Bond Strength of Shotcrete Repair PDF
Bond Strength of Shotcrete Repair PDF
Bond Strength of Shotcrete Repair PDF
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Bond Strength of
Shotcrete Repair byoenisB•aupre,Ph.o
A good concrete or shotcrete repair must possess three prime char- is generally very good, due to the shotcrete com-
paction process and the normally low water/cement
acteristics: 1) the repair material must be durable in an aggressive
ratio of this material , particularly for dry-mix
environment, 2) the repair must be well bonded to the substrate and shotcrete (2). It is most probable that the phenom-
enon of rebound plays a more important role than
3) the repair must be as crack free as possible to efficiently protect
compaction or mixture composition on bond
any embedded steel reinforcement from corroding. strength than is recognized . When shotcrete starts
impacting on the receiving surface only the cement
hi s article deal s only with the second iss ue:
paste sticks to the surface. The other components
the bond strength of the repair. Before dis- rebound until a sufficient thickness of paste is built
cussi ng bond strength of shotcrete, it may be up. A well-compacted layer of low water/cement
helpful to look at bond strength of concrete repairs. ratio Portland cement paste is thus formed at the
In 1956 Felt wrote: interface between the old concrete and new shotcrete
" .. .it became apparent that factors influenc- layer.
ing bond of new and old concrete were not eas- This paper summarizes the results of a study on
ily isolated and controlled. The most the influence of surface preparation and mixture
important factor was the condition of the old composition on long term bond strength of shotcrete
swface-its cleanness, roughness and strength repairs. This paper also presents the results of a
or soundness. If the sUJface was clean, slightly new study, carried out in 1998, on the influence
rough andfree of weak outer skin, good bond of multi-layer applications on shotcrete interlayer
was generally obtained, otherwise relatively bond strength.
poor bond was obtained." (L)
Bond Strength of Shotcrete Repairs
In 1988 , our understanding of shotcrete bond In a study carried out by Laval University in 1988
strength was much the same as it was for concrete (3), many pull-out tests (over 700) were performed
in 1956. Very little information was available con- to evaluate the capacity of different shotcrete mix-
cerning the parameters that influence the long term tures to produce an acceptable and durable bond to
bond strength of shotcrete, particularly the influ- concrete. A secondary objective of this study was
ence of mixture composition and surface prepara- to evaluate the influence of surface preparation on
tion. In 1987, Schrader and Kaden reported that the shotcrete bond strength. Twenty-one different con-
bond between shotcrete and an old concrete surface crete slabs were cast, cured and allowed to dry for
one year. Then several different methods
of surface preparation were used to prepare
the slabs: sandblasting, jackhammering,
jackhammering followed by sandblasting,
Figure 1. Pull out test set-up. grinding, and hydro-milling . Following
this, slabs were covered with a thin layer
of shotcrete. Six dry-mix and four wet-mix
shotcrete mixtures of different composi-
tions were used (some mixtures contained
silica fume, latex , steel fibers, high early
strength cement, or a combinations of some
of these variables). All these mixtures were
comprised of good quality shotcrete.
Repaired concrete
Pull -out tests were performed to evalu-
ate the repair bond strength. A 3 3/ 4 in.
core (95 mm) diameter core was drilled with the