Designing Literacy Pedagogy: Scaffolding Asymmetries: J R Martin & David Rose

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Designing Literacy Pedagogy:

scaffolding asymmetries
J R Martin & David Rose
In J Webster, C Matthiessen & R Hasan (eds.)
Continuing Discourse on Language. London:Continuum, 2005, 251-280

1. Learning how to mean

Context is important – not just for the texts we study but also for the research we
undertake. And functional linguists who have played a part in literacy oriented action
research projects in Australia have done so in the fortunate context of Halliday’s
ground-breaking work on language development (1975, 1993, 2004), and its ongoing
elaboration by various scholars, especially Painter (e.g. 1984, 1989, 1996, 1998,
1999, 2000, 20003a,b, 2004). Painter 1986 in particular documents the
understanding of language learning in the home which inspired Joan Rothery’s
design of literacy pedagogy for primary and secondary school1 (Rothery 1989, 1996,
Martin & Rothery 1990). From Halliday and Painter, Rothery took the notion of
‘guidance through interaction in the context of shared experience’, a principle which
turned out to resonate strongly with (but was not initially influenced by) neo-
Vygotskyan notions of ‘scaffolding’ (Mercer 1994, 1995, 2000; for mediation across
Vygotskyan and SFL perspectives see Hasan 1995, 2001, 2004a,b). Indeed,
Applebee & Langer 1983 refer directly to Halliday’s work in their influential
popularisation of Bruner’s term scaffolding (originally coined in Wood et al. 1976);
and Wells (e.g. 1999) has further developed the connections between Halliday’s
linguistics and cultural historical activity theory (CHAT).

In this paper we will briefly review the teaching/learning cycle developed by Rothery
and her colleagues, which focussed mainly on writing.2 We will then describe how
this pedagogy has been extended and refined for teaching both reading and writing
in work by David Rose and colleagues (Rose 2004a, in press, Rose et al 1999, Rose
et al 2004). This extension involves the re/design of both global and local patterns of
interaction between teacher and students. Bernstein’s work on pedagogic discourse
in relation to social class functions for us, as it has for Halliday, as the most relevant
informing sociology for this work (Bernstein 1975, 1990, 1996).

2. Genre-based literacy teaching

The teaching/learning cycle, which evolved in the context of the Disadvantaged

Schools Program in Sydney’s Metropolitan East Region, has produced various
imagic representations; the version in Figure 1 comes from Rothery’s 1994
secondary school English materials. It features three main phases of activity, named
Deconstruction, Joint Construction and Individual Construction. The Deconstruction
phase foregrounds modelling, establishing one genre or another as the goal for the
cycle as a whole; the Joint Construction phase involves scribing another example of
the genre based on suggestions from students; and the Individual Construction stage
hands over responsibility to students for writing a further text in the genre on their

own. As the model indicates, building field and setting context is critical to each
phase of the cycle, where these are interpreted as a range of activities through which
students build up content for the genre and learn more about the contexts in which it
is deployed. And the ultimate goal of the cycle is both control over and a critical
orientation to how authors construct the genre (Macken-Horarik 1998).

Figure 1: Genre pedagogy cycle

As can be seen from even this brief overview, the model brings various aspects of
‘guidance through interaction in the context of shared experience’ to the writing
process. Shared experience is engendered by establishing clear generic goals,
building field and setting context; interaction is built into teaching and learning, in the
design of various field building activities and the Joint Construction phase in
particular; and the teacher is regularly placed in an authoritative position as far as
guidance is concerned – whether modelling the genre, recontextualising spoken
student discourse as writing when scribing or scaffolding field building activities.

The principled way in which the model positions teachers and learners can be further
unpacked by drawing on Bernstein’s well-known notions of classification and framing,
where classification “refers to the degree of boundary maintenance between
contents” and framing “to the range of options available to teacher and taught in the
control of what is transmitted and received in the context of the pedagogical
relationship” (1975: 88-89). For Bernstein (1975:119-120) weak classification and
framing characterise what he calls an invisible pedagogy (such as that associated
with progressive education); whereas strong classification and framing characterise a
visible pedagogy3 (such as that associated with traditional education):

An invisible pedagogy is created by:

(1) implicit hierarchy;
(2 ) implicit sequencing rules;
(3) implicit criteria.
The underlying rule is: 'Things must be put together.'

A visible pedagogy is created by:

(1) explicit hierarchy
(2) explicit sequencing rules
(3) explicit and specific criteria.
The underlying rule is: 'Things must be kept apart.'

Our aim was to develop a model which drew on the strengths of both these
pedagogic stances, shifting in emphasis from one phase or another of the
teaching/learning cycle. The Deconstruction stage for example begins with weak
classification and framing as teachers facilitate activities which start where students
are at, in order to open up the field and context of the genre; framing and
classification values strengthen when a model text is introduced, as the teacher
authoritatively makes visible the structure and purpose of the text (including as much
critical deconstruction as deemed appropriate). Joint Construction begins with weak
classification and framing as students open up a new field, researching and
brainstorming new ideas for the text, before strengthening these values as the
teacher guides them while organising the material; when jointly constructing text, the
framing values split according to field (in which the students have more control,
proffering content) and genre (in which the teacher has more control as a literacy
guide). Independent Construction again opens with weak classification and framing
as students explore another field, and then weak framing but relatively strong
classification of the field and genre, as they write a text on their own; the final stages
of the cycle have always been designed to weaken this classification as students are
encouraged to experiment creatively with the genre, or on the basis of deconstructing
its politics to recontextualise it for alternative needs (see Martin 1998 for examples).
These waves of classification and framing are outlined in Table 1.

