threads.Especiallysuilablelor hydraulicand
POWERPABTEasy Flush pneumaticsyslems. Cu(ently Loctile 542. Pail
Cleansthe coo ing system.Pad number2182501 number21820542
POWEBPARTJolntlng compound POWERPARTThreadlock (plpe)
Universal compoundwhichsealsjoinls.
tornting To retarnand seal pipe connectionswith coarse
CurenllyHylomar Pad number1861155 or threads-Pressuresyslems can be used
1861117. immedialely.CurentlyLoclite575. Pan number
POWERPARTSlllconerubber sealanl
Silrconerubbersealantwh ch prevenlsleakage POWERPART Retainer (oll tolerant)
throughgaps.CutrenllyHylosi Pan number To retarncomponentswhich have a fansition lil.
1861108. CutrentlyLoctile603. Pan number21820603.
POWERPARTLay-Up1 POWERPARTRelainer (high stength)
A dreselluel addnivelor prolecton aga nsl To relain componentswhich have an inlerlerence
corosion.Pan number1772204. lit. CurentlyLoctile638. Pad number21820638.
POWERPART Lay-Up 2 POWEBPART Alomiser th.ead sealant
Prolectsthe ns de ol the eng ne and ol other To seallhe threadsol the atomiserintolhe cylinder
closedsyslems.Pan number1762811 head.CurientlyHylomarAdvanceFormulation.
Proteclsoutsde melalpans.Pad number1734115. To sealthe oulerdiamelerol seals.Currently
LoctileFormaGasketNo 2. Pad number1861147.
A lows easy removalol o d gasketsand jornls. POWERPARTPlatelock
Cu(entlyLoclle chisel Pad number21825163. Ärediumslrengthanaerobiclhreadlocklor tight
finedmetals!rlaces.SuitableIof metalplaled
surtacesand stainlesssteel, Cutrenlly Loctile 243
Daesdampequrpmenland givesproteclron againsi Pan number21826039.
corosron.Passesthroughdin and corosionto
!bncale and to assistremovalot components. POWERPARTGaskel ellmlnator
CutrenllyLoclilerepel.Pan n!mber 21825164. lmprovestlange sealing when a gaskel is not used.
11providesa seal wrth lemperatureresistancethat
is llexibe in posilionswherevibrationand pressure
To retainsmalltaslenerswhereeasy removalis occur,CutrentlyLocllte515. Pan number
necessaryCutrenly Loctite222e.Pan number 21826040
An RTV s liconeadhesivelor applicationwhere low
To permanently retan largelastenersand studs. pressurelests occur belore the adhesivesets.
Cutrenly Loctile270. Pan number Used'or sealng llangewhereor res slalce iö
21820270 1824222 neededand movementol the joinl occurs,.Cutrenlly
Loctile5900 Pad number21826038.

Perkins SetoKe Dala Booklel Pan 1. 1997

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266! ued loDtoo8elPo €crruassurvad
u | |L[]
\rt )
L ^ )
.{ \ =\l=--
eql lo dol eqt sMoqs C uouerFnt I
aurbua aql Jo Mar^
reel oqt pue'aur6ue oql lo pu€ looqM,(ll äql uorl
le pe)iool ueqM aprs trl6u eql sMoqs I uouerlsnlll
aqt lo pua laaqM.{ll aql uorl
le pa)ool uaqM aprs ual €ql sMoqs v uoqerlsnill
ic sauas 0t9 8^
€V sauas "9e g
zv anzn
zE)a zv gtz,
tg ro t8 sauas eoz t
Mt! !906n"2!elC aur6uauorl -
e8 Mt! t906ntlz tefC aur6uaol dn -
sauas z9L 8
8 0 rt
uolllsod od/{t outOu3
apqn6uorleco; raqunu aur6uf
Engine number guide

For enginesmadeatler 1974

Erampe ol an enginen!mber is TU20300U510256F
TU .... . Engine Famityand type code, see Tabte 1
20300 . . . . . parls lisl number or SOS order relerencenumber

Countryof manulacturecode, see Table 2

510256 ... Engineserialnumber
F ............ y e a r o fm a n u J a c l u
cor ed e s, e e T a b t e 3

Table 1 - Englne Family and Type Code

A Phaser/1004 E 4.108 LE G4.236 TV 6.3724

Nalurally EA 4.99 LF 4.24A TW 6.3544
EB 4.101 LG 4.24A2 TX C6.3544
AB Tubocharged EC 14.107 LH C4.236 ry H6.3544
Compensated ED 4.108 LJ T4.236 rz HT6.3544
AD Charge cooled EE T4.108 LK D4.236 U 700 Serles
AE Fed Charge G 4.15/V200 LL 4.38 uA 704-26
cooteo GA 4.154 Ll\,1 4.41 uB 704-30
AG Narrow Jronl end GB 4.135 N 4.318 W P€regrlne/l300
nalurally aspiraled GC 4.182 NA 4.270 wA 6.466
AH Narrow fronl end GD 4.25 NB 4.300 wB T6.466
lurbocharged GE 4.30 NC 4 . 3 1 8 wc cc6.466
New Phaser/l004 H 4.165 ND 4.31A2 WD T6.67
Naturally HA 4.165 P 6.305 wE cc6.67
asprraleo 4.203 PA P6 WF T6,76
AK Tuöocharged io P4 PB 6.288 wG cc6.76
turbocharged JB 4.192 PC 6.305 wH T6.87
Inlercooteo JC P4.192 PD PF6.3O5 wJ cc6.87
Naturally JD 4.203 R 6-247 x v8.540
asptrareo JE 04.203 RA 6.247 xA v8.510
AQ Tuöocharged G4.203 SD Sabre CC6.68 XB TV8,51O
B Prima/500 JG 4.2032 T 6.3s4 xc v8.540
BA Nalurally K Perama/l00 TA 6.306 xD v8.605
asprraleo 2 cyl.0,4 lilres TB 6.33s XE TV8.54O
BB Tuöocharged KB 3 cy].0,6 lilres TC 6.354 Y Phaser/l006
AC Gasolene KC 3 cyi-0,9 lilres TD H6.3s4 Nalurally
c 3.152 KD 3 cyl. 1,0 lites TE T6.3s4 aspiraled
CA P3 KE 3 cyl. 1,5 lites TF H6.354 YB Turbocharged
CB 3.144 KF 4 cyl. 1,9 litres TG 6.3541 YC Compensated
CC P3.144 KG 3 cyl. 1,2 lires TH T6.3s41 YD Charge cooled
CD 3.152 KH 3 cyl. 1,3 lifes TJ 6.3542 Y E Fed. Charge
CE 03.152 KJ 3 cyl. 1,5 litresD TK C6.3542 cooteo
CF G3.152 KK 4 cyl. 1,9 litresD TL 6.3s43 N€w Phaser/1006
CG P3.152 KL 3 cyl. 0,7 litres TM C6.3543 YG Naturally
CJ 3.1522 KN 2 cyl. 0,5 lites TN H6.3543 asprrated
ct\,4 3.1524 KR 4 cyl. 2,2 lites TP T6.3543 YH Tuöocharged
CN T3.1524 4.236 TQ HT6.3543 YK Tuöocharged
C 900 Series ; 4.212 TB 6.372 Inlercooled
cP 3.27 LB G4.212 TS 6.3723 z v8.640
cR 13.27 LC 4.224 TT TC6.3541 zA v8.640
cs 3.25 LD 4.236 IU T6.3544 zB TV8.640

Perk ns Seruice Data Booklet Pad 1. 1997

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166t L UPdlelloo€ pleo elrues surYad
i00z 0 166 z86l 086t I
0002 €66 9861 N 616r
666r f 266 986t n''l s16l 3
866t o t66 t86t L16l o
166t c 066 n e86t 916t 3
966i B 686 1 z86t f I
966I 886 s t86t nL6 |
pasn 0q tou ilM z pue u 'o 'o I sraueteqf ernlcelnueu io rea^ aql satPcpur apoc srqt
apoa arnlaelnueu to reo^ - c olqel
^alrnt .L ^tEtl acaarc c
eculv qlnos VS PsrOy acuerl
er^e sobn^ EIPUI s I uredS l
puelod tue6!nH NH ^ueuroc c
uell vsn N berl YH erlrerlsnv 3
uelsrled x|/,{ ersöuopul tiH l\24€l a
uopourypal un n oorxolrJ l,{ dnoro Eu[uöbiV
apoc s qI
aurbuocrseqaql to örnlcpJnuputo ^rlunoc aql sa)ecrpuL
opoc ornlaetnueu lo fulunoC - Z olqel
urol ao^ A (dund ralPM ua^up ll€g) se6 ro aualoseS uorlc€lurlcarc (
paoreqcoqrnl pua luo4 MoxPN 'pel pelooca6reqC
I N leropal a:
ureqcoururl d leluozuoH H ecuerl ur epel pelesuaduo3 a
Basic tault-tindingguide
Thechartbelowis grvento assislinthecorectdiagnosrs
ol basicenginelaults
Problems causes
Problem Possible causes
ftse slade'nolor turls ltse e^gire loo sLowL,
The eng ne does nol siai 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 2 ,1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 ,1 7 ,3 4 , 3 5 ,3 6 , 3 7 , 3 8 ,
40, 42.43, 44
lhe engrne s dfiicull lo slad 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 1 1 . 1 2 ,1 3 . 1 4 ,15 , 1 6 , 17 , 19 , 3 4 ,3 6 , 3 7 ,
34. 40.42. 43.44
Not enough power 8 , 9 , 1 0 ,1 1 , 1 2 1
, 3 ,1 6 ,1 7 ,1 8 ,1 9 , 2 0 , 2 1 , 3 4 , 3 6 , 3 7 ,
38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 61, 63, 64
Mislre 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 34, 36. 37, 38, 39, 40, 4

High fue consumplon 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
42. 43. 44. 63
Black exhaust smoke 1l , 13 , 15 , 17 , 1 9 , 2 1 , 2 2 , 3 4 . 3 6s,7 , 3 8 ,3 9 ,4 0 , 4 2 ,
43, 44, 61, 63
Elueor wh(e exhaustsmoke 4 , 1 5 , 2 1 , 2 3 . 3 6 , 3 7 . 3 4 , 3 54 ,2 , 4 4 ,4 s , 5 2 ,5 A . 6 2
The pressure ol the lubricatinq o I s loo low 4, 24, 25, 26, 46. 47. 44, 50, 51, 59
The engrneknocks 9, 13, 15 17. 20, 22. 23. 36, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46, s2, 53,
The engine runs eralrca ly 7 , 8 , 9 ,1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ,1 3 ,1 5 ,1 6 ,1 4 , 2 0 , 2 2 , 2 3 , 3 4 , s 8 ,
Vrbral on / . 2 A , 3 4 , 3 a , 3 94 ,0 ,4 1 ,4 4 ,5 2 , 5 4
1 3 .1 8 , 2 0 , 2
e p e>s-'e ol he lLbriLal -q o I s loo h q' , 2 5 ,4 9
The engrne temperalure is too high 1 1 ,1 3 ,1 5 ,1 9 , 2 7 , 2 9 , 3 03, 2 ,3 4 ,3 6 , 3 7 ,3 9 ,5 2 , 5 5 ,
Crankcase 31,33,39,42,44,45,52
Bad compression 1 1. 22. 37. 39. 40. 42. 43. 44 45. 53. 60
The engrne slans and stops 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2

PerkinsServiceData BookletPan 1. 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166t t Ued lal)ioog eleo 3crtuas surlrad
'sleas pup so^ p^ uae4aq a6qee] 0'
]ou are se^le^ ot
]€lseb peaq rapurt^C 6t
'perocur sr 6urut e^te^
'palJocu sr dund uolcelur
lanlJo ouLur1 9t
'ouno uorlcsrur uo a^up !a)ior8
lanl 9e
'dund uotcelur
tenlur Inej tC
lnel ro $1ealaorounnce^ ee
'uolsls ur
'aororaqlearqur !oq3rlsau
lolerper lo saoesspdraleM lo rie ur uoq3ulseB Oe
'duns ur
troOu[ecuqnt qcnu oo1 6Z
laaqMlllro 6ulunou aurOuaur llnel gZ
'pa6euep uej /Z
'luaoatalall4 6uueruqnt^urO
Iro 9Z
'e6ne6 a^lcalao 9z
'duns ur oulecuqnlqonola
iro loN tz
rauealc lroao^l laM
ur pasn uoqecurcads 6uorM Jo lroro lro qcnu 01 CZ
€uo sr oraql ]l) ^ltoaroc 'pe,ocur ore secuereelc drl a^ p^ ZZ
)iroM lou soop 6le6-alseM ra6reqcoqrnl t9 'Mo] ool sr arnleiad0al au 6uf !z
(saur6ua pa6rpqcoqrnl) s)ieal uoF^s uorlcnpul c9 q
'qO ool sr arnleradualaurOu3
r a o r e q c o q r n t l o l e a s 1 r o6 u l e c r q n l z9 'aoro
]sneqxaur uoqcrlseB 6l
^! p ro poopupp sr roilodur ra6reqcoqrnl t9 'lolluocpeodsour6uajo
'uaNorq lueue^ou palculseu g!
sr 6uLds e^le^ 09 'pasn
lanJJoaper6ro ad,(t6uorM /!
rau sls 00ns ur uolculsau 69 'lua^)iuPl
lanl ur uoqculsau 9l
(Pau I 'uals^s
auo sr oreql pa6puep sr uals a^lp^
UElsplo3ur llnel 9l
ir) lEas 8S '^ticerocu
'dund pesn uets^suPls ptoC tt
relpn ur ltnel LS 'eo^1
luelooc ut uoqculsaU 99
'ao^l laorrocuue lo srosruot€ro srasruoleur ]lnPl el
lcaroc!l 'uals^s
!P lo s lglsouraql ro ]elsoursql ur llnej lan] urrV ZL
peu6 te iou sr taaqMI I ro 6ursnoq leaqMr(tj
uolcnpurrreroreuP0lc/01ü ur uolsulseu ll
t9 'luauala iat
'tcarocu I lani^! o 0!
sr tq6raq uolsrd
'pa6euep dund ], I lenl ur ] nPl 6
s uolsrd z9 'ad d
'dund lanl e ur uoqculsaBI
tro 6ulpcuqnt to ed d !oqcns u ]lnpj l9 'loluoc dols ur nel
'uetorq 1 Z
sr 6uuds a^le^ lalaU
'uedo ^toue tuEl tanj 9
lou saop a^le^ laIaU 6' 'IlMolsool aur6u€sunt rolou rau€]S
'asolc 9
]ou saop a^ e^ le[0u It 'ro
'uroM buqecuqnlo aper66uorM t
sr dünd lro 6uleJuqn ] L9
'rolou ralels ur
ro uroM ale s6uileeq ljeqsluprO llnel e
It 'suo[sauuoc
'uroM lear]l3ala pe€ z
are sep n6 rolpue suals a^le^ st 'Mo ^]rcedecfuaueg
'ualoiq !
ro uroil ere ^aqllo ao4 lou ole s6uu uolsld sasnea alq!ssod lo tsl'l
Turbochargertault guide
The chan below is given lo asslsl in the corecl diagnosis ol luöocharger fallts.
li the inside ol the induclion manilold s wet, check that there is nol a fuel leak trom the tuelled stadinq
a d. I there is one fined.

