Dietary Diversity Score Is A Useful Indicator of Micronutrient Intake in Non-Breast-Feeding Filipino Children

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The Journal of Nutrition
Community and International Nutrition

Dietary Diversity Score Is a Useful Indicator

of Micronutrient Intake in Non-Breast-Feeding
Filipino Children1,2
Gina L. Kennedy,3,4* Maria Regina Pedro,5 Chiara Seghieri,6 Guy Nantel,3 and Inge Brouwer4
Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy 00153; 4Division of Human Nutrition,
Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 5Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Metro Manilla, Philippines;
and 6Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 50144

Micronutrient malnutrition remains a problem of public health concern in most developing countries, partly due to
monotonous, cereal-based diets that lack diversity. The study objective was to assess whether dietary diversity score

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(DDS) based on a simple count of food groups consumed and DDS using a 10-g minimum intake for each food group (DDS
10g) are good indicators of adequate micronutrient intake in 24–71-mo-old non-breast-feeding Filipino children. Pearson’s
correlation and linear regression were used to assess the utility of DDS and DDS 10g as indicators of micronutrient intake.
Sensitivity and specificity analysis were used to determine the most appropriate cut-off point for using DDS to categorize
children with high probability of adequate micronutrient intake. The average diet of the sample population consisted of 4–5
food groups. The mean probability of adequate nutrient intake (MPA) of 11 micronutrients was 33%. The Pearson’s
correlation coefficient between MPA and DDS was 0.36 (P , 0.001) and for DDS 10g it increased to 0.44 (P , 0.001).
Intake of individual micronutrients was correlated to DDS for most nutrients. When maximizing sensitivity and specificity,
the best cut-off points for achieving 50 and 75% probability of adequate micronutrient intake were 5 and 6 food groups,
respectively. DDS and DDS 10g were both significant predictors of adequate micronutrient intake. This study
demonstrates the utility of indicators of dietary diversity to predict adequate intake of micronutrients in the diets of young
non-breast-feeding children. J. Nutr. 137: 472–477, 2007.

