Stakeholder Relationships, SR and Corp Governance

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Chapter 2--Stakeholder Relationships, Social Responsibility, and

Corporate Governance
Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Stakeholders' power over businesses stems from their

A. ability to withdraw resources.
B. ability to raise funds.
C. media savvy.
D. political clout.
E. stock ownership.
2. Those who have a claim in some aspect of a firm's products, operations, markets, industry, and outcomes
are known as
A. shareholders.
B. stockholders.
C. stakeholders.
D. claimholders.
E. special-interest groups.
3. Which of the following do not typically engage in transactions with a company and thus are not essential
for its survival?
A. Employees
B. Secondary stakeholders
C. Primary stakeholders
D. Investors
E. Customers
4. The stakeholder ____ recognizes other stakeholders beyond investors, employees, and suppliers, and
explicitly acknowledges the two-way dialog and effects that exist with a firm's internal and external
A. orientation
B. bias
C. dichotomy model
D. interaction model
E. interface model
5. The degree to which a firm understands and addresses stakeholder demands can be referred to as
A. a stakeholder orientation.
B. a stockholder orientation.
C. the stakeholder interaction model.
D. a two-way street.
E. a continuum.

6. An online discussion forum, where visitors can express their opinions on the company's activities and
their implications, like that offered by Shell, exemplifies which stakeholder orientation activity?
A. Stakeholder interaction
B. The generation of data about stakeholder groups and assessment of the firm's effects on these groups
C. The distribution of stakeholder information throughout the firm
D. The organization's responsiveness as a whole to intelligence about stakeholder groups and their
E. The generation of data about stakeholder groups and distribution of that information throughout the
firm so that the firm can counter those firms
7. A stakeholder orientation is not complete unless it includes
A. accounting.
B. finance.
C. marketing.
D. special-interest groups.
E. activities that actually address stakeholder issues.
8. The stakeholder group mentioned in the text that is absolutely necessary for survival is defined as
A. Directors.
B. Tertiary.
C. Secondary.
D. Special-Interest Groups.
E. Primary.
9. When unethical acts are discovered in a firm, in most instances
A. they are caused by unwilling participants.
B. the cause is external stakeholders.
C. the perpetrators are caught and prosecuted.
D. there was knowing cooperation or compliancy from within the company.
E. the cause is the Board of Directors.
10. Ethical misconduct and decisions that damage stakeholders will generally impact (a)
A. company's reputation from an investor's perspective.
B. company's reputation from a consumer's perspective.
C. company's reputation and confidence level.
D. shareholder value.
E. All of these statements are true.
11. Which of the following does not play a direct role in reforms to improve corporate accountability and
A. Banks
B. Consumers
C. Attorneys
D. Public accounting firms
E. Regulators

12. Shareholders provide resources that are critical to a firm's long term success in the form of tangible and
intangibles. Which of the following does the book suggest that suppliers offer?
A. Loyalty
B. Mmaterial resources or intangible knowledge
C. Infrastructure
D. Generate revenue
E. Leadership
13. Which of the following is not associated with the stakeholder interaction model?
A. A two-way relationship between firm and stakeholders
B. Recognizes the input of investors, employees, and suppliers
C. Explicitly acknowledges dialogue with a firm's internal environment
D. Explicitly acknowledges dialogue with a firm's external environment
E. Identifies the mass media, special interest groups, competitors, and trade associations as primary
14. The first set of the three activities that are associated with the stakeholder orientation is the
A. organization-wide generation of data.
B. organization's responsiveness to intelligence.
C. set of consumer attributes identified.
D. organizational strategy of target markets.
E. human relations department's set of priorities.
15. Public health and safety and support of local organizations are issues most relevant to which stakeholder
A. Investors
B. Community
C. Suppliers
D. Customers
E. Employees
16. Minimizing the use of energy and reducing emissions and waste are issues of critical importance to
which stakeholder group?
A. Environmental groups
B. Suppliers
C. Employees
D. Industry leaders
E. Investors
17. The idea that the mission of business is to produce goods and services at a profit, thus maximizing its
contribution to society is associated with
A. Adam Smith.
B. Theodore Levitt.
C. Norman Bowie.
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman.