Problems and Dosslble causes

Problem Possible causes

Not enough power 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 1 0 ,1 1 , 1 A , 2 0 , 2 1 , 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 6 , 2 7 ,

Blacksmoke 1. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1A,20, 21, 22, 25. 26,27,
28, 34, 35, 36
B ue smoke 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 34
H gh ubrcalng oil consumption 2, 4, 15, 17, 19,20, 2A, 29, 31. 32, 34
Too much iubncatng orl al turbtne end 2 , 7 , A , 1 7 ,1 9 , 2 0 , 2 2 . 2 83. 0 .3 1 . 3 2
Too much lubncating oil ai compressor end 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19, 20, 21, 2A, 31, 32
Not enough lubrication 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 29. 32. 33. 37. 38
Lubncal ng oil in the exhausl manitold 2 , 7 , 1 7 , 1 8 .1 9 . 2 0 . 2 2 . 2 A . 3 1 . 3 2
nsrde ol lhe Induction manfold wel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , s , 6 , 8 , 10 , 1 1 ,1 7 , 1 A ,1 9 , 2 0 , 2 1 , 2 A , 3 2 ,
34, 39, 40
impeller 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15,16,20.21,23,24,29, 32, 33, 37, 38
Damaged turbine rolor 7, A, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 1a, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29,
32, 33. 37, 38
Bolalng assemblydoes not tum lreely 3 , 6 , 7 , 4 , 1 2 ,13 , 14 , 15 , 1 6 ,18 , 2 0 ,2 1 , 2 2 , 2 3 , 2 4 , 2 9 ,
32, 33, 37, 38
Wornbearingsbearingbores,journals 6 , 7 , 8 , 12 , 1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 , 1 6 , 2 3 , 2 4 , 2 9 , 3 3 . 3 7 , 3 A
No se iiom lurbocharger 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 91, 0 ,11 , 1 2 , 1 3 1
, 4 ,1 5 , 1 6 1
, 8,20,
21, 22. 23, 24, 29, 32, 33. 34, 37, 38
Sludge or carbo- deposrt r^ beanrg houstnE 2 . 1 1 , 1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 ,17 . 1 8 .2 4 .2 9 . 3 3 .3 7 .3 8

Perkrns Seryice Data Booklet Pad 1. 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166 t I Ued lalNooS PtPo af,rruas surlrad
lo elelolceq ur )icPr3 0t
'pre 6uruels peilenl uort eoeteel tonj 6c
'tro6utPcrqnt tuarcrllnsut8t
'ppolq6rquorj uoosool paddolseuroul
lou a^le^ a1e6-aFeM 9e
'pa6euppro ^Inel rotenlceaie6 alsei
ol lrolo Arsocsr^'lueualaI!rp'palculsaB raueal3re ad^l laM 9e
ralll lro6ulpcrqnl ur uoDeulsauee
'6!rsnoq6uueoqre6reqcoqrnl ur uo[iutsoU Z0
'pouadetp aurouoa^rssecxf
le[ruruo) prnl]uo[eNasaJda^rssacxj Oe
'edrd^tddnsu04 e6Eleat o 6ulpc!qnl
I 6Z
's6uu uolsrduoM gz
'pauinq sa^ PA 1z
'srasruolep€6euepro uroM
'dund uolralur lanj ^ltnel 9Z
le[rur]e ^lprderoot pesrerpeads aur6uf eZ
rotor ourqrntpurqoquoqrec a^rssecxl zz
!rp a^rssocx:l !z
'c6" 'Dr^ :6'o".^^'., 'J i o M
i . . 1 - ., 0z
'slpasra6reqcoqrn] uorl abqea-l 6l
'palculsarro paopuep 6ursnoq€urqinl
'edrdurerp 6ulecDqnlpel3ulseu
lro /!
'adrd^lddns 6ulecuqn pa]culsau
lro 9t
lcarocul S!
t!o6ulecuqnt^uro tr
'!els eur6uo ro6reqcoqrnl
le ol tro6ulecuqn lo ^eteo zr
lsneqxapalcrlsau ll
'uo 'slcelc seq plolueu
uolsrpaolpli spq ro'asool s Fneqxj 0!
'uoruolsrpo6uellseq ro'asool sr 'st.erc sprlplolrueuuorlcnpul6
'asool saarcslas/sduelc ro asool re6reqcoqrnf
'uols^slsneqx€ur uolcu]sau
raoleqcoqrn) pue reltI rE uea4aq uolcDlsau 9
'plolrueo uoqonpu ol re&eqcoqrnt 'odrdra^ossorc pepulsetpe6eueC
!eÜEqcoqrnl ol ralill re uo4 odrd ur uorlc!tser ro uor!olsrp teura)ut t
ra6rpqooqrniol uolcouuoa asool ^llceJoc 6urleas lou ro 'peuu ]ou rallUle aq] lo luaualf e
raqlearq asec)juercpalcDlsau z
Ä!rp iaürlr e öql Joluouetf !
sasneo olqlssoo lo ls|I
General safety precautions
. Diesel Juel and ubilcalng oil (especially used
These satety precautions are lmporlant. You
lubricating oil) can damage the skin of cerlain
must reler also 10 the local regulations in the
persons. Prolect your hands wilh gloves or a
country ol use. Some items only reler to specitic
special solulion lo prolecl lhe skin.
appr carons.
. Do not wear clothing which is contam nated by
. Only use these engines in lhe type ol
lubricating oil. Do not pul malerial which is
app icalion 10r which lhey have been designed.
conlaminated with oil ioto lhe pockets of clothing.
t Do no'rndnqe I e spac{rcälron o'lhe engine
. Discard used lubricating oi1 in accordance with
' Do not smoke when you pul iuel in the tank.
local reg!lat ons lo prevenl conlamination.
. Cledr dwayluelwFrch has bee_ sorll. Material . Ensure lhat lhe control lever ol the transmission
whrch has been conlaminated by luel musl be "oufof-drive position before lhe
drive is in the
moved to a saie place.
englne rs staned.
. 0o not pul lue in the lank wh le the eng ne runs . The combustible maierial ol some componenis
(uness t s absolutey necessary).
ol the engine (lorexample cedain seals) can
' Do not clean, add lubricat ng oil, or adjust the become e(remely dangerous il il rs burned.
engine while il runs (unless you have had the Never a low lhis burnl maleral lo come inlo
correcl talnrng; even then exlreme cafe musi oe contact wilh the skin orwth the eyes.
used lo prevenl nlury). . Read and use the nstruclions relevanl lo lill
. Do nol make adjuslmenls thal yo! do not equ pmenl.
undersland. ' Wear a face mask il lhe glass fibre cover of lhe
. Ensure lhal the engine does nol run n a local on turbocharger is lo be removed or lifted.
where { can cause a concentation ol loxrc . Always use a salely cage io prolect lhe operalor
when e component Ls lo be pressure tesled in a
. Olher persons musl be kept al a sale d slance conta ner ol waler. Fil salety wires to secure ihe
whr e Ihe engine or aux liary equipmenl ls rn plugs which seal the hose conneclions of a
componeni which is to be pfessure tesled.
. Do nol permil oose clolh ng or long halr near . Do nol al ow compressed arr to contact your
movrng pads sk n. ll compressed air enlers your skin, obtain
. Keep away trom movtng pans during engtne medicai help immediately.
opetaltan Waning! Some movtng pads cannot . Turbochargers operale al high speed and at high
be seen cleaily while the engine runs temperatures. Keep lingers, lools and debris
. Do not operale the engine il a salely guard has away lrom the inlet and outlet poils of lhe
turbocharger and prevent conlacl wilh hot
' Do nol remove lhe liller cap or any componenl ol sudaces.
the cooing syslem while the engine is hol and . Fil only genuine Perkins pads.
wh le lhe coolanl s under pressure, because
dangerous hot coo ant can be discharged.
. Do not use sa t waler or any other coolanl whrch
can cause cotrosion In lhe closed crrcuil oi lhe
cool ng system
. Do nol allow sparks or Jire near the banenes
(especially when lhe baflefes are 0n charge)
because the gases lrom lhe eleclro yte are h gh y
I ammable The batlery liuid is dangerous 10 the
sk n and especia ly lo the eyes.
. D sconnecl lhe batlery lerm na s belore a repa r
s made to lhe e ectncal syslem.
' On y one person musl contol the englne
. Ens!re thal the engrne rs operaled only lrom lne
conlro pane or trom lhe operators posilron
. l io- \h n LoTps Inlo , onldcl w Ih h th
pressure tuel. oblarn medtcal assrslance

PerkrnsSeruce DataBookletPad 1. 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166t I UPd lallooS Pteo acrruas surliad
zEz s € ü a s0 t 9 8 ^
' . seuas
9ZZ ttge 9
zoz ''"
elPp eu!6u3
2 q:oa
Basic technical data

HOrSe powet . 35,0 kW (47 bhp)

Number ol cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cycle .. ... ,..,, rourslroxe
Induclon syslem Naturallyaspirated
Combuslion sysiem .. Indirectinieclion
Nominal bore 79,37mm (3.125in)
Stoke ... .. . 88,90mm (3.500in)
Compresston ralio .. .......... 22:1
C!bic capacity 1,760lilfes(107.4in3)
Finngorder ... 1-3-4-2
Valve lip clearances
- Inlel 0.30mm (0.012in)
icold) .
' Exhaust (cold) . 0,30mm (0.012in)
Lubricating oi1 pressure
- al maxrmum engine speed and
normal engrne temperature . .. ... . . . . 207/414 kN/n' l30t61 tbl/in l 2,1/4,2 kl|cm,
Coolant temperalure ... . .... . 60'c(140"F)
Thermoslat slans lo open
' berows ... 67n5'C (152/167.F)
'waxlype .... .. . 77l85'C (170/185"F)
Thermoslat tully open
- bel ows lype . 85/88"C (185n 90.F)
- wax type .. . 92l98'C (197/208.F)
Dreclion of rotation . Clockwis€lrom troni
ldlrng speed . - .... .. 5 5 0r e v / m i n
Localion ol maximum noload speed ..... Fuel injectionpump data plate
L o c a t i o no l n u m b e r 1 c y | n d e r . . . . . . . Crankshaflpulley end
Location ol engine liming marks . .. Scribelineson luel injeclionpump and pumpllange
Alom ser codes ... . C A V = B G ,G Y ,O M A P= Y B
Fuel pump codes EH34E, EH39, PH3O
L o c a l o n o t l u e lp u m p c o d e . . . . . . . ......... D a l ap l a t e o n t u p
eul mp
Localon ol luel pump timing marks . . ... . . Fuelpump mounlingllange
Be[lensron .. 45 N (10 lbr)4,5 ksf
Belt delleclion al longesl run . . . . .. . . .. 1 0 m m ( 3 / 8i n )

2.O2 Pelkins Seruice Dala Booklel Pad 1. 1997

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166 t t Ued lol)too€ eteo acrdos sur)ired
palaale iou sr ral ! | o burlec rqnt 3ql lo rats u9c aqt aoueq3 oi eNalll aql L u o q e cl l 3 a d s l ä n l
plE Z0 t a6ed uo a qet aql aas) anl aql lo lualuo3 rnqdlns aql qlM aouEqr I M Erualu aouEqo I o aql ('l
6uru Prt taaroc aqt peq sEq olM uosrad P ^8 (eJ
9 tu3^a paMaual
aq p noqs I srPa^ z tu3^a azaarl luE 3ql Maua8
a z a a r l ] u e l o p e a l s u p a s n s Ll o l q l q u r l u e o o c e l l \z)
pal! auo s araql ll {t)
(C) palcaqc 6re 3)a rotou taLels roleuronP aql leql €lnsul
(0) palsn pP
fuessarau I pue pa)joaqa are a! 6ue aql lo sa3uPrea f, d I a^ e^ aql leql arnsuf
rarlea p€learplr laaq lou seq I li luauaia ral i r e aql Maual ro uealc
s!oq puoa eürou
suorlrpuoc ^lsnp I auartxa
ran I r e aqt lo Moq tsnp aql ^ldua ro raueal3 rLeaql uEa 3
pal I I ral rl rossarduos rrP uee 3
(t) ran I ro 6u rec rqn aql lc rais upc aql Maua8
(t) ro 6u lecrqnl au 6ua aql Maua8
(!)e6ne6aqlte arnssard o 6!leciqnt aqllcaqC
duns aqi u lro 6u leJuqn lo t!nowe aql foaqC
rall llenl eql l0 sluaua a aql Ma!au i
fuessacau se lrprp pue rallu-ard anl eql u ratEA t0, )aaq3 I
(pau I areqa) qsnq r€ar oueu^p alec rqn-l
roteur0le eqi lo I aq a^rp aql )aaqc
(z) lue o03 lo tunoue aql !lcaqc
tsr I lncro qo qa (sqluou )o s)noq) lpruetu aql le pa dde aq lsnu Mol ol qa qa sslnpaqis aq-I
(s3tru 00021) ut 00080t ro srnoq 0012 rua^f 3
(salru 000t2) ul 00090 ro srnoq 006 tua^: O
(saru 0002t) u) OO08!rosqtuou Zt )o srnoq Ogtfue^l 3
(salru 000t) u) 0009r0 sqtuou 0 ro srnoq 091 fua^: g
srnoq 8 fue^a ro ^Ep fua^: v
salnpaqss a3ueualulPy!
atr ruas qcpe tp sraualsel asooLpup aOelea rol fcaqc ol acueualu eu a^qua^ard poob s ll
'eur6ue eql
lo uolerado t3aroa arnsua ot paldepp aq ot paau
Ä e u s a r n p a c o r d p u e s p o r a d a s a q t s u o r t e l n O a rl e c o a q ] o l u r o l u o c ] s n u a u t b u a a q l l o ! o l € i a d o a q l u a q M
ar€ qc qa spo rad aqt asn pailEtsu sr eur6ua aql qcrqM u iuaud nba aql lo rarnlselrruPU aql ^q
ua^ 6 spo rad aqt lsaqO uo lerado lo suoq puoc a6ere^e ot ^ldde spoDad acueualu eu a^q!a^ard asaql
agu49p aq) ueqt lueyodat
aaa ae uauetada p tnoq eql sdals pue sle)s uenba! qla ualaado aouelstD poqs ua :uolneJ
sporiad scueualuleu a^llua^ald
z goti,
2 qtoa
Fuel pump codes

CAV tuel Inieclion pump

TyPe . . . . . . . . . . . . L u c aD
s PA
O reclionol rotaton . . . . . . . Clockwiselrom drive end
OullelIor number1 cylinder . . Lener 'W"
Fuel injection puhp timing
T h e e n g i n e c h e c k a n g l e m u s l b e u s e d w i t h s p e c a l t o o l 1 , 1 S . 6 7 8a n d w i t h t h e e n g i n e s e t w i t h n u m b e r 1
prston al lop dead cenlre (TDC) on the compression slroke. The pump is checked with the pump sel at the
slan ol injecl on lor number 1 cyLinder.
The code leners are included in ihe sening code siamped on the data plate ol the {uel injection pump. Some
luel pumps may have the setting code stamped on a modilication plate which is laslened to the ltange ol the
pump lf a modil cation plale is fitled, use the code etlers stamped on lhis Olale.

