Prescribing The Use of IASPPS & ICS For PPS
Prescribing The Use of IASPPS & ICS For PPS
Prescribing The Use of IASPPS & ICS For PPS
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City
No. : .201 g - 00,3
Date: NOY 2 1 2018
Subject: Prescribing the use of the Internal Auditing Standards for the Philippine
Public Sector and Internal Control Standards for the Philippine Public Sector
1.0 . Rationale
Article IX-O of the 1987 Constitution vests in the Commission on Audit (COA) the
exclusive authority to promulgate auditing rules and regulations. Further, it
provides that where the internal control system of the audited agency is
inadequate, the Commission may adopt such measures, including temporary or
special pre-audit, as necessary and appropriate to correct deficiencies.
Section 4 of Republic Act (RA) No. 3456, or the Internal Auditing Act of 1962, as
amended by RA No. 4177, provides that the Auditor General shall be responsible
for the. promulgation and enforcement of general policies, rules and regulations on
internal auditing; and shall also develop for execution, working plans and training
programs to continuously maintain the effectiveness of these internal audit
The Internal Audit Service (IAS) has a vital role in enhancing good governance,
transparency, accountability, and efficiency and effectiveness of government
operations, including risk management and the internal control framework of all
government entities. The existing rules and regulations require all government
agencies to establish a sound Internal Control System (ICS). The ICS aims to
achieve four general objectives - operations (orderly, ethical, economical, efficient,
and effective), reporting (acc~u.nt~ility), compliance (with laws and regulations),
and safeguarding of resouroe~
In view of the lapse of more than three decades since the promulgation of
Presidential Decree No. 1445 (The Government Auditing Code of the Philippines)
and more than five decades since the promulgation of RA No. 3456, as amended
by RA No. 4177, it is deemed necessary to adopt the internal auditing standards,
update the existing rules and regulations on the internal control system, and keep
abreast with the recent developments in the internal auditing profession and in the
internal control system.
In line with the foregoing, this Commission hereby promulgates and prescribes the
use of the Internal Auditing Standards for the Philippine Public Sector (IASPPS)
and Internal Control Standards for the Philippine Public Sector (ICSPPS).
2.0 Coverage
The IASPPS provides guidance essential for the professional practice of internal
auditing to improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control
processes in all agencies of the government. It comprises two main categories:
Attribute and Performance Standards, as shown in Annex A.
On the other hand, the ICSPPS provides guidelines on a basic framework and is
integrated with the essential management processes of planning, executing, and
monitoring. It consists of the four general objectives, five components of internal
control, and levels of agency's structure, as shown in Annex B.
All existing COA circulars, memoranda, and rules and regulations inconsistent with
this circular are hereby amended/modified accordingly.
4.0 Effectivity
NOV 2 1 2018
This Circu ar shall take effect on --------
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'Page 2 of 2
Attribute Standards
Performance Standards
2100 - Nature of Work
2110 - Governance
2120 - Risk Management
2130 - Control
General Objectives
B. Risk assessment - the process of identifying and analyzing relevant risks to the
achievement of the agency's objectives and determining the appropriate
C. Control activities - the policies and procedures established to address risks and
to achieve the agency's objectives. Internal control activities are responses to risk
designed to contain the uncertainty of outcome that has been identified.
E. Monitorireg - th':'A ~ess that assesses the quality of the internal control
system's (Jerfor~~~er time.
levels of Agency Structure
The levels of the agency's structure, where internal control operates, are as follows: