Eeguc Unit I

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Fundamentals of electric drive - choice of an electric motor - application of motors for particular
services - traction motors - characteristic features of traction motor - systems of railway
electrification - electric braking - train movement and energy consumption - traction motor
control - track equipment and collection gear.

Introduction - definition and meaning of terms used in illumination engineering - classification of
light sources - incandescent lamps, sodium vapour lamps, mercury vapour lamps, fluorescent
lamps – design of illumination systems - indoor lighting schemes - factory lighting halls - outdoor
lighting schemes - flood lighting - street lighting - energy saving lamps, LED.


Introduction - advantages of electric heating – modes of heat transfer - methods of electric heating
- resistance heating - arc furnaces - induction heating - dielectric heating - electric welding – types
- resistance welding - arc welding - power supply for arc welding - radiation welding.


Introduction - solar constant - solar radiation at the Earth’s surface - solar radiation geometry –
estimation of average solar radiation - physical principles of the conversion of solar radiation into
heat – flat-plate collectors - transmissivity of cover system - energy balance equation and
collector efficiency - concentrating collector - advantages and disadvantages of concentrating
collectors - performance analysis of a cylindrical - parabolic concentrating collector – Feeding


Introduction - basic principles of wind energy conversion - site selection considerations
basic components of a WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System) - Classification of WECS -
types of wind Turbines - analysis of aerodynamic forces acting on the blade - performances of


Dr.Pauls Engineering College EEE Department



1. With a neat block diagram explain briefly about the fundamental of electric drive system.
State its advantages and disadvantages.

 1-φ and 3-φ, 50-Hz AC supplies are readily available in most locations. Very low power drives
are generally fed from 1-φ source; however, the high power drives are powered from 3-φsource;
 some of the drives are powered from a battery
Power modulator
 Power modulator performs the following functions:
 It modulates flow of power from the source to the motor is impart speed−torque characteristics
required by the load.
 It regulates source and motor currents within permissible values, such as starting, braking, and
speed reversal conditions.
 Selects the mode of operation of motor, i.e., motoring or braking.
 Converts source energy in the form suitable to the motor.
Electrical motors
 Motors commonly used in electric drives are DC motors, induction motors, synchronous motors,
blushless DC motors, stepper motors, and switched reluctance motors, etc.
 In olden days, induction and synchronous motors were employed mainly for constant speed drives
but not for variable speed drives, because of poor efficiency and are too expensive.
 But in nowadays, AC motors employed in variable speed drives due to the development of
semiconductors employing SCRs, power transistors, IGBTs, and GTOs.
 It is usually a machinery, such as fans, pumps, robots, and washing machines, designed to
perform a given task, usually load requirements, can be specified in terms of speed and torque
Control unit
 Control unit controls the function of power modulator.
 The nature of control unit for a particular drive depends on the type of power modulator used.
 When semiconductor converters are used, the control unit will consists of firing circuits.
Microprocessors also used when sophisticated control is required.
Sensing unit
 Sensing unit consists of speed sensor or current sensor. The sensing of speed is required for the
implementation of closed loop speed control schemes. Speed is usually sensed using tachometers
coupled to the motor shaft. Current sensing is required for the implementation of current limit
Advantages of electric drives
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There are a number of inherent advantages that the electric drive possesses over the other forms
of conventional drives are:
 They have comparatively long life than the mechanical drive.
 It is cleaner, as there are no flue gases, etc.
 It is more economical.
 They have flexible control characteristics.
 There is no need to store fuel or transportation.
 It requires less maintenance.
 Do not pollute environment.
 It is the reliable source of drive.
 Available in wide range of torque, speed, and power.
 High efficiency.
 Electric braking system is much superior and economical.
 Smooth speed control is easy.
 They can be started instantly and can immediately be fully loaded.
 They can operate in all the quadrants of speed torque plane.
 Being compactness, they require less space.
 They can be controlled remotely.
 Disadvantages of electric drives
The two inherit disadvantages of the electric drive system are:
 The non-availability of drive on the failure of electrical power supply.
 It cannot be employed in distant places where electric power supply is not available.

2. Explain briefly about the various types of electric drives.

Depending on the type of equipment used to ran the electric motors in industrial purpose, they
may be classified into three types. They are:
1. Group drives.
2. Individual drives.
3. Multi-motor drives.
Group drives
 Electric drive that is used to drive one or more than two machines from line shaft through belts
and pulleys is known as group drive.
 It is also sometimes called the line shaft drive.
 This drive is economical in the consideration of the cost of motor and control gear.
 A single motor of large capacity cost is less than the total cost of a number of small motors of the
same total capacity.
 In switch over from non-electric drive to electric drive, the simplest way is to replace the engine
by means of motor and retaining the rest of power transmission system.
 The cost of installation is less. For example, if the power requirement of each machine is 10 HP
and there are five machines in the group, then the cost of five motors will be more than one 50-
HP motor.
 If it is operated at rated load, the efficiency and power factor of large group drive motor will be
 The maintenance cost of single large capacity motor is less than number of small capacity motors.
 It is used for the processes where the stoppage of one operation necessitates the stoppages of
sequence of operations as incase of textile mills.
 It has overload capacity.
 Even though group drive has above advantages, it suffers from the following disadvantages.

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 If there is any fault in the main motor, all the machines connected to the motor will fail to operate;
thereby, paralyzing a part of industry until the fault is removed.
 It is not possible to install any machine at a distant place.
 The possibility of the installation of additional machines in an existing industry is limited.
 The level of noise produced at the work site is quite large.
 The speed control of different machines using belts and pulleys is difficult.
 The flexibility of layout is lost due to line shaft, belts, and pulleys.
Individual drive
In individual drive, a single electric motor is used to drive one individual machine. Such a drive is
very common in most of the industries.
o It is more clean and safety.
o Machines can be located at convenient places.
o If there is a fault in one motor, the output and operation of the other motors will not be effected.
o The continuity in the production of the industry is ensured to a higher degree.
o Individual drive is preferred for new factories, as it causes some saving in the cost.
o Initial cost will be high.
o Power loss is high.
Multi-motor drive
In multi-motor drives, several separate motors are provided for operating different parts of the
same machine.
Ex: In traveling cranes, three motors are used for hoisting, long travel, and cross-travel
motions. Multi-motor drive is used in complicated metal cutting machine tools, rolling mills,
paper making machines, etc.
3. State the factors considered for the choice of electric drives.
There are certain factor that governs or influences, the selection choice electrical drives. They are:
1. Availability of Electrical Supply
 The electric drive is a drive system with electrical motor as a prime mover.
 The selection of electrical drive is based on the availability of electrical supply.
 There are three-types electrical supplies, namely AC supply, DC supply, and Rectified DC
 If AC supply is available. Then AC drive is selected motor. An AC drive consists of AC motor as
a drive motor .
 If DC supply is available, then DC drive is selected .DC drive consist of DC motor as a drive
motor. Hence nature of electrical supply available governs selection of electric drive.
2. Nature of Operation characteristics of Electric drive motors
The electric drive motor has different types of operating characteristics such as
1) Starting characteristics
2) Running characteristics
3) Speed control characteristics
4) Braking characteristics
For example the running characteristic of electric drive motor shows how the motor behaves
where it is loaded .In some cases if the load is increased , the speed of the motor is drastically
reduced .so such motors are not selected for constant speed applications.
3. Economic Consideration
The electrical motor is selected based on two economic considerations, namely
a) Initial cost:
The initial cost is nothing out capital cost. This is the cost occurred during purchase and erection.
b) Running cost :
This is the cost running the electric drive E.G. maintenance cost, fuel cost etc.
4. Type of the Drive system

