Nutritional Status of Pre School Children: Mehnaz Sheikh, Tehmeem Taseen

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Nutritional Status of Pre School Children

Mehnaz Sheikh1, Tehmeem Taseen2

Abstract: This study is done in order to reflect the health and nutritional status of Pre-School children of age group 2-5 years that
were enrolled in various preparatory schools of Rajbagh area of Srinagar city. The survey was carried out in some selected preparatory
schools. A sample of 150 children was taken by using random sampling. The information / data was collected from parents by using
interview cum questionnaire method. The components of the nutritional assessment were Anthropometric measurements and clinical
assessment. From the study it was found that, children / given sample, get less calories than their recommended RDA. Protein intake of
pre-school children / sample is more than their RDA, Fat intake of 2-3 year children is more than their RDA. Children of age group 2-3,
3-4 years get less calcium than their RDA, while 4-5 years children get more calcium than their RDA. Iron intake of children / selected
sample is less than their RDA.

Keywords: Nutritonal status, weight, height, anthropometric study, dietary assessment

Objective of the Study bottom ring of an arbitrary world development scale, have
raised apprehensions that nutritional status of children in
1) To study the health and nutritional status of pre-school India show no signs of improvement. The professionals who
children in the age group of 2-5 years. work with the children must have the knowledge of feeding
2) To record the anthropometric measurement of selected practices and nutritional status of children. According to the
sample and to compare it with the standards. NFHS malnutrition affects children the most during 6-12
3) To find out the nutrient intake of pre-school children. months of age and one of the major determinant is poor
4) To compare the mean of nutrient intake of pre-school feeding practices during the first year of life. Appropriate
children with standards. complementary feeding involves a combination of practices
5) To assess the clinical signs and symptoms of nutritional to maintain breast milk intake and of the same time improve
deficiencies and malnutrition. the quality and quantity of foods children consume. The 6-
11 months period is an especially vulnerable time because
1. Introduction infants are just learning to earth and must be fed soft foods
frequently and patiently. Care must be taken to ensure that
Early childhood constitutes the most crucial period of life these foods complement rather than replace breast milk.
when foundations are laid for cognitive, social, emotional, Micronutrient intake can be increased by diversifying the
physical, motor development and cumulative lifelong diet to include fruits, vegetable and animal products using
learning. The development of children is the first priority on fortified foods, giving supplements. Food preferences and
the country’s development agenda, not because they are total food intake fluctuates and change from time to time.
most vulnerable, but because they are our supreme assets Appetite is erratic, so then considering these factor we
and also future human resources of the country. In these should ensure proper nutrition and eating habits during these
words, our tenth five year plan (2002-2007) underlines the vulnerable years.
fact that the future of India lies in the future of Indian
children. 2. Review of Related Literature
Children are the future of any nation. In India about three Deaton Angus and Dreze Jean (2008) examine the nutrition
fourth of the infant population lives in village. It is in India, facts and interpretation. Inspite of India’s rapid
imperative to preserve their health and to promote their well economic growth, there have been a sustained decline in per
being through exercising, utmost care in order to make them capita calorie consumption during the last twenty five years.
healthy and to protect them from deadly disease. Care of While the decline has been largest among better off
children had always traditionally been forte of mothers households, it has taken place throughout the range of
irrespective of education, income and special class household per capita total expenditure. This study presents
differences. Malnutrition is increasingly recognized as a the basic facts about growth, poverty and nutrition in India,
prevalent and important health problem in many developing it points to a number of puzzles and it sketches a preliminary
countries. This has serious long term consequences for the story that is consistent with the evidence. The reduction in
child and adversely influences their development. calorie consumption cannot be attributed to declining real
Malnutrition makes the child more susceptible to infection income, nor to any increase in the relative price of food.
and recovery is slower and mortality is higher. Caloric intake has serious limitations as a nutritional intake;
while caloric are extremely important, there are too many
Over the past two decades, there has been a substantial and sources of variation in caloric requirements for standard,
progressive decline in infant and child mortality rates in invariant, calorie norms to be carefully applied to large
