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Hypertension. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 June 01.
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Published in final edited form as:

Hypertension. 2015 June ; 65(6): 1307–1315. doi:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.05314.

Hypoxia-independent up-regulation of placental HIF-1α gene

expression contributes to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia
Takayuki Iriyama1,5, Wei Wang1,4, Nicholas F. Parchim1,3, Anren Song1, Sean C. Blackwell2,
Baha M. Sibai2, Rodney E Kellems1,3, and Yang Xia1,3,4
1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Texas Medical School at
Houston, Houston, TX, 77030
Author Manuscript

2Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, The University of Texas

Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, 77030
3Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston, Houston, TX, 77030
4Department of Nephrology, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha, Hunan
410013, P.R.China
5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo,

Author Manuscript

Accumulation of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) is commonly an acute and beneficial

response to hypoxia, while chronically elevated HIF-1α is associated with multiple disease
conditions including preeclampsia (PE), a serious hypertensive disease of pregnancy. However, the
molecular basis underlying the persistent elevation of placental HIF-1α in PE and its role in the
pathogenesis of PE are poorly understood. Here we report that Hif-1α mRNA and HIF-1± protein
were elevated in the placentas of pregnant mice infused with angiotensin II type I receptor
agonistic autoantibody (AT1-AA), a pathogenic factor in PE. Knockdown of placental Hif-1α
mRNA by specific siRNA significantly attenuated hallmark features of PE induced by AT1-AA in
pregnant mice including hypertension, proteinuria, kidney damage, impaired placental vasculature,
and elevated maternal circulating soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) levels. Next, we
discovered that Hif-1α mRNA levels and HIF-1± protein levels were induced in an independent
PE model with infusion of the inflammatory cytokine LIGHT (tumor necrosis factor superfamily
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member 14). SiRNA knockdown experiments also demonstrated that elevated HIF-1α contributed
to LIGHT-induced PE features. Translational studies with human placentas showed that AT1-AA
or LIGHT is capable of inducing HIF-1α in a hypoxia-independent manner. Moreover, increased
HIF-1α was found to be responsible for AT1-AA or LIGHT-induced elevation of Flt-1 gene
expression and production of sFlt-1 in human villous explants. Overall, we demonstrated that
hypoxia-independent stimulation of HIF-1α gene expression in the placenta is a common

Correspondence: Yang Xia, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical School at Houston. Tel:
713-500-5039/ Fax: 713-500-0652/ [email protected].
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pathogenic mechanism promoting disease progression. Our findings reveal new insight to PE and
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highlight novel therapeutic possibilities for the disease.

preeclampsia; hypoxia inducible factor-1α; angiotensin II type I receptor agonistic autoantibody;
tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 14; soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1

Preeclampsia (PE) is a life threating hypertensive complication of pregnancy and is a leading
causes of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality1, 2. Despite intensive research
efforts and several large clinical trials, current strategies for managing PE remain inadequate
and are limited to symptomatic therapy or the termination of pregnancy. Thus, uncovering
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novel factors and signaling pathways that contribute to the pathogenesis of PE are needed
for the establishment of mechanism-based preventative and therapeutic strategies to improve
the prognosis of the disease.

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is a key transcription factor that plays a central role in
the cellular response to low oxygen tension under physiologic and pathologic conditions3, 4.
HIF-1α is a heterodimer consisting of two subunits, α and β. Although HIF-1β is
constitutively expressed, HIF-1α levels are precisely regulated by post-translational
modification depending on oxygen tension. HIF-1α is rapidly degraded under normoxic
conditions, but quickly stabilized when oxygen availability is reduced. Thus, hypoxia-
induced HIF-1α is usually transient and brief at the protein level4. A variety of studies have
shown that women with PE are characterized by persistently elevated placental HIF-1α
Author Manuscript

levels that promote enhanced transcription of genes encoding soluble fms-like tyrosine
kinase-1 (sFlt-1), soluble endoglin (sEng) and endothelin-1 (ET-1), all known to contribute
to PE5–7. However, the molecular basis underlying prolonged elevated placental HIF-1α in
PE and the pathological role of sustained elevated HIF-1α in PE are largely unknown.

Numerous recent studies have shown that HIF-1α levels can be regulated by means that are
independent of hypoxia8. For example, angiotensin II and the inflammatory cytokines TNF
and IL-6 induce HIF-1α gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells, kidney cells and
hepatocytes, respectively9–11. Multiple studies have revealed that inflammatory cytokines
and autoantibodies are elevated in PE patients and contribute to pathophysiology PE12–14.
For example, early studies showed that injection or infusion of pathogenic autoantibodies
such as the angiotensin II type 1 receptor agonistic autoantibody (AT1-AA) or the
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inflammatory cytokine LIGHT into pregnant mice results in features of PE including

hypertension, proteinuria, placental abnormalities, and increased circulating soluble fms-like
tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), soluble endoglin, and endothelin-114–16. Thus, we hypothesized
that the pathogenic autoantibody, AT1-AA, and the inflammatory cytokine, LIGHT,
stimulate placental HIF-1α production and in this way contribute to features of PE. Here we
conducted both mouse and human studies to assess these hypotheses.

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For detailed descriptions, refer to the Methods section in the online-only Data Supplement.

Increased placental HIF-1α contributes to the development of PE features in an
autoantibody-injection model of PE in pregnant mice
In order to examine a potential role of elevated HIF-1α in PE, we took advantage of an
experimental model of PE in mice induced by the injection of patient-derived-IgG (PE-IgG)
known to contain the pathogenic autoantibodies, AT1-AA17. We found that Hif-1α gene
expression was induced significantly in the placentas of mice injected with PE-IgG
compared to the pregnant mice injected with IgG from normotensive pregnant women (NT-
IgG) (Figure 1A). In contrast, no significant difference was observed in the kidneys between
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PE-IgG and NT-IgG-injected pregnant mice (Figure S1). We also confirmed that PE-IgG
induced the elevation of placental HIF-1α expression at the protein level by immunoblotting
(Figure 1B). Additionally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the PE-IgG induced
elevation of HIF-1α protein expression throughout the placenta (Figure 1C and Figure 1D).
In addition, the PE-IgG-induced elevation of placental HIF-1α expression was almost
completely inhibited when PE-IgG was coinjected with losartan, an angiotensin II type 1
receptor (AT1R) blocker, or with the autoantibody-neutralizing 7 amino acid epitope peptide
(Figure 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D). These results indicate that the elevation of placental HIF-1α
resulting from injection PE-IgG was due to the activation of AT1Rs by AT1-AA.

Global HIF-1α-deficient mice die in midgestation from cardiac and vascular

malformation18. This embryonic lethality makes it difficult to examine the in vivo role of
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HIF-1α. To determine the pathophysiologic significance for PE-IgG-induced placental

HIF-1α expression we conducted siRNA-induced in vivo knockdown of Hif-1α mRNA.
Briefly, siRNA-encapsulated nanoparticles were injected into pregnant mice on E13.5 and
E14.5, together with PE-IgG to specifically knockdown Hif-1α mRNA levels. As shown in
Figure 2A, placental Hif-1α mRNA levels were successfully down-regulated in Hif-1α
siRNA-injected mice compared with control scrambled siRNA-injected mice. We also
confirmed the reduction of HIF-1α protein expression levels in the placentas of Hif-1α
siRNA-injected mice by immunoblotting (Figure S2). As a result of in vivo knockdown of
Hif-1α mRNA, we found that PE-IgG-induced diagnostic features of PE, hypertension and
proteinuria, were significantly reduced compared with control siRNA-injected mice (Figure
2B and Figure 2C). Histologic analysis of mouse kidneys revealed that PE-IgG-induced
pathologic changes seen in the glomeruli of control siRNA-injected mice (i.e., swollen
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glomeruli with narrowed capillary and Bowman’s spaces) were attenuated in the kidneys of
Hif-1α siRNA-injected mice (Figure 2D). Additionally, we found that placentas of Hif-1α
siRNA-injected mice displayed significantly less tissue damage including placental
calcifications, a hallmark of placental distress observed in placentas of PE patients, as
compared with those of control siRNA-injected mice (Figure S3). Moreover, we examined
placental vasculature using CD31 staining. As a result, PE-IgG-induced disorganized and
impaired vasculature in the labyrinthine zone of control siRNA-injected mice (low density of

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CD31-positive vessels and narrowed capillary spaces) was attenuated in the placentas of
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Hif-1α siRNA-injected mice (Figure 2E).

The Flt-1 gene is a direct transcriptional target of HIF-1α19. A splice variant encodes soluble
Flt-1 (sFlt-1), an antiangiogenic factor secreted by the placenta into the maternal circulation,
that is believed to contribute to the development of systemic endothelial dysfunction,
hypertension and multi-organ damage, including the kidneys in PE patients20. As such, we
also found that Hif-1α mRNA knockdown in vivo suppressed the PE-IgG-induced elevation
of Flt-1 mRNA in the placenta, as well as circulating sFlt-1 levels (Figure 2F and Figure
2G). These results provide in vivo evidence that the induction of HIF-1α in the placenta
contributes to the development of pathogenic autoantibody-induced features of PE and is
also involved in the increased sFlt-1 production.

Elevated HIF-1α contributes to the development of LIGHT-induced PE features

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Emerging evidence indicates that an increased inflammatory response is involved in

PE12, 13. Supporting this concept, a recent study showed that a member of the TNF
superfamily, LIGHT, is elevated in the circulation and placentas of PE patients and that the
injection of LIGHT into pregnant mice induces features of PE including the overproduction
of sFlt-115. The following experiments were conducted to determine whether elevated
HIF-1α contributes to LIGHT-induced PE features in pregnant mice. We found that LIGHT
injection into pregnant mice resulted in increased levels of Hif-1α mRNA in placentas
(Figure 3A) but not in kidneys (Figure S1). Next, we found that LIGHT-induced placental
Hif-1α mRNA levels were significantly reduced by neutralizing antibodies specific for
LIGHT receptors: lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR) and herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM)
(Figure 3A). These results indicated that LIGHT signaling via its receptors induced placental
Hif-1α gene expression.
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To assess whether elevated HIF-1α in the placenta plays a detrimental role in the LIGHT-
induced PE development as it does in PE-IgG-injected mice, we conducted in vivo knock-
down of Hif-1α mRNA by injecting Hif-1α siRNA-encapsulated nanoparticles, together
with LIGHT, into pregnant mice. Hif-1α siRNA injection successfully reduced the levels of
placental Hif-1α mRNA compared with those of control siRNA-injected mice (Figure 3A).
Moreover, preeclamptic features induced by LIGHT injection (hypertension and proteinuria)
were attenuated significantly in Hif-1α siRNA-injected pregnant mice compared with
control siRNA-injected pregnant mice (Figure 3B and Figure 3C). Additionally we found
that Hif-1α mRNA knockdown attenuated the PE-IgG-induced elevation of Flt-1 mRNA
levels, as well as circulating sFlt-1 protein (Figure 3D and Figure 3E). These findings
indicate that placental elevated HIF-1α contributes to the development of PE features in the
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LIGHT-induced experimental model of PE.

HIF-1α is elevated in placentas of PE patients and AT1-AA or LIGHT directly induces

HIF-1α expression in cultured human placental villous explants independent of hypoxia
To extend our mouse findings to humans, we determined that the expression of HIF-1α was
elevated in placentas of PE patients at both mRNA and protein levels compared to those of
normotensive pregnant women (Figure 4A, 4B, and 4C). To determine whether AT1-AA or

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LIGHT can directly induce HIF-1α gene expression in the human placenta independent of
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hypoxia, we used primary human placental villous explants isolated from normotensive
pregnant women. We cultured human villous explants treated with PE-IgG, NT-IgG or
LIGHT under ambient oxygen levels. We found that PE-IgG significantly induced HIF-1α
mRNA levels compared to the NT-IgG-treated human villous explants and the induction was
significantly reduced by co-treatment with losartan to inhibit AT1R activation or 7 amino
acid epitope peptide to neutralize AT1-AA (Figure 4D). Similarly, we found that treatment of
cultured villous explants with LIGHT resulted in increased HIF-1α mRNA levels compared
to the controls (Figure 4E). Additionally, we also confirmed that PE-IgG or LIGHT induced
the elevation of HIF-1α protein (Figure 4F). Thus, these results indicate that AT1-AA and
LIGHT are capable of directly inducing HIF-1α gene expression in cultured human villous
explants independent of hypoxia.