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Type of the Drive system available also governs the choice of electric motor. There are three
types of drive system namely Group drive, Individual diver and Multi motor drive. Assume that at
any particular location, different small loads are available. Since the loads are separate unit, it can
be driven by single large motor (group drive). So here a DC motor or an AC motor is selected
with huge HP rating.
5. Types of Load
The type of load available, also governs the selection of electric drive. Generally the loads are
classified based on the Torque characteristics .Torque is the twisting force required to drive
(rotate) the load, based on the Torque characteristics loads are classified as follows.
1. Load requiring constant Torque with speed
2. Load requiring increasing Torque with speed
3. Load requiring high starting Torque (high inertia load)
 Assume that load cannot with high inertia available .
 This high inertia loads cannot be accelerated or decelerated quickly .
 They require high starting Torque.
 Therefore motor with high starting torque such as DC series or three phase slip ring induction
motor is selected. Thus type of load influence the choice of electric motor.
6. Mechanical considerations
(i) Type of enclosure
(ii) Type of bearings
(iii) Type of Transmission devices
7. Environmental Considerations
(i) Noise pollution (ii)Environmental Pollution
8. Load – With standing Capability of motors
 The size and rating required for the drive motor influence the selection of the electric drive motor.
 The size of the motor describes load- withstanding capability .when the motor is loaded, the line
current drawn by the motor increases.
 As a result losses increases and more heat is developed.
 If the heat is hot dissipated then insulation in the motor fails leading to complete breakdown of
the motor.
 Here duty cycle of the load and the Torque requirement are important factors in deciding size and
rating of the motor.
4. What are the various types of electric braking used in traction? Discuss in detail.
 Braking is very frequent in electric drives to stop a motor in a reasonably short time.
 For example a planar must quickly be stopped at the end of its stroke and sometimes must
quickly be stopped at the end of its stroke and sometimes it is necessary to stop the motor in
order to prevent accident
There are two types of braking:
Mechanical braking:
 The motor in this case is stopped due to friction between the moving part of the motor and
the brake shoe that is stored energy is dissipated as heat by a brake shoe or brake lining
which rubs against a brake shoe or brake lining which rubs against a brake drum.
Electrical braking:
In this method of braking, the kinetic energy of the moving parts that is motor is converted into
electrical energy which is consumed in a resistance as heat or alternatively it is returned to the
supply source.
 During braking operation a motor has to function as a generator.
 The motor can be held at stand still. In other words the electric braking cannot hold the
motor at rest.
 Thus it becomes essential to provide mechanical brakes in addition to electric braking.
Various types of electrical braking are:

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a) Plugging
b) Rheostatic braking
c) Regenerative braking

 This is a simple method of electric braking and consists in reversing the connections of the
armature of the motor so as to reverse its direction of rotation which will oppose the
original direction of rotation of the motor and will bring it to zero speed when mechanical
brakes can be applied.

Machine operates as motor during Plugging Machine operates as generator during


1) DC motors
2) Induction motors
3) Synchronous motors
Plugging applied to DC motors:
 To reverse a DC motors, it is necessary to reverse the connections of the armature while
the connections of the field are kept the same.
 The direction of m.m.f remains the same even during braking periods.
Series motors:
 Total voltage of V+ Eb is available across the armature terminals which causes a current I
to flow around the circuit.
 When Eb = V then the voltage across the armature is 2V and at the time of braking twice
the normal voltage is applied to the resistance in series with the armature at this time in
order to limit the current.
 While the motor is being braked, the current is still being drawn from the supply.
 This method requires energy from the supply for its action and not only the kinetic energy
of the motor is being wasted, but this energy is also being dissipated.
Speed and braking torque
Electric braking to torque
TB α ФI ------------------------------- (1)
TB = K ФI ---------------------------- (2)
Where K is a constant
Current = V+ Eb/ R ------------------ (3)
Eb= K1N Ф -------------------------- (4)
N is the speed K1 is a constant
Rheostatic braking
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 Consider a d.c shunt motor operating from a d.c supply with the switch S connected to
position 1 as shown in figure. S is a single pole double throw switch and can be connected
either to position 1 or to position 2. One end of an external resistance Rb is connected to
position 2 of the switch S as shown.
 Let with S in position 1, motor runs at n rpm, drawing an armature
 current Ia and the back emf is Note the polarity of Eb which, as usual for motor mode in
opposition with the supply voltage. Also note Te and n have same clockwise direction.

 Now if S is suddenly thrown to position 2 at t = 0, the armature gets disconnected from the
supply and terminated by Rb with field coil remains energized from the supply.
 Since speed of the rotor cannot change instantaneously, the back emf value Eb is still
maintained with same polarity prevailing at t = 0-. Thus at t = 0+,
 armature current will be Ia = Eb/(ra + Rb) and with reversed direction compared to direction
prevailing during motor mode at t = 0-
 Obviously for t > 0, the machine is operating as generator dissipating power to Rb and now
the electromagnetic torque Te must act in the opposite direction to that of n since Ia has
changed direction but has not As time passes after switching, n decreases reducing
 K.E and as a consequence both Eb and Ia decrease. In other words value of braking torque
will be highest at t = 0+, and it decreases progressively and becoming zero when the machine
finally come to a stop.
Regenerative braking:

This method is better than the first and second methods of braking since no energy is wasted and
rather it is supplied back to the system. This method is applicable to following motors:
1) D.C motors
2) Induction motors
D.C motors:
Shunt motor:
 In a DC machine where energy will be taken from the supply or delivered to it depends upon
the induced e.m.f, if it in less than the line voltage the machine will operate as motor and if it
is more than the line voltage, the machine will operate as generator.
 The e.m.f induced in turn depends upon the speed and excitation that is when the field
current or the speed is increased the induced e.m.f exceeds the line voltage and the energy
will be field into the system.
 This will quickly decrease the speed of the motor and will bring it to rest.

