DNV Commissioning Test Report Template Rev2024-01-01

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Vessel name: <NAME OF VESSEL>

IMO number: <IMO NO>


Document reference: <doc. ref.>

Document date: <doc. date>

Created by: <created by>


Prepared by
Rev. No. Date Reason for Issue [Name and company name] Verified by Approved by

This report has been written by use of a DNV template (Rev. 2024-01-29)
DNV Headquarters, Veritasveien 1, P.O.Box 300, 1322 Høvik, Norway. Tel: +47 67 57 99 00. www.dnv.com
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................

2 DESCRIPTION OF THE BWMS.........................................................................................................................

3 BALLAST WATER SAMPLING...........................................................................................................................

3.1 Sample of ambient water
3.2 Sample of treated ballast water (at discharge)

4 ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES...................................................................................................................................

5 RESULTS............................................................................................................................................................
5.1 BWMS operation
5.2 Ambient water (if relevant)
5.3 Treated ballast water (at discharge)

6 DECLARATION AND SIGNATURES..................................................................................................................


This report has been written by use of a DNV template (Rev. 2024-01-29)
Please delete this text box in the final report on the validation of biological efficacy at commissioning of
ballast water management system (BWMS) for a specific vessel.

Guidance note
This reporting template intends to provide a guidance on reporting of the results from biological efficacy testing in
accordance with the IMO 2020 Guidance for the commissioning testing of ballast water management systems

The purpose of the report is to meet the requirements of Resolution MEPC.325(75) with Amendments to
Regulation E-1 and Appendix I of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast
Water and Sediments, 2004.

This report template may also be used for voluntary reporting of results from biological efficacy testing of a

Approval of report by DNV

This report is to be provided to DNV for review before issuance of the Full-Term International Ballast Water
Management Certificate (IBWMC) for a BWMS installed on a DNV classed vessel (where DNV is authorised to
do so by the relevant flag administration).

If the test facility is previously accepted by DNV for performing biological efficacy testing at BWMS
commissioning, this report may be presented to the DNV surveyor during the initial survey of the BWMS

If the test facility is not previously accepted by DNV, the test facility is requested to contact DNV at
[email protected] prior to performing the biological efficacy testing. For becoming an accepted test facility, DNV will
review the test facility’s standard operating procedures (SOP), including detailed step-by-step sampling
methodology and analysis procedure and relevant QA/QC procedures, which are applied by a test facility for
sampling and analysis. The basis for approval is the requirements to Firms engaged in Commissioning Testing of
Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS) contained IACS UR Z17 Annex 1 [18. DNV will evaluate if the SOP
(for indicative or detailed analysis) meets the requirement of the Guidance on ballast water sampling and
analysis (BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.1) and best practises for sampling developed by EMSA for

 representative sampling and sampled volumes;

 analyses of samples for all size classes included in the D-2 standard using reliable and accurate
(indicative or detailed) analysis methods
o organisms ≥50 µm
o organisms ≥10 µm and <50 µm
 reporting of as per the guidance for commissioning testing (BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1) and IACS UR Z17
Annex 1 [18.

Test facilities are also requested to submit, as applicable, their ISO 17025 accreditation certificate, including the
scopes/services which are covered by the ISO 17025 accreditation.

This report has been written by use of a DNV template (Rev. 2024-01-29)
Please delete this text box in the final report on the validation of biological efficacy at commissioning of
ballast water management system (BWMS) for a specific vessel.

How to use the template

The template is designed to make the preparation of the report on the validation of biological efficacy at BWMS
commissioning as easy as possible. It covers all requirements for reporting in accordance with

1) Use the template to create your vessel specific Validation Report. Use your own stationary/logos/
company name etc. as preferred.

2) Submit the report in electronic format (pdf format) in one file only including any appendices for review.

3) Please note that reports are approved on a vessel-by-vessel basis.

4) Please use the following email address [email protected] for any further enquiry.

<XXX> requires input and must be replaced and the applicable check boxes must be selected. Other text can
be used without any changes.

