3 4 18 Quantifiers, Food

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Underline the correct option.

1. I’m lucky, I have some/any good friends. 6. I’m afraid there’s no/none beach.
2. It’s a small room and there aren’t some/any 7. Sheila doesn’t need no/any help.
windows. 8. We need help because some/none of us
3. Sundays are quiet; there is no/none traffic on the understand.
streets. 9. There aren’t some/any questions.
4. I’d love some/any chocolate cake. 10. Some/None tourists prefer to travel by
5. Bring some water because there is no/none here. train.

Complete using the words and some, any and no. Some people like Knoydart for these reasons:
Beautiful walks delicious seafood noisy factories friendly people money traffic
1. The roads are quiet. There is ………………………………..
2. ……………………………….. live in the area.
3. There aren’t ……………………………………….
4. The hotel restaurant serve ……………………………………
5. There are ………………………………….. through the country.
6. You don’t need ……………………………… to enjoy the fresh air.

Circle the correct option.

1. You’ll have to walk because the island doesn’t have ………………………………… (some,
no, any) taxis.
2. I invited all my friends to come with me to Knoydart, but ……………………………. (none
of, no, any of) them wanted to come.
3. A. Does Knoydart have …………………..………. (any of, some of, any) casinos? B. No, I
don’t think so.
4. Could I have ………………………….. (no, none, some) more information about the
hotel, please?
5. A: How many people live in Knoydart? B. I have …………………..……. (none, no, any)

Complete with MUCH, MANY.

1. There aren’t ……………………… days before the exam.
2. Not …………………….. snow has fallen in the Alps this winter.
3. ………………….. people are surprised when they first see the dolphins.
4. Do the boys have ……………………. homework tonight?
5. Did ……………………. children come to the party?
6. There won’t be ……………………. hotel rooms at this time of year?
7. Do you eat …………………… meat?
8. Did you get ………………… presents for your birthday?
9. Maria didn’t give me ………………… good advice.
10. There are ………………….. different plants, animals and insects in the rainforest.

Complete the blog using a lot of, lots of, much, many, a little or a few.
Kuranda Train and Skyrail, Australia by Ido, 4th July
This is a great day trip. Take the train through the mountains and come back by Skyrail. The train trip was beautiful
– we went past ……………………. waterfalls and through ……………….. tunnels! We wanted to see the traditional
markets at Kuranda, but there weren’t ………………. good shops – just shops selling tourists souvenirs – so you won’t
need ……………… money.
…………………. hours in town should be enough for most people. You can visit the Butterfly Sanctuary – if you want
to – but there are ……………… butterflies flying around you for free!
You don’t need ………………. time to get to the Skyrail. Skyrail is a cable car that travels only ………………. metres
above the top of the rainforest. Unfortunately we only had ……………….. time. I wanted to stay all day!

Circle the correct option.

1. We travelled around Australia with …………………………………. (a little, a few, much)
friends. There were six of us.
2. We didn’t have ………………………..………… (many, a lot, much) time for Port Stephens
– only a few days.
3. We had a ……………………….…………. (few, lot, little) free time at the end of our trip,
so we did some shopping.
4. A. Did you see ……………………………… (many, much, a lot) other animals? B. Yes,
5. A. How much did it cost to fly to Australia? B. …………………………….. (Much, A lot of,
A lot). It was very expensive.


Complete the table with the foods words. Add at least one more word to each group.
Apple bread carrot cheese chicken egg ice-cream juice mushroom
orange potato strawberry tea tuna water
1. Fruit: …
2. Vegetables: …
3. Dairy: …
4. Meat: …
5. Fish: …
6. Drinks: …
7. Other: …

Listen and complete the phrases with these words. Listen and check.
Bread chocolate crisps honey ice-cream
ketchup lemonade milk potatoes tuna
1. A packet of ……………….. 6. A loaf of ………………..
2. A carton of ……………….. 7. A tin of ………………..
3. A bottle of ………………. 8. A can of ……………….
4. A bar of …………………. 9. A jar of ………………..
5. A tub of ………………… 10. A bag of ……………….

What are they buying food for? Listen and match the people
(D: Debbie, S: Sylvia, C: Chris) with the meals. There is one
1. Dinner: … 3. A sandwich snack: …
2. An Indian meal: … 4. Sunday breakfast: …

Listen again and say who buys these foods.

A bag of onions … a bar of chocolate … a bottle of oil … a carton of eggs … a carton of orange
juice … a jar of mayonnaise … a jar of tomato sauce … a loaf of bread … a packet of cornflakes …
a packet of spaghetti … a tin of tuna … two cartons of milk … two packets of crisps … a tube of ice-
cream …

Complete the sentences with these words. Tick the sentences that are true for you.
Basket checkout shelves shopping trolley
1. I like to push the ……………………………. round the supermarket when we go
2. There are always a lot of people at the ………………………… in my supermarket. I
hate it.
3. I use a …………………………. when I buy only one or two things in the supermarkets.
4. My brother has a weekend job in a supermarket – he fills the ……………………….

Read the text. Are the statements True or False?

1. A real Italian pizza has always got mushrooms?
2. A traditional pizza has got four ingredients?
3. A traditional pizza hasn’t got olive oil on it.


Well, on my favourite pizza there are five different things: there’s some cheese, some tuna
and a lot of tomato sauce. There are also some onions and a lot of mushrooms. But a
traditional Italian pizza hasn’t got many ingredients; it’s got only two main ingredients –
tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese; and it’s also got some olive oil and some basil. There
isn’t any tuna and there aren’t any mushrooms.
It’s called a Margherita and it’s delicious!

Complete the table with words from the text.

Countable Uncountable
Singular Plural ……………..
An onion ………………… …………….
A mushroom ………………… …………….


Complete the conversation with SOME and ANY. What do

Sue and Tom decide to have?
S: I’m hungry.
T: Me too. Let’s make ………………… sandwiches. Is there ……………… bread?
S: Yes, there’s …………………. bread.
T: But there isn’t …………………. cheese or ham in the fridge.
S: That’s OK. I don’t like cheese or ham. Are there ……………….. eggs?
T: Yes, there are ……………….. eggs.
S: And tuna? Are there ………………… tins of tuna? Tuna and egg sandwiches are my favourite.
T: No, there aren’t ………………. tins of tuna.
S: But I can see a packet of cornflakes. Have we got ………………. milk?
T: No, we haven’t got ………………. milk!
S: 1. Oh well, let’s get a takeaway. We can get …………….. pizzas!
T: Good idea!

Listen to the first part of a radio

Do you like fast food? Why (not)?

programme? What is it about?

a. Unhealthy fast food b. Healthy fast food c. A famous fast food chef

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