recommended levels (2). Moving from a monotonous diet to one
Micronutrient malnutrition remains a serious nutritional con- containing a more diverse range of foods has been shown to
cern in developing countries. In the Philippines, 40% of children increase intake of energy as well as micronutrients in developing
6 mo–5 y of age have low or deficient serum retinol levels and countries (3–7). Intake of a diverse variety of foods has been a
29% of children 1–5 y of age are anemic (1). The prevalence of recommendation for achieving adequate nutrient intake and the
low serum retinol and anemia in Filipino children has increased recommendation appears in the dietary guidelines of many
over the past decade. The increase in low serum retinol has countries. The nutritional guidelines for the Philippines include a
occurred despite Department of Health biannual vitamin A number of recommendations on dietary diversity; 2 recommen-
capsule supplementation program for young children, most dations specify daily intake; 1) eat a variety of foods every day
probably as a result of low coverage and poor compliance with and 2) consume milk, milk products, and other calcium rich
biannual doses. The continuing high prevalence of anemia is foods such as small fish and dark green leafy vegetables every
attributed to low birth weight, low dietary iron intake, and day (8). Other recommendations encourage greater consump-
helminth infections (1). tion of certain food groups but do not specify how often these
Evidence from dietary intake research in the Philippines should be consumed (fish, lean meat, poultry, dried beans,
shows that the diets of a large percentage of young children are vegetables, fruits, and root crops). The precise number of foods
deficient in iron, vitamin A, and calcium. Intakes of vitamin C, or food groups that one should strive to consume over any given
niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin were found to be adequate. period is not commonly mentioned in most dietary guidelines.
Average energy intake of preschool age children was also below Japan advises consumption of 30 different food items per day (9)
and the US advocates consumption of a variety of nutrient-dense
foods and beverages within and among 5 basic food groups, with
Supported by the FAO of the United Nations. There are no known conflicts of an item from each food group consumed daily [the 5 USDA food
interest. groups are: cereals, vegetables, fruit, dairy, and protein source
Supplemental Tables 1 and 2 are available with the online posting of this paper
foods (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, beans)] (10).
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: s_g_kennedy@yahoo. Despite many national nutritional guidelines recommending
com. consumption of a variety of foods to meet nutritional needs,
472 0022-3166/07 $8.00 ª 2007 American Society for Nutrition.
Manuscript received 6 May 2006. Initial review completed 19 June 2006. Revision accepted 20 November 2006.
including those in the Philippines, the question remains how to corresponding to intakes below 1607 kJ/d (384 kcal/d) and above 6632
operationalize this message for use as an indicator in the public kJ/d (1585 kcal/d) were discarded, leaving a total of 2805 records used in
health setting. The use of dietary diversity as an indicator of the analysis.
adequate nutrient intake remains under evaluation, particularly For the analysis using anthropometric data, only records with
complete information on age, gender, weight, and height were included.
in developing countries. In those settings where the importance
WHO fixed exclusion ranges were used as criteria for cleaning outlying
of dietary diversity to adequate nutrient intake has been anthropometric Z scores (17).
assessed, researchers have used different food group classifica-
tion systems, as well as diverse reference periods, cut-off points, DDS. DDS were calculated for each child using a set of 10 food groups
and age groups (11). There is need for a set of comparable (cereals and tubers; meat, poultry and fish; dairy; eggs; pulses and nuts;
validation studies using the same methodology for creating a vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables; other fruit; other vegetables; oils
dietary diversity score (DDS)7 to predict adequate micronutrient and fats; and other). The choice of the 10 food groups was based on the
intake. outcome of discussions held during a workshop on validation methods
The purpose of this study is to validate dietary diversity as an for dietary diversity held in Rome, Italy in October 2004. The decision
indicator of micronutrient adequacy in the diet of Filipino was based on previous experience and testing of the usefulness of
children 24–71 mo of age and to quantify the appropriate DDS different food groupings (5) and is reflected in a set of basic guidelines for
validating DDS in non-breast-feeding children 24–83 mo of age (18) and
cut-off point for use as an indicator of inadequate micronutrient
also in validation guidelines for children 0–24 mo of age (19). The food
intake. The results of this study will aid in the development and
group ‘‘other,’’ consisting of sugar, non-juice or dairy beverages, and
promotion of rapid assessment tools for measuring diversity of condiments and spices, was used in descriptive statistics but was not used
the diet and further understanding of the utility of a measure of for tests of correlation, because this group does not contribute sub-
dietary diversity as part of a set of indicators used to monitor stantially to micronutrient intake. The majority of the analysis presented
food and nutrition security. is based on the 9 food groups, excluding the ‘‘other’’ category.
DDS were calculated by summing the number of unique food groups
consumed by the child in the 24-h period. An all inclusive DDS was