18. The originator of the idea of the invisible hand, which is a fundamental concept in free market capitalism
A. Adam Smith.
B. Theodore Levitt.
C. Norman Bowie.
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman.
19. The common good was associated with propriety, prudence, reason, and sentiment by
A. Adam Smith.
B. Theodore Levitt.
C. Norman Bowie.
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman.
20. ____ argued that, although profits are required for business as eating is required for living, profit is not
the primary purpose of business.
A. Adam Smith
B. Theodore Levitt
C. Norman Bowie
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman
21. Who argued that when a business also cares about the well being of stakeholders, it earns trust and
cooperation that ultimately reduce costs and increase productivity?
A. Adam Smith
B. Theodore Levitt
C. Norman Bowie
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman
22. Enlightened capitalism is associated with which individual?
A. Adam Smith
B. Theodore Levitt
C. Norman Bowie
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman
23. A description of corporate social responsibility should include all of the following except
A. corporate rights.
B. corporate duties.
C. list of environmentally friendly activities.
D. consequences.
E. values.
24. In ascending order, Carroll's four levels of social responsibility are
A. ethical, legal, economic, philanthropic.
B. economic, ethical philanthropic, legal.
C. economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic.
D. legal, ethical, economic, philanthropic.
E. ethical, legal, moral, economic.

25. Which ISO guideline was established as a corporate responsibility regulation that cannot be used for
certification purposes, but is meant to encourage discussions on the role of social responsibility and the
importance of stakeholders?
A. 3000
B. 2000
C. 265000
D. 26000
E. 1400
26. Which ISO guidelines pertains to environmental regulation standards and was designed to help reduce a
firm's pollution, waste, and carbon footprint?
A. 3000
B. 2000
C. 265000
D. 26000
E. 1400
27. The best term to use to express how a firm meets its stakeholders expectations of economic and ethical
responsibilities is referred to as
A. reputation.
B. corporate citizenship.
C. corporate ethical audit.
D. ethical citizenship.
E. fiduciary citizenship.
28. The stakeholder model argues that a firm's ____ should balance the interests and conflicts of the various
A. management
B. CEO and CFO
C. Board of Directors
D. entire management staff
E. entire executive suite
29. ____ is the process of auditing and improving organizational decisions and actions.
A. Profit
B. Loyalty
C. Accountability
D. Control
E. Diligence
30. Accountability, oversight, and control all fall under the definition and implementation of corporate
A. profit.
B. loyalty.
C. care.
D. governance.
E. diligence.

31. Major corporate governance issues normally involve ____ decisions.
A. strategic-level
B. tactical-level
C. divisional-level
D. marketing-level
E. accounting-level
32. Which of the following is a major concern among current corporate boards of directors?
A. Compensation
B. The non-traditional directorship approach
C. Dividend reporting
D. Corporate social audits
E. Debt swaps
33. One way through which shareholder activists can evoke change in the structure of boards and the level
of accountability of corporations is through
A. proxy battles.
B. board of director voting processes.
C. CEO wages.
D. negative Initial public offering campaigns.
E. more unionization.
34. One policy for limiting executive pay, implemented at J.P. Morgan, was that top managers should earn
no more than ____-times the pay of any other employee.
A. 5
B. 20
C. 100
D. 150
E. 500
35. According to the text, the specific steps for implementing the stakeholder perspective do not include
which of the following?
A. Identifying stakeholder groups
B. Identifying stakeholder issues
C. Identifying and gaining stakeholder feedback
D. Identifying and gaining SEC feedback
E. Assessing organizational commitment to social responsibility groups
36. Which of the following criteria should be considered when identifying resources and determining the
urgency within the stakeholder framework?
A. The level of financial investments required by different actions
B. The social structure of employees and management
C. The number of unions and activists
D. The probability of Federal legislation
E. The potential for criminal activities
37. The ____ model is founded in classic economics.
A. economic
B. shareholder
C. stakeholder
D. board

38. Which of the following are not typically secondary stakeholders?
A. Media
B. Special-interest groups
C. Customers
D. Trade associations
E. None of these are secondary stakeholders.
39. Which of the following are not typically primary stakeholders?
A. Customers
B. Trade associations
C. Employees
D. Shareholders
E. Investors
40. Which of the following do not typically engage in transactions with a company and thus are not essential
for its survival?
A. Employees
B. Secondary stakeholders
C. Primary stakeholders
D. Investors
E. Customers
41. Stakeholders' power over businesses stems from their
A. ability to withdraw resources.
B. ability to raise funds.
C. media savvy.
D. political clout.
E. stock ownership
42. The stakeholder ____ recognizes other stakeholders beyond investors, employees, and suppliers, and
explicitly acknowledges the two-way dialog and effects that exist with a firm's internal and external
A. orientation
B. bias
C. dichotomy model
D. interaction model
E. interface model
43. A stakeholder orientation is not complete unless it includes
A. accounting.
B. finance.
C. marketing.
D. special-interest groups.
E. activities that actually address stakeholder issues.

44. Compare and contrast the stakeholder and shareholder models.

45. Discuss and justify whether Smith's or Friedman's economic models will be the predominant model
when it comes to business and corporate social responsibility.

46. Explain the stakeholder orientation.

47. Discuss the difference between primary and secondary stakeholders in the stakeholder model and give
examples for each type.

48. Discuss the six psychological motives laid out by Adam Smith and how they should be applied in the
twenty-first century.

49. Discuss three corporate governance issues, why they are defined as issues, and how you would solve
them. Use examples in your answer.

Chapter 2--Stakeholder Relationships, Social Responsibility, and
Corporate Governance Key
1. Stakeholders' power over businesses stems from their
A. ability to withdraw resources.
B. ability to raise funds.
C. media savvy.
D. political clout.
E. stock ownership.
2. Those who have a claim in some aspect of a firm's products, operations, markets, industry, and
outcomes are known as
A. shareholders.
B. stockholders.
C. stakeholders.
D. claimholders.
E. special-interest groups.
3. Which of the following do not typically engage in transactions with a company and thus are not
essential for its survival?
A. Employees
B. Secondary stakeholders
C. Primary stakeholders
D. Investors
E. Customers
4. The stakeholder ____ recognizes other stakeholders beyond investors, employees, and suppliers, and
explicitly acknowledges the two-way dialog and effects that exist with a firm's internal and external
A. orientation
B. bias
C. dichotomy model
D. interaction model
E. interface model
5. The degree to which a firm understands and addresses stakeholder demands can be referred to as
A. a stakeholder orientation.
B. a stockholder orientation.
C. the stakeholder interaction model.
D. a two-way street.
E. a continuum.

6. An online discussion forum, where visitors can express their opinions on the company's activities and
their implications, like that offered by Shell, exemplifies which stakeholder orientation activity?
A. Stakeholder interaction
B. The generation of data about stakeholder groups and assessment of the firm's effects on these
C. The distribution of stakeholder information throughout the firm
D. The organization's responsiveness as a whole to intelligence about stakeholder groups and their
E. The generation of data about stakeholder groups and distribution of that information throughout
the firm so that the firm can counter those firms
7. A stakeholder orientation is not complete unless it includes
A. accounting.
B. finance.
C. marketing.
D. special-interest groups.
E. activities that actually address stakeholder issues.
8. The stakeholder group mentioned in the text that is absolutely necessary for survival is defined as
A. Directors.
B. Tertiary.
C. Secondary.
D. Special-Interest Groups.
E. Primary.
9. When unethical acts are discovered in a firm, in most instances
A. they are caused by unwilling participants.
B. the cause is external stakeholders.
C. the perpetrators are caught and prosecuted.
D. there was knowing cooperation or compliancy from within the company.
E. the cause is the Board of Directors.
10. Ethical misconduct and decisions that damage stakeholders will generally impact (a)
A. company's reputation from an investor's perspective.
B. company's reputation from a consumer's perspective.
C. company's reputation and confidence level.
D. shareholder value.
E. All of these statements are true.
11. Which of the following does not play a direct role in reforms to improve corporate accountability and
A. Banks
B. Consumers
C. Attorneys
D. Public accounting firms
E. Regulators

