3.0 Sound Absoption Reflection and Transmission

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3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and

Transmission, Mechanism of Absorption
- measures the amount of sound energy absorbed by a
material and is one of the most important performance
considerations in the acoustic design of a room.

Source:http://www.isover-technical-insulation.co.za/INDUSTRY- Source:http://www.megasorber.com/4fold-approach/sound-absorption

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
It is express as the coefficient absorption (a) alpha is
defined as:

a = Ia
Where Ii = intesity impringing on the material,
Ia = intensity absorbed by the material,
a. = absorption coefficient (no units)

If a is 1.0 all the impringing energy is absorbed, it

means that the materials absorbed the sound produced.

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
The sound absorption coefficient of a material describes its
ability to absorb sound and is measured over a number of specific

The result is expressed as a number between 0 and 1

where 0 is total reflection and 1 is total absorption. If the
coefficient is multiplied by 100, it provides the percentage of incident
sound that is absorbed.

a = 0.75 means
a = 0.75 x 100% = 75% sound absorption
(The remaining 25% is sound reflection)

Source: OWAtecta_sound absorption

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Absorption Coefficient
Absorption coefficients.

Material 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz

Plasterboard 0.03 0.03 0.02. 0.04

Laminate flooring 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1
Thin carpet 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.3
Thick carpet 0.2 0.25 0.35 0.4
Suspended ceiling 0.1 0.25 0.70 0.85
Wall panel (board) 0.3 0.3 0.35 0.4

Source: http://www.ssc.education.ed.ac.uk/courses/deaf/dmay10iii.html

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Equivalent Sound Absorption area “A”
The total sound absorption (A) provided by a surface is
expressed in sabins, as formula:

A= Sa

Where, A = total absorption, sabins

S = surface area, square meter
a = coefficient of absorption

For example a surface area (S)

of 10m2 with a sound absorption A=10m2
of a = 0.70 (70%). Find the Total
Source: pinterest.com

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Reverberation Time and Sound Absorption
Reverberation is the prolongation of the reflected - Acousticalsurface.com

The reverberation time in a room can be calculated by using the formula

shown below where:

T = Reverberation time
V = Volume of the room in m3
A = Total Sound absorption of surfaces
K = Constant, 0.049 for ft3, and 0.16 for m3


Source: OWAtecta_sound absorption

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Reverberation Time Recommended

Source: http://info.soundofarchitecture.com/blog/quick-and-easy-way-to-estimate-reverberation-time

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC)

The American standard ASTM 423 provides similar test criteria to EN ISO
354 and also provides a method for calculating a single figure result called a “Noise
Reduction Coefficient” or” NRC”. This is calculated using the following equation.

total no. of a

Source: OWAtecta_sound absorption

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Reflection
- It is the return of a sound wave from a surface.

Source: qura.com

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Reflection and Reverberation

Source: https://www.acousticalsurfaces.com/acoustic_IOI/reverberation.htm

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Reflection, Absorption and Diffusion

Source: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Acoustics/Basic_Room_Acoustic_Treatments

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Transmission
The passage of sound from one point to another, as from one room to a
room within a building–Dictionary of Cnstruction.com

Source: http://www.alfwarnock.info/sound/transmission_loss.html

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Transmission

Source: https://www.emseal.com/article/sound-attenuation-expansion-joints/

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Insulations - Source: acousticbulletin.com

Reduce the unwanted sound.

Soundproofing relates to the overall ability of a building

element or building structure to reduce the sound transmission
through it.

Two types of sound insulation:

1. airborne sound insulation and
2. impact sound insulation.

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption
Sound Insulations - Source: acousticbulletin.com

Room-to-room insulation One-way sound insulation

Vertical airborne sound insulation Impact sound insulation

3.0 Sound Absorption, Reflection and Transmission,

Mechanism of Absorption

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