Document Camera Grant Project - Grant 1

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This is a copy of the Grant found on the NEA Foundation Website.

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the NEA in order to apply. The link for the application is
1. Are you a practicing U.S. public school teacher in grades PreK–12, public school
education support professional, or faculty or staff at public higher education institutions?
○ Yes
2. Are you an employee, member of the board of directors, or an immediate family member
of the staff or board of the NEA Foundation?
○ No
3. Will grant funds be used to do the following:
pay indirect costs, grant administration fees, or salaries
pay stipends to the applicants
support conference fees for more than one person
lobby or support religious purposes
○ No

Document Cameras for Elementary Classrooms

Requested Amount- $2,000

Proposal Budget
Provide a line item budget for the proposed work. Your request must total either $2,000 or
$5,000. Identify any additional support (cash or in-kind) that will be provided by other sources,
including those provided by your school/district/college/university. Your budget must be in the
form of a Word, Excel, or .PDF document. (Note: The NEA Foundation suggests that your
budget be as cost-efficient as possible. Please ensure that all items are directly related to your
proposed work, as your budget will be assessed by how realistic, clear, and frugal it is.)

10 document cameras (199.00 each)= $1,990.00 + $10 for shipping

Students Benefited = 800 students

Please enter the number of students that would be directly benefited if this grant is awarded.
(Note: The number of students benefitted will not affect the evaluation of your proposal.)

Educators Benefited = 50 teachers

Please enter the number of educators that would be directly benefited if this grant is awarded.

Additional Support
Please identify any additional support (cash or in-kind) that will be provided by other sources.

(2000 character maximum)

Provide a summary of 100 words or less describing your proposed work. Please write in a
manner in which you would be comfortable allowing the NEA Foundation to use on its website
to describe your project. (For examples of how to write a summary, please click here for
descriptions of our recently funded grants.)

This grant would allow our school to have document cameras to be shared with the entire
school. The document cameras would be used on a daily basis to improve engagement and
instruction. With a document camera we would be able to display student journals that show
different strategies. The students would also have the opportunity to explain their work to the
class while the entire class can see exactly what they did! In addition, Baltimore Highlands
Elementary is a Title One school and I believe our students could benefit from additional
exposure to different types of technology!

(700 character maximum)

Describe your project, including goals for student learning and how you will measure each
outcome. Be sure to include the standards with which you will be linking your work.

Our goal is to increase student engagement in order to positively affect standardized test
scores. We will measure this outcome through recent map test scores which measures progress
from the beginning of the year to the winter and winter to spring.
The document cameras will be used in all different subjects. In math they will be used to support
teacher direct instruction and to show off student work. The document cameras are perfect for
having students explain their thinking while their work is being projected to the class. In reading
they will be used to demonstrate reading strategies for students. They can also be used to
showcase student writing.
The standards this resources would support is essentially all of the standards. A few in
particular are:
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.OA.A.2: Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and
subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.G.A.3: Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal
shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe
the whole as two halves, three thirds, four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of identical
wholes need not have the same shape.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.A.3: Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers
and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which
remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter
standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental
computation and estimation strategies including rounding.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view

with reasons.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.3.Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or
events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact).

(3500 character maximum)

*Describe the student need for this work. In addressing student need, focus first on academic
need and then describe sociological, economic, emotional, and/or cultural issues.
There is a need in our school for the document cameras because we are always looking for
ways to improve our below average test scores. We are a Title One school with a large hispanic
population. Multiple representations is key to having ESOL (english as a second language)
students better understand the concepts being taught. The document cameras throughout the
school would allow for students to better understand key concepts through multiple
representations. We believe that this will positively affect our test scores. Currently our school
PARCC testing scores are far below state expectations. In 3rd grade 45% of our students did
not meet expectations on the Reading PARCC test. In 4th grade 38% of our students did not
meet expectations on the Reading PARCC test. Finally in 5th grade, 28% of students did not
meet expectations on the Reading PARCC test. Additional PARCC testing scores can be found
These scores are not a reflection of how hard the teachers at our school work. There are a lot of
influences that lead to these gaps. We are a transient community, we are also low income. We
want to make school a place kids want to come to and are engaged at and we believe
document cameras will help to support this initiative.
In addition to benefiting the students, the document cameras will also benefit the teachers at our
school. Currently we have teachers at all different places when it comes to integrating
technology into their classrooms. We are hoping that having additional technology resources in
our school will allow our faculty to expand their horizons and begin incorporating technology into
their original practices or taking it one step further and create cooperative projects for students
using the document cameras or finding new ways to incorporate the technology. The
possibilities with the document cameras are endless and the benefits of them will be able to be
seen through both teachers and students!

(3500 character maximum)

*Describe the activities in which you and your students will engage to reach your stated goals.
In this description, address how the activities will engage students in critical thinking and
problem solving.

There are many different uses of a document camera in the classroom. The great thing about a
document camera is that it can be used across all different grade levels and subject areas. The
activities can engage students in critical thinking and problem solving in many ways. With a
document camera, students are able to share their work with the class. They can share their
discoveries and strategies. In language arts, a document camera can be used to model
successful reading strategies. Teachers can model their thinking and show students various
strategies to be successful in the classroom. Teachers can also act as a fluency model by
projecting class read alouds on the document camera and having students follow along as they
read. In math, students that use journals to solve math problems can share those with the class
so others can learn how to organize information. Students are exposed to challenging math
problems and are able to improve their problem solving skills. Students also receive immediate
feedback which is very beneficial to them. It encourages students to write detailed solutions to
their math problems and allows other students to review for accuracy and completeness. Math
manipulatives can be projected easily through the document camera and they can be viewed in
detail. Teachers can use counters to show arrays, calculators to check answers, or zoom in on
rulers to show the fractions of an inch. Science teachers will also benefit from the
implementation of document cameras. Document cameras can be used to magnify bugs,
examine rocks, and look through microscopes. Because of the zoom feature, students will be
able to see these objects up close. Teachers will be able to make use of less objects by
projecting these objects for the whole class to see.

(3500 character maximum)

*Describe how this project will be sustained beyond the grant period and/or how it provides a
model that can be used by other educators.

Document cameras are easy to implement in the classroom. They are also easy to use and can
be used for many different purposes. They can be easily transported between classrooms which
allows many educators to get use out of them. Document cameras can be used across all
subject areas providing different advantages for different teachers. This project can be
sustained beyond this grant because teachers will learn the best practices and ways to
successfully use these devices. They will be kept in the best conditions and will be able to be
used for many years. Teachers will continuously use these devices in their classrooms and this
technology will be integrated throughout the school.

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