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9.7 fluids in motion 9.

Bernouilli's eqn (fluid flow in pipe)
In real fluids – 2 types of flow
At any location: pressure -> force
turbulent => pressure+motion -> work
streamline (or =F∆x=PA∆x=PV
+ frictionless -> energy conservation
laminar) flow
In interval ∆t, change in energy:
Here, just consider ideal fluids: (p. 274) = 0 = {W on fluid}+∆KE+∆PE
1. nonviscous (viscosity ≡ resistance to flow) solid object mi=ρV≡m
2. incompressible = +P1V–P2V+mv12/2–mv22/2+mgy1–mgy2
animation = +P1V–P2V+ρVv12/2–ρVv22/2+ρVgy1–ρVgy2
3. steady (in time) motion
4. no turbulence -> rearrange:
P1+ρv12/2+ρgy1 = P2+ρv22/2+ρgy2 (eq. 9.15)
Eqn of continuity –
i.e., P+ρv2/2+ρgy is constant
in ∆t, vol. in=vol .out
over vol. of fluid
(demo) Venturi tubes

=> A1v1=A2v2 (eq. 9.14)

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9.8 Other applications (read) 9.8

Vascular flutter Narrow->faster flow->lower pressure Exercise

-> collapse, stop flow 43. A hypodermic syringe contains a medicine with the density of
->open under pressure water (Fig. P9.43). The barrel of the syringe has a cross-sectional
-> repeat cycle area of 2.50 x 10–5 m2. In the absence of a force on the plunger, the
pressure everywhere is 1.00 atm. A force F of magnitude 2.00 N is
Home plumbing (Applying Physics 9.5, p. 280) exerted on the plunger, making medicine squirt from the needle.
Consider the portion of a home plumbing Determine the medicine’s flow speed through the needle. Assume
system shown in the Figure. The water trap that the pressure in the needle remains equal to 1.00 atm and that the
in the pipe below the sink captures a plug syringe is horizontal.
of water that prevents sewer gas from
finding its way from the sewer pipe, up the
sink drain, and into the home. Suppose the
dishwasher is draining, so that water is
moving to the left in the sewer pipe. What is the purpose
of the vent, which is open to the air above the roof of the
house? In which direction is air moving at the opening of
the vent, upward or downward?
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9.9 surface tension, capillary action, … 9.9
• surface of liquid in container (read)
Fluid surface has surface tension γ (read)
Contact angle - depends on liquid and
… behaves like elastic membrane adhesive
-> surface contracts to minimum possible -> water drops are spherical container materials
force Fa
Define surface tension: detergents - increase wettting
γ = F/L (eq. 9.18) wetting (<90º) Scotchgard - decrease "
SI unit: N/m, or J/m2
non-wetting (>90º)
Force due to surface tension
cohesive Fc
applies over line of contact, length L End view of needle
on water. • capillary action Applications:
non-wetting– blood sample by
downward force finger prick
Generally: wetting– mop, sponge
• when T↑, γ↓ upward force
• γ can be decreased by
adding e.g., detergent
to H2O (demo)

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9.9 9.9
How high does the liquid rise? Viscosity (read)
• circular tube "internal friction" - behavior under shear stress
F = γ L (from eq.9.18)
but not all γ2πrcosφ=ρgπr2h
Quantified: η coefficient of viscosity
contributions in
same direction (table 9.5)
=> h=2γcosφ/ρgr (eq. 19.21)
Net F is vertical -> Read:
v. component =γ Lcosφ Poiseuille's Law,
2πr Reynolds number

in equilibrium, equal & opp

to weight of lifted liquid
=ρVg=ρgπr2h 9.10 transport phenomena (read)
Transport: of matter from one place to another
Exercise • flow - bulk transport by pressure difference
56. A staining solution used in a microbiology laboratory has a surface • diffusion, osmosis - molecular level
tension of 0.088 N/m and a density 1.035 times the density of water. • motion through viscous medium
What must be the diameter of a capillary tube so that this solution will • sedimentation, centrifugation
rise to a height of 5 cm? (Assume a contact angle of zero.)
College Physics W04 Prof. Kinoshita www College Physics W04 Prof. Kinoshita www

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