AT1-AA or LIGHT-induced HIF-1α promotes FLT-1 gene expression and subsequent sFlt-1
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secretion in human villous explants independent of hypoxia

We examined whether PE-IgG or LIGHT-induced HIF-1α is capable of promoting Flt-1
gene expression and subsequent sFlt-1 production in human placentas independent of
hypoxia. To test this possibility, we treated human villous explants under ambient oxygen
levels with PE-IgG or LIGHT in the presence or absence of CAY10585, a specific HIF-1α
inhibitor. First, we confirmed that the elevation of HIF-1α induced by PE-IgG or LIGHT
was suppressed by the treatment of CAY10585 (Figure 5A). We found that Flt-1 mRNA
levels and amount of secreted sFlt-1 were increased by the treatment of human villous
explants with PE-IgG or LIGHT (Figure 5B and Figure 5C). In contrast, treatment with a
HIF-1α inhibitor, CAY10585, significantly reduced PE-IgG or LIGHT-induced Flt-1 gene
expression and sFlt-1 production (Figure 5B and Figure 5C). To further validate the role of
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HIF-1α for Flt-1 gene induction and subsequent sFlt-1 production induced by PE-IgG or
LIGHT, we conducted HIF-1α mRNA knockdown in human villous explants. We confirmed
that the elevation of HIF-1α induced by PE-IgG or LIGHT was successfully down-regulated
by the treatment of HIF-1α siRNA compared with control scrambled siRNA-treated group
(Figure 5D). The increase in Flt-1 mRNA levels and the amount of secreted sFlt-1 induced
by PE-IgG or LIGHT were significantly suppressed by the knockdown of HIF-1α mRNA in
human villous explants (Figure 5E and Figure 5F). These results indicate that PE-IgG or
LIGHT directly induces FLT-1 gene expression in a HIF-1α-dependent manner in cultured
human villous explants independent of hypoxia.

Here we report that Hif-1α mRNA and HIF-1α protein levels were elevated in the placentas
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of two independent animal models of PE, based on the injection with AT1-AA or LIGHT.
We also showed that specific siRNA knockdown of Hif-1α mRNA attenuated hallmark
features of PE including hypertension, proteinuria, kidney damage, impaired placental
vasculature, and maternal elevated circulating sFlt-1 in both PE mouse models. These results
indicate that increased HIF-1α gene expression is a common pathogenic factor contributing
to PE. Extending animal studies to humans, we confirmed that HIF-1α mRNA and HIF-1α
protein levels were elevated in the placentas of PE patients. Using human villous explant

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cultures under non-hypoxic conditions, we showed that AT1-AA or LIGHT-induced HIF-1α

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mRNA and HIF-1α protein levels resulting in elevated FLT-1 mRNA levels and increased
sFlt-1 secretion in a hypoxia-independent manner. Overall, we provide both in vivo animal
studies and in vitro human evidence showing the pathogenic role of elevated HIF-1α gene
expression in PE and hypoxia-independent mechanisms underlying its elevation in the

Numerous early studies showed that HIF-1α can be induced by non-hypoxic stimuli in
various cell types6. For example, studies in vascular smooth muscle cells showed that
angiotensin II (Ang II) stimulates HIF-1α production by a protein kinase C-mediated
transcriptional activation of the HIF-1α gene expression and by a reactive oxygen species-
dependent mechanism leading to enhanced translation of HIF-1α mRNA10, 21. In this case,
Ang II induces HIF-1α protein leading to an increase in vascular endothelial growth factor
gene expression. Other studies have shown that Ang II induces HIF-1α mRNA production in
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renal glomerular cells22. Women with PE harbor autoantibodies (AT1-AA) that mimic the
action of Ang II, and activate the major angiotensin receptor, AT1R. These pathogenic
autoantibodies may serve as hypoxia-independent factors leading to the increased production
of HIF-1α observed in placentas of women with PE. Supporting our hypothesis, we have
provided human in vitro studies showing that purified PE-IgG, which contains AT1-AA,
activates AT1Rs resulting in the induction of HIF-1α gene expression under non-hypoxic
conditions. Additionally, we demonstrated that HIF-1α expression is induced significantly in
the placentas of mice injected with PE-IgG. We realize that the PE-IgG used in our
experiment is a complex mixture of immunoglobulins that is likely to contain other
autoantibodies. However, we have shown in prior publications that the same effects are seen
when AT1-AA is specifically purified by affinity chromatography17. Furthermore, the PE-
IgG or affinity purified AT1-AA-induced PE features are blocked by losartan or the 7aa
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epitope peptide, indicating that the effects are mediated by interaction with the specific
epitope on the AT1 receptor. Our results are also in good agreement with those Wenzel et al.
who showed that pregnant rats infused with a rabbit antibody that activates AT1Rs resulted
in elevated HIF-1α in rat placentas23. Our current study has provided human and mouse
evidence that the activation of AT1Rs by AT1-AA induces HIF-1α gene expression in the
placenta, and thereby contributing to the development of PE.

