Prescribing The Use of IASPPS & ICS For PPS

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Republic of the Philippines

Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City

No. : .201 g - 00,3
Date: NOY 2 1 2018

To : All Heads of Departments, Bureaus, Offices, Agencies and Instrumentalities

of the National Government, Chief Executives of Local Government Units
(LGUs), Managing Heads of Government-Owned and/or Controlled
Corporations (GOCCs), including their Subsidiaries, Heads of State
Universities and Colleges, and Heads of Water Districts, COA Assistant
Commissioners, COA Directors, COA Auditors, and All Others Concerned

Subject: Prescribing the use of the Internal Auditing Standards for the Philippine
Public Sector and Internal Control Standards for the Philippine Public Sector

1.0 . Rationale

Article IX-O of the 1987 Constitution vests in the Commission on Audit (COA) the
exclusive authority to promulgate auditing rules and regulations. Further, it
provides that where the internal control system of the audited agency is
inadequate, the Commission may adopt such measures, including temporary or
special pre-audit, as necessary and appropriate to correct deficiencies.

Section 4 of Republic Act (RA) No. 3456, or the Internal Auditing Act of 1962, as
amended by RA No. 4177, provides that the Auditor General shall be responsible
for the. promulgation and enforcement of general policies, rules and regulations on
internal auditing; and shall also develop for execution, working plans and training
programs to continuously maintain the effectiveness of these internal audit

The Internal Audit Service (IAS) has a vital role in enhancing good governance,
transparency, accountability, and efficiency and effectiveness of government
operations, including risk management and the internal control framework of all
government entities. The existing rules and regulations require all government
agencies to establish a sound Internal Control System (ICS). The ICS aims to
achieve four general objectives - operations (orderly, ethical, economical, efficient,
and effective), reporting (acc~u.nt~ility), compliance (with laws and regulations),
and safeguarding of resouroe~

In view of the lapse of more than three decades since the promulgation of
Presidential Decree No. 1445 (The Government Auditing Code of the Philippines)
and more than five decades since the promulgation of RA No. 3456, as amended
by RA No. 4177, it is deemed necessary to adopt the internal auditing standards,
update the existing rules and regulations on the internal control system, and keep
abreast with the recent developments in the internal auditing profession and in the
internal control system.

In line with the foregoing, this Commission hereby promulgates and prescribes the
use of the Internal Auditing Standards for the Philippine Public Sector (IASPPS)
and Internal Control Standards for the Philippine Public Sector (ICSPPS).

2.0 Coverage

The IASPPS provides guidance essential for the professional practice of internal
auditing to improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control
processes in all agencies of the government. It comprises two main categories:
Attribute and Performance Standards, as shown in Annex A.

On the other hand, the ICSPPS provides guidelines on a basic framework and is
integrated with the essential management processes of planning, executing, and
monitoring. It consists of the four general objectives, five components of internal
control, and levels of agency's structure, as shown in Annex B.

3.0 Repealinq Clause

All existing COA circulars, memoranda, and rules and regulations inconsistent with
this circular are hereby amended/modified accordingly.

4.0 Effectivity
NOV 2 1 2018
This Circu ar shall take effect on --------

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': lHl.;.·:, OFIIIC. 0," THI CO"'M,SSIQN SICiltIT .••IlI&T

1111111111111111111111 MIC L G. AGUINALDO

Chairperson ~
.. ,

C:~~=~~ ROLAND C. ~OC

'Page 2 of 2


Attribute Standards

1000 - Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility

1010 - Recognizing Guidance in the Internal Audit Charter

1100 - Independence and Objectivity

1110 - Organizational Independence
1111 - Direct Interaction with the Head of Agency or the Governing
Board/Audit Committee
1112 - Roles of Head of Internal Audit Beyond Internal Auditing
1120 - Individual Objectivity
1130 - mpairment to Independence or Objectivity

1200 - Proficiency and Due Professional Care

1210 - Proficiency
1220 - Due Professional Care
1230 - Continuing Professional Development

