TR 47-03 TR 47-03 - South African National Accreditation System

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TR 47-03



Approved By: Chief Executive Officer: Ron Josias

Accreditation Executive: Mpho Phaloane
Reviewed By: Specialist Technical Committee Members
Date of Approval: 2017-04-21
Date of Implementation: 2017-04-21

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1. Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................................. 3

2. References, Definitions and Abbreviations .......................................................................... 3
3. Environmental Requirements ............................................................................................... 4
4. General Requirements......................................................................................................... 5
5. Technical Requirements ...................................................................................................... 6

5.1 Calibration of Piston Pipettes ........................................................................................ 6

5.2 Calibration of Laboratory Glassware ............................................................................. 7
5.3 Calibration of Automated Pipettes ................................................................................ 8

6. Authorship ........................................................................................................................... 8

Appendix 1: Schedule of Accreditation..................................................................................... 9

Appendix 2: Cubic coefficients of expansion .......................................................................... 10
Addendum 1: Amendment Record ........................................................................................... 11

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1. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this document is to define the specific environmental, general and technical accreditation
criteria with which accredited bodies must comply including accredited calibration laboratories in the
discipline of volume metrology. This document is applicable to accredited bodies in this discipline and as
defined in the Accreditation Act, Act No. 19 of 2006 [12].

This document does not address the requirements for accreditation as a volume verification laboratory,
or the requirements for volume metrology using either dimensional or volume to volume methods.

2. References, Definitions and Abbreviations

2.1 References

[1] OHS Act, 1993 Environmental Regulations 1987 - Lighting

[2] ISO 17025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
[3] SABS ISO 4787:1984 Laboratory Glassware – Volumetric glassware – Methods for use and
testing of capacity. (ISBN 0-626-10233-2).
[4] ISO 8655-1:2002 Piston operated volumetric apparatus – Part 1: Terminology, general
requirements and user recommendations.
[5] ISO 8655-6 :2002 Piston operated volumetric devices – Part 6: Gravimetric methods for the
determination of measurement error.
[6] ISO 4788-1980 Laboratory Glassware – Graduated Measuring Cylinders.
(ISBN 0-626-10127-1)
[7] OIML D26-1999 Glass Delivery Measures – Automatic Pipettes.
[8] ISO/TR 20461 Technical Report – Determination of uncertainty for volume measurements
made using the gravimetric method.
[9] ISO Guide 99 International vocabulary of metrology – Basic and general concepts and
associated terms (VIM).
[10] SANS 1698:2007 Verification standards for the verification of volume-measuring instruments,
including commercial standards of volume. Edition 1.2
(ISBN 978-0-626-19459-8)
[11] UKAS LAB 15 Traceability : Volumetric Apparatus Ed 2 March 2009
[12] Accreditation Act, No. 19 of 2006: Accreditation for Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good
Laboratory Practice Act, 2006

2.2 Definitions

2.2.1 Accreditation Criteria

Accreditation criteria represent those requirements including technical requirements with
which accredited bodies are required to comply with at all times. See subsection 24. (1)
of Act 19 of 2006. [12]

2.2.2 Accredited Body

“accredited body” means an organisation or facility that has been accredited by SANAS
or by a member of the recognition arrangements of the International Laboratory
Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF); [12]

2.2.3 Diluters
Diluters are used to deliver mixtures of liquids of defined volumetric proportions. [4]

2.2.4 Dispensers
Dispensers are used for the repetitive delivery (dispensing) of a measured volume of
liquid. [4]

2.2.5 Micro Pipette

A micropipette is a pipette designed to deliver volumes between 0,1 and 10 000 μℓ.

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2.2.6 Nominal Value

Rounded or approximate value of a characterising quantity of a measuring instrument
or measuring system that provides guidance for its appropriate use. For example
1 000ml as the nominal quantity value marked on a single-mark volumetric flask. [9]

2.2.7 Nominal Volume (piston operated volume apparatus)

Volume specified by the manufacturer and used for identification and for indication of
the measuring range. [4]

2.2.8 Nominal Volume (glass volume apparatus)

The volume that the measure is intended to contain or deliver, and that is defined by:

• the brim, where the brim is the datum line; or

• on single value glass measures, the graduation line that indicates the volume; or
• the graduation line that purports to be the nominal volume irrespective of the
graduation lines marked above or below such nominal volume line. [4]

2.2.9 Piston Operated Pipettes

Piston operated pipettes are designed to pick up (or aspirate) and deliver liquids.
Piston operated pipettes may be factory preset to deliver a given volume, or may have
user selectable volumes within a useful volume range. Piston operated pipettes may
be of the positive displacement or air displacement type. [4] This definition would
include micropipettes of the piston operated type.