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Series motor:
 In this case, complications arise due to fact that the reversal of the current in the armature
would cause a reversal of polarity of the series field.
 In the case of induction motors, the regenerative braking is inherent, since an induction
motor act as a generator when running at speeds above synchronous speeds and it feeds
power back to the supply system. No extra auxiliaries are needed for this purpose.
 This method is however very seldom used for braking but its application is very useful to
lifts and hoists for holding a descending load at a speed only slightly above the
synchronous speed.

5. Explain briefly about the characteristics and application of various electrics drives

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6. Explain about multi-motor speed control.

Speed Control Methods:
Single phase AC series motors.
 The control of speed and torque of a single phase AC motor is done by varying the applied
 Since no rheostats are used for starting, there is no loss of power during the starting period.
A transformer provided with a number of taps on the secondary is used.
 Each control point becomes a running point. The regulation of voltage is affected by the
contactor method of tap changing as shown in dig below

 A preventive coil is employed for reducing the circulating current flowing on account of
short circuiting of a section of the winding of the transformer between the tappings.
 Preventive coil is inserted between the terminals of two groups consisting of tapings 1,3,5
and 2,4,6 as shown in figure.
 The motor is connected to the centre point of the preventive coil. Two contractors
connected to the adjacent tappings (1 and 2 or 2 and 3 or 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 or 5 and 6) are
closed on each notch of the controller.
 Each contractor carries approximately one half of the total current required.
 For changing over voltage from one value to another one contractor is opened and another
contractor belonging to the same group is closed.

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 An important advantage of this method is that each notch provides a running position, so
that many running speeds are available. They are usually provided between 6 and 12
 For large capacity traction motors, a large number of contractors are to be employed
simultaneously so that the current is divided between them and each contractor has not to
deal more than a pre-specified design value.
 Rheostatic Control
 Pole changing control
 Cascade control
 Combination of cascade and pole changing control.
Types of motors:
D.C series motor.
A.C series motor. 3Φ Induction motor.
Speed controlling techniques:
1. D.C series motor.
Rheostatic control. Series parallel control. Field control. Buck and Boost control. Metadyne
control. Thyristor control.
Three phase induction motor:
2. A.C series motor.
Tap changing method.
3. 3Φ Induction motor.
Rheostatic control.
Pole changing control. Cascade control.
Combination of cascade and pole changing control.
7. Explain the various types of electric traction system.
 The various systems of traction commonly used are,
 Steam engine drive.
 Internal combustion engine drive.
 Internal combustion electric drive.
 Petro-electric traction.
 Battery electric drive.
 Electric drive.
Steam engine drive:
 Steam engine drive, though losing ground gradually due to various reasons; it is still the
amply adopted means of propulsion of railway work in underdeveloped countries.
 In this type of drive, the reciprocating engine is invariably used for getting the necessary
motive power.
 Simplicity in design.
 Simplified maintenance.
 Easy speed control.
 Simplicity of connections between the cylinders and the driving wheels.
 No interference with communication network.
 Low capital cost as track electrification is not required.
 The locomotive and train unit is self contained; therefore, it is not tied to a route.
 It is cheap for low density traffic areas and in initial stages of communication by rail
Operational dependability.
 Low thermal efficiency.
 Due to the reason of low adhesion coefficient, powerweight ratio of steam
locomotive is low.
 It has strictly limited overload capacity.
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 Steam locomotive cannot be put into service at any moment as time is required for
raising of steam.
 Owing to high centre of gravity of steam locomotive, speed is limited.
 Steam locomotive requires more repair and maintenance.
 Extensive and costly auxiliary equipment.
 Since driving wheels are very close, hence more concentrated adhesive weight is
 Bigger sizes of running sheds and workshop are required.
Internal combustion engine drive:
 This drive is widely used for road transport. The motive power is derived from petrol
to diesel.
 It has an efficiency of about 25 percent when operating at normal speed. Various
example are buses, cars, trucks etc.,
 Low initial investment.
 It is self-contained unit and, therefore, it is not tied to any route.
 Easy speed control.
 Very simple braking system.
 It is cheap drive for the outer suburbs and country districts.

 than that of electrical equipment of a
tram car or a trolley bus.
Internal combustion electric drive:
In an I.C engine electric drive the reduction gear and gear box are eliminated as the diesel as the
diesel engine is to drive the D.C. generator coupled to it at a constant speed. This type of drive is
finding considerable favour for railway work and locomotives of this type are being widely used.

 eam to diesel
electric traction.
 any route.

 is available for hauling for about 90% of its working days.

 Limited overload capacity.
 High running and maintenance cost.
 Higher dead weight of locomotives; more axles required comparatively.
 Comparatively costlier than steam or electric locomotives.
 In such drives, regenerative braking cannot be used.
 The life of the diesel engine is comparatively shorter.
 There is a necessity to provide special cooling system for the diesel engine in addition to
motor-generator set.
Petrol-electric traction:
 This system, due to electric conversion, provides a very fine and continuous control which
makes the vehicle capable of moving slowly at an imperceptible speed and creeping up the
steepest slope without throttling the engine.

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 Petrol-electric traction is employed in heavy Lorries and buses.