This report has been written by use of a DNV template (Rev. 2024-01-29)
Page 1 of 5

This report is written in accordance with BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1 on “Guidance for the commissioning testing of ballast
water management systems”.

The purpose of the report is to meet the requirements of Resolution MEPC.325(75) with amendment to Regulation E-1
of the Ballast water management Convention and paragraph of annex 4 of the HSSC Guidelines (Resolution
A.1140(31)). The amendment and guidelines require an operational test of the BWMS to be carried out at
commissioning of the system. The aim of a commissioning test is to validate correct operation of the installed BWMS
and that it is demonstrated that its mechanical, physical, chemical and biological processes are working properly.

The operational testing of the BWMS is to be performed after the complete installation on the vessel is finalized.

The results from the installation commissioning procedures as required by the Regulation E-1, validating correct
operation of the installed BWMS, are to be reported in a separate installation commissioning report. This report includes
the results from validating the biological efficacy only.

Validation of the biological efficacy is successful if analysis of the discharge sample indicates compliance with D-2
discharge standard for the size classes ≥ 50 μm and ≥10 μm to < 50 μm and the self-monitoring equipment indicates
correct operation.

The testing facility conducting the biological efficacy test shall be independent of the manufacturer of the BWMS.

This report lists the methods used and the results of the biological efficacy testing at the BWMS commissioning.


Manufacturers Name <XXX>
Model Name <XXX>
Technology <example: UV + filter>
Treatment mode of operation <high power, low power, single pass, IMO mode, USCG Mode, etc>
Treatment rated capacity (TRC) <XXX> m3/h
System design limitations
Salinity: <No limit or minimum salinity in PSU>
Temperature: <No limit or min(max temperature in degrees C>
Holding time: <No limit or minimum holding time in hours
Target TRO at uptake: <Target TRO in mg/l, if applicable>
Minimum UV intensity: <Miinimum UVI in W/m2, if applicable>
Other performance parameters: <if applicable>
Installation Location <example: Engine room>
Type Approval issued by and <XXX>
Certificate No. <XXX>

This report has been written by use of a DNV template (Rev. 2024-01-29)
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3.1 Sample of ambient water

Sampling and analysis of the inlet water is not required but will provide information about the level of challenge (i.e.
density of organisms) when testing the BWMS, if performed. If a sample is collected during a ballast water uptake to
characterize the ambient water, it may be done by any means practical (e.g. in-line sample port or direct harbour
sample). The ambient water should be accepted for testing regardless of the level of challenge it poses to the BWMS.

A sample of ambient water was collected through

in-line sample port

direct harbour sample

other (Please specify: <XXX>)

No sampling of ambient water was performed

3.2 Sample of treated ballast water (at discharge)

A sample should be collected during the corresponding ballast water discharge after the full treatment has been applied.
Samples should be taken in accordance with the Guidelines on ballast water sampling (G2).

Compliance with ballast water performance standard (D-2) should be assessed at ballast water discharge, as near to
the point of discharge as practicable, during ballast water discharge whenever this is possible.

In-tank sampling to provide an indication of compliance with standard D-2 should only be used if ballast water treatment
process occurs on uptake, prior to or whilst ballast water is in the tank. If any part of the treatment or neutralisation
process is applied during the ballast water discharge, then in-tank sampling is inappropriate.

The sample should be representative of the whole discharge of the ballast water from any single tank or any
combination of tanks being discharged.

For this vessel, the following pump(s) and ballast water tank(s) were used for the commissioning test:


For this vessel, the following sampling method was applied:

Sampling of the discharge of treated ballast water from tank(s) using:

the dedicated discharge sample port of the vessel

another sample port (Please specify location: <XXX>)

In-tank sampling (Please justify that in-tank sampling was appropriate: <XXX>)

This report has been written by use of a DNV template (Rev. 2024-01-29)
Page 3 of 5

The validation is successful if the analysis indicates that the discharge sample does not exceed the D-2 standard and
the self-monitoring equipment indicates correct operation.

