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Introducing the

Fascial Distortion Model

by Stephen Typaldos, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of General and Family Practice
University of North Texas Health Science Center
at Fort Worth/Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Illustration and Design by Gina Belsito

Biomedical Communications
University of North Texas Health Science Center
at Fort Worth/Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Introduction the muscle. This definition allows us of a whole host of commonly seen
The fascial distortion model is a to conceptualize the pathology and to dysfunctions from ankle sprains to
new anatomical model in which many speculate on how our treatment whiplash injuries. These distortions
musculoskeletal injuries are thought choices might affect the dysfunction. are presented and discussed over the
to be the result of specific alterations Another example is tendonitis. The next several pages. Some of the terms
of the body's fascia. It was developed traditional definition implies that it is used will be familiar to the reader, but
in an attempt to improve current the result of inflammation of an in the fascial distortion model they
treatments by basing them on a more involved tendon, but clinically this take on other meanings and have
anatomical approach. Many of the rarely occurs. In the fascial distortion implications that the reader may not
most commonly seen musculoskeletal model tendonitis is defined as a appreciate at first. This paper defines
injuries are vaguely defined and often triggerband or less commonly a terminology so assumptions are not
respond poorly to conventional continuum distortion present in an derived from other medical models.
treatments. One example of this is a involved tendon. The dysfunction now A glossary of fascial distortion model
pulled muscle. It is difficult to becomes tangible, and the treatment terminology is presented at the end of
visualize what a pulled muscle is, and modality can be specifically selected this paper. All of the drawings are
therefore most treatments are not for that particulardistortion type. This based on as much clinical and
specifically designed to correct the change in terminology perspective anatomical information as is currently
underlying dysfunction. In the fascial can often lead to significantly more available. In time as more data
distortion model a pulled muscle is effective treatment results. accumulates through surgical and
defined as a muscle that has a There am four principle distortion clinical investigations, more specific
triggerband wedged within its belly types and several subtypes which are representations of fascial distortions
at a perpendicular angle to the axis of considered to be the etiological cause can be made.

14/AAO Journal Spring 1994

Table I
Principle types Movement
during Common Most specific
of Fascial Distortions D ISTORTION TYPE Etiology treatment location treatment

All fascial distortions currently Specific
Distorted pathways Triggerband
Fascia! Yes technique
known are of one of four types: Bands throughout the
triggerbands, triggerpoints, TRIGGERS ANDS,
continuum distortions or folding
distortions. These are reviewed and of tissue
Abdomen. Jones technique
pelvic area,
compared in Table 1. Note that each through No or iriggerpoint
fascia' therapy
principle type is differentiated by the .. fossa
etiology of its distortion.
... Near joints at
B\ St1C, Alteration the origin and
Triggerbands 4.

h of
insertion of
fi • No tendons or
zone figments and technique
Al,:oit:::,.. between
Triggerbands are clinically the tissue types costo-chondro
most commonly encountered fascial .
distortion and occur as fascial bands Three
dimen- Inside joints, Nlyofascial
become pathologically altered. An 4 sional No interosseous release
. b.; distortion
membranes technique
important difference between -I of fascia'
triggerbands and the other principle FOLDING DISTORTIONS planes
fascial distortion types is that during
treatment triggerbands move and the The triggerband subtypes are
others do not. In the fascial distortion compared in Table 2. An important
model movement is considered to point to realize is that regardless of
occur when the tender area of a fascial the specific subtype all am treated
band or its palpable distortion is able essentially the same way, that is by
to change its location du ring treatment. using triggerband technique. The
Therefore any fascial distortion that palpatory differentiation of the
can be induced to move is by definition subtypes is necessary so they are not
a triggerband and is best treated with confused with other distortions and
modalities that correct distorted fascial treated inappropriately. Their
bands. treatment is the subject of the
There are six clinically recognized accompanying paper Triggerband
subtypes of triggerbands: twists, Technique.
crumples, knots, peas, grains of salt Twists (fig. 1) are the most common
and waves. Note that these subtypes of the triggerband subtypes and can
were named by my patients based on appear anywhere in the body along
Knots (fig. 3) are the largest of all
what these distortions felt like to them. specific, well-demarcated pathways.
the triggerband subtypes and are
To the physician they feel like the
caused by either a portion of a fascial
edge of a twisted ribbon. A crumple
band becoming irregularly folded on
(fig. 2) is a distorted fascial band that
itself or occur when a portion of the
is wedged between two muscle layers.
band that has been ripped off its
During treatment, patients describe
attachment becomes knotted on top
these as causing a burning type of
of itself. Knots tend to be found at
pain. Like all of the subtypes, twists
crossbands, which are fascial bands
and crumples are capable of travelling
that intersect the triggerband at an
through tissues or joints into other
angle. The crossbands seem to stop
fascial planes. Once a crumple is
the progression of the tearing between
pushed through the muscle, it then is
palpated as a twist.