Engine check Pumpmark

Fuel pump code lefters angle
(oegrees) (degrees)
.H. EH34E EH39 241 290
H30 2a 292
PH, PH23E, PH27 PH28. PH3O 241 290
279.5 290
FH. RH30E 279.5 290
SH33E 279.5 290
T B ,I H 2 3 E 241 291

Recommendedtorque tensions
The torq!e lensions below apply lo components tubricated lightly wilh clean engine oil beJore they are Jined

Nm tbf tl Kgl m
Nuts, cylinder head 1t2 81 60 4,3
Sumpp ug 3t4 50 37 5.1
12 1,7
Inteclor prpe unron nul M 1 2x 1 . 5 20 5 2.1
Marn beailng 115 85 11.8
Brg end bearnq 3/8 51 42 5,8
Fronl pu ley 5/8 203 150 20,7
7 /t 6 81 60 8.3

PerkinsServiceData BookleiPan 1. 1997

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
1661 I led lelloo€ etec acrDas suqlad
09/92 ßalta
0001/00q atl 0091 /009 )ole lcarrao
atll ut enbtal peloc eql ol ue6e paualqou ae
slnu peaq )aputtt eql leql lueuoout st il :uoltne)
lceroc €qt ol tr uatq6[ uaql pue urn] e
,o ("09 ol.0g) 9/L o) Ztlt lnu eqt uosoot sr
anbrol lceroc eql eroloq e^ou lou saop ]nu e ]l .
eql ol il uatqoq pa)ioaq3 uaqM sa^ou n! e lt .
lcer@ aql ur stnu aql lo ssaulqol aql )icaqc ]
aur6ua aqi qcirMs (C.21) 3.01 t st ainteradual
U e l o o a o q l t l u n I u n r p u p € u r b u a a L . l lU e l S e
u jot €'8(utqro9)
uN !8 ol a6elsleullaqturslnuaqlualqbrlseoels
oorqlurstnuaqluolq6ri ^lua^epup^[pnpeigZ
ppaq rapurt^c aq] ]o spearql eql elE.uqnt ^Dq6rt I
atlt ot )apr ut lt oututeL pauoc aql qtß
uoged e Iq ouap aq $na uauaado sillf :uo\neC
acuanbasanbJol ppaq iaputlÄC
2 3 . 1 5 2S e r i e s

Basic technical data

-3.152......... .... . . . . 3 3 , 6k w ( 4 5b h p )
- D 3 . 1 5 2. . . . . .... . . . . 3 6 , 5k w ( 4 9b h p )
-3.1522.... .... . . . 3 3 , 2k W ( 4 4 . 5b h p )
-3.1524.......... ... . . . . 3 8 , 8k W ( 5 2b h p )
- T 3 . 1 5 2.4. . . . . . .. . ... 4 4 , 7k W ( 6 0b h p )
Numberof cylinders 3
C y c l e. . . . . . Four stroke
- 3.152,,3.1324 . . . . ...... Nalurallyaspiraled
- 1 3 . 1 5 2 4. . . ....... .. Tuöocharged
-3.152...... Indfect Injeclion
- o3.152,3.1522,3.1524,r3.1 524 . . Direct injeclion
Nomrnal . ... .... 9 1 . 4 4m m ( 3 . 6 0i n )
Sfoke .. ... .. 1 2 7m m ( 5 I n )
-3.152..... ...... 17-4:1
- D 3 . 1 5 2. . . ..... 18.5:1
- 3 . 1 5 2 .2. . ..... 19.0:1
.31524... .... 16.5:1
- T 3 . 1 5 2 4. . . . .. 15.5:1
Cubic capacity . . 2.5 litres(152.7in3)
F ring order ..... 1-2-3
Valve tip clearances
-lnlel (cold)
3.152, D3.152 . .. . . .. . 0 . 3 0m m ( 0 . 0 1 2i n )
3 . 1 5 2 23,. 1 5 2 41 ,3 . 1 5 2 4. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . 0 , 2 0m m ( 0 , 0 0 8i n )
- Exhausl(cold)

3.152D , 3.152 . . . . . . . 0 , 3 0m m ( 0 . 0 1 2r n )
3 . 1 5 2 23,. 1 5 2 4 , 1 3 . 1 5. 2. .4. . . . . . ... ... 0.32mm(0,0125in)
Lubricatingoil pressure
- al maximumenginespeed and
n o r m a l e n g i n e t e m p e r a l.u. ,r.e. . 2071414kN/m' (30/60 lbllin') 2,1 14,2kgilcm'
Coolantlemperature ... 60'c(140'F)
Thermostatslads lo open
- bellowslype ...... 7 4 8 2 " C\ 1 7 0 / 1 7 9 ' F l
- wax lype . . .. . . 81/84'C(177l183'F)
Thermoslallully open
- bellowstype . . . 93'C (199'F)
- wax rype . .. . 98.C (208.F)


Pe*ins SeruiceDala BooklelPad 1, 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166t I led lollooS ElEo ooruos sur|rad
(ur8/€) uu 0t ' ' ' ' ,' lnr lsaEuoltP Uopallopla8
t6tsroqtor)Ngt uorsualllaS
abuEll6u[unou dund lönl ' $ireu 6uru[ dund lanJlo uo[Eco-]
'- - apoc ouno lanJJo uolPco ]
dll ro eprspuPqua l
MC'M'^A tzgt €1 -
'/r\M 'M3 ''''' '''zgt€-
MZ '
' ''''''
^x zzglE-
.ru ,MS ,MU 'MW .ffC .M3 'MV zgt €o -
M/ü '
md'ff1 z9l t'
sopoc dond lanl
XH,NH,}''/H tzgt ef -
O X ' O NN H ' 3 3 b z g lt '
" ' ''"
cx'3x'an'oN't't9'sl'f3'No'lo'sc'uc'A€ zgtec-
- ' ' ' ' ' slreu 6uru[ aur6ua uoDeco_]
ose. ourul lo ecel reo] 'aoue[ dund uolpolur lenl Jo
''''' J A p U t ^ ICJ a q U n U
pua Iailnd Ueqsluero JOUOIeCO-]
ateld elPp dund uoqoafurlanl poods peol-ou unurxPu Jo uoqecol
uru/^ai 0E1 - poads6u(pl
' ' ' uoqPlor uotcaro
luoil uoil esra)i@lc lo
panutuoo 'elep lec!uqaal clspg
z seuos
2 3 . 1 5 2S e r i e s

Caution: On shon dslance apetailan wlh kequent slans and stops the hauß af operailan arc more
nponant lhan lhe dtslence

These prevenl ve ma nlenance per ods app y lo average cond lrons of operalron. Check the per ods grven
by lhe manulacturer ol lhe eqlrpmenl n wh ch lhe eng ne s nslal ed. Use the peflods whrch are shodesi
When lhe cperal on ol lhe eng ne mlsl conlorm to the loca regulalions these perods and procedures may
need lc be adapted to ensuae coftecl operalron ol lhe enqrne

t s qocd prevent ve ma nlenance lo check lor eakage and oose iasteners al each servrce

Maintenance schedules

A Frslserurceat25/50hours(a engrnes) F Every500hoursorl2months(D3152)

B Every day or every 8 hours (al eng nes) G Every 800 hours or l2 months (3.1524 T3 1524)
C Elery200hoursor4 months (3 1524 T3 1524) H Every2400 hours(3 1524,f3.1524)
DEyen/250hoursor4months(D3152) I Every2500hours{D3152)
E Elery 400 holrs or 12 Tonlhs 13 1524 T3 1524)

Th€ scfedu es wh ch foi ow mlst be appl ed al lhe Interval (hours or monlhs) wh ch occur firsl.

Check lhe amounl ol coolant
Check the dnve be 1(s)

Check for water n lhe fuel preji ter (1)

Fenew lhe fueLi iter e ement(s)
Ensure lhal lhe atomrsers are checked (2)
F .'odlF pppd.'. radd ddl-.ed

Check lhe amounl oi lbrcat ng o n the slmp

Check lhe !bfrcal ng c I pressure al the gauge (1)

Refew the :ubr calrno o | (31

Fenew the can sl€(s) ol lhe ubrcal ng o lLter

C ean the a'cjeaner or emply lhe dlst bow ol the a r fi tel

' exlremeLydusly cond I ons

C e a n o r r € . e w l h e a r i 1t e r e e m e n l , f { h a s n o t b e e n n d r c a l e d e a i l r e f
f -,..'p t Lo.lö -pÄlF d.d'-.bo.hd'qar.olpo.\o' d! a

C ean lhe cc'npressor arr fi ter (1)

E.sure lhat rhe exfa!ster or compressor ('l) s checked (2)
F, ., d . poo . .d d a- d p. rp.-oo d_d ddj--lFd l lorF! .d1
Ens!.e ihat lfe a ternalor staner molor etc are checked (2)

'l"ere sonelileo
B! a !ersof rrro has rac lie correcl lra nrnq
rh-. .,, .han!t-o nle.ra w .hanqe w lr thc amounl cl su phur n lhe fue (see the table on page 3.02
rr'l the lle spec j cal o:r ihe fl€fr'a lo change lhe can ster of lhe ubrcal ng o I fLter s nol

PerkinsSeruiceDataBookletPan 1, 1997

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine ril

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166t I Ued let)ioog eleo e3rru3s surllad
zze 9Z
gaua apoc
el6ue )ileu dund al6uElcöqc aurOu3 dOnd lanl
3802t t60t cdI idquru uolPcnqnd'tPnuPU
doqsryoa eas lrpu dund aql las ol rapu[Ic €uo röqunu eql rol uot.olur Jo uels aql le las dund
aql qlrM pelieqc sr dund oqf alorls uorssarduoc aql uo (COf) €rluac peop do] te rapurl^c I raqunu €ql
lo uolsrd aq] qlrM tas au16ua aql qlrM pue E19 S!"\| tool terc€ds q}ra pesn eq lsnu a 6ue lcauc aur6ua €qf
6u!uI ctpls
JSLNIJOlS pue a^!p uolJ uotelor ,o uolcarc
dund eql lo rear oql uorl uees sp uolrsod )icolco I I rapurtlc t requnulollallno
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a o ^ f
dund uorlcalu! lont ou^peuels
8€ 0€
19Mt/{ legM!'!
LE 9Z MZ L€ 9Z 31tMt/{
9€ 6Z 309MX o, 6Z 6EM t SqM l
9t 1Z
a€ 6Z zqMt tsMl
L€ 9Z osl 1 0t zt
LE LZ l8'M_t 9e 992
'19MS 'ZgMS
LE 9Z 89MS
LE tz 8r^ s
TE 9ZZZ 068y8/MS
Moteqldecxa Ms lz
LE 92 rgmB Z9t B 09MU 9e LZ
8€ 6Z z
(saar6ap) (sear0ap) (searOep) (saar6ap)
sraual sraual
a 6uP at6ue al6ue
apo90un0 anl
)ireu dund tcaqc aur6uf Nleu dund lcaqc €urOu3
'öteld srql uo p€duels eanal apoc aql asn 'pauu sr €letd !olecurpou € dund
aql lo aOueuaql ol paualselsr qcrqMolplduoleaupoo e uo paduels apoc6urnasaql a^eq ^eu sdund lanl
auos dund uolcefu1 lan] oql lo atetd plep oql uo padue]s epoc 6uLuas aq] ur pepnlcurare srallal apoc aq-t
'rapurl^c raqunu iol uoqaelur
L ,o U€]s
aqi le tas dund aul qla pal.eqc sr dund eql elolls uorsserduoceql uo (3Ol) arlua. peap dot le uolsrd
! raqunu qtra]as au 6ua aql qlrMpue 919 sy\l lool lercadsql M pasn aq tsnu al6ue)jcaqcaur6uaaqf
6u!u!l dund uo!l3olu! tenl
' ' ' '
,2, ro M' rana l repur ^c I raqunu rol ta 1nO
asrMtcotc pua a^up uorj uole]or lo uo lcar c
' ' ' ' ' ' -
002 do ro vdo a o ^ I
dund uolpelu! lan, sern_l
sapoc dund lanJ
z seueszgt €
2 3 . 1 5 2S e r i e s

Becommendedtorque tensions

Thread Torque
size Nm tbf tl Kgr m
cylrnder head (cold) 7/16UNF
95 70
- nuts
81 60 8.3
Sumpplug 1/2PIF 34
Alonrser clamp Y8 UNF 2 1,7
Injeclor prpe union n!t t 12X1,5 20 1.0
Marn bearing 9/16 UNF 150 110 15,0
Big end bearing 7/16 UNF
- cadmium plated
Phosphated 81 60 8,3
95 70
Frontpulley 7/8 UNF
'with 4,8 mm i0.19 in) spacel
142 105 14,5
-with 8,9 mm (0.35in) space.
325 240 33,2
I/2 UNF 106 7a 10,8

PerkinsSeruiceData Booklei Pan i, 1997

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/66t I UPd lAtIoO€ PIPO af,rruas sur)irad
'as4 Jnoq
1o 09/92
lsl aq Jaue uebe pauelqjt peeq )opu6. aqt
)ol soualsel oqt e^eq tsnu 9LOZL89' raqunu ued
'lalse6 peeq Japun{. qtß paul sau6u3 :uoltneC
rl 9l zl
'sraueFel aql uasool
lou op lcoqc '!!'0t'6'9'9 aarcslas
t s \a/Lü v'a6
srqtOuunp'ure6psuolrsod Ol ]srlaqllceqC S
'enbrol 8 1 e Z g \ilt t) 948 MArasles
8t'9t tt 0t ' s (8/S e) 0 26 pnls
oq) ol 1ruo1q6quaql unl e to (.09 ol .0e) 9/t ol ZUt
I UaSOOI pa)icaqcuoqM o^ou lou saop rau€FPl e ll
uo[rsod puP (ur)uu qt6ual ed^l
Pel03 uolelsnlll reuaFel ioueFeJ
aql ot I uatq6rl'pa)i3aqcuaqMsa^ou rauelse] s il
'ocuanoos 'spnls ol
laaroc aql ur onuol lc€loc
aqt ol ute6e sreueFel sql ualq6[ uor.ll'slosruote aröa sMorcslesserqt raqloue lt6tl6sn- 33
aql o^ouar pue lalcor aql 6^ouou ' raqunu €urOueuorl seu!6uezsl'eo uo
'eur6ueeqt dots uolerodo a]nlereduel
lo '9t
1t zt
teulou saqoparlr llun aurouooqt unr pup uels c
!r'0t'6'9'9't s (8/1 0) t 86 MAJCSIeS
u lbt 1.6 (u lqt 01) uN 96 saatslas puP sFN Mar3slas
8t 9t t g (8/S 0) 0 26
u töt €'B (U tqt 09) uN tg pault^tuosnN
8 r'E Z A $/r e) 9 28 Marcslas
anbrol ad^l raualsej r! €l s (8/9 e) 0 26 pnts
'(€ ro uoIrsodpue (ur)uu rtFual od^l
V) ur uMorlsacuanbas
sql u 'aolaq olqel aql ur uMoqssnbJollcaxoc uolerlsnlll rauelsel rauals€l
€ql ot eauolsel aql ualqot ^lua^a pue ^llenpprC z 'saaroslas ol po6ueqc areM
'sreuatselaql spearql aqt €lecuqnl^Dq6r_t
lo ! spnls leur6uo aql Jo oAl lnq ltE'soul6ue Zs!'eO uO
' 9 1t t
zt 9r
z t ' r t ' 0 t ' 9 ' tv \BtL€)I A6 MSJCSl€S
6 8 I V (8/S8) 0 Z6 Marcslas
€t zt 1 9 € z v (8/9 0l 0 26 pnls
uoilsod pue (ur)u0 qlbuel
uoIeltsntl raualsel raueFel
'MOlaqpalst €sorll rol ldesxa sMalcslas
ol pa6ueqcaraMspnlsaql'soul6ue z9! E uO
peroc raqt ur pe[!J aq sMarcstas]o sqFuel
tuaraUp aarqt aqt pue spnls aqt leql lueuodul sl ll
to908l€fvnzst 009286n29t
]tsorrrSzvnzgl f9tttznzg.
:pouuaraMsM€rsles pue snu spnls peeq
r€purt^J'aotlolqcrqMeaqunu ouroueeql uo4 sV
'slnu pue spnls ^q )icolq
i sC eos O g sC o
. ")- t:E_-z ^9-e!. rapurl,b aql ol peualspJaraM speaq ropuub lEUL6uo
o - ' . z9L €o pue zsl e
!o pesn uaaq a^eq srouelsel peeq rapu[^c lua]aJIO
- : ; - :
o o lenueu daqs\roa
,oto o t ! fr aql ol )oJd tqnop ut tt 6uute4 lcouoa eqt ql!il
\i-,.oido lolqgax uosad e Iq auop aq lsna uoltsado sltll :uollneC
acuanbas enbrol peaq :aput1Ä3
z saues
2 +.203Series

Basic technical data

Horse power
venlcte .
. 47,0 kW (63 bhp)
dgflcutrure . . . 42,5 kw (s7 bhp)
. 4 . 2 0 3 2 . .. . . . .
44,7 kW (60 bhp)
\utrbero'cylirders ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.
,...,,. Fourstoke
,^d,(l on <yster
. Naturallyasptrated
Combuslon system
- 4 2032. Da.20J
... Indirectinjection
. . .. . Directinjeclion
Nom nal bore
. 91,44mm (3.6in)
Slroke . .
. ... . 1 2 7m m ( 5 i n )
Compress on ratio
. 4 )0i2
........... 17.4:j
.. .. 19:1
C-b. cdoac ty
.. 3,33 l[res (203 in3)
Frr ng o.der
......... 1-3-4-2
Valve lp clearances

All 4 192 and 4.203

and D4 203 up 10 enqine number JE....U564OB3c
r' oo, .
. ErFa-5.rcotd)
0,30 mm {0.012in)
0,30 mm (o.012in)
D4 203 lrom engrne number JE....u564083G
. rl Ft {cotd)
. Frndu\r r.oldJ
0,20 mm (0.008in)
. . 0,30mm (0.0i2 in)
Lubrcal ng oi pressure
- a1maxrmum eng ne speed and
^orrd eng ne
lempa'a'ure . . . 207/414 kN/m' 130/60tbl/n ) 2,1/4.2 kgltcn,
Cooldn lenperalure .. . . . ... . 6o.c (14o.F)
no.tar ilads to open
Thermoslat lully open
- oFr ows ype
'wa< l)pe
...... 95"C(203"F)
. . .. . 98"C (208"F)
D roL'ron o' rolat on . . . ......... Clockwisefromfronl
ro I g \peeo ........ 550-T50dependingonapptication
LorJl on ol nax n-n -o-lodd spFeo
. Fuel inlectionpump data plate
Lo L d l r o n o l n - n b e r '
cyl nde' ......... C r a n k s h apfui l l e y e n d
Lo' a'ro' oi Prqne ltTtig ndrks Trmng pin on trmingcase and crankshaftpuiley


Perkns ServiceData Booktetpad 1. 1997

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166t I Ued leüoo€ Pleo asrNäs surlrad
(JrI C) ru Ol unrlsa6uolleuoqcallaplla8
,6\9rCqror)Nst uorsua] lla€
a6uPrl6urlu"oü dund lanl s)ileu 6uru[ dund lan] ]o uolPcol
rgpr 6uruil pup r6up[ 6ulunou dünd trnJ ' '' -
aleldraurm dünd lanlpue a6upU6ulunou dund lanl ''''''' 002t-
epoc ouno lanJJo uolecol
'dt- ''''sapocounolanj
ds du'dd d!\'lt l8'lv
' , " / e' 3 c ' s e ' s l ' u l ' I E ,' sepocras uolv
fl'^f cf cS No't"t8'^v
PanuttuoC'elep lecluqcal clseg
z seuaseozt
2 4 . 2 0 3S e r i e s

Prevenlive mainlenance periods

Caution: On shan distance ope2tian wlh lrequenl sbns and stops the haurs of oDezrbn are more
rmDanant lhan lhe dtstance.

ihese prevent ve ma nl€nance per ods app y to average cond tions ol operation. Check the penods glVen
bythemänliactuferoltheequpmenl nwhchlheengne s nstaled.Usetheperodswhichareshodesl.
!Vhen lhe cperal on ol the eng ne must conlorm lo the ocal reguiations lhese perods and procedures may
nee0 lo !e adapled lo ensure corTecl operalon ol the eng ne.

t s gooc prevenl ve marnlenance lo check tor leakage and loose iasleners at each serutce

Maintenance schedule 4.203

A Everyday or every8 hours C Every500 hoursor 12 months
D Every2500hours

Tae schedules whrch fo ow must be app red al the nlerval (hours or months) wh ch occur rrsr

Chechlh€ amcunl ol coolanl
. L o - t r e . o i - r , . d r , o no ' h c . o o t a n t
Check lhe a ve re I

. Lubr cale dynamo rear bush frhere lined)

.l o .öd - a-t I onber d-o t-e s.rd.ner o. r^p ,ua, ,n

C h e c l l o r w a r e r n t h e p r e - ll l e r ( 1 )
. . Fenewlheeemenlo{rhe'ue frXer
I Ersire lhat lhe alomrsers are checked (3)

I Check the amc!nl c{ lubncalrng o I n lhe sump

Che.( the ubrcat ng or pressure at lhe gauge (1)
Fenew Ihe engrne ubrcating oi (4)
Be.ew lhe can sier ol lhe ubr cating o | | ter

Clean lhe ar cleaner or emply the dust bowLof lhe arr filter
' exlremely dusiy con0( ons
' norma cono l ars
e p : . . r r F n F w .r h
t ap . r I ) 1 i l e .l ean1ec^. t- I| n h 2 s n . r n o o n ' n ^ .
d'Iha, I r d s o l O c p , r - O C a . e OF A , . p r

. fus-re lhal lhe ?a ve t p c earances oi the engine are checked and, i necessary, adjusled

. EnSrre lhat the a ternalor. slader molor etc are checked (3)

(1) I lhere s cne 't1ed

(2) Renew lhe an! lreeze every 2 years lJa cootant Inhrbilor rs used nstead ol anl iieeze, il should be
r e n e w e 0 e v e n r '6 m o n l h s
(3) By a personwho has hadlhecorectlranrng.
(4) The . change Inrerua w change w th lhe sulphu. content ot the tue (see lhe labte on page 3.02 and
1!e sp-o.fcalon) The nleryallochangelhecansleroilhelubrcaltngollfiterisnotatlected.

PerkinsService Data Booklet Pad 1, 1997

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'l ped
1661 lal)ioo8 eteo ac!ruos surlled
palcale lou s ran i o 6u lec!qn aql lo rals uec aql a6ueqr ol leNatu aql luo tpr lrads lanl
pre Z0 e a6ed uo atqel aqt aes) tanj aqt |o luatuoc )nqdlns aql qtlM aolpqc ra Eruatu abuEq. ro eql (')
buru erl traroo aqt peq seq oqM uosrao e ^8 ( e )
sqluou g fua^a paMauar
aq plnoqs I azaarl luE lo p€alsur pasn sr rolq qu lue oo3 p I s r € a i Z f u a ^ a a z a a r l t u e a q t M e l a u \z)
pet I auo s araql l ( ! )
(c)parreq.erp .raroroura!ers!oreurar
E aq,irlii:iiil:
'pue palc€qo
fuessa3au I erP e! 6!a aqt lo saauerea13dq €^ p^ aql tp!l arnsul
ra rea petea pu uaaq lo! seq I ! tuauale ral l ri€ aqt Mauar ro uEa 3
sloq puoS €urou -
r€*i E€q'o^* ,""0"u,no''1""'ll3l::i:'i:J
lal I I o 6uuecrqnl aql lo ials uea aqt ^\auaE I
(t) ro 6utec!qnl aur6ua aqt ^\auaE
(!)a6nebaqltearnsserd o6uteorqn eqtlceqC
duns aq) u tro 6u te?uqn to tunoup aqt )3eqO
(t) tuessa9au |'patsnip€ pue palcaqf, s) paa0s alp arnsuf
(e) pa)jcaLlcare sras uole aql leql arnsul
ralt | 3nl aql lo tuauata aq) aauaS
{1, ra} taro eqt ur reteMrot lc€q3
dund U ont aqt lo reu Brls aqt pue iaquEqc tuaurpas aqt uee 3
I aq e^ rp aql )raqc
(2, tue ooc aql lo uo tertuacuos aqt )oaqJ
luetooc lo tunoüe aql )caqc
lsr I rn9ro qcrqM (sqluo[ ro s]noq) erualu aql te parldde aq tsnu Mo tol qa qM sa npaqcs aql
sqtuou z I ro sinoq 00t tua^f c
srnoq00tZ tua^f a sqtuou tro srnoqOOZfua^f I
srno! 008 tua^3 o srnoqI fua^aro ^ep fua^: V
zeoz t alnpaqcs a3ueualurehl
elrdas qapa lp srauatspl asool pup abeleat rol l3aqf, ot af,ueualu eu a^ lua^ard poo6 s tl
eur6ua aql lo uo tprado tcaroc arnsua ot patdepE aq ol paa!
^eu sarnpacoid pue spo rad esaqt suoqe n6ar lecol eqt ot uro/uo3 tsnu aurOua aql lo !ortelado eqt uaqM
tsaloqs are qcrqM sporad aqt asn pal Etslr s aur6le eqt qjrqM u tuaud nba aqt lo )arntcelnueu aql ^q
ua^16spo!ed aqt loaq3 uo tprado lo suorl puog a6era^e ot ^ldde sporad aoueualu pu a^ tua^ard asalll
dJrP,s.a ö\) JPtl luPPaddl
aou ae uaqetado lo stnoq aql sdals pue sueß uenba4 qla uorc)ado acuetstp uoqs uO :uolveC
spouao a3ueualu!eu a^rlua^3Jd
z sauos80zt
2 4.203series

Fuef pump codes 4-203 and 4.2032

CAV tuel Injectlon pump

......... DPA
D r e c t o ^ o lo l a l r o n l r o n c i l v e e a.o. . . . Countetrclockwise
Outle'fo'numbe' I cyltroer . ..... Letter"W"
Fuel iniection pump timlng

The engine check angle must be used wilh special lool MS.678 and with the engine set with number 1
prslon al top dead cenlre (TDC) on the compression stoke. The pump is checked with the pump
set at lhe
slan ol In eclion tor number I cvlinder.
The code letlers are included in the seting code stamped on lhe data ptale ot the fuel inieclion pump.
ruei pumps may have rhe serting code stamped on a modificatron plaie which is fasrened to rhe llanoe
of th€
pump. lf a modificalion p/ale is tjfted, use the code leners stamoed on this oiate.

4.203Series 4.203Series

Fue pump cod€

Engjne check Pumpmark Engine check Pump mark
Fuel pump code
angre angle angle angle
(degrees) (degrees) (oegrees) (degrees)
287 27f F59 289 279
247 277 _P55 247 27s
\f461600/0/280 245 277 {P50 290 271
\F46/600/0/292 286 üP54 293 280
rF49E 287 277 t\rP55 293 280
'F50 287 277 MH5/ 293 2AO
241 2// PP48E 289.5 241
249 275 PP53E 289.5 241
290 241 PP46T 289.s
lF51 290 241 PP5OE 289.5
289 279 RP50E 290.0 2A
289 279 289.5
-F56 289 279 290.0

2.16 pe*ins SeryiceDataBooktetpan 1.1997

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166t I U e d l A l N O O Se l e c e C r r u e s S u r l r o d
I tI 08 0
z9l 0tt 6tl 8/l ^oiln0 l!orj
z9 99 09 9l/r
69r 991 9t/6 6uueaqurel^
I Z 9t oz zt!,{ lnu uorune0rorolceul
z 9t/9 duelg rasruolv
9e 9Z m ,tt 6uu O, qth -
9e 9Z tt v/t
t9 LE 09 ,/e 6ntddunS
16 o1 96 9 t /L peaq rapurl^c sraualsel
uFt UN
u Jql pearq-l !olducsao
I tI 08 80r zll
z9t otI 6rl 8il ^allno tuorl
z9 It unrupe3 -
08 09 t8 9l/L aleqosorlo-
6ureaq pue 6r€
6'9r 991 9t/6 6uueaquren
lz oz zt|/! lnu uotun aoto tolcatul
8/e duelS rasruolv
9e 9Z te 6uD O, qlrM -
9t 9Z nt,
ts TE 09 nt€ 6nld dunS
L6 OL 96 s98t609n ef ot s6t0609n"ef srequnu auroua-
L6 OL s6 sMarcslaspuP slnu
e8 09 t8 9ltL ^]uosnu -
u 16l u Jql UN uoIdrcsaC
poul erp ^aql e]o]oq I o aut6ua ueetc qlrM ^ßq6tl palectqnl stuauodüoc ol ^ dde Mo aq suotsual enblol aql
suolsuel änDrol papuauuosa8
z seuoseozt
2 c.203Series

Cylinder head torque sequence

4.203 and 4.2032
Cautlon:fhis operclionmustbe doneby a person - o i r -
-{7-?:ilrc::: r s z - r o p
with the efte! lraining. ll in doubt rcfer to the 3
Workshop Manual. Lt 7^ o . S r 1 o t o t6
t ^ o t
Flameprot@tedenginesstill have all nuls. All other ^ o^ t o
engrnewere chäng€dto nuts and selscrews,trom u^i.'^' q^ä'?-'',
f il'ol.'-iol-
the enginenumbersbelow.
On 4.203ongln€s, all bul two of the studs were
changedto setscrewsas well as lhe eighl special
studs whichalso relainthe alomisers.

Faslener lllustralion
-^ -o
rype and oosition
,, -' .-.ro a
t - ea r ] r ? J.6?r
Slud a 10,1
ö o n a ^ ? i 2 ^
Setscrew A 1to9and121o19 .--.-^"? "" "Y
- 3 : 8 _) 1 0 - 1 4
1 5 - 1 36 . ?
On D4.203and 4.2032 englnes, all bul two of the
sludswere changedio setscrews.

Fastener lllustation
type and posilion

St!d B 17 Not6: Release lhe cylinder head selscrews eventy

Selscrew B 1to15and18to23 and gradually in the reveße sequence to lhal shown
in (A).
ll llese tuo studs are removed they must be pul
back n lheir correct posilions, because they guide
lhe cylinder head gaskel inlo posilion.
Lighlly lubricate lhe threads ol the fasten€6.
2 Gradually and evenly tighten lhe lasteners to the
correct lorque In lhe sequence shown in (A or B).
Repeat to ensure thal all th€ lasteneß are tightened
10 the coiiecl toreue shown in the lable below.