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Materials and Methods calculated without a minimum intake for the food group. A second DDS
was calculated applying a 10-g minimum intake for all food groups
Data were from non-breast-fed children 24–71 mo of age in the (DDS 10g) except fats and oils.
Philippines 1993 National Nutrition Survey. The survey used a stratified
2-stage sampling design including a total of 4050 households and 3164 Nutrient bioavailability. Bioavailability adjustments were made for
children 24–71 mo of age. All surveyed households provided informed calcium, iron, and zinc. The purpose of making the bioavailability
consent prior to participation. Ethical consent for the study was obtained adjustments was to derive estimates of absorbed calcium, absorbed iron,
from the Philippines Food and Nutrition Research Institute. Detailed and absorbed zinc to more accurately reflect concurrence between die-
information on the 1993 survey methodology has been published tary intake and requirements. Bioavailability factors for calcium were
elsewhere (12). 25% for roots, tubers, and legumes; 45% for fruits and vegetables; 5%
The food intake data of the preschool children were collected by for high oxalate vegetables (amaranth, cassava root and leaves, and
individual 24-h food recall. The mother or caregiver was the respondent. spinach); and 32% for all other foods, based on Weaver et al. (20).
The interviews included a detailed description of the foods eaten, the Bioavailability factors for iron were estimated at 6% for plant foods
cooking method, and brand names (e.g. for milk consumed or other and 11% for animal source foods, based on a synthesis of sources,
processed snack foods). The amount consumed by the child was esti- including FAO/WHO and Tseng et al. (21,22).
mated by the respondent, expressed in terms of cups, spoons, matchbox Bioavailability factors for zinc were calculated based on the phytate
pieces, and other common household utensils. The respondents were to zinc molar ratio. A ratio of #18 was considered to have 30%
shown visual aids to assist them in accurately reporting food intake. For bioavailability, whereas for a phytate to zinc ratio .18, a bioavailability
mixed recipes, the respondent was asked how the food was prepared factor of 22% was used based on calculations derived from Hotz and
and how much of the visible components (e.g. pieces of meat, vegetables, Brown (23).
etc.) were eaten by the child.
To compute nutrient values, the cooked weight was converted to raw
Estimated average nutrient requirements and probability of
weight using the Filipino Food and Nutrition Research Institute’s
adequate intake. The estimated average requirements (EAR) were
Individual Dietary Evaluation Software. The software also contains a
used to assess the probability of adequate nutrient intake (PA). The EAR
library of food composition values in their raw form. Nutrient values for
approach has been recommended as an improvement over using rec-
energy, protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin,
ommended nutrient intakes (RNI) for nutrient assessment of groups (24)
riboflavin, and niacin are from the 1997 food composition tables of the
as it allows for calculation of the probability that the individual’s intake
Philippines (13) and from food labels, particularly for iron and vitamin
is adequate given the requirement distribution. The assumptions of the
A, for fortified foods. For this study, nutrient values for vitamin B-6,
probability approach are that: 1) the requirement and intakes are in-
vitamin B-12, folate, zinc, and phytate were obtained from the World
dependent; 2) the mean and variance of the requirement is known; and 3)
Food Dietary Assessment System, version 2.0 (14). Nutrient retention
the shape of the requirements distribution is known or can be assumed
values, from the USDA Table of Nutrient Retention Factors, Release 5
(25). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on applications of dietary
(2003), were added to account for nutrient losses during cooking process
reference intakes indicates that for all nutrients except energy, intakes
and requirements are independent (24). The mean, variance, and dis-
The data were cleaned for the purposes of this study. The average per
tribution of requirements are known or calculated and assumed normal
capita daily energy requirement (kcal/d) for children 12–47 mo of age in
for all nutrients, with the exception noted in the IOM document of iron,
the Philippines was calculated using the Population Energy Require-
where the distribution of requirements is skewed (24).
ments software (16). The average per capita energy requirement was
PA was calculated by the equation PA ¼ PROBNORM [(estimated
estimated at 4707 kJ/d (1125 kcal/d). The 5th and 95th percentiles,
child intake – EAR)/SD], where PROBNORM is the statistical function
that calculates the probability that a child’s intake is above the EAR. The
7 mean probability of adequate micronutrient intake (MPA) for each child
Abbreviations used: DDS, dietary diversity score; DDS 10g, dietary diversity
score with 10-g minimum consumption; EAR, estimated average requirement; is the average of the PA for the 11 micronutrients in the analysis. The
IOM, Institute of Medicine; MAR, mean adequacy ratio; MPA, mean probability mean PA and mean MPA were then calculated for the entire sample. The
of adequate micronutrient intake; PA, probability of adequate micronutrient probability approach to assess adequacy of intake has been used in recent
intake; RNI, recommended nutrient intake. studies with a similar aim (5,26) and is also now part of the World Food