Spring 1994 AAO Jouma1/15

fascial fibers and thus stop the knot
Table 2
from becoming larger.
Patient's Associated
descnption with other
Palpatory during Palpatory tnggerband Common
Subtype descnption treatment dimension types? locations

demarcated Anywhere
point of Suture to including
— Ribbon edge tenderness that pencil width No
through joints
moves with the
Twist treatment

Yes, biome
% .,:- Eleethcal Burning I/4" to I/2" twtst dunng Between
sensation wide treatment muscle layers

Nickel to Yes. becomes Thoracic and

Knot Tender knot half-dollar pea, grain of lumbar areas
diameter salt or twist

Soft smooth Yes. becomes Neck, thighs,

and round. Tender lump pea-sized grain of salt or and upper
pea-like twist dunn amis
/ eng

Peas (fig. 4) and grains of salt (fig.

\il. Small with Face. scalp.
5) are seemingly just smaller versions hard irregular Scraping Salt gram-sized No hands. and
borders sensation
of knots. Peas are smooth, and are feet
obviously pea-sized, while grains of
salt are much smaller with irregular Tenderness or Yes. a Any., here,
dt: Wrtnkle tightness at Barely palpable distorted band but
borders. As a general rule, knots are --,_7C: utaunent sue can have a particularly
found the most centrally, peas are WLI% C
wave n Car .1011115

found in the neck, upper arms and

thighs and grains of salt are found in injured band (fig. 6). The triggerband,
the face, scalp, hands and feet. because of its distorted or twisted
The wave that is seen when a fibers, becomes shortened. This
shortening causes the adjoining
fascial bands (usually crossbands) to
be pulled toward the distortion at
thei r point of attachmentto the injured
band. This results in the formation of
the wave that is present with most
triggerbands. The wave is therefore a
distortion in its own right and it can
take on a life of its own. It can be
pulled or pushed by forces that may
act upon it (including triggerband
technique, stretching and high
velocity low amplitude osteopathic
manipulation). When waves occur in
ligaments that are close to joints, they
tend to become pulled by everyday
normal motion in toward the joint. As
they become closer physically to the wave is now interacting on the
triggerband occurs is found on the joint, the patient experiences a sense structures on and near the joint causing
fascia! bands that connect to the of tightness of the joint because the a restriction of joint function. This is

16/AAO Journal Spring 1994

objectively seen as a loss of motion of
the involved joint. In acute conditions
(i.e., distortions in which no fascial
adhesions have formed) the wave is
able to travel freely to and from the
joint as the forces act upon it (fig. 7),
but in general without intervention it
is pulled in a direction toward the
joint. In chronic pain (i.e., fascial
distortions in which adhesions are
present) the wave is held firmly in
place by adhesions and is immobile
(fig. 8). The degree of immobility of
chronic pain is determined in part by
how far the locked wave is from the
joint. The closer the wave is to the
joint the less motion the joint will
have. High velocity low amplitude often expresses discomfort with the
The acute wave can be corrected or osteopathic manipulation (HVLA) is treatment itself. This is in contrast to
moved by certain soft tissue a technique that uses the vertebrae or acute pain in which the patient
other bony structures as a fulcrum to normally experiences a dramatic
slingshot the acute wave away from subjective improvement at the instant
the joint at a very high speed. If the of the manipulation. As is expected
direction and speed of the wave reach from this model, once the adhesions
a certain threshold the joint will are broken with triggerband
manipulate and a popping sound can technique, then even the most difficult
be heard. If the thrust does not generate to manipulate patients become easy
enough speed, the wave will not be to manipulate, and the manipulation
moved successfully and the joint will is then a positive subjective
not be manipulated. experience. HVLA's role in the fascial
In the fascial distortion model the distortion model is primarily in acute
two clinical concerns with HVLA are pain and in chronic pain after it has
1) the wave has been forced away, but been made acute by destruction of the
techniques, such as triggerband may in time be pulled back into its adhesions.
technique, myofascial release, rolling, previous location and 2) adhesions
traction or stretching. I prefer would be expected to thwart the speed Triggerpoints
triggerband technique because it is of the wave propagation, thus making The term triggerpoint has been used
the most specific; it follows the HVLA an impractical treatment to in the past for a variety of fascial
distortion until it is far from the injury use in chronic pain. The problem with
site and corrects it at the conclusion of the wave eventually returning is the
chronic wave held by
its pathway (fig. 9). Myofascial same one that several othe r m odali ties adhesions
release, rolfing, stretching and traction have. This is seen most commonly in
merely pull it away from the joint to a those patients that feel they need to be
distant area, but since the distortion is popped frequently. For other patients
not actually corrected, it may manipulation appears to be curative.
eventually be pulled back into its prior This may be because the wave was
location. In chronic pain, normally pushed away into another location
only triggerband technique will be where the forces acting upon it were
effective because it is specifically able to straighten it out. In chronic
designed not only to correct the wave pain, a successful manipulative thrust
but also to break the fascial adhesions. is difficult to achieve, and the patient