Faslener lype Torque

Nutsonlvtned 81 Nm (60 lbf tt) 8,3 kal m

Nuls and selscrews 95 Nm (70 lbl tl) 9.7 kol m

Ceutlon: Engines litted with cylinder head gasket,

pan number 3681213A, must have the lasleneE for
lhe cylindet head lighlened again aner the fist
25/54 hau of use

PerkinsServiceData Booklel Part 1, 1997

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166t I Ued lel)ioog eleo af,rruassurv€d
' ' ' ' unr
(ur8/e)uü 0l tsabuol le uol€l]op lla8
esec 6utuI pue a6ueu 6ulunou dund lenl s)ireu 6urut dund lonl lo uoleco-l
'' epoc duno lanl lo uoqeco_l
dund tonl uo aletd PIPO
'tX'SX'S/v1'IA'S^'Sl-'Lt'tS'SS '-tU ' .
lZ'SZ t
'su'l-d'sd'rt"/'stt't-t's-t'rv'tr'tH'1"0'j-J'l-o'14 sapoc ouno lanl
ss tv sv
'0H 'nc'na 'lo '' a r z n-
Ml ''' '
' c N ' a N ' ^ H ' H ' 3 1 ' O X ' ^ l ' V 3 ' € V ' n C ' ! " / O' C V ' V n ' 1 3 gezb'
a6ueüdund pue dund uollcolurlonr oo sgut aqucs -- '''''''' $ u e u 6 u r u r l o u r b u o luoo [ e c o _ l
pua ^altndUeqqueiC '' ''' '''' rapu||^L c r a q u n ul o u o l E c o _ l
' ' ' - paads peofou unutreo
aletd elep dund uolpefut lanl Jo uolpco-l
' '''Peeds6ulpl
uru/^ai 0001 - 091 - 09s
'''''' uo[Plorlouo[Jo]ro
luo4 u04 osralcolc
(r.zoz) c.r6 ''''' uado^llnJlelsouror.ll
' uodo ol sueF
E,ogttoLl\ J.eatu letsoulsql
(r.o?r) c.og '''' aJnleraouolluPlooc
,uct6v, Z't/t'Z QuVrqlO9l0e).u/Mt r!1102 ornleroduol aur6uolP0rou
pue paads ouroueunurxeu le -
{urzto 0) uu 0c 0 {pto3)lsneqx3 -
(u' er0 0) uu 0e'0 (plocllalul -
secuPJPalcdI a^lsA
(.urgez) soll 9g e
' ^lrcPoeccrqnc
' ' ''' ' '' o l e Ju o r s s a ) d 0 o C
(urS) uu lzl '''' a)iorls
(ur516 e) uu 96'00r '' ' '' '' a b z n-
(ur198 t) üu e' 86 gtazv -
aroq leuruoN
uo[c€lur laorO - uals^s uoosnquoC
palerosP^llernleN ''" ualsls uorpnpul
ö)iorlsrnol '' atc^C
'''' srapurt^clo)oqunN
(dqqrg) Mr 9'zg arzb -
(dqq !8) Mr o'og ''- arnlncuoe/leulsnpur
(dqqz8) M)t l'19 ''' alcrqa^
roaoct esroH
elep lPc!uq3al 3lseg
z sauasgezt
2 + . 2 3 6S e r i e s

Caution: A. stcn atslarce aaerailan wth lrcquenl slans and stops lhe haurs af aperalnn are more
,npodan! lisn the drstsnae

Tlrese !revenl ve marnlenafce pef cds apply lo average cond{ ons or operalron
check the per ods grven
Ly rhe manllacr!fe'!i rfe eq! pment n wn ch lhe engrne is rnsla ed. use rhe penods wn cn are snonest
i r r ' h - e nl f e a l e f a t c n c l l h e e n q n e m l s l c o f l o r m t o t h e o c a r e g ! a t o n s l h e s e p e f i o d s
afo proceoufes may
need lc:e adapteo lo ensure.orrect operalron ol the engine

I slcoCofeverlrvemanlenancelo.iecklor eakag€andtooselastenersateachseruce.

l M a i n t e n a n c es c h e d u l e s
A F rsl 25 50 folrs O Every500 hoursor I 2 monlhs
B EveryShoLrsoreveryaay E Every2500 ho!rs
C Elery 250 nolrs or4 monlhs

T ß e s c n - o a ue s w h c h l c o w m u s l b e a t p t e d a l t h e n t e r u a ( h o u r s o r m o n l h s ) w h r c h o c c ! r n r s l


C:eck'he amcunl 9l coo a.t

Check lfe dr !e be I ol lhe a ternalor

C ean ltse seC menl cnam!er and the stra ner oi tfe tuel fi pump
Check :o. waler n the iue pre i tef (1)
Fef€w the elemenls oi the fLe i tef
. E rsrrE ihat t.e atorn sers are checked (2)
trs!re .r e speeC s checkeC and adlusted f necessary (2)

C h e . ( l h E a m o ! n t o 1 ! b r c a 1n ! . I n t h e s ! m p
C-eck :h-. l!br cat ng o press!re at lhe ga!ge (1)
P-.new lhe erE ne ubr cal ng o I i3) (5)
F-.new lhe can ster of lhe !cncal ng o I i ller (3)

e -eaann l fl ! ar .f . : .edannperr D
C o rr e r tp l y t h e d u s l b o w o j t e a r li ter
. exlrene y d!Sly conC I ..S

. Ens!re lfal ife l!rbocfarger moe er and lurbocharger compressor cas ng are c eaned

:.rsure :h;l the ,/a ve I p . earances are checkec and adlusted. i necessary(2)

E-sL,reifal ihe aiernalrr slanermcloretc arechecked (3)

(1) llrere srrelticc

( 2 ) 8 , , ,a p e r s r n w h o h a s h a d . n e c o r r e c I r a n n ! l
(3) I 2+82 ef! fes e,/.r/ 500 hours.r 12 monlhs
(4) tr 2482 €.! fes eve.r 10!0 fours
(5) It,.: u h a . ! e n t e . , ' aw c f a n q e w t h t h e s ! p h u r c c n l e n t c l r h e t u e L ( s e e l h e l a b e o n p a g e 3 . 0 2 a n d
I -e sp.r. I .al nn) Tie -lerrar 10 chj:ae ih. can ster af lhe tubncal fq orl f ler s not affected

SeruiceData Booktetpan 1. 1997


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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166t I Ued laHooS Pleo acLNas surlrad
z6z I 082 00r€r1l098/t9sd
z6z lsd Motaq ldcarra Lqsd
19 S9
't9 't9 '9t
z6z lgz 8t sd
t6z 9Z ELZ I t9SZ 9gz 8LZ toSl n
t6z 082 z6z 6LZ 19St{
qz6 ''l
682 ez t99St I
z6z taz z6z tq? 99Sf
t6z taz l09sx fsssx 962 I osz zgs1
t62 082 SX 962 9 naz 19 e9 t9 19 Sl
z6z oaz 99 29sru 962 I naz 9E Z9 6t It Sl
t6z 082 962 ttsl
962 taz t9s^t9s^ z6z n8z
z6z 9AZ 08ez/z/098/19sl L6Z 9 6LZ 1191f
t6z oaz f.{012820nuorf
e6z taz tI01z8z0n aroloq-
a6z r8z Moteq ldecxa 19St f181H
a6z laa qs6ss l6z 9Z ALZ 38119
882 082 lsrtptLnq)
lL e6z taz
e6z t8z 10060t6n uorl-
t6z 982 t0060t6n er0teq-
l6z I 6LZ 1S
L6Z 982 89' 99' rg SS 062 oaz 30111
z6z taz I H 6AZ 082 fNLTC
L6Z 982 8E 9E ZE 9} SU E6Z s 082 fe11€
l62 s 082 \t tzatbgz) rd z6z tgz t9 z9 t9 6t sa
l6z 9 6/Z \olzat 9a) la 962 ttsa
z6z l8z 99 Z9 Sd z6z f/9tv'lo9lv s!
(saerOap) (saerOep) (saarOap)
sraual sranal
et6ue ei6uE al6ue atOue
apocdund tenl
IPU OUnd lcaqc aur6uj )ileu dund lcaqc au 6ul
'öt€ld 'paULl
srql !o poduels srolel apoc eql esn s La l e d u o q E c l r p o u e J l d u n d
eq] lo a6uplJ aql ol peuolse] sr qcrqM oleld uolPollpou p uo padupls apoc 6uruas aql e^eq ^eu sdund lanl
auos dund uoDelur tonl eql ro oleld elpp aqt uo paduEls opoc ouruas aql ur papnlcur are siötla apoc aql
fapurllc t raqunu rol uo lcalut lo !els
aq] ]e ]as dund aql qIM pal.eq. sr dund aq1 eloris uorssarduoo aql uo (3Of) atuoc peep dol le uolsrd
I roqunu qlra las au 6ua aql qla pue 919 slfl lool lercads qlra pasn aq isnu atOue )ceqc eur6ua aqf
6uluI dund uollcalu!lanl
'''' ropu
,,x,rauotsdo , M' rauatvdc t^. t r3qonu roJlallno
asrMlcolS ' pua a^up uo4 uo telor Jo uotsaro
'''''' ao^f
sdo pue vdo
dund uolFolu! tont ^Vo
sepoc dund lanl
z sauasgez?
2 4.236series

Fuel pump codes, conl,inued

Stanadyneluel iniection pump
Type ... Slanadyne DB2
O u l l e l l o r n u m b e rcly l i n d e r. . . . 7 oclock posilion as seen kom lhe rear ol the pump
Direclionol rolationfrom drive end Clockwise
Fuelsyslem Self-venl

Fuel Inlectlon pump tlmlng

The engrne check angle must be used with special tool MS.678 and wilh the engine set with the piston of
lhe number 1 cylinder at lop dead cenlfe (TDC) on lhe compression stroke. The pump is checked with lhe
pump set at the slad oJ injection Jor the number one cylinder. To set lhe pump mark angle, see workshop
manual, publication number 601 TPD 0393 1229.

Enginecheck Pumpmark
Fuel pump code lefters angle angle
(degrees) (degrees)

-beloreeng.U524012W 280
- tromeno.U524012W 285 72
244.5 64
244.5 64

Recommendedtoroue tensions
The lofque tensions below apply to components lubricaled lightly wilh clean engine oil belore lhey are fitled.

Descriplion NM tbf ft x$m
Fasleners, cylinder head, reter lo head torque sequence 1/2
Sumpplug 3t4 50 37
3/4 34 25
'with O'ring 3/4 34 25
- secuangnuts 18 14
- ctampnu6 5/16 I
Inleclor prpe unron nul M 1 2x 1 - 5 20 5
- belore 5/8 203 150 20,7
- liom 5/8 244 180
engrnenumbers212U582,212uA119095,236U82408, 236U450507,
236UC1 236US12 129. 248U6330.248U458746
Brg end beanng
- Cadm um srlver tinnish 1t2 95 70
- Phosphated black linnish 1t2 122 90
7ta 406 300 42,O
- Cadmrum 7ta 325 240 33,0
- Phosphated 7/8 390 285 39,0
- 32186139 (3 Setsc@ws) 7t16 95 70 9.7

- Selscrews 1/2 108 80 11.0

- Placebolls 1t2 122 90

PerkinsSeruiceDala Booklel Pan 1, 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
266l I Ued tet)ioo8elPo ecrru3s surlröd
10t 9'LL 901 lNn z/l o] laaqMlr'saor9slas
L 6 OL 96 lNn 9l/l Aollnd [Pq$1uero'sMarcslas
L'Zl z6 9Zl lNn z/l spor 6ulcauuoc'slnN
vBl o9z lNn 8/9 DuuPaqurEU'sM€rcslas
9t oz atw sadrdlanl ornssardqbrq'snN
z'l 6 8t 'l duelc rasruolP'snN
9Z t€ buu-Opue bnld'He00OZ83Ouo4 sauroua-
9e t€ reqspMpup 6ntd He00OZ8CO uoit seur6ua-
89 09 89 lNn r/€ ^tuo6ntd'HC0OCZBCO aroraqsaur6ua-
duns tro6ulEcuqnt'6ntd
'peoq repurl^c sleualsel
lNn z/t acuenbas anDrol peaq ol ralar
uFf ozls
u tql uo[ducsoO
atz l
z seuesgtz t
2 4.236Series

Cylinder head torque sequence

Cautlon: Thts operatian must be done by a peßon

with the cailect taning. ll in doubt reler to ne
wotkshop manual.

ll rs rmpodanl lhal the sluds and the three ditterent

englhs of selscrews are lilted in thetr corecl
pos tons

Fastener llluslralron
lype lenglh mm I n) an0 posüon

Stud A 19.22
Selscrew Smal a 5 , 6 , 1 1 ,1 2 ,1 6 ,
Selscrew Medium a 1,2,3.4,7,A,9.
1 0 ,1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 , 2 0 l q 8 2 1 3
19 - 9 ö ?
Setscrew Larqe a 18.21 r s Q ra
? . . o i
2 0 1 0 7 4 r c
ll uslralon 421 22c11 12. 6 'S.17 .16.
type lefqth mm ( n) anC posilon a a a a a a a a

Slud B 16,2
Selscrew Smal B 3 , 5 , 7 ,1 0 ,1 5

Setscrew Medium B 1,2,4,6,8,9,

Method 1
1 1 ,1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 ,
1f.20 1 Lightly lubricale the threads of the cylinder head
Selscrew Larqe B 14,19 lasleneß,
2 Gradually and eventy tighten lhe fasteners to ihe
Choose the cotrecl methbd and lorque from lhe correcl lorque and method shown in lhe lable
lable below opposite. Tighten the lasteners in lhe co(ect
sequence (A or B).
3 Slad and run the engine untit it reaches normal
Engine Torque lemperalure ol operation. Stop the engine.
type 4 Remove lhe rocker shaft and remove lhe
NM bt fl Kgl m
alomrsers, lh€n lighlen the lasteners again lo lhe
1.236 cotrect lorque in the correcl sequence.
)nglnesw[h nutson y 1 8 1 60 8 , 3 It a lastener moves when checked, tighien il to the
rp lo u550185W 1 r36 100 13,8 correcl totque.
rom U550185W 2 120 88 1 1 , 8 It a fastener does nol move when checked, loosen il
r.4236 1/ 1 2 t o 1 / 6 ( 3 0 ' l o 6 0 " ) o l a t u r n t h e n t i g h t e n i t t o t h e
correcr torque.
rp lo engineU027774V l 136 100 13,8
5 Check the first 10 positions again, dunng this
rom enorneU027774M 2 120 8 8 1i , 8
check do nol loosen lhe fasleners_
1.24Aand 4.2492
6 The fasteners of all engines except the 4.2482
rp lo engineU573000 1 136 100 13,8 must be tightened again atter lhe tirst 25150 hours
rom enqine 1J573000 2 120 114 use.