Battery electric drive:
 In this system the locomotive carries the secondary batteries which supply power to D.C.
motors employed for driving the vehicles.
 This type of drive is well suited for frequently operated service such as for local delivery of
goods in large towns with maximum daily run of 50 to 60 km, shunting and traction in
industrial works and mines.
 Battery vehicles are started by series-parallel for starting and running at the speed upto half
maximum speed and in series for running at full maximum speed.
 Battery driven vehicle is easy to control and very convenient to use.
 Low maintenance cost.
 Absence of fumes.
 This type of drive is the small capacity of batteries and the necessity for
 frequent charging.
 Limited speed range.
Electric drive:
Here the drive is by means of electric motors which are fed from overhead distribution system. The
drive of this type is most widely used.
 As it has no smoke, electric traction is most suited for the underground and tube railways.
 The motors used in electric traction have a very high starting torque. Hence, it is possible
to achieve higher accelerations of 1.5 to 2.5 km/h/s as against 0.6 to 0.8 km/h/s in steam
 An electric locomotive is ready to start at moment's notice against about two hours
required for steam locomotive to heat up.
 The maintenance cost of an electric locomotive is 50 percent of that of steam locomotive;
its maintenance time is also much less comparatively.
 By the use of electric traction high grade coal can be saved, since electric locomotives can
be fed either from hydroelectric stations or thermal power station which use cheap low-
grade coal.
 In electric traction system it is possible to use regenerative braking.
 Owing to complete absence of smoke and fumes, this system is healthier from the
hygienic point of view.
 The vibrations in electrically operated vehicles are less as the torque exerted by the
electric motor is continuous.
 Electric equipment can withstand large temporary overloads and can draw relatively large
power from the distribution system.
High initial cost of laying out overhead electric supply system. Unless the traffic to be
handled is heavy, electric traction becomes uneconomical.
Power failure for a few minutes can cause traffic dislocation for hours.
The electric traction system is tied up to only electrified routes.
Communication lines which usually run parallel to the power supply lines suffer from
electrical interference. Hence, these communication lines have either to be removed away
from the rail track or else underground cables have to be used for the purpose which makes
the system still more expensive.
Additional equipment is required for regeneration.
In case of D.C. series motors regeneration is not a simple process.

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In case of electric traction provision of a negative booster is essential. By avoiding the flow
of return currents through earth, it curtails corrosion of underground pipe work and
interference with telegraph and telephone circuits.
Whereas steam locomotives can use their steam for heating the compartments in cold
weather very cheaply, the electric locomotives have to do it at an extra cost.
In cold countries a service locomotive is required to run up and down the line in order to
prevent the formation of layer of ice on the conductor rails.

8. Draw the Speed time curve of traction and also explain the various periods and the action
 It is the curve drawn between speed of train in km/hour along y-axis and time in seconds along
x- axis. The speed time curve gives complete information of the motion of the train.
 This curve gives the speed at various times after the start and run directly.
 The distance travelled by the train during a given interval of time can be obtained by
determining the area between the curve and the time axis corresponding to this interval.
 A typical speed time curve for main line service is shown in fig. This curve consists of five
1. Notching up period (0 to t1):
 During this period of run (0 to t1), starting resistance is gradually cut so that the motor
current is limited to a certain value and the voltage across the motor is gradually increased
and the traction motor accelerates from rest.
 To cut the starting resistance, the starter handle has to be moved from one notch to another.
 Hence this period is called notching up period.
 The acceleration is almost uniform during this period. Therefore speedtime curve is a
straight line (OA).

2. Acceleration period (t1 to t2)

 When all the starting resistances are cut out, the full voltage is applied to the motor.
 Now the torque decreases and speed increases according to the speed torque characteristics
of the motor.
 Now the acceleration gradually decreases with the increase in speed and finally reaches the
required torque for the movement of the train (at time t2).
3. Free running period (t2 to t3)
 During this period i.e. t2 to t3 the power supplied to the motor is at full voltage and speed of
this period is constant, also during this period power drawn from the supply is constant.
4. Coasting period (t3 to t4)
 At the end of free running period supply to the motor is cut off and the train is allowed to
run under its own kinetic energy.
 Due to train resistance speed of the train gradually decreases.
 The rate of decreasing of speed during this period is known as "coasting retardation".

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5. Braking or retardation period (t4 to t5)

 At the end of coasting period the brakes are applied to bring the train to stop.
 During this period speed decreases rapidly and finally reduces to zero.
There are three types of electric traction services.
1. Main line service
2. Sub-urban service
3. Urban service
Speed - Time curve for main line service:
The distance between two successive stations in main line service is considerably more (more than
10 km). In this service free run is longer duration. The duration of acceler

Speed - Time curve for suburban service

 In this type of service the distance between two successive stations is in the range of 1.5 km
to 8 km. Fig represents speed-time curve for sub- urban service.
 Acceleration and braking retardation required are high.
 Free running period is not possible and coasting period will be comparatively longer than
urban serviceati on and retardation is small.

Speed - Time curve for urban or city service

 In city service the distance between the two stations is very short i.e., between 0.75 to 1 km.
 The time required for this run between the adjacent and retardation should be sufficient
high. Fig shows the speed-time curve for urban or city service.
 It will be seen that there will be no free running period.
The coasting period is also small.

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9. Explain the types of supply system in electric traction

DC System
 In this system of traction, the electric motors employed for getting necessary propelling
torque should be selected in such a way that they should be able to operate on DC supply.
Examples for such vehicles operating based on DC system are tramways and trolley buses.
 Usually, DC series motors are preferred for tramways and trolley buses even though DC
compound motors are available where regenerative braking is desired.
 The operating voltages of vehicles for DC track electrification system are 600, 750, 1,500,
and 3,000 V. Direct current at 600–750 V is universally employed for tramways in the urban
areas and for many suburban and main line railways, 1,500–3,000 V is used.
1-φ AC system
 In this system of track electrification, usually AC series motors are used for getting the
necessary propelling power. The distribution network employed for such traction systems is
normally 15–25 kV at reduced frequency of 163⅔ Hz or 25 Hz.
 The main reason of operating at reduced frequencies is AC series motors that are more
efficient and show better performance at low frequency.
 These high voltages are stepped down to suitable low voltage of 300–400 V by means of
step-down transformer.
 Low frequency can be obtained from normal supply frequency with the help of frequency
converter. Low-frequency operation of overhead transmission line reduces the line reactance
3-φ AC system
 In this system of track electrification, 3-φ induction motors are employed for getting the
necessary propelling power.
 The operating voltage of induction motors is normally 3,000–3,600-V AC at either normal
supply frequency or 16⅔-Hz frequency.
 Usually 3-φ induction motors are preferable because they have simple and robust
construction, high operating efficiency, provision of regenerative braking without placing
any additional equipment, and better performance at both normal and seduced frequencies.
 In addition to the above advantages, the induction motors suffer from some drawbacks; they
are low-starting torque, high-starting current, and the absence of speed control.
 The main disadvantage of such track electrification system is high cost of overhead
distribution structure.
 This distribution system consists of two overhead wires and track rail for the third phase and
receives power either directly from the generating station or through transformer substation.
Composite system
 As the above track electrification system have their own merits and demerits,1-φ AC
system is preferable in the view of distribution cost and distribution voltage can be stepped
up to high voltage with the use of transformers, which reduces the transmission losses.
 Whereas in DC system, DC series motors have most desirable features and for 3-φ system,
3-φ induction motor has the advantage of automatic regenerative braking. So, it is necessary
to combine the advantages of the DC/AC and 3-φ/1-φ systems. The above cause leads to the
evolution of composite system.
Composite systems are of two types.
Single-phase to DC system.
Single-phase to three-phase system or kando system.
Single-phase to DC system
 In this system, the advantages of both 1-φ and DC systems are combined to get high voltage
for distribution in order to reduce the losses that can be achieved with 1-φ distribution
networks, and DC series motor is employed for producing the necessary propelling torque.
 Finally, 1-φ AC distribution network results minimum cost with high transmission
efficiency and DC series motor is ideally suited for traction purpose.