A growing body of studies indicate that PE is characterized by increased circulating levels of

proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17 and LIGHT12, 13, 15. A
pathologic role for these cytokines is supported by experimental evidence showing that
infusion of these cytokines into pregnant rodents produces features of PE, including the
production of AT1-AA15, 16. These results suggest that the elevation of inflammatory
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cytokines is an early event in the development of PE, and functions upstream of AT1-AA
production. Additional evidence shows that inflammatory cytokines induce HIF-1α under
non-hypoxic conditions6. For example, TNF-α and IL-1β activate HIF-1α gene expression in
human hepatoma cells24. TNF-α increases HIF-1α mRNA levels as well as its target genes
GLUT-1 and GLUT-3 in HEK293 cells9. IL-6 induces both HIF-1α mRNA and HIF-1α
protein levels, and the expression of the HIF-1α target gene, erythropoietin, in
hepatocytes11. IL-1β induces HIF-1α-mediated VEGF secretion in trophoblast cells25. Thus,
a pathogenic role for HIF-1α in response to elevated inflammatory cytokines associated with

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PE may be an important contributor to disease pathogenesis. However, a role for HIF-1α in

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increased inflammatory cytokine-induced features in PE was not recognized prior to the

results of our experiments reported here with the inflammatory cytokine, LIGHT. As a
member of the TNF superfamily, LIGHT is known to be elevated and contributes to PE
features in pregnant mice15. As with AT1-AA, we have shown here that infusion of LIGHT
stimulates production of HIF-1α in placentas of pregnant mice and in human villous
explants independent of hypoxia. The increased levels of HIF-1α stimulate the
transcriptional activation of the Flt-1 gene, thereby providing for excessive sFlt-1 production
leading to the features of PE. Our data represent the first in vivo animal evidence showing
the pathologic role of HIF-1α in inflammatory cytokine-induced PE pathophysiology.

Hypoxia is known to induce HIF-1α transiently, largely as a result of protein stabilization26.

However, how HIF-1α remains persistently elevated in the placenta in the setting of PE was
previously unknown and the role of HIF-1α in PE remained unclear. Here we provide both
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in vivo animal and in vitro human evidence that AT1-AA and LIGHT are two hypoxia-
independent factors that stimulate Hif-1α gene expression resulting in subsequent HIF-1α-
mediated activation of Flt-1 gene expression. Our studies support a working model (Figure
5G) in which AT1-AA or LIGHT-induced HIF-1α expression in placental trophoblasts is
followed by HIF-1α-mediated induction of Flt-1 gene expression and subsequent sFlt-1
production independent of hypoxia. Considerable evidence now indicates that elevated
production of sFlt-1 plays a pathogenic role in PE20. Thus, interfering with persistently
elevated HIF-1α is likely to reduce the overproduction of sFlt-1 and slow the progression of
the disease (Figure 5G).

In conclusion, our current studies have added significant new insight to the pathogenesis of
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PE by identifying the detrimental role of chronic elevated placental HIF-1α initially

triggered by hypoxia-independent factors, a pathogenic autoantibody and an inflammatory
cytokine. Chronically elevated placental HIF-1α promotes excessive sFlt-1 production and
disease progression. Supporting this working model, we demonstrated that reducing elevated
HIF-1α by siRNA-induced mRNA knockdown successfully halted HIF-1α-induced sFlt-1
production and prevented disease development in two independent mouse models of PE in
vivo. Altogether, these findings suggest that HIF-1α suppression may serve as a target for
pharmacological intervention for PE.

Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
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Sources of funding

This work was supported by National Institute of Health Grants HL119549 (to YX), RC4HD067977 and HD34130
(to YX and REK), and by China National Science Foundation 81228004 (to YX).

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Novelty and significance

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What is new?

• HIF-1α gene expression and protein levels were induced in the placentas of two
independent animal models of PE infused with AT1-AA or LIGHT.

• In vivo knockdown of HIF-1α gene expression using siRNA attenuated hallmark

features of PE including hypertension, proteinuria, kidney damage, impaired
placental vasculature, and maternal elevated circulating sFlt-1 in both PE mouse

• Using human villous explant culture, we found that AT1-AA or LIGHT directly
induced HIF-1α gene expression and upregulated HIF-1α was responsible for
AT1-AA or LIGHT-induced elevation of Flt-1 gene expression and the
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production of sFlt-1 independent of hypoxia.