India. There has been a significant reduction in prevalence sections of the population. This study concludes with a plea
of nutritional deficiency disorders. It therefore, important for better and more regular monitoring of nutritional status
that increasingly attention is now-paid to the nutritional in India.
status of survivors contrary to it. The alarming reports of
some international agencies which have placed India at the
Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Paper ID: NOV162730 975
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
BredenKamp Caryn (2008) conducted a study ‘Health household members of various ages. The most striking result
reform, population policy and child nutritional status in is that, while poverty is predictive of poor nutrition among
China. It examines the determinants of child nutritional pre-school children, food insecurity does not provide any
status in seven provinces of china during the 1990’s, additional predictive power for this age group. Among
focusing specifically the role of two areas of public policy. school age children neither poverty nor food insecurity is
The empirical relationship between income and nutritional associated with nutritional outcomes. While among adults
status and the extent to which that relationship is mediated and the elderly, both food insecurity and poverty are
by access to quality healthcare and being an old child, is predictive. These results suggest that researchers should be
investigated using ordinary least squares, random effects, cautious and nutritional outcomes, particularly among
access to quality, healthcare and income is not found to be children.
significantly associated with improved nutritional status in
the preferred model. Bharyana Alok, (2001) conducted a study titled by nutrition,
health and economic development. Some policy priorities
Mukherjee Maj R., 2007 conducted the cross sectional reveals that most developing countries face different
study was carried out to determine the nutritional status of resource and infra-structural conditions that limit their
school children in Army School, Pune Associates of economic growth. Nutritional deficiencies, poor
nutritional status with socio economic status, education environmental conditional and inadequate educational infra
status of parents, mothers working status, and family size structural hamper childrens learning, which is critical for the
were determined. Mothers educational level, socio economic future of skilled lab our and hence for economic
status and family size were significantly associated with development. Improved sanitation and vaccines against
nutritional status of the school children. infections will prevent loss of vital nutrients. Investments in
educational infra-structure, including adult literacy
Sharma et. Al, 2006 examined nutritional status of pre- programs, are beneficial for childrens cognitive
school children of Raj Gond. A Tribal population in Madhya development. Nutrient and health policies based on long-
Pradesh, the cross sectional study of the nutritional status term considerations will lead to a well trained lab our force
was made on 123 Raj Gond (tribal community of Central enabling non-resource rich developing countries to escape
India) preschool children (62 boys and 61 girls aged 1 to 5 from poverty traps.
years) in the waratola village of Balaghat district of Madhya
Pradesh. Anthropometric nutritional status was assessed by 3. Methodology and Procedure
WHO criterion (Sc classification) and also NCHs standard
using weight for age, height for age, weight for height For the collection of data, interview and questionnaire was
indicates and MUAC. Comparatively, Raj Gond 25 Pre- adapted. The study was carried out in Srinagar city amongst
School children were nutritionally were wasted than Gond the 150 preschool children of age group 2-5 years which
and other non tribal pre-school children of Madhya Pradesh. were enrolled in various preparatory schools in Rajbagh
Srinagar. The total sample of 150 children came from 3
Akhtar Muhammad al (2005) examines ‘Nutritional groups which were evenly distributed between three age
status of pre-schooling children of different socio-economic groups, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years (50 each).
statuses as influenced by various diseases. The study was
carried out on 100 children (85 malnourished and 15 After the required information was gathered the data was
apparently healthy) of pre-schooling age (0-4 years). The carefully analyzed and tabulated.
test patients were divided into four age groups (upto 23-12,
13-23, 24-35 and 36-48 months). Three socio-economic 4. Results
statuses i.e. lower class (maximum earning of Rs. 5000-
15000 per month), sex and on the basis of area of living i.e. The study of Health and nutritional status of pre-school
industrial or non-industrial. Mid arm circumference, percent children of age group 2-5 years, was carried out in four
of weight mass index were low in malnourished children. preparatory schools in the Rajbagh area of Srinagar city. The
They were also low among malnourished children of third interview cum questionnaire method was used for the
degree. collection of data.
The results revealed:
Bhattacharya Jayanta et. al (2004) examines the relationship
between nutritional status, poverty and food insecurity for