Table 1: Waves of classification and framing through the teaching/learning cycle

- setting -F -C starts where learners are at, including
context/field valuing their voice
- modelling +F +C authoritative visibilising, including
critical literacy
Joint construction
- setting -F^+F -C^+C weaker for gathering ideas, stronger
context/field for sorting them
- negotiating text +/-F +C learners controlling content, teacher
controlling genre
Independent construction
- setting -F -C return to learners’ contexts, if
context/field possible beyond simulation
- writing -F +C...-C control/evaluation... then interested
Key: - weaker, + stronger, ^ sequence.

Implementation of the teaching/learning cycle as outlined above was complicated by

two factors. One was the cost of introducing a metalanguage to teachers for
deconstructing texts; our early initiatives were limited to knowledge about genres and

their staging, and attempts to introduce functional grammar to the curriculum have
met with mixed success. The other was the ability of students to read the texts used
in research and modelling phases. Recent work on recontextualising the genre-
based literacy pedagogy, by David Rose and colleagues, addresses both these
issues. This project focuses on teaching students to read texts across the curriculum
at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, and to use what they have learnt from
reading in their writing. In the process, teachers and students develop a
metalanguage that targets deconstruction of discourse semantic patterns, without
first needing to acquire a technical grammar.

3. Focusing on reading

The intention of the genre-based pedagogy was to provide all students with access to
resources for writing texts that would be successfully evaluated by their teachers and
examiners. The focus in other words was on writing, since that was the primary
medium through which students were assessed at each stage of schooling, and so
became our immediate target for redistributing success across the student
population. On the other hand, implicit within each phase of the writing pedagogy
was supported practice in reading, in jointly researching the field, in the
deconstruction of model texts with teacher support, and in independent research
enabled by the preceding phases. Crucially, students were learning to read not just
the subject matter of pedagogic texts, but more importantly their language patterns,
focusing particularly on generic structures but also including various discourse and
grammatical features.

Nevertheless, while reading with ‘guidance through interaction’ was the medium for
acquiring control of genres, it was marginal to the central goal of learning to write for
assessment. Yet for learning in school, reading is certainly central, as Bernstein
points out, “beyond the book is the textbook, which is the crucial pedagogic medium
and social relation” (1990:53). While writing may play a part in reinforcing knowledge
acquired through reading, we consider its primary function is to assess that
acquisition. Furthermore, there were significant groups of students for whom genre
writing pedagogies did not provide sufficient support to read and use model texts in
their own writing. These particularly included students from oral cultural backgrounds,
such as many Indigenous Australian students, for whom reading was not a significant
component of primary socialisation in the home, in contrast to children from literate
middle class families who may spend an average of 1000 hours in parent-child
reading before starting school (Bergin 2001).

It is possible to discern a literacy development curriculum that underlies the

sequence of schooling, that consistently advantages the latter group, through each
phase from the home to primary, secondary and tertiary study, while disadvantaging
others (see Rose 2004a for discussion of this sequence, and Williams 1999, 2001,
2004 for description of parent-child reading practices). Its consequences are
constantly felt across the student population, typically referred to as ‘ability levels’,
which teachers and schools attempt to cope with in various ways, such as
individuating work according to students’ literacy assessments. What is less often
explicitly attempted is to teach all students in a class to read texts appropriate to their
age, grade and curriculum area, and so to independently learn from reading such
texts, and successfully write assessment tasks. To do so requires an expansion of

the genre pedagogy to adequately support all students to practise at the same high
level, and reconsideration of the ways that Halliday’s functional language model is
applied to analysis and teaching of pedagogic texts.

The systemic functional language model and reading

Theories of reading in early schooling tend to be polarised between those that

advocate immersing learners in whole texts (e.g. ‘whole language’), versus those that
advocate explicit teaching of sound-letter correspondences, followed by words,
phrases and sentences (e.g. ‘phonics’). In Halliday’s stratified model of language, this
polarisation dissolves into different perspectives on the same phenomenon, from the
stratum ‘above’ of text or discourse semantics, and from the stratum ‘below’ of
phonology and graphology (Halliday 1996). It is the stratum between, of wording or
lexicogrammar, that appears to commonsense as what we are reading, since the
written page consists of words organised into sentences. The acrimony in reading
theory is over whether it is primarily ‘decoding’ sequences of letters, or ‘predicting’
sequences of meanings, that enables us to read words. The answer flowing from the
systemic functional model is of course both.

The medium of expression, of phonology versus graphology, is an obvious difference

between speaking and writing, so explicit teaching of reading has traditionally started
with teaching the graphic medium. But Halliday (1989) has also shown us significant
grammatical differences between spoken and written modes of meaning, between
the ‘recursive’ structures typical of speech and ‘crystalline’ structures typical of
written sentences. Essential for recognising these differences is his model of
grammatical ranks, which shows that lexical ‘content’ tends to be sparsely strung out
at clause rank in speech, but densely packed into word group rank in writing. While a
written sentence may appear visually as a string of words, it is also organised in
intermediate ranks of word groups and phrases.

Likewise, a word may appear as a string of letters, but these are also organised in
intermediate ranks of syllables and their components. A layer of organisation above
the letter is acknowledged in phonics approaches to reading, as letter ‘blends’ that
are taught in paradigms of sound-letter correspondences. But phonics theories have
two major gaps that render them ineffective for many if not most learners: one is that
the sounds associated with letter patterns in English (Mountford 1998) vary with the
particular word in which they occur (the ‘ough’ pattern is one obvious example), and
the other is that the great variety of letter patterns in the English spelling system
depend on their structural position in the syllable, as onset (e.g. ‘thr-’) or rhyme (e.g.
‘-ough’). That is there are two parallel systems of letter patterns at syllable rank: the
system of onsets and the system of rhymes, and both depend on the context of
particular words. The entire English spelling system is thus very complex but, like all
language systems, consists of regular predictable contrasts. These can be learnt, not
simply from displaying paradigmatic oppositions as phonics programs attempt to do,
but only from recognising recurrent instances in meaningful discourse, as we learn all
other language systems at other ranks and strata in speaking and writing.

But it is not through processing letter patterns alone that we recognise written words;
while the spelling system is complex, the systems of meaning that words realise are
immeasurably more so, and it is equally our experience of these systems that

enables us to read. Again there are intermediate layers of structure in the discourse
semantic stratum, between the sentence and the text, in particular the stages that
different genres go through to achieve their goals, as well as shorter phases of
meaning within each stage that are more variable, but are nevertheless predictable
within particular genres and registers. And aside from such segments, there are other
kinds of structure at the discourse stratum of written text, including chains of
reference to people and things, strings of lexical elements that expect each other
from sentence to sentence, and swelling and diminishing prosodies of appraisal, all
packaged within smaller and larger waves of information.4 Fluent reading involves
recognising and predicting meanings unfolding through all these structures, without
which it would be impossible to make sense of written text. Layers of structure in
strata and ranks are represented schematically in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Complexity of the reading task by strata and rank

A pedagogy for all learners to read and write across the curriculum

Given the extraordinary complexity of the task of reading outlined here, of continually
recognising, predicting and recalling patterns at each stratum of graphology,
lexicogrammar and discourse, teaching reading must somehow involve simplifying
the task. Phonics and related approaches attempt to do so by treating the language
system as though it were ‘bricks-&-mortar’,5 building up from smallest to larger units,
from letters to blends to words, then through hierarchies of ‘basal’ reading books,
from single words to word groups to sentences. Whole language approaches attempt
to avoid complexity by treating texts as undifferentiated lakes of meaning for learners
to immerse in. But Halliday’s model of language, complemented by genre and
register theory, and observations of parent-child reading in the home, enables us to
decomplexify the reading task systematically. The methodology we have developed
to do so is known as Learning to Read:Reading to Learn, outlined as follows.

For a start, for learners to comprehend a text, they need to recognise its genre and
field, and to have enough experience to interpret the field as it unfolds through the
text. Depending on the level of technicality it can be very easy to orient learners to
the genre and field of a text before reading it, and this is in fact what parents often do
while reading to their children, particularly in literate middle-class families (cf Cloran
1999, 2000, Hasan 1990, 1991). Since the field of children’s written stories is
frequently wildly outside of their experience, parents may spend considerable time
talking them through the field, using the illustrations, before they even begin to read.
Essentially the same strategy can be used at any level, by summarising the
sequence of a text’s field as it unfolds through its generic phases, in terms that
learners can readily understand. The reading task can then be further decomplexified
by simply reading the text aloud to the class. This means that weak readers need not
struggle, either to work out what is going on in each phase, nor to recognise words
from their letter patterns, but can attend easily to the words as they are read aloud.
This phase of the Reading to Learn process is known as Preparing before Reading.

Students’ understanding of the overall meanings of a text provides a sound context

for recognising the more detailed meanings within each sentence. At this stage of the
pedagogy, students can begin to read the wordings for themselves, but the
complexity of this task can be alleviated by doing so a little at a time, and again
providing adequate support to recognise wordings from the perspective of meaning.
This involves three preparation cues: firstly a paraphrase of the meaning of the whole
sentence in commonsense terms, together with its relation to the context or
preceding text, secondly a position cue that tells learners where to look for the
wording, and thirdly the meaning of the wording in general or commonsense terms.
Students then have to reason from the meaning cue to the actual wording on the

Once they have successfully identified a wording, students are prepared for an
elaboration of its meaning, by defining technical or literate wordings, by explaining
new concepts or metaphors, or by discussing students’ relevant experience. In
general the distinction between the meanings used for preparing to identify wordings,
and the elaborations that follow, is between meaning within and meaning beyond the
clause. In this way students are given access to the total complexity of language
patterns in the text, but in manageable steps. This phase of the pedagogy is known
as Detailed Reading. The interactive process of Detailed Reading allows every
learner to read a text that is appropriate to their age or grade, with fluency and
comprehension, no matter how weak their independent reading skills may be.

We have termed the three move cycle of Prepare, Task and Elaborate a scaffolding
interaction cycle, diagrammed for Detailed Reading in Figure 3. This cycle formally
describes the micro-interactions involved in parent-child reading (further discussed
Rose 2004a), and in the genre writing pedagogy. The formal description enables
teachers to carefully plan a discussion around the language features in a text, to
think through which language features will be focused on at each step, how the
teacher will prepare students to identify them, and how they will elaborate on them.