Dietary diversity as an indicator of micronutrient intake 473

Dietary Assessment System, version 2.0 (14). More information about TABLE 2 Descriptive statistics of non-breast-feeding Filipino
the application of the probability approach can be found in the IOM children 24–71 mo of age1
report on applications in dietary assessment (24).
Child age, mo 46.5 6 13.7
EAR for micronutrients. To derive EAR based on international Gender, % male 50.9
requirements set by the United Nations, the EAR was back calculated HAZ 21.59 6 1.17
from FAO/WHO RNI (Table 1). The RNI is defined as EAR12SDEAR
WAZ 21.51 6 0.91
(21). The CV used to perform the calculations was based on IOM
WHZ 20.67 6 0.81
recommendations, set at 10% for all nutrients except 15% for niacin,
20% for vitamin A, and 25% for zinc (27–29). Stunting, % 37.5
Due to the fact that bioavailability adjustments were made to cal- Underweight, % 32.2
cium, iron, and zinc, the requirement was adjusted to reflect the amount Wasting, % 4.2
of absorbed nutrient required. An EAR for absorbed calcium was DDS 4.91 6 1.57
calculated from the recommended dietary allowance used in the Dietary DDS 10g 4.05 6 1.54
Reference values for the United Kingdom using a CV of 10% (30). An 1
Values are means 6 SEM or %, n ¼ 2805.
EAR for absorbed zinc requirement was based on FAO/WHO using a CV 2
Abbreviations used only in table: HAZ, height-for-age Z score; WAZ, weight-for-age Z
of 25% (21).
score; WHZ, weight-for height Z score.
Because iron requirements are not normally distributed, calculation
for iron requirement and probability of adequate intake were derived
from IOM iron requirements (29). Table 1-5 in that document was used
as the basis for constructing a matrix for probability of adequate iron values (0.50 and 0.75) were used in the analysis to categorize the children
intake for children in age ranges 12–47 mo and 48–107 mo. We with low or high nutrient intakes.
converted data in that table from 18% bioavailability to 10% bioavail-
ability, which is more realistic of a high phytate, primarily vegetable-
based diet (21) as typically consumed by children in the Philippines Results

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(Supplemental Table 1).
The mean age of the children was just under 4 y. One-half of the
Statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS children in the study were male and one-half were female. Over
version 11.5. PA and MPA were calculated separately for children 12–47 one-third of the children in the sample suffered from undernu-
and 48–71 mo using respective EAR. Pearson’s correlations were run by trition. The mean DDS was close to 5 and decreased to 4 when a
age group to verify the linear association for MPA and individual PA for 10-g minimum was applied (Table 2).
each micronutrient. Linear regression models have been estimated Nearly all children consumed a cereal/tuber; meat, fish, or
separately for DDS and DDS 10g. DDS was evaluated for sensitivity and poultry; and an item from the food group ‘‘other’’ (Table 3).
specificity using MPA as the gold standard. Sensitivity and specificity Median energy intake was 3736 kJ (893 kcal). Cereals/tubers
analysis were performed to quantify the accuracy of DDS to correctly
represented 68% of total energy intake. Meat, fish, and poultry
classify children with high MPA values and then to determine the DDS
accounted for 10% and fruits and vegetables accounted for
cut-off point that maximized sensitivity and specificity. Two MPA cut-off
another 8% of total energy intake. Energy intake from the
‘‘other’’ category accounted for 7% of total intake. Additional
food intake data are presented in Supplemental Table 2.
TABLE 1 EAR and SD used for calculating PA for non-breast- As DDS increased, a larger percentage of children consumed
feeding Filipino children 24–71 mo of age1 items from 1 or more of the 3 fruit and vegetable groups or fats/
oils. Only at a DDS of 7 or more were more .50% of children
Children Children consuming a food from the dairy, egg or legumes, and pulses and
Nutrient 12–47 mo 48–83 mo nuts food group (Table 4).
In general, median micronutrient intake was lower than the
EAR (Table 5) and did not increase with increasing age of the
Vitamin A,2 mg RE 200.0 40.0 200.0 40.0
Vitamin C, mg 25.0 2.5 25.0 2.5
Thiamin, mg 0.4 0.04 0.5 0.05
TABLE 3 Summary of food group intakes by non-breast-feeding
Riboflavin, mg 0.4 0.04 0.5 0.05
Filipino children 24–71 mo of age1
Niacin, mg 4.6 0.69 6.2 0.92
Vitamin B-6, mg 0.4 0.04 0.5 0.05
Children Food Energy intake, 2
Vitamin B-12, mg 0.8 0.08 1.0 0.1
Food group consuming, % intake, g kcal
Folate, mg 133.0 13.33 167.0 16.7
Absorbed calcium, mg 220.0 22.0 220.0 22.0 Cereals/tubers 99.9 182 (133:239) 593 (439:767)
Absorbed Zinc, mg 0.83 0.083 0.97 0.097 Meat, poultry, fish 95.8 46 (23:76) 61 (30:116)
1 Other 87.1 12 (4:42) 40 (12:88)
Data for absorbed iron are in Supplemental Table 1. Probability of adequate absorbed
iron intake back calculated by multiplying the values in Table 1-5 on p. 701 (29). These Other fruit 51.9 8 (0:53) 5 (0:75)
values are higher than the FAO/WHO 2002 values and thus may lead to overestimation Vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables 47.6 0 (0:6) 0 (0:5)
of inadequate intake. Other vegetables 47.2 0 (0:5) 0 (0:5)
The Philippines Food Composition Table (FCT) calculates the retinol equivalent (RE) Oils and fats 47.1 0 (0:3) 0 (0:22)
as 1 RE ¼ 1 mg retinol or 6 mg b-carotene. This is compatible with FAO/WHO calcu-
Dairy 38.3 0 (0:8) 0 (0:32)
lations for RE. The EAR for vitamin A was not back calculated from the RNI value but
was interpreted as the mean requirement mg RE/d reported in FAO/WHO 2002 (21). Eggs 35.0 0 (0:9) 0 (0:15)
The mean requirement is described as ‘‘the minimum daily intake of vitamin A as Pulses/nuts 28.4 0 (0:4) 0 (0:9)
presented in mg retinol equivalents to prevent xerophthalmia in the absence of clinical Total 351 (266:459) 893 (687:1116)
or sub-clinical infection. The required level of intake is set to prevent clinical signs of
deficiency, allow for normal growth and reduce the risk of vitamin A-related severe Values are medians (25th, 75th percentiles), n ¼ 2805.
morbidity and mortality on a population basis.’’ p. 97. Multiply by 4.184 to convert kcal to kJ.