2.2.10 Pycnometer
A standard vessel used to measure and compare the densities of liquids.

2.2.11 Reference Temperature

The standard reference temperature, i.e. the temperature at which the article of
volumetric laboratory ware is intended to contain, or deliver its nominal volume
(nominal capacity) shall be 20 °C. [3]

2.2.12 Syringes
Syringes used in Laboratories fall into two broad categories, high precision metal and
glass instruments, and general purpose, low precision, disposable plastic syringes. [11]

2.2.13 Unit of Volume

The unit of volume shall be the cubic centimetre (cm3) or, in special cases the cubic
decimetre (dm3) or cubic millimetre (mm3) for which the names millilitre (mℓ), litre (ℓ) or
microlitre (μℓ) may be used. [3]

2.3 Abbreviations

Ex - Nominal capacity of the volume to be delivered

In - Nominal capacity of the volume contained
CMC - Calibration and Measurement Capability
OHS Act - Occupational, Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993
OIML - International Organization of Legal Metrology
% rh - % Relative Humidity
SANS - South African National Standards
UoM - Uncertainty of Measurement
UUT - Unit Under Test

3. Environmental Requirements

3.1 When the calibration of pipettes and laboratory glassware is undertaken, the environmental
temperature must be maintained between 15 and 30 °C provided that the temperature is stable,
and is kept constant within ± 0,5 °C during the period of measurement.

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3.2 When pipettes are calibrated, the relative humidity shall be maintained above 50% rh in order to
minimize the effects of evaporation. [4]. The relative humidity is not as critical when calibrating
laboratory glassware due to the relatively smaller surface area of the liquid exposed to
atmosphere when compared to the volume of the liquid.

3.3 Where necessary the laboratory shall maintain appropriate records to demonstrate and confirm
both the temperature and temperature stability.

3.4 Lighting within the laboratory shall be adequate to facilitate the correct performance of the
calibration work undertaken. Cognisance shall be taken of the minimum levels of lighting as
specified in the environmental regulations of the OHS Act. [1] [2]

3.5 Drafts in the laboratory caused by doors, fans and/or air conditioners should be such that they do
not have an adverse effect on the measurement results, where necessary local isolation in the
form of draft shields should be utilized.

3.6 Measuring instruments used for the measurement and recording of the ambient temperature,
relative humidity and/or barometric pressure in the laboratory shall be calibrated by an accredited
calibration laboratory.

4. General Requirements

4.1 Laboratories shall have a policy and procedure/s that addresses how their own standards and
equipment, and those belonging to customers are to be handled, cleaned and maintained. These
policies and procedures shall also address biological and chemical decontamination.

4.2 Laboratories shall be equipped with appropriate calibrated measurement equipment necessary to
perform calibration by gravimetric means, and shall include:

• An Analytical or Micro balance as appropriate;

• Thermometer/s;
• Hygrometer and
• Barometer.

When performing measurements below 100μℓ the laboratory shall use a balance with a resolution
of at least 10μg.

4.3 Raw data shall not be recorded in pencil, or erasable ink.

4.4 The schedule of accreditation shall list the types of volume measuring and dispensing equipment
that the laboratory is competent to calibrate under the parameter ‘Volume metrology’. This list
may include the following:

• Syringes;
• Automated (Glass) Pipettes;
• Piston Pipettes;
• Burettes;
• Flasks;
• Measuring Cylinders;
• Pycnometers;
• Diluters;
• Dispensers;
• Simple measures other than glass;
• Metal Strike measures;
• Other Metal measures.

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5. Technical Requirements

5.1 Calibration of Piston Pipettes

5.1.1 Either distilled or deionised water shall be used to calibrate the pipette, and both the water
and equipment to be calibrated shall have been allowed to stabilize for a period of not
less than 2 hours prior to performing the calibration. [5]

5.1.2 When dispensing volumes of especially less than 50μℓ, errors due to evaporation of the
test liquid during weighing shall be taken into consideration. Where the evaporation has
been determined experimentally and corrected for, the uncertainty associated with the
correction shall be included in the uncertainty budget. [5]

5.1.3 Where dispensing volumes greater than 50 μℓ the uncertainty associated with the
evaporation may still be an influencing factor in the associated uncertainty of
measurement. Where it is considered that the uncertainty associated with the evaporation
is insignificant, the laboratory shall have documented evidence to support this claim.

5.1.4 When calibrating pipettes that deliver a variable selected volume, the pipettes shall be
calibrated at a minimum of 3 different volumes, namely:

• The nominal volume;

• 50% of the nominal volume;
• 10% of the nominal volume or the lower limit as specified by the manufacturer.