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 Normal operating voltage employed of distribution is 25 kV at normal frequency of 50 Hz.

This track electrification is employed in India.

10. Explain the types of traction motors used in electric traction

 In earlier days, DC motor is suited for traction because of the high-starting torque and
having the capability of handling overloads.
 In addition to the above characteristics, the speed control of the DC motor is very
complicated through semiconductor switches.
 So that, the motor must be designed for high base speed initially by reducing the number of
turns in the field winding.
 But this will decrease the torque developed per ampere at the time of staring. And
regenerative braking is also complicated in DC series motor; so that, the separately excited
motors can be preferred over the series motor because their speed control is possible through
semi-controlled converters.
DC series motor
 From the construction and operating characteristics of the DC series motor, it is widely
suitable for traction purpose. Following features of series motor make it suitable for traction.
 DC series motor is having high-starting torque and having the capability of handling
overloads that is essential for traction drives.
 These motors are having simple and robust construction.
 The speed control of the series motor is easy by series parallel control.
 Sparkless commutation is possible, because the increase in armature current increases the
load torque and decreases the speed so that the emf induced in the coils undergoing
 Series motor flux is proportional to armature current and torque.
 But armature current is independent of voltage fluctuations.
 Hence, the motor is unaffected by the variations in supply voltage.
DC shunt motor
 From the characteristics of DC shunt motor, it is not suitable for traction purpose, due to the
following reasons:
 DC shunt motor is a constant speed motor but for traction purpose, the speed of the motor
should vary with service conditions.
 In case of DC shunt motor, the power output is independent of speed and is proportional to
 In case of DC series motor, the power output is proportional to So that, for a given load
torque, the shunt motor has to draw more power from the supply than series motor.
 For shunt motor, the torque developed is proportional to armature current (T ∝ Ia). So for a
given load torque motor has to draw more current from the supply.
 The flux developed by shunt motor is proportional to shunt field current and hence supply
 But the torque developed is proportional to φsh and Ia. Hence, the torque developed by the
shunt motor is affected by small variations in supply voltage.
AC series motor

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 Practically, AC series motor is best suited for the traction purpose due to highstarting torque
When DC series motor is fed from AC supply, it works but not satisfactorily due to some of
the following reasons:
 If DC series motor is fed from AC supply, both the field and the armature currents reverse
for every half cycle. Hence, unidirectional torque is developed at double frequency.
 Alternating flux developed by the field winding causes excessive eddy current loss, which
will cause the heating of the motor. Hence, the operating efficiency of the motor will
 Field winding inductance will result abnormal voltage drop and low power factor that leads
to the poor performance of the motor.
 Induced emf and currents flowing through the armature coils undergoing commutation will
cause sparking at the brushes and commutator segments.
Three-phase induction motor
 The three-phase induction motors are generally preferred for traction purpose due to the
following advantages.
 Simple and robust construction.
 Trouble-free operation.
 The absence of commutator.
 Less maintenance.
 Simple and automatic regeneration.
 High efficiency.
 Three-phase induction motors also suffer from the following drawbacks.
 Low-starting torque.
 High-starting current and complicated speed control system.
 It is difficult to employ three-phase induction motor for a multiple-unit system used for
propelling a heavy train.
 Three-phase induction motor draws less current when the motor is started at low
 When a three-phase induction motor is used, the cost of overhead distribution system
increases and it consists of two overhead conductors and track rail for the third phase to feed
power to locomotive, which is a complicated overhead structure and if any person comes in
contact with the third rail, it may cause danger to him or her.
Linear induction motor
 It is a special type of induction motor that gives linear motion instead of rotational motion,
as in the case of a conventional motor.
 In case of linear induction motor, both the movement of field and the movement of the
conductors are linear.
 A linear induction motor consists of 3-φ distributed field winding placed in slots, and
secondary is nothing but a conducting plate made up of either copper or aluminum
 The field system may be either single primary or double primary system.
 In single primary system, a ferro magnetic plate is placed on the other side of the copper
plate; it is necessary to provide low reluctance path for the magnetic flux. When primary is
excited by 3-φ AC supply, according to mutual induction, the induced currents are flowing
through secondary and ferromagnetic plate.
 Now, the ferro magnetic plate energized and attracted toward the primary causes to unequal
air gap between primary and secondary. This drawback can be overcome by double primary
system. In this system, two primaries are placed on both the sides of secondary, which will
be shorter in length compared to the

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Synchronous Motor
 The synchronous motor is one type of AC motor working based upon the principle of
magnetic lacking.
 It is a constant speed motor running from noloadto full load.
 The construction of the synchronous motor is similar to the AC generator; armature winding
is excited by giving three- phase AC supply and field winding is excited by giving DC
 The synchronous motor can be operated at leading and lagging power factors by varying
field excitation.
 The synchronous motor can be widely used various applications because of constant speed
from no-load to full load.
 High efficiency.
 Low-initial cost.
 Power factor improvement of three-phase AC industrial circuits. other dep ending upon the
use of the motor.
11. Explain the effective efforts required to run a train on track?
Tractive Effort (Ft)
 It is the effective force acting on the wheel of locomotive, necessary to propel the train is
known as „tractive effort‟. It is denoted with the symbol Ft.
 The tractive effort is a vector quantity always acting tangential to the wheel of a locomotive.
It is measured in newton.
 The net effective force or the total tractive effort (Ft) on the wheel of a locomotive or a train
to run on the track is equals to the sum of tractive effort:
o Required for linear and angular acceleration (Fa).
o To overcome the effect of gravity (Fg).
o To overcome the frictional resistance to the motion of the train (Fr).
Tractive effort
The effective efforts required to run a train on track is
i) Tractive effort needed to provide acceleration (Fa)
ii) Tractive effort needed to overcome the train resistance (Fr)
iii) Tractive effort needed to overcome gradients (Fg)