What is relevant?
Our current studies have provided new insight to the pathogenesis of PE by identifying
the detrimental role of chronically elevated placental HIF-1α initially triggered by
hypoxia-independent factors. Additionally, our discoveries indicate therapeutic
possibilities targeting HIF-1α.

We have provided both mouse and human evidence that increased HIF-1α in the placenta
plays a general pathologic role in the pathogenesis of PE induced by a pathogenic
autoantibody or an inflammatory cytokine. Our findings highlight novel therapeutic
possibilities for PE.
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Figure 1. HIF-1α is increased in placentas of AT1-AA-treated mice via AT1R activation

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Pregnant mice were injected with purified IgG from normotensive pregnant women (NT-
IgG) or PE patients (PE-IgG) on E13.5 and E14.5. Losartan (Los), an angiotensin II receptor
antagonist, or autoantibody-neutralizing 7 amino acid epitope peptide (7aa) were in some
cases co-injected with PE-IgG. Samples were collected on E18.5.
(A) Placental Hif-α mRNA expression was quantified by real-time RT-PCR. (NT-IgG; n=6
mice, PE-IgG; n=7, PE-IgG+Los; n=4, PE-IgG+7aa; n=4), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG, ##P<0.01
vs PE-IgG)

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(B) Increase in placental HIF-1α protein level in mice injected with PE-IgG was detected by
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(C) HIF-1α protein in mouse placentas detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Arrows
indicate the cells with positive staining in the nucleus. Scale bar, upper; 500µm, lower;
50µm. (Sp; spongiotrophoblast zone Lb; labyrinth zone)
(D) The positive staining for HIF-1α was quantified. (n=6 fields per placenta under ×100
magnification; 4 mice per group), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG, #P<0.05, ##P<0.01 vs PE-IgG)
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Fig. 2. In vivo specific knockdown of Hif-1α mRNA prevents the development of PE features
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induced by AT1-AA
In vivo siRNA-mediated Hif-1α mRNA knockdown was performed.
(A) The levels of Hif-1α mRNA in mouse placentas were quantified by real-time RT-PCR.
(n=6 mice per group), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG, ##P<0.01 vs PE-IgG+control siRNA)
(B) Blood pressure was measured by tail-cuff plethysmography on a daily base. (n=6 mice
per group), (*P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs NT-IgG, ##P<0.01 vs PE-IgG+control siRNA at the same
time points)

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(C) Proteinuria was determined as urine albumin to creatinine ratio by ELISA. (n=6 mice
per group), (*P<0.05 vs NT-IgG, ##P<0.01 vs PE-IgG+control siRNA)
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(D) Renal histology assessed by PAS staining. Pathologic changes in kidneys of PE-IgG-
treated WT mice (swollen glomeruli with narrowed capillary and Bowman’s spaces) were
suppressed by siRNA knockdown of Hif-1α mRNA. Scale bar, 100µm.
(E) The staining of CD31, an endothelial cell marker, by immunohistochemistry (IHC) /
immunofluorescence (IF). Scale bar, 200µm.
(F) The levels of Flt-1 mRNA in mouse placentas were quantified by real-time RT-PCR.
(n=6 mice per group), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG, #P<0.05 vs PE-IgG+control siRNA)
(G) The levels of circulating sFlt-1 in mouse plasma were determined by ELISA. (n=6 mice
per group), (*P<0.05 vs NT-IgG, #P<0.05 vs PE-IgG+control siRNA)
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Fig. 3. Specific knockdown of mRNA in vivo suppresses the features of PE induced by LIGHT
Pregnant mice were injected with saline or LIGHT with or without neutralizing antibodies
against lymphotoxin β receptor (anti-LTβR) or herpes virus entry mediator (anti-HVEM) on
E13.5 and E14.5. Additionally, in vivo siRNA-mediated Hif-1α mRNA knock down was
conducted. Samples were collected on E18.5.
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(A) Placental Hif-1α mRNA levels were quantified using real-time RT-PCR. (n=4–7 mice
per group), (**P<0.01 vs saline, #P<0.05 vs LIGHT, ††P<0.01 vs LIGHT+control siRNA)
(B) Blood pressure was measured by tail-cuff plethysmography on a daily base. (n=5–6 mice
per group), (*P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs saline, ##P<0.01 vs LIGHT+control siRNA at the same
time points)
(C) Proteinuria was determined as urine albumin to creatinine ratio by ELISA. (n=5–6 mice
per group), (*P<0.05 vs saline, ##P<0.01 vs LIGHT+control siRNA)

