Garbage Management Plan Placard Template

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Garbage Placard


The MARPOL Convention and domestic law prohibit the discharge of most garbage from ships. Only the following
garbage types are allowed to be discharged and under the specified conditions.

Outside special areas designated under MARPOL Annex V and Arctic waters:

 Comminuted or ground food wastes (capable of passing through a screen with openings no larger than 25 mm)
may be discharged not less than 3 nm from the nearest land.
 Other food wastes may be discharged not less than 12 nm from the nearest land.
 Cargo residues classified as not harmful to the marine environment may be discharged not less than 12 nm from
the nearest land.
 Cleaning agents or additives in cargo hold, deck and external surfaces washing water may be discharged only if
they are not harmful to the marine environment.
 With the exception of discharging cleaning agents or additives that are not harmful to the marine environment and
are contained in washing water, the ship must be en route and as far as practicable from the nearest land.

Within special areas designated under MARPOL Annex V and Arctic waters:

 More stringent discharge requirements apply for the discharges of food wastes and cargo residues; AND
 Consult MARPOL Annex V, chapter 5 of part II-A of the Polar Code and the shipboard garbage management plan
for details.

For all areas of the sea, ships carrying specialized cargoes such as live animals or solid bulk cargoes should consult
Annex V and the associated Guidelines for the implementation of Annex V.

Discharge of any type of garbage must be entered in the Garbage Record Book. Violation of these requirements
may result in penalties.

*The PLACARD shall be posted at: Officer’s Mess Room, Rating’s Mess Room, Bridge, ECR, Galley, Garbage Collection area
**As per requirements of MARPOL Annex V, MEPC.295(71).

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