AAO Journal/17
Spring 1994
waves being moved along connecting bands combined wave being moved along fascial
to form one large wave band to the conclusion of its pathway

fig.9 r/

distortions that have different

etiologies and treatments. I prefer
fascial distortion as a general term,
and then I use terms such as
triggerband, continuum distortion,
triggerpoint and folding distortion as
more specific descriptions. I believe
that there is only one type of true non-banded
triggerpoint. This is the one I refer to hemiated
as a herniated triggerpoint. triggerpoint
However, there are two subtypes
of these. One involves a fascial band
distortion (i.e., triggerband) that
results in a herniated triggerpoint and
is therefore a combination of a
triggerpoint and a triggerband, and
the other involves herniation without
a fascial band distortion. The
treatment of a non-banded herniated
triggerpoint (fig. 10) is to force the
protruding tissue below the fascial
plane. This is accomplished by
holding firm pressure onto the
affected area with the physician's
thumb until a release is felt. Correction
of the banded herniated trigger-
points (fig. 11) is initially the same.
Following the release the triggerband
is then corrected using triggerband
technique. The two triggerpoint
subtypes are compared in Table 3.
Triggerpoint distortions are
clinically the cause of many types of
abdominal and pelvic pain,
particularly those that do not respond
to surgical intervention. In addition, principle distortion types is critical in triggerbands becoming intertangled.
they are important factors in fascially obtaining successful treatment results. It is not a triggerpoint at all, although
frozen shoulders (see Triggerband Another type of fascial distortion upon palpation it may seem similar.
Technique) and in bursitis-like injuries is a banded pseudo-triggerpoint It is treated by correcting one trigger-
of the upper thighs and gluteal areas. (fig. 12) . It is a raised and tender area band at a time until all the distortions
Differentiating them from other of fascia that is caused by two or more are resolved.
continued on page 30
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Table 3
Subtype Etiology Palpatory Differentation Treatment

, Herniation of .
Correction is completed
tissue through ggerpoint
Tn therapy
at the end of
non- banded triggerpoint therapy or Jones technique

Herniation of Triggerpoint
At completion of
tissue through a therapy or Jones
triggerpoint therapy a
-cc banded fascial technique followed
U is palpable
... -r °,14. ., plane distorted by by triggerband
BANDED HERNIATED':"'; a triggerband technique

Continued from page 18 opposite force to the continuum

distortion. When the direction and
Continuum Distortions force are adequate, the injury suddenly
Continuum distortions are reverses and clinically the injured area
clinically the primary cause of ankle then resembles it pre-injury condition.
sprains, pulled ribs, contusions and Continuity and continuum are two
many other acute injuries seen daily terms used frequently in the fascial
in the emergency room setting. In distortion model. Although they may
addition, along with triggerbands, they seem redundant, they are not, and the
are associated with chronic problems implications of each are important in
such as frozen shoulders, costo- understanding fascial distortions.
chondritis and low back pain. Continuum is an anatomical model in
Continuum distortions are thought to which tissues are viewed as being in
occur when the forces of injury cause a constant state of physiological flux
an alteration of the transition zone in which one tissue type can be
between two tissue types (fig. 13). transformed into another tissue type transitional zones between musculo-
Continuum technique is designed to through its transition zone depending skeletal tissues are discussed, but the
reverse this shifting of tissue upon the external forces applied to it. continuum model applies to all tissue
components by applying equal and In Continuum Technique only transition zones and therefore