Table 10 (a): Height Distribution on the Basis of Age and Sex (2-3 Years)

Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Paper ID: NOV162730 976
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Table 10(a) reveals that taking males and females separately, height ranging from 90-100 cms. Comparing standard height
I found that most males occur in the height of 90-100 cms of both males and females, difference was found between
and females mostly occur in the height of 90-120 cms. When standard and average of both males and females.
taken together, it was revealed that most children fall in the

Table 10 (b): Height Distribution on the basis of age and sex (3-4 years)

Taking males and females separately, it was found that most from 80-9 cms. Comparing standard height of both males
males occur in the height of 90-110 cms and females mostly and females, difference was found between standard and
occur in the height of 80-90 cms. When taken together, it average height is more than that males.
was revealed that most children fall in the height ranging

Table 10 (c): Height Distribution on the Basis of Age and Sex (4-5 Years)

Taking males and females separately, it was found that most ranging from 100-110 cms. Comparing standard height of
males occur in the height of 100-110 cms and females both males and females, slight/not much difference was
mostly occur in the height of 1100-120 cms. When taken found between standard and average of both males and
together, it was revealed that most children fall in the height females.

Table 11 (a): Weight Distribution on the basis of Age and Sex (2-3 Years)

Sample Population of age group 2-3 years children, when group of 10-15 kgs. Comparing standard weight of both
taken separately, it into males and females I found that most males and females, slight / no difference was found between
males fall in the weight of 10-15 kgs, also most female standard and average weight of both males and females.
children fall in the weight of 10-15 kgs. When taken
together it revealed that most children fall in the weight

Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Paper ID: NOV162730 977
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Table 11 (b): Weight Distribution on the basis of age and sex (3-4 years)

Sample Population of age group 3-4 years children, when weight group of 15-20 kg. Comparing standard weight with
taken separately, it into males and females I found that most average weight of both males and females, it was found that
males fall in the weight of 15-20 kgs, and most female average weight of both males and females is slight more
female children occurs in the weight of 10-20 kgs. When than standard.
taken together it revealed that most children fall in the

Table 11 (c): Weight Distribution on the Basis of Age and Sex (4-5 Years)