Fig 3: Detailed Reading interaction cycle

The scaffolding cycle resembles the ‘triadic dialogue’ or ‘IRF’ (Initiation-Response-

Feedback) pattern, described by Sinclair & Coulthard (1975), Nassaji & Wells (2000)
and others, as endemic to classroom discourse. But there are three crucial
differences between this pattern and scaffolding interactions. Firstly the initial
scaffolding move is not simply eliciting a response, but is carefully planned to prepare
all learners to respond successfully; secondly the followup move is rarely simply
feedback that evaluates or comments on the response, but is consistently designed
to elaborate shared knowledge about text features; and thirdly the feedback is always
affirming, whereas student responses that are inadequately prepared in everyday
classroom discourse are frequently rejected. Rejection of responses includes not
only direct negation, but is more often implicit in teachers’ qualified acceptance,
rephrasing, or ignoring. In any class, it is only a minority of students who consistently
give successful responses, a fact that is often missed in analysis of class transcripts,
but is the daily reality for all teachers and students (further discussed in Rose in
press a). In contrast, the scaffolding interaction cycle is designed to enable all
students to always respond successfully.

Once they can read the text accurately, students are then prepared to use its
language patterns to construct a new text. As the detailed reading provides more
intensive support for text deconstruction than does the genre writing cycle, so it is
also possible to provide greater support for text construction, by using the language
patterns of the original text in greater detail. This dimension of the Reading to Learn
pedagogy varies between writing narrative and factual texts. Both involve replicating
the genre, but writing stories initially uses the same discourse and grammatical
patterns of the original with a new field, while writing factual texts initially borrows the
field and discourse patterns of the original with a shift in mode.

After Detailed Reading of a narrative passage, students gain sufficient control over its
discourse and grammatical patterns to be able to attend to creating a new sequence

of activities, with new characters, locations and descriptive lexis. The text they
produce will be at the same level, using the same literate language devices as the
accomplished author that they have been reading. As with the genre writing cycle,
the teacher initially guides students to use the original patterns as a framework for a
Joint Rewriting, before they attempt independent writing. This Joint Rewriting phase
may also be preceded by Sentence Making activities, in which a paragraph from the
reading text is written on cardboard strips, cut up and manipulated by students in
groups. Sentence Making activities can intensify reading practice, prepare for writing
through manipulation of familiar wordings, and lead to spelling practice. Following
Joint Rewriting of a story, additional support for independent writing can be provided
by students’ Individual Rewriting, again using the same language patterns but with
their own events, characters and so on.

After Detailed Reading of a factual text, students have sufficient control of its field
and discourse patterns, to translate its highly written wordings into patterns they are
more likely to use themselves, that is towards a more oral mode. And again this
begins with a teacher supported Joint Rewriting followed by independent writing of
the same text. With factual texts, Joint Rewriting starts with a Note Making phase, in
which students scribe the wordings they have marked in Detailed Reading, on the
board as notes. These notes then provide the content for Joint Rewriting of the text,
using new wordings with the same genre, field and discourse patterns. Again Joint
Rewriting can be followed with Individual Rewriting, in which students use the same
notes to write a text of their own, before going on to independent writing of new
factual texts.6

The sequence of activities outlined above is diagrammed in Figure 4, and intensifies

and extends the support provided by the genre pedagogy as follows. Firstly, support
for text Deconstruction in the genre cycle is intensified in two steps in the Reading to
Learn cycle, Preparing before Reading and Detailed Reading. Secondly, support for
Joint Construction phase is intensified in two steps, first with Sentence Making or
Note Making and then Joint Rewriting. And thirdly, Independent Construction is
further supported with an initial step of Individual Rewriting before Independent

Fig 4: Reading to Learn cycle

The Reading to Learn pedagogy for factual texts is illustrated with the following
transcript of a lesson conducted with Year 10 students in the South African township
of Sobantu (Rose 2004b). These students are generally articulate in English but even
the brightest students’ literacy skills are hampered by a lack of reading books and
past neglect of teacher training; currently only about 2% of such students from black
township schools matriculate into university. The text in Example 1 was selected for
the lesson from a recent history textbook, From Apartheid to Democracy: South
Africa 1948-1994 (Nuttal et al 1998:117).

Example 1:
Revolutionary days: The 1984 to 1986 uprising
In the mid-1980s South African politics erupted in a rebellion in black
townships throughout the country. The government’s policies of repression
had bred anger and fear. Its policies of reform had given rise to expectations
amongst black people of changes which the government had been unable to
meet. The various forces of resistance, which we outlined in the previous
section, now combined to create a major challenge for the government.
The townships became war zones, and in 1985 the ANC called on its
supporters among the youth to make these areas ‘ungovernable’. The army
occupied militant township areas. The conflict was highly complex and violent;
it involved not only clashes between the security forces and the resisters, but
violence between competing political organizations, between elders and youth,
and between people who lived in shantytowns and those who lived in formal

This text is an instance of a genre common in history and social sciences, that we
have called factorial explanation, since it explains multiple factors leading to an
event (Martin & Rose to appear). In this case, the 1984 to 1986 uprising is explained
as the result of two contradictory government policies and the combining of
resistance forces, and is then described in more detail. The text is well beyond what
most students in the class could read with full comprehension. Its language features
include complex metaphors such as politics erupting, breeding anger and fear, and
giving rise to expectations, together with many examples of abstract or technical
wordings derived from nominalising processes, such as rebellion, policies of
repression and reform, expectations, forces of resistance and creating a major
challenge (Halliday 1998, Halliday & Martin 1993, Rose in press b, Simon-
Vandenbergenet al 2003). Furthermore, the logical structure of the explanation is left
largely implicit for the reader to infer, including causal relations between the rebellion
and the government’s policies, and between these policies and the forces of
resistance combining to challenge the government. Where causal relations are
explicit they are realised metaphorically as policies breeding anger and fear and
giving rise to expectations.