1. Tractive effort for acceleration (Fa):

Let M is the dead or stationary mass of train in tones.
Dead mass of train = M tones = 1000 M kg
Acceleration = km/hr/sec = x 1000/3600 m/sec2
When a train is accelerated in a linear direction, its rotating parts like the wheels and armature of
motors have to be accelerated in an angular direction. Therefore the accelerating mass of the train is
greater than the dead mass of the train.
Generally the effective or accelerating mass is 10% more than the dead mass.
i.e. Me = 1.1 M Let the effective
mass of train = Me ton = 1000 Me kg.
Force required for acceleration = Mass x acceleration.
i.e., Fa = Me x a = 1000 Me x 1000/3600 = 277.8 Me Newtons
2. Tractive effort to overcome the train resistance (Fr):
While moving, the train has to overcome the opposing force due to the surface friction and wind
resistance. The train resistance depends upon various factors such as shape, size, condition of track
Tractive effort required to overcome the train resistance
Fr = M x r Newtons
Where M = Mass of train in tone

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r = train resistance in Newtons/tone

3. Tractive effort required to overcome gradients (Fg):
Consider that an electric train is moving upwards on a slope as shown in fig.
The dead mass of the train along the slope will tend to bring it downward. To
overcome this effect of gravity, tractive efforts are required in opposite direction.

12. Write in detail the recent trends available in electric traction system.
 Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which an object is
suspended with no support other than magnetic fields.
 Magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational and any other
 Earnshaw's theorem proves that using only static ferromagnetism it is impossible to stably
levitate against gravity, but servomechanisms, the use of diamagnetic
materials,superconduction, or systems involving eddy currents permit this to occur.
 In some cases the lifting force is provided by magnetic support levitation, but there is a
mechanical bearing little load that provides stability. This is termed pseudo-levitation.
 Magnetic levitation is used for maglev trains, magnetic bearings and for product display
Mechanical constraint (pseudo-levitation):
 With a small amount of mechanical constraint for stability, pseudo-levitation is relatively
straightforwardly achieved.
 If two magnets are mechanically constrained along a single vertical axis, for example, and
arranged to repel each other strongly, this will act to levitate one of the magnets above the other.
 Another geometry is where the magnets are attracted, but constrained from touching by a tensile
member, such as a string or cable.
 Another example is the Zippe-type centrifuge where a cylinder is suspended under an attractive
magnet, and stabilized by a needle bearing from below.

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 Diamagnetism is the property of an object which causes it to create a magnetic field in

opposition to an externally applied magnetic field, thus causing a repulsive effect.
 Specifically, an external magnetic field alters the orbital velocity of electrons around their
nuclei, thus changing the magnetic dipole moment.
 According to Lenz's law, this opposes the external field.Diamagnets are materials with a
magnetic permeability less than μ0 (a relative permeability less than 1).
 Consequently, diamagnetism is a form of magnetism that is only exhibited by a substance in the
presence of an externally applied magnetic field.
 It is generally quite a weak effect in most materials, although superconductors exhibit a strong
 Diamagnetic materials cause lines of magnetic flux to curve away from the material, and
superconductors can exclude them completely (except for a very thin layer at the surface).
Direct diamagnetic levitation:
 A substance that is diamagnetic repels a magnetic field.
 All materials have diamagnetic properties, but the effect is very weak, and is usually overcome
by the object's paramagnetic or ferromagnetic properties, which act in the opposite manner.
 Any material in which the diamagnetic component is strongest will be repelled by a magnet.
 Earnshaw’s theorem does not apply to diamagnets.
 These behave in the opposite manner to normal magnets owing to their relative permeability
of μr < 1 (i.e. negative magnetic susceptibility).
 Diamagnetic levitation can be used to levitate very light pieces of pyrolytic graphite or bismuth
above a moderately strong permanent magnet.
 As water is predominantly diamagnetic, this technique has been used to levitate water droplets
and even live animals, such as a grasshopper, frog and a mouse.
 However, the magnetic fields required for this are very high, typically in the range of 16 teslas,
and therefore create significant problems if ferromagnetic materials are nearby.
 The modern trend is towards the use of d.c motors (both separately excited and d.c series
motors) equipped with thyristor control.
 The operating voltages are 600V or 1,000V. Braking employed are mechanical, rheostatic and
regenerative, Thyristorised converters provide accurate control and fast response.
 Main advantages of thyristor control are the absence of bulky on load tap changer and
electromagnetic devices, saving of energy, notch less control, increase in pulling ability of the
motive power, and minimum wear and tear because of absence of conventional moving parts in
the motor control circuits.

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 In electric traction, it is desirable that the train accelerates and decelerates at a constant rate for
the comfort of the passengers.
 Using thyristors, this objective can be met in the following way:
 When the speed goes down during breaking the generator voltage decreases. For a particular
braking torque a particular armature current is required.
 This is achieved by increasing the field excitation to a relatively high value.
 If, however, the generator voltage exceeds the supply voltage, in dynamic braking, this increase
is permissible as the armature is not connected to the supply and the energy of the generator can
be dissipated in the braking resistors, external resistances in series with the armature are
connected in case of regenerative braking to absorb the voltage difference between the armature
voltage and supply voltage.
 With this, of course, part of the generated power is wasted in the external resistors and the
efficiency of the overall system is decreased.
 Various methods of speed control and electric braking employing thyristors have already been
studied in power electronic subjects.
 In addition to ordinary phase control methods, cycle selection methods of control of SCR for
varying the voltage applied to the traction motors are also employed.
 In this method the required average voltage is obtained by accepting or rejecting a certain
numbers of complete half cycles.
 In practice, at the start only one half out of eight is accepted and as the speed builds up, it is
gradually raised to 2/8, 3/8 and finally 8/18 for full power operation.
 This method is advantageous due to low frequency harmonics, low rate of rise of current, better
power factor etc.
 In chopper control of traction motors, at start, the ‘on’ period of pulse is kept very short which
lengthens during the period of controlled acceleration.
 Thus the average voltage applied across the traction motors is gradually increased keeping the
mean value of the input current close to the desired value.Fig. shows a typical thyritorised dc
traction system supplying a group of four separately excited motors.
 The armatures are supplied from half controlled bridge converters. However, it is desirable to
feed the field windings through fully controlled bridge converters so as to reduce the ripple in
the field current.
 Low ripple in the field current ensures low iron losses in the machines. However, if regenerative
braking is required then the armature should be supplied from fully controlled bridges.
Freewheeling diodes are connected as illustrated to ensure good waveform of armature current.
 The armatures are connected in series – parallel arrangement to ensure good starting and
running characteristics.
 It is seen that armatures are supplied by three bridges connected in series.
 For starting first only bridge A is triggered and firing angle is advanced as speed builds up.
When bridge A is fully conducting (i.e. when α=0), bridge B is triggered and then bridge C is
 During starting field currents are set to maximum to provide high starting torque.
 The use of three bridges ensures better power factor than would be possible with a single
13. Briefly explain how the current collection system works in the traction motor.
 There are mainly two systems for locomotives, tramways or trolley buses.
 Conductor rail system.
 Overhead system.
 Conductor Rail System:
 It is employed at 600V for suburban services since it is cheaper, inspection and maintenance
easier. The current is supplied to the electrically operated vehicle. The insulated return rail is
elimination to electrolytic action due to currents on other public services buried in the