Sample Population of age group 4-5 years children, when Standard Mid Arm Circumstance date from Shant
taken separately, it into males and females was found that Ghosh (ICMR), Shakir & Morley
most males fall in the weight of 15-20 kgs, and most female Mid Arm Circumference Age in Years Total
female children occurs in the weight of 15-20 kgs. When (in cm)
taken together it revealed that most children fall in the Male Female
weight group of 15-20 kg. Comparing standard weight of No. %age No. %age No. %age
both males and females, slight difference was found between 10-12 - - 6 20 6 12
standard and average weight of both males. Among females 12-14 4 20 - - 4 8
average weight was found to be more than that of standard. 14-16 2 10 12 40 14 28
16-18 14 70 12 40 26 52
Table 12 (a): Mid Term Circumstances Distribution on the 18-20 - - - - - -
Basis of Age and Sex 2-3 Years 20-22 - - - - - -
Mid Arm Circumference Age in Years Total Total 20 100 30 100 50 100
(in cm)
Male Female From the table, it was depicted that 20% of male children
No. %age No. %age No. %age suffer from moderate malnourishment and among females
10-12 - - - - - - 20% suffer from severe malnourishment. Also from table 1
12-14 - - - - - - found, 12% of total children in this age group suffer from
14-16 - - 6 20 6 12 severe malnourishment while as 8% suffer from moderate
16-18 18 90 12 40 30 60 malnourishment.
18-20 2 10 6 20 8 16
20-22 - - 6 20 6 12 Mid Arm Circumference Distribution on the Basis of
Total 20 100 30 100 50 100 Age and Sex (4-5 Years)
Mid Arm Circumference Age in Years Total
From the table, it was depicted that all the sample population (in cm)
that is both males and females are normal, and do not suffer Male Female
from any malnutrition. No. %age No. %age No. %age
Classification by Shakir and Morely 10-12 - - 6 20 6 12
MUAC (cms) Subjects Category of malnutrition 12-14 - - 6 20 6 12
14-16 12 Normal 14-16 2 10 12 40 14 28
16-18 60 Normal 16-18 12 60 6 20 18 36
18-20 16 Normal 18-20 6 30 - - 6 12
20-22 12 Normal 20-22 - - - - - -
Total 20 100 30 100 50 100
Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Paper ID: NOV162730 978
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
From the table, it was depicted that 20% of male children experience of 21 years and as nutritionist of 10 years before joining
suffer from moderate malnourishment and 20% suffer from her duties as a lecturer.
severe malnourishment. Also from table 1 found, 12% of
total children in this age group suffer from severe Tehmeem Taseen (21) is a student and is currently persuing her
bachelors (B.E.hons- Computer Science) from BITS-Pilani, Dubai-
malnourishment, while as 12% suffer from moderate Campus. She has been a meritorious student throughout her
malnourishment. academic journey. She has been actively working on Gender
Related issues and Health Status of school going children since last
Classification by Shakir and Morely 04 years.
MUAC (cms) Subjects Category of malnutrition
10-12 12 Severe malnourishment
12-14 12 Moderate malnourishment
14-16 28 Normal
16-18 36 Normal
18-20 12 Normal

Standard mid arm circumstance date from Shant Ghosh

(ICMR), Shakir & Morley
Classification by Shakir and Morely
MUAC (cms) Subjects Category of malnutrition
10-12 12 Severe malnourishment
12-14 8 Moderate malnourishment
14-16 28 Normal
16-18 52 Normal

5. Conclusion
This study is done in order to reflect the health and
nutritional status of Pre-School children of age group 2-5
years that were enrolled in various preparatory schools of
Rajbagh area of Srinagar city. The survey was carried out in
some selected preparatory schools. A sample of 150 children
was taken by using random sampling. The information / data
was collected from parents by using interview cum
questionnaire method. The components of the nutritional
assessment were Anthropometric measurements and clinical
assessment. From the study it was found that, children /
given sample, get less calories than their recommended
RDA. Protein intake of pre-school children / sample is more
than their RDA, Fat intake of 2-3 year children is more than
their RDA. Children of age group 2-3, 3-4 years get less
calcium than their RDA, while 4-5 years children get more
calcium than their RDA. Iron intake of children / selected
sample is less than their RDA.

[1] Park K, 1994; Text book of Social and Preventive
medicine. Banarasidas, Bannot Publications, Jabalpur,
[2] Sherman, H.C; 1948, food and health, Macmillan and
Co. NY.
[3] ICMR;1977, Nutritional Atlas of India (ICMR Studies).
[4] Agarwal; K.N and Shah P.M; 1974, Growth Standards
for Indian Children. Ind. J. ped; vol. 11, 332.

Author Profile
DR. Mehnaz Sheikh (54) is an Associate Professor in Home
Science& Nutrition and holds a post graduates degree in her subject
and has been a gold medalist. She has been awarded Doctorate of
Philosophy in her subject long back in 2011. She is currently
posted in the Department of Home Science, Government College
for Women- M.A.Road, Srinagar, J&K, India. She has a teaching

Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Paper ID: NOV162730 979
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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