4:A ig;
ligament ligament

fibrocartilage fibrocartilage

mineralized (1;
,:7t1 et; mineralized
fibrocartilage :
lamellar 00 c -t *
,;• H
bone -■„:„...r.. • cl, A•7
. "
, • i LI . ' • „ .,._ "Z.,. ,",- .i S•, ' -.`:k: '

fig. 13 normal continuum artist's rendition of shifted continuum

30/AAO Journal Spring 1994

Table 4 TRIGGERPOINT AND CONTINUUM DISTORTIONS distortions are found in or near a joint,
COMPARATIVE or at the origin or insertion of tendon
triggerpoints are most common in the
Herniation of tissue through Alteration of transition zone
fascia' plane between tissues
abdomen. Palpatory-wise they are
quite different to the experienced
Abdomen, supraclavicular
Near joints at the origin and physician. Continuum distortions are
Common location insertion of tendons, ligaments,
and costo-chondro junction smaller, firrner and have little give.
Triggerpoints are larger, have less-
Size Dime to nickel Pea-sized or smaller
defined borders and are much softer.
Palpatory sensation to \ itamin A or E soft-gel
The release that occurs during
Boggy marble
physician capsule correction is also different. The

Moderately tender to
continuum distortion is like a button
Palpatory sensation to patient Moderate tenderness
excruciatingly painful slipping into a button hole, while the
Time of treatment until release
triggerpoint is a melting sensation.
Variable-- seconds to minutes Variable-- less than a minute The differences are clinically

important because how they are

Duration of time once release
begins until completion
15 seconds to 3 minutes 1-5 seconds envisioned will direct what force and
finesse is actually used. In treating
Sensation experienced by
physician and patient during "Melting"
"Button slipp i ng into a button either of these, it is the skill of the
release treating physician that will ultimately
determine the success of the treatment.

potentially effects all types of tissues.

The term continuity refers to the
interconnections of all the bodily
tissues. In the context of fascial
distortions it refers specifically to the
fact that individual fascial fibers pass
through various tissues and that an
alternation of any given portion of
that fiber will result in pathological
changes elsewhere along that same
fiber. Triggerband technique is based
on the model of continuity, whereas
continuum technique is based on the
continuum model.
Although I have already spent some
time talking about both continuum
distortions and triggerpoints, I think
that it is still worthwhile to compare
them face to face (Table 4). Despite
the fact that they are etiologically
different, some physicians may have
difficulty discerning the two.
Continuum distortions are the result
of shifting in the tissues transition
zones, and triggerpoints are the
protrusion of tissue above its fascial
As a general rule, continuum

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Folding Distortions
The term fascial plane has been
Schematic of Dislocated used primarily by physical therapists
Shoulder Causing a and proponents of m yofascial release.
Folding Distortion
They tend to view the fascia as being
present in a planar presentation which
pathologically develops restrictions.
Shoulder before injury
M yofasci al release technique is often
normal a very effective approach to fascial
distortions, but I believe not
necessarily for the same reasons that
have been commonly expressed.
Fascia unfolding Although fascial planes do exist, they
as shoulder
do not exist in the same sense that this
piece of paper has a planar
presentation. Within the fascial planes
are fascial bands (fig. 14), which
means that an alternation of the plane
Fascia is in effect altering the fascial bands.
torquing as In addition, most fascial planes are
the patient Refolding
responds to Orthopedic not static entities that rest in the body
occurs with
the pain by manipulative like this paper can rest on the table.
correction of residual
twisting the folding The planar presentation is dynamic
dislocation with
shoulder distortion and moving. As an arm is raised the
untorquing present interosseous fascial plane shifts and
fig. 15 partially unfolds. If the forces are
increased on the arm such as occurs
with lifting, the fascia unfolds more.
It is this unfolding of the fascial
planes that is an important, and until
Shoulder with Schematic of now, unknown fascial phenomenon.
folding Correcting a So, as forces are applied to the fascial
distortion Shoulder Folding plane it is able to unfold to be able to
Distortion accommodate the stress. This spreads
the forces more evenly throughout
the fascia and other musculoskeletal
structures that are interconnected. But
since the fascia unfolds under stress,
Traction is it must be able to refold once the
firmly applied Once traction is stopped the
fascia refolds into a configura- forces are removed. It is this ability
as the
tion more similar to its pre- that often is lost with injury and that
distortion is
untorqued injury state myofascial techniques are the most
effective in treating.

To visualize this better, think of
the fascial plane as a piece of paper
se that is folded in fours. As forces are
applied to the edges of the paper, it
fig. 16 pulls apart. First it becomes a half,
then three-quarters and then a full
page. But if the paper is twisted during
unfolding it will be contorted. For

32JAA0 Journal Spring 1994

proper refolding, the forces must be Fracture of Forearm Resulting in Folding Distortion
directed so that the contortion is Fascia
reversed. If this does not occur then Normal Radius distorts as bones
the refolding cannot be done in a way forearm fracturing separate
that restores the fascia to its pre-
injured arrangement. I believe this is
what myofascial release does; it
restores fascial folds to their pre-
injured states by simultaneously interosseous
unfolding and untorquing the fascial membrane
It must be remembered that there
may be fascial band distortions as
well, and for optimal results these
need to be corrected. At times the
fascial planar distortion cannot be
corrected until the fascial band
distortion has been resolved. In any
case, the understanding of fascial
folding distortions, fascial planes and
myofascial release are all important
principles in the fascial distortion
Fig. 15 demonstrates what may
happen as a shoulder dislocates and is
Schematic of Correcting a Fracture Folding Distortion
corrected by orthopedic manipulation.
Bone After the fracture has healed the folding
Although many times the result is reset with distortion can be treated.Traction is
adequate, some of these patients folding applied in several directions a once to
distortion unfold the fascia
continue to have residual pain and Fracture present
decreased range of motion. This is
thought to occur because the fascial
plane remains torqued and distorted.
In fig. 16, myofascial release is used

to gently unfold the distortion and
then untwist it before refolding occurs.
The shoulder itself does not need to
be dislocated to accomplish this,
although firm traction is often
necessary. A total correction of the
Once traction is stopped
folding distortion does not occur with the fascia refolds into a
this treatment alone. Stretching and configuration more
similar to its pre-injury
strengthening, triggerband technique
and normal everyday use of the fig. 18
shoulder may also be necessary for a
complete resolution of the distortion.
Figs. 17 and 18 show what may healed is to correct the distortion with hands are necessary to accomplish
happen to the fascial planes as a myofascial release. To be successful, this. Again, physical therapy,
fracture occurs. The fascia is unfolded, forces must be applied in several stretching, strengthening and
torqued and then refolded with directions at once to first unfold the triggerband technique may be helpful
distorted fascial planes resulting. The fascia and then untorque it before it once the folding distortion has been
best treatment after the fracture has refolds. Often two or more sets of successfully treated.