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cicinity of railway tunnels. A special steel alloy (iron 99.63%, carbon 0.05%, manganese
0.2%, phosphorus 0.05%, silicon 0.02% and sulphur 0.05%) is used.
 It has a resistance of about . The conductor rail is not fixed rigidly to the insulators in order
to take care of the contraction and expansion of rails.
 The current can be collected at about 300 to 500A. At least two shoes must be provided on
each side to avoid discontinuity in the current flow and for voltage 1200V.
 Overhead System:
 This system is adopted when the trains are to be supplied at high voltage of 1500V or above.
This system is used for ac railways and also used with dc tramways, trolley buses and
locomotives operating at voltages 1500V and above with return conductor. Three types of
current collectors are commonly used.
Trolley Collector:
 It is employed with tramways and trolley buses.
 It consists of a grooved gun metal wheel or grooved slider shoe with carbon insert carried at
the end of a long pole.
 The other end of this pole is hinged to a swiveling base fixed to the roof of the vehicle.
 The necessary upward pressure for the pole and current collector is achieved by springs.
 As two trolley wires are required for a trolley bus, a separatetrolley collector is provided for
each wire.
Bow Collector:767i/
 The low collector consists of light metal strip or low 0.6 or 0.9 m wide pressing against the
trolley wire and attached to a framework mounted on the roof of vehicle.
 Collection strip is made of soft material such as copper, aluminum or carbon that it should
wear instead of trolley wire as it is easy to replace worn out collection strip than trolley
wire. c)
Pantograph Collector:
 The pantograph is employed in railways for collection of current where the operating speed
is as high as 100 or 130 kmph and current to be collected are as large as 2000 or 3000A.
pantograph are mounted on the roof of the vehicles and usually carry a sliding shoe for
contact with the overhead trolley wire.
 The contact shoes are usually about 1.2m long. There may be a single shoe or two shoes on
each pantograph. Materials used for pantograph is oftern steel with wearing plates of copper
or bronze inserted. The pressure varies from 5 to 15kg.

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14. Explain briefly about the Series-Parallel Speed control of DC Series Motor

 To control the DC series motor this is another way called series parallel technique. This is the
method normally used in traction by connecting two or more than that of the series motor are
couple mechanically at the same load.
 Whenever the series motors are connected in sequence (series) like shown in the figure, each
and every armature of the motor receive the one-half of the rated voltage.
 Thus the speed will be less. If the series motors are connected in parallel, each and every
armature of the motor receives the full normal voltage and hence the speed is also high.
 Thus we can achieve the two speeds (low or high) by connecting the motor either in series or
parallel. Note for the same load on the pair of motors, the speed of the system would run nearly
4 times once motors are in parallel as while they are in series.
Characteristic of DC Series Motor
 Series Parallel and Resistance Control Method
 This series parallel method is generally employed with the resistance control. For example
two series motor are mechanically coupled to drive a vehicle.
 At cessation, through a starting resistance the motors are connected in series.
 The series motors are taking place up in series respectively and the starting resistance is
gradually cut out step by step in rise the speed.
 When the total resistance is cutout step by step the voltage supplied to each one of the motor
is about one-half of the line voltage and the speed is also increased about one-half times.
 Further to increase the motor speed, then each motors are to be connected in parallel and the
resistance to be connected in series at the same time.
 The starting resistance is again gradually reduced till full speed of the motor is achieved. At
that moment field control is attained.

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1. What is meant by electrical drives?

Systems employed for motion control are called “DRIVES” and drives employ any of the prime
movers such as, diesel or petrol engines, gas or steam turbines, hydraulic motors and electric
motors for supplying mechanical energy for motion control. Drives employing electric motion
known as electrical drives.
2. What are the factors that influence the choice of electrical drives?
 ower and Speed

3. Draw the speed torque characteristics of an ideal traction system.

4. What are the requirements of an ideal traction system?

1. Speed control should be easy.
2. The starting tractive effort should be high so as to have rapid acceleration. The wear
on the track should be minimum.
3. Pollution free
4. The equipment should be capable of withstanding large temporary loads. Low initial
and maintenance cost.
5. There should be no interference to the communication lines running along the lines.
6. Braking should be such that minimum wear is caused on the brake shoes.
5. Name the various systems of traction.
1. Direct steam engine drive
2. Direct Internal Combustion Engine Drive
3. Steam Electric Drive
4. Internal Combustion Engine Electric Drive
5. Petrol Electric traction
6. Battery Electric Drive
6. Classify the supply system for electric traction.
A. D.C system
B. A.C system i) Single phase ii) Three phase
C. Composite system i) Single phase AC-DC ii) single phase-Three phase
7. What are the advantages of electric traction?
1. High starting torque
2. Less maintenance cost
3. Cheapest method of traction
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4. Rapid acceleration and braking

5. Less vibration
6. Coefficient of adhesion is better
7. It has great passenger carrying capacity at higher speed.
8. What are the disadvantages of electric traction?
1. High capital cost
2. Problem of supply failure
3. Additional equipment is required for achieving electric braking and control
4. The leakage of current from the distribution mains and drop of volts in the track are
to be kept within the prescribed limits.
5. The electrically operated vehicles have to move on guided track only. .
9. What are the essential features (electrical) of an ideal traction motor
 High starting torque.
 Series speed torque characteristics
 Simple speed control
 Possibility of regenerative braking
10. What are the recent trends in electric traction?
Development of practical electric vehicles has been completed. Motor selection becomes clear,
Battery trend becomes also clear and components are almost completed.
11. Define average speed ,scheduled speed and crest speed of a train.
It is defined as the maximum speed attained by the vehicle during the run..
Average speed is the ratio of distance between two consecutive stations to time taken to travel
the distance,
Scheduled speed is the ratio of distance between two consecutive stations to total time taken
for moving including the time for stops.
12. Define gear ratio. [Nov-2017]
The ratio of the angular speed of the initial or driving member of a gear train or equivalent
mechanism to that of the final or driven member.
13. Define dead weight, adhesive weight.
1. Dead weight
2. The total weight of locomotive and train to be pulled by the locomotive is known as
dead weight.
3. Adhesive weight
4. The total weight to be carried on the driving wheels is known as the adhesive weight.