1300 - Quality Assurance and Improvement Program

131 (I - qequirements of the Quality Assurance and Improvement Program
1311 - .nternal Assessments
1312 - External Assessments
1320 -- Communicating Results of the Quality Assurance and Improvement
1321 - use of "Conforms with the Internal Auditing Standards for the
Philippine Public Sector"
1322 - Oisdosure of Nonconformance

Performance Standards

2000 - Managing the Internal Audit Service

2010- Planning:A / .
2020 - '2ommun~~n and Approval of Internal Audit Service Plan
2030 - esource Management
2040 - Policies and Procedures
2050 - Coordination and Reliance
2060 - Reporting to the Head of Agency or the Governing Body/Audit
Gommittee ~

2100 - Nature of Work
2110 - Governance
2120 - Risk Management
2130 - Control

2200 - Engagement Planning

2201 - Planning Considerations
2210 - Engagement Objectives
2220 - Engagement Scope
2230 - Engagement Resource Allocation
2240 - Engagement Plan and Work Program

2300 - Performing the Engagement

2310- Identifying Information
2320 - Analysis and Evaluation
2330 - Documenting Information
2340 - .=ngagement Supervision

2400 - Com u lea 'jng Results

2410 -':riteria for Communicating
2420 -Quality of Communications
2421 - Errors and Omissions
2430 - Use of "Conducted in Conformance with the Internal Auditing
Standards for the Philippine Public Sector"
2431 - t:ngagemen'c Disclosure of Nonconformance
2440 - Oisseminatinq Results
2450 "'- Overall Opinion

2500 - Monitoring progres~~ /

2600 - Communicatinq the~ePtanee of RIsks



General Objectives

A. Operations Objectives - pertain to effectiveness and efficiency of the agency's

operations, including operational and financial performance goals. The government
agency's operations should be orderly, economical, efficient, effective, and ethical.
These objectives should be consistent with the agency's mission.

B. Reporting Objectives - relate to internal and external financial and non-financial

reporting. These objectives may encompass developing, maintaining, and making
available reliable and relevant financial and non-financial information; fair disclosure
of information in timely reports to internal as well as external stakeholders; and other
terms as set forth by regulators, recognized standard setters, or the agency's

C. Compliance Objectives - deal with agency's adherence to laws, rules and

regulations, contracts, managerial policies, and management directives.

D. Safeguarding of Assets or Resources Objectives - concern with the safeguard

of resources against loss, misuse, and damage due to waste, abuse,
mismanagement, errors, fraud, and irregularities.


A. Control environment - sets the tone of an agency, influencing the control

consciousness of its staff. It is the foundation for all the other components of
internal control, providing discipline and structure.

B. Risk assessment - the process of identifying and analyzing relevant risks to the
achievement of the agency's objectives and determining the appropriate

C. Control activities - the policies and procedures established to address risks and
to achieve the agency's objectives. Internal control activities are responses to risk
designed to contain the uncertainty of outcome that has been identified.

D. Information and communication - effective processes and systems that

identify, capture, and report among other things the operational, financial, non-
financial, compliance, and other related information in a form/content and
timeframe inat enable people to carry out their responsibilities.

E. Monitorireg - th':'A ~ess that assesses the quality of the internal control
system's (Jerfor~~~er time.

levels of Agency Structure

The levels of the agency's structure, where internal control operates, are as follows:

A. Government Agency refers to any of the various units of the

government, including a department, commission, bureau, office,
instrumentality, government-owned and/or controlled corporations and its
subsidiaries, any self-governing board or commission of the government, a
local government unit or a distinct unit therein, and any other entity or
instrumentality of the government.

B. Division/Office refers to any major functional unit, within the framework of a

government agency, where functions are defined by law or regulation.

C. Operating Unit refers to a government institution/unit charged with carrying

out specific substantive functions or which directly implements program,
activity, and project of a government agency.

D. Function refers.~~~A~ program, project, activity, or process in the

government age~~~

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