People Vs Gerones

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People vs.

Gerones Moreover, while the psychiatry report states that the victim cannot be
expected to be a capable witness, at the same time it admitted that Liliosa can
G.R. No. 91116 January 24, 1991 comprehend the nature of her acts under a limited extent. The same report
Petitioner: PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES concludes that she is verbally productive although she talks in incomplete
sentences at times. What is required by the rules merely is that the witness is
Respondent: LEONARDO GERONES able to make her perception known to others. Thus, Rule 130, Sec. 20 of the
Facts: Rules of Court states: "Except as provided in the next succeeding section, all
persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make known their perception
A complaint was filed against Calixto Raga alias "Calix" and Leonardo to others, may be witnesses. . . .
Gerones alias "Nanding or Narding" in Municipal Trial Court of Palo, Leyte Considering the foregoing, we agree with the trial court that Liliosa
for the rape of Liliosa Gargantilla, a mental retardate. An information was Gargantilla is a competent witness. There is likewise no reason to doubt her
subsequently filed with the Regional Trial Court of Leyte charging Leonardo credibility as she had no motive to testify against the accused (People v.
Gerones and Calixto Raga with the crime of rape. The RTC rendered a Esquillo, 171 SCRA 571 [1989] citing People v. Ocampo, 143 SCRA [1986]).
judgment of conviction. No motive can be ascribed to complainant or to her father and step-mother
Both appealed but only Gerones filed his brief contending that that the other than a desire for justice and redress for a terrible wrong. (See People v.
complaint did not give jurisdiction to the trial court the same having been Cayago, 158 SCRA 586 [1988]). She was a poor barrio girl with the mental
signed by a mentally incompetent woman. He questioned the testimony of the capacity of a 10-year old, inexperienced to the ways of the world. It is highly
victim alleging that since she is a retardate, then she is an incompetent improbable that she would fabricate matters and impute the crime unless it
witness. was true
Issue: WON the Victim, being a retardate, is an incompetent witness.
Held: Dispositive: WHEREFORE, the Court hereby affirms the judgment of the
No. trial court concluded: court a quo by finding the accused guilty of the crime of rape and, therefore,
must suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua but with the modification that
. . . The court observed Liliosa closely when she took the witness stand and the accused must indemnify the heirs of the late Liliosa Gargantilla, as held in
the court found that she comprehend (sic) how the rape was done to her which recent cases, the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (P50,000.00).
in the opinion of this court is sufficient in extent. (ibid)
The case of People v. Rizo, G.R. No. 86743, August 30, 1990 places the
determination of the competency of witnesses to testify in the hands of the
trial court. As repeatedly held by this Court, the factual findings of the trial
court as to the guilt of the accused, particularly the trial judge's assessment of
the credibility of the witnesses' testimonies are accorded great respect on
appeal in the absence of grave abuse of discretion on the part of the trial judge
who has the advantage of actually examining both real and testimonial
evidence including the demeanor of the witnesses as they present the same.
(People v. Bravo, G.R. No. 68422, December 29, 1989; People v. Ramos, 167
SCRA 476 [1988])

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