Preparation before Reading

Preparing before Reading begins with discussion of the background to the events of
the text, that is the overall field of which it is a part. This is followed by a summary of
its topic, and the sequence in which the field unfolds through the text. In this
summary its phases are paraphrased in commonsense terms, its logic is made
explicit, metaphors are unpacked, and abstract nominalisations may be re-expressed
as people involved in actions. Example 2 illustrates this with an extract from the
Sobantu lesson:

Example 2:
The particular time we’re going to look at is this one here, the mid-
1980s, so it’s 1984, 1985, 1986. Now this is when the next student uprising
started in townships like Sobantu. This little part of the textbook, this little
story, is about why the violence started in the townships at that time, and what
happened, and who was involved.
But it starts off telling us that the rebellion started in the black
townships, and there were two reasons for this. Because the government, on
one side they had a policy to keep the people down, to repress the people with
the police and the army. And of course this made the people very angry and
frightened. So they had this policy on one side of keeping people down, but on
the other side, they promised to make things better for the people. But then
they didn’t give the people enough money to actually make things better. So
people expected things to get better and they didn’t. So these two things
combined to make the people very frustrated.
And when the trouble blew up, the ANC called on all the young
supporters in the townships to make it so difficult, to make so much trouble,
like these guys here, that the government couldn’t come in and control them.
But there were a lot of sides to this rebellion because there were so many
different people involved. So on the one hand you had the police and the army
against the protestors. On the other hand you had organisations like ANC, and
what’s the other one? [students] IFP. - IFP! And they were fighting with each

other, right? [students] Yes. – And you had old people arguing with young
people. And you had people who lived in townships like Sobantu, and other
people who lived in the squatter camps, and they had different ideas about
what should happen. So there’s a lot of sides to it.

The text is then read to the class, although competent student readers may also take
turns to read aloud.

Detailed Reading

The scaffolding interaction in Detailed Reading of the first few sentences is

transcribed in Example 3. Here each student has a photocopy of the text, the teacher
prepares, students identify and highlight wordings in their copies, and the teacher
then affirms and elaborates. In each preparation move, the teacher first paraphrases
the meaning of the sentence and reads it aloud, then gives the position and meaning
cue for each wording in turn, and asks the students to find the wording in the text.
Two types of meaning cues are used. One type gives a general experiential
meaning, using ‘wh’ items such as who, when, where, which, so that students must
identify the particular person, time, place, class and so on, in the wording on the
page. The other type gives a commonsense paraphrase of a technical or literary
wording which students must identify in the text. Crucially, these preparations are
usually given as statements; questions are not used to assess students’
understanding, as in typical classroom discourse, but only as prompts to identify
wordings. In the transcript, types of preparation cues and elaborations are analysed
in square brackets.

Example 3:
First sentence
Prepare [sentence meaning] Now the first sentence tells us that the trouble blew up
in the townships, and that the people were rebelling against the
government. (Teacher reads sentence as students read along to
themselves.) In the mid-1980s South African politics erupted in a rebellion
in black townships throughout the country.
Prepare [position] Now that sentence starts by telling us [general meaning] when
they rebelling. Who can see the words that tell us when?
Identify In the 1980s.
Affirm Is she right? (engaging all students to check and affirm) OK.
Elaborate Let’s all do mid-1980s (expanding student’s response).

Prepare [position] Then it tells us that [commonsense meaning] South African

politics blew up. Can you see the word that tells us South African politics
blew up? [position] South African politics…? (empty tonic)
Identify Erupted.
Affirm Erupted! Is he right? [students] Yes. - Can you see the word that says
erupted? Lets do that one, erupted (repeating pronunciation).
Elaborate [unpack metaphor] The reason they use the word erupted is because
that’s what volcanoes do. Have you heard that before? [students] Yes. - A
volcano erupts? [students] Yes. – So what were the townships like? They
were like…? [students] Volcanoes. – Exactly right, they were like a
volcano, and there was all this pressure inside, waiting to blow up and

erupt, with all this anger the people were feeling about the government’s

Prepare OK, South African politics erupted [position] and then it tells us
[commonsense meaning] that people were rebelling. Can you see the
word that means people were rebelling? [position] South African politics
erupted in a…?
Identify Rebellion.
Affirm Rebellion! Is he right? [students] Yes. – OK, everybody do rebellion.

Prepare [position] Then it tells us [general meaning] where that rebellion happened.
Identify In townships.
Elaborate Exactly right. Which townships did it happen in?
Identify In black townships.
Affirm OK! Let’s all do black townships.
Elaborate So it happened in townships like Sobantu. So it was your parents that
were involved in this. Is that right? [students] Yes. - Have they told you
stories about that time? [students] Yes.

Second sentence
Prepare [discourse connections] Now the next sentence tells us the reasons that
you had this rebellion; [sentence meaning] because the government had a
policy of keeping people down, of repressing people, and this made the
people angry and frightened. Now everybody look at the sentence and I’m
going to read it to you, OK. The government’s policies of repression had
bred anger and fear.
Prepare [position] Now this sentence starts by telling us [commonsense meaning]
which policy it was. It was a policy that repressed people. Can anybody at
this table tell me what that policy was? [position] The government’s
policies of…?
Identify Repression.
Affirm Repression! Is that right? [students] Yes.
Elaborate [define term] OK, repression means you’re keeping people down, you’re
repressing them. Do the whole lot, government’s policies of repression.