PerkinsSeruiceDataBookletpad 1 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166t I Ued lOüOo8eleo €crruassurNrad
(v) ul
uMor.ls leql ol ocuonbos esia^or aq] ur ^llenper6 pue
^lue^a sMarcs]€s peaq rapurl^c aql asealaU :oloN
rapu l^c
aql uo slrPu 3ql qlM aurl ur pue ol ueu arP
ooupll aql uo $!eu aql I lun acuenbes paroc eql ul
Macslas qcpa ualq6 f aarcslas qcea lo a6ueu eql
lo a6pa aql uo'(asrNicolcJalunoc) .OgL le
raqtoup e)iey! (V) Marcstes qcee lo rauroc € LllrM
,,a1\\ € u r l u r p e o q r a p ! r l ^ c o { . l lu o l r e u e l q e n n s e a ) e u
\ , . ) l tou sr !e9t SW a6ne6 otOue tprcads aqt ll
'+/ urnl P
lo lleq raqunl p'eauonbos lcoroc oql ut
eql uolqoD ol ! € g t S 11 a6ne6 al6uE lercads aql esn
:ueqt't poqlau u z pue L sdels Mollol
z poqlalrl
z sauasgezt
2 6.3544Series

Easic technical data

6.3544 .. ... gs.s kW (128 bhp)

16.3544.. .. . .. . 1 1 5k w ( 1 s 5b h p )
Nuaber of cytr-ders ' ' , . ' ' - - . .6
Cycle ...,... FOUrStroke
Inducton system
... Naturallyaspirated
..... Tuö@harged
Corbusl,on syslem . Direct injection
Nomina bore 98,4 mm (3.875in)
Sroke ..... ..... t27mm(Sin)
Compression ralio
..... 16:l
.......... 15.5:1
CJbrc.apacity..... .. 5.8o tires (354 in3)
Frnng order . . . .... 1-5_3_6_2_4
Valve tp clearances
. /rlel {Lold)
. . 0,20 mm (0.008in)
- Exhausl {coldt .. . .
. _ 0,45 mm (0.018in)
Lubricaling oil pressure
- at max engine speed and normal engine temperalure
... 2O7/ 414 kNI m' 130/60 lbl/in l 2.1/ 4,2 kgilcm,
Coolan temperature . . . . . . 6 0 . c( 1 4 0 . F )
Thermostat stads to open
. bel ows lype
67ns.C lJ52J167"F)
-waxlype ..... 77/85"C 117O/1A5"F)
Thermoslat lully open
-betlowslype ....
. . 85/88.C(185/190"F)
- war
rype .. 92/98.C(197/208.F)
Drrecilon of rolaton Clockwisefrom kont
ldling speed .... Fuel injectionpump data ptate
I ocal,o- or maxtmdm 10-'oad speed .. Fuel injectionpump data ptate
Localon of -unber 1 cylinder Crankshatlpuiley end
Locafion ol engrne Ln,ng ma'ks . . , .. Crankshatl,main idler gear and camshall gear
Alomrsercodes.. . FL, FN, cD, GG, GH, cK, cL, GX, HC, HE, HK, Hp, HS, HT, HU, RA, RB, VU, XX. y
Fuel pump codes AY, AY, CY. DY, EX, EY, FX, FY, GY, HY, JY, KY, LX, LY, MR,
. -. . MX, MY, PX, PY, SX, TX, ry, VR, VX, WR, WX, XX, ZX

Location ol fuel pump code . .. .. ... Fuel in,ectionpump data plate
Location ot luel pump timing marks

Bell tension

Belt dellectron al longest run . . . .

Pe*rns Seruce Data Booklet Parl 1, 1997

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166! I led lAHooE eleo eclru3s sulllad
palralJp tou sr rat I iro 6u ler!qn aqt lo lats uea aqt aOueqc ot teruatu aqI {ucrlec I trads tanl pue
zaf a6ed uo aqEt aqt aas) lanl aqi u rnqdlns lo runoue aql qlM aoueqc M tctual! a6u€qr lo aql (0)
6u lrprl trarroc aql pe! s€! o!M uosrad e ^8 (z)
Pan I auo s araql ll ( t)
(t) paloaqo are f,la rolou ra!Els !olEural E aql lEql arnsul
'palsnlpe pue pa]caqc
(Z) fupssacau J arE s€cuereat3 dt a^ p^ aql tEql arnsuf
pa:rBq. s (L) rossarduoe ro ralsneqxa aql tEqt arnsul
( L) rail J rE rossar0uoc aqt uea c
(Z) p€ueair are ro 6utecrqnl aql rol adrd u Erp rabreLltroqrnt
puE 6urseo rossarduoa ra6reqsoqrnl !a 3du ra6reqcoqrnt aqt leql arnsu:
ra !ea palEcrpuruaaq loJ seq ) | tuauot€ rall! r e aql Mauar ro uPai3
suoq puoc lPUro!
suo lP!oo ^isnP ^lauarlxa _
rel I r e aql lo ^roq tsnp aql ^ldua ro reuea c r e aql lpalC
(f) uatsÄs raqtearq au 6ua aqt lo a^ E^ tua^ aqt uea 3 .

rat | | o DU{€3Lqn aql lo ralsruea aql MauaS
(e) ro 6utPrrqnt aql MouaE
(!) abne6 aql te arnssard o outeorqn eqt l3aq3
duns aqt u lro 6u tecuqnl lo tlnoue aql lceq3
(Z) fupssaca! I pelsnlpe pup palcaqc sr paads ralpr aql teql arnsul
(z) p€)caq3 ere sresruole aqt tEql arnsul .
ouaua a lrMl qla rallt Ian, luoua a ral I lanl eqt Maua8
ouaüa a a 6u s qlM rallt lan, tloua a ra] | anl aqt MauaU
{!) ralt lald lanl aqt ur ratea rol }caq3
dund Ur lanl aqt lo raurels aqt p!e raqueqc luaürpas aql uea 3
(s)l eq a^!p eql ,tcaqO
lue oo3 lo lunouE 3q] )caq3
lsi I rncco!3rqM(sqluour0 srnoq)lerual! aql lE pe dde aq lsnu Mollolqo qM sa npaqcsaql
srnoq00qz fua^f I sqtlou t ro srnoqOqZtua^f C
srnoq0001tua^3 3 srnoqI tua^ar0 ^ep tua^f I
srltuouz I ro srnoq009fua^f o srnoqos/92te ar ruastsrLl v
ttge'91 pue ttge 9 salnpaqcs acueualurenl
'arNas qrEate srauatspl
esoolpuEabelee rol loaqc ot aoueuatureu a^q!a^ardp006 s ll
'aurOua a!l Jouo'leiadotcarof,arnsuaot paldepeaq ot paau
^pu s€rnpaoord pue sporadasaqls!oqpn6ar eaotaqt ot urotuootsnu aurOua aql io !o leradoaq] uaqM
'lsaloqs are qf,qMspoLrad
aql asn pa €isu sr au 6ua aqt qf,rqM
! aql ^q
luaud nba aql lo rarntoElnuEU
ua^r6sporadaqtlcaqO !oqpradola s!oqrpuoca6Era^€ot Ildde spolad aoueualureu a^tua^ardaseqf
dJuPl<tPd tl uP41lueUadL
aoa ae uat)qadaja stnoq aq)sCalspue syets luanbal qta uauetadaacuelstppaqs uA :uollneC
sporJoo a3ueualureu a^rlua^ard
z sauast?90 9
2 6.3s+aseries

Fuel pump codes 6.3544

CAV fuel iniection pump

T y p e. . . ...........-. DPA
Direction ol rotationlrom drve end . .. . . .., ,.. Counterclockwise
O u t l e l f o r n u m bceyrl li n d e. r. . . ...... _....... x
Fuel injectlonpump timing
The enginecheckangtemustbe !sed with specialtool MS.678and withthe engineset with number1
prs10nal rop dead cente (TDc) on the compressionstroke.The pump is checkedwilh
the pump set ai the
slad ol njeclon for number 1 cylinder.
The code leners are ncrudedin the seftingcode stampedon rhe data prateor lhe foer injectionpump.
ruerpumps may have lhe seiling code srampedon a modiJicalionpratewhich is fastenedto the flange
ot the
pump I a modificationplate ts lined, use the code leters slamDedon this olate.

Fuel pump code

Eng ne check Pumpmark Engine check Pumpmark
Fuel pump code
angre angle angle
leners tetters
(oegrees) (oegrees) (oegrees) (degrees)
160 146 MXl4/2640 161 146
160 146 MN5/242O tom 159 146
:x t60 146 MV5/2530 6
160 46 PX (except below) 159 46
162 PX lisl M31012 onlv r60 146
162 54 sx (6.3724) 46
t58 144 ry 153
MH lrom engtne no, r58 r60 146
MX (excepl below) 160 146 151 144

PerkinsSeruiceData Booklet Pan 1, 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
1661 t led lal)ioo8 Pleo aclruas surlrad
aql lo aprs
oql uo peduels sr ue^r6 apoc aql sdund ^VC aql rol suoqrsod 6uruI clels aql le pauq iou are sdund
aseq] leql luelodu sr I Ut raounld uu t te las dund aql qlrM are sdund anl qcsog rot ua^r6 s6uulas oq1
LZI (c/t io tzt) xA
8tl tzt (1or"t) ^v
9 LZI 9tt € - r z t )^ l
qtt (z-tzt)^l
(soerOap) isoorOap)
el6ue al6ue sroüelopoc ouno lanl
|]eu 0und lcaqc aurOul
ropu[^c auo requnu 0ql ]oJuorlcorur
lo uels aql le ]as ouno
aqt qlrMpqcaqc sr dund aql atorts uorssarduoooql uo (3O1) aluec peep dol te rapurt^cI laqunu aql
lo uolsd oqt ql!fl l€s aurbuaaql qlrMpu€ EZg St/,1
tool lercodsqlrMpasn eq lsno al6uelcaqc ouroua€qI
6u!ulldund uollcalu! lonl
o rapu l^c I r€qunu roj lalno
asa)colc-repnoc pua a^rp uorl uo[P]oJ Jo uolcaio
' ' ' ' " ' a o ^ l
dund uoll.alu! lenl qrsog
69t 9?t 691 ^t
091 X stl t9t 1l
6qt X]
691 ttl 69t ^t
69r XI frl 091 ^o
09L qtL eql ^:
(saa6ep) (saer6ap) (saer6ep) (saar6ap)
srällal 9anal
el6uE al6ue al6ue
apoc dund lanl apo. dund lanl
)irPU dund loaqc eur6ul )llPU dund lcaqc aur6uf
'aleld srql uo paduels sralal apoc aql asn 'paUllsr alpld uolpcllrpou e dund
oql lo oOuelJoql ol pauatsels qcrqa eletd uollpcqlpou p uo peduels epoc 6uruaseql e^Eq ^eu sdund anJ
aoos dund uoFolur tonl aql oleld elpp aql uo poduels apoc 6urlles eql ur popnlc!r ere sanal apoo aql
!opurllo I raqunu rol uolcaluilo lels
oql )e las dund eql qlrMpa)icaqcsr dund aql-oiots uorssorduogaql uo (CC1) aruec p?op dol le uols d
t requnu qlrn tes ourOua aql quil puEg19 Sl l toottercödsqlrMposn oq lsnu etOueloeqc eur6ueaql
6uluI dund uollcelu! lenl
' ' '
,,x, rau3-l rapu l^c I raqunu iol ]olno
asrNi90lcraluno3 pua a^up u04 uo lelor lo uo[9airo
, ' , , - a o ^ l
v d o . '
dund uolloelu! lent ^VC
ttge'91 sapoo dund lanJ
z seuesttgS g
2 6.3544Series

Recommendedtoroue tensions
The lorque lensions below apply to components lubrjcated lightly wilh clean engine oil belore they are litted

Descrjption NM tbt tt kgl m

Setscrews, cylinder head, refer to head tightening sequence 1/2UNF

Sumpplug 3/4 UNF 34 25 3.5
Alomiserclamp 5/16 I
nleclorprpe unron nul Mt2 20
Marn bearing
- cadmtum 5/8 UNF 270 200 27,7
- phosphated
102 75 10,4
Big end bearing
- cadmrum 1/2 UNF 129 95 13,1
- phosphated
88 65 9,0
Frontoull€v 7/16UNF 125 92 12.7
1/2 UNF t08 80 11.1

2.30 perkins SeruiceData Booktetpan 1, 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
1661 | !ed lalloo8 elPc acrruas sur{ad
z e g z o a g r0 L e I 1 9 1 8 l r z 6 z
l o a o o o a a
0 0 z z n l z z r l z L z
l . . o a . o a
6l o
I o I r t o /l . 8Z
9 Z e L 9 t l l E z
6 € az 8e 8801e€! sMarcslaslleu{
I t9dLAgt
r€qunu ued 1o)isef
6 9t sLt 991 z00i t t peoq qlrM paül
sröuolset po6uel:
sleqsea alereda!
t e I 96 0et z€ol t v qlrM peuil are qcrq^
9aualsel urel<
uF) u lql U N
uoIrsod eo^l raualseJ
"orz . 0 8r .09t
00@ '€cuanb€s
€ql ur onbrol lcoxm aqt ol ure6e sraueFel aqt
'peaq rapurne aqt uo $feu uolq6rf aor6uaaql dols uoleredo ]o ernteradua]
oql'qrm ourtur pue'ot uou are a6ueuoql uo s)irpu leurou saqcear lr llun aurbueoql un] puE pels e
'(V) ur uMoqsacuönbes
oq] llun oguonboslcor03 aql ur Me]cslesqcpa
uetqbrl louols€l qaeo lo oouell eql lo a6pa eql aql ur 'Molaqelqel eql ur uMor.lsanbroi paroa
uo '(asr$icolcralunoc) el6up peroc eql lp')ireu aqt ol sreuolsel aql uolqol ^lua^a pue ^llpnper3 z
raqtoueoien (€) Morrslas qaea lo rauoo e qtM 'Moleqolqel oql eas saalcslas
sUrlur pPaqrepurl^3eql uo )ire0 alqPlrnsP a)igu pue spnlsppaqiopu[I. lo spperq]Io ^llq6r"l !
'alqelre^e sr
tou !e9! SII a6ne6 al6ue lercads6qt jl
anDrolloq- lpoqlsll
anbJol )iceqc'ouoN 8€otee v 'Z poqlou sosn fuol3el eqt
sle[ z/t 0 ro ,0Lz 0 e 6 z 9 z v zv Molaquaoqs z puP I spoqlou ecrNes rol srauals€l
peeq rapur6c aql uatqorlol spoqteu oMl ere eraql
sleue lo o08t 'Ez'oz'61'al '9r ', I
' e tz
! '6 'fup poull aq
lsnu ]alse6 p€€q iopurl^c eql
0 t 8 ' 1t ' g ' z ' ! v 'ezrs aroq ra6rpl aql esneceq sour6ua
s l P [z / t z r o . 0 g t lo
zE le Lz 9z zz tzle 9 uo pesn sr talseo peaq rapurl^cluorarjrp
l z ' L l ' 9 t ' z t ' [ ' 9 ' 9v
V ,,INOUI dol' pa)peu si 1l saurouasauas tge g
uJnl e lo Ued roq!nl reueFPl roqlo qlrMelqeaoueqoalurtou sr aurouattge 9
pue ttge 91 6ql oi polll la)jse6 peeq rapurllc aql
''alpo-],, qlrMpeutJoq plnoqs )icolq
'aoloq olqel eql ees
'sMarcslasaql l.ll6ualaql ol 6urproccEunl E ropurllo eql uo4 pa^ouar spnls peoq reput^c ^uV
lo Jo 'lenueu dousriloil
ped raqpnl e '(V) acuonbaslaaroc eql ur 'sMeraEes
aql uatq6qot lesl Sl/ a6ne6al6up lercadsaqt asn aql ol lap) lqnop u! tt 6utute4 patoc aqt Llttil
uosad e ^q auop aq lsnu uoteledo silll:uollneJ
:uoqt 't poqlau ut z pue t sdols Mollol
et6uB puE enbrol - z poql.fl ecuenbas snbJol peaq raputlÄ3
z sauastt98'9
2 v8.540Series

Basic technical data

- v8.540
. TV8.540
: t;ltwll:3
Number ot cylinders

C y c l e . . . . . . . . . ..... Fourstroke
Induction system

v8.540 .. ..
TV8.540 . .. -"'ii'13:frXil::
Combusl on syslem .- Direct injection
Nom nal bore 108,0mm (4.25in)
Sfoke . .. 120,7mm (4.75in)
Compression ratio

v8.540 .. . ..
TV8.540 ... '
Cub c capacity . . .. . 8,85 litres
F r r i n go r d e r . . 1-8-7-5-4-3-6,2
Valve tip ciearances
-lnlel (cold)
v8.540 .. . .
TV8.540 .. . . '
Exhaust (co1d)

v8.540 . . .. . 0 . 2 5m m ( 0 . 1 0I n )
TV8.540 .. ... 0,50 mm (0.20in)
Lubncaling oil pressure
- at maximum engine speed and
norma engrnelemperalure ...... 280 kN/mz {40 tbt/in') 2,8 kgt/cm?
Coo ant lemperalure . 60'c (1{0"F)
Thermostat stans lo open . .. . .. . . 67ns"c 052J167"F))
Thermostat lul y open 85/88'C (185/190.F)
D recton ot rotaton Clockwisefrom lront
dl ng speed . . .. Fuelinjeclionpump data plate
Localon ol max mum noload speed . .. . Fuelinjeclionpump data plate
Localionol number 1 cylinder ..... ..... Fronl of lell bank al crankshalt pulley end
Location ol engine timing marks . .. ....... Scribe |nes on tuel injectionpump and pump llange
Alomiser codes VA. VB, VJ, VN, WC, FG, GU, VW, WW, WY, WZ, XA, XB, XY
Fuel pump codes .. . TBA
Location ol luel pump code . . .. . .. .. Fuet injectionpump data plate
Localion ol luel pump liming marks ...-... Fuelpump mountingllangeand pump adaptorptale
Bell tension . 45 N (10 lbl)4,5 kgf
Bell delleclion at ongesl run .. . . . . 10 mm (3/8in)

PerkinsSeruiceData Booklet Part 1. 1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
1661 ! Ued laloo8 elec öcrNas surfrad
palralelous rat llro6ulPtrrqn alll!ralsrueaaqlabJ!JJ!r E^ral! aql 1.,!rlE3lrä0s ;nl
; . . r . rz t € a 6 P d u c a q € l a q l a a s ) l € r l a q i l o l ! . r u o r r n q d n s a q l q l / i a t u P . l r : / i E t u l r ! a b l e i r o a!1 (r)
6ur! Erl trar.r 3q: plq s?! ollM !osrad P ^g ( t l
sqluou, S fu3^ts Pa^1auar
aqprclst azaarfluelcoEalsu pasns rolqq! luPoore' s,t3'{afuar!a/aa,llueaqlMa!48 Q)
pall, auc s ara!l J ( t J
(C) pallaqa 6 r e a 1 6r o l o u r a ! E l s ! a t P l r a l P a q ; t E q t , r r s ! l
tfs ttL
li'g 3/i '
(e)fupssara!I pslsnlpP,uE palraL: alE sea!ErEaI a I !^ E1aql :e!l :rra.,f
( C ) r a ö r P q : o q r ' r 1 a . t 1t . a . , f ,
{e) 5u se. DU€ ra adu ra6rerrcqrnl ;ql lEa f,
ra rEa patPsrpu usaq to! sEq I l luauala ral I I E aql Mauar ro lPa 3
suo !p!aa eur.!
suol p!o3 ^lsnp ^ auarlxa
ral:l r E aqt lo lMcc tsap aqt ^ldua )o r€uE3l, I E aql !?a :
ualsls raqlearq aJ bua aq: !:'a 3
(') rat.l I n 5!rlEcrqn aql lo rals !E3 3ql /idiaB
{t) o 6uLler rqn a! 6ua :qt /iaidg
(t)abnpF aultparnssard rc 6utpr)qn a!t!r:ql
dur5 6!i u ro 6u leruqn lo tunouE alt !:aq:
(C) patcaqc are sras uotp aqt tpqt arrs!f
rat flanl aqi lc sluaua a aql M?ra8
(t) räl tard aql u rateMroj t:aqf
role!ral E aqt to sl tsq a^ rp al; !raqf,
i u e l o o sl a : ! n o u ! a q l r r a L t l
tsr I rnaso qo qM {sqluou ro srrcq) €/!atur aql le par dd! 3q tsnur Ali nl qa q^l sainpaqcs aq1
srnoqOOO'tuan! I siNoq000!,{ra^f C
srnoq0092rua^f f sqt!cu 9ro srnoq009 fua^3 I
srnoqOOOZtuä^: C lPp y'ra^arosrnoq€,4ra^l V
salnpaqcs asueualulenl
ac tuas loea tE srauslsel asoc puE abefpa rol ll?qr ot a3u!ualu ei! a^ lla^ald poos s I
a-r6.. a ll,o .or,F.dd , o ,o o 1 rd o. po,dÖD'do o, oouu
iEU sarfpascjd pu€ spo!ad asaqt suo le n6ar l€rc aqt ot utoluoa tsnu au 6ua aql lc !o lErado aql !aqM
)s?!oqs arp qcrqM spo rad aql asn pal Elsu s au 6ua aql q3rqM ur luaud nba aql l. ralnlaelnuPu aql trq
u3^ 0 spo rad aqi lraq:) uo tErado lc suo rDUor abera/'P oi itddE spo rad eauPUalu eur a^llu6^ar0 asaql
'aauelstp aq) ueq)
aca ae uatlaaco Jo troq aül sdols puP slPls luanb4) qla rau?ada aateistp paqs uo :uollnet
spouod aoueualureu o^!lua^9id
z söuas0t9 84
2 V8.540Series

Fuel pump codes

Fuel inlection pump

TyPe CAV Minimec,DP15or Boschlvlw
D{eclror O' rolanor lrom dilve end . . . . . .
.-...... Clockwise
Spill tlming ot CAV Minimecor Bosch MW

Sp llliming Pislon
Fue pump code lenel posIron Posiljon
(oegrees) mm (in)
MB71/800/40211800 AB71/800/41N2350 2642A210M8/CO2h57;
MB71/800/A0211880 Rg7l /AOO/41 N23gO 2642A211MB/AOZ1A}O
MB71/800ic02l1560 BBT t /800/41N2480 2642A215R8/41N2500
MB71t800/CA2/1575 RB71/800/41N25oO 2642A215AA141N25gO 26 7,62(0.300)
R869i800/41AJ2350 RB71/800/41ÄJ2530 2642A228R8/41N2330
R869/800/414,/2530 BB71/AOO/41N2560
RB69/800/44r'J2830 RB72t8oO/41N23AO
RB71/800/41A/2330 RA72ßOA/41N2530
LB71t800112/2500 RB70/AO0/44N2910 2642A213M9/DO1/2360
LB71/AOO/22/2sOO BB71/AAO|41 N2ss0 2642A213M8/OO1 t2420
MB71/800/D01/2340 RB71/A00/41 N2660 2642A213M8/DO1/2520
MB71/800/D01/2360 BB71/aO0/41N2730 2642A214RB/44N2770
M871/800/D01/2380 RB71/AO0|44N2630 2642A215F'P./41N2550 28 8,89 (0.350)
MB71tA00/D01/2400 RB71/A00/44N2770 2642A215R8/41 N2660
MB71t800/D01/2420 RB71/800t44N2A30 2642A223R8/EO1/2720
MA711800/OA1 1252A aB7 1/AO0/44N2850'
LG68E/800i44Al2960 yA68E/800/44ÄJ2960 2642A20sFtS/44N2g60
RB71/800/44A,/2850" 2642421 4RB/44N2a50
RB71/800/44AJ291 0 2642A23OLG/4N2960 29 9,53 (0.37s)
RB71taA1/44 N2960
P873U900/D01/2400 p88lE/1 100/001/2610 ?BAIE/1100/EO1/2140
PB81E/1100/001/2520 PB81E/j 1o0/DO1/2620 2642A24gp8/DO1
pBBr E/r i 00/D0r/2600 pBB1E/1100/Do1/26s0 t2600 1O,85(O.427)
"uo, o"o"rä,ür,irri
Non vehrcle applicalions
Vehrcle appltcations

Static tihing of CAV DPl5

The eng ne check ang e must be !sed with spectal tool MS.678 and with
the engine sel wlh number 1
prslon al top dead cenlre (TDC) on the compression stroke.
The pump is check;d with rne pump set at lhe
slan ol Inleclron
10rn!mber 1 cylinder
Stalrclming pos(ionBTDC . . .. .
T mrngcheckangle
3 12 '

PerkinsServiceDala Bookletpan 1, 1997

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1661 I Ued laHoo€ eleo earruessur)l]ad
08 80t lNn z/t taaqM^tJ
9tt 008 Lot lNn 8/1 ^ellno ]uorl
9 tt 90t zvl lNn 9v6 6uue€q pua 6rg
6Z alz 982 lNn B/9 6uueaq ule!1
l z 9t oz I t x zty'l lnu uorun odrd lol3alul
L I zl lNn 9r/9 ouelc roslu0]v
l 9 LC 09 lNn t/€ 6nld duns
lNn 9v6 acuonbas enbrol ees peaq rapul^c'sMelsslas
uF) u lql uo[drcsaO
poull arE ^aql oroJeq lro eu16ua uEalc q]rM ^llq6rl patecuqnl sluouoduoc ot 4dde aolaq suorsu€l enblol aql
suo!sual anDrol pepuauuosau
z sauas0t9 84
2 v8.sqoseries

Cylinder head torque sequence

Cautlon: This operaron must be done by a person

wlh lhe cotrect taining. lf in doubt refer to the

[ /s rmpodanlthat the studs and the three d]iterent

lengthsot selscrewsare titted n their cotrect
type ength mm ( n) and Posilon .10) i )iC21
Stud A 16,18 .14 . 118
Selscrew Small a 2,4,6,8,12,14,
Selscrew N,ledrum a 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 1 3 ,1 5 ,
Note: Release the cylinder head selscrews evenly
1 7 .1 9
and gradually tn the reverse sequence to thar snown
Setscrew Laroe a 1 , 1 0 .1 1 . 2 0 . 2 1 in iA).

1 Lrghlly lubrcate lhe lhreads ol lhe studs and lhe

cylnder head selscrews and lhe lhrusl laces of lhe

2 Gradua ly and eventy lighlen the setscrews ano

nus ol each bank lo the cotrect lorque, in lhe
sequence 1A) Trghten aga n a I the setscrews and
nuts to lhe correcl lorque in the sequence (A).

E n g r n ea n d
Taslenef lype
Nm bt 1t kgl m
anged iasteners 1 6 9 125
angeo tasleners, scanl shank
erscrews wth gasket 3681H401 1 8 5 1 3 5 14,2
arn tasleners wlh separaie
/ashers wilh gasket 3681H40j 210 1 5 5 1 , 4 7
anqed lasleners 214 1 5 5 21.4

3 Fun lhe engtne unttl t reaches normal

Iemperature ot operation. Stop the eng ne Tighten
aga n al the setscrews and nuls ol each bank lo lhe
cotrecl lorque, In the sequence 1A).

2.36 PerkinsServiceDaia Booktelpan 1, I 997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
z66t Ued tallooS elEC acrruas su)rad
zlt saloN
IIe €l€p lsal uorsserduoC
. s6urler
0tt lelsoureql
0t'0 s6urllesale6-elsemra6reLtrooqrnl
''' uorlPulolurrosruolv
' salqeluorsra^uoc
'' s6uruasanbrolprepu€ls
200 sprnllaul6ualo uouecurcadS
elep lerauac
t vr-vo]vu3Nr0
3 cenEnelonrr

Speciticationol engine tluids

Lubilcatingoil specification 4.108, 3.152, 4.203, 4.2032, 4.236. 4.248

6.3544,T6,3544, V8.540

N4rnimum lubricatrng
oil specittcalion
- naturaly asptraledengines
- turb0charged engines API CD/SE or CCi\.,|CD4 (1)
Lubncating oil capacity Dependenl on sump lined, see apptication users handbook


V scosily 4.236,4.248,VA540 . . ... . 2.5/4.5centistokesat4O'C

4.108, 3.152,4.203,4.2032,
6.3544,T6.3544 2.0/4.5centistokesal 40"C
Denslv 0,835/0,855kg/lite
Drsl I al on 85% al 350"C
Avralon kerosene luels JP5 and JP8 only, relerto use/s handbook

Celane number At 4.236,4.248

Vehlcleonly 6.3544,T6.3544,V8.540 . . . . . 50 minimum
414.108,3.152,4.203,4.20 . .3. .2. _ . . . 45minimum
Sulphur(2) 4.108, 4.203,4.2032,6.3544
T6.3544,V8.540 0.S7oof mass, max mum
3152,4.236,4.24A . .... 0.2%olrnass,maxrmum


Recommended coolanl POWERPARTantitreeze

Concenlralion ol antilreeze 50%

Corosron Inhibltor mtxl!re. Feler to use/s handbook

Must have a specilication at least as good
as 8S6580 or [4OD AL39

Coo anl capacity See app[cation user's handbook

(2) The or change intetual will change wilh the amounl of sulphur rn the fuet (see the table
be ow and the
lue spec ircalron)

Amounlol sulphurin the luel

Oil change nterval

<0,5 Nomal
0 . 5- 1 . 0 3/4 ol normal
1,0 1/2 of normal

Perk ns Servce Dala Booklet pad 1, 1997

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
166t t U€d ietloo8 Pl?o acrNas sur)irad
69t ztt 09, )rd,,b/t
90e tzz 00e 1Id,8/e
EL'I 9Zt oL, Jrd ,,ntl
160 OL 96 lJ-d ,,0/r
u Jot u tql UN
enoiol leuruoN
siaualsel popeoiqt
/e 6r 0'0tl 06t 00 2 x gly{
,9Zl 9t6 ,zl 002xtt|/'l
96L sLs 8L 9Llxzlw
6tt 9ZE tt 09 t x 0tr1
z9l zz 9Ztx8N
260 99 6 00txgy!
u tbr u lql UN
alnu pue
992 t8t 9L'l z tvl
'8r 8t 0tv'{
zll t 8 9Z ( 8y,{
ts0 L€ I 00 ( 91,{
u ,6r u lql UN
ozrs peerql
anblol leuruoN
'sraualsel ad^l eC urruall loJ alqP]rns lou ol? sanle^ asaql t
&p, roJ erp salqel as€ql ur sanle^ anbrol 0
'e6upqc 'secuelalol pearql ol ro s€cepns poleqdsoqd
]snu sanle^ anbrol eql ot sa6uPqc ere elaql ll Z
'Jeuruou 3ql asn lol
lo %92+ urqlLil oq ol sesuerslol anlP^ anblol leuluou ,oclNos I
salou lerouo0
sOu!$as anbrot prPpuets
e vrvo-rvurNso
3 celennl onrn


mm N4iles Kilomefe

I j.61 l 0.62
114 o.25 6.4 1 0.04
2 3.22 2 1.24
112 0.5 2 0.08
3 4.83 3 1.86
3/4 o.75 19 . 1 3 o.12
4 6.44 4 2.49
I l 25.4 4 0 . 16
5 8.05 5 3.10
2 2 s0.8 5 o.2a
6 9.66 6 s.73
3 3 76.2 6 o.24
7 1 1. 2 7 f 4.35
4 4 1 0 1. 6 7 0.28
a 12.A7 4_97
5 5 127.O 8 0.31
I 14.48 9 5.59
6 6 152.4 I 0.35
10 16.09 10 6.21
7 7 177.8 10 0.39
20 32.19 20 12.43
I 8 203.2 20 0.79
30 4A.2A 30 18.64
I I 22A.6 30 1.18
40 64.37 40 24.85
t0 10 254.O 40
50 ao.47 50 31.07
20 20 508.0 50 1.97
ro0 160.93 100 62.14
30 30 762.0 100 3.94
40 40 1 0 1 6 . 0 I 000 39.37

lüekes Metres Feel

l 0.31 1 3.28
2 0.61 2
3 0.91 3 9.84
4 1.22 4 13.12
5 1.25 5 16.4
6 1.83 6 19.69
7 213 7 22.97
8 2.44 8 26.25
I 2.74 I 29.53
t0 3.05 l0 32.81
20 6.1 20 65.62
30 9.15 30 98.43
40 1 21 9 40 9 2 . 1I
50 15.24 50 164.04