Spring 1994 AAO Joumal/33

Glossary Chronic Injuries: Musculoskeletal Contusion: A continuum distortion
dysfunctions in which adhesions have of the periosteum.
Acupressure Points: Specific
Costochondritis: Chest wall pain
anatomical sites along acupuncture
Combination Distortion: A distortion resulting from a combination of
meridians that are treated by holding
that is made up of two or more continuum distortions and
pressure on them in the belief that this
principle fascial distortions, such as a triggerbands.
will correct dysfunctions elsewhere
continuum distortion and a
in the body. Triggerband pathways
triggerband present together. Cranial Technique: Treatment
offer a possible anatomical
modality in which the rhythm of
mechanism for this to occur.
Continuity Model of Anatomy: An fascial fluid is palpated in the cranial
anatomical model in which individual area and gentle alterations of the
Acupuncture Points: Specific
fascia] fibers pass through various rhythm are made to influence fascial
anatomical sites in which acupuncture
structures and tissues and that an distortions at a distant site.
needles are placed. These commonly
alteration of any given portion of that
match crossbands of triggerbands and
fiber will result in pathological Crossbands: Fascial bands that are
the meridians often match triggerband
changes elsewhere along that fiber. It found in the same plane and at a
also includes the concept that fascial different angle to a triggerband. They
fibers are continuous with and become are often the anatomical starting place
Acute Injuries: Musculoskeletal
the fibers that make up bone, in triggerband technique.
dysfunctions in which no adhesions
ligaments, tendons and other
have formed.
adjoining tissues. Cross-link: A single fascial fiber that
is present at a 90 degree angle to a
Adhesions: Fascial fibers that are
Continuum Distortion: A principle fascial band which it is restraining.
aberrantly attached to other
fascia] distortion type that occurs When injuries to cross-links occur,
anatomical structures and result in
when there is an alteration of the this may cause the band to twist or
dysfunction and restriction of those
transition zone between two tissue allow its fibers to tear and separate.
types. This most commonly occurs at
the origin or insertion of ligaments or Crumple: A distorted fascial band
Arthritis-like Pain: Pain that is
tendons with bone. wedged between muscle layers--
interpreted by the patient as arthritis
but is instead of a fascial origin. triggerband subtype.
Continuum Model of Anatomy: An
anatomical model in which tissues Double Twist: A triggerband
BandedHerniatedTriggerpoirus: One
are viewed as being in a constant state distortion in which the fascial band is
of two subtypes of triggerpoints that
of physiological flux in which one twisted twice. These are thought to be
are characterized by herniation of
tissue type can be transformed into the cause of the "Headlight Effect".
tissue through a banded fascial plane
another tissue type through its
that is distorted by a triggerband.
transition zone depending on the Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: An
Banded Pseudo-Triggerpoint: A
forces applied to it. ongoing pain the lumbar spine that
fascia] distortion that occurs when has a fascia] etiology that was not
Continuum Technique: A manual correctable by surgical intervention.
two or more triggerbands overlap.
modality that is used to correct
continuum distortions. The thumb of Fascia: The primary connective tissue
Bursitis: A painful area under a muscle
the physician is used to first locate of the body that makes up tendons,
that is tender to touch. Most of these
are triggerbands, although some are and then treat the area of shifted ligaments, fascial bands, myofascia,
continuum. Force is applied in equal adhesions and other tissues that
either triggerpoints or continuum
amount and opposite direction to surround and engulf muscles, bones,
which the injury occurred and is held nerves and organs.
until there is resolution of the
CarpalTunnelSyndrome: A condition
in which median nerve conduction is distortion. Fascial Band: A collection of parallel
impeded by a triggerband distortion. fascial fibers.

34/AAO Journal Spring 1994

Fascia! Distortion: A pathological triggerband pathway some distance used to correct folding distortions if
alteration of fascia that results in ahead of the actual point of the the forces are directed so that the
dysfunction of the affected fascia and treatment. This is likely the effect fascia is first unfolded and then
its associated structures. The four from a double twist in which the untorqued before refolding occurs.
principle types are triggerbands, second twist is pushed ahead by the
triggerpoints, continuum distortions pressure being applied to the first Non-bandedHerniatedTriggetpoint:
and folding distortions. twist. One of the two subtypes of
triggerpoints that is characterized by
Fascial Distortion Model: A medical High Velocity Low Amplitude herniation of tissue through a non-
model in which most non-orthopedic, Osteopathic Manipulation: A banded fascial plane.
non-neurological and non-organic thrusting technique in which joint
musculoskeletal dysfunctions are restrictions are alleviated by sling- Osteoarthritis: A condition in which
considered to be the result of injured shotting the triggerband wave the fascia in or near a joint has taken
or altered fascia. distortions away from the affected on characteristics of the adjoining
joint at a very high speed. bone.
Fascial Fiber: A collection ofparallel
collagen fibers. Jones Points: Anatomical locations Pea: A triggerband subtype that has a
of commonly palpated triggerbands, similar etiology to that of a knot, but
Fascia! Plane: Fascial tissue that is triggerpoints and continuum clinically has a much smoother and
present in an orientation such that it is distortions. rounder palpatory presentation.
broad and wide but has little thickness.
Knot: A triggerband subtype that Plantar Fascitis: A triggerpoint
Fascitis: An infection that involves occurs when either a portion of a involving the plantar fascia. If a heel
the fascia. fascial band has become folded on spur has formed this is evidence that
top of itself or when a portion of a over time the continuum between
Fibromyalgia: Multiple fascial band has been ripped from its fascia and bone has shifted
distortions that involve large areas of attachment and has become knotted dramatically.
the body and have an excessive on top of itself.
amount of fascial adhesion formation. Pressure Points: Small, well-
Massage: A treatment of myofascia demarcated areas of the body that
Folding Distortion: A principle fascial that moves triggerbands away from elicit tenderness with palpation. To
distortion type that is the result of a the involved muscle. be adequately treated they must be
three dimensional alteration of its differentiated into their anatomical
fascial plane: These commonly occur Movement: The motion of a etiologies of fascia] distortion types.
as the result of a fracture ordislocation. triggerband distortion along its Many are either triggerpoints or
pathway. This occurs in acute pain continuum distortions, but
Frozen Shoulder: Any fascially and during certain treatments such as triggerbands and banded pseudo-
injured shoulder that has reduced triggerband technique, rolfing or triggerpoints also are described by
motion to the extent that daily traction. patients as being pressure points.
activities are impaired.
Muscle Energy Technique: A Principle Types of Fascial
Grain of Salt: A triggerband subtype treatment modality in which muscle Distortions: Pathological alterations
that is a much smaller and firmer contractions are used to force the of fascia that have distinct etiologies.
version of a knot. triggerband away from a crossband There are four currently known:
that is in or near a muscle. triggerbands, triggerpoints, contin-
Groin Pull: A triggerband present in uum distortions and folding distor-
the groin area. Myofascial Energy Technique: A tions. For a new principle type to be
treatment modality in which sustained recognized it must have a completely
Headlight Effect-. During triggerband manual traction is applied until a different etiology than any other type
technique this occurs when the patient triggerband distortion is moved out of fascial distortion previously
has an awareness of the course of the of an affected muscle. It also can be described.