12. Shareholders provide resources that are critical to a firm's long term success in the form of tangible
and intangibles. Which of the following does the book suggest that suppliers offer?
A. Loyalty
B. Mmaterial resources or intangible knowledge
C. Infrastructure
D. Generate revenue
E. Leadership
13. Which of the following is not associated with the stakeholder interaction model?
A. A two-way relationship between firm and stakeholders
B. Recognizes the input of investors, employees, and suppliers
C. Explicitly acknowledges dialogue with a firm's internal environment
D. Explicitly acknowledges dialogue with a firm's external environment
E. Identifies the mass media, special interest groups, competitors, and trade associations as primary
14. The first set of the three activities that are associated with the stakeholder orientation is the
A. organization-wide generation of data.
B. organization's responsiveness to intelligence.
C. set of consumer attributes identified.
D. organizational strategy of target markets.
E. human relations department's set of priorities.
15. Public health and safety and support of local organizations are issues most relevant to which
stakeholder group?
A. Investors
B. Community
C. Suppliers
D. Customers
E. Employees
16. Minimizing the use of energy and reducing emissions and waste are issues of critical importance to
which stakeholder group?
A. Environmental groups
B. Suppliers
C. Employees
D. Industry leaders
E. Investors
17. The idea that the mission of business is to produce goods and services at a profit, thus maximizing its
contribution to society is associated with
A. Adam Smith.
B. Theodore Levitt.
C. Norman Bowie.
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman.

18. The originator of the idea of the invisible hand, which is a fundamental concept in free market
capitalism was
A. Adam Smith.
B. Theodore Levitt.
C. Norman Bowie.
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman.
19. The common good was associated with propriety, prudence, reason, and sentiment by
A. Adam Smith.
B. Theodore Levitt.
C. Norman Bowie.
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman.
20. ____ argued that, although profits are required for business as eating is required for living, profit is
not the primary purpose of business.
A. Adam Smith
B. Theodore Levitt
C. Norman Bowie
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman
21. Who argued that when a business also cares about the well being of stakeholders, it earns trust and
cooperation that ultimately reduce costs and increase productivity?
A. Adam Smith
B. Theodore Levitt
C. Norman Bowie
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman
22. Enlightened capitalism is associated with which individual?
A. Adam Smith
B. Theodore Levitt
C. Norman Bowie
D. Herman Miller
E. Milton Friedman
23. A description of corporate social responsibility should include all of the following except
A. corporate rights.
B. corporate duties.
C. list of environmentally friendly activities.
D. consequences.
E. values.
24. In ascending order, Carroll's four levels of social responsibility are
A. ethical, legal, economic, philanthropic.
B. economic, ethical philanthropic, legal.
C. economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic.
D. legal, ethical, economic, philanthropic.
E. ethical, legal, moral, economic.

25. Which ISO guideline was established as a corporate responsibility regulation that cannot be used for
certification purposes, but is meant to encourage discussions on the role of social responsibility and
the importance of stakeholders?
A. 3000
B. 2000
C. 265000
D. 26000
E. 1400
26. Which ISO guidelines pertains to environmental regulation standards and was designed to help
reduce a firm's pollution, waste, and carbon footprint?
A. 3000
B. 2000
C. 265000
D. 26000
E. 1400
27. The best term to use to express how a firm meets its stakeholders expectations of economic and
ethical responsibilities is referred to as
A. reputation.
B. corporate citizenship.
C. corporate ethical audit.
D. ethical citizenship.
E. fiduciary citizenship.
28. The stakeholder model argues that a firm's ____ should balance the interests and conflicts of the
various stakeholders.
A. management
B. CEO and CFO
C. Board of Directors
D. entire management staff
E. entire executive suite
29. ____ is the process of auditing and improving organizational decisions and actions.
A. Profit
B. Loyalty
C. Accountability
D. Control
E. Diligence
30. Accountability, oversight, and control all fall under the definition and implementation of corporate
A. profit.
B. loyalty.
C. care.
D. governance.
E. diligence.

31. Major corporate governance issues normally involve ____ decisions.
A. strategic-level
B. tactical-level
C. divisional-level
D. marketing-level
E. accounting-level
32. Which of the following is a major concern among current corporate boards of directors?
A. Compensation
B. The non-traditional directorship approach
C. Dividend reporting
D. Corporate social audits
E. Debt swaps
33. One way through which shareholder activists can evoke change in the structure of boards and the
level of accountability of corporations is through
A. proxy battles.
B. board of director voting processes.
C. CEO wages.
D. negative Initial public offering campaigns.
E. more unionization.
34. One policy for limiting executive pay, implemented at J.P. Morgan, was that top managers should
earn no more than ____-times the pay of any other employee.
A. 5
B. 20
C. 100
D. 150
E. 500
35. According to the text, the specific steps for implementing the stakeholder perspective do not include
which of the following?
A. Identifying stakeholder groups
B. Identifying stakeholder issues
C. Identifying and gaining stakeholder feedback
D. Identifying and gaining SEC feedback
E. Assessing organizational commitment to social responsibility groups
36. Which of the following criteria should be considered when identifying resources and determining the
urgency within the stakeholder framework?
A. The level of financial investments required by different actions
B. The social structure of employees and management
C. The number of unions and activists
D. The probability of Federal legislation
E. The potential for criminal activities
37. The ____ model is founded in classic economics.
A. economic
B. shareholder
C. stakeholder
D. board

38. Which of the following are not typically secondary stakeholders?
A. Media
B. Special-interest groups
C. Customers
D. Trade associations
E. None of these are secondary stakeholders.
39. Which of the following are not typically primary stakeholders?
A. Customers
B. Trade associations
C. Employees
D. Shareholders
E. Investors
40. Which of the following do not typically engage in transactions with a company and thus are not
essential for its survival?
A. Employees
B. Secondary stakeholders
C. Primary stakeholders
D. Investors
E. Customers
41. Stakeholders' power over businesses stems from their
A. ability to withdraw resources.
B. ability to raise funds.
C. media savvy.
D. political clout.
E. stock ownership
42. The stakeholder ____ recognizes other stakeholders beyond investors, employees, and suppliers, and
explicitly acknowledges the two-way dialog and effects that exist with a firm's internal and external
A. orientation
B. bias
C. dichotomy model
D. interaction model
E. interface model
43. A stakeholder orientation is not complete unless it includes
A. accounting.
B. finance.
C. marketing.
D. special-interest groups.
E. activities that actually address stakeholder issues.
44. Compare and contrast the stakeholder and shareholder models.

Pages 43-44

45. Discuss and justify whether Smith's or Friedman's economic models will be the predominant model
when it comes to business and corporate social responsibility.

Page 37

46. Explain the stakeholder orientation.

Page 44

47. Discuss the difference between primary and secondary stakeholders in the stakeholder model and
give examples for each type.

Pages 33-34

48. Discuss the six psychological motives laid out by Adam Smith and how they should be applied in the
twenty-first century.

Page 37

49. Discuss three corporate governance issues, why they are defined as issues, and how you would solve
them. Use examples in your answer.

Page 43

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