Prepare [commonsense meaning] The government’s policies made the people

angry and frightened. And who can tell me the words that mean angry and
frightened. [position] They had bred…?
Identify Anger and fear.
Affirm OK! Anger and fear. Let’s all do that…Have we all got that? OK, beautiful.
Elaborate [discourse connections] OK, we’re on to the next sentence. So that was
one policy they had, to keep people down, to repress them.

Here ‘wh’ cues include ‘when’ for In the mid-1980s, ‘where’ for in black townships,
and ‘which townships’ for black townships. Commonsense cues include ‘blew up’ for
erupted, ‘people were rebelling’ for rebellion, ‘keeping people down, repressing
people’ for repression, and ‘made the people angry and frightened’ for bred anger
and fear. As students actively reason from the meaning cues to the wordings on the
page, they learn to automatically recognise types of language patterns as they read.
Some of these patterns are shared with spoken modes, such as places, times and so

on. Others are more written, such as layered metaphors like politics erupted and
nominalisations like policies of repression. These high level reading tasks are made
easy by giving the context of the sentence in commonsense terms, and the position
of the wording, as the sentence is worked through in sequence. The detailed focus
on particular wordings never becomes a mechanical exercise, as they are continually
contextualised in preparations and elaborations, in the field of the text and the flow of

With this support all students are able to read each wording with understanding.
Although not apparent in the transcript, each preparation is directed to a different
student to respond, and the whole class is then asked to check and affirm.
Successfully recognising a wording enables them to understand and participate in
elaborating its meaning, such as defining terms like repression, explaining metaphors
like erupting or discourse relations such as the logical contrast between policies of
repression and reform, or contextualising the field in students’ experience. The
framing varies between stronger and weaker as the teacher prepares and then hands
over control to identify and discuss their experience. Over time, such supported
practice in reading and interpreting high level texts enables all students to
independently read comparable texts (evaluated in McRae et al 2000).

Rewriting from Notes

The next step in working with factual texts is for students to scribe the wordings they
have identified and highlighted in the text, onto the class board as notes. As the
Detailed Reading has given them a strong command over the field of the text, the
framing is weakened in the Note Making phase for them to take control of the activity.
The class directs the scribe in the words to write and how to spell them, affording
opportunities for the whole class to actively attend to spelling patterns as their
vocabulary expands. Notes produced by students in the Sobantu lesson are shown in
Example 4.

Example 4:
1984-1986 uprising
• mid-1980s - rebellion - black townships
• government’s policies of repression - anger and fear
• policies of reform - expectations of changes - unable to meet
• forces of resistance - combined - major challenge for the government
• townships - war zones
• 1985 - ANC - supporters among the youth - make ‘ungovernable’
• army - militant township
• conflict highly complex violent
• clashes - security forces - resisters - political organizations - elders and youth
• shantytowns - formal townships

In Joint Rewriting teacher supports the class to jointly construct a new text from the
notes, but before doing so, prepares them by pointing out discourse patterns and
other key elements in the notes. This preparation before writing gives students the
general framework of genre and field within which to rewrite the text. Here the
teacher supports students to recognise patterns they have already encountered, by
pointing to the notes and reiterating the Detailed Reading discussion. The scaffolding

interaction cycle is used again for Joint Rewriting, but now the teacher prepares
students to imagine new texts, by drawing attention to notes, suggesting alternative
wordings, and further discussing the field. Instead of identifying literate wordings from
commonsense cues, students select more commonsense paraphrases for the literate
wordings in the notes. Then the teacher may elaborate by rephrasing the selection,
supporting them to check issues such as grammar, punctuation or spelling, and
encouraging critical discussion of the way the original author constructed the field,
and how they may reconstruct it. Such high level critical analysis is possible because
of the supported practice in deconstructing and reconstructing meanings at all levels
of the text. The framing in this phase thus oscillates between stronger and weaker as
the teacher prepares and then hands over control to students for selection and
scribing. This cycle is illustrated with an extract from the Sobantu lesson in Example

Example 5:
First sentence
Prepare [alternative lexical item] So what we’ve done is we’ve used the word
rebellion already, so we’ll have to use another word that means the same.
Select Uprising.
Affirm OK.
Prepare [alternative sentence structure] And we’ll change the order around. Instead
of starting with the mid-1980s, let’s start with this part (rebellion). I’ll tell
you what I would do, I would say There was [teacher scribes]
Select There was an uprising.
Affirm An uprising? Good.
[student scribes an uprising]
Prepare [locate in time] And when was this? Will we do this? (mid-1980s)
Select An uprising in the mid-1980s.
Affirm in the mid-1980s
[student scribes in the mid-1980s]
Prepare [locate in place] Whereabouts?
Select At the black townships
Elaborate OK. [critique ethnic classification] Do we have to say the black townships?
Select No. In South African townships. (These students consider themselves a
‘New Generation’ that need not accept the ethnic classifications of
Affirm In South African townships.
[student scribes in South African townships]
Prepare [sentence structure] Is that the end of the sentence?
Select Ya, that is the end of the sentence.
Elaborate [punctuation] What do we need at the end of a sentence?
Select Full stop. [scribes]

Second sentence
Select The government’s laws. Policy’s like a law, isn’t it?
Elaborate [explain field] Well, they make laws from their policies. Policies are more
like the ideas that they have. But that’s OK, we can use the word policies.
Prepare [unpack nominalisation] Let’s think about another way of saying
repression. So what did the government do to the people?
Select Repressed them.

Affirm That’s right, the government repressed the people.