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(D) Placental Flt-1 mRNA levels were quantified using real-time RT-PCR. (n=5–6 mice per
group), (**P<0.01 vs saline, #P<0.05 vs LIGHT + control siRNA)
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(E) The levels of circulating sFlt-1 in mouse plasma were determined by ELISA. (n=6–7
mice per group), (**P<0.01 vs saline, #P<0.05 vs LIGHT+control siRNA)
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Fig. 4. AT1-AA or LIGHT is capable of directly inducing HIF-1α gene expression in human
villous explants independent of hypoxia
(A) Placental HIF-1α mRNA levels, determined by real-time RT-PCR, were increased in
preeclampsia patients (PE) compared with normotensive pregnant women (NT). (n=10 per
group), (*P<0.05 vs NT)
(B) The elevated levels of HIF-1α protein in placentas of PE patients is detected by
immunohistochemistry. Scale bar, 200µm.
(C) The positive staining for HIF-1α was quantified. (n=6 fields per section under ×100
magnification; NT; n=4, PE; n=5), (*P<0.05 vs NT)
(D) Human villous explants were treated with 100µg/ml NT-IgG or PE-IgG for 24 hours in
the presence or absence of 5uM Losartan (Los) or 1uM autoantibody-neutralizing 7 amino
acid epitope peptide (7aa). HIF-1α mRNA levels were quantified using real-time RT-PCR.
(n=3 independent experiments), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG, ##P<0.01 vs PE-IgG)
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(E) HIF-1α mRNA levels in cultured human villous explants treated with 100pg/ml LIGHT
for 24 hours were quantified using real-time RT-PCR. (n=3 independent experiments),
(**P<0.01 vs saline injected mice)
(F) HIF-1α protein levels following treatment with IgG or LIGHT as described in D or E
was assessed by immunoblotting. (NS: non-specific bands)

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Fig. 5. HIF-1α is responsible for AT1-AA or LIGHT-induced elevation of Flt-1 gene expressioin
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and increased production of sFlt-1 in human villous explants independent of hypoxia

(A) HIF-1α protein levels in human villous explants detected by immunoblotting. Human
villous explants were pretreated with or without 10µM CAY10585 for 15 min and then
treated with 100µg/ml NT-IgG or PE-IgG or 100pg/ml LIGHT for 24 hours. Explants were
also treated with 10µM dimethyloxaloylglycine (DMOG), a prolyl hydroxylase (PHD)
inhibitor for 24 hours as a positive control.

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(B) FLT-1 mRNA levels were quantified using real-time RT-PCR. (n=4 independent
experiments), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG or PBS-treated group, #P<0.05, ##P<0.01 vs PE-IgG or
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LIGHT-treated group)
(C) Secreted sFLT-1 protein levels in the culture media were determined by ELISA. (n=5
independent experiments), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG or PBS-treated group, #P<0.05 vs PE-IgG
or LIGHT-treated group)
(D) Knockdown of HIF-1α in human villous explants. The explants were treated with
nanoparticle encapsulated control (con) -or HIF-1α-siRNA for 24 hours and then were
treated with NT- or PE-IgG (100µg /ml) or LIGHT (100 pg/mL) for 24 hours. HIF-1α
protein was assessed by immunoblotting.
(E) FLT-1 mRNA levels of human villous explants were quantified using real-time RT-PCR.
(n=4 independent experiments), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG or PBS+control
siRNA, #P<0.05, ##P<0.01 vs PE-IgG or LIGHT+ control siRNA group)
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(F) Secreted sFLT-1 protein levels in the culture media were determined by ELISA. (n=4
independent experiments), (**P<0.01 vs NT-IgG or PBS+control siRNA, ##P<0.01 vs PE-
IgG or LIGHT+ control siRNA group)
(G) Working model of our study. AT1-AA or LIGHT-induced HIF-1α production in
placental trophoblasts is followed by HIF-1α-mediated induction of FLT-1 gene expression
and subsequent sFLT-1 protein production independent of hypoxia. Persistent elevation of
HIF-1α causes chronic overproduction of sFLT-1 and contributes to impaired placental
vascular development, maternal endothelial dysfunction and disease progression.
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Hypertension. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 June 01.

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