5.1.5 When calibrating pipettes using the gravimetic method, a minimum of 6 measurements at
each test volume shall be taken, however laboratories wishing to claim compliance with
ISO 8655 shall ensure that the minimum number of measurements is in compliance with
the relevant sections of the ISO 8655 standard. [5]

5.1.6 Prior to the commencement, and after completion of the calibration of each test volume
the barometric pressure, relative humidity, air temperature and the temperature of the test
liquid shall be recorded. [5]

5.1.7 The laboratory shall have a comprehensive procedure describing the calibration process,
and the procedure shall address as a minimum:

• Handling procedure for the pipette;

• The addition of water to the weighing vessel;
• Recording of the measurement conditions;
• Pre-wetting of pipette tip;
• The aspiration of the test volume;
• The delivery of the test volume;
• Blow out;
• The weighing procedure;
• Conversion of the mass to volume;
• Evaporation;
• Measurements per volume;
• The uncertainty estimation;
• Validation.

5.1.8 The calibration certificate shall include:

• The identification of the pipette including the supplier (or manufacturers) name, the
type or model number, the serial number (unique or other inventory number),
nominal volume or volume range;
• The reference temperature;
• Identification of the pipette tip (or description);
• The environmental conditions (barometric pressure, relative humidity, and

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5.1.9 Where devices are made from composite materials (e.g. piston pipettes) it is difficult to
state a specific value for the thermal coefficient of expansion, and therefore the
calibration should be conducted at a temperature as close to the temperature at which the
pipette is to be used, and this temperature shall be specified on the calibration certificate.
An approximate value should then be used when estimating the uncertainty of
See Appendix 2.

5.1.10 The following should be considered as a minimum when calculating the uncertainty of

• The mass (balance or masspieces dependent upon method);

• The evaporation and or correction for the evaporation;
• The water temperature;
• The air density determined from the air temperature, pressure and relative
• The pipette temperature, and coefficient of thermal expansion.
• The measurement repeatability;
• The conversion from mass to volume, including when Z correction factors are used.

Any deviation from the above shall be technically justified, and supported with
documented evidence. [8]

5.2 Calibration of Laboratory Glassware

5.2.1 In addition to the equipment identified in 4.2, the laboratory shall have a stopwatch
necessary for the evaluation of the delivery time.

5.2.2 The standard reference temperature, i.e. the temperature at which the volumetric
glassware is intended to contain or deliver its nominal volume is 20⁰C. [3]. Should the
laboratory calibrate the glassware at a reference temperature other that 20°C, this shall
be clearly stated on the Calibration certificate or report.

5.2.3 Prior to calibration, the glassware shall be visually inspected to determine if there are any
visible defects, graduation lines shall be clean, permanent and of uniform thickness, and
shall lie in planes at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the glassware. There shall be
no irregularity in the spacing of graduation lines. [6] If any defect in the glass or
graduation lines is observed this shall be reported on the calibration certificate or report.

5.2.4 The measurements shall be performed with distilled or deionized water suitable for
general laboratory use. [3]

5.2.5 The temperature of the liquid shall be measured and corrections in temperature from the
reference temperature shall be applied.

5.2.6 Laboratory glassware shall be suitably cleaned prior to calibration.

5.2.7 The laboratories procedure shall address:

• Cleaning of the glassware;

• Weighing of the glassware;
• Filling of the glassware;
• Details of how the meniscus is to be set and read;
• Delivery time;
• Corrections to be applied for buoyancy, temperature, thermal expansion, and water
• The conversion from mass to volume;
• The uncertainty estimation;
• Validation.

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5.2.8 The calibration certificate shall include:

• The identification and description of the glassware, the supplier (or manufacturers)
name, the nominal volume or capacity, the serial number, (or other unique
• The reference temperature;
• An indication if the glassware is intended to contain (In) or deliver (Ex) the indicated
• The environmental conditions (Barometric Pressure, Relative Humidity, and
• The cubic coefficient of expansion used.

5.3 Calibration of Automated Pipettes

5.3.1 In addition to the equipment identified in 4.2 the laboratory shall have a stand capable of
supporting the pipette in a vertical position.

5.3.2 Automatic pipettes are normally used for the calibration of volumetric instruments –
including volumetric standards of a lower order. [7]

5.3.3 The automatic pipette should be inscribed with:

• The nominal capacity;

• Ex 20ºC;
• An identification number;
• The name of the manufacturer or supplier;
• The delivery time.

5.3.4 The calibration procedure shall address:

• Thermal stability of liquid;

• Cleaning of the automatic pipette;
• Pre-wetting of internal surfaces;
• The delivery time;
• Weighing of the volumetric sample;
• Collection of drips;
• Number of measurements to be performed;
• Corrections to be applied, including water density, buoyancy, and thermal expansion;
• The uncertainty estimation;
• Validation of the method.