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Pseudo-sciatica: Any one of several Tendonitis: A triggerband, or less Triggerband Technique: A manual
triggerband pathways that mimic the commonly a continuum distortion, approach to treating distorted fascial
course of the sciatic nerve. present in a tendon. bands in which the distortion is located
and corrected along its entire pathway
Pulled Muscle: A muscle that has a Tennis Elbow/Little Leaguer's Elbow: by using physical force from the
triggerband wedged within its belly A tender area over the lateral or medial physician's thumb.
at a perpendicular angle to the axis of epicondyle that is caused from a
the muscle. triggerband or less commonly a Triggerpoint: A principle fascial
continuum distortion. distortion type that results from a
Release: The sensation experienced herniation of tissue through a fascial
by both physician and patient at the Traction: A treatment modality in plane also known as a herniated
instant of correction of a triggerpoint, which a pulling force is applied in one triggerpoint.
continuum distortion or folding direction to an affected area of the
distortion. body. Very small triggerbands can at Triggerpoint Therapy: A technique
times be corrected with this modality, used in the treatment of triggerpoints
Rolfing: A treatment of muscle fascia and if the direction and force are in which the physician's thumb is
that may result in breaking of appropriate, some folding distortions used to push protruding tissue down
adhesions and forcing of a triggerband may also respond to traction. below the fascial plane.
out from an involved muscle.
Transition Zone: The intermediate Twist: A triggerband subtype that
ShiftingoftheContinuurn:This occurs area between two tissue types that occurs when a portion of a fascial
when forces are applied to the contains characteristics of both tissue band becomes rotated on itself.
transition zone between two tissues types.
and the percentages of their Wave: A triggerband subtype that is
components become altered. Triggerband: A principle fascial palpated as a wrinkling in the
distortion type characterized as being crossband of the adjoining
Sprain: A nonspecific description of a distorted fascial band. triggerband.
a fascial distortion. Ankle sprains are
most commonly continuum Triggerband Pathway: The Whiplash Injury: A injury that results
distortions. Cervical, lumbar and anatomical course that a distorted from a sudden introduction of flexion
shoulder sprains are often fascial band is found to have during and extension to the cervical spine.
triggerbands. its correction using triggerband Most of these are triggerband
technique. Most patients with the same distortions of the cervical fascia, but
Strain Counterstrain Technique: A clinical problems tend to have continuum distortions also may occur
treatment modality in which a anatomically the same distortion at the origin and insertion of the
triggerband is forced away from an pathways. cervical ligaments.
involved muscle by alternating the
direction of muscle contractions.

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36/AAO Journal Spring 1994

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