Prepare [logical connections] And what did it cause?
Select Anger and fear.
Elaborate [unpack nominalisation] So we could say it made them angry and
Prepare [make logic explicit] Here’s an idea, we can start off by saying Because.
How’s that?
Select Because what? Because the government.
Affirm The government, yeh.
[student scribes Because the government]
Prepare [unpack nominalisation] And who did they repress?
Select The people.
Affirm The people, yes.
[student scribes repressed the people]
Prepare [logical connections] How did the people feel?
Select They were frustrated and frightened
[student scribes they were fustrated]
Elaborate [spelling letter patterns] F-R.
Select Frus! [scribes frustrated and frightened]

Third sentence
Prepare [parallel grammatical structure] We can start off the same way. See those
two sentences had the same pattern (in original text).
Select Because.
Prepare Again, who was promising?
Select Because the government.
[student scribes Because the government]
Elaborate [spelling] Watch when you’re spelling government. It’s got an N in the
Prepare [unpack nominalisation] So what did the government do?
Select The government had promised…had promised changes.
[student scribes had promised changes]
Prepare [logical connections] OK, so what did the people want?
Select The people expected
Elaborate OK! [punctuation] Maybe you should put a little comma there, after
[student scribes the people expected]
Select Changes that people expected.
Elaborate [specify lexical item] Well, we can’t just say changes again. Did they
expect things to get worse?
Select No. Expected things to get better.
[student scribes things to get better]
Prepare [explicit concession] But! But what happened? What happened with the
Select Instead the government couldn’t provide those changes.
Elaborate Yeh, [alternative conjunction] you can keep it in the same sentence and
just use but here.
Select But the government couldn’t provide.
[student scribes but the government couldn’t provide]

Prepare [complete figure] But the government couldn’t provide…?

Select Provide their needs.
Affirm Oh, provide their needs. That’s great.
[student scribes their needs]

In this Joint Rewriting phase students are practising a wide range of language
features at the levels of discourse, lexicogrammar and graphology, supported by the
teacher and their command of the field in the notes. One of the key activities in this
context is practice with translating abstract nominalisations back into processes
involving people and things. Continual practice in both directions – from
commonsense cues to abstract wordings in Detailed Reading, and from abstractions
to commonsense wordings in Joint Rewriting – supports students to control
grammatical metaphor in the context of its text building functions. The text produced
through this Joint Rewriting is presented as Example 6.

Example 6:
The Rebellion of 1984-1986
There was an uprising in the mid-1980s in South African townships.
Because the government repressed the people, they were frustrated and
frightened. Because the government promised changes, the people expected
things to get better, but the government couldn’t provide their needs. So all the
parties resisting apartheid came together and started serious trouble for the
It was like a war in the townships. In 1985 the ANC called the young
people to cause so much chaos that they could not be controlled by the
government. The army moved into the townships with the most chaos. The
police and the army clashed with protestors, the ANC and Inkatha competed
violently, elders and young people argued, and people in townships fought
with those in the squatter camps.

Such negotiated joint construction is a step towards students writing their own texts
using the same notes, which is in turn a further supportive step towards independent
research and writing in this and other fields and genres. Semiotic mediation, from
Vygotsky’s (1981) ‘inter-psychological categories’ to ‘intra-psychological categories’
(Hasan 2004b), is thus accomplished in a series of manageable steps,
deconstructing not just the text, but the tasks of reading and writing. At each step,
learners take control of new elements of both the tasks and the language patterns of
the text, and the scaffolding support is gradually withdrawn.

The reading focused activities outlined here thus complement and enhance the
writing focused teaching/learning cycle outlined in Figure 1, providing more intensive
scaffolding support for learners to adopt literate language patterns from authors of
model texts. This more intensive support benefits both weaker and stronger students:
all students learn to consciously recognise and use discourse patterns that are well
beyond their independent competence. Over time, the scaffolding process in both
models involves the gradual introduction of knowledge about language (Carter 1990,
1996, Schleppegrell 2004), drawing students’ attention to key linguistic phenomena.
This can be done using various degrees of technical metalanguage, depending on
the expertise of teachers and the readiness of students. For younger students or
weaker readers, we begin with commonsense metalanguage such as the ‘wh’ items

used in Detailed Reading. Technical terms for discourse and grammar features can
then be introduced in steps as they gain control over the language and field of texts.
For more advanced learners, technical metalanguage can be introduced from the
beginning, and expanded as patterns of discourse are explored in a text. Elaboration
moves are a key resource for introducing such technical terms, and these can be
reinforced and expanded as a lesson cycle unfolds, and from one lesson sequence
to the next.

4. A language based theory of learning

In the design of our reading and writing pedagogies, both Halliday’s model of
language in context, and Bernstein’s notion of pedagogic discourse have been
fundamental. Bernstein saw pedagogic discourse as a principle whereby an
instructional discourse (ID) of “specialised skills and their relationship to each other”
is ‘embedded’ in a regulative discourse (RD) a “moral discourse which creates order,
relations and identity” (1996: 46), for which he used the formula:


We have used Halliday’s term ‘projection’ for the relation between instructional and
regulative discourses (Martin 1998a, Christie 2002). Briefly, in this view the regulative
is the set of pedagogic relations, activities and texts (oral and written), through which
the instructional is projected, as a locution is projected through the voice of its
speaker. This projecting relation is schematised in Figure 5.