6. Authorship

This Technical Requirement document was originally prepared by a working group / committee
consisting of the following members:

• Neville Tayler SANAS

• Ireen Field Welfield Metrology
• Ronel Steyn NMISA
• Bennie vd Merwe NMISA
• Guy Snelling Intercal
• Hanlie Badenhorst NLA
• Alec Stoltz Private
• Bart van Oostrom Private
• Yvette Volschenk Private

SANAS appreciates the contribution made by the committee members in the preparation of this
document. Later amendements have been undertaken by the SANAS STC for Mass and Volume

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Appendix 1: Schedule of Accreditation



Laboratory Accreditation Number : 14XX

Permanent Address of Laboratory: Technical Signatory : Mr C Heavy

The Weighing Shop (Pty) Ltd
63 West Street
Over the Hill
2001 Nominated Representative : Ms C Light

Postal Address:
P O BOX 32222
Issue No. : 03
Tel: (011) 499-8778 Date of Issue : August 2003
Fax: (011) 499-8879 Expiry Date : July 2005

3 Volume
3.1 Piston Pipettes
3.1.1 Piston Pipettes 5 μℓ to 100 µℓ ISO 8655-5 ± 0,2 µℓ
100 μℓ to 200 µℓ ± 0,6 µℓ
200 μℓ to 1 000 µℓ ± 4,0 µℓ
1 000 μℓ to 10 000 µℓ ± 50 µℓ
3.2 Laboratory Glassware
3.2.1  Automated pipettes 1 mℓ to 5 mℓ ± 0,5 %
 Volume dispensers 5 mℓ to 20 mℓ ± 0,7 %
3.2.2  Pipettes 20 mℓ to 100 mℓ ± 0,25 %
 Burettes 100 mℓ to 1 000 mℓ ± 0,1 %
3.2.3  Measuring Cylinders 1 000 mℓ to 20 000 mℓ ISO - 4788 ± 0,5 %
3.2.4  Syringes
3.3 Simple measures other than glass
3.3.1  Flasks 10 mℓ to 20 mℓ ± 0,6 %
 Measuring cylinders 20 mℓ to 100 mℓ ± 0,3 %
100 mℓ to 1 000 mℓ ± 0,2 %
1000 mℓ to 20 000 mℓ ± 0,5 %
3.4 Metal measures
3.4.1  Metal Strike Measures 10 mℓ to 1 000 mℓ ± 0,5 %
3.4.2  other Metal volume 1 000 mℓ to 1 000 ℓ ± 0,1%
On-site calibration of items 3.1 and 3.4
Original date of accreditation:1994 Page 1 of 1

The CMC, expressed as an expanded uncertainty of measurement, is stated as the standard uncertainty of
measurement multiplied by a coverage factor k = 2, corresponding to a confidence level of approximately 95%


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Appendix 2: Cubic coefficients of expansion

Cubic coefficients of expansion of various materials used in the manufacture of volume measuring and
dispensing devices

Material Cubic coefficient of Reference

thermal expansion Source
Plastic material 0,000 300 °C-1 * NPL Guide 69
Fused Silica (Quartz) 0,000 001 6 °C-1 ISO 4787-1984
Borosilicate Glass (Pyrex) 0,000 010 °C-1 ISO 4787-1984
Soda-Lime Glass 0,000 025 °C-1 ISO 4789-1984
Mild Steel 0,000 033 °C-1 SANS 1698-2005
Stainless Steel 0,000 051 °C-1 SANS 1698-2005
Copper, brass 0,000 053 °C-1 SANS 1698-2005
Aluminium 0,000 069 °C-1 SANS 1698-2005

* The cubic coefficient of expansion of ‘plastic’ materials can vary greatly due to their actual composition.

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Addendum 1: Amendment Record

Proposed By: Section Change

AM 1 Align purpose and scope with the accreditation Act, Act 19 of 2006
2,1 Add Accreditation Act as a reference
2.2 Add definitions for Accreditation Criteria and Accredited Boby
5.1.2 Amend section to align with ISO 8655
5.1.3 Add clause dealing with evaporation where the dispensed volume exceeds
100 μℓ
5.1.9 Added requirements for uncertainty of measurement calculations in line with
ISO/TR 20461.
WG Members 1 Revised wording for Purpose and Scope
2.2.1 Revised working for accreditation criteria
2.2.9 Added ‘Aspirate’ to definition
3.2 Added ‘…..when compared to the volume of the liquid’
3.6 Added ‘….by an accredited calibration laboratory.’
4.1 Added’…. and those….’
5.1.5 Clause added requiring repeated measurements at each test volume
5.1.10 Clause amended and additional requirements added

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