474 Kennedy et al.

TABLE 4 Percent consumption of different food groups by DDS (0 g minimum) for non-breast-feeding
Filipino children 24–71 mo of age (n ¼ 2805)

Meat, Other Vitamin A-rich Other Oils and Legumes, pulses,

DDS Cereal/tuber poultry, fish fruit fruits and vegetables vegetable fats Dairy Eggs and nuts

1 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 100.0 89.2 0.6 4.5 1.3 1.3 2.5 0.6 0.0
3 100.0 90.7 26.1 19.5 16.0 19.7 14.7 7.2 6.1
4 100.0 94.5 45.0 36.6 35.6 31.1 21.1 19.8 16.1
5 99.9 97.1 52.6 50.6 52.2 50.2 38.0 33.6 25.7
6 100.0 98.4 64.7 63.7 64.3 64.9 54.2 49.4 40.3
7 100.0 99.7 82.1 72.1 72.4 80.0 70.0 69.3 54.5
8 100.0 100.0 88.4 87.0 86.2 87.0 86.2 87.7 77.5
9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

child (data not shown). The mean MPA was 0.33. Only children not at risk of nutrient inadequacy (high MPA) and who
1 nutrient, niacin, had an average probability of adequate are correctly classified by high DDS. Using an MPA of 0.50, the
intake above 50%. The next highest intakes were for vitamin best DDS cut-off point (where the sensitivity and specificity
B-6, iron, and vitamin A. Intakes of absorbed calcium, absorbed curves meet) is 5 food groups. Increasing the MPA to 0.75
zinc, and folate had the lowest probability of adequacy. increased the DDS cut-off point to 6 food groups (Fig. 2).

