Role of Zinc in Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)

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Review article

Role of Zinc in Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)

Nawaz R
The ORION Medical Journal 2002 Sep;13:20-21

IUGR has great significance as it has Risk factors of intrauterine growth
ramification on maternal health, fetal well retardation2
being, neonatal problem and long term infant Maternal Risk Factors
sequelae. Each year 30 million infants in the Anemia, malnutrition, chronic hypertension,
developing world are born with IUGR, leading cyanotic heart disease, pregnancy induced
to low weight at birth1. It is hence important that hypertension, diabetesmellitus with
IUGR should be recognized earlier, the vasculopathy, alcohol, smoking.
underlying maternal fetal condition should be
treated vigorously and it should be ensured that Fetal risk factors
the neonate is not only born alive but also born Genetic disorders, chromosomal abnormalities,
in good condition. Of the different methods of congenital anomalies,
management of these features, the zinc has got
some roles in presenting the development of Fetal infections uteroplacental risk factors
fetal growth retardation and continuing to Pre eclamsia (PE), placental abruption.
maintain the well being of these fetuses.
Types of IUGR
Definition Symmetrical IUGR (20% to 30%)
The most common definition of IUGR is the Decreased growth potential, early in gestation,
weight of the fetus below 10th percentile for fetus is proportionally small, all biometry is
gestational age or a birth weight 2nd standard below the 10th percentile for gestational age,
deviation below the mean for gestational age. ponderal index is normal.

Ponderal index is used to identify a neonate who Asymmetrical IUGR (70% to 80%)
has loss of subcutaneous tissue and muscle mass Restricted growth usually occurs after 28 weeks,
even though the birth weight is normal for head growth remains normal while abdominal
gestation age. growth slows down, low ponderal index.

P.I. = Birth weight X 100(crown heel length). A Diagnosis

Ponderal index below the 10th percentile To make the diagnosis the gestational age needs
indicates IUGR. to be known with the greatest possible accuracy.

Incidence Clinically
IUGR affecting 3% to 7% of all deliveries. The superficial fundal height (SFH) is used as a
gross screening method for IUGR. Uterine size
Associated mortality and morbidity < dates using a cutoff of > 3cm discrepancy
Fetal growth retardation is one of the 3 major detect at best 30% of affected pregnancy. The
causes of perinatal death. Associated morbidity presence of oligohydramnios is useful in
are birth asphyxia, neonatal hypoglycemia, detecting frank IUGR.
hypocalcaemia, polycythemia, meconium
aspiration and persistent fetal circulation. Ultrasonogram findings
Placental grade - At term only 20% of placentas
1. Dr. Rafat Nawaz, MBBS, MRCOG, are classified as grade 3, and it increases to 45%
FRCOG, Asst. Professor, Dept of Gyne and by 42 weeks.The appearance of this grade 3
Obs, DMCH.
The ORION Vol. 13, September 2002
Review article

placenta prior to 35 weeks has a positive occurs. Moreover zinc is essential for normal
predictive value 59% of IUGR. embryonic development. Deficiency results in
Other USG findings suggestive of IUGR are malformations of the brain, eyes, bones, heart
elevated FL/AC, small BPD, low estimated fetal and other organs. The survival of embryo is
weight, decreased amniotic fluid volume and placed at risk when zinc intake is reduced even
elevated HC/AC. for a period of days particularly in the first
Doppler blood flow studies
Serial umbilical and uterine blood flow studies It has been well known that zinc deficiency in
are more useful in predicting IUGR. The pregnant woman cause fetal growth retardation.
pulsatility index (PI) is defined as the systolic Kirksey et al revealed a significant correlation
velocity/ diastolic velocity or S:D ratio. The S:D between maternal plasma zinc conc. measured
ratio normally decreases with gestational age. at midpregnancy and birth weight.4 Negger et al
But in IUGR, PI increases. In IUGR there are reported that the prevalence of low birth weight
also decreased diastolic velocity flow and this infants was significantly higher (eight times)
flow may also be reversed. among women with serum zinc conc. in the
lowest quartile in early pregnancy, independent
Management of other risk factors.
Once the IUGR fetus is detected, the pregnancy
should be monitored clinically, by regular USG An estimated distribution of zinc required by a
and CTG and if possible by a serial Doppler woman to meet their normal needs during
blood flow studies of uterine and umbilical pregnancy of 11.5 ± 1.75 mg/d (based on the US
arteries. RDA) it can be estimated that 82% of pregnant
women worldwide likely to have inadequate
Delivery is advised once the maturity is reached. intakes of zinc.5

Role of Zinc From the above point of view the zinc is

Zinc is involved in more than 300 enzymes and therefore essential not only for normal
acts a stabilizer in molecular structure of the embryonic development but also for normal
subcellular constituents and membranes. Zinc growth of the fetus.
participates in the synthesis and degradation of
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. References
It also plays an essential role in the process of 1. JAEA Bulletin 43/3/2001
genetic expressions. 2. Rece EA, Hagay Z, prenatal diagnosis of
Deviant Fetal Growth In Medicine of the fetus
Fetal growth normally occurs in three phases. In and Mother 1992. J.P. hippincott Co.
phase-I there is only cellular hyperplasia, and 3. Harrison's P491
this phase lasts up to 16th weeks of gestation. In 4. Kirksey A, Wachs TD, Yunis F, et al.
phase-II there are both hyperplasia and Relation of maternal zinc nutrition to pregnancy
hypertrophy of cells, and this continues up to 32 outer development in an Egyptian village,
weeks. In phase-III there is only hypertrophy Am J Clin Nutr. 1994; 60:782-792.
and it continues till term. 5. Am J clinical Nutrition 1998 - Vo (vol 68 P-
Zinc deficiency leads to failure of these cells to
divide and subsequently impairment of growth

The ORION Vol. 13, September 2002

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