14. What is tractive effort?

 The effective force necessary to propel the train at the wheels of the locomotive to which the
motor is geared is called the geared effort. It is measured in Newton and is tangential to the
driving wheels.
 Total tractive effort required to run a train on track = Tractive effort to produce acceleration
+ Tractive effort to overcome effect of gravity + Tractive effort to overcome train
15. What are the factors affecting energy consumption?
 The various factors affecting energy consumption are
Distance between the stops
 The greater the distance between the stops, the lesser will be the specific energy
consumption for suburban service is 50 to 75 watts-hour/ ton-km and for main line service it
is between 18 to 32 watt T hour/ton-km.
Train resistance
 The train resistance depends upon the nature of track, speed of the train and shape of the
rolling stock, particularly the front and rear portions of the train. If the train resistance is
greater, the specific energy consumption is more.

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Acceleration and retardation

 If the acceleration and retardation increases, the specific energy consumption is increased.
 The steep gradients will involve more energy consumption though regenerative braking is
applied. Train equipment
 More efficient train equipment will reduce the specific energy consumption.
16. What are the basic requirements of braking system?
1. The basic requirements of a braking system are given below
2. It should be simple, robust, quick and reliable in action.
3. Easy to use for driver to operate.
4. Maintenance should be minimum.
5. The braking system should be inexhaustible.
 In case of emergency braking, safety consideration is taken into account.
 Kinetic energy of the train must be storable during braking which could be used subsequently
during acceleration of the train.
17. What are the advantages of microprocessor based control of traction motors?
The advantages of microprocessor based drives are
1. High speed of response
2. High accuracy
3. Over voltage and over speed protection.
4. Electronic interlocking
5. Less sensitive to temperature variations and drift.
6. Numbers of components used are less.
18. Name the factors governing the selection of a motor for a particular purpose.
1. Mechanical output required
2. Electrical input required
3. Environment
4. Cost
5. Electrical characteristics
6. Mechanical characteristic
7. Size and rating
19. What is load equalization?
 When heavy load is applied, the motor speed decreases and flywheel will supply kinetic
energy to the motor. During light load condition, the motor speed increases and the flywheel
stores the energy. Thus the load on the motor is equalized.
 So we define load equalization as “during the operation of drives, load torque fluctuates
widely within shot intervals of time this may cause more problems and affect the stability of
the drive.
These problems of fluctuating loads are overcome by mounting a flywheel on the motor shaft in
non-reversible drives”. This process is knownas load equalization.
20. What is meant by specific energy consumption
 The energy input to the motors which gives tractive effort is called the energy consumption
of the train, since it is the energy consumed for propelling the train.
 The total energy drawn from the distribution system will be greater than this by the quantity
required for lighting, heating, and control and braking.
21. What are the advantages of individual drive? [ CO1 – L1 - NOV /DEC 2008]
 The advantages are
 If there is a fault in one motor, the effect on the production or output of the
 industry will not be appreciable
 Machines can be located at convenient places
22. List two merits of series-parallel starting of traction motors.

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 Efficiency is more
 Without wasting energy, more than one economical speed is possible
 The energy lost in the starting resistance is low
23. What are the factors affecting specific energy consumption
 Distance between the stops
 Train resistance
 Acceleration and retardation
 Gradient
 Type of train equipment.
Continuity in the production of the industry is ensured to a higher degree.
24. State the merits and de merits of electrical braking.
Less maintenance
No dirt
Regenerative braking
Possible Demerits:
Motor should have suitable braking characteristics.
No holding torque
During failure of supply mechanical braking needed
25. Give the merits and demerits of group drive.
Initial cost of installing the drive is low
In certain industry processes one process is connected to another process and it will be
advantageous if all these interconnected processes are stopped simultaneously.
If at certain instance all the machines are not in operation, then the motor will be working at low
It is not possible to install any machine at a distance place.
The possibility of installation of additional machines in an existing industry is limited
26. With respect to the traction systems, explain the term ‘free running’
There are five distinct periods in the running of train
Notching up period
Acceleration period
Free running period
Coasting period
Braking period
In traction system, free running is the status of train run which indicates the train runs at constant
speed attained at the end of speed curve running.
Free running period: During this period on level track the power output from the driving axle
balances the rate at which energy is expended against the resistance to motion. At the end of speed
curve running train reaches maximum speed
27. What is the voltage level used in traction distribution network?
DC system: 1500 V to 3000 V (AC source is 33KV)
25 KV single phase AC systems: voltage level used to 300V to 400 V at 25 or 16.67 Hz
Three phase system: voltage level used is 300 V to 3600V at normal frequency or 16.67 Hz
Finally the distribution network is fed at voltage varying between 15Kv to
25Kv at normal frequency at 50Hz.The ac supply is stepped down and converted to dc.
28. What type of motor is used for electric traction? Why?
Series and compound motors are employed in d.c traction systems.
D.C series motor
High starting torque

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Simple speed control

Better commutation up to twice full load
Simple and robust in construction
Less susceptible to variations in supply voltage
Capable of withstanding excessive loads.
These motors are more particularly suitable for suburban and urban services where
high rate of acceleration is essential.
A.C Series Motor Many single phase a.c. motors have been developed for traction
purposes but only compensated series type commutator motor is best suited for
traction. Single phase induction motors are not capable of developing high starting
torque hence it is not used.
Higher efficiency
Improved commutation
The weight per kw output is greater for the higher frequency because of larger dimensions of the
Efficient speed control of motor by providing taps on a transformer which is not possible in d.c
series motor.
These motors are used for main line services. These are not suitable for urban and sub urban
services because of low starting torque and poor power factor at start.
29. Why is induction motor commonly preferred drive industrial application
Though three-phase induction motors have the advantages of simple and robust construction,
high voltage operation, less maintenance etc., they are commonly used for industrial application
due to their flat speed torque characteristics, constant speed operation, and low starting torque.
Advantages of AC 3 phase induction motors.
It has very simple and extremely rugged, almost unbreakable construction especially squirrel
cage type.
Its cost Is low and it is very reliable
It has sufficiently high efficiency. In normal running condition, no brushes are needed, hence
frictional losses are reduced. It has a reasonably good power factor
It requires minimum maintenance it start up from rest and needs no extra starting motor and has
not to be synchronized. Its starting arrangement is simple especially for squirrel cage type motor.

Dr.Pauls Engineering College EEE Department

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