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Pearson’s correlation coefficient for DDS and mean PA and
mean MPA were significant for all nutrients except calcium and
vitamin B-12. Results of correlations using the 10-g cut-off point Discussion
were similar to the no-gram minimum. Mean MPA increased Overall, the diet of the Filipino children is based on differing
with DDS and DDS 10g (Fig. 1). combinations of rice, meat or fish, oil, vegetables, and fruit.
DDS and child age in months were significant determinants Using 9 food groups, children had a mean DDS of nearly 5 (4.9)
of MPA in all 4 models tested (Table 6). In particular, higher and a mean MPA of 33%. Using the DDS10g indicator, children
values of DDS correspond to higher values of MPA, whereas age consumed a mean of 4 (4.05) food groups. Both the DDS and
was negatively associated with MPA. When not controlling for DDS10g were significantly correlated with MPA, illustrating the
energy, higher child weight values also increased the MPA. potential of simple scores of dietary diversity for use as indi-
Energy intake was significantly and positively associated with cators of micronutrient adequacy of the diet. These findings are
MPA. Finally, the 2 models including energy seemed to perform similar to those of other studies testing the utility of dietary
better than the other 2 models, resulting in higher adjusted r2 diversity as an indicator of nutrient adequacy in the diet of
coefficients. preschool and school age children (4–7).
In a study of school-aged children in Kenya, the mean DDS
Sensitivity and specificity curves. Sensitivity indicates the was 5.18 (based on 7 food groups) and mean MPA was 70% (5).
percentage of children truly at risk (low MPA) who are correctly In Kenya, the highest probability of inadequate intake for
classified by low DDS. Specificity maximizes the percentage of individual nutrients was zinc, vitamin B-12, calcium, vitamin E,
and vitamin A. The results from our study were similar, with
TABLE 5 Median micronutrient intake, MPA, and correlation calcium, folate, and zinc having the lowest PA.
between mean PA and mean DDS for non-breast- There are 2 similar validation studies on children of roughly
feeding Filipino children 24–71 mo of age the same age group in developing countries, 1 from South Africa
and another from Mali. These studies used recommended
Correlations3 dietary allowance instead of EAR to validate adequate intake
Intake1 PA2 DDS DDS 10g of micronutrients and calculated nutrient adequacy ratios and a
mean nutrient adequacy ratio (MAR) for each child. The study
Vitamin A, mg RE 142 (77:235) 0.34 6 0.41 0.37* 0.43* in South Africa found a mean DDS of 3.58 (based on the same 9
Vitamin C, mg 13 (3.6:31.2) 0.31 6 0.45 0.25* 0.29* food groups used in this study) with a mean MAR of 50% (6).
Thiamin, mg 0.3 (0.2:0.5) 0.29 6 0.41 0.25* 0.31*
Riboflavin, mg 0.3 (0.2:0.4) 0.25 6 0.39 0.33* 0.40*
Niacin, mg 7.9 (5.7:10.6) 0.80 6 0.33 0.19* 0.23*
Vitamin B-6, mg 0.4 (0.29:.56) 0.44 6 0.45 0.10* 0.13*
Vitamin B-12, mg 0.5 (0.2:1.0) 0.30 6 0.44 0.02 0.06*
Folate, mg 90 (61:1305) 0.19 6 0.35 0.30* 0.35*
Absorbed zinc, mg 0.6 (0.4:0.8) 0.21 6 0.37 0.08* 0.11*
Absorbed calcium, mg 61 (38:105) 0.13 6 0.33 0.001 0.02
Absorbed iron, mg 0.3 (0.2:0.5) 0.37 6 0.28 0.11* 0.15*
Mean MPA 0.33 6 0.19 0.36* 0.44*
Values are medians (25th, 75th percentiles), n ¼ 2805.
Values are means 6 SEM, n ¼ 2805. Figure 1 PA by DDS in non-breast-feeding Filipino children 24–71 mo of age.
*P , 0.05. Values are MPA, n ¼ 2805.

Dietary diversity as an indicator of micronutrient intake 475

TABLE 6 Linear regression of determinants of MPA in non-breast-feeding Filipino children 24–71 mo
of age

Unadjusted1 Adjusted for energy

Variable DDS DDS 10g

DDS/DDS 10g 0.0451* 0.0022 0.0618* 0.0024 0.0219* 0.0019 0.0333* 0.0021
Male 0.0107 0.0069 0.0102 0.0067 20.0023 0.0056 20.0019 0.0054
Age, mo 20.0026* 0.0005 20.0025* 0.0004 20.0030* 0.0004 20.0029* 0.0004
Weight, kg 0.0104* 0.0032 0.0093* 0.0031 20.0000 0.0026 20.0000 0.0025
Height, m 0.0008 0.0010 0.0007 0.0010 0.0011 0.0008 0.0010 0.0008
Energy, kcal 0.0004* 0.0000 0.0004* 0.0000
Constant 0.0084 0.0585 20.0022 0.0565 20.1195 0.0469 20.1219 0.0460
Adj. R2 0.150 0.205 0.460 0.475
*P , 0.05.