PerkinsServiceDala Booktelparl 1. I 997

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166t L UEd]a1loo8elPOacruas sur)rad
ez0tt 0s s9 zz 09
8t 88 on ,L 8t an
9LZ s 0t t90r 0t
zz n 60w oz 106 oz
99 1 e 90 zz 0t ,9n 0t
,8 6r 6 80t 6
n9Ll I 09e 8
qs0 t
er'9t L 8t t L
LZO 90
tz tl I zLz I
z0 ll I LZZ I
sa4l l siuld
288 t8 r n
t e
zz 0t 9t It 0l ,nv z t60 z
86t 6 z6 0, 6 zz L 9t0 I
I 1e 90 8 86 I 60 r'0 60
,gl z8 re L 9Ll 80 9t0 80
,9 1 LO zeo ro
I az rz I
z€l 90 LZO 90
t'l I eLzz 9
t t 90 tza 90
880 8 L8 l
880 ,0 8t 0 t0
990 t tg€t e 990 t0
€0 nl o
,ro z 606 z ,no za 600 zo
zzo 99t I zzo t 0 900 t 0
suolle9 sarlr"l sarl_l suollPc spunod suer6olry suer6olr) spunod
e vrvo rvurNrg
3 cErueRnl

Atomiser information

Sel and fesel pressure

Code Holdel Nozzle alm ltblhn2)
AB tsKBL67S5t
51/ BDLL15os6435/ 175 2573 17.7
oKLL6752930 oLL150S670s
AC 2646460 2646677 17s 2513 7
BKBL67S5151 BDLL50S6372 170 2499 17.2
8C BKB35SD5260 BOLl 1056133 120 1764 12,2
BKB40SD5224 BDNl 25D6236 '135
1985 13,7
Bt\4 BKS35SD5260 BDLl 1056267 124 1764 12.2
8T BKBL67SD5151 aDLLIs056310 2573 77
BU BKBL67S5151 BDLLl50S643s 175 2573 7
BV BKAL67S51 5t BDLL1s0S6513 170 2499 17,2
CR a K B L 6 7 S ss11 BDLL150S6513 170 2499 7,2
CF BKBL67S5299 BDLL 50s6507 185 2720 1A.7
cs BKBL67S51
51 BDLL150S6s54 170 2499 17.2
CT BKBL67SD5151 BDLLl50S6555 7 7
5tl aDLLI 50s6556/ 2573 l7.7
oK116752930 oLLl 50S6556
CY oKLL66t\,,t1
1s40 o1L150M9302 230 3381 23,3
DD 8KA35S5258 BDLl 1056133 120 1764 12.2
DE 8K835S5258 8D111056267 120 1764 12,2
DF BKBL67S515 BDLL150S6558 170 2499 17,2
DL aKBL67S5299 BDLL150SY6s45 210 3087 21,3
DN,4 8KBL67S51
5 BDLLl50S6561 2573 7 7
DN BKBL67S5299 BDLLl50S6554 170 2499 17.2
BKBL67S5299/ BDLL150S6591/ 215 21.8
oKLL67s2930 o11150S6649
EC RK8L67S5268 RDLLls0S65s4 t65 2426
EE 2646466 2646825 190 2793 19.3
EG 2646466 2646A26 210 3087 21,3
EV BKB35SD526O BDLl 1056267 180 2646 18.2
FC 2646466 2646831 210 3087 2 1. 3
BKB35SD5259 BDLrr 056267 170 2499 7,2
Ft BKBL67S5299 BDLL1s0S6673 200 2940 20,3
BKA35SD5260 BDL110S668s 170 2499 17.2
FN 8K8L67S5299 BDLLl50S6639 195 2467 t9,8
BKB35SD5260 BDLl 1056267 170 2495 7,2
FS BKBL67S5299 BDLL150S6674 170 2499 17.2
2646466 2646A26 185 2720
2646460 2646A42 175 2573 7,7
BKB35SD526O aDLl 1056709 170 2495 17.2

PerkrnsSetuiceDala Bookletpad 1, 1997

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
1661 | Ued laüoo8 elec eclruas surllad
919€ 092 90919r92 toec9r9z SU
I9t r0se L'Z zo9)9t92 e0€19'92
t8€€ oEz 909 19t92 toet9t9z HN
cLgZ 9Ll t09 l9t9z t0e tstgz ON
zt 66tZ oLl 809 19'92 z0€-l9t9z CN
86r LgAZ q6l zos-l9tgz t0et9t9z AN
e€z tEee o€z zzgv999z t0ev9t9z Zf
zzl v9Ll 0zl e0t9s0rr10a tttgoszeSva I
TL €LgZ 9Ll 9t89t9Z 99r9f9Z AH
etz 180€ otz €09)9t92 t0ev9r9z XH
tzz tezE 0zz '09v9r92 208v9'92 NH
eoz 0t6z 002 6 r0 r089af t0198Ur IH
€02 0r6z o0z wa99v9z 99t9t9Z SH
r'8t 6968 oLz 909V9192 zoEv9b9z UH
azz 80e8 9ZZ z0gvst9z z0ev9t9z dH
SZEe or2 0989t92 L9b9n9Z NH
e9z 919€ o9z e09)r9r9z t00v9'92 v,{H
eez | 8e€ oez 209>19992 zoev9t9z ]H
8tz r 9t e 9lz 909V9r92 99tgs'92 }H
919€ osz e09)t919z zoevsvgz HH
f: Ez tSta oez zz0t089aT trol98u l OH
Elz 180e olz zz0t0898r rt019aB-l IH
tSee oEz e09v9t9z zow9n9z ]H
zza€ 092 t09v9,92 t0ev9t9z OH
alz 209€ 992 zogv9v9z zow9r9z f,H
9tz 9989t92 99t9r9Z 8H
alz r 9t 8 9lz t989t9Z 99r9t9Z
zzl ,9Ll ozl z9z9s0ir-to8 ,rssze€va H
zsl 90az 09t ,zL999Z zz99n9z ^9
919e 092 t09lst9z t0elEt9z X3
zL 66tZ 01t 6019S09t.]104 8qz90s9€a)18 ^ c
lLl r01e 0989t92 sLrgrgz s0
18t 0zLz 98t 8t89t9Z 99t9t9Z !,{e
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!sl zton 9LZ zBLgVSZ zL99r9Z )1e
Elz 1808 0tz tos
8ez9s09t-l 6629S19t8v€ HO
Elz a80e olz 918919Z 99'9t92 5e
E0z ot6z 002 0e/9s09t-t-to€ 66ZES19lAvA c5
zLl 66VZ oLl 6029s0iltoa 69290S9e8)€ c9
(zulrql) UIP alzzoN reptoH apo3
arnssardlasar pue las
panuluot uotleutotul les!uolv
3 ceruemloere

Atomiser intormation, cantinued

Sel and resel pressure

Code Holder Nozzle aIm (lbt/in2) N,4PA
TC BKB35SD52s9 8D111056709 170 2499
1 2645i,t601 TSA TAA TBA
UB 2646522 2646724 150 2205 15.2
2645M301 2645[,1601 TBA IBA TBA
VB H454S693 NL55O 170 2499
BKBL54S5312 BDLL150S6573 170 2499 17.2
VN 2646562 2646862 200 2940 2A,3
VR oKLL54S2965 o1L150S3385 195 2467 19,8
oKLL54Ss312 o1L150S7777 195 2A6l 19,8
VU 2645C564 26466866 225 3308 22,4
2646562 2646869 210 3087 21.3
VX oKLL54S5312 oLLl 50S7777 195 2867 19,8
oKLL54S2924 oLLr 50S7777 195 2467 19,8
vz oKLL54S2924 oLLl 50s7788 195 2867 19.8
oKLL54S2924 o1L150S3385 195 286 19,8
WC 2646568 2646871 195 286 19,8
WD oKLL54S2996 o1L150S7604 195 286 19.8
oKLL54S3014 o1L150S7788 195 286
oKLL54S3014 oLL1s0s338s 195 286 19,8
oKLL54S3014 o1L150S7777 195 286 19.8
2646568 2646872 217 3190 21,9
oKLL54S30s2 oLLl 50S3385 214 3087 21.3
oKLLs4[r30s9 oL1150S8388 235 3455 23.8
oKLL54M3052 oLLl 50S7788 195 2467 19,8
2645C302 2645C602 240 3528
2645C303 2645C804 201 2955 20.4
2645C303 2645C605 235 3455 23,8
wz 2646568 2646869 195 2467 19.8
XA 2645C303 2645K601 230 3381 23,3
XB 2645C303 2645K604 235 3455 23,A
XC 2645C305 2645C608 175 2573
XD 2645C306 2645C609 170 2499 7,2
XE 264sC30s 2645C610 195 2867 19,8
2645C305 2645C615 210 3087
2645C305 2645C621 170 2499 .2
2645C305 2645C619 170 2499 7.2
XX 2645C307 264sC613 245 3602 24,8
XY 2646568 26/.6864 210 3087 21.3
xz 2645C308 2645C614 220 3234 22,3

Perkns ServiceDala BookletPan 1, 1997

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166t Ued )el)ioo8eteo aaNas surled
zL 66rZ 011 99e9S09|OS t9r90s19 l€v8 z
8Z9e 0vz 8 t9C9t9Z 0t€39'92 c^
rEee 0ez Ll9J9b9Z LOElgb9Z cl
l St 6LZZ EEI 9r9C9r9Z t0€39192 8^
8290 0rz I t9C9t9Z 80e39t92
ELgZ 9Ll zL99r9Z 09t9t9z
Pdrl (zuYlql) ule elzzoN raploH apoc
ornssordlosor pue los
panuIuoJ,uotleutolu! lastuolv
e vIVo'rvurNre
3 oerueRrl

Turbocharger waste-gate settings

Wastegate tesl pressure for rod hovement of 1,OOmm (0.039 In)

The lurbochargerpan number is on the lurbochargeridentificationprale,which is rified ro rne Dodvol the
tu.boLla.ge .

Wasle-gale pressure Wasle-galepressure

Iurbocharger Tulbocharger

16l/ir2 kgl/cm2 kPa lbl/in2 k91/cm2

26744053 16 4t17 15/1.22 26744098 96 13.9 0,98
26744454 16.O/17.4 1 , 1 2 / 1 , 2 2 26744104 99/ 06 14.3/1s 0,99/1,07
26744055 17.4/1A.9 1 , 2 2 t 1 , 3 2 26744105 :t/15
26744056 1.22/1.32 26f 4410€ t4 3/15.4 o,99/1,07
2674AOs7 7.1/18.3 1 . 2 0 t 1 . 2 4 26744108 99/ o6 14.3/15.4 0,99/1,07
26f44058 1 7 . 1 / 1 4 . 3 1,2Ot128 26744122 99/106 0.99/1.O7
26744051 1,2Qt1.28 26744128 to1/109 4.6/15.8 1 . 0 2 / 1 .
2674446i u/121) 16.4/ 1.15/1.22 26744129 o 1 / 1 0 9 1 4 . 6 / 1 5 . 8 1 , O Z t 1,
2674406: 92/98 1s.3/14.2 0,93/0,99 26744130 113/120 16.4/17 15t1,22
26744064 110/103 15.9/14.9 26144131 101/109 4.6/15.8 1 . 0 2 / 1 . 1 1
26744O6i 120/130 7.4/14.9 22/1.32 2674413t 113/120 16.4t17.4 15/1,22
26 /44068 11 0 / 1 0 3 1 5 . 9 1 1 4 I 26744134 120n30 17.4/1A.9 1 , 2 2 t 1 , 3 2
26744472 1 2 0 / 1 3 0 17.4/14S 26744143 99/106 0,99/1.07
26744O75 tü126 7.1/14.3 20/1.2A 26744144 113/120 16.4/17.4 1 . 1 5 / 1 . 2 2
26 /4AO7l 113/120 16.4117.4 267441 46 113/120 16.4t17 1, 1 5 1t ,22
267 44079 120/130 7.4t149 1,22/1,32 2674Ä.149 133/143 19.3t20.7 1 . 3 5 / 1 . 4 5
2674AOA1 88/98 12.4/14.2 0.90/1.00 2674415C 1 4 5 / 1 5 5 21.O/22.s 1,47/1,58
26744082 aa/92 12.8/13.5 0,90/o,93 26744304 105 15.2 o
26744044 tla/128 / . 1 /1 4 6 r,20/t,30 26744305 105 15.2 1.04
26744085 6U/94 12.4/142 2674^30e 96 13.9 0,98
2674AOa6 11A/126 i 7 1 / 1 83 1.20/1.24 145 21.O
26744087 10 1 / 10 9 //15 n 103/1,09 26744313 96 13.9 0.98
26744089 50 21.4 26744314 145 21.O
2674409: 110 5.9 2674431 5 r50 21.4 52
26744094 105 12.5 26744316 96 13.9 0,98
26744095 145 21.O 26744701 55 1.58
2674409t 150 21.8 .52


Nomtnal lemperalure "Slan 'Fully

to open open Minimum valve lilt,
slamped On lhermostal by-pass valve remperalure remperalure lully open

82"C 77./85.C 92./98"C 9mm

080"F) (170Y185"F) (198'/208.F) (0.35in)
71' C 67'n5"C 85V88'C 9mm
( 16 0 " F ) (1ssvl 67"F) {1854190"F) (0.35 in)

Perkins Serurce Data Booktet Pad 1.1997

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
266l t ued lelloo8 eleo acrrues sulvad
rapu[^3 qcea roJ teedau I
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:uPis louueo au 6ua eql leql arnsuf t
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'saur6ua plnoqs
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Plep lsal uolsselouo3
e vrvo lvufNf9
3 orneRelolrn

PerkrnsSeruiceDataBooklelPan 1, 1997

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Perkins Engines Company Limited
Peterborough PE1 sNA United Kinodom

Printed in Engtand

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