Fig. 5: Instructional projected by regulative discourse

In Bernstein’s formulation, the regulative is the dominant discourse and the two are
inseparable; as a locution has no existence other than through its speaker’s voice, so
there is no instruction other than through regulation. We see the latter as the entire
set of practices that differentially provide access to instructional discourse to different
groups of students. Where the social order is stratified, pedagogic discourse will tend
to create unequal relations of ‘ability’ between students, and identities as successful
or unsuccessful learners. Since our aim is a more equitable social order, we need a
pedagogic discourse that produces a more equal distribution of ‘ability’, and learner
identities that are equally successful. A popular liberal approach to the latter goal is
to modify the difficulty of learning tasks, so that all learners can feel successful at
their own ‘ability level’. This is often legitimated as acknowledging ‘difference’ and
offering ‘choice’, but the outcomes in terms of social order and relations remain just
as stratified. Our approach has been to develop and disseminate the tools that
teachers need to support all their students to successfully practise at the same high

These tools are derived from a social semiotic theory that recognises the role of
semiotic resources in creating social order, and role of schooling in distributing these

resources. From this theory we have developed semiotic tools to operate in the
instructional discourse, to provide learners with explicit knowledge about text in social
context, and in the regulative discourse, to provide teachers with the means to
distribute this knowledge equitably to all their students, to genuinely democratise
their classrooms. Furthermore, the tools enable teachers and students to use
knowledge about text in social context to deconstruct their schooling, as well as its
contents - a project with which numbers of critical theorists appear to have some
political interest (cf. Wells 1999 on students negotiating their curriculum). In our
adapatation of Bernstein’s terms, both the instructional and regulative discourses are
projected in this pedagogy by a social semiotic instructional discourse (SSID),
schematised in Figure 6.

Fig. 6: Social semiotic instructional discourse projecting pedagogy

As a final step, we can situate our pedagogy in relation to complementary

perspectives. Bernstein 1990:214 provides a grid, which we have adapted in Figure 5
to position the pedagogy with respect to traditional, progressive and Freirean
alternatives. As Bernstein outlines (1990: 213-4):

The vertical dimension would indicate whether the theory of instruction

privileged relations internal to the individual, where the focus would be intra-
individual, or ... relations between social groups (inter-group). In the first
case... the theory would be concerned to explain the conditions for changes
within the individual, whereas in the second the theory would be concerned to
explain the conditions for changes in the relation between social groups. The
horizontal dimension would indicate whether the theory articulated a
pedagogic practice emphasising a logic of acquisition or... a logic of
transmission. In the case of a logic of acquisition…the acquirer is active in
regulating an implicit facilitating practice. In the case of a logic of transmission
the emphasis is upon explicit effective ordering of the discourse to be
acquired, by the transmitter.

Fig. 5: Types of pedagogy (after Bernstein 1990)

Bernstein adds (1990:73): "It is a matter of interest that this top right-hand quadrant is
regarded as conservative but has often produced very innovative and radical
acquirers. The bottom right-hand quadrant shows a radical realization of an
apparently conservative pedagogic practice...each theory will carry its own conditions
of contestation, 'resistance', subversion." Our labelling of the different quadrants is
adapted from this comment.7 As the grid implies, our approach in the lower right-
hand quadrant has been a visible and interventionist one (Martin and Painter 1986,
Hasan and Martin 1989,8 Cope and Kalantzis 1993) - with a relatively strong focus
on the transmission of identified discourse competences and on the empowerment of
otherwise disenfranchised groups in relation to this transmission. As such it has
strong affinities with the social constructivist position articulated by Mercer and his
colleagues in Britain (1995, 2000), although it has to be said that American
implementations of neo-Vygotskyan ideals seem to slide rather seamlessly into the
upper left-hand progressive quadrant (see for example Wells’ social constructivist
manifesto9 in Appendix I of Wells 1999).

We consider that the greatest advantage our work has had, over other educational
interventions in each quadrant, is its grounding in Michael Halliday’s powerful theory
of language in social context, and the work on language learning that has flowed
from this theory over four decades. Social justice was the original motivation for
Halliday and his colleagues to begin the systemic functional project; his enduring
vision and commitment to this ideal continues to inspire our contribution as the
project unfolds.

For overview articles see Christie 1992, Feez 2002, Macken-Horarik 2002, Martin
1991, 1993a, 1998a, b,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002a, b, c). Feez 1998, 2002 includes

discussion of adaptations for adult education (TESOL). For relevant discussion of

ESL learners in mainstream classrooms see Gibbons 2002.
The genre cycle was influenced by Gray’s work teaching reading to Indigenous
students in central Australia (e.g. 1990); the Reading to Learn pedagogy was
influenced by strategies developed for early reading by Clay (1994), and for stories in
primary years by Gray and Cowey (Rose, Gray & Cowey 1999).
For useful breakdowns of this opposition see Alexander 2000: 548-9 and Brophy
2002: ix, both of whom argue for a judiciously inclusive pedagogy in place of
crusading adversarialism.
See Martin & Rose 2003 for an accessible introduction to these discourse systems.
Halliday (1996) critiques structuralist language models, on which phonics and
related literacy approaches are based, as ‘bricks-&-mortar’.
The sequences of strategies in the Reading to Learn pedagogy are demonstrated
for factual texts, stories and early reading in a series of training videos (Rose
At the time of writing this, Bernstein was unaware of our pedagogic initiatives; see
Christie 1998.
See especially the papers by Painter, Rothery and Jones et al therein.
To be fair, there are many places in Wells’ book (and in Wells 2002) where teacher
centred activities are acknowledged - but the teacher is completely elided from the
manifesto; Brophy 2002 provides a balanced over-view of social constructivist
teaching initiatives. Muller 2000 critiques the very disturbing ‘progressive’
implementation of social constructivist principles in South Africa after apartheid (see
also Taylor et al 2003).

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