The nutrients with the lowest adequacy ratios were iron, In our study, 2 nutrients, calcium and vitamin B-12, were not
calcium, and zinc. In Mali, the mean DDS was 5.8 (based on 8 significantly correlated with DDS. Vitamin B-12 is found only in
food groups), with a mean MAR of 0.77 (4). The nutrients with animal source foods, particularly liver, dairy products, and eggs.
the lowest nutrient adequacy ratio were riboflavin, calcium, The best sources of calcium are dairy products, some legumes,
vitamin A, and vitamin C. green leafy vegetables, and small fish species, particularly if the
The low intake of thiamin and riboflavin in this study was bones are consumed. Dairy, eggs, and legumes were the least

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somewhat surprising, because these nutrients are present in most consumed food groups in the study population and lack of these
staple foods. Low PA of these nutrients in this study also differed groups could explain the poor correlation with DDS. Green
from the results in Kenya (5). Rice has the lowest amount of leaves and fish were more commonly consumed, although the
thiamin and riboflavin per 100 g compared with wheat and portion size consumed tended to be small. The lack of con-
maize, with maize being the staple food in Kenya, whereas the sumption of any foods from the dairy, egg, or legume group is
Filipino diet is based on rice. The practice of milling rice into the more likely explanation of poor correlation, as small portion
highly polished white kernels removes an additional large per- sizes were common for most food groups except cereals/tubers.
centage of thiamin. Highly milled polished rice contains roughly A final aim of the study was to determine cut-off points for
0.06 mg thiamin/100 g, or only 12% of the EAR for a young DDS, which can be used to classify children who are at greater
child. Another explanation for the low intakes of thiamin and risk of inadequate micronutrient intake. Similar to the Kenya
riboflavin in Filipino children comes from low milk consump- study and using the 50th percentile of MPA, our results (not
tion, particularly in children over the age of 1 y (1). shown) found the best cut-off point to maximize sensitivity and
Our Pearson’s correlation (0.36) between DDS and MPA was specificity is a DDS of 5. However, the 50th percentile of our
significant. The studies in Kenya, South Africa, and Mali also population corresponded to a mean MPA of 0.31, which may
found significant correlations between DDS and nutrient intake: not be considered a sufficiently high enough cut-off to achieve an
0.39 (Mali), 0.32 (Kenya), and 0.64 (South Africa). In this study, adequate improvement in population micronutrient intake. The
using DDS 10g improved the correlation with MPA to 0.44, results in Figure 2 test the sensitivity and specificity cut-off
indicating that the performance of dietary diversity as an points using MPA of 0.50 and 0.75, a methodology previously
indicator of adequate micronutrient intake is improved when a applied by Hatloy et al. using MAR (4). Using MPA of 0.50 and
minimum intake for each food group can be assessed. This 0.75, the best cut-off point for maximizing both sensitivity and
finding has important implications for field use of the indicator, specificity is between DDS of 5 and 6. Determining a fixed cut-
as collecting information on quantities of food consumed is off point where children can be defined as having greater or less
more time consuming than simply recording the number of food risk of inadequate micronutrient intake has potential application
groups consumed. in both immediate population nutritional assessment and con-
tinued monitoring of improvement in micronutrient intake. The
ultimate decision as to which is the most appropriate MPA to use
to define the DDS cut-off point, as well as whether it is more
desirable to maximize sensitivity or specificity or find the point
that optimizes both, will depend on the desired use of the DDS
indicator. For example, if the goal of the indicator is to maximize
identification of at-risk children, one would aim to maximize
sensitivity; however, this would reduce specificity, thereby in-
cluding more children who are not truly at risk in the target
group. One potential use of the DDS is as an international
indicator of risk of inadequate micronutrient intake. To realize
this objective, additional validation studies using the same
Figure 2 Sensitivity and specificity of DDS for 2 different cut-off points of methodology for datasets from different geographic and cultural
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Spe ¼ specificity. Sensitivity indicates the percentage of children truly at risk
of inadequate micronutrient intake identified as at risk. Specificity identifies
One limitation of the study is that only 1 24-h recall was
the percentage of children correctly identified as not at risk of inadequate available per child; therefore, it was not possible to correct for
micronutrient intake. within-person variation of intake. Not accounting for this
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