The following methods were used for analysing samples for the two size classes ≥ 50 μm and ≥10 μm to < 50 μm
included in the D-2 standard using either indicative or detailed analysis methods listed in the Guidance on ballast water
sampling and analysis (BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.2).

Size class Indicative/detailed analysis Reference to applicable standard operating

method procedure (SOP) of test facility
Organisms ≥50 µm* Indicative Detailed <XXX>
Organisms ≥10 - <50 µm* Indicative Detailed <XXX>
* For systems that render organisms non-viable (e.g. UV systems), an appropriate method must be used (e.g. culture method for
recovery, regrowth and maturation grow-out (MPN method)).


5.1 BWMS operation

BWMS Flow rate <XXX> m3/h
operating Total volume ballasted <XXX> m3
parameters Pressure <XXX> bar
(uptake) TRO <XXX> mg/L
UV intensity <XXX> W/m2
Other performance parameter <XXX>
Did the self-monitoring equipment indicates <Yes/No>
correct operation? <Description of the alarms, if no>
If not, please describe the alarms that
occurred during ballast operations.
Holding time Time ballast water was held in ballast <XXX> hours
tank(s) prior to discharge
BWMS Flow rate <XXX> m3/h
operating Total volume de-ballasted <XXX> m3
parameters Pressure <XXX> bar
(discharge) TRO <XXX> mg/L
UV intensity <XXX> W/m2
Other performance parameter <XXX>
Did the self-monitoring equipment indicates <Yes/No>
correct operation? <Description of the alarms, if no>
If not, please describe the alarms that
occurred during de-ballast operations.

* For systems that render organisms non-viable (e.g. UV systems), a minimum holding time may be necessary if an analysis method
detecting living organisms is applied.

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5.2 Ambient water (if relevant)

Ambient Location(s) of ballast water uptake <XXX>
water* Salinity of ambient water <XXX> PSU
Temperature of ambient water <XXX> °C
UV transmission of ambient water <XXX> %
Organisms Organisms
≥50 µm ≥10 - <50 µm
Sampling of Volume of sample(s) collected <XXX> m3 <XXX> L
ambient Was the sample(s) concentrated before
<Yes/No> <Yes/No>
water analysis?
Analysis of Number of subsamples analysed <XXX> <XXX>
water Period of time within analysis was
<XXX> hours <XXX> hours
samples completed after sampling
Ambient water sample <XXX> per m3 <XXX> per mL

*In the case that the ambient water is not appropriate for the operational testing during the commissioning of the BWMS (e.g. salinity of
ambient water is outside the system design limitations (SDL) of the BWMS), testing should be evaluated to the satisfaction of the

5.3 Treated ballast water (at discharge)

Organisms Organisms
≥50 µm ≥10 - <50 µm
Sampling of Volume of sample(s) collected <XXX> m3 <XXX> L
treated Was the sample(s) concentrated before
<Yes/No> <Yes/No>
ballast water analysis?
Analysis of
Number of subsamples analysed <XXX> <XXX>
ballast water Period of time within analysis was
<XXX> hours <XXX> hours
completed after sampling
Organism Treated discharge sample <XXX> per m3 <XXX> per mL
D-2 performance standard requirement < 10 per m3 < 10 per mL

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The BWMS model <XXX> manufactured by <XXX> and installed onboard the vessel <XXX> with IMO No. <XXX> has
been tested by the test facility <XXX>.

This declaration confirms that the manufacturer has not been involved in any part of the sampling and analysis
described in this report.

Furthermore, the signature by the test facility confirms that

 the test facility is independent of the BWMS manufacturer or supplier;

 commissioning testing was carried out in accordance with the 2020 Guidance for the commissioning testing of
ballast water management systems (BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1) and the test facility’s standard operating
procedures for sampling collection and handling, analysis, assessment of BWMS correct operations and
documenting and reporting;

 this report contains no known errors, omissions or false statements.


Test facility signature, place and date

This report has been written by use of a DNV template (Rev. 2024-01-29)

<drawings, raw data, tables with more detailed results including sample replicates>

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